Bourbon Barrel Ribs

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hey I'm Matt with me Church let's make bourbon baby back ribs [Music] well Welcome to our annual hardcore barbecue Series this is the first episode of the 2023 edition if you've never checked out this playlist on our YouTube channel we started it in 2021 did it again in 2022 and basically it's you know coming into National barbecue month and this playlist is where we put all of what I call a Classics brisket beef rib chicken you name it it's in there so check out that playlist we'll put a card up here for that basically it's got all things hardcore barbecue today we're doing bourbon baby back ribs now we've done lots of ribs on this channel before but this is kind of unique because we're going to smoke with Bourbon Barrel staves and we're going to make a bourbon barbecue sauce that we're going to glaze with and it's going to be super delicious because I made these this week and they're great so what we've got here jumping right in baby back ribs AKA loin back ribs uh you know I kind of grew up eating these I grew up in the South to say that a lot but this is I always say that Chili's taught you that you need to like baby back ribs but I've cooked these at Memphis in May before a final that's World Championship so kind of think we know what we're doing at least my family says I do actually they don't all that much but let's Jump Right In this is going to be very straightforward very easy we're just going to do a couple things to get these on the smoker then we're going to make a sauce and we're going to try it so we're going to start out with a slather it's getting warm so fly season is upon us also lawnmower season I'm sure y'all can hear the lawnmower across the street actually I can't slather yet I gotta peel the membrane I like to peel the membrane off the back ribs and I just do the paper towel method grab the end I haven't done this in a while so I figured you know I haven't done this in a video all you do for me paper towel grab the end of it lift it up super easy I prefer to peel the membrane because I like to season the back side and let it penetrate better also I don't personally love the bite of ribs without the membrane pool now I got a lot of buddies that own very reputable barbecue joints that don't pull the membrane if you're going to cook them hot enough it's not a big deal so don't think that you have to do it it's kind of a preference thing and it's something that I like to do so I like to slather with mustard first I'm going to start on the bone side and we're in Texas so by God we're going to use Whataburger mustard a binder is just a way for seasoning to adhere but not just adhere but also help the rub stay on the meat during the cook if you've been a financial for a long time I do say they're optional you don't have to do this and if you do it you don't have to use mustard you can use oil but this is a method that works and you know is extremely common on pork so that's why I do it okay I'm gonna season on the bone side first because I'm going to cook meat side up so I usually start back here by the way these were Prairie fresh baby back ribs I picked these up at my local Walmart this was like just under 13 bucks for this rack so super affordable today I'm going to use my OG all-purpose rub this is the gospel I call it the best color in barbecue I when I developed this rub I had just taken a Travis Clark Barbecue class in Oklahoma Travis is a world champion good friend of mine and he made a comment in the class it's always good to have a really bright rub in Your Arsenal for comp cook so that you can repair things and things like that but you eat your eyes first in a bright red color I love so that's uh that's where this came from and I'm just going to kind of Pat this in with my hand and while I'm doing that if you guys have not noticed at the end of our videos for at least six weeks now we've been doing a wrap up so when this video ends just when you think it's over stick around what we do is we watch the edit and we come back days later and we shoot a wrap up where it's a casual take on you know how I thought the cook went it gives me a chance to add anything that I might have missed um you know reflect on like a lot of times we have food that comes from these that my family eats and you know if I get that very rare Mrs meat Church compliment I'm gonna be sure to tell you about it in the wrap up you guys have been asking for her to show up in the comments so we'll see if she makes a cameo soon or not but stick around the end of the video and watch the wrap up what y'all have been saying that you love it so I season pretty heavy when I'm just using one rub you're not going to hurt these ribs and I'm just going to kind of Pat it on but I always say season with what you like whatever your favorite rub is go for it our rubs are made they're small batch if you're ordering from us from our website then they've been in a bottle just a few days when we send them out there the freshest rubs on the planet okay we're gonna let this sit here which I'm gonna let it sit 15 minutes before we cook them so I'll see you guys back here in about 15 minutes clearly this is completely adhered when when meat is really wet like this the the seasoning the salt in it has pulled the moisture out and I wasn't lying about the best color and barbecue these are bright red so I absolutely love this on ribs so let's talk about cooking today I'm running a mil scale offset I mentioned I'm running Barrel Stave fire so obviously they're Oak barrels it smells really good by the way you can totally smell the sweetness so really really good you know I always talk about how you can change temperatures you could cook lower 225 you could cook higher if you want 275 is a temperature that I can get ribs done kind of quicker than most people and still not lose any quality so that's what we're that's what we're doing here today so I'm going to go ahead and throw these in and by the way you can replicate this on any type of cooker that you have I'm just rolling with my offset today we got a lot of people to feed today so we got a lot of ribs rolling right now in we go and I'm going to bring some out that have been cooking so I've got some to speed things up that have been cooking right at two hours just a little over all right here's what we're looking for a beautiful get that out of the way beautiful red mahogany color you wrap for two reasons in my opinion you wrap to protect that color when you don't want the ribs to get any more smoke which I'm going to keep showing these to y'all and then if you want to put any goodness in the wrap this is how you do it now we have a no wrap rib video on this channel I'm a big fan of that as well but lots of ways to skin a cat when it comes to barbecue so this one we're trying to make a sweeter rib so we're going to put some stuff in it and we're going to be really really simple with this what we're going to do is just put down some Pats of a really good butter so this is flugra unsalted butter you can use salted if you want but I put a lot of seasoning on it so you know I don't know that we need any more salt in it and then I'm going to use a little Agave so this is my sweetener some people use honey I actually prefer to use Agave I just make a little bed here and then I'm going to use just a little bit of brown sugar not a whole lot so a little tip if you make ribs and they end up not being really pretty at the end they're too dark you did a couple things you could have burned like Honey brown sugar you could have cooked them too long too hot you kind of got to watch it obviously so I'm gonna go meat down and we're gonna wrap these up it's gonna be super simple and back in the smoker we go and at this point what we're going to do is we're going to cook them until they're tender so everyone by now should have an instant read thermometer this is how you nail the desired doneness of anything that you're cooking and we're going to be probing this along the way this next stage is probably I'm going to take about an hour and a half at this point I'm going to be probing right in between the bones and when there's no resistance I'm good so just over 200 degrees is what I'm looking for that's my preference I'm going to put these back in the smoker and then we need to make barbecue sauce foreign let's make our bourbon barbecue sauce and this one is delicious so we've got an induction burner here we've got a Heston pot on it we're just going to cut this on to medium heat and this sauce is really easy to make it's really similar to our Dr Pepper barbecue sauce couple changes so we start out with two cups of ketchup I've had comments about that a little bit you can use crushed tomatoes if you um if you don't like this but this is fine and extremely common one tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce and I am going to plug a friend shamelessly if you guys haven't tried the W sauce let me tell you something that's one of my favorite just condiments in the world marinate chicken thighs in it and Grill it unbelievable it's just more complex than regular Worcestershire sauce but use whatever you want one cup of brown sugar I'm gonna go teaspoon of black pepper because I like a little bit of of a peppery bite and I'm sorry that's a tablespoon and then also a tablespoon of holy cow and I'm not going to measure this but that's because I'm a seasoning Pro and I know precisely how much is one tablespoon lastly it can't be bourbon barbecue sauce without a little good Brown water yeah I drank that before I poured it in but guess what this is for me not a restaurant we're good six ounces so what am I using today I'm using Elijah Craig um I like this it's 94 proof it's actually a bourbon Pursuit pick if you guys love bourbon you should check out the bourbon Pursuit podcast it's the biggest podcast in Bourbon but I think this will work great in this sauce I know it works great because I've made it but it is sweet um you know it's got some floral notes to it but it's also got a little bit of spice to it my friend actually kind of described it to me as like maybe picking up like notes of like a heath bar which I'm a big fan of so it's going to work really good in here so here's what we're going to do we're going to increase the temp a little bit I don't want to boil it I want to bring it just to a simmer and I'm gonna simmer it for about 30 minutes let it thicken up and then after that's done we ought to be getting pretty close to saucing our ribs all right the sauces come together it's it's simmered for half an hour and it's just kind of hanging out here warm so now we're going to get the ribs and we're going to glaze them foreign so we got a couple racks here that took about an about an hour and a half more to get to where we want them to be and time is not important you need to be looking at feel and temperature so between the bones I'm at 203 and the thing is they feel tender so don't even look at the number just fill it and then that's how you know they're done I don't like my bone spot I don't like my ribs fall off the bone so around 203 is is good for me but what I like to do is create a little boat with the foil here so that I can apply my sauce and then just set these back in the pit and not get a bunch of sauce all on my pit [Applause] and depending what type of sauce you use which by the way this is just something that I like you don't have to do if you're following this you don't have to do the bourbon sauce just do whatever sauce you want the method that I'm teaching you works for any any type of flavor profile but what I want to do is I want to apply this sauce and then just put it back in a pit for just a few minutes so that this the sauce tacks up so that when you bite a rib you don't have the sauce running down your face foreign we're just going back in the sauce should be set so let's get the ribs looking beautiful all right well obviously these are going to be hot I'm gonna set them out here on the board they had beautiful color from the from the seasoning but they they look really good from this sauce as well all right I'm gonna let these cool off and then we'll see how we did all right I went ahead and cut myself a rib and you can see amazing smoke out here on the outside I'm ready to jump into this nice tender man that's good that's really good I'm a I'm a huge fan of Our Gospel all-purpose rub it's great on all sorts of things and you know one of the reasons I did it today is I haven't used it in a long time and we call it all purpose for a reason so I'm a big fan of that but I actually really like that barbecue sauce people ask for more sauces after the Dr Pepper one so I thought this would be a little bit different and if you know me you know I love the brown water so this was a really good compliment nice and you know kind of super Saucy rib like I said earlier which is kind of a nice change of pace to traditional Texas barbecue which is kind of salt pepper and and no sauce so this kind of takes me back to my upbringing so I definitely love this and highly recommend you try it don't forget to check out the hardcore barbecue playlist there's all the classics are in there you guys will love it from so check out that playlist stick around for the wrap up later I'll see y'all next time [Music] welcome to the wrap up this is a spot where after the fact in this case two weeks after we shot this video come back reflect on the video add any notes that we want to add and things like that and you guys have been saying you love it so we're going to keep doing them so what do we have to add to this well I wouldn't change anything about the recipe honestly they were delicious my crew loved them my family loved them so definitely think that you should make it first thing I was going to bring up is a new tip on reheating barbecue so Kirk our cameraman took a rack of ribs home and if you ever have leftovers my favorite way to reheat barbecue is via the sous-vide method so it's water circulation at a precise temperature in this case 165 degrees whether it's brisket ribs whatever the case is you can reheat to Perfection and run no risk of drying anything out so I highly recommend that in this case this is made with meat gear and we're we're huge fans of it let's talk a little bit of bourbon you guys know that I'm a bourbon fan if you have not checked out our what Bourbons pair best with barbecue video that I did with my friend Ryan Cecil he is the owner of pursuit Spirits co-owner I should say also the co-host of the bourbon Pursuit podcast which is the largest podcast in Bourbon this was a Pursuit pick we actually talked about that this Elijah Craig isn't just one off the shelf but one that I got from Ryan and we used in that tasting so you guys should check that video out it's really cool we paired with brisket pulled pork ribs and sausage and they were all Bourbons that you could find so not some crazy baller Bourbons that were unobtainable and if you are a bourbon fan I thought I would give a little mention to my favorite cocktail ever which is a smoked old-fashioned I make my own pecan simple syrup I'll put a recipe down in the description but basically I do one part water one part brown sugar half part pecans and I simmer that for 60 to 90 minutes reduce it down and that's what this is you always got to have like sardo cherries these are actually the pecans that come out of it I keep those and I put them in a jar and they're kind of like candied super good and a tip that Ryan gave me on your old Fashions instead of just using ingestore bitters two dashes of that and a dash of black walnut bitters he called it a game changer and I can't disagree anyway thanks for watching cheers y'all
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 319,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby back ribs, baby back ribs recipe, ribs, bbq ribs, pork ribs, pork ribs recipe, 321 ribs, pork ribs recipes, smoked baby back ribs recipe, bourbon barrel, whiskey, bourbon, elijah craig, bourbon bbq sauce, bourbon bbq sauce recipe, bourbon barrel ribs, bourbon bbq ribs, meat church, matt pittman, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking, cooking show
Id: B0G0lnc2Z1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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