No Wrap Pulled Pork Recipe - Texas vs Carolina Pulled Pork

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe smoking joe's pit barbecue on today's video we're going to settle one of the longest battles in the history of barbecue carolina pulled pork or texas style pulled pork stay tuned as you can see look at this bark it's crazy oh man it's perfect it helps to start with a nice sharp knife okay oh my goodness look at that all right let's get into this pulled pork i do have two pork shoulders here now i've said it before in a lot of my videos i like to trim the fat cap off i really don't think that it serves a purpose now if you are going to be smoking a pork shoulder like this on a drum or something like that where you got a heat source right under the pork shoulder then you might want to limit the fat that you take off because this is going to protect the pork shoulder but you can see that there is a lot of fat on these pork shoulders and i like to put enough rub and a lot of people take the fat off while you're taking off that rub along with the fat so i'm just going to trim this up a little bit trim both of them up actually and then we'll start to rub it down so as i mentioned in the introduction this is a carolina versus texas style pulled pork and i love both styles okay i love both the carolina and the texas style pulled pork and i will not be the judge on this i'm actually going to take some samples to a few neighbors in some containers and let them pick and these are texans okay without knowing what's inside the container they're going to pick which pulled pork they like whether it's the texas style or the carolina style all right so i'm almost ready here all right this looks good enough for me all right so you can see how much fat i took off of this shoulder here and this is about a pound maybe a pound and a quarter to a pound and a half of fat actually i've got a scale here i'm gonna go ahead and weigh it and see how much we took off i forgot i had a scale for that reason oh 13 ounces so not even a pound of fat that i took off okay i'm also going to be weighing the pork shoulder that's why i have the scale out here and the reason i'm going to do that is because this is going to give me an estimated time that this is going to be cooking for so 7.4 ounces is what i have here rule of thumb is about an hour per pound at about 225 to 250 obviously i'm going to smoke at 275 which is going to speed up that process so i'm guesstimating i can have this ready in about six and a half hours so i'm going to trim the fat off of this one and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got both pork shoulders trimmed let's get to seasoning now the texas style i am using mustard as a binder so add enough mustard so that my rub sticks to it now traditional texas style rub is salt pepper garlic okay i am going to use my homemade spg which is salt pepper garlic and some paprika as well so add enough mustard and mustard i have found that acts like super glue to rubs it really gets the rub to stick throughout the entire cooking process not just when it's sitting right here on your counter okay so i've got it rubbed down and here's my spg i will leave the recipe in the description box so if you guys are interested in making this spg which is fantastic on just about everything chicken beef pork you name it it is good on everything so because this is a big piece of meat make sure you add enough rub okay do not be shy with it all right so i've got my texas style pulled pork shoulder rubbed down ready to go to the smoker so for the carolina style i'm going to use this carolina q vinegar sauce as a binder this stuff is fantastic now for this shoulder here we are going to be mopping this pork shoulder throughout the entire process both of these pork shoulders will not be wrapped which means i'm going to get some really nice bark on these really nice flavor now i will start mopping this shoulder once my bark is set and again that just simply means that the bark is not coming off when you rub your fingernail across the surface okay so that is enough binder and i am going to be using this uncle steve shake competition pick powder now i was reading the ingredients on this rub here and it's got everything that you want on a carolina style pulled pork salt pepper garlic brown sugar honey powder paprika again just real simple rubs but this is going to have some really good flavor i tasted it out of the bottle and it is fantastic now i am going to be smoking these in my yodel frontiersman it has been going for about an hour and a half so it's ready to go i'm going to be smoking these at 275 degrees i'm going to finish rubbing this down we'll see you guys outside all right we're outside of my yoda frontiersman and again i have had the pit warming up for about an hour and a half now these pork shoulders are going to go on the top rack on the left side of my smoker with the fat cap up so just like this there is our texas style and here is our carolina style okay two totally different rubs two totally different binders as well and again the reason i put this carolina one right here is because i will be basing this about every hour but once that bark is set so i'm gonna go ahead and close the door again rolling at 275 we'll see you guys back in about three hours stay tuned all right so three hours into the cook and i have not spritzed or done anything to these pork shoulders let's see how we're doing oh yeah got some really nice bark creating on the pork shoulders already now one thing that i am going to do is turn these shoulders around because this face of the shoulder you can see here is already creating a really nice bark and i want to make sure that i get that same bark all the way around the entire poor shoulder so reach back in here oh yeah that's looking really really good so that bark is definitely set okay now on the carolina style pulled pork i'm going to baste it with some of that carolina q vinegar based sauce just add enough of it and from this point on i will be basting this every hour the texas style you know the surface is still kind of moist i'm just going to let that one run as is but this carolina pulled pork i will be basting it again every hour so so we're gonna let them run check back in two hours stay tuned all right so six hours into the cook let's check on our pork shoulders again i've been basting the carolina style pulp pork every hour so so one thing you'll notice right out of the gate is that the carolina pulled pork does have a darker bark and i'm sure that's because i've been basting it every hour so with that carolina style sauce the texas style pulled pork man it's got a nice crusty bark on it it's looking really really good i want to get an internal temperature and see where we're at six hours into the cook all right 176 or so and 185 187 so i'm thinking another hour and these will be ready so just push that back in there and i'm going to go ahead and take this opportunity and baste our carolina style pulled pork this will probably be the last time that i baste it so in fact i'm just going to pour the remaining sauce over the top just like this look at that does that look good or what all right so i'm gonna let this go probably another hour then i'm gonna pull them off if the temperature the internal temperature is over 200 and it's nice and tender i will pull them off in about an hour then i'm going to let them rest for about 30 minutes before i pull them apart so see you guys in a bit all right so the pork shoulders are ready now i'm going to dig into the texas style first then we'll prepare the carolina style okay so i'm just gonna open this up total cook time was seven hours right at seven hours and these have been resting for 30 minutes maybe a little over 30 minutes now so here's our texas style pulled pork now texas towel pulled pork we just simply shred it pull the bone out look at this it's coming apart super easy bones coming out nice and clean this is still really hot even though it's only been resting for 30 minutes okay so again i trimmed a lot of the fat off so we're just going to dig into this and shred it if i see any pieces that i don't like i'm just going to set them off to the side i do have some cotton gloves under my black gloves here so i'm just going to shred this up all right so i've got the texas pulled pork shredded and the last thing that we're going to do to this is add a little bit more of my spg now i tasted it so it doesn't need a whole lot just a splash just just like that then mix it up get it all mixed up in there [Music] i see any big pieces like this just break them apart especially that bark because you want that bark spread out everywhere okay so to this the way i'm going to present them to the taste testers make sure i don't have any big pieces in here is i've got some containers these little black containers okay so i'm gonna fill it up we're gonna give them some of that bark and then also some of the pooled just like that and on the lids i wrote a number one or a number two texas is gonna be number two so i'm just gonna go ahead and put the lid on that little container package them up and deliver them let's get to the carolina style pulled pork all right so here's our carolina style pulled pork and it smells amazing okay it smells really good the bark is really nice on it as well look at this now i think this has a darker bark because of these sugars in both the rubs and also because we're basing it with that carolina style sauce so let's take the bone out as well nice and clean and i'm going to shred this as well same thing and i'm going to take off any of the little pieces of fat that i don't want like this i'm going to take it off okay all right so i've got our carolina style pulled pork shredded and i am going to add a little bit more rub just a little bit for extra flavor but the most important thing on carolina pulled pork believe it or not is to add more of that sauce that we were basting with into the pulled pork it's going to give it a really good flavor okay so just mix this up and i tasted this without adding the rub and obviously the sauce that i just added and it was really juicy and flavorful so we'll see what this tastes like once it's all mixed together alright so this is the consistency that i want got enough sauce on here it's looking really good and smelling really good so i'm gonna fill up six containers as well with the carolina style pulled pork then we're gonna come back i'll give this a taste let you know what i think then we're gonna have a few neighbors give it a shot stay tuned all right let's give this pulled pork a try now first before i try it i do want to mention that where the bone was on the surface of the pork shoulder even got a smoke ring on the bone isn't that crazy so that is really impressive again i used probably eight splits of wood of post oak on my yoder frontiersman and even the bones got a smoke ring so i'm gonna try the carolina style pulled pork first i'm gonna grab enough so i can get a good taste get some of that bark in there as well here we go full of flavor you want that vinegar and pork they go really well together so i'm going to try the texas style pulled pork same thing grab some of the bark and then some of the pork there just grab a good little handful if you will not that much here we go all right so the texas style pulled pork is fantastic it's everything that we're used to in texas that salt that pepper that garlic also has a little bit of paprika i didn't spritz at all in fact this is the very first time that i smoked a pork shoulder and didn't wrap it okay so it's so full of flavor and that's probably why the bone even has a smoke ring so who am i gonna pick here um you know what both of them are really good and i have made this carolina style pool pork before but again never unwrapped like this so i'm going to give it to the carolina okay the carolina pulled pork is fantastic it's so full of flavor that rub from uncle steve shake that competition pig powder is fantastic it's not overly salty it's really really good so i'm gonna give it to carolina style pulled pork let's go see what the neighbors have to say stay tuned all right so i'm sitting outside one of my neighbor's house reuben and michelle and they're gonna try it and see what they think hey michelle so here's number two thank you you guys try that one then i'll give you number one can you guys tell me which one you guys think is is better yeah i just made it so it's fresh here's number one sweeter vinegary [Applause] you like number two better i think number two really yeah this one's juicier yeah so the first one you tried number two was texas all right they're both really really good all right well thanks for trying it guys out to the next neighbor thank you very much all right all right neighbor number two this is renee and karina we'll see what they have to say all right so this is renee and karina and i'm going to give you guys this sample first this has a number one on top of it let me know what you guys think and i just pulled it out of the smoker so it's fresh [Music] good delicious man oh okay and there's sample number two mm-hmm really all right so what do you think i think the first one has a lot more flavor okay i like the tanginess i think it was juicier too yeah it is right yeah what do you think renee it's hard for me man i like the smokiness of this one but yeah the other one has more flavor yeah yeah so both of you guys are saying the first sample which was number one right [Music] well karina's saying one yeah okay but now that i'm getting more flavors now are there any um like dark pieces in there like uh yeah try that there you go okay two okay you guys are divided so the first one was the carolina pulled pork that does have um you know the rub has a little bit of sugar pretty much salt pepper garlic paprika a little bit of brown sugar as well this one obviously just has salt pepper and garlic the texas style so all right guys well thanks again for for participating in the taste so texas and carolina all right thanks guys all right we are the third and final house this is bob and diane and i think i'm gonna hand them the texas style first dress for the occasion all right nice shirt oh you got a beer to wash it down with which one is this one that we don't know you don't know yes oh you are yes [Music] [Music] oh man so this one has a little more smokey that one tastes more smoky like barbecue okay like more of the regular barbecue flavor where the other one has a more of a like more of a just a spicier flavor okay you like that one yeah yeah that is the carolina one carolina pulled pork so the first one was texas which was salt pepper garlic so bob you like the carolina one they're both good okay yeah well you got to pick a favorite so yeah so the carolina was my favorite too oh yeah so i mean i like them both yeah really i choose this one okay yeah i think for a pulled pork sandwich which is usually how i eat them gosh i'm going to say this the texas style texas yeah i'm going carolina all right all right back at home and i did the numbers so it looks like texas won over carolina even if you count my vote which i like the carolina pool pork better we had four votes for texas and two votes for carolina so ruben and michelle both picked texas the anna picked texas and renee picked texas and then for carolina we had karina and bob okay so they picked carolina again both of them were really really good i like the carolina pool pork better but in this test again just random people um they all chose the texas style but they also said that the carolina pulled pork was really good me personally as i mentioned earlier the carolina pulled pork was better tasting hope you guys enjoyed this video hit that subscribe button if this is your first time here give me a thumbs up if you liked this video until next time joe with smoking joe's play barbecue see ya
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 1,101,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no wrap pulled pork recipe, texas style pulled pork, carolina pulled pork, pulled pork, how to make pulled pork, pork butt, smoked pork, pork shoulder, best pulled pork, texas pulled pork, carolina style pulled pork, smoked pork butt, how to smoke a pork butt, how to, pulled pork recipe, smoked pulled pork, yoder ys640, pulled pork instant pot, pulled pork traeger, pulled pork sandwich, how to make pulled pork in oven, pork butt burnt ends, texas style pulled pork recipe
Id: zfmEn5tH9rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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