Deep Fried Deviled Eggs - The Best Easter Side

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I'm Matt with meat Church let's make deep fried deviled egg [Music] so if you grew up like I did you grew up having deviled eggs and anytime I was at my grandma's house she made deviled eggs I kind of made it a personal challenge to eat the entire tray by myself now fast forward to Leading meat church so I'm always looking to kick things up a notch and so I came up with this recipe fried deviled eggs and I sent it to Traeger last year I was doing Thanksgiving videos with my buddy Tim Hollingsworth and this is something that we did together and it was a ton of fun and we just never shot a video on it and the feedback's amazing it tastes super super good you will love this it was absolutely the star of a holiday meal and with Easter coming up at the time of release of this video this coming weekend there's nothing better than to do this it also pairs awesome with our double smoked glazed ham recipe we'll put a card up here for that but we're just going to focus on a side that is killer and so let's just jump right into it it's super easy the recipe is for six whole eggs which makes 12 deviled eggs we've actually hard-boiled a dozen here so I've twice as many as we need and so to get to this point all we did was boil these eggs for you know eight to ten minutes dunk them in an ice bath so that you can roll the egg after to easily peel it everybody knows how to hard-boiled eggs so that's how we got right here so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take six of these and I'm just going to cut them in half because I need to pull the yolks out so let's go ahead and get the yolks out of the eggs so that we can make our mixture all right now we got all the yolks out let's get into the mixture so some of this is traditional and you know in true meat Church fashion some of it's not but we're going in with two tablespoons it's all easy to remember but it's obviously in the uh our recipes are always in the description and on but two tablespoons of Duke's Mayonnaise Dukes is the only answer we've got two tablespoons of Dijon mustard gotta get that twang so here's something I dig two tablespoons of pickled jalapenos you can buy them or you can make them so they're not hot but it's not spicy when you pickle it if you go to we have a pickled onions recipe also pickled jalapeno it's the same process this is very nice a very nice addition I also like to hit it with a little bit of hot sauce and it's not going to make it hot so how much however much you want not going a whole lot this is yellow bird jalap creamy jalapeno you can use whatever the heck you want mix it up really thoroughly this is going to be our mixture be sure to mash up the yolks really good once it's all Incorporated I'm going to take this off to the fridge while we fry our eggs time to make the breading it's really really easy so we've got our meat Church chicken fried bread in here if you don't have that you can just season flour I love to season flour with our seasonings pick your favorite honey Hog's really good when the gospel whatever you want to do to just get a little seasoning on that then we've got like four eggs beaten up right here and we've got Panko and then I have a little bit of Parmesan reggiano up here that I'm going to grate into it this is optional but this house loves parmesan in fact I think on spring break this year my 10 year old told the guy in Italian place bring the parmesan and I'm not going to tell you to stop simple from here we're going to take it simple but messy we're going to take the eggs and we're going to put them in the flour mixture you're going to slip them down in the egg wash and you've got to get that obviously you've got to completely coat the acre this is fun this is egg on egg action right here make sure you get totally covered run it off throw it in your mixture with your dry hand so this is this is this part's kind of interesting you've got to make sure that you empty the egg out as best you can because you're going to fill that up with all the filling you made it's that simple put over here on a pan it's the least fun part get your kids involved with this assign them to do this we're all breaded up we've got peanut oil going here at 350 degrees and honestly you're just gonna fry these until they're just like nice and golden and beautiful I don't like to put too many in at the same time don't want to overcrowd it so do however many one I'll probably do about four at a time foreign you can see that those are nice and golden which is all I'm looking for time to pull them all right let's keep frying got them all fried up beautiful golden brown they are nice and crispy by the way took about 90 seconds to make them look this good obviously you know it's already cooked like I said you're just cooking them until they're pretty basically so we've got our mixture and a quart Ziploc bag to act as a Piping Bag I'm just going to cut a little corner off of it hey Baker I am not so here we go let's fill them up maybe I am a baker dang all right then we're going to dress them up I've got bacon that we cooked here I'm only doing three I'm not gonna sit here and make y'all wait on all this you get the point any predictions I don't think it's gonna suck here we go I ain't mad at it you have to make that for Easter enough of the boring ham and all that stuff that crunch was awesome the flavor of the filling that's a amazing feeling don't be afraid of the hot sauce and the pickled jalapenos uh it makes it such a good twang so many people friends of mine have made this since we shot it in October with Traeger and they all came back tell me how much their families liked it this is super unique a big twist on a classic obviously um I will give you one tip these don't keep not that deviled eggs are ever left over I don't think I've ever seen a leftover deviled egg you need to make these right before you eat they're really good and crunchy right now but if you try to put them in a container they get soft and they're not good so but I'm telling you you're uh your family's gonna inhale these uh at Easter dinner so give them a shot let me know what you think stick around for the wrap up that we've been doing after all our recipes all our seasoning all our swag and merch like And subscribe and we'll see you guys next time [Music] welcome to video wrap up this is uh actually a week after we shot the this video and this is a spot where it gives us a little chance to elaborate on the video and and just give you thoughts after we have reflected on what we shot the biggest thing is that recipe is delicious um this is one that's like you gotta make that one the crunch came through pretty good when I watched the video but they were really really crunchy I will say that if you have access to Pork panko that's a nice addition we couldn't find it in our town when we shot it but it's uh it's really nice if you can go that route the only kind of mistake I I caught myself saying in the video was started out with with hard-boiled eggs and I said something like it took eight to ten minutes to get here it took a few more minutes and that probably more like 12 minutes but most people know how to make deviled eggs but you should do this it's super delicious and then let us know if you do and let us know what your family thinks next week you give you a little teaser brisket mac and cheese with a secret ingredient that's probably the video that's been requested the most I think that we haven't done so it's a long time coming and it's delicious so we'll see you all next week [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 661,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fried deviled eggs, deep fried deviled eggs, how to make fried deviled eggs, deviled eggs, deviled eggs recipe, how to make deviled eggs, easy deviled eggs, best deviled eggs, easter recipe, easter recipes, best deviled eggs recipe, deviled egg, easter deviled eggs bbq meat church, matt pittman, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking, cooking show
Id: EliSUYTtD8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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