Mexican Grilled Chicken - My New Fav Sandwich!

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hey I'm Matt with me Church let's make my new favorite chicken sandwich [Music] we're here to meet Church outdoor kitchen in the evening which is probably our favorite shoot it's not as hot and less flies so it's going to be a good time all right where'd this recipe come from my good buddy Judd McCutchen uh he works the bank that I use he's also a fellow volleyball dad he called me like a lot of guys do and said man I got something that you got to make a video out of think you're gonna love it so the next day I went and made what I'm about to show you and he's right it is super delicious and I ultimately turned this chicken into kind of a spicy chicken sandwich but what I'm going to show you could be used for tacos quesadillas or just eat the chicken as it is but it is super freaking delicious now my longtime favorite sandwich is our Nashville hot chicken sandwich that's going to be tough to beat but this is really really good and when someone on my crew has this when I make it and then immediately go make it you know it was really good so let's jump into it very cheap this whole meal is going to be 12 bucks and it's going to feed eight people so I bought a package of chicken thighs and you could do this with you know any kind of meat that you want Mrs meat Church she likes white meat so she likes the breast meat and I always say that she's right about everything except this if you know you know the flavor comes from thighs they're juicier they're harder to dry out and what I've done with all these is I've kind of trimmed the fat off thought I would show you this on one of them if you're a competition guy then you know how to get the fat off of a off chicken so all I do is use a sharp knife and I just scrape it some people like to grab it and kind of pull it off and that's fine too and you don't even have to do this but I think there's a little bit too much fat on there for my liking so I just kind of pull the excess off and then I'm just going to cut it off after I get it nice and pulled over so what do we do from here this is couldn't be any easier so we're going to marinate this chicken what Judd told me to do was get a can of pickled jalapenos their pickles they're not all that hot you can get this in your grocery store there's lots of different brands I got this at my local HEB it's like a dollar fifty yes I got chicken hands that's okay we're throwing this away what we're going to do is we're going to throw this chicken in this bag and obviously like I said we're going to marinate it and I'm gonna throw all the jalapenos in here as well I'm throwing the entire thing in so let's kind of mix this up put a little of the chicken in dump a little of this in a little more chicken a little more jalapenos there's carrots in here too so I don't know why but whatever and what Judd told me was to marinate this for 24 hours now my natural hot chicken recipe I marinade and pure pickle juice for four hours I've done this exactly like you said 24 hours and I love it if you want to lower the spice level a little then you can do it for less time but 24 was great for me so we're going to go over here to our vacuum sealer okay made with meat chamber sealer you can use obviously Ziploc bags or whatever you want to marinate but in this particular case I like a chamber sealer because you can seal marinades and brines and have no mess and it's super duper easy I love this stuff you guys know I've been using it for years so anytime I'm marinating chicken which honestly is a two three time a week thing for me people say how are you so skinny if you make all that delicious barbecue well we cook a lot of chicken during the week and so I'm constantly doing a marinade got Tori sparking on me okay so that's all you got to do and I kind of like I kind of leave it a loose seal and why do I do that because I like to move it around if I want so instead of making y'all wait 24 hours I've got some that I did yesterday here's what it's going to look like crazy easy let me get another glove cut this open man that is sharp here we go okay now we need to season these up so I'm gonna get them laid out on the board and you know look ahead we're actually going to grill these hot and fast over hot fire I'm going to use my mil scale Yakitori you can use what you want I've been telling people lately replicate my my recipes are just a guide make them your own make any changes you want and then Grill them on whatever you got in this case I'm just going on a hot fire you could do these in a pellet grill you could do these kamado grill whatever the heck you got doesn't make any difference okay I just thought I'm going to use our fajita seasoning feels like it goes with this recipe salt pepper garlic onion and a little bit of citrus and I'm going to season on both sides again I love thigh meat because you can you can cook this stuff at a really hot to a really high internal temperature and you're not going to dry it out and I just feel like there's so much more flavor in it but you know I'm sure you could do this with a lot of things one the first time I tried this I actually did breast meat as well it was good but again this is my preference okay so season with what you want but that's what we're doing today now next step while that kind of soaks in I've got a stick of butter warming over here on my Yakitori I'm going to mix in some Cholula hot sauce so I've got one stick of butter you don't quite need a whole bottle of this but I'm gonna put a whole lot of it in there [Music] [Music] all right this can be any easier I'm going to throw it on this Grill how hot is it it's really hot so I've just got a straight charcoal fire burning in my mil scale Yakitori you guys know I love these they come in three sizes it kind of goes without saying but again you can Grill this one Whatever as I mentioned so on with the thighs I go and my grilling process is very simple I'm a couple minutes aside and then I just keep flipping rotating trying to cook them as even as I can obviously you see you know there's thicker part of the thigh in one particular area and so I'm just going to keep moving these around Non-Stop I like to put the bigger ones in the middle thicker ones I should say all right with this setup if I need this you know if I wanted these cook hotter I'll drop the grade if they're a little too hot then I'll raise it up obviously adjust this to whatever you're cooking on and I'm going to drop this other grate down and throw some jalapenos on it because they're going to be super tasty as well I'm going to mix up this butter and the Cholula hot sauce and I'm just going to baste these thighs while they cook [Music] thank you [Music] all right they've been cooking a couple minutes so I'm just gonna start flipping [Music] keep basting build those flavors this hot sauce and butter on here add some more moisture not that it needs it and some flavor [Music] now that they're basted I'll drop my grate back down get it a little closer to the fire I like that char [Music] [Music] M now we've been you know a few minutes on each side you just flip to your liking until they're your desired doneness at least 165. I always recommend using instant read thermometer and once you get something to 165 I'm going to pull it over so that I can actually melt some cheese over it a couple of these are definitely done the ones that are I'm going to move them to the middle [Music] use whatever cheese you want I love sharp cheese pepper jack would also be an amazing choice or use no cheese at all if you're no fun [Music] all right this cheese is going to melt quick so I'm gonna raise this up all right for the ones that the cheese is insanely super melty which is my favorite I'm going to pull those off insulated glove here by the way I'm not Superman look at that gorgeous I'm gonna finish these last couple up I'm gonna lower this grate down burn this cheese off get my jalapenos over and then we're gonna build some epic sandwiches all right the chicken thighs have cooled down it's time to make this uh so-called favorite new favorite sandwich of mine I've just got a toasted Martin's uh potato bun here big fan I'm going mayonnaise I mentioned earlier there's a lot of things you can do with this obviously we could keep it texting and rustic and we could make tacos out of this but anytime I make something that's a little bit spicy I like the cheese and Mayo to cool it and naturally we're going with dukes the only mayonnaise that you should ever use and I'm not affiliated with dukes that's just how I feel all right oh that's super good crispy little nugget here we go you can make it more fancy if you want but I'm going super duper simple I'm gonna give this a on a scale of one to ten I'm gonna give it a 12. I'm not mad at that in the least bit first off chicken thigh super freaking juicy hard to dry out a little spicy not too spicy um how do I describe this I would not feed this to my little kids it'd probably be too spicy for my 10 year old but you can see I don't love like hot hot and I didn't go straight for my water it's got like a great level of heat if you want to adjust it you could you could marinate it for less time you could also not do as much Cholula in the base if you want but I got to tell you the pairing with that you know great bread the mayonnaise the super duper melty cheddar cheese on top of it I'm a huge fan and I did the math on what I bought 12 bucks for eight sandwiches total super good deal the recipe is always Below in the description if you don't know we release these videos every Wednesday at 10 A.M Central the banner of becomes that recipe you can always find these on as well as our spring collection all of our merch that we've got out please like And subscribe your subscriptions are what allow us to continue to make these free weekly how-to cooking videos thanks for being here we'll see y'all next time thank you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 231,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mexican grilled chicken sandwich, grilled chicken sandwich, spicy chicken sandwich, mill scale yakitori grill, cholula hot sauce, chicken sandwich, chicken sandwich recipe, chick fil a sandwich, chicken recipe, spicy, easy recipes, meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking, cooking show, mexican food
Id: Ju7OBp9yNXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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