How to Make the Best Sausage I've ever tasted - Holy Voodoo Jalapeño Cheddar

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I'm Matt Pittman CEO and Pit Master of meat Church throughout my barbecue life I've been lucky enough to make some amazing relationships with some of the top pit Masters in the world for this series I've convinced them to share with you guys some of their best kept secrets so fire up your pits it's time to meet the Masters welcome back to another episode of Meet the Masters I'm Matt Pittman founder and CEO of meat Church barbecue and I'm joined by my friend Dane Weaver of Dane's craft barbecue in Fort Worth Texas thanks for being here yeah thanks for having me it's awesome to be back so we've got something special for you guys today we are making holy Voodoo sausage so Dane has been gracious enough to agree to show you complete end-to-end process on how to make sausage at home this is normally a three-day process you can do it in a day but Dane's going to tell you why taking the time to stretch this out over three days will make it better as we go through the process but I'm very excited about this because he actually did the very first meet the Masters which was pork belly brisket and what's been amazing to me since then has been all the people that are making it I've even seen it on restaurant menus yeah no I it's awesome I get tagged on stuff all the time on Instagram people are making it although many different states many different countries so it's really cool what uh you know you know the the span of meat Church uh goes worldwide well he's a Texas monthly top 50 Pit Master if you don't know what that means it means his barbecue is insanely good probably the best you've ever had he 100 percent he and his wife actually make these trays of barbecue that I've never seen a tray more beautiful uh than his trays in fact we featured it on one of our Pit Stop exercises we'll put a card up there for you to guys to go check that out but if you've never been to Danes you have to go check it out this recipe actually is what we were going to do for our first video you called me with this idea because you actually used to use meat Church seasonings I guess you still do but you used it before you got in the restaurant business and this whole thing was your idea in the beginning yeah for sure I mean five six years ago when I was just in the backyard I was always making you know brisket and eventually got into sausage making and everything but I've always had meat Church rubs in the in the cabinet and it's just been something we still use to this day and so yeah I actually remember uh sending you a picture of a really ugly brisket back in 2017 and that was uh yeah we didn't embarrassed of that picture now we didn't even know each other really really proud he shows me his Instagram and he dmed me a picture in the summer of 2017. if I was a brisket look good yeah yeah for sure but and that was a whole year before I started our business or anything like that crazy I know yeah so I did not tell you that you have to put this in this sausage today this did not come from me it just makes perfect sense because we're doing a jalapeno cheddar sausage today and holy Voodoo is perfectly complements that because it's got a lot of jalapeno flavor and just really good some paprika to give some good color so it's just it's perfect for a sausage so so before we jump in I'm gonna add one thing uh wide Dane for sausage when we first met at a barbecue festival he had a really unique sausage and in Texas you can't just make a a beef sausage or a pork sausage or a jalapeno cheddar you have to make some I'll just say like crazy artisanal sausage and there's a lot of guys in Texas that are great at it it's a big differentiator for barbecue in our state in my opinion uh he makes the most creative best sausages I've ever had so I am personally extremely excited about this and I think it's time to just jump in yeah yeah let's do it so first off we've got to start with our Meats um so we're gonna have four and a half pounds of pork here that we're gonna start with so let's get this out on the board and this was this is a prairie fresh pork butt uh that we got at the grocery store and he just cut out four and a half pounds prior to us starting yeah yeah just to speed up the process so what we're gonna do we're gonna get this uh and cut it into chunks right so we want about one inch cubes here um so let's just Cube it up here if you make them too big it's going to give you some problems with the grinder and so it's better to always kind of make them into smaller cubes so that uh the whole process just goes a little better it's going to grind cleaner and you're just going to get a better product awesome attention to detail is always the name of the game with uh barbecue and really anything you do especially in Texas I would say barbecue is a religion in this state and you guys can't cut any Corners by the way this is the end of the pork butt with the money muscle on it simply just cut one big piece off of it no x no additional trim has been done to this whatsoever but it is what I would consider the good part yeah so we're gonna go for just yeah one one and a half inch cubes here so we'll get all that put in so this was brisket trim um if you ever watch our brisket trim video or if you come to a meat Church barbecue school I always talk about trimming your brisket like I trim pretty aggressively so that you're left with a piece of meat that you can cook perfectly and kick out the best brisket ever and people ask like what can you do with it well Dane just brought strips of I'll just say kind of the outside edge of more thin pieces of a brisket and what would you say that the fat to meat ratio I mean yeah it's probably a 70 30 kind of thing uh 80 20 on on the beef right there and so yeah it's a great way for you to use the trim off your briskets uh we we try to find all kinds of creative ways at the restaurant making sausage we make burgers out of it so yeah it's just being efficient is kind of the name of the game when you're running a business as well so uh this helps us out a whole lot if you've never had a burger at Danes you're not living right yeah yeah they've been pretty popular since we ran them out and so hopefully one day we'll expand on that brand a little bit all right so we got our pork in here so that's four and a half pounds of pork we're gonna add one pound of brisket trim here so that's going in and then just to add a little bit more fat we're doing some pure pork fat here so this pure pork fat you can get from a butcher shop but you can also if you've got a pork butt that you want to take that big fat cap off of this is perfect for it I'm Gonna Get Enough off a pork butt to give you a pound yeah yeah this could come right off of the cap of the pork butt and then it's perfect so this is just a quarter pound so uh four ounces going in the next step we got to do is we got to get it seasoned up one of the first things we need to do is we got to get the Cure in here because sometimes if you put all the other dry seasonings on there uh what it's going to do is it's going to kind of inhibit The Cure from attaching to the meat so I always like to do the Cure first so we got six grams we like to do one gram per pound so so it makes it really easy so we got about six pounds of meat in here so we're gonna do six grams of of curing salt so it's just a pink curing saw here by the way this whole go ahead this whole recipe and all these instructions are always Below in the description uh they link back to the recipes that always live on so you don't have to be taking notes today if you don't want to so we'll just mix that in just to make sure that that none of the other seasonings are blocking the Cure from like getting in and doing their thing so yeah if we're doing there's different ways we can do this we could do it all in a day and when I started making sausage I would do it all in a day but as I learned there's different ways that you can make the sausage even better and a three-day process is uh is best and this would be the start this would be day one this is day one so okay um we've been putting in the rest rest of the seasoning so yeah we're gonna go with uh so this is Holy Voodoo this is a half cup plus two tablespoons so so we're gonna put that in accidentally so we created a sausage rub so yeah yeah we actually don't even have to add kosher salt or anything like that because this is going to give us all of that so so then this is two tablespoons of paprika I'm like Vanna White I'm your yeah less good looking assistant three tablespoons of black pepper and then we've got one tablespoon of Chipotle one tablespoon of jalapeno powder oh yeah and then a tablespoon of mustard powder okay and so yeah and then basically we're just gonna mix all this up in an Ideal World if you were wanting to take the long route and you'd want to let this sit overnight after you mix it so this step here you're going to mix all this by hand and I'm going to relate this to making brisket the best brisket in the world takes longer than most people at home when I do on a weekend we're gonna normally you would let this sit overnight yeah but for video purposes we're going to move ahead with just this component today yeah for sure so the reason you'd want to let this sit overnight if if you could is just to get that cure all the way penetrated in there and make sure that the when the Cure hits that fat it really helps it grind a little bit more clean and it just uh and then the flavor is just a lot more bold when it has time to kind of soak in there and really really soak in so so yeah now we're all seasoned up here so we're ready to go on to the next step which is going to be grinding mixing and casing of the sausage so we're using uh made with me equipment this you know people ask me about this stuff all the time uh this gear is basically commercial grade for home use and you know I used to buy cheaper Grinders stuffers things like that but if you get serious about this sort of thing then I want to buy stuff that's going to last so that's what we're using here today we're gonna we're gonna do grind this a couple times yeah so um and we want to talk about the size uh grinding plate to um what I prefer is a 10 millimeter so it's the larger grinding plate on there the reason we want to do that is because it really helps with the texture and if you do it gives you that kind of coarser texture we just need to fire this thing up real quick here and then we're going to grind through twice as well so we're going to take it through two times so it's going to go through once and then we'll pass it right back through again it shouldn't take long at all and I know this is loud but you gave me a good tip prior to starting this I shouldn't have to use the plunger to push this meat down in unless you're loading it up with too much yeah yeah for sure so you just want to feed this thing as it's kind of taking it you really don't want to cram it in there if you're cramming it in there you're putting too much in or you just need to make smaller chunks you know if it's if it's having trouble you need to just back off and let it kind of do its thing a little bit so man that's pretty already [Applause] look at that all right and then we're actually gonna stop this real quick kill it and then we're gonna load it back in here so we're just gonna run it through one more time and then that's gonna really so the second time almost helps with the bind as well so it's going to help it's almost doing some of the mixing four of that second grind you know so we're just gonna this takes a little longer because it's just kind of more more delicate all right the meat's ground up what's next so now we gotta mix it so we're gonna add all our ingredients and if you weren't doing a jalapeno cheddar you could be doing any other kind of cheese you could be doing any other kind of pepper there is a limit to things that you can put in a sausage we've tested it and there's definitely a line there you know once you start getting too crazy and creative uh it'll start pushing back on you and you'll realize where that line is so so we like to keep it pretty simple but today we're just going to be adding some Tillamook Cheddar that we've diced into quarter inch cubes four medium jalapenos yeah you want to take all the seeds out unless you love spicy and then dice those even smaller than the cheese if you can just to make sure that's well Incorporated and then we're going to add in milk powder as well it's a half cup of milk powder so that's going to give us a good bind it's it's it's got a lot of proteins in there and it's going to help bind all the proteins so all right I'm just going to mix all this up all right yeah let's do it so this is going to go in we got the meat that we ground going in got the cheese going in I thought you gave me something to do and then yeah just just gonna drink all this powder yeah and then I'll kind of mix it up so yeah you definitely you don't want to there's kind of a fine line of how how you want to mix it you don't want to over mix it so there's there's a fine line you want it to be nice and sticky and tacky when you're done with it so while you're mixing that up to our audience if you like our videos do us a favor go down and subscribe we're not like other YouTube channels we if you look down in the description we don't have a bunch of affiliate links to make revenue and we generally don't take sponsorships or videos not say that we would never do it we've only ever done it once these videos come out of my passion for teaching you how to cook and so you subscribing helps us create more of these we do these out of our own pocket and Just For the Love of Cooking so this is actually like my passion in life at this age I enjoy making these and I don't consider myself a YouTuber I'm founder of this company and have a lot of super cool friends that are crazy crazy knowledgeable that are willing to share their their uh their work and their life's work with you guys frankly so subscribe for us and do us a favor so we got all this mixed really you want to get it to a point where it's kind of sticky you want it to be sticking to your glove or to your hand whichever you go but you you really want it to be able to kind of stick there that's when we know we've got a really good bind we've broke down all those proteins in there got enough fat and so now all this is mixed in really good we're going to go into the stuffer pop it in there and then we're going to get to casing it up so when when we put it into the stuffer we definitely want to try to pack it down in there because if you leave too many air bubbles it's going to give us problems when we go to case talk about you got the casing soaking in warm water yeah so so these are these are natural hog casings these are 32 to 35 millimeters in diameter so yeah we are dealing with uh hog intestines here so they you know they're not all the same most people don't know that yeah so these are natural hog casings they do make synthetic casings as well which some people use we don't use them here uh or at our restaurant we like to go with natural hog casings but if you find something at Cabela's that you like that could work out too so but these casings they get packed with like a lot of salt um that's how you preserve them so what we want to do before we go is we want to find the end which you found it here and we want to get some water in there so really what we're doing is Flushing out any of the salts that may be inside of it from the pet from when it was packed and then so really we're just gonna I think we've got the medium horn um on the on the stuffer here for everybody wondering yeah yeah it's the medium size um I think it's more of just a preference thing and and kind of what size casings you're using and this one works perfect for these these are just kind of standard sausage size um so yeah you're really just gonna run it all the way through run that water through and then now put that in here I always like to keep it far away so that when you put it on here it'll start on if it's twisted up it'll start kind of untwisting itself so yeah you want to kind of feed it right onto the horn and we're just going to kind of we're just going to pull it back try to let it untwist if it were have a lot of jokes and things going through my head right now yeah you gotta you gotta be really it's got to have that special touch for this this part because this is very rewarding I find this um you know when you do this like we've done it in the barbecue school before casing cold smoking smoking your own sausage is one of the more rewarding things in barbecue plus it's very creative Outlet yeah no I that's one of the reasons we loved it is because we could get creative we've got a jalapeno havarti sausage that's standard on our menu we got a margarita pizza sausage we got a you know uh Barry gouda that was one of our first creative ones that everybody really really liked so now we are ready to start um yeah let's switch some shots all right and get the crank get to crank your sausage so yeah man if you'll just crank that down to where you start seeing it's going to kind of put pressure on that meat and then just kind of slow down a bit and we'll it'll start to feed itself out of here there it is all right yeah so you'll start seeing the air push out and so you want to kind of just kind of slowly go you'll start seeing the air come out there we go foreign start turning this into a coil as it goes I have to go to the gym tonight yeah I think if those are secured to a table yeah they're they're a little more sturdy so yeah it's getting real close we should be done here there it is one of the things we want to do once we get here is we want to take care of all these air pockets that are in there so really you want to just kind of hit it just a little bit and a lot of people think that this will mess up the sausage but poking little holes some for some reason doesn't do as much as damage as you would think and it's kind of a necessary thing so when we start casing this it's going to push all that excess air out of these spots that we that we did so so now we want to get this and and really typically when I'm doing this I'll have like a toothpick around because when we start to case this up we'll want to we want to pop these little holes as we go along all right so this is a special tool that we uh we definitely National tool yeah so really you want to just kind of hold real nice and tight here you want to kind of pinch you're really just kind of judging and the more you do it the more you'll kind of figure out where to pinch you know you want just kind of about a half pound link a couple of these out and we'll finish them off yeah so and then we'll just kind of Pop these air bubbles as we're going along here okay all right so while you're finishing these last few here so this is day two and I know that typically in your restaurant uh you like to hang this overnight so let's talk about that yeah so uh early on we would just we would just do it all in one day but we learned that if you hang them uh it really helps in a couple different ways one of the ways that it helps is that it dries out this casing so that when we go in cold smoke and once we get to the final product it's going to have a really good snap it's a mark of a good sausage all right so well unless to add this before we take this to the fridge a lot of people aren't gonna be able to hang these in their fridge yeah so going back to what you said you could do this in a more compacted period of time but what would you recommend if somebody can't hang it yeah I just recommend putting these in your fridge I would keep them attached so keep them attached because that's gonna it's gonna do a couple things that are that's going to really help it's going to help tighten up that sausage if you were to snip these right now this casing would kind of loosen up and unravel and then they might not be as tight and as plump as you'd like them to be okay all right let's stay in the fridge all right all right we've got those sausages in the fridge so what's next so the next step is we got to get some smoke on these we're going to do a cold smoke and when I say cold smoke we're gonna go about 125 to 175 on an offset like this you're going to get some fluctuations in there but we want to Target 150. well we've got some sausages that we dried out are in the fridge overnight and we put them on before we started the video so they've been in my 94 gallon mil scale offset with Post Oak for about two and a half hours so let's check on them yeah yeah let's check it out all right we're gonna we're gonna check these out um so yeah these are they look beautiful uh we're gonna so we wanna make sure these are 100 cooked so we're gonna shoot for 155. that's a good temperature to reach at so we're gonna check these out and we kind of have already checked these out we know they're kind of right where they need to be yeah so yeah they're right there in between 153 and 155 so this is perfect so now what we have to do is we want to shock these on an ice bath okay so part of the reason we're doing this is it helps to keep them from overcooking and that's something you want to be really careful when you're cold smoking too if these get up into the 160 170 180 range uh they're gonna start wrinkling on you a lot of that Fat's gonna start pushing out of the sausage so there is definitely a sweet spot and I would say it's in that 150 to 160 range so we want to stop the cook process let's get those out of there yeah camera see those things are pretty all right yeah check these out man so looks awesome these are looking good sometimes you'll get some grill marks on there which some people like if you don't like them you can kind of wash it off once they go in here but let's go in with these so yeah they're just going to go straight in they're going to stay in there for a few minutes um so after that I know our final step is we've actually got to put the final cook on these yeah yeah so after you do this it's a real long process to do it the right way and like I said you don't have to do it in this long process I started out the first couple years of my career making sausage casing it smoking it and serving it all in one day so you can do that but if you're like we are competing for the best uh barbecue in Texas you know we have to take you want to be a Texas monthly top 50 barbecue joint you can take no shortcuts all right I'm gonna go to the mill scale I need to run the temperature up to 250 degrees for that final cook so I'm going to do that and we'll see you in a minute [Music] all right we've pulled these out of the ice bath we've padded them dry and now it's time for the final cook yeah so uh these are gonna go back on We're Gonna Roll at like 250 275 and this is gonna be the final smoke and this is going to help continue to dry out that casing and get us this night nice crisp uh casing awesome I've got the mill seal going at the right temp so let's put these on and then we'll see you guys back here at 155 degrees internal yep we're at the end of the road our final cook has been going for about 30 minutes at 250. it's time to eat yeah yeah let's let's check these out all right look at the glisten on those so yeah these have come back up to 155. um you could pull these at 1 30 if you wanted I like to bring them up to 155 because uh all that fat gets reinvigorated the cool thing if you guys are watching this video the week that it released Dane is actually going to run this sausage as a special at his barbecue joint on Friday Saturday and Sunday Dane's craft barbecue in Fort Worth so I don't know if it's any good yet remains to be seen but yeah I think we're gonna have to try it let's check him out yeah we're not even gonna wait let's just let's just go let's see what we got here let's see oh man all right dude so yeah so yeah nice and cheesy the Vine's really good it's a beautiful yeah those look good yeah let's slice one up and then give it a try all right take one of these I'll leave that for the camera to see maybe you love a brisket slicer I don't know if people know but I I've seen you trim raw briskets with a brisket slices yeah no it's kind of it's my weapon of choice for sure so yeah this is kind of how we slice them at the restaurant so they kind of they present really nice like that we kind of cut them on a bias and then you can kind of get some good slices out of it here look inside that look at this look at that y'all let's try it out cheers awkward meet cheers dude the crunch on that case good Lord You're a magician always saying these meet the Masters videos I give up I can't make barbecues good of my friends but I'm all right with that that is a good like southwestern flavor that you the Heat's there but it's not like ah like it's burning you out that's just and just the consistency of the cheese the meat like man this consistency of it is so good yeah dude I love the holy food I think it's a good it's a good balance that's a totally balanced sausage amazing snap the flavor is amazing man I can't thank you enough if you guys have never checked out our meet the Master Series there's brisket by truth barbecue there's uh beef ribs by Derby a Goldie's there's crawfish with the shed there's all sorts of brisket videos with Joe Zavala uh it's a super cool series that we just kind of add to periodically I said this in the beginning but um thank you for being willing to come and share your secrets this is one of the best in the business if you don't know now you know now and so come here and like tell all these secrets this is a complete tail all I'm completely indebted to you for doing this so thank you all right thank you I've been looking up to you for a long long time yeah I appreciate that you guys like And subscribe we talked about subscribing earlier we dropped weekly how-to videos on our YouTube channel got lots of cool stuff coming up but most importantly go see Dane at Dane's craft barbecue in Fort Worth trust me uh you're gonna you're gonna love it see you guys next time foreign hey guys well continuing on from our smoke salsa video last week where we did a wrap up at the end of the video a spot that will give us time to add new notes make changes just reflect on how the shoot went this is bonus time where we can throw added tips in got a ton of great feedback on that so we thought hey we'll do it again first and foremost I want to talk a little bit about this meet the Masters series and tell you just how cool I think it is if you don't know the people in these series are like the best of the best of the best I mean you've got Travis Himes showing you how to make his famous bacon burn in you've got Leonard at truth barbecue showing you all the secrets on brisket obviously Dane this week was jalapeno cheddar sausage awesome since we shot this video Dane went with me to my next barbecue school at TX whiskey Ranch and I had like a 30 minute q a and it was a huge hit because he's so well respected here in Texas by the way if you want information on our barbecue schools you can find that a couple tips what do we think about since the video well some people that were around the shoot and others have said well what if I can't hang the sausage in my refrigerator well just so you all know some of the stuff we made that we cased we put in the refrigerator on a sheet pan left it just like that and cooked it the next day and it was great so you guys can can get the same effect without actually hanging it also we talked about how when you overcook something a sausage will wrinkle I'll see that a lot well on shoot day we took some of the sausage that we had cooked and we put it over in a Traeger at a low temperature and kind of forgot about it for a little bit and when we pulled it out the ends of it were already wrinkled you can go to me Church Tick Tock and you can see we did a little snap video and you can actually see that casing on there so make sure you don't overcook it especially beef sausage it wrinkles even easier I think that's it we're gonna start doing giveaways at some point in this section so please continue to let us know if you like this we talked about this earlier but do us a favor and subscribe hit the notifications and we'll see y'all next week [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 669,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make sausage, sausage, sausage making, jalapeno chedar sausage, holy voodoo, Holy voodoo sausage, the best sausage, daynes craft bbq, home sausage making, sausage making machine, tmbbq, texas monthly top 50 bbqmeat church, matt pittman, made with meat grinder, made with meat sausage stuffer, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking, cooking show
Id: ENvQ79rpe4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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