The Most Molly Recipe Ever

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actually call is just these pickled balls that's disgusting but frankly that is what it is [Music] this is a recipe for oven roasted Herby meatballs a pile of rice that's been seasoned with pickles and pickle brine yum and then seasoned salty yogurt to finish and the reason I love this dish so much is it has three of my favorite things in it one meatballs love two herbs use them all the time three dill pickles everything's better with pickle so this is going to happen in three parts first we're going to start by making a dill pickle and cucumber salsa then we're going to make our Herby meatballs and then we're going to make our salty yogurt and assemble ingredients you will need for this recipe there are quite a few I'm not gonna lie but a lot of them are interchangeable so you'll need three Bunches of herbs you could use any fresh tender herbs I'm using today Dill parsley and cilantro you could also use basil mint chives but three large bunches four scallions either one large English cucumber or three Persian cucumbers one garlic clove eight Baby Dill Pickles or three or four pickle spears two eggs panko whole milk yogurt one and a half pounds of ground meat you can do a mix of pork and beef and lamb and chicken and turkey or just one or anything you want coriander seed fennel seed red pepper flakes and ground cinnamon and olive oil there's a lot of olive oil in this recipe oh and cooked white rice okay so part one make the pickle salsa so this salsa starts with a mix of fresh cucumbers and pickles so we're gonna dice a couple Persian cucumbers this is a good time to get a sharp knife and hone your knife skills just like this one we have our chopped cukes we're gonna do the exact same cut on a couple of pickle spears so I'm chopping two scallions the other two scallions because we're doing The Chopping are gonna go into the meatballs so I'm going to chop them while I'm on the cutting board so these aside we're going to come back to these in a moment when we call for large quantities of herbs like I have done in this recipe we're talking tender herbs not woody hearty herbs and I'm going to chop this pretty fine because I want them to kind of like permeate the meatballs and the pickle salsa this is what a fine chop means and you probably aren't chopping your herbs fine enough when it calls for a fine chop because it does take a while and you kind of have to run your knife back and back and back but for a salsa it's important for cilantro I keep the stems on and just really really thinly slice the stems because there's so much flavor in a cilantro stem that it's really a shame to throw it away Dill stems can be a little bit Woody these ones look pretty Woody to me so I chopped off the Woody ends you can just do this in a food processor joke's on me because I'm the one over here suffering we have lots of herbs I'm mixing them all up in a pile and I'm going to put about a third of them into our pickle salsa okay so into the pickle cucumber salsa I am grating one large garlic clove I'm gonna add a big splash of dill pickle brine and a lot of olive oil this is a very Olive oily it's almost like a salsa verde a pickled salsa verde okay and then we're seasoning the salsa with salt and a little bit of red pepper flake for spice this might be the most Molly salsa ever right here it's got Dill it's got pickles it's got salt it's got crunchy let's try it so our salsa is done we're gonna set it aside on to the meatballs I'm taking my rings off because we're about to get our hands dirty the best way to make meatballs is with your hands unfortunately so to start the meatballs we're cracking two eggs into a large bowl I'm gonna add another splash of olive oil also the eggs and the olive oil are going to help to hydrate the panko which I'm about to add in here and moisten it enough that it turns into like a bready paste almost like a panad and that's gonna get mixed into the meatballs to keep them light and fluffy and not let them get dense and hard and overcooked so beat these eggs add one cup of Panko and I'm gonna whisk it together and you'll see it'll start to form this like eggy paste I'm just gonna let that sit for a second to soften so here is our softened panko egg paste I'm gonna add chopped fennel seed chopped coriander seed and ground cinnamon to this and just kind of work it together so that the panad is all spiced and seasoned so then I'm adding the reserved chopped herbs some more chopped scallions and about a third of the ground meat so I'm doing a mix of ground chicken and pork the reason that we add a little bit of it first is that it's easier to incorporate like this big massive bowl of Panko and herbs and everything into a smaller amount of the meat without overworking it then you go and add the rest and it's just a lot less handling of the meat which is what you want to avoid because over handling can lead to tough balls nobody likes a tough ball or I don't know maybe they do chat let me know your preferences okay I'm seasoning this mixture with two and a quarter teaspoons of salt and then the rest of the ground meat is going in and now we're just getting in there and working it all together until it feels homogeneous and well distributed like I need to get up high dominate these balls it's getting weird I mean you can't make a meatball recipe without multiple references to balls all sorts of balls do you know what I mean we got pickled balls we got firm balls tough balls bouncy balls it should be a lot it's literally all about the balls we love balls how many balls does this recipe make how many should I make Becky oh yeah these are Big Balls because I like big balls I do like big balls every time I say that I hear I hear on my head I like big balls and I cannot lie but I really do I don't like little balls okay so while our hands are dirty this is a great time to form your balls so into the oven here's a fun thing that I'm gonna do right now I'm gonna put these meatballs on the oven floor because that's the hottest part of your oven and so it's almost Gonna Act Like a skillet and it's gonna sear these meatballs and we'll turn them occasionally and they'll Brown a lot more quickly that way so that they stay moist and tender on the inside but still get like really nice caramelization on the outside while we're doing that we're going to move on to the final steps of the recipe so I'm taking a little bit of whole milk yogurt here and I'm just seasoning it with salt it's just a salty yogurt moment it tastes really good and then lastly we're going to make our pickle rice so part four pickle rice I made some rice in my rice cooker if you don't have a rice cooker you can make it in a pot but just six cups of steamed white rice okay so normally you'd think we're just gonna stop here and I was just gonna put like a blob of rice in a bowl and then I was gonna throw some pickle salsa on top of the Meatballs no we're gonna turn this plain ass rice into pickle rice which is one of the greatest things ever to exist by taking two cups of our dill pickle cucumber salsa and some of the juices and stirring it into the rice okay let's get in the oven because I smell things okay so use your tongs to get in there and then take them out and it might be easier to use like a spatula at this point to get under them and just turn them a bit so that the brown parts are now up and we can roast them on the other side all right back in these are some sizzling ass balls and now we just plate them up a nice big pile of pickle rice a couple big balls more salsa and a little bit of salty yolk okay let's take a bite I'm gonna eat my balls mmm those are steamy balls you can see all the whole spices in there and all the herbs [Music] that tastes like me it tastes like if you were to like ask artificial intelligence to make a dish that tastes like Molly this would be the dish they make [Music] thank you a perfect ball produce some salt [Laughter] thank you
Channel: Molly Baz
Views: 178,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9GlrG12kYRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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