Pork Butt with Whiskey Bent BBQ

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I'm Matt with me Church welcome to my outdoor kitchen today we're going to be making pulled pork [Music] so I thought what I would do today is bring in my longtime friend Chad Ward who is director of barbecue marketing at Traeger come on in here oh boy I brought you a little something how about that fella how about that Chad's also Pit Master and owner of Whiskey Bent barbecue we've known each other for a really long time it's actually his fault that I partnered with Traeger he gave me a Traeger years ago we've been talking about working together for I don't know how long on a video and it and it's finally happened here we are so we're you know we're doing pulled pork today we've talked a little bit back and forth about what are our Styles we both used to compete a little bit now we focus kind of on the backyard and what's your two cents on what you think we should do today you know to me I think we just keep it simple you know 250 degrees you know the one thing about a pork butt it's super resilient when you're starting long smokes it's a great place to start in my opinion very forgiving I agree it's really hard to screw it up um around here people buy a Traeger and they want to jump into barbecue and I joke that people go straight to brisket and I'm like hold on put the training wheels on first but you know you can buy this for 20 something dollars and it's really really hard to screw up yeah and once you perfect this I think you're ready to move on to brisket in my opinion all right well we're going to keep this super simple today first thing we've got to do is we've got to trim it so let me let me just get I'm just gonna do a little bit of a light trim um you know anatomy of a pork butt I'll show it off a little in Chad you can talk about it we've got the money muscle over here if we were competing we would kind of expose that because our friend Myron says if you want to get paid that's what you got to turn yes sir but all I'm going to do is I just want to find any kind of errant fat and trim off I'm not going to do a whole lot I may take off some kind of thicker stuff on the fat cap which there's not a lot here and that's all I'm going to do another thing I say too is always make sure and run your hands over it sometimes when they're butchering that there'll be some bone shards that you obviously don't want to get into the finished product and I just know that occasionally on Port but you'll notice that and I think that's where they separate right here the joint some of those shards will end up getting in there but not really simple trim yeah I don't do a whole lot I just kind of get the like I said the errant stuff kind of sticking off I always say fats flavor but in moderation you know so like right here this is like a little too thick you know I'm going to take that off I leave this sometimes um and then depending on how I'm how I'm cooking it but the thing is if you leave this fat cap on here then you can't get seasoning on the meat and you know when you take this fat off at the end there goes all that seasoning so I I kind of I want my seasoning to adhere to the meat so that I get that in my bite at the end absolutely I completely agree and one thing too to remember you know we're going to end up pulling this you can always add a little bit of your seasoning back in to the pool too if you want a little more pop we're definitely going to do that little finishing dust yes sir there at the end well let's talk while I'm finishing this up I'm not going to do much let's talk about seasoning I'll tell you what I do and then I know you're going to jump in and tell us a bunch of flavor options but meat Church makes we're known for our seasonings so you guys are gracious enough to let me use our stuff and then but I love Traeger stuff too so we'll we'll talk about that but I like to put a binder on my pork that's just something that I grew up on binders are optional when I cook pork I usually use mustard um so I don't know how you feel about a binder but we're gonna go Whataburger mustard because you came to Texas man there's nothing wrong with that you ain't gonna scare me with anything Whataburger love it uh one I have used in the past on pork and it worked out pretty well as a pecan oil kind of give you a little bit of nuttiness behind and a little bit of a little darker color but Mustard's always kind of a great go-to super easy it doesn't affect the flavor profile for anybody that's worried about that not only does it help the seasoning adhere to the meat but it also helps the seasoning stay in here during the cook which was the one reason that I like to do it I kind of went a little heavy there and then like I said we're going to talk about seasoning so today we're going to use my OG honey hog rub which is a it's an all-purpose rub with honey powder in it uh it's one of our most popular rubs uh my kids love it my 10 year old eats it straight out of the bottle puts it on popcorn and we're ultimately going to put some of the hot in the wrap we'll talk about that later but I know you're the expert on some other flavors that we could be using for folks watching this video yeah so for me you know on the trigger rubs I've always liked the pork and poultry um on a pork butt it gives great color a little bit of savory a little bit of sweet and then the perfect pork now also just another great flavor and if you want to go a little bit of layering I always like just a straight up trigger rub with a little bit of the perfect pork I think is great on a pork butt I go pretty heavy with this a big piece of meat I tell people it kind of reminds me of like a prime rib it's basically impossible to over season this because like you said we're going to shred it in the end so it takes I put a lot on here yeah now you definitely want to make sure you get good coverage and plus we want to have beautiful bark too we want to make sure we have plenty of nice color on there and texture I'm going pretty heavy all right well I always say from here I'm gonna let the seasoning adhere uh so I tell people if you've got the time you know let this sit an hour or if you're doing Barbecue on the weekend do this on Friday night crack open a beer do all this prep throw it in the fridge and just let it sit but in this case we're going to give it at least 15 minutes when this looks nice and wet the seasoning is adhered it has pulled all the moisture out of it and we're good to go so we're going to let this sit for 15 minutes and we'll jump into cooking let's do it well it's adhered I might say it looks mighty sexy that is a sexy looking pork butt hole boy well let's talk about cooking it uh you know for me when I teach barbecue I you know people like 225 250 275 they all work I kind of adapt recipes to how much time I have right but I think one thing I've told you before is coming out of the comp World guys in comp cook hot a lot of guys do and one time I thought well how hot can I cook and not lose quality so sometimes I cook a lot of stuff at 275 which is what we did with this so what we're going to do with this so yeah no I I agree with you and and I think too like I always tell people like the recipes there is a guide don't feel like you got to follow every single step of because you may be a little tight on timer you may have a lot of extra time and based on that you can always adjust the cooking cycle yeah you know to Jump Ahead we're going to end up wrapping this butt but you don't have to if you really wanted to get like epic bark you could drop the temp down you could just run like a no wrap butt there's so many things that you can do so I'm gonna go ahead and throw this in the trigger we've got the Ironwood running with Hickory pellets at 275 degrees oh I need them I need a thermometer and we need a thermometer yeah got the old meter here yes sir insert back here just oh here the beat okay now it knows we're hooked up and that's going to give us our temp and all the way throughout the cook right well that way I can watch it from my phone while I'm off yeah chasing my dang kids you want to open this up I think I can do it but there we go you hand me another set of gloves I'm gonna I've got one here that's been cooking we're going to talk about that here you go so we've got another pork butt here that is at 165 degrees internal temperature I can one hand this one-hander look at that Park man let's get the meter in it here uh so like I said it's about 165. the time isn't like real important as a guide this has been somewhere between five and six hours it was prepared the exact same way and I'm looking for bark which we have and now I'm going to wrap in some goodness uh you know just to add a depth of flavor well and one thing to remember too is a lot of times you know internal temperature is great but we're wrapping the color and bark because that's what we really care about and this has already reached a point to where it's not going to take on any more smoke you know based on the internal tone and I would say this is at 165 but I say wrap between 165 175 a lot of times I like to let things go a little further to get more bark I'm happy with this briskets I take further but time to wrap so well and especially if you're going to introduce any liquid you know end of the wrap a little heavier BART to start with isn't going to hurt you at all not at all and that's what we're doing here today we're going to go kind of simple what I'm going to do is add some really good butter a touch of brown sugar and then a little seasoning so let's do the brown sugar first I'm not doing a whole lot but do what you want you can get crazy here you can put hot sauce um a lot of people put good juices in it I don't know what you like to wrap with I've used uh for juice wise I've used a little peach nectar in the past I've used little Martinelli's apple juice either one just get a little bit of braising liquid in the bottom but butter and brown sugar you can't beat that and a little bit of season kind of like a kind of like something we would do with ribs I guess I'm gonna take this off grab this very similar to like a comp rib wrap I like to put a little rub in my wrap this is my honey hog hot which is the same as honey hog has a little Jalapeno in it and for anyone worried it's not going to burn anybody out my kids would eat this it just will help us get a sweet heat which is what I love absolutely all right I'm gonna put this one back in can I have that piece of food absolutely so for me from this point forward this is going to be quite simple I'm cooking this until it's tender which is going to be just over 200 degrees the good thing about pork is if you it's really hard to screw up if you don't cook it long enough it's going to be too hard to pull if you pulled it in the low 190s if you cook it like 210 it's going to start to just kind of get a little mushy but they're they're still good that way but super easy yeah I'm always looking for that 200 to 202 and somewhere in that range and it's always turns out right back in the trigger we go no need to change the temperature unless the circumstances of your life dictate I want to drop it down to elongate the Cook or I want to increase it to speed it up I mean you could blast this now if you needed to so this is the part where this to me this stage is now based on what you got going on in your life and when you want to eat absolutely completely agree we're just going to make this real easy all right look at here look at here I magically have one for you that's cooked to Tender I should be lighting weight on you but I'm not going to go for it let's take a look-see here you immediately hit that smell yes you get it for sure it smells like uh Memorial Day Weekend down by the lake right just good barbecue smells delicious look I wrap our bark stayed nice and dark looks amazing yeah it started to pop open here a little bit yeah that doesn't matter not at all that's just that seam right there by the bone yeah I wouldn't say up front this was a bone-in pork butt which is my preference to cook because it stays shaped boneless pork will just kind of lay down flat so this is when I'm doing pulled pork this is my preference but one little Pro tip if you ever do I've had it happen before said bone in got it home it was boneless you've got the game on the line you still got to cook take a little bit of butcher twine try to tie it all back together so it's a leaf uniform but when you have preference bone in always well we need to let this cool off a little bit and we've got another secret to tell you as we pull the pork at the end so as this cools down we'll be back I'm ready to jump in man what are we waiting on looks gorgeous now it's time to pull it all up and do some tasting you're gonna make me do all the dirty work here look at that smoke right there that's so good yeah good smoke ring nice color I'm gonna go straight in the money myself absolutely gonna lie I'm just gonna just pile that over here okay okay it's got great look great bark on it really good yeah yeah and the nice thing about that bark is now it's going to work into everybody your pulled pork you know and that's the thing this is so versatile you can use it for so many things to feed so many people this is a great this is great option to feed a crowd because there's so much stuff you can put it in you know my kids like it on sliders we put it on nachos we're in Texas we do a lot of tacos you know stuff like that but there's so many things you can put it on sandwiches you know whatever or even if you want to go the easy way out I've done this before it gets you a cheese pizza pop a little bit of pulled pork on it slide in the trigger 15 minutes 375 got a little pulled pork pizza that's why you are the director of barbecue marketing great title but uh no this this looks so good tell you what I'm gonna leave some of this barkiness over here okay because it looks good to show off a little bit yeah but you know I like to eat the money muscle as I mentioned I like to everything around the bone uh I like the bacon on the bottom but we're just gonna mix all this together I'm wearing we're gonna hit everybody with a couple tips or a couple things that we like to do I'm going to start with the first one you hit them with the second one yes sir so we took 100 of the Jew out of that pan and we put it in a fat separator and you can see it separated there we did not inject this pork butt there's so much intramuscular fat and pork I don't think you have to inject it and you have this secret weapon right here so to me I can just throw down some of this some of the some of the good juice right here and we can just kind of mix that around and this is just going to be I love the word succulent moist it's gonna be two good words and it's just pushing some more of that pork flavor right back into the pool that that's the that's the fat that's the flavor that we've we cooked out a little bit and the butter and the brown sugar and the hot honey hog I mean you can't beat it so which brings us to tip number two anytime I shred or pull meat I like to do what you're about to do yes sir we gotta hit it with that finish and dust this is a this is a an eau de competition as well but this is what I call Raw seasoning so all this other seasoning has cooked down now I mean whether you could do this on top of Ridge you can do it on whatever you want to do mix this in and then this really gives you a serious pop not to mention the big old piece of meat obviously the middle of it was not seasoned going back to my prime rib example I had you know and so this is a way to get seasoning we're all seasoning on on it you can put whatever you like I like to jump in with a hot because it gives you a little pop yep just wakes up those taste buds which is nice when you have just a little bit of back end heat okay enough talking oh I got a big one oh it's delicious and you know and not a bit of barbecue sauce in there if people want to add it they can but that is just a hundred percent good smoked barbecue flavor it's smoky it's got you can I can totally pick up the flavor from the rub you know just subtle with the the sugar uh and the butter you know just get some moisture and a little sweetness it's definitely not hot no no hot rod but it's not hot at all and the other thing it's interesting when you pull it when it's that warm that azuz already worked itself back into the meat the rub that we just hit it with is soaking back into the meat um it's just delicious I love it the versatility of pulled pork is amazing well this is an easy one um you guys have to do this if you haven't already the recipe is down in the description all right I'm gonna keep eating we'll see y'all next time round two [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 102,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking, cooking show, Pork Butt, Whiskey Bent BBQ, pulled pork, pulled pork recipe, how to make pulled pork, traeger pulled pork, pork shoulder, pork butt
Id: J7qu0DtZKjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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