Get Perfectly Crispy Fried Fish Every Time

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y'all thought maybe this was an episode of a throwback to Andy Griffith and me and Opie was going to walk down this bank and go fishing but really it's just me we going fishing and my age Mage is going come on mage let's go catch a fish come on [Music] you know I really like to go fish to me it's uh pretty relaxing and this old lake has been north of town there for so it's really back in the 50s and I like to do some catfishing it's pretty uh just sit there and wait for something to bite so I use a little top water and uh Mage thought it was pretty hot to go fishing so he come down there and cooled off his little fat belly in the water we did uh end up thinking that the catfish wasn't going to buy too much on the bottom so we put us a bobber on there and uh raised that stink bait up about a foot off the bottom and threw it out there and I kept thinking for the longest time that uh we were getting a nibble and I'd tell Shan I say we finna catch catfish and he just kept moving around moving around and then sure enough I seen him poke his little head up there a little water turtle out there and he thought that bobber was his favorite beach ball ever and he would not leave that thing alone I got back to top water I caught one of them old perch throwed him back I do like to catch them they put up a good fight a really pretty fish too you know we didn't catch too much today you know you see me dragging that world record perch there luckily I've got some in the freezer and we're fixing to go fry them up [Music] well we're back here under the barn we are and let's talk about them fish Southern Fried Fish now we used to have really big fish fries at our house a long time ago we'd go to Lake Texoma do a lot of that jug fishing catch some big old catfish but I've been going up this little old Lake north of town been catching some catfish been catching some bass I really like a good white flaky fish that I'm going to fry but folks it's really about that crust too I mean you got to get that really good crunch in there it's got to be crispy got to be golden brown but to do that golden brown you got to have a secret ingredient that's going to make it pop even more and you got to keep an eye on that temp I'm so thankful for the folks at Chefs attempt for sponsoring this video you know I really like that Final Touch because it has what an instant reading I don't have to wait it's there when I put it in that oil and we're going to be checking that oil periodically today because that is a must-have to get that good crispy right color of fish that we're going to put on the plate [Music] crispy fish is one thing but we need a dipping sauce to go with it for years I always thought that there was just what ketchup but Shane told me one time oh you've got to have tartar sauce with fish so I made my own version and oh it is so tasty it is and it starts off with some Duke Mayonnaise and then we're just going to take a little bit of lemon juice now them seeds is always jumping right out there at the front so and there's 14 seeds fell in there at the same time shin then we have some capers that throwed you for a loop didn't it and some dill pickles that we have diced up but y'all know me I like my food to bite back a little so we're going to add us some horseradish in there now I'm gonna go ahead and just put that much I ain't even gonna say it w sauce because I can't never say it right Worcestershire or something like that about yay much we're going to give it a stir and you need to put this together first because it needs to chill in the icebox while we're frying them fish well it was another day of great fishing is but we didn't get a bite but luckily the cowboy here has fish in the freezer that he's been catching up there so we didn't get skunked all together now white and Flaky and really good fish is what it takes to have a fish fry that is worth talking about when you catch them fish and you got them filleted out of there and you can fillet a catfish and a bass the same you can always transform immediately to cold water that is the most important thing to really I think taking care of fish and taking care of wild game like you was to harvest out in the field it all starts right when you catch it but I always like to clean them as quick as I can put them in ice water rinse them really well ice water again but you got to make sure that they are clean throughout well let's talk about the dry coating that is actually going to give this the crust that I really like in flavor in every bite and for years and years I just always just cornmeal fish and that was it but folks there's so much more to it than that to get that really extra crispy crunch that even lets that batter and all that fried goodness stay on that fish so we're just going to start with some measuring cups uh-huh which is right here a cup of all-purpose flour and a cup of cornmeal yellow cornmeal corn starch now I'm going to tell you a little story on cornstarch when you use cornstarch to put in a dry ingredient it helps it adhere to the surface that it is attached to now I'm going to tell you another story about cornstarch it is a great medical cure all it is right here because this kind of weather summertime and hot you'll be riding in a saddle for a long long time and you'd be getting what I call galded or a little chafing back there corn starch will cure that I've had so many people come to the wagon at festivals and say could I borrow a little bit of that cornstarch my youngin has diaper rash folks it will dry that stuff it up it will so I'm talking heaping tablespoon heaping Whoa We like a heaping we do baking powder is going to give us that extra little jump too so we going heaping here's another heaping one it is we're going to add some garlic powder some smoked paprika and some yellow mustard we're going to put us about three tablespoons millions of original seasoning in there or let's just go two and a half and then just mix you want to make sure that is incorporated well speaking of frying fish I got the oil over here preheated today we're frying in peanut oil because we're going to get a temperature of 350 and that's where we want to stay but let me check it with this Chef's temp because I've had it on for just a second I just want to make sure we ain't burning no oil we're in good shape we're at 265 and Rising you ever hear that song how high is the water Mama four feet high and Rising Johnny Cash singing him and June they did so we had dinner in the show yes we do let's put the dry right over there now a lot of times when I fried fish I never had a wet ingredient to mix them in it was just cornmeal put them in a paper sack Shake in bake shake and bake I'm going to shake it and bake it but now I was frying it but we need something wet for that all that stuff to conglomerate on okay so let's just start with A little dab of flour here I'd say that was right close to a fourth of a cup and you're what in the wet yes it is and there is a secret ingredient if somebody hadn't stole it let me check the lock box the combination two seven one there it is right there what is it Sprite soda pop now y'all all heard a beer battered fish hadn't you well why not have Sprite because this is a lemon lime base we have some lemon pepper in our seasoning mix and we didn't want it really really thin we're going to keep this to where it's pretty thick so we may have to adjust something here when we get plumbed through but that carbonation is going to help stuff go Papa it is going to be so good but you got to make sure that you got this mixed up really really good but as you're making this and you're frying fish you can always make some more of this while you're at it so don't think it's a one-time shot we're going to thicken it just a tad I want it to be not like water but not quite yet pancake batter wet and dry is ready to go so folks one way oh my gosh look here it's just like when you pick up a toad Shannon they always wet on you so let me get that out there right quick when you talk about frying fish one of the best things that I can tell you the number one tip is your fish need to be dry before anything happens to them I know they come from a wet climate but we need to dry them off really well and when I as soon as I got these out the wind picked up so we're going to see what happens here in a minute it's sort of not quite as bad as Saran wrap but it's close here is some catfish and you can tell the difference when you roll this flesh side back to you here is another piece of catfish some more Bass I would call them fillets of fish I have a good friend in Ruston Louisiana named Tony Osmond and he calls them some filets them and some feelings of fish but folks we got to dry them fish out so I don't want you to just smash the ever living snot out of them but I want you to get them really dry and if you have to change paper towels to do that make sure that you get that done now I like a quick fry and you can see that this one here is a little thicker than the rest of them so you can do it any way you want but I'm just going to cut him right down the middle there and there you have to prove pretty even pieces we'll cut this one the same and when you catch them bigger catfish see these little bones that that fillet knife cut through some of them rib bones and we didn't get them all let's see if we can pull them out we got one because I don't want to bite in there and get him I don't on them cooking competition shows they have fish tweezers that they allow for you to have yes but when we used to go jug fishing down here at Lake Texoma for so many years and we'd catch some anywhere from two pound catfish to 60 pound catfish and some of them were big and they got some fat on them I mean and it'll be this old yellow fat like you can see on this young fella right here now I have done them both ways I have took that and trimmed that off or you can leave it to me it doesn't affect the fish taste that much on a big fish weighing 50 60 pounds or even 30 pounds if you'll fillet that top layer of fat right that's right against that meat just shave a little of that off he'll taste better the rest of the way throughout we need to go to work now number one in the wet in the dry now we're going to do some of these so I can let y'all see how much this really increases but we're gonna just single layer him right there here we go back over here with another and we're going to do him double so when you bring it up that next time Shake That excess off of it back in the wet again it goes what we call a double baptizing give it a little Pat there Pat it friendly like shake the excess off put them on that wire rack what is your favorite eating fish I need you to know if you're out there fishing and you catch one because to me it is walleye and crappie really for me is probably the fish I like to eat the most and I have eat a little everything from from carp to everything else but I do love me some crappie and some walleye so let me know what you're catching let me know how you cook it uh it's just good to have a fish fry got the oil at 350 today and we're using peanut oil and that's where the chef's temp comes in really handy because we need to maintain that temperature now remember when you go to putting them cold fillets in there you're going to drop that temperature just a little so after them get to Frying for just a little bit check that oil temp again because it comes in so fast that accurate reading is right off the bat and you'll need to know where you need to regulate that heat for the first batch or not now we're going to fry these about four to five minutes till they're golden brown and folks you may have to flip them around in your deep fryer if you've got a basket if you can shake them whatever but you want to make sure that they're evenly fried on both sides get that good golden Christmas to turn out all the way through and be sure and keep an eye on that oil temperature with your Chef's temp foreign [Music] thank you [Music] so good making one do the fishing dance first you got to have an instrument it's called a pole and you pop in the water set the hook here we go fight that fish get him back and we'll get him in the boat he is a big one it is my God that fish tastes good we'll try a piece of this that is double dipped without sauce foreign this is the winner the double the Double Dipper for me because you just got that extra crunch that goes with it but you never eat a lot of fish upper in Elko did you not a much so I want you to try this please for me and you like titers tart tighter sauce tartar sauce so I just want you to have a little treat there to see what you think thank you you're most welcome oh that is crunchy uh-huh okay where is my Wyoming Folks at because what we're headed up to Casper to The Letter Buck Festival we are but also going to be going on and we added another book signing we did in 10 sleep and guess what the folks at the lazy tea Ranch are going to be doing a block party up there cooking some burgers but even my famous bologna sandwich is going to be there so check it out we'd love to see you well we hope you all enjoyed this video because ain't nothing I like better than some good old fried fish and sharing it with all my puppies weight you didn't see them get their bite well I have three fishing dogs out here with me today Mitch here you go little fisherman Luke are you a fisherman and I know the Beagle is because he has been fishing with me before but it is with pride honor and privilege that I tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag of flying over there we commend you we do but also special shout out to the good Folks at Chef's temp for sponsoring this video and for making a great product and supporting us be sure you check them out folks I won't steer you wrong on this the rest of you come on in here really close because it's getting summertime I didn't put on needle no deodorant and I'm gonna give you a big old hug huh God bless you each and every woman and I'll see you down the crispy fried fish Trail I supposed to sing that song now fishy fishy in the brook come and get up on my hook is there like a certain like uh vibe that you get pre-fishing they're where you're like oh yeah this is going to be a good day or it'd be better if my wife wasn't sarcastic but stink bait sort of like Splash and jalapenos you don't want to pick your nose afterwards it's fishing hard hard work ain't it yeah may just got your right idea if you can't catch no fish take a nap
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 178,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fried catfish, southern fried catfish, fried fish, fried catfish recipe, deep fried catfish, white fish recipe, white fish fillet recipe, crispy fish fillet, crispy fried fish recipe, fishing catch and cook, fish batter recipe, fish batter fry recipe, deep fried fish fillet, fried bass, cooking bass fish, outdoor fish fryer, cast iron fish, kent rollins, cowboy kent rollins, kent rollins fish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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