Incredible Smoked Bacon Wrapped Pineapple Appetizer or Desert,,, so good!

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hey on a rainy day wishing that you were back in Hawaii it's bacon wrapped pineapple oh this is an amazing appetizer or it can be a dessert you decide [Music] today we're going to mix up a nice little appetizer some bacon wrapped pineapple so step one in this is to take a pineapple make sure that it's nice and ripe and then what I do cut the top off cut the bottom off cut the sides off so now I've got this nice big core and I just cut it into rounds I'm going to take these nice rounds and put them on our gas grill I'm going to sear these off and get some really nice marks on them [Music] there we go so I'm doing about a half a dozen of these notice that I left the cores in there we can cut the cores out afterwards if you do that before and you've got the small pieces it's really hard because they end up dropping through your gas grill just really makes a mess so now that we've got them on here we're going to add a couple of things to it one is I'm going to add a little bit of rub so liberally put this on each one a little more there and then I'm going to add some dark brown sugar so this dark brown sugar is what I buy in bulk at the local Bulk Food Store so we're going to put some rub on the other side and then also put some of that dark brown sugar on there for some caramelization should have some really nice grill marks on here Cooks it up a little bit then we're going to take it and cut it down into pieces get rid of the core wrap it in some bacon and we're going to put it on the smoker to give it a nice Smoky taste okay we've got these at full heat they've been going for a few minutes kind of peek underneath here a little bit see what they look like oh there's some nice nice grill marks there so this other side is going to go pretty fast because we've got the dark brown sugar on the back side already [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] drop those down for a couple of more minutes and then we're going to take them off let them cool a little bit cut them up and they're going to wrap them in bacon and put them on the smoker all right I think it's about time to take those off look at that nice caramely goodness there don't want to put these on too long and dry them out but you can see that looks really nice there we've got some good grill marks on the back side nice caramelization on there these gonna work out really well all right now since we've got the pineapple off what we're going to do is cut this and I usually take each ring and cut it into about three I'm going to take that little inside core out and get rid of those so each ring actually gets cut into six and you can see these have a nice little grill marks on them they're kind of a nice char so we're just going to go through each one of those [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right now we're going to take the bacon and what we're going to want to do with a bacon is cut it up in a little bit of pieces so we're going to take a look here and say you know what if I cut this bacon and I can probably get about three pieces out of each one so I'm going to cut that in about a third and give that a try just take one of these guys fold it around there here's number one I'm trying to put the seam on the bottom that seems to work out well so we're just going to go over here I'm going to cut each one of these into roughly three there we go that's in third you just kind of wrap it around there if you've got a few of them that are a little bit smaller others a little bit bigger that's okay [Music] [Applause] just going to kind of roll those around now what you can do if your bacon is having a hard time making it all the way around if you warm up the bacon just put it in some warm water that works out well makes it a little bit stretchier foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lots of nice bacon goodness here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is pretty easy to do pretty quick little appetizer to get ready something a little bit different for folks I probably haven't had this before so you can introduce them to something new and as long as you're using bacon hey what can go wrong [Music] good this was a fresh pineapple that I picked up at Costco and as you saw I cut it all up and got rid of the core in there but made sure to sear it first I think that's important otherwise you're going to have all these little pieces if you cut it up small first they're going to be dropping through your grill you're just going to have a hard time managing those [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can put some toothpicks through here if you want not necessary [Applause] [Music] [Applause] looks like I ran out of bacon I'm gonna have to go get some more didn't estimate that's quite right so I had to get a few more strips of bacon again cutting those into three use a real thick bacon on this especially for appetizers you don't want to have to cook them so long that the whatever's inside like either this or if you see my other video on bacon wrapped Oreos you don't want to really cook that terrible long so in order to cook the bacon if it's thinner it goes a little bit quicker you can serve these hot or you can decide that you want to let them cool then warm them back up you could even serve them cool too um those they taste just as good if they're cool or if they're hot [Music] put these last few together here where am I gonna put them slide them around I got one more left and it looks like we've got some extra hmm that's good so these could be ready to go on the smoker uh what we're going to do [Music] just add a little bit more [Music] this is a local rub it's not a real spicy you can do a spicy rub if you want or you can do something that's a little bit more mellow um I like to kind of spice it up with the barbecue sauce at the end just drizzling a little over a little bit more dark brown sugar that's going to caramelize on there nicely too I have bacon brown sugar you can't go too bad on this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign now we've got to do is put these on the smoker let them go for a little while until that bacon is all rendered out and cooked and then we're going to pull them off and enjoy them probably drill a little bit of barbecue sauce on at the end also we're running here with a Camp Chef smoked Pro this is one that I picked up about a week ago did a little bit of cleanup on it repainted things working like a charm gonna go find a new home for it but in the meantime let's go ahead and use it put those little pans in there will keep things a little bit clean but now we're just going to let a mellow out in here for a little while until that bacon is rendered off I'm going to run it at a low setting for a little while and that's going to give a little bit more smoke this has a low and a high smoke setting so I'm going to run it at that low smoke for a bit get a little bit of smoky flavor on there turn it up to about 350 at that point and that way we can render out the bacon and cook it all and everything will be great we'll take it out of there let them cool down a little bit drizzle with a little bit of barbecue sauce a little bit of spicy barbecue sauce I like to kind of kick it up a little bit especially with a lot of that sweet from the dark brown sugar and then also the pineapple inside there if we just give it a little bit of a kick with a barbecue sauce we can apply as needed for those that don't want it it's spicy and just a nice way to go with that makes a wonderful little appetizer either served warm or served at room temperature so let's say goodbye to those guys for a little while we'll see you soon all right it's time to check in on these because I'm running about 300 degrees in the smoker and we should be rendering down that bacon that looks pretty good can see that we threw a little bit of brown sugar on top that's starting to caramelize nicely as well and I think we'll just give this a little bit more time picked up this Japanese barbecue sauce at Costco so I'm just going to dribble a little bit of this on that should give it a nice little cook that in a little bit I think that should be nice just a few little drops on each one pretty thin I think it's going to be a nice little addition there we go we'll let that go for a little bit longer I think they were doing well here but what I'm going to do for this last part hold this little bottom pan away and we're just going to put this Grill rack right on here I think we need a little bit more to cook the bacon on the bottom that'll render it out to kind of finish things off there we go so those pans go away we're going to leave this rocking around 300 degrees and finish them off there that is coming along very nicely starting to get a little bit of rain here but that's okay these are doing well close them up they're just going to need a couple minutes and we'll be able to take those off and plate them all right these are finished ready to go we're gonna take them off here this is our bacon wrapped pineapple again this is about a third of a strip of bacon and we cut the pineapple into rounds charted on the gas grill with a little bit of a chart this on the barbecue grill with a little bit of dark brown sugar a little bit of rub and then again when we wrapped it up in bacon we put a sprinkled a little bit of additional dark brown sugar put a little bit more rub on it and then part way through the cook we added in part way through the cook we added in a little bit more barbecue sauce and this was a Japanese barbecue sauce that I picked up from Costco they were doing some sampling and it tasted pretty darn good so you can see we've got a nice little Bunch going here there that looks pretty good so there's the barbecue sauce that we put in here the original Japanese barbecue sauce I think this tasted pretty good we're going to just drizzle a little bit more over the top now I'm not going to try these right now because we did just bring them off at 350 degrees with some pretty hot bacon so we're gonna give them a few minutes to kind of cool down a little bit before we give it a try but I would say that is fine looking dessert or appetizer whichever way that you want to use it okay look at these little guys time to dig in yeah that's pretty incredible that's got a great flavor profile to it a little bit of barbecue the sweet the bacon on there yeah that works you may or may not like this but it's fun to do something just a little bit different on the grill so we got the bacon wrapped pineapple give it a try see what you think this has been a hit for us hey make sure that you're not spending all your time on YouTube just watching some guy in the rain in the Pacific Northwest making some bacon wrapped pineapple so you can think he's still in Hawaii but figure out what you're going to cook on your barbecue this weekend and thanks for watching [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause]
Channel: BBQplus
Views: 25,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBQplus, bbq plus, bbq, bbq+, bbq +, Bacon, Smoker, pineapple, appetizer, savory, sweet, smoked, cooking, recipe, Easy recipe, meat church, Traeger, green mountain, pellet grill, pit boss, weber, Yoder
Id: 584hxyLSU1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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