Catching gutters from both neighbors to solve standing water problems

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this is sean with gate city foundation drainage we're on a job today in greensboro and what we've got going on here is we've got this area in between these two houses right here that just stays constantly wet and so when this homeowner called me he said that both neighbors want to go in together and get this done so you can see we got one two three corrugated pipes here just all discharging right here with nowhere to go there's a couple back here as well and so what we're going to do here is we're just going to catch all these gutters and send them right out to the curb so that's what we're working on today this one's a little bit of a challenge because it's dumping right here onto the sidewalk so we can't catch that one and if you notice we have a really really long run here so what we're going to do is we're just going to stub out right here and the customer may add a downspout right there and that will alleviate some of the load on that that's coming out over there and send it to the curb all right so we're going to be crossing a marked cable here this is an orange so it's communication two of them two of them so i'm gonna start digging right in this area here to start looking for okay you think we should lay our pipe out first we're not doing extra digging i i'm that's where the orange line is so finding the line is the first leg that's the first step right okay and so as we've seen in other videos never go to this and dig this way if you accidentally hit it going this way you're going to cut through the line okay if you go this way to go down into the ground easy of course but if you hit the line what you're doing is you're actually pulling the line up instead of digging into it instead of cutting into it correct yeah okay so we're going just kind of easy here we don't want to cut the customers communication internet lines there's one right there all right that was easy actually this is surprising it's right on the orange mark normally it's going to be somewhere between 6 to 18 inches from the orange mark and this particular case is dead on it so they did a nice job locating for us but as you can see it's not deep it's not deep at all so you think the trencher would have cut that line absolutely chance you would have eaten that lineup yes all right good deal so what we have here is we have one gas meter and we have two gas meters and so the gas company is not supposed to do this right here and in the past where we have a gas meter here let's say we're working on this house and i call in 8-1-1 on this house they'll mark this line across here and i'm like okay there it goes well look at this line they have it teeing right here somewhere and going across so anytime you're working on two houses and we just kind of got lucky between these two because we're i called it in for both houses but anytime you have a gas meter and a gas meter and you're working in between call it in for both properties because this might be happening right here and we've hit this line before where this the locator didn't realize it was teeing off and we've hit this line before this gas line and so i usually if we're working between two gas meters we will usually call it in for both houses we've got our main pipe laid out and mike is spraying it now marking it and that mark is what the trencher will follow [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these two gutters are on the neighbor's property here and so we're starting right here in this natural area when we start our pipes right at the gutter you want to make sure that they're fairly shallow starting out because that gives you the maximum height that you can start from and so in these natural areas where you can easily cover the pipe back up with pine bark nuggets it's like free and basically it's free fall so the guys of course know that they're they feel free to use whatever fittings they need and we carry tons of fittings on there and so whatever it takes to get that pipe in there and a lot of the the energy of the water that's going to force it to the curb is coming from starting out high right at the gutter here and so we're falling down pretty hard into the main pipe there we are making pretty good progress out here mike got this trench done and we're getting ready to now core the curb over here so we're getting power and water hooked up mike's working on that over there jeremy and ronald have been hand trenching over here working on getting some pipe together so we're coming through this natural area here and this is nice because we can just cover it back up with mulch and stay really high quick please it's right there on this yep we are getting ready to core this curb now normally we would come in from the street side and that is because we can set the height of the bottom of the core right there at the at the gutter ditch but there was quite a crown on the street here in this neighborhood so we had to come in from the back side and you can see the level right there that mike's got on the on the core drill we're trying to keep that thing at the right angle so that we can hit where we want to on the outside of the curb because we only have one shot at it we had to stop core drilling for a second here because ronald found a northern brown snake we find him a lot when we're digging in natural areas so that's perfect perfect all right there you go come on all right that's probably good okay oh yeah there's our pipe it's pretty worth it you like that mike i like it perfect that's mike's word i get asked about the glue we use so let's take a look this is called rain or shine it is good for up to six inch pressure and it's also good for wet conditions so this is a primer and cement in one you want to get our next 20 footer in no while we're here i don't want to i don't want to get too far okay i want us to walk from the top down like we normally do okay just make sure our fall stays right here keep looking at you instead of the camera mind your fall mind your fall full bubble [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how we doing step on the end of him real quick step one on the car oh you good good that's good nice full bubble all right you're still there sometimes you step over that on that collar and you get it okay that's what you like right bubba is the excellent all right let's get this covered up we are doing pretty good here we're on to our last gutter that's wying in so before we get this covered up i wanted to show you really quickly we caught these two gutters and these i'm not sure why they put two downspouts up here but i guess it's got quite a bit of roof there that downspout there we're just gonna angle it onto the pavement this one on the neighbor here we got this one caught and that's coming across here there's our first y and we've got pretty much a full bubble the whole way we're kind of at about a quarter bubble around in here but we're back to a full bubble over here and there's another y that's a combination y right there because we added a street 45. [Music] [Music] make sure you can make sure they see you oh you wrote your whole name okay whatever you want to do as long as the camera sees you do it full bubble all right i'll throw that nipple up on ebay for you all hold on what's up when it sets on the shelf it's all set with bottom side you really got cash all right here's our outfall so i can't wait to get back out here during the rain mike was right around the corner from that job and it's probably about a week later and it was pouring down rain and so he called me and said zip on over luckily for me mike was willing to drive over to the job and get some footage before the rain stopped so he caught it during a pretty good downpour and that also shows how difficult it is to catch this rain because you've got to catch it just right for this after footage i'd say uh i'd say it's working well we just had a major downpour and mike was right around the corner so he got some video and i'm here it's been about 10 minutes since it stopped this is still flowing pretty good but the main thing is look at how dry the yard is so there's a little bit of moisture in here but nothing like it was before so like i've said a million times taking that gutter water out of the equation can be hugely beneficial it can make a huge difference giving that water a way out of here this is all just surface water now
Channel: Gate City Foundation Drainage
Views: 37,445
Rating: 4.944396 out of 5
Keywords: French drain alternative, drainage system shown in action, pvc drainage system
Id: 0_6nNqwPptA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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