I Built a GIANT Illegal Base in Minecraft

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this is a normal block and this is a giant one then there's tiny blocks which my friend liger trolled me witha ggaa GGA G what what happened to my house oh my gosh wait it's it's it's time liger liger is the only one online that little rat bro oh my goodness what happened to my house Proto no Proto's tiny wait is he good Proto hello how did he do this low key though it does look kind of cool not going to lie except a m well it doesn't matter that it looked cool or whatever wait how how am I going to get Proto out of there I I can't even I can't even go inside myself oh my gosh I can break it am I about to break my base my my my house okay Proto I get you out let me free you break my own house please why is it taking so long and bro yes oh my gosh he's alive wait why is he still tiny though wait Proto where are you going Proto no he's useless tiny hold on I know what to do let's put him inside of here just hang tight buddy here take some meat now I'm really mad Li girl that's why today we'll be using the most giant blocks and the most illegal Minecraft traps to by the end of the video build the largest illegal base ever and get some Sweet Revenge he's probably so mad right now bro we got him oh my God but that's what he deserves bro he played so many pranks on me he tortured me okay in real life too so that's what he deserves but knowing him he's probably going to try and take some stupid Revenge with some crazy stuff maybe even lasers but don't even worry about that because your boy your boy lier has a Ace in his pocket and also wait he's probably going to make a video out of this so what's up cyborg viewers anyways I was talking about the Ace in my pocket and guess what boys I can turn tiny yeah that's right he's never even going to notice me what is he going to do huh what is he going to do it's over and so what we need to do first is enable our giant build mode which you know sounds like we'd have to do a bunch of crazy things but nope I just have to press one key and Boop de own game mode to Giant build mode oh my goodness what am I holding I just I just I'm in creative mode I'm in creative mode but not quite I got all these new custom items hold on a second and if I just pick block this we got a grass block but it looks normal right it it looks like a normal grass block but it's not Gamers if I place this down Daddy I mean what it's a giant block this thing is epic dude wait if I literally like grab this and place this down no shot what if I break it even as giant particles this is going to be epic and now if I want to go back to survival mode there you go I literally just turn back in survival mode and now it's just a normal block dude this is so sick but we got to be careful no one can see me do this cuz if they do they're just going to call Donnie on me the server owner and he's going to ban me and I don't want to get banned So the plan is to build the ultimate giant secret base and well I don't know about secret cuz it's giant we have some insane blocks we could use but I need to lure this stupid idiot liger in and I don't know where he is okay he might be at his house hold up let's go let's go you a throw the Pearl yeah I'm kind of buff Gamers I got a good throw now okay okay okay we got to be careful we got to be super careful and quiet hello liger he loves when I do that little clicking sound lier oh my God wait Li you good little liger hello what whoa whoa whoa wo get back get back liger wait is he actually not here yo no shot he's not here what maybe he's turning someone else's house tiny or something all right you know what it's all right three two one I'm breaking in did he go in lier come out whever you are oh my goodness y dude oh my gosh this is his pet SpongeBob I'm sorry but oh my God I just yed it I just yed SpongeBob wait I can just Place him down and just right click him D I totally forgot oh my goodness let's go no what I was on muted for a bit I was on me for yo was it was this I just heard like yelling was it SpongeBob a what happens SpongeBob you mad you just got turned into an entity and I picked you up okay perfect so now we have liger literal like pet you made mine tiny I'm yoinking his which is perfect because now he's going to definitely want to go inside of our giant secret base giant secret it's not going to be secret it's going to be illegal baby what illegal dude we are going to kill it in this video man okay hold on so if I search up Ender Chest though oh my goodness we can literally grab everything it's a giant Ender Chest I don't know what I expected but let's slide our spawn Bob in there perfect and so now that we have the power of giant build honestly Gamers I might be a little bit Psychopathic for this but Tigers online I don't know where he is I don't think it matters what if we just literally build our giant base right here it'd be so funny cuz he turned my house tiny which oh oh my gosh in this mode I can literally reach so far what wait why can't I place this down oh my I forgot yeah we can literally just like delete where my house was boom there you go and how funny would it be if like the entrance is like right here you want to break my house I'll just build a better one this is about to be insane Gamers I literally building with the most giant blocks in Minecraft I think we're literally breaking World Records in this video but what I want to First do is make like an outline let's just place the giant blocks hey chicken move I can't place my giant block oh my okay uh this is a little awkward uh I have no idea why it's like one off like this wait that's right because we made a two block like wide entrance dude this is going to be so hard restart and there you go looking at our custom blocks looks like bro I mean the first one we have is a giant suction fan who his dangerous intent wins to drag anything closer and yo wait a second if I place this thing down it's awesome oh my gosh I just placed it down and I kind of have a banger idea what if we make like a wall of these things I have the perfect mini game in mind yeah yeah yeah yeah this is going to be so funny first let's make our giant box giant box giant box giant box giant box bro please chickens I'm trying to place a block okay I'm sorry yeah dude it's so annoying like I literally can't place the block if it's like not perfect condition get out of here so we have our box done which honestly looks so crazy which I think is going to be level one of our like giant illegal base I'm thinking if we make like a little ring like this this could look really good boom boom there you go yeah there you go a little ring like this looks pretty sick can we place oh my gosh giant glass blocks looks so sick what if we go like this and make like a literal kind of Castle shaped thing okay wait that looks kind of cool not going to lie oh my gosh no we should go one out yo there you go okay I'm trying to come up with a cool design I feel like the corners should be a little bit taller and then what we can do is see does this match up okay pretty insane not going to lie and then we can just fill all of this with the blue glass or should it be regular glass I don't know what looks better ooh or maybe yellow glass yellow glass yellow glass I like the PE glass I don't know why I said that Gamers I'm a little bit special okay the glasses are a little bit broken look how they kind of render a little odd but it's fine dude yes that looks so awesome right now bro wait what if we get a banner is it also giant no shot right there's no it's giant it's freaking giant oh my goodness no shot bro bro bro bro bro this is crazy this is crazy wait I'm even also getting another idea where if we go like this dude what if we make the entrance kind of like this and go back into survival mode bro this is so trippy this is so trippy look at that dude we got to build it out of small blocks first kind of like this there you go oh my goodness no no no no no no yo this is actually one of my favorite videos ever guys this is so cool I mean we're literally building like a giant staircase oh my goodness bro this breaks reality as we know it okay so this is where lagger is going to walk up the game mode I have in mind is going to be insane and dude wow this looks crazy okay we're back in giant mode I think we should grab ourselves a yellow Banner too yeah you guys already know my colors are actually what are my colors it's honestly either like dark blue and orange or light blue and yellow that's like the Bonnet combo but looky this looks like Nerf and I'm not sponsored so boom boom yeah stick around cuz we're going to make this thing look even crazier but let's work on the like inside so I'm thinking what do we do here hold on I'm cooking if I go like this I don't know if world that it will work with these giant blocks dude I mean I don't think so but we'll give it a shot let's break this place this right here boom set lava oh my gosh wait did that work I have no idea I'm breaking through right now oh my goodness it did it actually does yo there you go that is so cool all right so now that we have this lava which looks actually crazy what I want to do is break these right here perfect let's go to our inventory grab our GI instruction fans and place them right here if they're going to suck players pause if they're going to suck lagger up bro into the lava this is going to be crazy we want to have them lined up perfectly not only that let's break this right here I want to make the back part of our base the control center let's grab some normal glass there you go giant glass is so cool I can also place it here but actually yeah I could that looks really good or we can put an iron door right here dude that is so sick how it just stays tiny that we can get get a lever let's put a chest down and let's duplicate a bunch of blocks go back into survival mode open it y check this out bro we can build Combine the blocks oh my gosh that way we can get like right up on the wall and see just a little bit better dude this is so Bonkers right now yeah I think this is like 200 IQ no let's place a lever right here so we can come in and out and another one here I I guess that would make sense yep boom boom so what I'm thinking is we could add a redstone clock for like all of these or we could just make it super simple and like I could be fully in control yo yo yo wait wo wo wo wo wo that is so freaking sick hold on a second I'm going to break through and check this out how does this look on this side oh my gosh yo this is crazy wait what if I throw a block oh my gosh wait do you see it do you see the block still there hold on I'm going to throw raw chicken oh my gosh it's getting sucked up and if I Let Go does it just slowly go into the lava okay this is going to be the best video ever let's Patch It Up back into build mode let's just keep these levers right here there you go break this D that looks so cool okay this is a perfect control unit right here why does that look so terrifying okay so I have a really cool idea and I think like this block smooth Sandstone it's Sandstone but smooth okay so what I'm thinking for this one though for the actual platform itself I don't know what's going to happen but oh my gosh wait it worked it literally worked okay so I went ahead and made a smooth platform of sandstone this will be the exit over here maybe we can do a layer of big Sandstone right here as well okay yeah that looks actually really good oh wait no no no I have an idea I have an idea oh my gosh this pattern looks so sweet the reason why I went with normal blocks is so that we can have little holes just like that and we can kind of like position them perfectly so that lagger can almost like fall off oh my gosh this is actually going to be like lowkey impossible I have no idea how difficult this is by the way I'm trying to like did I get it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh giant Cactus oh dude this is going to be so fire wait and I think it's offset right it's offset a block dude so maybe like I can break this hole right here there you go I think this is genius cuz hold on I'm going to test this I'm actually kind of scared I'm turning on the fan oh my goodness all right all right all right all right I'm going to test this out it looks like the wind goes through the block oh my gosh oh my gosh dude no way okay this is perfect turn off the fan turn off the fan okay and another giant Cactus hey what happens if we get cobwebs are those also giant oh okay so the walls aren't giant but I think that's fine yeah if anything we can just place a bunch of those there you go and like make holes right here what is this what type of blocks are those bro are those giant blocks cuz that does not look like it's a bunch of stone bricks what is going on and so somehow liger makes it all the way here let's make a nice little exit part dude that looks so cool the gold like the tiny gold well the normal gold but you get what I'm saying I genuinely don't think he's going to survive this oh my God it is it is giant blocks look because this isn't one block oh my God how big how big is wait oh it's cuz I'm small right wait no that doesn't make sense because that's how normal Stone break looks like look at this what I have to investigate more bro no no I can't even go up I'm too small I'm too small oh my God I should have thought of this no no who knew that STS would be my biggest enemy bro I could even go up and investigate no we still have a giant death laser which is crazy we also got giant drilling dripstone giant piston Crusher and fake grass blocks I feel like we can make something with these three right here I have a genius idea what if we make the ultimate death run maze thingy myob okay I'm working on the name whatever D we can have all sorts of crazy traps okay I I I I got this I literally got this bro level one just looks like her house which is fine no but this is going to be crazy let's build another giant box oh my gosh giant torch looks sick dude I love this I love this too much okay okay but we got to focus we have the giant Crusher Pistons which I think if we place on like that perfect we got Oak button it can be placed on like this wait what why no work there you go that completely crushes you I'm pretty sure and it oh my gosh help what did I just I made myself fly no pancake bong oh there you go Bo so if we do have our piston Crushers like that bro oh my gosh same thing we can be completely in control we can get some like tinted glass this could be sick like let's just say this is literally the way right here for the maze or more like the death run it it's it's basically a death run we can set it up kind of like this oh bro that is going to look so cool and terrifying it feels like you're a mouse dude this is going to be so good and like ler hasn't said a single thing which is kind of weird h little bit sussy Baka if you ask me sorry I don't know why I still say that dud we can get bedrock no way no way we can get bedrock oh my God shoot wait that is so terrifying I think the Bedrock is 100% the wave here guys I am so evil I am loving this dude if you want to see more giant building videos like please let me know in the comments and of course smash the like button duh can we get four likes please this is going to be so evil I love it I'm going to use pink button so there's no way we miss boom oh that is going to be so funny boom bam you got a break blocks to make enough space to place an actual Bedrock there you go perfect we could either put lava here or or a big ore no well not not an or but like I'm in o or we can use our giant drilling drip Stone wait does this kill me I have no idea if this kills me it doesn't affect me because I'm in Creative build mode giant what if I get the piglin hello piglin oh it's a baby that' be really awkward if I pushed him for sport what have I done what have I done what have I done no Widow piglins were harmed in this video guys I promise dude that is so fire and you can literally just hear it okay let's build another dripstone trap right here boom bam oh my gosh perfect okay okay okay okay and then wait what if we do like oh my gosh what if he thinks he could maybe like go through it can he I actually don't know if he'd be able to but maybe maybe not the only problem is that he can hear it right but because he can hear it what if we do a like non dripstone fall trap over here oh what there's more oh my right he's flying around how is he flying around bro I'm muted okay okay okay so you can't hear me bro what is this what ises that sound are you kidding me what is he even trying to do and ni giant bed drop oh w w i i got to watch out luckily I blend him with yellow FL and on this one we can just put lava straight up cuz like if every quarter is going to have one he won't hear at this one and he will 100% think he's safe dude that's going to be so funny I also don't know how he plans to like Juke my Pistons but whatever bro it's not my problem o there you go yeah we can place another drip zone right here let's Place one there that way he can see like yeah he can see the way out and maybe this one should also be a trap that would be hilarious bro two traps back to back that's evil oh my gosh wait what if for the last hallway we just have a c oh I just broke it we have a train of these giant piston Crushers with the little button dude yes this is perfect this is going to be the most chaotic stage ever okay yep no I actually just made this so much more harder for no reason wait a second I didn't even try these blocks oh my gosh I'm placing them everywhere for no reason now we can lowy be super annoying and like force him to do parkour over here dude I don't even know if this is possible all that is so annoying if I can't do it I don't think I could allow it oh my gosh I actually don't know if it's possible oh it is it is it is oh my gosh that's so good that is so good giant block what in the world bro get back what's that in his hand is that is that a giant drift zone no no no no no no no no no I want to make an outline over here to continue the base and more peag glass yeah this is too epic guys oh my goodness and now for level three we have the death Beacon laser if I place this wait what this thing is crazy it looks like it shoots to the sky oh baby a triple all right I have a perfect idea I have a perfect idea what's worse than a death laser a giant one and you know what's worth worth what actually yes you know what's worth it making a giant elytra map bro bro we're like lier is going to have to fly through it I'm actually kind of jealous I want to I want to do this I want to play my own thing which I might got to be honest with you obsidian might look just way too epic now I think we're going to have to make a pretty massive obsidian box if we want to fit like a giant elytra map yeah kind of like really long I have no idea how to do this I'm not going to lie building a [Music] long box okay we have the giant box which is amazing because honestly wait okay there you dude this thing literally messes with like your perception of like the depth or whatever it's called depth perception maybe where they need to go is right here and in order to do it oh my gosh we can make like a crazy wall let's place a chest down right here oh my gosh that giant chest looks so cool we can get an elytra and maybe like just fill this oh my gosh the sky is limit okay I really hope liger does not see that bro l so weird must be a bug says the sussy cyborg it's a little hard to tell I know because of the obsidian but that's kind of the point I'm trying to have like checkpoints like the these golden blocks and I'm trying to make like a curved wall so like first liger is going to probably have to wait we can actually break this block make this gold there you go you'll have to start from here go to this block or yeah maybe we can have it like right there yo that looks even cooler this is of course going to reach the sky but yeah he'll make it here first then he'll realize you'll have to do a little wraparound go all the way to maybe like this checkpoint and then we can make it a little harder for him and close yeah this wall off right here it's kind of like an elytra maze right feel like this is going to be really really cool and very scary for the other person like what he gets though all right he turned my house tiny I'm not going to lie this is a little bit overboard but I'm having fun and hopefully you guys are having fun watching me build build big big build there you go we got lava everywhere yes this is too good and now for the giant Beacon lasers okay this is going to be sweet so if I place this thing right here dude what the heck wait hold on so whatever we place it at like the angle yeah and then if I go like that no way it literally moves all right this is actually crazy so if I go like this wait no no no that might be too overpowered okay it just kind of like broke the lava but I think that's fine this looks literally insane there is no way he's going to be able to do this I can place one like that oh brother he's going to get shredded he's literally going to get shredded another one like this oh my gosh wait this one cuts off and then shreds your butt if you're not shifting in the right place okay okay okay maybe we leave this one still or no no no it's better it's better moving it's honestly better moving one straight up up like that perfect oh my gosh wait moving also is just even better we can do one over here there you go oh my goodness bro what if we do it like that wait is this going to even be possible for him oh no it definitely is it definitely is yeah yeah yeah yeah he'll definitely be able to do that this is just pure evil look at this bro look at this one brother bro dude this is going to be literally nearly impossible I'm pretty sure oh my gosh and what if we do like one at the low yeah I don't know what that one's going to be really used for but yeah there we go it'll be like low mode if he's two 100 IQ he could oh never mind I was going to say he could land on this thing but uh he'll get shredded by this laser hello oh wait no he's actually safe here wait but I don't know if he's smart enough to figure that out all right whatever let's go into survive oh my gosh it cuts off right in this corner bro and there you go what if we go ahead and make it a 2X two even smaller platform that liger needs to go on and then over here we can get Giant Ladder boom boom yeah or maybe you know what this one can be like a giant block yeah I guess that makes sense yippee so once he makes it over here I I I feel like that's it no he can literally just do whatever he wants but actually you know what I'm not going to show you what I do you'll just have to watch to the very end bionic why you laughing huh are you laughing wait what are you laughing are you in where you at behind you what are you doing down what the wait why are you tiny what no yeah you like that I mean you're kind of cute Hello listen buddy what are you doing tiny yeah what what I knew that you would come out for Revenge so I had Ace in my pocket this was my Ace in my pocket okay but I don't know how to turn back but what is this monstrosity speaking of pocket bro you are pocket size all right this lier is my giant base and you thought it was so funny to freaking make my base giant you even made Proto or small you even made Proto tiny what's wrong with you man in that case yeah I hit him somewhere away from you little gobler probably munch on his toes listen just come over here I want to I want to show you something lier I want to show you what you made me do yo wait no way can you make like tiny stairs for me I I don't know how to tell myself F okay chill bro you're a bot dude all right here take stupid Ender pear there you go I might die from this by the way I only have three hearts oh I'm on half heart okay fine here take your stupid food you'll freaking need it just trying to hit me with the Pearl dude come on little bro wait yo yo oh my gosh wait where did you throw that thing oh you're good hello where am I where am I this way lier come this way yeah watch out oh there's there's a little there's tiny reason let me just boom boom boom boom yeah there's no way you're going to escape this is my giant base can you hear me from there tiny boy boom you activating all of the fans yeah oh my gosh that is so loud I'm turning it down is that what I've been hearing all this time f a ventilator can you hear me you idiot I can hear you bro what is this this is my giant base and you have to survive if you want your stupid spongee block whatever Bob at the end of it you took my power you forgot about that where is he he's at the end of this secret base I'm coming SpongeBob yeah there there's no way you're going to win this way going blow me away yeah yeah yeah yeah bro there I turned it off I turned it off oh no no no no no okay no problem bro I you know I'm actually a pretty good Minecraft player you know I had it turned off no there's no shot yeah yeah too easy could have made this harder Noob oh no no no oh my God wait where are you still alive how I'm in I'm in the fan I can't move wait you're in the fan oh my god oh don't worry liger oh don't worry say less Chief don't worry bro I got you there you go the Fan's off just like you wanted right little bro right right bye have a great time yeah oh there you are look at you now you're full size at least I'm full size now but listen bro why would you even make this are you are you are you psychop I did it for the views now get going buddy if you don't want SpongeBob to get Budd I'm going to fly through this watch this go for it yeah oh my gosh bro okay wait no I had it off oh you little rat no shot no shot there you go I turn it off bro I turned it off bro psych there's no shot come on no yes this is actually insane this is actually insane this is actually insane this is actually insane this is actually ins wait what no no no no no bro oh no wait what what what how how did you just clutch that no no no no no you had it off you suck oh what is this what in the world this is easy bro this is so easy what is this he wasn't ready dude I was not ready for him oh my gosh come on you got this little bro what to do just go all the way to the edge and just jump what this it's impossible it's impos there's no way no oh yes what is this a you're flat out wait that didn't even kill you the setting the traps I see there's no way you can make this jump there's no way you can make that jump it's slim Block it's not possible yeah it's not possible bro wait what what are you doing no no no no no no you cheater you cheat wait wa are you slowly why are you slowly going down lier no way bro just got shredded no no you didn't no you didn't dude that block is5 smaller there's no way you can do that yeah watch this watch this huh n why did he just scream the number nine dude you have to make the jump come on oh that's impossible okay there you go there you go oops sorry bro my bad my bad I'm just going to fly through I got you distracted I got you distracted oh my gosh okay hold on hold on I got to fix this before he comes back you got the whole Squad laughing bro you're so funny bro lier lier come on bro you don't want to swim with the little drip Stone oh my gosh you're actually doing pretty good where's the next checkpoint where's the next checkpoint there's no checkpoint all right you can say your Spa point there I'll allow it I'll allow it okay thank you no you're welcome babe what what go ler go I'm actually rooting for you ain't no way bro I made this one I know this one's possible yo maybe that's a shortcut bro you don't want to take the shortcut through the spinning drip Stone no isn't wait if I does it insta kill me or do I like okay well I answer that question I didn't even know myself oh my I'm not close no way no n all right bro yeah keep laughing keep laughing keep this is actually just a funny Montage go on the right side yo yo look at me look wait okay nice nice there you go and then oh wait just shift shift shift shift shift shift there you go there you go bro and you got to and then you got to go like this hold on I got you look look at this tutorial bro look at this tutorial run see yeah there you go there you I taught you how to do it bro just run just run and last second yeah oh got him yeah you're squishy mode you're squishy mode what the what I didn't even know I'm flat on the ground it's okay what wait oh you oh you thought he thought he thought cuz he couldn't hear it we got him go ler go go ler go B that's right that's got him oh my God he got shredded oh my gosh wait what what what oh my I hate you bro I actually hate you you baited me there's no shot there's no shot no no no no no no no no come on come on ah got him got him got him come on come on yes yes yes yes yes yes come on come on die you bot die you bot I'm spamming this oh my God I ha you should gave me golden apples I actually don't know why I gave you those golden apples good thing they're not Enchanted I'm not going to lie dude I had a little bit less faith in you you're doing okay lagger yeah bro oh yeah but are you going to be able to survive this huh we there's no way there's no way what wait where are you where are you no no I can't see him I can't see him can't see him no no no no die die die no where are you no I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared no no no no what tiger tiger oh I hit you I hit you wait wait wait wait oh oh oh oh yes yes oh my gosh I'm running through wait no no no come on let I get you where are you wait no way no way no I hate you bro all right you think you're cool little flat man all right liger you'll need a little bit of a tutorial here because the sky is the limit did you get your fireworks no tutorial this is a m wait what the where you going what the heck wait are you sure you don't need it are you sure I don't need no tutorial I don't need it I don't need it all right bro good luck oh okay you just listen there's golden parts that you can make it to oh my goodness golden Parts they and they have the checkpoints yes they're the checkpoints bro all right easy no problem no oh my gosh wait how are you not dead how are you not dead no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I hate you bro I actually hate you there's no way there is no way dude stop stop dude you are so I don't even know how you made it to this one bro I don't even know dude you just got to chill man oh my God got it I got it I got it this how you do it this how you do it so you just kind of fly down and then bro what are you doing why are you placing blocks no way no way you got it no way you got it oh my go liger liger there's no way there's no tapped out my life I tapped oh no way you made it no way you made it wait Did you set your spawn point wait you idiot you idiot wait no okay relax set your spawn point dude oh my gosh bro no way you made it oh Oher I'm waiting for you dude this is the funniest oh my gosh you scared me dude scared me dude oh my God hey man here you go my friend you made it congratulations you have survived and here you go take your Bob P hat back all right man well take off the elytra that's property Bonk come on give it no hey hey where you going no no no no no W wo wo what is this what is this what is this a small little surprise no oh my goodness where is bro going B I'm subscribe guys this guy is an idiot we win
Channel: Bionic
Views: 599,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, bionic, I Built a GIANT Illegal Base in Minecraft, i built a giant base in minecraft, giant minecraft, minecraft giant, giant base, giant minecraft base, illegal base, i built a giant, challenge, family friendly
Id: nQzDUWQcyhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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