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oh yeah Bob nothing like watching some television uh what does it say zombies in the city oh no I don't believe that one bit Bob do not look behind you because there's totally not zombies back there but I have a good idea other than planking up our house like this what if instead of defending our house we go all the way down to the docks and we go in the ocean zombies can't go in the ocean right so just drive out our front garage like this take out some zombies and we just got to make our way through the city take this you zombie jerks oh no there's a ton of zombies everywhere let's go right here oh no there's more but there's an awesome jump hit this jump boom Oh no there are so many zombies here okay but there are some arrows leading to the dock so let's follow these oh they're coming all the buildings there's coming they're coming all the buildings run them over like this and look over here a giant ramp leading into the ocean towards Bikini Bottom let's do this oh my gosh there's a there's a fishing boat watch out oh they got so lucky oh maybe they didn't well you know what we're going to bikini bottom okay here we are look at this wa we got Squidwards we got Patrick's and SpongeBob's house here we got to we got to do this quick SpongeBob there's zombies in the city okay we got to open up his door like this we're going to get SpongeBob B inside because the zombies totally aren't going to come down here right they're under the ocean there's no way okay just in case though we're going to plank up SpongeBob's door like this oh yeah oh yeah and SpongeBob to make sure he's safe is this the only entrance um I think so let me know Down Below in the comments do you think we're going to be safe we got like this little hatch wait a second that we can shoot out of oh this is cool and there's one here too oh I'm ready I'm ready moments later I hear something oh they are here all right start shooting them take this you zombie jerks all right we got a few of them let's go down here make sure they're not going to I hear them make sure they don't break through the door grab this TV put it against the door there we go oh are we safe are we safe come on little buddy come on let's go oh no put him on the bed here oh that's right Gary you're okay I hear them they're down there are we safe though does a gigantic pineapple save us from zombies maybe hold on a second I think it's working pretty good they're not getting in are they oh yeah we're totally safe in here this is awesome what was that they blew up my car my car just blew up they must have attacked it oh no all right I'll take out these zombies right here I hear a bunch more where the heck are they are they behind this house here they are there's a bunch right there holy man there's so many zombies down here oh can you imagine zombie fish that would be even scarier oh man like a giant zombie shark all right we took out these zombies here SpongeBob's house destroyed destroyed um is he he's uh that's SpongeBob oh don't look at that uh we know SpongeBob's house made of pineapple organic material is not safe but look at this a gigantic Stone head totally zombie proof they can't break stone right hi Squidward I'm just coming in here because they're zombies so we're going to barricade this like this boom bang Bop and one up like that and we should be safe oh this is scary there might be a little problem too SpongeBob's pineapple house is very flammable oh what's that noise I think there's zombies There's zombies wait what the heck wait where' the zombie come from um they're inside Squidward's house take this bookshelf oh no the bookshelf doesn't fall oh no oh no oh no there we go there we we go oh man they were in Squidward's house this whole time really there we go all right take out these zombies in here and then we got to find a better place to hide oh oh oh W wo wo I'm out of ammo take this shotgun shotgun all right we're going out the roof here we're going out the roof climb climb wait look at this a saxophone so I think the only other place we can go is maybe Patrick's house so so break a hole in Squidward's wall here and oh my gosh there's so many zombies go go go oh they're coming this way that's actually terrifying okay open this up open this up and close it behind me and plank it up so they can't open it grab some rope boom uh boom Patrick there's zombies out there look at him he look so happy how can you be happy oh you got working TV I see I see I got an idea here you know what open this a little bit and take Patrick not me take Patrick not me what am I going to do I don't even know all right I have one other idea we're in Bikini Bottom is um very accommodating to their guests that's right crusty crab we're going to do a Crusty Crab Zombie Survival I just got to you know maybe jump out of here and get to the boat over there cuz we're going to run run out of food down here all we got is sand all right here we go maybe open it a little bit all right here here we go 3 2 1 get in the giant hole you jerks get in the giant hole and jump over like this look at these guys they're falling in the hole in Patrick's home come on come on over here that one is struggling to get up I'll help him there you go come on you jerks zombie jerks free food over here look at them it's kind of freaky oh there we go just a few more I think that's good enough and boom close it up get in the little boat car mobile thing here and let's go to the Crusty Crab boom it's totally going to be safe right oh they're behind me go there's the Crusty Crab don't break it don't break it get out get out and a holder coming this way get inside let me in let me in close the door grab our trusty planks oh that door is open close it oh no oh no oh no they're coming this way barricade barricade planks planks it sucks that this whole restaurant is made of glass but they can't get through if it's made of wood there we go they're getting through oh no oh no we need we need a gun I got a Guam missile I don't think that's a good idea laser gun oh here we go wa look at this holy man it's probably not good to set them on fire so let's extinguish this really quick because this is made of wood it's like a gigantic what is this it's like a gigantic wooden barrel yeah um definitely put that fire out put that fire out and take out these last couple zombies boom bang Bang there we we go and now we have a couple couple minutes to you know fortify up this place before more zombies get here Boom the door is fixed so we're going to plank this up nicely let me know Down Below in the comments where do you think would be the best location to survive a zombie apocalypse doesn't have to be in Bikini Bottom probably like you know a gigantic metal bunker with lots of food okay there we go look at this oh no oh no there's so many glass windows everywhere okay we got to plank these up too I mean it is the ocean there's going to be a lot of Driftwood broken crashed ships and stuff like that but how do I breathe down here don't question that okay look at this now the side windows do already have a little bit of fortification on them and check it out we got everyone in here surviving zombies eating their tasty Burgers sorry dude sorry oh look Squidward in the in the kitchen here we got SpongeBob preparing some crabby patties totally oops and in the over here there's supposed to be a bathroom but there's no bathroom we don't use the bathroom in the zombie apocalypse let me in let me in where's the secret formula oh hi hi how's it Go how's it going where's the secret formula normally is it in here it's not in here tell me Mr Krabs okay um that's how I see all zombie apocalypses going people fighting with each other we're not doing that today we're surviving the zombies so let's get our weapons out and ready I got a lot I got like dual Min guns I got Portal guns wait a second pop one right there and then put one right right right right um right right uh right where right there and then we could go up on top look at this this is like a secret hideing place up here oh they won't ever reach me up here and we got like a little Crow's Nest up here to shoot down everyone is already kind of injured except Squidward it's fine oh I hear something oh there are a ton of zombies out there they don't see me yet but look it's like a giant horde what do we do about it okay I got an idea we go up here we make like a little hole with our jellyish oh this is like a little uh frying pan thing I thought it was a jellyfish net okay break a hole in like this there we go and now we could just snipe them oh they see me oh they see me all right get my get my hunting rifle out and just boom uh-oh bang oh this this gun is too slow this gun is too slow let me get something bigger let me get something bigger we got the oh dual mini guns oh yeah come on over zombie jerks oh they're going to the last location they saw me that's kind of cool all right here we go shoot him shoot him from this little hole in the wall that's what you guys get oh uh-oh now they definitely see me now they definitely see me all right start blasting them and we got to keep patching the holes that I accidentally make like this all right it's a bad idea shooting out your you know glass windows when there's zombies it's fine there we go oh there is so many zombies coming okay let me grab I got something called the dragon's breath shotgun um it probably shoots fire or something but they're getting in holy man look how many zombies there are this is crazy all right here we go oh my gosh it's shooting like giant Fireballs out of the shotgun oh no oh no that's bad I forgot this place is made of wood I forgot this place is made of wood okay let's maybe grab something else laser gun there we go shoot them a bit yep awesome awesome can't see anything put out the fire I should have probably brought a fire hose oh no come on put it out oh the zombies the zombies they're getting in they're getting in okay um I got uh this oh oh yeah oh yeah this one is awesome this one works great yep take this zombie jerks oh yeah crusty crab may be on fire but so am I are the zombies just continuously coming it's like a onslaught of zombies a horde of zombies attacking the Crusty Crab holy man there is so many of them look oh what was that oh I fell in the portal I'm up here now that's perfect oh okay we're up top they can't get through there's a little fire that will probably actually help us it'll destroy the zombies until it doesn't you know although look at this there's so much smoke in here we oh they're getting through they're getting through oh no oh no okay we got lightning gun oh wao what the heck is this this thing is awesome whoa it just disintegrates all the zombies I love this I love this this is cool let me know Down Below in the comments what was your favorite weapon this episode this one might be my favorite although it kind of literally destroys everything in its path wow but it's working that's all that matters oh no oh no they're coming through the windows now that's not good okay you know what we do have the Chum Bucket way over there let's make our way over there take this zombies oh my gosh this is terrifying there is so many of them my computer's about to explode okay go what was that something just exploded it crashed oh no all right we're back look at this the Chum Bucket and oh oh that's what happened it got destroyed all right before the zombies come let's uh get inside get inside please don't break please don't break this big old uh metal bucket please barricade the door like this even though we know zombies can get through them it's fine better than nothing and look at this we got Karen and Plankton take this you little jerk that's what you get oh he's actually very strong uh it's fine we got to protect him and Karen against the zombies this place is cool I mean it's a giant bucket made of metal so it should be what's this it should be pull that I don't know what this does it should be safe right totally uh turn this valve why am I touching everything I probably shouldn't do that it might like explode or something all right well I'm just going to stand back here and wait for the zombies get my gun out oh look at this wait I have something called the guided missile I don't know if this works inside a building but we got to use it eventually for now we will reload this amazing handgun with a lot of possibilities oh wow W maybe we'll put in like a big a regular old bullet where's a regular old bullet holy man look at all these ah classic boom bang Bop shotgun shotgun shotgun o look out the window they're here they're here oh man that's kind of terrifying they don't see us yet in here although they are probably going to turn around real quick oh they're coming in they're coming in I really hope these doors hold up just in case I'm going to go back here and oh look at that it's kind of holding up oh yeah those totally aren't like explosive barrels or anything are they I hope not what does he do inside here it's like a secret laboratory oh no oh no PL in no oh now we got zombies in here all right just shoot them boom this thing is awesome okay oh we're using the shotgun ones now oh and then there's regular there and we're out of ammo we're out of ammo reload uh laser laser flamer flamer uh Cannonball Cannonball and explosive okay let's try this out oh look at this this is the laser I really like this hand gun it is awesome oh no oh no okay flip it what is that Cannonball did you see see that thing it was massive laser there we go there we go and we got one oh I can reload it completely Cannonball boom did you see that I just obliterated all those zombies Cannonball holy man I think Cannonball is my favorite so far is there like mini nuke I want like a mini nuke well we don't have nuke but we do have black hole oh my gosh so we got to take these zombies here and then get out of Bikini Bottom because it doesn't matter okay black hole 3 2 1 what who oh my gosh is that working is it pulling all the zombies in it it kind of is some of them are getting pulled in but I don't know what it does really black hole ooh look at that okay flamethrower wow this gun is cool all right another black hole okay it's kind of cool not the best maybe oh look at that okay okay cool all right let's get over to that little uh you know boat mobile car thing and we got to launch ourselves out of the ocean back home this is going to go great oh oh wa wait wait wait before I forget before I forget we need the got a missile got a missile all right here we go oh what the what the what huh okay wow got a missile boom okay that's that's pretty cool boom ow okay I should probably stop get this little boat mobile so what if we turn this into an underwater plane add some wings to the side and then we just fly away genius right totally so like this we add some uh-oh we add some nice old Wings wao hold on a second that might work nice old wings boom if that doesn't hold it down uh yeah it totally looks symmetrical this is totally going to work and then add some vehicle thrusters to the side like this and on the back oh yeah and check it out that should work uh-oh uh-oh get in get in we're going to try this out 3 2 1 launch uh-oh uh-oh uh oh yeah tot totally worked totally worked oh no anyways thanks for watching subscribing remember stay sweet bye and uh the Crusty crabs not good for surviving zombies oh no
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 681,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teardown, teardown gameplay, teardown destruction, teardown zombies, teardown zombie survival, teardown spongebob, teardown krusty krab, zombies, zombie survival, destruction, destruction game, zombies destroy spongebob, spongebob, spongebob zombie survival, spongebob zombies, zombie game, survival, teardown zombies destroy spongebob, krusty krab, krusty krab zombies, spongebob destruction, spycakes, spycakes teardown, spycakes zombies, spycakes spongebob, spycakes destruction
Id: 7v-6T63bLdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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