Minecraft but I Open a Haunted House!

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this is Minecraft but I open a haunted house from basic scares to living jump scares to even the house being alive my goal is to own a monopoly of all the haunted houses in Minecraft but the competition is ruthless and terrifying so who's my scariest competitor stay tuned to find out so these are all the haunted houses in Minecraft all the way down there and these are the customers I'm trying to scare right now they're kind of ignoring me I'm not very scary and we don't have haunted house yet but that can change real quick once we buy this property right here for 5 emeralds and we got it the exoro haunted house and as you can see I I even have a costume where we get a pumpkin a tree and of course A Haunted House interior it's not much but that's why we got to get equipment now from the scary store luckily right in front of us and don't worry all these other haunted houses we're going to be taken down oh gosh they even have a buff armor anyways so let's walk up here and oh what a discount subscribe to storio I may or may not put that there but go and get me that discount by subscribing anyways now that we can walk in I goings Traer could see we need to buy this row right here which includes a casat register an open sign can't open without that attraction sign employee contracts four of them a fog machine and finally a scare trap look at that guy oh Yep this is good and now we only have $3 a spare anyways so let's start with these scare traps where the whole point is to scare people so let's say they move into this room we can put a scare trap right here oh oh oh oh right there oh yep yep yep that that's how it works oh nice to see you man another one right there there we go and let's put one at the end of this haunted thing right here yeah and now for the fog machines where we can put one here and as you can see it's making fog it's it's not the best hardware but we'll get up there put some fog there and some fog here there we go and now before they go inside they do got to pay so that's the cash register where they put in the money and don't worry the skeleton skull is watching them also very important part is the open sign don't worry guys we will be open soon oh that guy is terrifying and of course the attraction sign for nestor's House of hunts oh and we also need employees that's why we have employee contracts and as for hiring employees let's go check out where the customers are coming in that Village oh and there's our first one the unemployed villager which we can just go and give you an employee contract and they even put on a costume go on buddy all right let's do you too make sure to scare some people you sir right here need some employeeship there you go and oh my gosh it became bald okay and finally Le you will be our last employee and there they go and now we're ready to turn on the open sign let's go ahead and go up to the open sign now the house is open all right are they coming or are they ignoring me they are ignoring me oh wait no I got to scare 10 villagers now oh and they're going inside yes my first customers wait how do I scare the villagers oh scaring utensil I'm going to guess my emplo made this scare item how does this work oh yo wait so I can scare with this thing okay so we can wait right here looks like two customers just came in and let's uh go up real quick and give them a scare oh that's amazing okay here comes some more you get scared all of you get scared give another Boo and that's how it's done that should be mission complete oh and customer stolen by haunted Farm wait what they're stealing all our customers what is this all right looks like it's time to sabotage guys cuz it says corn Maes free admission it's going to be my corn ma soon and I'm not even allow to go in this is why we're going to the store wait do we have any money oh 16 bucks okay now let's buy our equipment for the sabotage so we need a scary axe there we go that's $1 my goodness it does a lot of attack damage all right I guess I'll use that as my main and a scary grenade oh sick all right five scary grenades and now we just got to sneak into the corn maze so maybe this is what the scary grenade is for do I just like throw them at these guys come on get scared oh God on guys oh that's sick it works all right this is my queue guys here we go oh gosh oh gosh we're going into the maze oh my gosh that's so loud okay I think I've lost them we just got to go in and get to the farm oh wo what is this guy um I don't like that noise can we go this way yeah let's go this way oh no no no no no no no we are going to dodge all these guys real quick I'm a little bit suspicious of this place cuz why is it free and why do they have terrifying guys in every corner okay let me just go around this way don't want to get caught by these big Scythe guys okay we're almost here oh I'm supposed to disable them do I go like that oh that's how we disable them okay so I just got to spook them there we go okay another one let's spook you okay perfect oh and I got to avoid that thing okay okay was that a tractor let's remove you and that's the last one now I just got to finish the Maze and enter the barn oh my gosh okay okay let's get in the barn already type of place is this okay I don't think he can get us this way but is this the barn huh looks like they got scary pigs and scary cows how is this a haunted house how's it going pigs oh we got scary chickens too and there's a single cow right there what about down here okay what do they have going on down here wait what scared villagers are they holding hostage of scared villagers hey yo what about down here evil plan steal exist storio customers huh step one free admission oh well they have that step two enslave customers and then sell to Butcher and profit nope we're not letting that happen let's real quick save all these people come on out let's open up every door come on come on one by one and by the way you guys will be getting free entrance to my haunted house oh wait why is there a boss bar at the top haunted tractor okay before they get out do I got to fight this guy oh my gosh okay yep yep yep all right buddy let's do this get over here oh gosh okay come ond oh gosh oh wait that that that's actually rough holy how do I fight this guy it's literally a living tractor let's just get him caught like this he's stuck let's go the power fences oh no no no no NOP never mind all right let's go again oh gosh oh gosh no we are going to die if we keep going after him oh wait he stuck at the cobweb oh my gosh yes we got him holy and from that we get a cell key okay wait so are they like stuck in place did the door not help at all what about this oh wait now they're out so I'm unlocking like they're chains so you get free you you you and they're all free all right let's all get out of here real quick and we also got to release the animals okay wait so do I just do this oh there we go okay let's open this and that and now all of you are free too now let's actually get out of here oh gosh okay I don't think the tractor will be coming for me at any time so we can just go ahead and walk straight through this corn and I'd say that the job all done and now it's for sale oh for 50 emeralds hopefully my business has been making some money let's go check that out real quick all right pumpkin on and outs how are we doing okay the employees are doing their job right there pretty good job what about the money school do we have money oh we do $74 it's not much but it is enough to go ahead and buy your first business competitor number two let's right click you and there we go new improved I removed the corn and these signs right here we can remove them absolutely not there we go and we also got an attraction upgrade wait do I put it on this cuz right now we're just haunted out so if I right click this oh we now get haunted Farm on it the business has grown and as you can see everyone's still in here but if you walk all the way inside now there's a route this way and we rehired the scary mobs like the pig right there just vibing so that's our odile so far but now we got to go take down number three which looks to be a scary Supermarket I don't trust this guy it's time with sabotage again so let's go back to the scary store and it looks like we're buying a camera okay we have $24 a camera is $20 so that should be straightforward let's right click you and we got it and now let's go on to number three which is Terror Mark okay what do we got going on here do I just walk in as a simple customer how's it going what's scarier than shoplifting what what's going on here steal everything avoid the manager oh is this what I'm doing oh yo I can just grab stuff hold up oh this is sick okay don't mind me I'm just going to grab everything and ex that the manager right there okay no no no no no oh wait no that's the manager and they have actual hurting traps what is this oh gosh okay okay okay let's just grab everything we can guys and avoid that guy oh gosh okay please be nice just grabbing everything I can oh gosh I'm going ow by ow guys and we're just shoplifting everything this is how we take out the competition oh and that's the manager again okay let's keep going oh gosh okay okay okay let's just grab everything oh he's coming for me nope nope nope nope oh gosh this actually pretty fun it's like Pacman okay okay we're almost halfway there with all the items okay let me grab this aisle too there we go oh gosh there we go give me all the items give me all the items we got to avoid the knives oh why is that guy right there oh come on almost there okay last bit right here and that might be all of them wait no did I miss something oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh wait there's hidden aisles oh there we go and now hide to manager's office oh is this it manager's office okay let's stay away from him and now increase store prices terrifying levels oh is that what we're doing all right it's literally a computer what the heck so I just right click this raise prices yeah let's click okay oh man are alerted oh gosh oh gosh Escape into basement behind desk oh this okay I don't even know what's going on but this is part of the sabotage we did raate surprizes let's go down now what do we got going down here take pictures of unethical Grocery Supply methods oh wait what I don't see anything so far it just kind of just looks like a storage area unless what's going on over here oh y what is this is this how they get their grocery stuff oh no all right let's turn on the camera and let's take a few pictures yeah we got that in evidence now that might be all we need to sabotage them so real quick let's let's go all the way up and get out of here okay I think that was from the entrance there we go uh by the way great products thank you so much here I I'll give you some money real quick uh I'll give you uh one suspicious meet thank you okay let's just get out of here and show pictures to news reporter uh where's the news reporter though are they this way no that's my other competitors oh wait that's not a customer it's a villager with a mic hold up what do I do with them oh oh oh oh oh uh okay do I like right click them with it or do I like drop it on them hello news reporter I would like to tell you that this store right here is actually doing some shady practices in selling whatever this is right here here uh here here let me give you the suici me oh no no they went straight away over there oh are they interviewing the manager why why does the manager have the news reporter in the car oh oh oh gosh I just got get out of this business what is this so did I win oh it went bankrupt and now Terra Mart is to sell for 200 emeralds we have four so let's go back real quick to the extor house of Hans and see if we actually made some money okay employees you guys are doing great how have we made money oh oh wow over $300 okay yeah we can definitely buy it now so for 200 emeralds let's right click you and it's part of ours now oh very nice this guy is still hired of course but the main change is that it now connects to the farm and the rest of the haed houses and now with the attraction upgrade let's right click you and now we have three attractions the house the farm and the grocery store which means more money but of course we got to keep taking down the competition we now it's the spooky school at number four oh wow looks harmless really what's going to be scary in here bad grades let me check this place out real quick all right we got lockers and a normal customer I don't see anything scary yet though but it looks like we got a buy a scary potion from the scary store so scary store real quick let's go back in here remember subscribe for the discount and the scary potion is literally only one Emerald all right not really going to cost me a lot but let's grab this and two why not there we go and now to enter the spooky School holy the customers are increasing but they're going to the competitor oh my gosh yeah they're going in here all right let's go inside with all them and scare 10 nerdy student volunteers oh wait are they the zombies or are those animatronics there's a fire thing right here oh it's these guys hold on let's real quick give these guys a scare get over here oh let's sneak up on these guys and that's a couple more and you and this guy too they actually have a pretty cool thing going with the animatronics but now our mission is to throw the scary potion on the mascot okay I think this is the mascot right here so real quick let's get back here all right here go something oh and it be came into a scary thing oh oh oh my gosh wait it's actually scaring the villagers wait wait don't go after me oh this is a little awkward I got to let this guy through come over here come on buddy be free oh oh oh he is causing havoc and it looks like they're all leaving we're not done though cuz we still have another mission to change the report card um I'm going to guess this is the office right here oh these are the report cards hold on so what do they say right now 100 oh I've done this before we can just change that real quick to a zero so don't mind me I'm just going to right click this over and over again and now let's put these back the semester final oh gosh and I think there's only one thing left we can do to sabotage guys and that's to pull the fire alarm all right don't do this at home but let's real quick pull that and everyone get out oh they don't seem too happy let's go come on and that's a job all done cuz now we can buy the spooky school for 500 emeralds that'll make 4 haunted hous we don't have the money yet so let's real quick go back holy there's so many customers look at everyone coming in all right how much money have we made now oh yep yep that is more than enough we just needed 500 so let's now go bu us building number four which will make our Haunted Mansion even bigger so let's buy you and it's transformed and we got the attaction upgrade also I should probably do something about the water raining from the top uh we can fix that later anyways with that being done let's right click this and now we have four attractions from the house to the school and it's time we keep taking up the competition where this time it's number five the hospital or the haunted hospital don't open Dead Inside wait am I not allowed in what does this say condemned under construction oh I don't know about this one guys maybe we can skip it and just go to number six it looks like the two things we got to buy are a pogu stick and bolt cutters let's go find them all right scary story here we go again I going Mr suspicious trador we need these guys the pogo stick which is $1 and the bolt cutters which is 20 all right guess with these we're going to find a way in holy the C I'm getting here it's crazy they're even in line stuck in cobwebs I don't know why they're doing that and so to enter do I like pogo stick to the top or something do I like right click this oh yo that's sick oh okay let me go up here new plan use pogo stick to get on roof okay let me pogo stick again ow ow okay okay wait wait wait so you don't take fall damage when you use it so let me just real quick keep pogo sticking oh is this it right here oh there's an entrance oh sick okay and now we just got to enter the curse Hospital okay I got the scary ax in case there's something here it says find and break curse mob spawners wait what's that noise um where are the mob ERS I'm ready to break them oh gosh I don't like the sound of that this is a little bit scary okay this is just a normal door oh wait is this it how can I get in here B Cutters oh that works okay and so do I just break this oh gosh oh okay we broke them and oh my gosh what is that nope nope nope nope nope oh okay okay okay that's terrifying you know what I'm just going to run away from that Holy that actually made me jump all right this is probably the scariest h house we've been at oh gosh oh gosh stop hitting me stop hitting me oh my gosh I am at to win hard FS that is terrifying okay where are the other ones how do I defeat this thing do I just run through it all right I'm going to go for it here we go here we go here we go okay it didn't hit me okay let's check out the second floor what do we got going on here look straight forward I think these rooms are where maybe stuff is okay nothing here what are those noises oh gosh okay let me break this guy what is that noise oh gosh okay that's another one let me eat the bread real quick I can't let anything spawn there's a blue and red room let's go with the blue room okay nothing in the Blue Room what about the Red Room okay nothing in the Red Room either oh my gosh what is going on in here oh no is that me what he just disappeared oh guys guys I'm not having fun here what is going God okay okay okay okay where are the other spotters we need just a few more okay one right here let's make sure nothing spawns there we go why are there so many okay come on bu Cutters do your thing is there another one in here no oh gosh is that whispering sounds I I am not a fan of that oh gosh oh what what you that me oh hey he disappeared again okay you know what what what do you want I I've subscribed and everything okay you know what we're going to keep going we're going to keep going uh nothing here oh he keep was following me can I defeat him get over here this guy's Invincible oh wait we got him see you buddy oh oh oh oh and I think he's done the the slow-mo fall is really getting to me what the heck okay we took care of him where are these other monster spawners what about in here anything in here oh yes we have another one okay please nothing spawn nothing spawn okay that's another curse monster spawner done let's get that one I'm not sure if I want to buy this location but it's all good oh gosh what is that noise oh my gosh not another one of those nope we are not getting close to that okay nothing there oh gosh oh gosh okay that that was loud is there something in here no oh another one okay make it quick make it quick make it quick okay perfect what about on here no luckily with these bull Cutters oh okay nope that that that that should have not made me scared it's all good I think there's only like a couple more we can just run past this guy okay no no no no no no why does he take me away I now feel how other players feel when I put them through scare videos oh my gosh what do you want from me all right we're going down we're going down what to the next floor I need two more spawners he's one in here oh yes okay let me just grab this one there we go and we got it okay that's all of them now I got to find a cursed heart is that at the bottom oh gosh okay cursed heart where would that be if that was a cursed heart oh my gosh okay okay no no no go away go away oh gosh okay where would I be what are these noises oh that's a cursed heart all right let's take down the curse of this place and we got him oh what no no no no what is this what is this mutant nurse oh gosh okay okay okay real quick let's run away I need to block this off oh gosh okay do I have armor I don't have armor I only have a scary potion but we do have the Pugo stick this is the only thing getting me alive oh gosh wait that didn't work wait I can cheese them like this never mind they hit me through the thing oh gosh okay what if we do this I have an idea here's a plan guys we're going to grab this okay we're going to break this right here oh and they're waiting for me right right there already you know what I have a plan this is going to be foolproof we got to get our Mansion to be even bigger so real quick what if we do the cross trp never mind the cross strip does not work we are running out of food guys okay okay okay let's make them stay away oh wait this might be the stri guys we're cheesing it this boss is way too strong okay keep away keep away and yes we got him okay now we just got to leave the building where's the door where's the door I got to get out of here ASAP is this a door oh gosh get me out of here I think this is it and we're else curse hospital has now been cleared out and does that mean not buy it now yep there it is why is it so expensive I mean no business was going on here I mean if that was level five what is level six going to be well let's go check if we made a lot of money all right don't mind me let's go real quick grab some money that should definitely be enough and now without further Ado let's buy that and it's now ours and we can finally break the sign right there the Mansion has gotten bigger so let's add this attraction to the top and we got it that's now five buildings and that leaves two more to go at the very end okay number six how are we going to take this guy down the slaughterhouse oh gosh what are they doing here oh man this is a crazy building oh gosh is that hanging pork chops I mean I do need some food oh wait we got monster spawners from the thing all right this will do I guess all right so I guess we're sabotaging something in here then what the heck is happening in here it's like a proper slaughter house the heck do they got food in here oh yo wait they actually have cooked pork shops in them all right let me real quick I eat the suspicious meat but we need it okay I guess we're just walking down here it looks pretty harmless for now oh my gosh wait what the heck are these guys doing I'm going to leave them in there yeah okay oh that's the comp belt so I got to put Monster spawners I guess above them all right let me just you know walk around so far it looks pretty harmless except nope that that might be the butcher okay let's go the other way and make sure we don't get caught by that guy oh wow this is insane it's just infinite meat okay let's then somehow get up there okay he's right there we can just go around him and how do I get up there then looks like we might need to stock up don't mind me let's just get all the way up here and is it like straight up like a beyor Bel oh it is Yo okay let's get up here here and what we can do is we'll have a little area right here where we can put the monster spawners so let's real quick put all these guys right here there we go oh and St putting zombies that's going to ruin the me all right oh gosh the sun is burning them okay please make it in time come on come on hit the ground and oh nice wait uh warning the butcher is hunting you oh gosh okay uh I'm getting caught but I think the plan is working now we got to escape into the cellar I'm going to get sth Cellar right there okay let's real quick pogo stick all the way up there oh gosh there we go okay and now let's go down okay okay okay let's make sure the butcher doesn't get to us come on what do we have down here oh what is this place it's all abandoned it looks like this could be some good areas for expansion later but is there anything in the chest oh Titan grow hormones oh it's for food maybe there's stuff I got to find around here oh wait what is this do not release is there something in here oh it's a pig oh we have an idea then we just got a craft on the screen and maybe that's what we're going to be throwing what we make on all right oh my gosh hold up we got to hide oh I don't like that noise oh gosh um let's real quick hide here oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay he's walking away I'm just going to crawl over here I don't like that noise I don't like that noise we got to find the other items okay okay let's take advantage of crawling what if we just crawl right here oh gosh don't see him here okay we're good we're good another chest right there I think he's in the other room let's grab whatever this is okay the flavorizer nice any other chest I don't see it oh gosh where would that chest be I don't like the sky being right there oh gosh okay would it just be these two guys I need one more oh wait it's literally right here oh there it is okay okay we got to run let's real quick go this way oh gosh that's not good please don't see me don't see me don't see me okay while he's right there let's real quick craft this thing oh there it is the mega growth potion now we're got to throw it on the pig oh gosh don't come this way don't come this way I have the pogo stick if needed I think he's Crossing let's go okay we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go okay I think we're good let's go in here and Mr Pig take this oh my gosh all so is they going to help me now buddy go after him oh he's breaking through get him buddy take out the butcher oh they're straight up fighting oh gosh okay okay come on come on come on come on do good damage probably help him yeah let's help this guy okay let's get him and we got him does that make me the owner now good job man you're now the manager of this place and it looks like we get to buy it this is going to be a very good addition to the haunted house and it is for sale for literally like 100 times more money than we have right now yeah that being said let's uh pug with stick all the way back now that we have the money oh my gosh that's so much looks like our new employee is doing great and this is now ours I like the red color and it's now connected to also the hospital which is no longer haunted it's more of an attraction now and with that bot we get to do the traction upgrade all right don't mind me let's real quick right click this and now we have so many tractions and the customers are piling oh and there it is the next competitor this giant boat which uh the texture's kind of broken at the end there it's trying its best and I guess I'm getting on there with uh the cannon oh gosh but before we go on the boat we got to buy candy clown music and clown eggs back to the store we go how's it going sir and where would the stuff we need be oh my gosh why is it so expensive all right so we need the clown egg okay okay there's five of them the clown music disc all right that should be it and finally colorful candy all right what are we doing with this supposed to be for a haunted Cruise so let's go back and see how we can sabotage okay we're going to go on there here goes something let's get in the cannon fire me oh we got sent oh my gosh oh and we landed oh and there's already a bunch of customers here okay so we got to replace the scary candy with clown candy so is is is this scary candy oh scary food so do I just put this here oh okay okay all right don't mind me just going to put these guys right here cuz colorful candy is not scary candy so we're going to run them out of business with this all right there we go get rid of that one and this one and there we go and now it's time to spawn some clowns which we can go ahead and do there there that's two oh my gosh they're so goofy one there one here and that should get the job done oh and they're angry it's working and there's only one final touch which is swap the scary music with the clown music oh is this the scary music all right let's put the lemon of white and put in the clown music did that work I'm going to say that's a yes let's real quick then now go and find the Captain's Room which oh gosh where would it be is it ladies ly no that would not be it oh wait that might be the captain Oh My Gosh wait I think that's the captain okay let's uh real quick fall back and these are as ghost pirates oh gosh okay okay okay here's the plan we're going to take these guys out fall back real quick oh my gosh there's so many what the heck what am I supp supposed to do here okay no no no no stay back stay back okay he can't hit me if I just hide down here oh my gosh oh okay that's one down oh gosh these bosses are getting a little more tough okay that's another down we got two more right there single foul line guys okay okay please be stuck in mid a oh oh no no no he just want F attack Dodge that come on come on another one down oh gosh oh gosh come on let's make this quick okay wait I can just go behind them come on oh gosh fall back fall back fall back don't hit okay another one down and this should be the last one come on come on oh gosh no no no no this is way too close yes we got him now loot the spoils I don't have a pickaxe for this Captain's pick oh that's a lot better okay hold up now this is what we get all right this will definitely help the business all right don't mind me I'm just going to real quick grab all the stuff here mainly want the gold blocks cuz I mean technically if we buy the boat then this is all going to be ours holy the so much oh now our mission is to leave the cruise all right that should be straightforward then while those customers are angry all we got to do really is go to the side jump all the way down and now let's swim to shore oh and it's bankrupt and that means it's for sale uh where do I buy it though there just this glass piece right here oh this is the spot for 200,000 we can buy the haunted cruise I have way more than enough money so real quick let's right click that I don't know how I'm going to have my customers go there oh wait but a bridge was made yo now that is sick we now own a Cruise attraction which we can go ahead and use this guy right here and see how many more customers we get oh my gosh okay maybe we don't need more customers this is actually crazy they're in a mega line oh oh okay okay one at a time guys let me real quick right quick this but we have an even better attraction coming in and I think is that it we we did the Takeover look how many customers we have yo my gosh wait so do we went oh wait what what what what is this guy doing Supreme her by some a black hole wait what huh hey yo wait why am I not ding wait all my C customers no Revenge time go to Herobrine's mansion okay the first Tas guys is getting out of this thing you know what I have an idea what about the Poo stick we try oh and we else oh man and all my customers are gone all right time to get revenge I think Herobrine's mansion is at the end oh this is it guys number eight has no customers cuz all my customers are gone oh gosh and I already don't like this what is this is this a henchmen oh gosh okay okay no no stay back stay back okay they're like in slowo you know what better R it still Avid them oh gosh okay okay we're doing the Dodge moves we're doing the Dodge moves there's so of them oh my gosh they just give jump scares when they hit you what is this oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh what is going on okay we're safe here we're going to slowly take these guys out okay okay okay stay back stay back wait a supreme scary here by here too stay back oh this is one way to take him out come on wait I think I got him in a good spot slowly but surely we can take each one out oh my gosh okay two more there we go and I didn't even see this guy coming oh okay I think we're good now I think there's only one herbine left is he in here uh no not in here is he upstairs oh there he is all right let's find him oh gosh oh gosh okay okay I bought the smaller versions and beat them this guy's so loud we're destroying him though give me back my customers one more hit and we did it wait Did we oh we did do it and revenge complete and now with this competitor gone I think our mission is complete and so with that being done guys our haunted house is now very successful and as you can see we are going to make so much money oh my goodness so with that being done guys now let me show you guys what happens if we can code our own haunted house and get a friend on let's switch to a new creative Map There's no way you're making a ghost that can kill your boy here oh go okay okay let's begin at tier one where we can only build inside of this red square and to make things spooky time night that's a lot better and if we're trying to kill the YouTuber we need a house first like this so we got a pretty basic house where my goal is where the YouTuber is going to walk in here and see that there's nothing inside that's where the death games begin because in reality this house is going to be the first ghost where all we got to do is bring the coder out which can code stuff and with right click now we can go to ghost house and block bench where we're going to be starting off with a simple Square We'll add a base and some stairs next up let's put in a door walls and a roof coming up next I had a lot of fun making this one cuz it's just simply a house but let's get some details in let's add in some windows and frames and now for the fun part we're adding arms to the house like every good monster house has and now let's get some Textures in 3 2 1 there we go and as for the animation of the house we'll bend the arms open the m i mean door a little bit and there we go one monster house ready to go now let's get to the code in 3 2 1 and this is the haunted house where it's a boss where its only skill is to eat the player when damaged yeah they're not ready for this one so let's click confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it let's put this right here and as you can see now there's an exclamation point so they're just going to walk all the way up here and you'll see what happens a little bit later this is not even the first ghost and so the ghosts that we're making today are going to be these guys right here but before we get to the inside the house let's put a sign right here saying keep out ghosts inside let's add some glowing tack there and some light blue dye to keep up with the theme I mean I did warn him and to help him a little bit I'm going to give him a weapon not just the iron sword though watch this in 3 2 1 so now for a sword we're going to open up the texture and give it that ghostest bullish green color that we kind of are familiar with next we'll copy it over move it down and fun fact this makes the sword animated in game we'll make this bottom one a little bit darker so it looks like it's glowing and just like that we now have a blade for the YouTuber let's confirm that in 3 2 1 and this is the ghost blade where the main reason we're giving it to them is cuz it's going to be the only thing that's able to attack the ghost with some six damage all right let's get it in game in 3 2 1 and we got it the haunted sword and it's even animated let's put that right in there and now for what actually happens when they go inside for now let's teleport there this is room number one there's not really much going on in here but if we stand right here type in hologram new name and click add new and now we put the mission which is scary ha balls needed there it is five scary ha balls needed so with that being said this is going to be the room for the pig but we need some more decorations so let's get some help there we go where the mission's going to be simple collect the five abls which are there there there there and there and because we're trying to kill the Creator don't die to this guy okay I know he kind of looks harmless right now and he is subscribed to the channel unlike the 80% of people watching right now but that's where we come in to make him scary in a ghost come here buddy let's right click you and okay Mr Piggy first things first we'll adjust the body and remove the legs ghost pigs don't need legs let's add a bit of tail and make him that ghoulishly green color and now to give him a nice mouth with pretty teeth let's wi out the eyes almost like herbine and just to make him extra meding let's give him a knife he can hold it in his mouth and with some basic animations we're all set all right let's go confirm in 3 2 1 and this is going to be the ghost Pig we're with damage five and health 10 probably won't kill the greater but it's going to scare them and make them play worse with their skill being jumps scare the player on attack so let's get this guy in in 3 2 1 and we got it we're now when the Creator just walks up to this thing oh yep that happens nope say wait stay wait okay thank you so now we can go ahead and place these all over the place I'm not going to have any Mercy I'm literally going to be putting them all over the place yeah that should be good and they should spawn right there so that door it's not going to open till all five hay balls are gone but this ha ball right here it doesn't match the theme and because we're making everything a ghost let's right click this guy real quick and so I went ahead and modeled a custom hay block with some green eyes and a bluish color and so we use this as the first objective now to get it in game there we go one scary a so all these guys right here we can go ahead and do this that guy right there and there and last one right here and if we go again with spectator you can see all the ghosts ready to spawn that's ghost Pig and room number one done and as you can see now we have room number two it is time for the cows let's get the mission right here there it is kill all evil which this time it's going to be the cows let's get some buil in this will do so all we need right now is the cow spawn egg where I'm going to put down some normal cows just cuz it's going to be a mini puzzle let's put those normal cows right there but with this Mission we need our ghost cow there's going to be two this time let's right click you and so we're actually going to start with this purple cow we'll get rid of the back legs cuz like I said ghosts don't need legs we'll make him slightly transparent add some details to the texture can't forget about the tail and let's remove the soul from his eyes and with some small animations we're all set we're now for the code the purple cow is supposed to jump scare the player on attack and spawn ghost on death this will make sense very soon but let's click confir in 3 2 1 and we got him get old Purple Cow where if I go in survival he's going going to follow me around not like a normal cow and so we put them down here here oh gosh oh gosh here and here as you can tell they're a little bit possessed I'll put them in better spots but his goal is to take down all the purple cows and that's when the main boss comes out that's how you get the door open as for what the main boss is let me just show you guys something with the texture let's right click so we took our ghost cow and started giving him more arms not legs arms then we scaled him way up animated him a bit but last but not least we gave him some red demon eyes and a pretty small full of teeth this is the final boss oh and a quick glimpse of the code he jump scares and shoots milk so let's confirm in 3 2 1 and everything should be ready I'll spread out the ghost cows now these guys are in position and it's time for the next ghost and yet again another empty room where the mob this time is going to be this guy well not this guy in particular sorry let's get some build help real quick for my friend there we go where his goal is to make it all the way up here to this chest but inside the chest I'm putting in a key that'll lock something and that something is going to be right here with this lock right there it's face it the wrong way but you get the point also looks a little friendly right here so what we can do real quick is do that there and that there SL shot set lava that's a lot better money's on the line and we're trying to make him lose and so right now this seems like a simple parkour you can just jump around and make it to the end and get the key that's where the Villager comes in where this villager right here we can call him Freddy he's totally harmless not when he becomes a ghost though let's right click you and now it's time to make Freddy into a villager Vex ghost so we'll start off with the vanilla villager and first turn him green and transparent there we go next up we'll give it some tendrils behind him and now we'll give him some Sol a size a l jaw and nice teeth let's add some details and this might be my favorite so far time for some code where this is the ghost villager where they're going to be acting like a Vex and their main skill are to jump scare the player on attack with some damage of course all right let's go confirm in 3 2 1 and let me show you guys now what I mean right here might look simple but there they are oh gosh oh gosh okay yep they work like gxes I'm going to get rid of them for now there we go and instead make it so anywhere he walks that is in the main area is going to summon another one and also every jump he makes it's going to be another one so literally every time he makes a jump guys he's going to be summoning more and more villager vexes all the way to even the lock kind of evil but I like it and now that should be the Villager ghost done so let's get the lock real quick and make it to one of the final rooms guys where it's themed blue so you already know we're doing the fish ghost but first let's get some more builds that's a lot better and so this is going to lead down to this hole right here where when they fall down into it it's actually going to be an underwater level where they're going to be collecting a bunch of keys well we have the keys right here where we can put a key there there right here but one all the way up there and one at the very Corner looks pretty easy right that's where the tropical fish comes in which he looks friendly for now but we'll change that very soon for that though let's go up real quick put down the lock that requires five keys right here and the mission is simple dive down for keys and when they dive down of course they'll see the fish but now let's make it into ghost form with something familiar which is the piranha right click you and so we're actually going to start off with an older model of ours the piranha we made this guy so many times now let's chop off the tail and make some adjustments and now we'll just adjust the color to be more ghosty and there we have it a ghost monster fish can't forget to make him scary though and angry that's where the code comes in where his skills are going to be to jump scare the player on attack and to bite the player easy enough let's go confirm in 321 and only one of these is not going to be good enough we're going to be putting a lot of Spawn triggers for these guys one here one here one here one here everywhere where he's going to swim it's going to spot a lot of these and this is going to be one of the deadlier challenges let's make sure we put some above here so there's no way he can avoid the Piranhas literally piranhas everywhere yeah this will be good probably going to go for 64 piranhas now let's go up everything should be ready with the fishes and now let's get to the next room where this will be the second to last where we only have two mobs left the sheep and exoro it's time for the Sheep hello sir sorry about that but first we got to make this area a little bit better watch's the school effect I'm going to 360 and here it is the Hall of Ghost sheep where the goal is to revive the Sheep you might be wondering though is it this sheep nope it's not this sheep instead we're going to be doing a couple sheeps real quick with this edit let's right click with the coder and so first we're going to be coding up the dead sheep where it health is negative 1 and its skills are to revive when color is full easy confirm in 3 2 1 and now for the actual first model which is the Ghost sheep where we're going to be start by making our sheep blue getting rid of its besy legs again the ghost don't have legs let's add some more details to the texture and remove any semblance of life from its eyes yeah creepy sheep that effect though now time for the code where the Ghost sheep is going to be damaging and everything but their color is going to be random and not only are they going to jump scare the player on the attack but they're going to send a color to the dead sheep on death so you probably know where this is going let's click confirm in 3 2 1 now we have gohost sheep red orange blue magenta lime and yellow and of course right here the dead sheep uh he's a lot bigger than I expected but there he is and now for each sheep we're going to put all the ghosts all around here let's put these guys right here and right here lime and yellow and now when all these sheep are defeated this guy will come back to life and open the door which leads to the final room let's go through real quick and right here the mob is going to be simple it's me we first let's get the final build in that's a lot better this is the haunted X story room where I'm going to be the final boss and I'm actually just going to be in the center of the room right here hopefully they don't fall lava and so all that stuff to do now is code my boss let's right click you and so this time we'll start with me of course where we're going to make myself blue and give myself some big old realistic eyes some big beefy arms too super realistic and a big old YouTuber mouth for all the yapping and yelling and just like that I'm a creepy ghost let's get to the code in 3 2 1 this is the ghost Nester boss or the type is boss and the health is 250 with damage of 15 which is the most I think of this whole section and the skills are to the bite the player on attack and of course jump scare them on attack I might double the health and damage though later in case they're having too easy of a time so let's get him in game and we got him X storio well what actually happens when he right clicks you'll have to see very soon because what this being done I think we're ready to bring the YouTuber on so here we go and hopefully they die here we go zip over welcome to level one where your goal is to just simply open up the chest and take the gift I've left for you this is how this works you have a sword right now but this ghost sword is the only way you can actually damage what's coming up inside this house are you ready I mean I'm ready I gave you enough time I gave you a big amount of time can you actually make something that scares me though um I well we'll see and remember if you do die to my ghost $1,000 all right zip over go on inside and see if you can sit fight the ghost okay and here he go man big man here oh buddy it's terrified God he's done wait no no did he eat him yes so as soon as he got eaten we went ahead and started with the first couple rooms where he pretty much just didn't get any damage all right these guys suck you this is really all you can do come on now steam rolled through everything and if anything started goofing around with the ghost I'm sniping them they look like they want some of this this dude is killing every single thing in sight it was not looking good for me so that's when I added a bit more piranhas off camera and you'll see what happened this is where you're literally just going to go down and try to get all the keys you can to make it to the final house I don't like that we got to go in the water bro what are are those what are those things called the things that eat you in the water piranas yeah those are ghost piranas have fun no why why why oh my gosh oh my gosh there's so many there's so many no there's too many there's too many I need a gap I need a gap I need a gap oh my gosh he is fighting for his life I'm just taking I don't know what's happening help me I'm going to drown you're actually taking out a lot of the ghosts at least oh he's going for the keys he's going for the keys I need a gap every second right now this is crazy I'm drowning I'm literally drowning help me Nester get the key Z over oh that's one key I'm killing them all they did me wrong they did me wrong I I'm actually pretty impressed that you're still alive right now how are you surviving all these piranas I need air I need air they keep like holding me down okay that's another key get off of me please two more keys to go zip over it would be really nice if Herobrine wasn't just constantly in my face and that's all the keys uh you can go for air now by the way let's go all right enter the Next Room bro my armor is going to break there we go oh come on now okay so now your goal is to revive the Sheep if you look around you there's different color sheep and they're after you right away so do your thing and start killing all right I got to get through this so I can secure the $1,000 bag wait let's go I don't trust him honestly the door's open you're good you can go straight I don't TR I honestly don't trust him no one can be trusted oh he's don't don't kill Jeb don't kill Jeb you killed Jeb what is this all right final room welcome to Holy me my favorite YouTuber's dead hey hey yo I'm right here or I might be a ghost but just go up to him talk to him tell him if you subscribed all that good stuff all man I promise I'm subscribed I watch every video all the way through I bought the merch and everything man why why go on ghost duster why do you look like that get him what happened to you I'm well rested I I you know and the Piranhas are back by the way no the Piranhas are cook they're cooking me wait I can take a little bit of a range maneuver on him okay he doesn't know about these movements this movement Strat he's really trying not to die how's the armor looking oh gosh oh oh uh that was the worst thing time happen go on my ghost get him now that you mention it my armor is not looking good yep and remember there's two more levels after this so any damage you take it works out for me I'm not trolling anymore I'm not trolling anymore I need to lock in okay okay there he goes die die die and you did it now that should be level one done unless these moms get you oh you're good wait that was just level one that was only level one zp over how are we feeling so far not good I have maybe one more attack on my helmet and it's done but I deserve another set right uh I'll think about it all right round two well that didn't work time for tier two where the square got a little bit bigger and this is our second to last attempt or we lose so I'm thinking we get some help again and this time let's get a graveyard in 3 2 1 we have a graveyard we're rest in peace all the skeletons around here but the main challenge is going to be right in here and because it's level two let's ramp things up you might be wondering who's going to be in here well let's get a sign and it's going to be here lies Herobrine let's GL attack that right there and of course they got a nice flower left for them that being said we just got to do head Herobrine and it's not cat herobrine but let's actually make the first ghost right click and so instead of the cat here B it we're going to be starting with Steve and first we'll go ahead and give him some big teeth and a big mouth give him some blue color some tendrils and a basic animation I've made this guy a few times now now let's get some code in where this is the undead Spirit where the health is going to be 100 and its main utility is to jump scare the player on spawn and teleport the player once that jump scare happens so this is only the appetizer let's go confirm in 3 2 1 and there he is the undead Spirits where that completes the graveyard it looks very friendly but as for what he does with when the YouTuber walks up uh you'll have to see that soon but that's only the start of tier 2 cuz this guy he's going to take us to a different spot which is the abandoned roof Forest where right now it's kind of just a little bit empty but we're I'm going to make sure to make level two a lot more deadlier and scarier but first watch what my friend built here we go now we have something where this is the Herobrine graveyard with five different points of interest and as you can see a sad face where in the middle is a Restless Spirits hold the key right here we're going to be putting an altar forever we got to make it so let's make this real quick with the cater or for the alter we're going to start off by making a unique shape then add some blue cracks in it and now we're going to drop in this room item I made and just like that we have an alter but now let me show you guys what it does where the alter's main skill is to collect five runes and summon a giant ghost hand when the runes are given let's going confirm in 3 2 1 and there it is actually came out pretty nicely with the little Rune spots five runes are going to be needed before it summons the final ghost spots he going to be hard and to get the runes I've already set up five different areas with the ghost Pillager the ghost zombie ghost spider ghost creep and finally The Ghost ravager and each one has a way that they died for example death by healing that might be a hint of what the YouTuber needs to do so when they come up here they're going to be brought all the way down into this area right here where my bilder friend already set something up where as you can see there's a lot of chests around us that's where the puzzle comes in where we're going to be having an instant potion of healing and an instant SL potion of harming where I'm going to be putting a bunch of harming Potions all around here someing here arming there arming there more there and you get the point where all those are just going to be to confuse him the main thing he needs is is going to be the special potion of instant damage that is the opposite of healing and that's how he's going to revive the zombie this is all about Reviving The Undead now like this guy but first we got to make him so let's real quick right click him and this will be a really quick one pretty much made a ghost zombie where the main goal is to cleanse his body let's go confirm in 3 2 1 and there he is where this might be one of the easier challenges the main risky part will be the boss at the end but now let's go back up and that's a zombie down let's to the creeper where they had death by Wolves sounds pretty tragic let's go down here and as you can see it's a bit of a TNT room and Maze we're at the end of the maze they're going to be making it to this side where our goal is to get a creeper right here and take him all the way to the other side where he's going to give the Creator the Rune so for example this creeper right here right now he's not scared of wolves but he will be soon when we right click him and what we're doing with this guy is we're going to be making the skeleton creeper no more color skeleton colors let's make some legs a little bit skiter and next let's toss a piece of TNT inside of him and now we have a Sad Little Creeper ready to be helped where the main code is to follow the player on right click and to reach the end of the maze let's click confirm in 3 2 1 and we have him bring me to the other side right click me to start and so we can't forget about the Wolves so we'll put some all around here where it's a bit of a wholesome task and a nice break from level one until then let's put these guys all over here and now that should be good okay creeper done zombes done and so now before we get to the next one I think we leave two of these as a surprise for example the spider will'll set it up but you guys will see that later but you guys will only see it once the Creator goes through it and the Villager same thing for that guy just so it gives me some extra time time to cook but the last Relic that I'll be showing is the ravager where their death was by starvation so the opposite of that is feeding them so let's real quick go all the way down here and oh gosh a little bit sad down here but to fill it in with stuff first we need a ravager right here normal ravager now let's make the ghost version where when we right click him we're going to be giving him white eyes and blue skin and now he's a ghost but you know how we feel about legs out of there now let's get some help from our friends for some Advanced texturing techniques and just like that we have a ravager now for the code where the hunger is going to be negative one and their skills are to eat the villagers when nearby and the goal is to fulfill the hunger of the ravager now let's go confirm in 3 2 1 and there he is not very happy guy what he needs though is villagers so we'll just play some villagers all around here so the Critter just has to know how to feed them all right you guys have fun and now that should be all the missions complete with 1 2 3 4 5 for every single Relic in the middle now for the main event the Restless Spirit which when all five are placed down we're now going to be coding the final boss that might be very deadly so here we go in 3 2 1 this is going to start with a ghost hand boss where the health is going to be 300 and damage is going to be not 10 but 50 and it skills are to jump scare the player on attack slap the player on attack and of course fly goal is that this hand takes down the player but if it doesn't I'm also going to be making some mini hands where they'll do this at a smaller scale let me show you guys what I mean in 3 2 1 we got them so this is the small version of the big boss and you guys won't see the big version until they get all the runes later but for now let's go ahead and put a bunch of these all around this area where even though the missions are pretty harmless these guys are going to make things a lot more annoying so let's just spawn as many as we can yeah that's a lot better and so now I think this completes level two hopefully they die who knows but here we go in 3 2 1 all right zp over welcome to level two you're not getting new armor this time but I did make it maybe a little easier I I didn't make it easy at all but all you got to do now is just go inside and see whose grave it is and I guess go from there have fun going in spat bye-bye here lies Herobrine oh wait that's the man that was on my screen this whole time oh oh he's walking in he's walking in get him no I can't see welcome to the graveyard of multiple mobs where right away you're going to be getting attacked by a bunch of hands I know what are these they look like little muskrats yeah sure let's just call them that but what your mission is if you see in the center there's a five runes needed thing you got to get a rune from every single graveyard so pretty much choose whichever you want have fun and uh try not to die well please die so I can get, all right have fun which one's the easiest I think it's this the spider one I'm not going to lie oh gosh the spider one is pretty easy enter wo oh they really I thought they were trying to trap me there buddy is susing out everything look at that guy he just jumped off on his own look at them stupid stupid so the spider is in an infinite loop of death how can you save him no no don't kill the spider you got to save the spider Mr zip over here you go that might help oh okay I see I see okay so he's going to grab grab the cobwebs that works let's see this hay bales didn't work so we're going to try these all right come on brother jump I've got you brother let's go hey now give me Relic that should be Relic one and thanks for saving me I thought he was going to do me dirty oh and you still okay you know what let's get to the next Relic let's go put a rune in that bad Larry that's number one done all right pick your next one is it going to be the Zombie the Pillager the ravager or the creeper I think I'm going to do the zomie I'm not going to lie the zombies are also like the one of the worst in the game so the zombies a low hurt your goal is to figure out how to heal them it's going to be pretty simple I have to help him again you got to find the right potion to heal Mr zombie right here all there is is like instant damage I have an instant Health but he's kind of already like dead out here maybe check the chest right by him wait why did I miss that oh wait Splash over the dead body LOL okay there you go it did work let's go oh and he left a run all right that's number two this is the most good I've ever done in a long time look at you killing ghost for once all right that's two runes who's your next mob going to be this guy who looks kind of mad bro ah now ravager holy so Mr ravager right there in the middle he's looking a little hungry you know what to do oh wait no way I feed him let's go budd's Fe get in there get in there this guy's insane what is even going on he has no fear in him die let's go and there's a rune and he's just floating up now do not kill the ghost what are you doing oh my goodness over go go go put the Rune up there that's going to be three out of five two more to go and I am terrified for these ghosts I'm going save the creeper one for last all right Pillager here we go his death was by Steve so go down there all right let's go what the heck Steve are you all right bro wao Steve what happened down here why are you building a cave down here hey buty just killed Steve like nothing my bad my bad Steve is that enough to save Mr Pillager though oh I have to save him wait a second I got a Vengeance uh if you look in front of the house zp over you actually did the right thing taking out Steve was the mission but I I don't know what you did with the Pillager anyways you're good to go up you got the fourth Rune all right we got Vengeance for the Pillager let's go nobody kills my boy like that not even Steve all right put the fourth Rune now only one left after this creeper is up next death by Wolves rip creeper the Wolves got him so if you look inside take the creeper to the other side and uh you'll see along the way there might be a few things that's stopping you no way there's Minecraft lore wait wao hey don't let me kill him okay right click me to start all right come on Mr creeper let's go all right let's go let's go let's go we got to get you through the maze my friend we got to get you through the maze so far so good no wolves oh oh and here it comes first wolf imposters don't worry I got you by the way you should be careful not only for the creeper but for yourself cuz you don't have any more helmets so uh yeah no he's not going to blow up oh watch out we're here we're here come on friends come on Friends stop I don't want to break my armor get out of the way creeper oh come on and you did it all right right click your friend and you should be good oh wait let's go there you go the final Relic all right zp over now to finally summon what's waiting for you all right time for the final Rune are you ready sip over I think so my armor is not doing too hot man but I got this if you die it is 1,000 here you go okay lock in run R go on the giant ghost S it's a hand come on he just wants to shake your hand no it's too firm of a handshake get the combat going you don't want to get hit too many times all right I'm locking him I'm locking him I'm locking in come on hand do your thing do your thing I should have made this guy a lot faster no you shouldn't have you shouldn't have you shouldn't have you shouldn't have you shouldn't have oh butd he's running for his life you got to time the attacks you got to time the attacks buddy is doing fullon strategies for this okay that's another armor piece broken come on come on I'm cooking him I'm cooking him I'm going for the combo he got him two more bars zip over I do not know how you're going to pass level three my goodness you have no armor left do you see me going at him like this of course okay he's crazy he's crazy and he got him and as you can see now there's a portal to the final area you ready I'm so ready for this yep and there's no final era you beat level two congratulations are you ready for level three though without your boots and your helmet I don't need them yeah okay you don't need them I'll think about giving you a new one but here we go 3 2 1 level three the final tier number three where we only have one chance but I got some good plans again we can only use the red square right here where I got smaller but let me show you guys what we have planned we have pretty much the tombstone of one single mob that being said what's going to happen is the Creator's going to walk up here and then they're going to be grabbed by something and set somewhere else so let's right click this and we're going to be making the horor ghost but for this ghost let's start with some basic shapes and build up the outline give him some nice long arms and now we give him the nice ghost texturing and with some more details done we're ready to kidnap the Creator let's go confirm and the horror ghost with h 100 the skills are to grab the player on attack jump scare him and take him to level three let's cck confirm in 3 2 1 and now we have it let's place it down right here and it's the horror ghost well let me show you guys what happens oh my gosh okay I wasn't ready for that yep he taking me up well that happened so welcome to the final Boss Rush area where we have the warden area the weather area and the dragon area where these are the final ghosts and their goal is to destroy each boss in each area where I got some mod from some friends and they made the altar where three keys are needed for each section no time to code I already have the warden ready the weer ready and the dragon where each one will be doing as much damage as we can do but before they move forward to get the keys I gave them some help where if I spawn this guy in they're going to be approached by the nameless player who already tried this Challenge and failed hopefully it's a Creator too but when they right click this guy they'll be gting the sword pretty cool sword and all the armor to help with actually surviving all this cuz when they unlock this key well I'll reveal that at the end that being said let me show you guys first with the warden we're in here it's going to be a s Warden spot but there's going to be a lot of these guys called the ghost wardens where you guys won't see them just yet just wait till the player goes through so you already know the usual I'm going to spawn in a lot of these guys where they're going to try to have to dodge all of them and in one of these chests is the only key piece a little bit evil cuz there's a lot of them where these are the key pieces we only need to put one in this room and I'm going to make it in the hardest to reach spot which is all the way up here and of course you already know along the way there's going to be lots of ghost wardens ready to fight them yeah this is going to be a mess and that's only room one all right that's what done if that doesn't kill them then let's now go to the weather with the next weather I had a friend make an even scarier mob for this giant area this right here is the ghost wither spawn egg where I'm just going to put him right here and look at this guy the ghost sther with his little minions at the bottom and let's just say the guy that made this he kind of went all out with the damage running out of time so be ready for an insane fight in this room right here and that's where they're done Warden done and finally the last key the dragon where this one's going to be a little bit strange where when they go in here they have one goal three egg pieces needed where this is a broken dragon egg I know it doesn't look like it but around the plates I put already ghost egg pieces right here right here and finally right here where when you add them all together it's going to spawn the ghost dragon boss which you'll have to wait to see in the meantime though we have little ghost dragon spawn eggs right here which I'll be nice and let me show you guys how these guys look yep that that's a ghost dragon terrifying and you already know the deal I'm going to spawn so many of them so they do as much damage as possible yeah this might lag out the server but it's going to be a deadly experience and scary all right let's walk out here before the dragon spawn and now that completes Warden wither and dragon and when all three key pieces are put in here let me show you guys the final boss it's me but it's not going to be in here let me show you guys where it's going to take him after all three keys are put he gets sent to the giant house of the throne room where all you have to do is light that Netherrack and sit on the throne and that's when I get summoned I'm not going to show you guys just yet what I'm going to become but just know I got a lot of help on this one so without further Ado let's make sure he dies in 3 2 1 here we go all right zip over welcome to the final level tier number three where I did not hold back with which mobs I made into ghosts I'm going to be kind you do need these and I have another gift for you when you go inside okay all right all right I'm ready I'm ready surely not an Ender Dragon Ghost or Herobrine surely not all you got to do though is just walk straight forward and uh you know do your thing let's go take him up oh no I'm in the backs welcome sip over to the final boss area where every single room is going to be having a key for this big old key thing in the Middle where three key pieces are needed all you got to do first though is look to your right that guy right there he tried the same Challenge and he kind kind of failed boo L not boo luckily he has stuff that you might find eil just uh right click his feet and uh you might be able to get it all right all right what do we got here what do we got here right click Feats oh there you go enjoy the brand new loots and you really do need this for these next bosses all right this seems intense now oh my gosh I'm looking crazy all right which one are you going for first the dragon the weaer and the warden oh boy three of the best mobs in the game you know what we'll we'll start we'll start off with the warden all right we got the new mob here he thinks he's all slick but he's not so we're just going to go straight in all right have fun oh no oh my gosh I'm getting cooked already buddy is already getting destroyed holy yeah so with the warden you're supposed to find the right key in one of these chests do I have like a time limit like no um pretty much as much time as you want wardens are going to be spawning all over the place look through the chest find the key and get out of here as soon as possible cuz you're not going to stop spawning bro oh you got to go up the staircase okay I'm going I'm going it's going he's gone he's gone I need to get away from that I need to get away from them come on come on he's actually looking for chest now he's looking for chest is's he going to find the key please no they're up here oh gosh found I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm I'm out these guys are too op these guys are too oh my gosh there's so many waiting for you at the door move move push through Z power oh my gosh he's getting stormed he's getting stormed how is he alive how is he alive how's he alive I feel so bad I feel so bad he's going to get through he's going to get through he's doing it he's doing it he's doing it oh my gosh I'm out of there no you did you did it all right well congratulations that's only key one out of three done are you ready for the next two okay yes now I'm ready oh gosh okay I used up pretty much all of my gear for that so let's go oh gosh well that's one key D at least here I'm going to be nice just for you I'm going to give you 11 more golden apples okay let's go let's go all right do you want the dragon X or the Wither what's harder I think the Wither is easier all right go do your thing this might be a boss though save the Dragon for last all right let's go come on let's lock in let's lock in where's he going to be a little quiet in here there he is oh my gosh that's terrifying the ghost sther all right T over this is the part where you're probably going to die have fun no what do you mean probably oh he's got the lightning shots and everything all right oh no look at this look at this look at this I'm finessing buddy is just chilling there what did I do to this guy let's go in for the sneak let's go in for the sneak wait no wait don't tell me he's going to have two stages once you get half oh no oh now we got to shoot at the sagite can you get the very bottom top one y oh oh oh you missed a little bit oh and he got clocked he got clocked that was actually pretty cool down he goes and there's your next key we hit him with the combo let's go all right now check out the dragon honestly the Ender Dragon's easier than Moren I'm I'm going to be bold and say that so I'm ready for this all right well come on inside in here you're going to need to get three egg pieces and also there's more dragons than wardens that's all you got to know oh gosh he's playing it close oh I have a safety hole I can scout out my area okay I found I found a ghost piece I found a ghost piece there's three of them and when do you have all all three you got to put them in the egg area oh he's going for the combat okay this guy's just deflecting my attacks help there so many not the jump scares not the jump scares oh gosh this is the last one on top of the towers oh I found it got it got it got it got it go go go all right now with all three put them in the middle and see what happens I can't get do it okay there's like 20 of them oh my gosh you are literally enveloped right now by so many Dragons Holy I can't even see you okay I'm just going to summon it I don't know what's going on I'm just summoning it you're summoning it oh oh well get you're fighting also now the Supreme ghost oh bad idea oh gosh that that was an awful idea I do not know what you're doing right now but you know what good luck have fun I'm locking in oh my gosh there's so many dragons what the heck how much damage do these guys need to die okay three shots three shots I can I can get them all I can get them all at once the only thing in your advantage right now is that they're walking really slow yeah they're like Moon walking towards me oh gosh come on don't tell me you guys got stuck on each other no you've now found a way to kill them I finessed you I finessed all right you know what I'll even I'll even sweep these guys wait there there so many oh gosh oh gosh Come on get him get him Dragon get him get him chew him chew him oh no he's getting close he's getting close get away come on Dragon I trained you better than this please don't shoot please don't shoot oh my goodness I think this is going to have to happen we might get to the final come on so close and last shots get out of here well done that's going to be the dragon down and he did drop a key go ahead and grab your key I'm getting out of here see it see it nerds see you nerds all right final key and I'm just going to let you know now that wasn't the final boss the final boss might be lot closer than you think this guy I don't know go ahead and open the door though come on a key in and here it comes I'm ready Mr House Is Back not you again come here boy oh gosh e e again I fell for it again welcome to inside the actual haunted house where your final goal Mr sip over is to go up there and click that summoning thing you might think you know what's going to be summoned but it's just just know that's going to be much worse what he doesn't know he can't hear me right now is it's going to be me that he's summoning inside a special Mech with this command are you here I'm scared NE H yep yep all the way up there you just got to go ahead and uh you know light it with some fire I was just scared I just want to make sure you're still here all good all good I mean don't you feel like you're going to be a king soon I think so I think I'm ready go ow here it goes the ghost match which is now ran by me I'm the final boss no I knew it I knew that wasn't you dead in that room earlier I got to make sure you lose this so here we go come on come on lasers get him let them all right I'm going back underneath this thing you're too big you're too big you can't get me look at this your size is your disadvantage here I cannot believe the throne room is actually good where you at I can't see you no the jump scares are getting me you now you know what I've been going through I've been going insane lock in lock in lock in lock in come on I need a no you're not getting me you're not oh my gosh that was so close to hitting me he's dodging so good come on just one hit get him you just can't get me Mech do your thing oh gosh wait it's actually damaging can't get me can't get me can't get me no oh the throne is actually a great spot for me to shoot you wait wait no get him come on stand off we're having a showdown right now come on oh gosh I'm getting low I'm getting low oh gosh oh come on come on come on come on I gapped up I gapped up I gapped up I'm going to lose $1,000 guys I am going to lose right now I was too cocky if the mech dies you win I'm going to be rich I'm going be rich I'm going be rich oh gosh oh gosh why did I give you that bow what I died wait you died no yes that was so close all all right Z over I'm so sorry s over the money and hope you guys all enjoyed over a great one and here's a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 689,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, school, open school, tycoon, minecraft but i open a haunted house, minecraft scary house, minecraft scary, scary minecraft, minecraft open a house, minecraft open, mod
Id: zPbIoDYl-DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 36sec (3696 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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