Testing cars vs mud in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game where when I get stuck in the mud my emotions get stuck on sad it's GTA we want to find out which vehicle in GTA is best at mudding and so Alex has created a brand new challenge in a particularly unwashed and intake clogging showing of scripting Supremacy Alex has managed to come up with all these different events that I'm going to have to test with each car in order to find out which one is the best sometimes the cars will be trying to accelerate through the mud sometimes the cars will be pushing stuff through the mud and of course sometimes the cars will be flipping through the mud Alex has giv me all these different cars that I can drive in order to feel especially dirty but as always only one can be the winner let's do this I'm not going to lie this's a lot of mud the fact that Alex even provided this vehicle as one of my mudding vehicles means I immediately have to try it welcome to which car accelerates better off the line in thick mud thank God it's thick mud that's just how I love my mud I hate thin mud after all 13 I'm assuming this is a timed event actually considering the mud goes up to my knees isn't this just sinks right down above the wheel line I think this is less about acceleration and more about just pure survival oh my God I it's going backwards I'm actually going in reverse you realize I'm I I'm accelerating forward and I'm going backward that is what the mud does to this vehicle hold on maybe if I uh well we were given hydraulic so that's nice not that it's helping at all well I am very happy that the go-kart performed exactly the way I would have expected it to okay I've I've got some acceleration here wow it can't even make it over the very first like mud chunk area yeah I'm going to let you just drown there and think about what you've done all right it's time for the Redemption Arc of the side by side all right I'm ready hit me okay well this is wow this is doing right about as bad as the go-kart oh this is going to be an exciting challenge driving this car in the mud is literally what it feels like to run away from you know Jason Vorhees in a dream or something okay all right if I use the wall a little bit I can get some acceleration look here we go here we go here we go oh yeah oh yeah I am nowhere near 13 seconds though I'm not going to lie Alex can any vehicle do this as I run all the way back to the vehicles I learned something very strange just now look at this do you notice this in first person mode you can run it full speed normally you just kind of waddle through the mud but if you go in first person mode it's a normal run all right this looks legit it's got a it's got a a winch on it and everything ahaa that doesn't give me a lot of confidence are you God okay you know what this is definitely the best vehicle we've had so far in the mud we got probably halfway before the barrier came up so like we're getting somewhere ow all right so kind of what I'm doing is moving toward vehicles that have a lot more weight on them I'm hoping that the weight of the vehicle helps stick it into the mud a little bit better and enables me to get even more acceleration off the line to get through this and I think it's kind of working welcome to the 69 mobile obviously Alex wouldn't put 69 on something unless it was incredible so I can already tell you we're not going to make this to the end but this now is definitely the best vehicle that we've tested oh yeah well this looks awful in case anyone's wondering what the paint scheme of this vehicle is it's called Uh candied tetanus that's what we're doing with that's what's okay and then apparently it doesn't go straight it only goes sideways bum you're garbage huh random thing I just noticed there too the grenades don't sink into the mud they just you notice it the grenades just stay on top of the mud all right who wants to not fail how about you trueberry okay off the line is trash we're digging deep though we're digging deep I'm going to end up hitting the side by side we' only got a couple of options left the dger is one of them and I'm going to tell you right now the dger is destroying this okay it almost got there I want to try this again I think the jogger can do it if I clean up my initial like start to this challenge I think I can get through this with the dger come on baby come on you're right there okay I was at it a few times with the droger no good so that means it's time for the wastelander to save the day come on okay wastelander is moving all right um maybe ooh okay okay that's right next to the droger although it almost look like I can climb over the barrier I've been getting a little bit closer each time basically what I'm doing is I am peeling out against the challenge starter so that I have as much speed as possible and then I'm using the wall to kind of hold me straight okay off the line's looking good little bit of mud drift D no big deal we may be able to glitch through this we may be able to glitch through this almost okay slam it go little bit of hydraulic to get over the bump this is this is looking good this is looking good we just got to glitch through the wind we're right there yeah all right wastelander has a point and that brings us to I don't know now we're just befriending all of the various bacon bits which car can pig roll in the mud more times I love how randomly there's just a pig telling me to use the Hydraulics as well all right well since we brought the wastelander over here and okay the mud has changed a bit we're dealing with like average mud now so now we'll see how it oh oh you have to make a choice between all the different Vehicles I'm assuming if you pick the wrong choice you get a a windmill up your groin somehow that's almost always what Alex does so in case you're wondering how you need to roll these vehicles it's not super easy you have to yank the Hydraulics one way while using the parking brake and then yank the Hydraulics the other way and then try and flip the vehicle all right so we're going to go ahead and try the uh we're going to go ahead and try the Baja mobile right here okay one full flip pretty easily I think if I start my rolls earlier I'll be able to get more than one come on baby let me have it let me get two there we go one two a all right two in fact you know I'm just going to guess it and see if I save myself a ton of time oh I didn't get windmilled for once I just body slammed this pig wow that pig took it like a champ that's so weird huh he has a lot of hit points all right Outlaw you're up we need someone to be able to go head tohe head okay one what I was saying is we need someone to go head to-head with the wastelander cuz I have a feeling like the wastelander is going to be doing really good on all these challenges except for this one okay I can very easily get one flip on this I'm not sure I can manage two all right let's see if you're laughing when you're rolling to be fair driving this thing is like driving a pancake it's so low to the ground I don't even think I'm going to be able to get one roll with this I'm going to give it a shot yeah it is absurdly hard okay this might be a little a little bit better cuz it's much more topheavy 69 okay maybe not all right get ready and pull it oh this feels good here we go one two all right so we got two as well I could probably get at least maybe two and a half come on Stick It One Two like two and a quarter I'm going to put this over here as well interestingly enough picking the wrong answer and running allows me to get to the front of the board so I don't have to run through the mud the whole time it's just just a faster way to do this I can't say I've tried to roll the droger that m that like that much so see how it does uh it definitely gets good speed on the roll I think if we start our roll a lot earlier like now no come on baby One n one and a quarter do it whoa that was interesting I love migraines okay one two easy two and a half two and three three yeah oh I am getting good at rolling this thing three and a quarter now it's time to clear out some area though ah yes a lovely vehicular volcano of death I don't really foresee this thing doing incredibly well maybe I'm wrong the speed on it isn't bad at all H it definitely slides well all right how about can we get at least get one ow all right let's try that again without you know hitting the wall at high speeds and giveing myself Whiplash come on give me one one uh one and a quarter okay this one this one feel oh that's right in the middle one two uh two rolls last time the charm one two oh three okay so this is like number two I feel like I can get hold on one two oh yeah three e that's an easy three and a quarter this is probably as good at rolling as the number one to be honest with you so I'm goingon to try it I'm goingon to I'm going to go for the rusty Rebel and see if it I think it oh it did Count okay so the rusty Rebel is the best or at least tied for the best when it comes to Rolling in mud which car can push objects in the mud faster so you got 10 seconds to push a crate and right now we've got one point for the rusty Rebel and then one point for the wastelander so this vehicle has good weight to it nice and low not great in the mud I will say I I don't think that the acceleration is really anything to write home about ah it is not close at completing this challenge you would think putting the image of a deer head on the front of your truck would enable it to perform a lot better that is not the case maybe six wheels gives me like a like a 50% extra capability to do this nope not at all all right dger I know you can get a ton of speed right away oh it pushes pretty good too wow I didn't really think that the jogger had that much like physical weight to it but okay it it easily got the closest to the end of the challenge I have a feeling that my side by side is going to do awful yeah I can barely push the crate at all 45 does okay but it's still not fast enough on the push all right I think we know what time it is I'm pretty sure the wastelander is about to get a second Point here we go just because of the insurd the Absurd weight of the wastelander oh oh God if I don't climb this okay so we're going to have to lay off of the acceleration every once in a while otherwise we're just going to you know mount the shipping crate which is not what you want to do that's perfect there you go right there so in case you're wondering what the crate is even for it's so I can jump onto the crate and then get the teleporter to go into the next challenge area ow right in the mouth oh this is a challenge after my own heart which car can do the most Donuts in the mud I assume what is going to happen is one of these vehicles is much better at donutting than the rest maybe just maybe this is is where the go-kart can shine all right nice okay all right nice dip in the mud and here we go remember how I said this might be the place where the go-kart could shine uh I was wrong the go-kart handed me into report card and I slapped the go-kart across the mouth 45 should do crazy Donuts go oh wa that this is funny it it digs into the muds so good that it doesn't do fantastic Donuts it is very lackluster I will not projectile vomit my chili dog with this level of donuts hence I am unimpressed does the wastelander even do donuts well uh okay well uh wow that answers that question we have finally found something that the wastelander is not good at it is terrible at doing Don nuts in fact I might say that the the wastelander is the worst vehicle at doing donuts this is a close second though you know what it's not a close second cuz the wastelander couldn't even do one dut I have yet to find the golden vehicle that can do donuts so with so much superiority that all the other vehicles pale in comparison I had guessed the six wheel would be pretty bad and it is all right we are almost out of choices here I backed myself into a corner I'm really hoping that the outlaw impressed es me a [Music] lot oh my God oh my God whoa I think we may have found the vehicle that is the best and it is not close oh I am making muddy rigoton over here hope you're all hungry for pasta if you really want to get sick we'll do this in first person mode okay Outlaw it is that's a point for the outlaw which car gets the most dirt on it from playing in the mud I don't know that's a good question I never looked at all now right now we've got two points for the wastelander one point for the rusty Rebel or whatever it's called one point for the outlaw okay does the go-kart get any mud on it from playing in the mud the answer is no so I've been over here going through every single vehicle and I've learned something very odd none of these vehicles get dirty in the mud none of them they all stay clean all right how about you rust bucket okay I am rolling this thing and it doesn't get any mud on it all right wastelander can you pick up another point the wastelander gets no mud on it either not even on the tires okay this is the weirdest thing I think I've learned in GTA the droger does get mud on it not much you can see it's barely there on the front panel but it does get muddy so right now the jogger is in first place with the vehicle that get it's the only one that gets money okay can the side by side oh my god oh the the side by side got instantly filthy it's going to pick up a point we're going to have a vehicle that's tied in first place with the wastelander because the side by side gets like the dirtiest dirt and donuts I love it all right well the answer is the outlaw so we've got a tie which car performs better in the mud so right now we've got the two what did you just say what did you just say to me did you just speak out loud in an Alex board you clearly want to die suck on oh this a one time what the wait what what ah whoa uh whoa I what what in the what happened how come oh god oh I may have messed everything up okay all right everyone calm down I know that we're all big fans of fire but there's no reason to be alarmed okay oh go no stop it how about you four you four doing okay you're not going to randomly explode on me are you I think we're fine I think the explosions are uh I think the explosions are over at this point that's good at least I still have uh four cars to okay that oh boy all right well we have uh three cars to choose from at this point in order to complete challenge remember how I said three make that two so I I learned what happened here I think that that explosion behind me was yep the wastelander blowing up Alex put invisible walls all over this entire PL I had no idea so the grenades just dropped to the ground and blew everything up I mean I I guess we'll see how you do all right stay in the mud 69 seconds I'm assuming this is some sort of obstacle course and here we go I I am going to reset the other cars oh wow oh my God this thing is uh I'm not going to lie this is kind of incredible I had no idea this was this good in general I'm assuming what you do okay good I was like do you go left or right there I assume what you do is you just follow the curvature oh big jump oh I can't get over the jump with this though I wanted to try this one more time when we get to the jump we're going to lean there we go hey oh I think I missed the entrance I'm supposed to go into but yeah this thing uh the little go-kart is doing surprisingly well I figured it would just be a total waste of time and space but uh random deer but it's doing okay it's a long course you put here for 69 seconds my God I think the thing I love the most is that the go-kart doesn't even complete the course on top of the mud it's just swimming in the mud the entire time like I'm just getting a mud sandwich the the whole time I am driving this thing and it tastes delicious okay arrow to the left so where do you go now oh it's like a full turn you have to do almost a 180 hair pin turn over here because then there's another arrow over here pointing toward oh okay now I kind of know how the course Works ow okay so obviously I had to get all these vehicles back here we've got a two-way time between the outlaw and the wastelander so now it's time to find out which one of those two can get the final Point first I want to see something it says don't leave the mud what happens if you leave the mud like does it oh oh wow so you programmed a script for what like an entire layout of the area not defined by the course all right wastelanders up for 69 seconds stay in the mud now we know that the wastelander has speed the wastelander I mean it kind of has agility mainly it just hugs really well the problem is is that there's not a lot of space for error on this course and some of the turns are pretty legitimate what you can do though is you can kind of just like rub the wall if you need to to help turn the wastelander which is good so we've got got a full circle coming around the corner then we're going to have to do a jump murder this guy cuz he looked at me wrong catch the back wheel not doing great so far don't want to murder the deer the deer and I are fantastic friends okay so far I can tell you right now have driving this thing on an agility course is a nightmare the wastelander is fantastic when it comes to just pushing stuff and slamming your head against a problem but what in the world is that sound every once in a while in the uh in the mud I can hear the sound of the ocean in my ear except the ocean is attempting to blow my ear drums out the panel's up we didn't we weren't even close all right I'm trying another run here this one's going way better the panel isn't up yet and we're coming around the big turn and now the panel's up okay sup everyone Amazon delivery oh God you left the butt I love that me and this Orca are just you know resting together on the side of this mountain all right this is your time to shine here we go 6 9 seconds and feels pretty good so far actually it feels very responsive in the mud oh yeah this is where this thing was born this is where the outlaw was raised this is where the outlaw was meant to be dirty and hold on nice jump sideways sticks to Landing worked out pretty good I also got to wonder Alex when you made this challenge did you decide that 69 seconds was the time limit that you were going to go for or did you design the course and then find out that it roughly took 69 seconds it's kind of like what came first the chicken or the egg I want to know which came first the 69 or the course because with Alex it is very possible that the 69 came first so far I wouldn't call this a Flawless run but this has been a really good run so far I think it's easily better than the wastelander so big turn pull it and then a little bit of an S oh yeah oh yeah okay all right we are super close I just need to do this perfectly back at the starting line I'm ready to not cry myself to sleep so what you want to do this is actually my fifth time doing this course and I got real close last time what you want to do is slow down on a few of these turns like just take your foot off of the accelerator a little bit right here you got to punch it and you can hug the inside corner of a lot of these turns insanely with the side by side watch out for the deer Stick it to the left and then we're going to SL him to the right no big deal the bumps right here are kind of weird too you want to hold the inside of the bumps like this kind of like Ricochet from one bump to the next perfect then we're going to stay in the center over to the left a little bit of slowdown then again lost a little bit of speed there but I think we're going to be fine underneath the bridge stay straight big hair pin turn around to the right this is a good run this actually might be the run this one right here this Run's looking fantastic this run is amazing come on come on yeah we have a winner well I left the mud and the sadness left my body Outlaws the best hey folks hope you this episode of GTA till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,246,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hD1ovsoJS-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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