Cars vs Spirals in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game we're putting cars against spiral roads makes you spiral down the pathway to Insanity it's GTA say hello to cars against spiral roads except the spiral roads are meant to make me hate myself staircase spiral Road well it is what it says it is on the package I'll tell you that I love that we also apparently are timed while trying to do this that makes me super happy 15 seconds a you may be saying you're J great why are you using the quad to try and do this listen you never know this thing has per performed well in the past and honestly it goes downhill quite strongly as long as I remember to turn oh okay the time goes by a little bit faster than I thought it would I actually kind of Wonder can you just cheat all right fair enough I guess it was the obvious thing that you need to think of when I'm involved in trying to do a board what is you done you done I guess he's done oh you can climb over the wall I don't think I've ever seen an instant when I could climb over the invisible wall okay that's interesting I mean if you send it full speed the whole time maybe we'll have a chance to make it but I need to shave off an entire second from my run right now you I can kind of feel it too if I just I was trying to cut that corner all right I'm going to give it one last try we're going to go from outside to inside but the turn rate IUS on this thing is not really fantastic going to pull it inside then go to the outside and close but no cigar the only thing I got from this is my head penetrating the tire whoa okay I may have just been slurped by the ground I don't like being slurped by the ground I know just trust me on this I have an idea never have I seen a more appropriate license plate than sad now something I'm noticing is that the stop barriers to keep you from going to the next section of the challenge are remarkably low oh my God the turning radius on this thing is God awful oh yeah oh it just does terrible going down the hill here my plan is to just jump over it so line it up and Boop I almost got there God on Sharp you can do it just one time in your life don't be a failure hey got it oh I never thought I would see the day when this thing could finally complete One Challenge thinning ashal spiral well after we completed our one thing we're screwed there's no way it's doing this the sherp cannot wall ride at all I went all the way back so I could curb boost like as if though I was going to get extra speed doing that I was wrong ow uh it's kind of like landing on some fluffy depression all right we're going legit oh yeah low like a low chance for me to survive or low to the ground round I guess those two things don't really have to be mutually exclusive it could be both oh oh you lose traction a lot on this thing bouncing down these stairs in fact I don't know if I can get past the very first challenge in this car if I can just get through this I think this will do great the rest of the way the problem is the stairs there's always some cryptonite waiting for me on any one of the challenges no matter what kind of car I pick in the grand scheme of terrible ideas this was one of them I need something that could deal with a little bit of Bounce but also has some speed I already know what I'm picking oh the color palette on this it's like hot dogs I love it ketchup and mustard oh yeah oh the corn dog Mobile's doing pretty good it uh it stays strong going down these stairs like it keeps good speed hey with a full half second to spare there you go does it have the speed to do a spiral wall ride probably I think so it feels like it does oh yeah maybe not okay this is okay what I'm going to do is keep all my speed and we're just going to go we're going to go full speed all the way that little bit of curb boosting big spiral sticks to Landing goes flying off there goes my bumper full back flip onto the tires onto the hood got brain damage and the hood finally flies off come on full curb boosting full curb boosting go go go go go go go stay inside stay inside yeah oh we're going to get it yeah no I had it I'm not giving up on this thing oh my God I'm not giving up on this thing I know it can do it there we go that's clean that's super clean and completion of the Second Challenge nice I told you the corn dogmobile could do it tube spiral Road are you going inside the tube are you going outside the tube tube guess we'll find W 44 seconds huh that's a long tube all right let's find out how long 44 really you put down a Slowdown stick right in the beginning it's not hard I would say you can just stay on top of this gigantic spoiled piece of arugula spaghetti or whatever this supposed to be it's some sort of vegetarian pasta is what it reminds me of uh I have no idea how much time has gone by I also really don't know you kind of start to slide out to the side oh there's a lot more pasta to go oh carbolicious okay keep the speed all you got to do is keep the speed Grace stay on the center line maybe a little inside the center line but mostly the center line is mostly the center line is good when you start to pull yeah when you start to pull out to the left you just go peeling off it can't hold the traction all right I'm going to try and lean this a little bit into the right there we go oh yeah oh that's [Music] sweet I'm starting to wonder if this thing can do it now I now I kind of want something lower to the ground with more downforce but the problem is if I have too much downforce and it's too low to the ground I can't complete the first challenge I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place on the plus side I managed to get to the end on the negative side I was nowhere near making it all right here's the plan we're going to wall ride this it's the only way I can think of to keep a ton of speed while oh this is really weird to do ton of speed while attempting to complete the challenge the problem is the back end is bouncing all the time cuz it's not oh God it's not flat so you just like it pulls you down to the ground almost that's okay we're going to we're going to kind of halfway half between the wall ride and the sticking on the top right about here like uh 3:00 well not 3:00 it's more like 2:00 well now we're at about 1:30 really need to move back down to about 2 there we go oh yeah oh yeah as long as it doesn't try and drown me every once in a while I can feel the dead cold hands of the afterlife attempting to pull the car downward to the ground am I getting anywhere wow I am not close enough so we need to go a lot faster ah oh God this is probably a terrible idea but this car does have STD so you never know okay wow this performed much much much worse than I could have ever foreseen I'm going to try and cheat it there's no way all right we're just going to go for the dger the droger should checkbox all of the markings for vehicular superiority well I would think so it's kind of not performing as well down the stairs as I would have thought it would we're probably still going to make it but it's going to be close Okay that was way closer than I thought I mean we made it we also got lobotomized by it now the ashphalt spiral the jogger should do this very easily the jogger gets plenty of speed in spirals look at that right there a no problem first try I shouldn't have said anything I'm going to land on this roof now almost lost the entire shroud of this vehicle yeah I just need to come out of this turn with a little bit more ease and don't over correct there we go got it all right tube spiral I'm ready for the 44 seconds of the worst time in my life I hate that I hate that there's a Slowdown stick there I could probably do this so much easier if that didn't exist ah it definitely uhoh oh my oh God it definitely feels better than the other vehicle I feel much much faster on this probably because the suspension on the back side of the of the car is so much better man it keeps throwing me off though I kind of try and look ahead to see where the end is and then I end up not steering and I go way off to the left and almost go flying off the tube I've got to be getting close right like okay that's the first time that I've SE we can make it in this 100% I was going to say that that was the first time that I got to see the barrier before it was already up so I'm feeling real good about this I just need to not fly off you can see my tire marks on where I screw up every once in a while it's kind of the same place over and over again I've got a history of bad choices all right and I like to be consistent in my bad choices I always make them in exactly the same place every single I did it again I can't believe I just went on a giant Exposition on how I always mess up in the same spot and then I did indeed mess up in exactly the same spot you know I'm going to mess up in a different spot today I know this thing can make it I don't know why I'm causing so much extra heartache for myself I should just be able to ride the gigantic death spiral of like water park Insanity down to the bottom I need to not let it pull me off to the left quite so much though all right I think we're going to have it I think we're going to have it oh yeah there we go and I still had like two seconds left that's not bad all right what else you got for me uh Hot Potato spiral but instead of a potato it's a bomb Oh great great so if you have the Hot Potato you're not out you just die oh the Hot Potato is uh very violently pulsating inside of that cage of Destiny 69 seconds I always have to wonder if you really Ed this or if you just picked it because it 69 I guess my question is how hot is your hot potato W you got hot potatoed I did does it is that a bad thing am I going to die the potato is totally sticking with me the potato just murdered me out of the sky the potato is now rolling me it is rolling me inside of the prison I am becoming mashed potatoes the potato is in fact mashing me after a lifetime of potato abuse the potato is finally getting revenge it's not my fault everyone I have a hot potato it is trying to violate me I can't hold on oh oh whoa I am Magneto I am the most powerful person all of GTA I Rise Above All of the challenges you didn't foresee this did you Alex I'm number one hold on I got to I got to get back down to the challenge it's still following me yay and ow all righty let's do this oh my god oh the Hot Potato is very very fast no in case any of you are wondering I did indeed get hot potato okay this is absurd trying to stay on this spiral while keeping the amount of speed that you need as the Hot Potato is is chasing you is like impossible oh I landed on a different part of the roadway I cheated a whole section all right I'm going to try this one more time I never mind I got hot potatoed immediately okay we're okay it hasn't touched me yet although it is levitating about oh 6 Ines from my bumper for God's sakes don't do it please whatever Alex is paying you I'll pay you double I'm falling to my death and I got hot potatoed we need a different car I have no idea what here has any chance I'm going to try the EC car the peac mobile no I I thought about it but there's no way okay we've got traction we've got pickup really what we needed was acceleration and this thing has it it just depends on how well oh wow it spins out really easily I guess it has traction if it's not flying off the ground I don't know if I'm going to be able to make this okay I've been at it for a little while I've kind of got down the speed that you need to do this it looks like you're doing it kind of slow but it's really not that bad as long as you don't fish tail the entire back end out there you go wow I just barely made that oh God asphalt spiral super easy in this like this thing sticks to the ground when you're doing these spirals Like Glue if there was a better wall ride than this this thing would have no trouble oh whoa at least I made it through that teleporter it should do okay on this too uh just because again the wall riding capability is great and the pickup is fantastic so even if I kind of just idle my way through a lot of this wall ride area I can use the acceleration to pick up a lot of the speed that I leave behind when I'm just kind of idling so right now feels pretty good you don't want to bounce too hard or the back end will go absolutely nuts and then I'll go jettisoning off to the left the other thing I want to make sure is is as it dips it has a tendency to I have to correct my steering a little bit harder basically when it dips down like it just did right there right there okay feeling strong again that right there is the area that I have a tendency to go flying off at but now that we made it past that we should be able to wrap around this last area punch it at the end and there you go all right Hot Potato are you fast enough to deal with all of the D batteries oh yeah we're getting space now uh the turn radius on this thing isn't like incredible but because it has so much pickup I can stay ahead Oh there's uh there's little obstacles here I never got to see them because I never got this far we're doing good though this is good if I wanted to I could probably even curb boost there we go just a little bit you can see how close it's sticking to the car it's tough trying to give you guys a visual look at the distance between the hot potato and my car I oh I got hot potato really no don't worry it's just gra still play blown up again oh yeah this a good run oh this is a great run I got I got the oh God hold on here we go I've got the muscle memory down I know exactly how much input for the turns and how much acceleration to do okay I as long as I can do this in 69 seconds because I'm all my concentration oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa all my concentration is getting me killed right now ow well sucks okay I'm coming up on a new whoa I was so close to coming up to a new personal best my favorite flavor of ice cream is murder and let me tell you I'm getting two scoops of murder here like this is a large 100% I thought I I thought it may have touched me but I think I was just a couple inches ahead of it we' got to be getting close to the end well I've never seen those before I I'm definitely at a point that I've never been to before on this challenge so here we go here we go here here we go we're flat we're flat we're flat go go go go go go go go go go go go yeah so I guess there's like there was like a little blue scripty thing and when the ball goes through it it eventually turns off it just took a while spiral road but it's only a quarter of it and it drops every 1.5 seconds that makes absolutely no sense get out of my way bomb you've hotted your last potato now drop to your death all right climb the gigantic Hill of Destiny what is this it is a single sad piece of Roe attached to a giant pole all right we'll trigger it and see okay I was going to say We'll trigger it and see what happens so ah it drops down like a foot every couple of seconds well every 1.5 seconds I guess so I'm going to have to like time getting on this okay okay I had to wait and wait till this thing got all the way back to the top cuz I oh wow oh this is weird to do I wanted to be level to start it but man those 1.5 second drops there's no traction at all man every part to this challenge now all of it has given me some level of trouble there we go no recover no yes here we go we just need to stay as straight as possible and if you lose the back end at all like that oh god oh no oh go backward now there's no way to recover all right I'm going to give this one last shot I don't know what we can use that has better traction yeah we're going to need something better there's three options and this one seems like it's the best also I feel like this was a troll but it has a license plate that says winner usually the one that says winner is not the winner but now I kind of Wonder all right how does it do against the dropping staircase days uh yeah feels okay back end comes out a little bit you do have to drift it but it's not bad the acceleration is kind of like right in the middle of all the other accelerations yeah it wasn't too bad the ashall I have done a lot of wall riding in this so ooh lost a little bit of uh I lost a little bit of the grip right there all right let me try this with slightly more concentration so that I don't get my neck choked out by the spiral there we go perfect through the teleporter 44 seconds I can tell you on this right now it feels very good bouncing there is a little bit of bounce on the wall ride but there's actually a lot less loss of control on the bouncing than all the other cars wow I just barely made that man you do not get a lot of time to get through this thing all right Hot Potato oh yeah oh the traction is very consistent oh it's very consistent the acceleration is very consistent too it's kind of hard to spin this thing out doing this turn in fact I would say it feels the best on this turn oh my God could this happen first try all right well maybe second try right on the fence I got Arko by the fence and blown up what are the chances of getting obliterated by the fence I really don't know anyway this run doing good I just need to stay very close to the middle the middle is really the safest area and there we go nice give it up bom there we go all right how does it do on the drop spiral uh okay oh yeah oh yeah this is good you just got to take your you got to take your foot off of the accelerator kind of when you're dropping now and again it oh God it really helps you recover whoa all right I need a lot more speed hold on I've actually underestimated maybe you need to keep your foot on the accelerator a bit more than I was come on oh this is this is working this is working we're kind of staying in the middle that's good enough well how long do I have to do this for no I landed inside of a car graveyard stay in the Line Stay color with in the lines okay but it it's just different because unlike you know second grade you don't get ridiculed you get murdered well maybe you do get murdered in second grade I guess depends on where you go to school at if you're in Newark oh God that might be a legitimate lesson plan for an elementary school every time this thing drops I feel like I'm going to die there is no greater tension around my heart ventricles than this thing trying to kill me all the time it's like the heartbeat of death right here what is that like 20 beats a minute or something oh did I get it am I there how long what do you do now what do you oh okay okay hold on hold hold on got it oh my God I look behind me and I see NeverEnding death and sadness I look in front of me and I see total freedom and that means that we have a winner well I did the spirals and I got blown up by gas Tang anyway folks hope episode GTA until the next time stay Fox much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 510,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, cars vs, cars vs gta 5, cars vs spirals, cars vs spirals in gta 5, spirals in gta 5, testing cars vs, testing cars vs spirals
Id: NB49c0vyYRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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