Can't Believe I Found This In The TRASH! Garbage Day

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it's another trash day here at the channel welcome to paper and movies my name is renee if you are new thank you so much for joining me so glad that you found the channel be sure to subscribe this way you will be able to find me again and tag along for some more garbage picking adventures which is what is on my agenda today let's get out there hopefully find some treasure left on the curb consider trash let's save it from the landfills get it out into some good hands and perhaps even find something really cool [Music] i guess this stuff is free i have no idea i don't really see anything i could use some bottles [Music] mason jars oh boy there's no lids though i don't know if this is free or if they're moving or what it is little bottles [Music] i don't know what's going on here because it's not out on like the curb curb so i don't know if they had a yard sale or what so that's neat oh boy so i'm going to leave this since i don't know what's going on so this is a one well it was a one-way street from where i was coming from so i had to park a little bit away but all free fortune these little things got wet shoes nothing that i can use cookbooks are uh are a no-go spongebob hats huh i'll just take those what's this guy little ghost mr grass microwave roll warmer i'll take spongebob just in case you feel like having a party this house has been doing a clean out for a while it's the house that had all the vhs tapes they have a perfect chrome table out there for free oh what's this super dad tins oh look at that other hat australia that's neat i'll grab that baskets no longer so [Music] that one's a little dirty i like those oh another hat we interrupt this marriage for fishing season that's funny we'll grab that one [Applause] those there [Music] oh it looks like a christmas stencil oh what's this there's scarves that's cool christmas stencils [Music] oh here it is this is like crafting stuff [Applause] recipes i'm probably gonna run out of battery there's a baby photo [Music] oh my gosh look at this is this phillipsburg high school wilson it doesn't matter oh my gosh this might be my favorite oh a peterborough high school this is peterburg 1954. oh my gosh i'm so excited oh my gosh i mean uh yearbooks look at that baby thing united states oh my gosh we need to i can't leave these wilson borough wilson wilson this is amazing and i think i'm gonna take that um one whole bag of stuff united states training center wilson borough high school [Music] this might be like one of my favorite picks because i found local phillipsburg stuff thrown in the trash make sure there's no more i can't believe i found folksburgh at salzburg high school yearbook i mean picture thrown out how amazing can you get that's awesome well folks this was a day to put in my trash picking books because i found some local phillipsburg high school ephemera and i'm saving something that i love so much which is vintage phillipsburg high school history all from one house i've been to this house before and i guess so have you this was the home that had all of the vhs tapes they were not home movies they were shows that they recorded on tv i have sporadically checked that house not sporadically when i go garbage picking in that town i look in that house and i don't think i've missed any phillipsburg stuff i hope i haven't but you know you it's very hard being a reseller and a picker and you go to estate sales yard sales trash picking you always wonder what did i miss or what was there before me and you can't live by that philosophy because that will drive yourself nuts so i try to live by the what's meant for me will find me and i think that worked today so yes some spongebob party hats let's party because this was a great garbage pick i took those from that one house but again i want to focus on the main house because i did take one of their garbage bags it looked like there could have been some things in there there were some i like crafting notions and then i found a few other things when i was digging through and that's what prompted me to take the box but first oh there was that other home that had the items out on the grass so i didn't know if it was yard sale leftovers if they were free i wasn't sure what to do and that's why i left those things there because technically they're not out on the curb they were still in their yard and there weren't any signs the only things that would have been probably good sellers were the mason jars it would have been great if they would have the lids with them but you know i wasn't sure what was going on there so i would rather leave it just in case versus you know being you know having my car chased you stole my jars you stole my jars but anyway back to my good house so yes we have some hats vintage hats australia really cute there is wear but i will be able to watch that watch this made in taiwan for cider australia men's size it says cider c-i-t-e-r this one we interrupt this marriage for fishing season how many women can relate made in usa um we'll look at those then i also took out of the one trash can these ideal paper clamps in their box that looked like it was all scrap metal but i i'm not emptying that out until like those baskets they had there i did dig and this is what i came back with the baskets the fruit baskets they don't sell here anymore that fad has come and gone great for carrying things around and for you know your porch decor for halloween say which is coming up but you know are they big sellers at my flea market anymore nope okay we'll get go through this stuff so this is in the garbage bag this looks like a scarf oh it's fabric scrap oh it was a scarf not anymore made in usa it was a scarf at some point so they must have been crafty there they oh they did not do anything to this one spring industries made in usa nice bandana bandana and this one they did cut so these are native americans i don't maybe that was inside of the other one i'm not sure then we have some other scrap this was also in the garbage bag frosty christmas stencils from woolworth woolworth is long gone so you would hold these up to your window and then you'd have the snow that you would spray now the things that i got so excited about and they were just right on top were the local high school this is senior year and this is probably um maybe at the beginning of their graduation year this is from wilson which is right across the river basically 1955. nicely framed and then we have peaborg 1954 this is at the football stadium i have a few of these but to find one in the trash for me that's just something special i guess you could say not only because it is from my town from my high school but that i can save it from the trash and from you know never being seen again so i was so happy to have found this and i'm sure that you've heard that in my voice because when i get excited if you're new to the channel when i get excited i will say oh my gosh it just happens so we also have the person's diploma uh 1954. so now i'm just going to have to watch this house because who knows what other phillipsburg stuff they might throw out i don't want to imagine but i'm glad that i'd saved those we have the peterborough high school diploma we have the fillsburg high school k rocks yearbook let me see if any of my teachers i'll show you oh i don't know if my gym teacher because some of my my one of my gym teachers was actually like my mother's gym teacher too which i mean they were you know young i can't i don't know this may have been too young i don't recognize any of these people any of these teachers but anyway talking too much let's get to the trash then we have this was united states naval training center company 384 out of maryland so this is a good flea market piece if it is not worth anything on ebay oftentimes people do purchase these because they have their grandfather uncle family member in a certain you know training center and they want to trace their family history so they will buy them same as with yearbooks same same thing also if there were any famous people that were in a certain year for a high school then those also bring in a decent amount of money so this is from wilson though i think the rest of them are from wilson the memories do not pronounce that right then we have wilsonborough area joint high school oh i recognize this last name too i have to do some research then i found it must have fallen out of the trash can so this is a fillsburg high school commencement from 1954. it's the um little brochure that they would hand out i'm excited about that and then i even found rolled up a 10-year reunion the class of 1954 at the elks club so 10 years they look so much older 1965. great finds for me really really great you cannot be finding local history items in the trash now for the trash bag which i'm sure you've all been waiting for for those that follow the channel you are familiar with my other trash bag house in my last trash video i did take two bags from that house the bags were bad it was trash in there what i thought was yarn was actually a bathroom rug and the one bag was so heavy not with treasures but with a can of paint so bummer that might be the end of that house but maybe if i'm not too late this house will have more but so inside this bag when i was quick skimming before i actually just took the bag i found some of these items this is a it's mexico it's a eyeglass holder leather and then this little purse too cute little coin purse so then i thought let me take the bag let's see what we have i did see this spray search eleven cent gonna have a box here we'll put that over there oh a baby picture a little guy that's sad but you know there's family doesn't want it and what are you going to do what matters to some people might not matter or have any you know value to someone else so more fabric scraps looks like they're probably going to make something i don't think there's anything in here this is from a studio fragile photos so um it's empty though we have some uh craft batting to fill up a plethora of things small craft projects oh cool the anchor united states naval training center in san diego california again another great history historical item look at that guy [Music] recruit leave what year is this i guess that's probably the 60s i have to look into it a little more phone book bag some more stuff for crafting it looks like fabric fillsburg middle school 1975. so this must have been the person's son and then their daughter and then their holder for the diplomas so is the son or daughter cleaning out this home and they're just like i don't want it perhaps now i did see a baby album that's just the thing i must have fallen out because that's empty there it is precious moments let's hope it's not filled because that would be really sad oh we have some acute baby card it was signed let me look first all they did was fill in the mother's message blue eyes black hair and fair complexion 18 inches at birth and that's it nothing else was spelled out i have a little congratulations card these are really cute illustrations so i will be able to look how cute she is that would look really cute on a shirt i'll be able to use the illustrations in this book for sure there's a whole bunch cedar fresh a whole bunch of paper and i want to try to not there's cards let's show the address see if we can get if there's anything some dishes yeah so you see there's just a whole whole bunch we have the evening program committee would like to thank all the people who helped this oh make this reunion a success oh so that's fun it's from uh their tenure reunion so i will hold on to that but just a whole bunch of papers recognition volunteer service for public fallsburg public schools oh is this a great amb student i will have to look through this separately cards all sorts of stuff let me put that aside i do not want to bore you with that some more fabric snake skin fabric now i wasn't sure what to expect in this in this bag you know if it was going to be trash or if it's going to be you know anything that i could salvage but finding the fellsburg items is enough for me wallet another wallet not coach all empty which is a good thing you know i don't want any of those personal credit cards and things like that to be in there singer sewing machine oil 1.75 it's still full brush more cards there's all sorts of no idea don't want to find anything really cool later and have you miss it but i think that might be it i have some homemade cards including this little puppy that's cute and heat and um okay and i think that that is it and more glue so i'm in the glue business too well you know there's no no other false work stuff in there but i was able to save some peaborg stuff from the bag those little wallets but more so to have the graduating the senior class photos and the yearbooks is what made this a great pick for me to others that's nothing you know it's just another photo to them another yearbook they put it out at their table the flea market get a couple bucks for it and move along to me it's a part of my local history a part of my high school history and i'm glad that i was able to find it and i was able to save it so i hope you enjoyed this trash adventure if you did be sure to go and check out my other trash picking videos i had a really good one a couple days ago you can go and check that out or you can check some from the past couple of months when i went through some other garbage bags so thank you for watching hope you have a great day i will see you in the next video and hopefully the next trash video will be just as good and perhaps a little bit better thanks for watching see you all guys next time
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 53,716
Rating: 4.9349046 out of 5
Keywords: trash picking in rich neighborhood, trash picking, trash pickup business, local history, trash to treasure, garbage pickers, barstool sports, thrift with me, Taco Stacks, What the Hales, Hairy Tornado, Crazy Lamp Lady, curbside shopping, free stuff, rescued from the rubble, antiques roadshow, American pickers, Paper and Moose, Wade's Venture, dumpster diving, saving history, Goodwill shop with me, thrift for profit, rummage sale, adventure, reselling, trash bag pickup
Id: m9KVHsY_T5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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