I Took ALL Of Their TRASH! A Garbage Picking FIRST

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welcome to paper and moose my name is Renee thank you for joining me it is a dreary spring day here a little bit of drizzle some rain earlier today but that is not going to stop us because it is garbage picking trash picking day if you prefer that term instead whatever you call it I call it getting out to the curb and seeing what people have put out in the trash I've had a good run so far let's see if I can continue that if you are new to the channel be sure that you hit that subscribe button so that you will always be notified of my trash picking curbside treasure of finding adventures and with that being said let's get out there and see what we can find to take from the trash and turn that into treasure [Music] this was the house that had the toy jacks there we go there we go oh there's all sorts of stuff okay well guess what we're gonna do guess what we're gonna do we're gonna take them that has stuff see there are those garbage bags and garbage slime good stuff that's empty that's kind of cute it's missing a handle though the first time I've ever done this did look in here alright we're gonna take this bag I think [Music] [Music] - all right decision time here so I just took bags of trash I only took two because I I don't know we shall see luck of the draw eeny meeny miny moe and I took two of the suitcases the small bag and the larger green one because it had some stuff in it so we shall see slight change of plan I'm going back and I'm getting some more bags there's stuff in them like I know that they this place throws out stuff so why not so folks this is ridiculous four bags of garbage maybe garbage maybe good stuff and then this really cute bag suitcase bag and then another suitcase so we're gonna look through these two items and then I'm going to eeny meeny miny moe it for one of these bags I'm gonna look in one of those today so I guess I can call myself a real trash picker now because I did actually take garbage bags but I had a good reason this house has to be a clean-out it has to be it's not likely I just had the small pile in their basement that they emptied out one day because this house has had weeks of stuff some of the stuff they put out with stuff that I didn't like so I didn't even bother to pick it up but this week and last week we're doing good now I many of you have expressed concerns about taking trash with what is going on in the world today my thought is and I could be wrong is that this stuff has been in someone's house for years it's not new it's old it's been sitting there and they're doing a clean-out you know the odds of anything coming from this is probably as great as the odds when I go to the grocery store and I pick up a genre of bone broth which I did today so I I think we're okay but enough on my chitchat let's get into it I'm going to look at the two bags today hopefully get through one garbage bag if I have enough battery left on my camera and then I will open up I think a bag for a video so this way it's going to be a surprise every day I'm so excited let me get my actual garbage trash bag so what we find that is actual trash I can just put in the bag and then put out a market my garbage day let me go grab that alright so luggage can be a hit or miss a lot of people do decorate with luggage some years you have high demand for it and other years now this cute bag this I think I'm going to keep for myself it is green which I love it's in great shape it just needs to be clean and that's pretty much it it is a Blandon unless other's little mark but hey all right there is stuff inside this I took from inside the other suitcase it is there's no battery thing is all corroded it's a new wave sound tape player and a radio wow the radio might still work oh now it's the battery I'm not sure it has a great eighties look a cute little makeup case this is really cute with there's some there's some bobby pins in there but I'm not gonna be using those bobby pins and I think there's a hair clip that's seen better days but this is a cute makeup bag this can easily be clean really cute travel bag makeup bag let's see what else garbage oh the soaps believe it or not vintage soap so on eBay I don't know why but they do especially if they are from some travel places these this is from the motor house in Williamsburg Virginia another Williamsburg motor court and then this is just a cashmere okay people collect the weirdest thing we got some sweet out if you can see inside sweet and low packet band-aid I think that's it for this bag Liberty travel but I'm loving this bag I think this will be a keeper for myself all right I don't even realize let's see if you can see I don't wanna so we have curlers a whole set of scuba st. Thomas tangel well they never unpacked Carol Oh Clara Kurt Clara like Carol kindness a deluxe three-way hair setter this looks like it wasn't even used this is in great shape this come never been used look at this there's no way please take place all wrote rollers on post before turning unit on yep this was never used there's no way this was used this is a great piece there's more soap Bahamas welcome to the Bahamas Press toothpaste to all quarter richer ready oh my god there's a jacket all right linens I think they stole some linens just about a bathing suit oh my gosh a vintage bathing suit some body mainstream all right let me hold you put you back so you can see the whole thing all right somebody mainstream this is a nice bathing suit I do not think I can fit in this though it's a size ten eighty eighty seven percent nylon 13% spandex that's nice sweatshirt oh it is it's blank I know it's a Wrangler oh my gosh I'll wear this this is gonna be so good it's a vintage Wrangler Wrangler oh my gosh this will fit me they must have been for gem clean this baby up good to go Oh another bathing suit this is the some body bathing suits ooh yeah they just never never unpacked this it's awesome elasticity in it more soap oh geez spill little pink hey is that Tylenol Travelodge all right nice jacket a nice Walton hundred percent in my long in a jacket look at this baby I'm excited already and we've only gone through two bags and I have not even two bags we've gone through two small suitcases I'm gonna four bags of stuff alright move this out of the way toothbrush anyone Rite Aid and we can start on the one garbage bag okay there were ticket stubs from the man Music Center to see Frederick man I'd say a year it was twenty dollars Wednesday off his 31st okay I am so excited scrunchy shirt medium another scrunchie shirt oh this is Aleta division of curly top Inc oh my goodness this is so 70s look at this cute shirt oh oh I love this oh this is adorable and I think it'll fit me oh my gosh it just needs to be clean and even if stains remain I do not care look that is so cute another one of those scrunchie tops it muscle like expanded another rayon passy-muir a nylon brown very little I don't think I'd fit that quite a salsa where did you find the bag got some clothes a telescope a Christ and famous precision I don't know ideas but I am having fun counterparts size 32 this is somewhat like 80 ish these pants Oh another bathing suit I lots of top that's kind of cute this looks this is definitely handmade I think I'll be able to fit that actually it's not the keeper another small this looks like a bathing material type top this I saw scarf is it it has to be some type of scarf aren't the Steelers these collars so this bangs like it's mostly and might be off clothes no well except for the telescope chopped Jeffrey hunter denim shirts this is my band shirt fella another larger shirt sustained another one of those small guys remember this was like that shirt oh I think that's skirt that probably goes with a slip I would think mystic fortune-teller maybe yes no made in Hong Kong there hadn't been something that went with it golf ball ribbon there's just electric outlet and a travel cup there's a little wishing well let's just open it just to be sure there's nothing hidden inside oh my gosh there's a golf ball top white that was like the ingersoll-rand logo SS I have to look at these because some and go some balls I don't know laughing but I know some golf balls can be of high quality Johnny Miller Imperial 500 Wilson and there's even more in the bottom of the bag I'll put them in the styrofoam cooler all right so now there is a vintage Halloween bag if there's Halloween stuff in here care yourself now how cute that is what a shame doesn't look like it all maybe it is Tommy maybe they're probably homemade Halloween costumes it looks like curse one of those classic beaded purses what's the brand wah Borg made in Japan I shall have to look that up this would definitely be in style again today this is a skirt a black skirt there's no print I thought maybe the print I'm guessing this is probably like a witch's costume maybe well it's not Barbie ideal toy look how cute she is she is darling she is in great condition usually their face has been like painted on markered on her hair is awful she is really nice a jacket for her this is a great this looks like it was handmade jacket for a Barbie Halloween loot bag 110 pieces of bubble gum from bazooka oh my goodness I'm so excited but there's more and there's more clothes I definitely think these are hand label I don't see a label so I think they're handmade what's this one fancy yeah that's handmade you can see the stitching now this is this has this I think this is a Barbie no maybe it's not this has to be a Barbie isn't it usually sorry Barbie we're gonna undress yeah yeah it's on but 1966 Shawn her but I'm sorry Barbie 1966 Mattel you probably can't see that anyway I don't know you know what Barbies are what is the ultimate Barbie probably first and that was made but I found in 1966 I know sometimes on their butts even if it says 19 whatever it might not be from that year so I'll have to look if any of you are Barbie connoisseurs please let me know you can get a good look at her face there's some more clothes and that had all close look at this dress oh man I thought that was a checkout first it's a flower we have another travel bag at Oakes travel bag tissues yep oh there napkins goose napkins those are from the 80s what's this from zoom tubal cafe this is German totes what's the market on this another bag for Jack's oh it's a little bag to put your tees in how cute so yeah I'm so excited and this is only one bag and I have three more to go through so we have some great clothing items this shirt is probably my favorite this vintage Halloween loot bag from Bazooka Joe and then these two lovely ladies ideal toy and vintage Barbie I'm so excited to look through the rest and I hope you are too and I really hope you enjoy this I feel like it's just good it's a good good day and I am really looking forward to going through the rest of the items so be on the lookout for those videos I will wait I will not look through any of the bags before I do it with all of you so thank you for watching leave a comment and let me know what was your favorite piece if you know anything about the clothing or about the golf balls be sure to let me know too so thanks for watching have a great day be safe and I and Barbies an ideal toy we'll all see you next time [Music]
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 173,558
Rating: 4.8807554 out of 5
Keywords: trash picking, garbage picking live taco stacks, garbage picking rich neighborhood, garbage picking finds, dumpster diving, vintage barbie dolls, vintage barbie collection, trash diving, trash pickers, trash picking in rich neighborhood, trash picking finds, paper and moose, barbie doll, vintage clothing haul, vintage clothing reseller, ebay flipping, ebay for beginners, taking trash, garbage pail kids, digging through trash, trash picker, selling on ebay, selling on etsy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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