Bought A $10 MYSTERY BOX At A Garage Sale!

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an early morning here got to get off to a good start because it is yard sale day I've had some luck so far this year with yard sales well my luck continued let's hope a few community yard sales today to see what people have a dug out of their attics basements and garages that they no longer want that they want to sell that I can sell to resale or to research or keep for myself especially if it is something really neat like vintage Halloween decorations so let's get out there let's go see what people have to offer in their yards and their garages and hopefully we will find some treasure today [Music] I really like that we're gonna grab that around town then I go over the mountain every day I get 20 so out yard saleing and we see there's a junk pile with a toolbox all righty I don't have my gloves but I had just grab these got some wrenches it's free I'll take it [Music] [Music] you got it this way I don't even have to keep digging that works for me that's alright I like Christmas no we'll just dig [Music] that was a pretty successful yard sale day sometimes there are miss and sometimes they're hit and I think that we have a hit today so I bought the tote of Christmas for ten dollars I have no idea what's in there all I know is that there is a ceramic Christmas tree whether it's in like pieces if it's all fair we will have to see but first some of the other purchases I did find the tool box and the trash for free so it had some wrenches in it the toolbox is in pretty rough shape so that might just go for scrap metal then I picked up this bowl and if any of you recognize this pattern or I haven't seen it before please let me know I do need to do a google image search for this I've yet to do that but this was five dollars it's not marked it does have some crazing but the ladies remind me a very Art Deco so you have three women with their heads kind of folded under their arms and then you have these birds no idea but for five dollars I thought why not it's I think it's rather lovely but for $5.00 I thought I couldn't go wrong at that same house they had a box of free things so I picked up some posters the one is Barry Manilow 1980 world tour I did not look this one up yeah it was 1975 so really good I mean if anything I didn't look this up online and better condition it could bring in like $30 so if anything I should be able to get my money back for the bowl on this poster alone I do not look up Barry there's a 1918 World War so that was fun I looked through more of the free box but there wasn't really anything that piqued my interest there was once play style everything was for a quarter so I picked up some things there just to resell I also picked up this darling Rudolf I have never seen one of these before he is a ceramic Rudolf head and he's attached to this somewhat I find hideous wreath thing so he was only a quarter you cannot beat with that he's really cool so I have to I mean a quarter I should just keep him right no one out there would want to buy him so he's really cute and that was a great find from there to go along with the Christmas theme lockdown ever so gently I picked up this tote I have no idea what is inside besides the tree skirt and the ceramic Christmas tree I was going to take the tree out and that's when she said you can have the whole tote for ten dollars and I thought you know what why not because if I don't add the ceramic Christmas tree to my collection because I mean can you really have too many of them I would at least be able to get $10 for it at the flea market I'm not one to ship those and sell them online just because of how delicate they are even really neat if they had styrofoam that was the exact shape of the tree so you could form like a box of styrofoam but I'm more apt to sell those at the flea market but anyway enough jibber-jabber let's see what I purchased for $10 all right well to start with we have a nice vintage star this says it's backwards there we go and doesn't have it just as made in the USA it looks like oh no she's on there so we have a angel that's rather nice this is Joel bright by decor electric treetop so I guess but this is the box she was in maybe it looks like it and then you have the other decor these are neat they actually have snaps oh those are cool so that's good so far we have just to run to the middle everyday Christmas tree balls nothing super special about them of course your plastic Garland because that's a staple in vintage Christmas decor this is a cute tray this tray we have this one she has a little line going right through a 1987 this one's rather nice I don't know if trays I guess this would be good for your cookies and all of your Christmas baked goods I think people still use those now we'll show you the tree skirt that I found first this cutie it looks like they sewed or glued felt trees on them but he's rather cute so we have Santa and all of his reindeer that I thought was nice another tree skirt that's a little dirty we'll put that aside there's a tree oh yeah I wonder if these will ever come back in style I'm not sure your classic plastic tree oh we have some more these are just your everyday Christmas lights oh it well it has a thing in there with colors it's like a color wheel it is not vintage though national tree company so something might go on top of it but it's like a color wheel like the old color wheels that would rotate and then you tree wouldn't cast in different colors oh you need crocheted tree on some styrofoam that's this is so popular to do back in the day I don't think people really do this anymore another tree skirt the women said that this was her mother-in-law so she didn't know what was in here fine jewelry hooks of it yep Christmas tree ball hooks ribbon all right so here is the base for ceramic Christmas tree no major cracks which oh there's one chip but you're just put that in back and you'll never see it oh there's the top of that other thing no idea what these are if you know let me know some kind of treestand perhaps some more white here's the top so this has another light thing in it too if the cords oh that will be very helpful I'll have to try that out a Christmas treat ball with the Nativity some other vintage plastic stuff phone out vintage Christmas balls these were like the ones that were made out of that fabric that always would fray and if you got the hook stuck on the top you were done for made-in-china number Nativity Christmas 1998 it's not to be the flea market as well all right let's get to this tree and see if this was a good $10 buy or not oh my gosh the vintage ceramic Christmas tree now I have never seen these type of bulbs these are little candles I've never seen them and I have a whole bucket of different sized lights that I purchased at an estate sale for $5 there are different shapes different sizes they even have birds but I do not have these so there's those and then in the bottom of the bag there's a whole bunch more there's also an angel I've not seen one of these as the tree topper so this will stay in my collection for sure as well as the little candles whether this tree will or not I'll have to see if I can make my 10 dollars back on the other stuff in here then it's a free ceramic Christmas tree and you can't beat that many people wonder about the allure of the vintage ceramic Christmas trees and they become very popular over the last couple years and the reason for that is the nostalgia I remember my grandmother and her sisters my great-aunt it all had a treat my aunt actually has the three-piece tree which is very desirable it's not the musical one but it is a three-piece and so now I believe my mom has that but it was just something they would have it sitting on their dining room or kitchen table in the middle there are some chips here but that's alright this is the thing and then years go by and then people want to reclaim that memory from their childhood so they buy one what's nice about this is that the ball the the lights are not glued in often times you will find that people glue these in I don't know why it would probably be easy to remove them with some type of like undo glue but it's much nicer when you don't have to worry about that at all so we have the tree this guy home interiors well this will go for the free market as well that's an easy couple of dollars so I should make my money back on this will trim it another little trivet in Taiwan Oh have a tissue cover guess what I found tada oh he's so sad but a vintage knee hugger elf he has seen better days but he's probably seen a lot of Christmases I didn't even know he was in there he is a keeper yeah there's another one oh poor guy he means it's having the reattached you can see the straw inside I love their jammies snowmen another generic snowman Oh another one oh he's really sad he's an amputee he lost his arm out of ham I shadow goes on so we have this crocheted Santa and mrs. Santa there's like birdseed in here some more ornaments this is not old and he is broken oh no his paint just came off just the candle so $10 a great buy we have the vintage Christmas tree the knee hugging elf on the shelf elves and some other items that I'll be able to sell at the flea market to make my 10 dollars back not bad for not having gone through at the tote at all but when I see if it judge Christmas tree my mind just runs away and for $10 why not buy it so I hope you enjoyed this yard sale adventure it was pretty good if you have any information on that bowl please let me know in the comments below that would be greatly appreciated just so I have an idea of the maker and perhaps how old it is as well so thank you for watching be sure to subscribe if you have not this way you're always in the know about the yard sales that I go to and whether or not I find any goodies I hope you have a great day and I will see you all next time for the next treasure hunt [Music]
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 30,286
Rating: 4.9479842 out of 5
Keywords: vintage Christmas, yard sale finds, garage sale finds, shop with me, thrift with me, vintage ceramic tree, thrifted finds, ebay reselling, dumpster diving, mystery unboxing, mystery box, yard sale mystery box, deal of the day, ephemera collection, junk journal diy, junk journal tutorial, taco stacks, hairy tornado, bargain barons, ralli roots, garage sale mystery, yard sale flipping, paper and moose, taco stacks yard sale, trash picking, ASMR unboxing, vintage decor
Id: dpS2R1rYS8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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