They Cleaned House & Put This In The TRASH

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it is garbage day here at paper and mousse hello if you are new to the channel my name is Rene and I am the curator of the channel I like to go to auctions estate sales flea markets and find vintage and ephemera paper items and when I'm not doing that I also like to trash pick garbage pick curbside at treasure pick whatever you may call it that's what I'm going to be doing today I'm off to a town where it usually is a Miss for me hit or miss more miss than hits but hey you don't know unless you get out there and see what you can find so let's get there get my gloves on and get to some trash pick garbage garbage garbage do you see what I see I see some old songs Eastern parkland Christmas city these are nice that's all metal I think we'll have to pick that up for you know who I'm gonna take these first some sauce can be worth a decent amount of money others not worth anything not sure these are words I guess is everyone being inside they have time to kind of look for things look at this cute cute little guy this needs to be reupholstered she'll take you I do like that yellow on the seat okay three squirrel if you can see him there's a nemesis he's taking scrap it looks like I might have to come back through that pile I don't know what he's gonna take good luck mister scrapper this was the pilot that guy just left oh that's broken so I'm not sure what he took obviously maybe he wasn't into the metal cuz he left this here and that other piece here so a lot of this does not look like it's anything Christmas so broken here bad luck that's actual garbage garbage no oh my gosh do you see what I see it's not a diploma oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm so excited look at this it's styrofoam but who cares oh my gosh what a winner oh you've gotta be kidding me this is magical oh my gosh this might be my best fine what's in there this is amazing what's in here I gotta take this my box I gotta get my car I had to park up a little further that's like a tarp all right let's get this go first and then I'll grab the rest this is ridiculous I'm so excited that is wrapping paper [Music] oh I'm just gonna take the whole box see what's in there instead of doing it here today was probably my best trash picking day of the year and most of it came from one house I was so excited if you haven't seen one of my videos before if you hear me say in the video oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh over and over again it is because that is when I am so excited because I have found something vintage that I love and that was this guy so I hit a few homes some were better than others the rolling pin and the castner's the wheels I'm not going to bother to show them I did pick them up and those will go to the flea market those are good finds but nothing compared to this so yes a lot of my treasures came from one home but there was the spot that had the salt and some of the other items I'm gonna take those out will go through because I spotted something in the milk crate that I didn't notice that first so gotta get my gloves on and we'll get in there and we'll see what we have let's move mr. Santa up there I picked up this cute little chair it is metal I don't think it's old old but that's still really cute it just needs to be redone this looks like it's breaking a little bit but it seems a little uneven but really cute project you just have to pop this off you can even put a nice comfy cushion rather than this wooden cushion on there and not even have to paint the metal so this is definitely a nice flea market piece and someone would would buy this in an instant I think should I keep it mmm we should probably sell it all right put that aside so there was the home and had the saws some saws do better than others it just depends on the brand I'd have to see this one is pretty the handles broken there used to be that fad where you would paint a scene on the saw I see Saul paint a scene on the salt I don't know if it is still I don't think people still do that anyway but again flea market items easy sellers hopefully as long as I don't cut myself on them in the meantime all right we have no crate of metal these bags have chain of chain links in them but I like the bag storm king tire chains group 12 I think the bag can easily be washed and what will I do with it I don't know I just like the back of that bag this one another type of advertising more tire chain bags we have some feathers on there and there's more tire chains Nicholson brush this is the interesting part and there's this thing drill January 1974 so these are knives I didn't realize they were and I picked them up and smart move on the homeowner wrapping them up the one there - oh except for that one I'm not gonna take them all apart right now but I just noticed this one has a nice handle I don't know if it would be I don't think it's bakelite but it reminds you of the stag horn kind of handle and then I notice this one that looks like it might be a little bit older so I will take I will cut this and then look at them a little bit closer just to see if any that one's interesting you know might be worth some money there are money and knives people they stick with a set for their whole life or they're like a certain brand so but I'm definitely gonna check that one out so towards that and then there was the Magnificent house with the vintage Christmas I first saw the wrapping paper and of course naturally I park a mile away because that's just what I do and then when I was walking up is when I saw this guy first I thought he was a blow mold Santa face but he's not his styrofoam but my new best friend he is lovely I will be keeping him for a time period maybe forever who knows I mean when you find something like this free in the garbage I think you know why shouldn't you keep it so we picked up him I want to make sure he does not get damaged so I'll put him down here the other box the bun Bombay company box it does have Christmas in it I finally found that just Christmas in the garbage so we do have I did take a sneak peek in here these are Raggedy Ann and Andy Christmas balls thir mark bobbs-merrill company in 1975 so there are three in here so we have another box that has their two nativity scenes in here and then another Raggedy Ann and Andy so we have some other lovely Christmas balls baked beans that's nothing so this one glass ornaments American made and then I like these are two older ones that are in there they're broken it looks like I really like the box on this tree ornaments hardware store Great Eastern Hardware 88 cents so we have some red and gold boxes like these are great to use in your decor for Christmas you can stack them up put them on a shelf putting it under the tree they look really good so that was all for this box so a great find these will go to the flea market I think this box might go to the flea market as well I do have a plethora of vintage boxes so I'll just have to see if that fits in now Coleman lantern SiC bag see random facts so yeah a nice Coleman lantern still with the original box this what's this oh so polite man tells over to even more well look cute I know a lot of people love Coleman and this will most likely be a flea market item unless it goes for a decent amount of money on eBay it would be really easy to ship since it's in a box already you just put in another box I don't have a need for a lantern but great find then there was a bag of jewelry now I hate to disappoint but I'm not getting the opening of this in this video that will be the next video because opening this spot this bag of jewelry with this box of goodness it would probably take way too long so I'm going to wait however let me just go in and an assortment maybe there's some silver maybe there's some gold sounds like a neat ring I mean it's fake but it's so cute this bracelet alright you will have to stay tuned for the next video smells perfume ish for this because we have this big box to get through there were bowling trophies look like older kind of tote gym bags and some shirts I just took the whole box there wasn't that other smaller box that had pots and pans and some other glassware in it or coffee mugs I left that there because I did quick take a peek in there so let me get the camera situated so we all can look in this box together and see what's in here alright so I think this will be good you can't see me but I don't know if that's really necessary alright wonders of a VHS tape that is unmarked few of those in here it's not a lot of tape on that I did see bowling trophies American Eagle Outfitters this is vintage or of older definitely older cuz I don't think they were label is like that anymore look at this look at that I will have to look that up oh man this brings back like seventh grade memories anxiety whoo yes I think I did have a fest like this when I was in like seventh grade don't judge what's this it's a flag scarf there is a name yeah let's get it right and Tyrell you can see that as flowers and leaves on it and some of these I will have to look up here's an ala man another vest they love these just the anxiety brand now this is rapper rapper USA this looks like more like I'm a man's for a prom maybe those are nice buttons oh we see this guy California Raisins they had a good claymation show Dartmouth this is not you know cup piece of glass this guy a soccer ball for st. Patrick's Day perhaps there is no that that's where they're broken thinking this is all broken so we will leave this sure brow Munich from Munich all that's older that might be a look-see to look that up all right 1987 these used to be worth not worth some money but if you could take these off people like to use them in different types of de course we have soccer I think I was bowling I thought it's bowling here oh no soccer again first place these were metal here's a little basketball Dover basketball that's actually kind of cute I remove these aside it's another fine marble face and made in Italy soccer tournament again freedom is not free the American veterans disabled life memorial that guy up here a Reebok shirt made in Thailand vintage I have no idea Reebok collared shirt the freshman book 1996 for Dartmouth smile you guys you're on YouTube data this might be good an adidas tote bag White River Junction Vermont that's a destination so we have definitely a vintage adidas tote bag it is in rough shape let's just check everything Columbia and vut a tional person's name is on here I don't know the story why they threw all this stuff out it looks like it was definitely a clean-out there's the person we're just gonna hide them but you know it's out for trash for one reason or another perhaps they were moving and we thought just get rid of it I think these are for the grill meat a cat Erica Finland I think that's actually kinda cute I miss my porch kitty for those that aren't familiar I did have a porch cat that used to come around on our award yeah don't I don't know why people throw these things out you know you can't you can't account for it because you don't know the only thing is you can save it from the trash oh boy more vintage kinda reminds me of animal kingdom from the Disney I don't think so there's no maker makers mark there's a label another vest they sure like these vests by California Oh that brings back memories I may have had this outfit I'm not gonna kid I think there were pants I went with this and I may have had it another adidas bag a penny making making money in the trash I have to look through these make sure there aren't any other monies another adidas tag traveled a lot sounds like you're making more money in there Forenza that far that's not Florence with the frenzy for Florence Lance end I don't know if there's a market for lens and hold bags but yeah one of those bro oh my gosh bro I only had one pair of bro shorts they were hot pink and they were my cousins and she gave them to me and I absolutely love them bro oh we have a Care Bear I don't care bear that's cute that's this videotape us versus you pen us versus Boston College state selection soccer us versus Columbia versus a Yale and Dartmouth College instructional service freshman Parents Weekend 58 minutes in color 1996 oh this is for kitten they liked cats and played soccer Wendell August Forge Grove City Pennsylvania you can see that maybe and then this I was from Williamsburg Virginia I thought maybe this one on the top of the beer stein but it doesn't that's probably Peter and there was a broken glass back there so let's see the cassette to it oh I already see one in excess kick I wish I used to have a beetle I still have my mom passive and mixtapes and it had a cassette tape wire Tonight Show Band Dixie Run DMC empty center stage recording studio why was not was walk Oh walk the dinosaur open the door get on the floor everybody walk the dinosaur that was great The Beatles kids these days don't know about recording set player those were the days so yeah that looks like is about it for this box but so that's it for this box be sure to stay tuned for when I look through the jewelry whether or not there's going to be anything great in there I don't know but it will probably still be fun this has some interesting finds I will have to look up that American Eagle sweater vest I have no idea if it's worth anything it's definitely older it's not new we have the bowling trophy some cassette tapes Care Bears and the adidas bags they are worn but people do like to use the vintage bag so we'll see but great Christmas items a Coleman lantern and some other really really neat good finds today so it was a great day for trash picking and I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did and I would love it if every trash pick could be this exciting but they all can't be winners but I wish they could be but anyway thanks again for watching be sure to stay tuned to look for the jewelry video when I go through that jewelry bag and we'll go through it together and see what we can find so I hope you like this video if you did please make sure to hit that like button like button thumbs up leave a comment if you have any suggestions as to what some of these items could be worth and what was your favorite find and be sure to also subscribe to the channel so you will be notified when I do that jewelry video so thank you for watching hope you have a great day and see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 154,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash picking, garbage picking, dumpster diving, taco stacks garbage picking, dumpster diving retail, curbside pickup, garbage men, taco stacks, trash picking in rich neighborhood, found this in her basement, found this in my backyard, trash pickers, garbage picking live taco stacks, vintage Christmas, vintage claims, garbage picking rich neighborhood, social distancing, dumpster diving at ulta, vintage culture, paper and moose, brkfast, thrifting, thrift haul
Id: UFYtr_lexXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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