I Bought A STORAGE Locker For $70! What's Inside The Boxes??

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let's see what's inside [Music] storage auction day online storage auction day and i bought the unit behind me for 70 dollars good investment bad investment will come out a winner or will it be just trash one way to find out let's get in there and see what we have so the woman the woman already broke the lock for me let's see what's inside all right well first thing to note there is water damage now i saw the boxes in the um the photos but i couldn't see what's inside but honestly uh i think we have a whole box of wii games whether or not the cds are in there is another thing movies there's a i don't know if that's the bug box back there or an actual box they said there was a tool box in here but i don't see one um clothing perhaps what's that oh a whole box is sweet and low that lasts me great with lodge um not sure suitcase is another bag this box all right let's get to it maybe a computer a laptop i think let's start with this these this looks like there might be personal information so we shall oh well first hold on we have baseball bat in the corner reactor i have no idea what is good in a baseball bat and what is not so i'll put that aside this looks like it's personal it's a wonderful mother i've never used but yep cards often people say look in the cards for money ripley's believing or not souvenir book [Applause] oh my gosh there's checkbooks in here this will all have to go back to um i'll give this to the storage unit so let me put that aside this looks like more personal paperwork which is 2018 monthly planner [Applause] proposal walk down quarter shipment fedex so possibly they work for fedex another planner oh this one's never used guess what i'm going to keep this and use it for myself it doesn't matter that it's out of date not too bad another notebook tommy hilfiger purse makeup tic tacs lip gloss i do love lip gloss but i'm not going to be using it bobby pins and we have some money oh i made some money back already and that purse might be good to sell too i'm not going to go through the personal items here q-tips let me take that out proof positive how to find your errors let's just see what's in the bottom of the purse looks like more makeup and necklace i think this is for a contact lens for dry eyes it definitely sounds there's more change so if anything oh what's this i don't think that that's real silver but what do you think i'll have to check that out there's also just like a simple ring in there too well there's definitely more change in here so if anything you change and those are personal papers please don't look at oh my gosh keys huh alrighty alrighty so this box oh and we have so you can see just a whole bunch of movies that one hasn't even opened are they in here oh they are so these will be flea market ghost rider superman 2 superman so yeah you're without santa claus that's a good one he must feel like superman a lot star trek pirates oh willy wonka he is everywhere oh it's not even open so you know there's sons of anarchy season six this is oh saturday night favorite these were never opened so even you know a buck a piece at the free market i've made two four so you know there's probably 20 at least of movies in here all right now for the box that looked like it has wii games in it i don't know if it does get this camera straight all right are you ready what is this oh my gosh there's a wii in here for a recontroller toy story goosebumps zumba super mario galaxy i think there's one wii game that's worth a lot of money i don't know but these are all super mario wii universe marion sonic super smash brothers in there this is filled fitness belt they were into their fitness the resorts lord tariq they're awesome oh i went to disney i like these people they went to puerto rico oh there's there's a um a disney princess frame but it has it oh a spongebob controller i have no idea tv games there's the princess controller you can see that backstreet boys hannah montana madonna lauren hill backstreet boys there's even a christmas tv kid's mom [Applause] queer i spoke kids about christmas so the rest are all cds i mean with these wii games there could be one in here that could be worth 70 oh madonna so i i think between the boxes of movies and the boxes of wii games i think i've paid my money back on the unit perhaps again i don't know regains i don't know what's solved after what's not but not bad there's one more box in the front it looks like it does have some water damage you can see from the side ready a bar bar set i think they're all still artois glasses um oh there's a tool box back there guinness so these are free market pieces for sure it's about there's not pirates in here yeah these are all flea markets and there's stella they must have like stellar yeah so this is a flea market box for sure glassware does okay sometimes other times it doesn't it just depends so get these boxes out of the way and see what else we have inside because there still is a lot left to look at all right save the toolbox after we look in here we have a charger for adele maybe that's not that bad wd-40 which i can use this so this is great a whole bunch of padlocks i mean how much does this cost that ace this probably costs 15 to 20 at ace magnetic tape that's heavy oh yeah another headlamp i don't think batteries are in there oh hey oh that's good i can like prop that up in there and use it and a whole bunch of little screwdrivers not bad that smells weird but i mean yeah like i said this is what fifteen twenty dollars high security that's not cheap and this is that's heavy one two three oh we have tools are these the allen wrenches you don't want oh i thought that was a flashlight i don't know what that is i don't want to know my tool experience oh all little bits i don't know what this is there's some wrenches a [Music] whole bunch of hammer drop forged taiwan yeah so made in usa sk tools stanley uh level oh it still works check your studs scissors nice hammer not bad this was hidden all the way in the back it did say toolbox in the listing but i didn't buy it for the toolbox i was interested to see what was in the boxes all righty husky toolbox too what oh there's a panera bread bag what should we do next i guess let's try the what i say laptop bag now whether or not there's a laptop in here we're going to find out right now now more paperwork so no laptop oh but wait there's a bubble wrapped in there shot glass little oh there's money dominican republic i've never seen this type of money i've never been there so if anyone knows the conversion i have two three 350 dominican republic dollars who knows what that's worth i don't think probably that much american money but it's a cute little wallet it's all personal stuff which will be returned let's check out the sweet and low box that's not so sweet oh man where is this for the quarantine is it in here that says nintendo switch is this it no that's the wii is this the charger for the switch so i have a wii uh i have no idea i don't think this is is this the game i know i sound awful because i have no idea but oh wow no these are to hold them i wonder if that's in here anywhere can you imagine because the switch that was what was super popular during the whole quarantine time well i have a wii so i made my money back what are you going to say bath bombs bath bombs balance that does not smell good that one doesn't smell bad these would be for flea market because the smell is not not my snailing all right i'm gonna organize some of this and then we'll see what else is there we still have a lot to go through so stay tuned
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 59,651
Rating: 4.9213114 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, storage wars, storage wars full episodes, storage unit finds, Taco Stacks, Paper and Moose, Locker Nuts, storage unit auctions, gamer, Nintendo switch, gamer girl, found this, trash to treasure, dumpster diving, What the Hales, auction wars, auction kings, auction finds, abandoned storage locker, reseller, reselling on eBay, reselling on Etsy, auction lost luggage, ASMR, thrift with me, storage unit living, Goodwill, thrifting, female reseller, lost storage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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