Hidden For Over 100 Years & Found In The Trash! Garbage Picking Ep. 39

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it's trash picking day here at the channel welcome this is a conglomeration of a few different days of trash picking including something that was pretty interesting because there was something hidden behind something that I picked up and I did not realize it and so I went to move the item what is it you will just have to wait and see so joining me for some trash picking seeing what neat items we can find that people put out for trash that it's not trash it's treasure [Music] well as they say all good things must come to an end sadly I think that that is the end a trash bet house I will save my crying for off-camera Oh but I think I see some trash up here so maybe we'll make up for it but anyway my trash bag house is done no sad what do we have here things kind of neat bag I'll check that out it's not gonna make up for my trash bag house but still any trash is better than no trash mmm their stuff is trashed you have a fan this is retro retro fabric [Music] well-well take that that's a nice bag actually oh that's for an oxygen tank there's more hangers another fan sheet that sounds like trash grill cover [Applause] girl guess we just got this baby on the plastic alrighty thank you I saw them they're pretty neat you know they're the tops are nice I'll have to check [Music] all right thank you so picking confession when I saw that they were plastic I don't want to take any but then the guy came out and he starts talking so I'm like oh I gotta take some these are gonna take them all no cuz they'd end up right back out on my garbage I'm sure there's a market but I can't I can't [Music] glass no one's gonna buy those but I think it's older me Christmas that says Christmas on top that's a nice cooler there's stuff in there I'll take that cooler though that's trash trash that's garbage all right I'm not gonna be a garbage garbage I guess this is it that's trash in those bags I can see darn it I thought those boxes would be full of things but it was trash there were like empty dressing bottles so and the bags were trash to look like plates the house is for sale so hopefully I thought they'd be putting more stuff out but it did not look like it but at least I went and looked in the trash so we got a cooler that's it these are just prints but these frames are critical so oh it's not even someone might want the frame let's take those they have known glass which is actually nice that's a nice chair to just grab these for now so not a bad day or days for trash picking and yes sad news my trash bag house only had trash out I looked in the bags and it was trash there was a mixture of yard waste and then your normal everyday trash so I don't know what's going to happen with that I'm hoping but I hope that they're just taking a break but perhaps all that stuff was just in one room and that was the one room that they had to clean out and now they're done so I would still take a look at that home because you just never know some of the items that I found are actually already sold I brought them to the flea market and they are gone and that included that bag with the electrical cords the cords were given to taco stacks for scrap and then the bag was sold at the flea market the bird planter the little bird on top of the spicket with the two containers that was sold at the flea market and then we had the box of trophies as much as I'm sure people would use those for crafting I mean it's cheap plastic and if they were metal and older then I would have grabbed the whole box because those are just they're more sought-after than the plastic so I only took a few because I felt that I was not going to take all of them because I cannot sell them then I also picked up this cooler it's a Coleman one rather large one inside we cleaned out a little how do you get into these and clean them but anyway this would be it should be heavy stop the flea market a rather large one so I will bring this with me next time and this is from the house where I think I got that big salmon face and the bag of jewelry they the house is sold and I was hoping that those boxes would have other things inside because the writing on the front of them fooled me but there wasn't it was just garbage so disappointment there but an interesting fine in these frames with the prints I picked them up because the frames should be able to be sold at the flea market and the frames are rather old the prints are religious prints it is Mary this for this one it is but how those prints probably are there I don't think they're worth thousands of dollars but when I was moving it I noticed that there's something behind it it's not a Picasso how do you amazing but something really interesting so I briefly took a glance at this first one I have not looked at the one behind it because the glass is still on there but let's just let's just take a look so you can see and I can see what exactly it behind there let's do it okay so are you ready one two three we have an old newspaper that's right this way so we have an old newspaper third edition five o'clock p.m. revolutionary a boldly executed deed in Cork harbour a ship aboard it and robbed this is from New York Thursday August 2nd 1880 whiskey and tears the Saratoga races a young wife's suicide she makes careful preparation for her death and thou kill herself in st. Louis we have this other piece of paper second attempt to kill his wife William Coleman who resides with his wife in the basement home cheese of a dilapidated framed building at West 17th Street was arraigned before justice Murray a short time ago who was arrested for stabbing her and the breasts and was put under bonds for his appearance for trial she recovered he attacked her again last night in front of the residence and attempted to draw a revolver to shoot her with oh my gosh a man cremates himself this is awful news can you imagine Universalist Church burned this is really interesting I've never found something like this behind a photo fire and a piano Factory and this this day was not a good day for than papers now I have to look behind the other one I wonder what's behind there let's see I believe that I removed just enough as a nails so that you can see what's behind here because there definitely is something ready another newspaper oh I forgot one now on that I'm ready let's see what this one is about the Evening Mail from New York March 3rd 1888 Peter gravel errs death the Prince dying oh my gosh he cut his throat horrible result of whiskey and religious mania combined this is awful news and history here 1888 remarkably low prices for ladies costumes Fasching Thursday in Venice general Newton's vigilance class Spreckels is not in town good sort of father of MA editor don't want any poems visitor this isn't a poem editor what is it then visitor a newbie invented elastic fit any things cipher header I'll take it at your own price okay news for the Chicago detectives gilt letters extra quote unnecessary the Hat checks cost the same no no idea Ohio has now over twenty two thousand coal miners how interesting [Music] well I'm glad that I looked behind the prints so the prints are by pierogi or Giuseppe brogue II he was an Italian photographer and so these are just prints I'll still taken to the flea market and someone an artist might really like them they are older they've been in that frame for how many years and they're not they're not too bad you could always remap them and do what you like with them and then the papers are from 1888 how interesting you know they just probably used it as a kind of backing similar to how sometimes people put in newspapers and walls at their home for extra insulation but really neat so yes 1888 20-some years after the Civil War can you imagine if these would have been papers from my Revolutionary War that would have been way they must have they'd have had to save those for a long long time to put those in that picture frame but you know Dave and they've been back there Oh 1880 I'm sorry they've been back there since the late 1800s I wonder if these people had these pictures hanging up if they bought them at an auction or a flea market or if they had been handed down in the family and then they're finally like let's get rid of this but yeah the new during this time was not so great just back then it wasn't blasted all over social media so today it's a whole different world with with paper but really interesting find finding some ephemera from 1880 behind a print in an old picture frame so pretty neat I'll have to look at these a little bit more the frames and the prints won't go - at the flea market so they will find a new home as well but they won't have the papers and them I'll be keeping them so thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this trash picking a day if you did please make sure to like the video and subscribe if you have not that helps me out tremendously so hope you have a good day whatever you may be doing if you're trash picking off so the flea market or even if you're just doing chores and going to the grocery store I hope it's a good one so thank you all for joining me and I will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 283,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hidden behind these walls, old newspaper craft, trash picking, trash picking in rich neighborhood, trash picking dumpster diving finding good stuff, garbage picking rich neighborhoods, garbage picking finds, antiques roadshow, taco stacks garbage picking, paper and moose, dumpster diving, thrifting at goodwill, trash talk, trash truck, found in the trash, things found in the trash, reselling business, Cincinnati Picker, etsy shop, old newspaper articles, storage wars, ebay
Id: EgmkZsl3FKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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