Exploring A GENERAL STORE And Estate With Over 40 YEARS Of Stuff!

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hello and welcome to paper and moose it is early here it is about 4 30 a.m i've already had my morning tea i'm venturing off to western pennsylvania to do a house pick i'm going to have first dibs on a house that has accumulated stuff for over 40 years and the interesting part of the home is that on the first floor there used to be a general store what kind of general store i have no idea but the house is old the contents inside have has not been touched for years i'm super excited so join me for a house pick let's get on the road and see what we can find uh is this it this is it oh it is falling down oh that picture didn't show that no well you know what i was thinking a year ago i guess i can't go in there that's what john said should i back you like this oh whatever's gonna be easiest oh what a shame it is a shame like no friends now we can go on that part i know i'm over yeah we're going to peek in you feel funny having people look at your stuff though i know you're planning on yeah i know you're planning on trying to move and do stuff right so sell the house yeah a lot of it's going down because the past four years like this already yes to me it looks like when you look at the outside it almost looks like there was three different things it was like the store was there originally and then they added in like a residence and it looks like they added on the porch side of it too like to make the residents nicer and bigger the first part here was the original oh so the building was the latest oh yeah and i think the reason that's not coming over there's all this stuff in front of them yeah yeah so we can't buy any of that stuff yeah you take what's in it i can't get it oh there you go holy moly yeah cool we wanted a choice that's really cool look at that door i don't have no idea there's another game there's another one oh okay yeah yeah that was the one i used to play all the time yeah yeah yeah this used to be bedrooms yeah oh wow oh boy this is what's happening oh is that a threat what happened with christmas [Music] and they used to be right where he's standing there is coming up there's probably a window yeah that that was the old doorway going to the attic oh okay but oh that's above there used to be stairs right there to go down and my dad post them off again and this chair here yeah stories that it used to be really yes it was given to my husband by his by a relative of his who said it was thomas edison now who says this lady isn't a good salesperson i can't even make up stories that good i'm probably looking i probably look all sweaty and like horrendous but i'm up in one of the upstairs there's no lights um a whole bunch of stuff i was interested in because we have some 80s kind of clothes i already picked out the barbie doll and the stickers so there's a hershey kiss sweatshirt it's just a matter of looking in here i'm not going to be able to do it with well maybe i can life for dinosaurs this is awesome i'm gonna be wearing that that's so cool looking clarion hill [Music] hmm oh look at this this is cool hershey kiss that's awesome whoops that's pretty cool i think there's gonna be a lot of good stuff in here oh my gosh folders these are all old hats sing sing superstars that mine's longer red x is a dingy place i can't believe it's not butter all right we're gonna get all these oh yeah yeah i'm dims on the bird oh here cassette i've got an old house my house was probably built late 1800s you know i've gone back outdated my house like i think back to 1912 so far oh my gosh there's an old telephone oh that's so neat that's awesome hmm bulk foods cookie drinks [Music] okay this is one of the rooms lots of stuff to look through as you can see there's a coyote or coyote rescue set that's neat and i grab that luckily i'll we don't be more in there other than pennies no do you want to keep did you want to keep the bank though no no i mean i thought it was interesting it's cute took that box of the cigarettes right you took the box of the cigarettes right yes box of cigarettes yeah yeah i'm sorry i'm starting to smoke i can't beat them years ago yeah when i was 20 something oh wow i told him my dad quit smoking when they were 50 cents a pack oh wow yeah can you imagine now he yeah yeah 33 cents a pack and then when he finally went up to a half a dollar i was smoking i would get up in the morning right oh [Music] and he told me and i said yes i know when i went to north carolina well back in 85 a carnival so in the general store they used to have vhs tapes they would rent them labyrinth that was a good one so some of these are still sealed robocop [Music] yeah okay are we are we ready are you i'm just taking a look at some of the video tapes go human not ape oh my god creature from black lake that looks cool do you need help so this is actually or was actually a church and they weren't able to get things out and save it in time you can see some that room [Applause] there's where you going come on come on come on come on i pet you are you pretty kitty there will be a part two and possibly a part three so don't you worry our first trip out there was basically just to get a lay of the land see what was there because we were going in there blind all we knew was that there was a family that had this home that was attached to a general store that they used to operate and they are moving eventually and need to get rid of everything in the house and the general store and we were pleasantly surprised by a lot of the items that we found so again we got a lay of the land took a brief look dug a little bit and then we are going back or we went back for more for a second trip so stay tuned for that video at some point but really interesting the building was so neat unfortunately there was a lot of repairs ceilings were falling down we had to be very careful of some of the floorboards because you could fall through um now that that's what happens you have years and years of accumulation it sits and it sits and time takes its toll but we were able to save quite a bit of neat interesting things from the home i'm not going to show you everything just some of the items that i really enjoyed and then you will see more in the second video so of course let's get to the attic there were some 80s 90s things up there i went straight for the shirts and i found some really neat 1980s sweatshirts which i can fit i will wear not for sale so we have this one no idea it's by tangiers very funky fun for everyone has some dinosaurs on it flowers just odd you know this is probably a cool style back in the day but i'll have to bring it back this one i loved hershey kiss sweatshirt love and kisses from hershey kisses and it's actually um from the hershey foods corporation in 1987. so this is a great piece i've washed them looks like i'm going to have to wash it again they're just staining i missed my favorite this one love it samurai i wish i had that jeep kind of thing i could go trash picking in that but i can wear the sweatshirt but this is a favorite of mine the colors are great great 80s look to it 1983. i think i've worn this in a video previously but really cool i wish they would have had some sweat uh t-shirts but they didn't but hey great sweatshirts then i picked up some things from the general store we have a lot more digging to do in there we just pretty much skim the surface we have to really go down move boxes move boards move things out of the way there were some great pinball machines and also some other arcade games so those we have to check out see if they can be saved and we probably have a buyer for those already cue the person doing lawnmower a drop not a drum oh my gosh find a neighbor that had drums wouldn't that be awful anyway so i found these uh all-american flints so they would have had this up in the store for people to purchase these were 25 cents plus tax not bad this i still have to clean it custom cuts personalized pocket knives it looks like they were five dollars so the knives would have went in here neat piece someone could repurpose this many ways maybe they have their own pocket knives they could put back in but again something that they had in the general store through the years the family had sold off some of the larger pieces and signage from the store i was kind of hoping that when we walked in it would have you know all these signs up but it didn't because for the past 10 15 years they have slowly been selling some of the i guess more collectible items or some of the pieces that they could easily get to but there are still more treasures to be found i also found these these are patches so we're gonna call them new old stock patches we have the american flag and this one is birds there's cardinals cardinals mallards these little chicks finches i'm not sure then i also have patches that were ant that are animals so again something that they would have sold in the general store along with some of the hats that you you've seen you saw in the video those i think i've sold all those at the flea market already so i will keep a cardinal for myself i haven't seen a real cardinal in a long time but i always love it when i do then the woman the lady of the home she also loved going to thrift stores and she would buy a lot and then just put it away so some of the items were newer in some sections of the home some of them were older i found one box where i found a set of the santa mugs that actually has a large pitcher so i took that japan so they are older some of the condition is better than others i haven't looked the setup online i would probably prefer to sell it more so at the flea market versus packing it up because i wouldn't want them to you know break and transit if i don't keep them i don't know i have to see i do like them and then we have the winky santa and it's actually double-sided winky santa uh what is this man creations japan so we have this guy too and then i just threw him in for fun kind of reminds me of a little yellowstone tchotchke that someone would have picked up it's not marked yellowstone but it reminds me of something that would have been available in a national park souvenir shop made in japan j81 on the bottom i picked up some vhs tapes the general store rented vhs tapes so they had boxes and boxes i tried to take more of those in the sci-fi horror genre because as i've stated in a previous video those are collected people love the cover art and so i tried to find those i took a few videos for myself including the return to oz it is available on the disney plus if you have that so you can watch it on there if you have not seen it but man vhs tapes can't beat them i found a few posters but they weren't you know anything crazy there's one for et oh and one for beetlejuice which i'm going to add to my collection i don't think i will frame it because that is large but i'll probably keep it maybe i can figure out a way to use it for halloween decor but that would have been really neat to come across just boxes of the posters for the videos that would have been a great find but still really fun to go through the church across the street that you can't get into it though we may be trying to um you know through time again through time and not being you know um no upkeep with any problems in the in the roofs that just kind of unfortunately but there are some cute cats around there so yeah we will be going back so stay tuned for that video see what other treasures we can find see what other digging needs to be done and perhaps trying even to get into that church you shall have to wait and see so thank you for joining me on this venture adventure it definitely was an adventure stay tuned for part two and see what other adventures we find at this estate clean out pick general store general store house pick of a lifetime thanks for watching hope you enjoyed this if you did you can click on that little thumbs up button and subscribe if you have not this way you will be up to date when i put out the next video part two so thanks for watching hope you have a great day i will see you all in the next episode
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 28,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Curiosity Incorporated, American Pickers, vintage general store, estate pick, cleanout, estate clean out, hoarder house, hoarded stuff, pickers, Taco Stacks, Paper and Moose, What the Hales, Locker Nuts, abandoned places, dumpster diving, trash picking house, old estates, general store business, Woolworth, pickers history channel, pickers paradise, junk pickers, junk removal, carboot sale, junk journal, vintage Christmas, thrift with me, sourcing, etsy shop, female picker
Id: -ThFSZNt4oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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