I Bought ALL Of This From One Guy! Flea Market HAUL

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oh what's this what's this oh we may have hit the jackpot here folks flea market morning here at paper and moose and it is drizzling out not good if you were on the hunt for paper but who knows what we will find hopefully the rain will stop and the vendors will be able to put out all of their wares and we can go on a treasure hunt so join me for a flea market day let's see what we can find what people have brought out from their basements addicts storage units that they have bought cleanouts that they have done and estate sales that they've been to let's see what we can find [Music] this is the view of the market at almost 6 a.m it's still raining um you can see but if it continues to miss like this it's not going to be good for the market at all of course let's leave paper i'm late to the party over here the guy with the totes and i'm late oh what are you gonna do wow he's already set up i am super late i'm super late [Music] what's this guy oh i like that oh thanks i just like the case oh [Applause] she sees me looking and then let's go earth angels nope all righty classic swirl this is a pretty nice vest i could wear that what's this oh that's so cute that's adorable we're gonna grab that some ladies like driving and like something runs apart [Music] that looks nice [Music] oh there's hats oh it's yarn it's a big box let's go look at that box i see an old book we'll get that oh i like that and it's in german we'll grab that one [Music] a lot of shame memories of my youth obituary car is that teddy it's gotta be teddy yep i'll grab that what's this guy this box looks old more new jersey it's cute though um there's a bodice gettysburg deborah d frank andre for abram's lady this is probably for reenacting i'm gonna grab that too horsey um we're gonna grab that it's signed what do we think what do we think what's in here those little stones trash bags all right we're gonna grab that that's old holder i think made in usa grab that baby what's this plate those things oh there's a whole bunch of old sweatshirts in here oh boy look at those oh what's this what's this oh we may have hit the jackpot here folks j.c penny look at this mickey oh yeah oh look at that one this is awesome my bag is full and my hands are full so that means it's time to go i did pretty well i think the guy with the totes pulled through he had so many totes today and i took my time at digging and i think i found some pretty neat things some nice vintage items so we get back we'll do my usual recap of where i can show you my treasures that i found today at the flea market finally cleared up too a pretty good flea market haul and i bought everything from one guy i did buy some books early in the morning so it was dark out you couldn't see them i'm trying to take care of the books now i have them in a box with some baking soda and newspaper to try and take some of the musty smell out excuse the wind it's a windy day and i think my neighbor just had a contractor pull up so i don't know what kind of noises we're going to experience but we're going to get through this flea market treasure haul anyway so yes bought most of my items from one person and he is the tote man he brings totes and people unload the totes for him and people dig through the toads and find treasure and it's it's something to watch you know everyone has a method to their madness whether they skim just the top of the totes look and try and get an idea of what's inside whether they go tote by tote by tote or whether they watch other people and see what other people discard and then pick up what they've left behind so everyone has their own their own method i got there late to the party all the totes had already been lined up but i still found some really great things so let me show you what i got for starters this cutie how i wish it was in my size we have a child's coat it's solitaire is the brand if you can see the label and it even comes with a cute little hat i don't know if i can fit the hat probably not well not quite but this adorable hat i believe this would have been for a boy and then i didn't even realize it but inside look how well made that is we have a little suspenders how cute how cute oh my gosh can you see the little man on the buckle on the clip this little face but i wish i had this whole outfit great condition really adorable i love it i wish it wasn't my size so got that it is missing the buttons buttons buttons i did notice that but still oh oh the buttons i thought maybe there's a little toy in there well that's convenient thank you to ever put them in there so we have the jacket i found these lovely ladies which i really really like they are made in italy they are nuns they're very light they're not i want to say kind of like a paper mache material kind of like what the nativities are made out of the name is escaping me right now but great older definitely vintage pieces and then i think we're just sitting on top so i scooped them on up we have those i did find some books an assortment of books i think that's air stuff or might be the first book for school and you're a little guy in there for school and house so it isn't german but what i love [Music] are the illustrations there's one with a horse there it is writer look at the guy with the bear ah the bears chained can't have that that's really that would look me i'm sure it's really windy out here but just lovely as i like to say even that's neat the little the hand with the pen um the pen what year is this it doesn't say anyway moving on then we have america's war for humanity the victory edition the pictorial history of the world war for liberty like the color it was property of george stipe in 1934 and there's some just great pictures in there there's some remnants of ribbon it looks like so i like this one there then where'd it go the nurses american base hospital in france so pick that up pick that up a book for me we have the day the earth caved in an american mining tragedy and this is about the town of centralia which is in pennsylvania that i would love to go to sadly because of booters and graffiti graffitis and also trespassers the town is pretty much blocked off you can't get in pretty much underground the town is on fire and it's been on fire for years so this will be great for me to read and perhaps one day i can just drive there uh you can get to you know where they have the black aids you can at least all see so that was great what was interesting about some of these items is that they had been up at a local auction so maybe it came from someone's storage they bought the items there that's what i'm guessing man then i found this it's hollywood on hamilton remembering hesses it's a vhs can you hear me oh my gosh it's a base a vhs tape produced by lehigh valley pbs but it's about the history of hesses and anytime you go to an estate sale here you pretty much will find hess boxes so i thought this would be fun to look at and learn a little bit more about the history this so we have it about cheese box cheese boxes are always still in the rage this is a glendale club we have the nice advertising piece on there pasteurized cheese food these are great if you buy a little oh cool even has it on the back if you buy little hooks and you can make little shelves out of these boxes which is what i do you know just get the little hooks that have the two in there or you can you know attach nails hang it up in your wall put your little knick-knacks and trinkets in there i bought a little pack of cards this really cool owl belt buckle which i'm sure would have an array of other uses i bought this belt buckle it's newer it's a 2005 that might be marilyn manson or tool might be tool uh nine inch nails ah that might be it too anyway i'm pretty sure it's some kind of like hard rock band what it's worth i have no idea but the more you can bundle the cheaper it should be and we have a winston is racing button what else man i got a lot of different things i don't think i showed this on the video these were just laying on the ground they are old and they are the boot or shoe covers so i'm trying to think which way they would go these would go under your shoe and then would it be under the heel anyway you know what they are but you know they are old and that great look that worn leather look which also reminds me i did pick up the leather case there was a really thin case i think it was for some kind of music stand i just like the look of it buying that weathered leather old industrial looking stuff again and so these will go to it i really like these it has a mixture i just realized this all the button button man i'm saying that word a lot they're all different and these are most likely not original you have some different kind there's even like a purple dark purple one got those i picked up this horse a horse is a horse of course and it is signed it says red oh now i can read it red mill 473 there is a signature i'm going to have to get my loop out to see what it is but a nice carved wooden horse ears are still both there tail is not broken this might be a cult oh there is some damage on the leg but you know if it if it's by a well-known artist or you know carver it could be in the money found this guy mr mazel mazel top i've never seen one of these before so he's cute japan he is older then i picked up these cuties they again were just sitting right on top so i kind of slide my hand in we have a mr and mrs bunny it says a lovable woolikin original so they're getting married happy day and this little top hat on these are the kind i felt the sawdust but you you often see these at flea markets there's a variety of different colors different animals and they usually have some kind of silly face but i thought these were cute because they were a wedding couple what is this oh just to recoup some of my money from what i spent i picked this up it's melody a little friend of kelly it is a barbie a baby sister of barbie and i think i even scan the barcode and it can go between 10 to 18 so if you can pick up things like this that help pay for what you have you know bundled then you might as well because i maybe paid a dollar for this in total for that figure so that'll help pay towards everything i think i spent 30 35 which i thought was a great deal especially with a jacket i could be totally wrong but for me it seemed like a good price then in the clothing world i did pick up some clothing we got that mickey sweatshirt this great warner brothers bedrock sweatshirt i love it it's from the warner brothers studio store and it was from the 90s 1995. we have that guy a disney shirt which is rather large it does have some staining on it kind of looks like froot loops that's on the front and the back i did pick up the washington redskins sweatshirt now this cannot be sold on line i don't know if ebay has discontinued your ability to sell redskins items i know etsy you cannot list it so this will go to the flea market since they are phasing out or they plan on phasing out the use of the term [ __ ] for that team i picked up this guy i have a lot of stuff see it as a haul i thought he'd be good for taking photos on etsy and then also just for decor as well you can always hang stuff oh now he's like a zombie frankenstein you can always hang stuff off of him jewelry have him hold something whatever you want to do whoa i have things falling my phone's exploding last but not least picked up the bodice this was made by a woman in gettysburg so it is not cheap and this would have been used for reenacting us army fort gordon georgia i can't tell if this is a stain or if this is how it's supposed to be because it's very uniform but i'm guessing how it was folded it probably is a stain i did pick up this cherry dress it has a union made tag on it very retro looking i think it might be a little big for me but i know at the one flea market this would definitely sell and then for myself because you can never have enough i bought a winter vest it's class five world goose down love the color this would look great with my favorite flannel that i'm wearing so wash this baby up and you'll probably see this in a future video when i am cold at the flea market so i got a lot of stuff it was really fun i love digging through those totes there are so much to look for you're you don't know what you're going to find and it's always great when at the bottom of the tote you see something exciting i found some photos even or you know just sitting there on top is something that someone completely passed by and something that you may have been looking for or something that you never knew you wanted and there it was so tote man you are appreciated i hope you enjoyed this flea market adventure and enjoyed seeing all the items that i've got i thank you for watching if you did enjoy it please be sure to click that little thumbs up button and that will be much appreciated so thank you for watching stay tuned for the next adventure if you're out on the roads whether going grocery shopping to your thrift store or maybe even your own flea market safe travels and i will see you all next time when we get back together here see you all later
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 35,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flea market haul, American Pickers full episodes, Antiques Roadshow full episodes, flea market flip, Market Warriors, Taco Stacks, Paper and Moose, storage auction, trash to cash, buying at the flea market, thrift haul, Goodwill haul, thrift with me, shop with me, trash to treasure, flea market buying, reseller, eBay listing, fall markets, Crazy Lamp Lady, What the Hales, Grimes Finds, Hairy Tornado, vintage books, ephemera, vintage decor DIY, Halloween DIY, thrifting, ASMR
Id: J5uzPummtn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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