THE MAN, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND! Total War Saga: Troy - Achilles Campaign #1

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hello and welcome everyone lahat here with part one of my new achilles let's play total war saga troy big thanks to creative assembly for giving me early access so that i could start this let's play early for you guys i'll be releasing the series every monday wednesday and friday so make sure you subscribe and ring that bell notification so you don't miss any of the uploads of this series going forward playing this on very hard very hard difficulty which in total war saga troy has been renamed to veteran difficulty in terms of the victory conditions there's two objectives we can go for the homeric victory or the total war victory total war victory is essentially a domination victory but i'm gonna go for the homeric victory which is a bit more of a narrative focused uh victory objective it gets us to try and complete uh all of the steps of our heroes epic mission chain there's 12 of them need to make sure the following factions are destroyed or confederated hector of troy troy and paris of troy and finally we need to get achilles to rank 27. so achilles warlord of the mermadon starting situation normal unique faction mechanics are the living legend and hot blooded achilles we'll take a look at them once we dive on to the campaign map recommended playstyle achilles roster is focused on great speed and maneuverability as well as versatility in battle and has the largest number of faction unique units heroes that achilles can recruit include the archer skirmisher archer trickster the defender protector champion and veteran and the fighter champion ravager and vanquisher achilles cannot recruit the warlord mentor commander or warmonger unique faction units include the assailant marines the genuine runners the pelagic aliens mermaid and swordsman spear fighting mermaid and the aegenian javelin men also have the unique trait of the son of peleus and thetis plus four to melee attack of all units when attacking this army and minus five percent to morale of all enemy units enemy armies in this province without further ado let's dive on in and become a legend are we mere playthings of the gods or do we play divine influence to justify our foolish choices he's taken her he's taken my wife you've risked the safety of troy troy is my home now you have my oath brother she will be returned to you brother i can fight go seek shelter there'll be plenty of fighting ahead helen's flight was a grave wound to a kian pride king menelaus will have his revenge and his brother will have his war with troy just as the gods intended oh swift footed achilles there is only one response to queen helen's abduction and that is war brother your foolish passion has doomed us king agamemnon of high walled mycenae must avenge this insult to his brother you are the ultimate warrior king of thea and commander of the mermaids glory in battle is my god-given fate your ally king lycomedes rules the isle of skyros as a boy you were sheltered in lycomedy's court on your father's command now you must protect the old king in turn heed both threats from enemies like the elopians and opportunities that come your way through friends such as prosperous king o'elias and his son ajax the lesser the independent the salience could be a bulwark for your western flank keep your carriage lion-hearted achilles for you know well that fortune favors the bold how they play hot blooded achilles achilles is governed by his powerful emotions changes in his circumstances can bring about mood swings that affect his entire faction muse is seeing not only of his rage but of his pride indignance and grief as well living legend achilles always strives to be acknowledged as a legendary warrior and seeks the recognition of challenges to his claim in a mock jewel or even a real bloody battle of course as long as he remains the most glorious his subjects will be happy to follow him to the very end so here we are on the campaign map playing as achilles we've got our first mission defeat the enemy defeat an army belonging to the following faction battle the europeans will get 250 food and 80 bronze so i think that's what we'll do to kick things off the day we'll send achilles to battle the elephants are over here we can't reach that smaller army of three so we'll go up against that army of nine in we go okay so what have we got we've got champions of fifth year we've got argenian runners light swordsmen young spears and ajinion javelin men and they've got two units of light swordsmen unit of spears three units of young spears no four uh four units of young spears rather and one unit of virginian slingers plus uh their fighter vanquisher uh general so a quick look at the scout terrain the map looks good let's dive on in first blood for [Music] achilles [Music] okay nice dry day to have our first battle start deployment we take a look at our units have a quick look at the battle map what i've seen of battle maps so far really impressed they're looking really good something that really stood out in thrones britannia the battle maps and the siege maps in particular were fantastic so i'm hoping that's the same with troy so far battle maps definitely checking all the right boxes so hopefully when we get to a siege map they'll look pretty darn awesome too right so we've got this forest area down here they've got the high ground and they're just going to sit up there because we're attacking them so that's not ideal they've got their slingers up there the range on them 160 my javelins 75 if we can get rid of them perhaps just get achilles to chase them away and we can help the rest of their units on opposed with my uh genuine gentleman a quick little look at all of our units growing up throwing them all into battle and probably forgetting about them sir let's not turn everything off let's have their stats up so we can see the champions their front line unbreakable lovely then we've got the light swordsman lightweight class experts in flanking good and we've got the young spears tops off top stuff uh very little armor but they are poor defense good charge though weak versus missiles so if we can if we can pin the enemy with our other troops then have these guys flank on him that'd be pretty good well they're not flankers as such these guys are those union runners experts in flanking swift footed special uh missile weapon as well cool okay and then of course we've got the virginian javelins we can't forget the man the myth the legend himself mighty achilles not quite brad pitt but you'll do you'll do that damage 1 353 bonkers absolutely bonkers right so these guys are my flankers if we can go up through this forest here try and draw them down unless we could pull them into this little raised bed here's a little choke point um let's start off with you guys just by the trees and then yeah i guess we're gonna have to have they're not great in defense though but we'll link them up with the champions and javelins and achilles we'll send you guys out in front just try and lure them to us you guys go over in the trees there might as well walk them you guys can run you've got a bit further to go positioning can't get up that way might be at a swing or not round behind if we're lucky let's run achilles um so if we have the champions hold here actually and then the young spears a little bit further on the right i might be able to swing them in depends if we can just pull them down one by one or if they just surge forward let's see what we can do and we've also got uh an ability character ability with achilles vanquish so plus 50 charge bonus and plus 20 speed 15 seconds and that will also help build up our divine will which will show up in a little uh orange gauge over his portrait there which when that reaches um its max level when it's full we'll then be able to pop our oristia which we can use once per battle uh that gives us no cooldowns for abilities plus 25 hit points healed per second plus 20 armor plus 30 melee attack freezes stamina and also makes him unbreakable although i think achilles is unbreakable anyway yeah he's unbreakable anyway that's fine let's see if we can just creep you guys all with that stay hidden pop that when we get a little bit closer your hero doing much damage though that's fine [Applause] good volley oh big damage yeah run achilles go go go go if we can knock out those slingers then perhaps send achilles after their defender veteran hero yeah hit the young spears they've got a little armor pull back down see them off achilles for glory break their missile troops and get some slow-mo close-up action shots once we don't have to be as careful with what we're doing i want to keep [Applause] lucky we might be able to hook them all to my tunes down there keep popping your ability speed go go go go catch him catch him catch him there we go come on can i get in there just need to break him shaking attack in the rear good knock those slingers back towards my javelins because they need to do another volley or two to the mother thought elise is one tough boy bring him down bring him down bring him down javelin volley keep firing keep firing don't run yet don't run yet come on one more volley one more volley yeah there we go they're broken now run now run now run this guy's still hidden good a couple of javelins got caught oh they just pulled back yeah keep drawing him in keep drawing him in come on turn it around polly body volleyball volley get him oh nice shield to the face new jaw please this thing is back they are back and then run back oh that's a good charge descendant i don't think i can do it from that angle let's get to it killies do you mind now you die i've got some slingers i need you to go slate then you can come back and kill this guy okay i'm still not 100 sure if i'm happy with how collision is in in troy you can pull through units pretty easily i know that's because a lot more units have looser less tighter spacing the actual collision on unit seems to be okay when they do a charge yeah nice some tweaking so i think to the stances just because sometimes wipe them out there we go pleasant [Music] that should give him his arrestee though which i'm hoping channeling the fury of the gods will make him powerful enough to defeat that defender but yeah we'll see early days still oh javelins i looked away i was looking at achilles i send the troops in though that's why you keep them on skirmish mode lionheart [Applause] i mean look at these guys they're being hit from all sides because their formations almost disintegrated when they when they hit them they broken he's gone you're worse come back here i wanted to kill you moving up he's out of it your warriors are losing heart yeah you've been flanked we're hitting their troops as well it's all good big chaplains body body body body body kind of hoping they'd all start breaking soon nice and they're out of it yep they're shattered here we go yeah swinging off over victory is close enough to taste there we go boom a little while to get used to in troy compared to other total wars just because you really don't have cavalry very limited units of them so it's all about utilizing your infantry and maximizing flanking and things like that now i'm assuming we don't need to completely wipe out these guys because it's sort of it's the first mission enemy army so normally they get wiped out after battle if uh other total wars are a good template for this so i don't think we need to bother chasing them all down whatever your units has no more ammo we'll just munch this one a little bit just in case see what happens close victory uh we lost 189 i wouldn't say that's necessarily that close we killed 799 of them well they lost 799 boom if they are still there on the map we can we can take them out okay nice little animation there it's experience 500 food 437 and then we get to choose if we want to take them on for replenishment and spill their blood for a plus 8 morale boost from units or uh lives barter so uh we can sell our captives for 407 food i'm gonna go for the replenishment this is what nice yeah army's been wiped out good they've got that smaller force there three so we've gained 250 food and 80 bronze and our next mission muscle the troops maintain 12 units in total we currently got six we'll get 300 food and 100 bronze stuff oh we gained ionian um clammies chammi's i don't know how you say them uh plus three to happiness in local province oh kill them battle yeah if we go to character details that'll be on followers and items lightweight cape is ideal for avoiding sunburn in the punishing daytime heat enabling daily life to continue relatively unhindered by the time that's why i need right now it's ruddy hot in england right now i need me uh you mean maybe some of that so but plus three happiness and local performance that's very sweet and we've got uh peleus's spear plus eight morale of own units this army and plus seven percent armor piercing damage of hero lovely but we've got skill point unlocked for uh old achilles here we can go for either frenzy or blood of heracles um they're both they're both good frenzy gives us plus 30 uh weapon damage uh minus 200 uh attack interval uh minus 24 stamina though it comes at a stamina here the upgrade of that reduces the hit stamina a lot of heracles also gives they both give plus 2.5 percent to heroes hit points but that gives rides rage when activated blood heracles 45 seconds plus 50 melee attack and that can be upgraded with a speed buff as well or with a reduced cooldown the speed would be quite nice along with his vanquish let's get all that speed going frenzy's also nice i think i'm gonna go for blood of heracles though let's go for that uh we can reset points but that's only now that we've that's accepted all them yeah we can't undo that that's locked those out that means i guess you get at least probably two or three different ways you can kind of play out your heroes depending on what sort of uh skills you want to go for just good fighter all of our traits that increases from fighter to warrior to champion merit character so yeah he can't be you can only ever be wounded cool right well we'll send you back to uh hellion if i'm pronouncing that correctly obviously feel free to let me know down in the comment section my pronunciation phonetic spelling greatly appreciated and all that um i'm definitely gonna i'm definitely gonna need it for all the characters and places in this yeah so we'll build up our force then we've got a mission to build it up for 12 units and then we'll try and go after these guys i cannot they're right by that settlement i didn't want to go after them straight away because yeah they've got a garrison of eight although you know how how strong towers are in this we might want to siege them down a little bit cause them some attrition depends if they build up a lot of units themselves son of a goddess and a king see what we'll see what we can do all right let's recruit some units let's go for um some slingers because we've only got the javelins at the moment and then i think i'll probably just smash out a load of spearmint could go for the young spears but i'd honestly rather have spin with their armor and the front line as well so they can hold a bit better especially for us if we're going to go for a siege we're going to need armor these guys aren't going to be that useful so let's go three slingers i'll get more soon let's have a look at buildings and all the other features and then we'll finally finally end the uh the first turn so at our provincial capital look at the building browser i kind of wish they'd go for um making the building icons progress i use a mod for my warhammer series called building uh progression icons and basically the say the uh let's choose the guard house here it was off as like a little palisade and then the the next upgrade would be a bigger wall icon sort of thing with more towers i just i kind of wish they'd just do that with their artwork for building icons but yeah very familiar uh warhammer building system here that's all good uh what's our special one there statue of achilles plus two to recruit rank of faction elite units uh minus five percent recruitment cost of all army units plus twenty percent charge on recruitment of units in this province's charge bonus achilles wall circle tier five plus four to recruit rank of factionally i'm assuming that's the mermaid and the faction elite units there uh minus fifty percent recruitment cost of achilles elite units plus six percent to melee attack of all uh salient marines and champions official uh units faction wide minus two percent to upkeep cost of salient marines and champions as well geared and then what we've got over here we go here's the military camp murmured on camp and murmured and barracks so we can actually get the momentums until tier five spear fighting mermaids um the pelagic uh aliens and the uh murmured and swordsmen in there as well they're gonna be great they're gonna be absolutely monstrous units i mean the champions are pretty good as well so we want to get that in there at tier three so that's probably what we're gonna focus on doing uh we need growth don't we growth and what do we need resources obviously there's five resources in the game it's not just gold now we need stone and wood we've got a fair bit of wood coming we have no stone coming in we've only got 50 at the moment probably need to do some trade to sort that out uh military aside from that unique military camp we've got the musterfield a spam and that upgrade gives me um spears and renowned club warriors heavy swordsman uh renowned fifth in uh spears at the top there okay noise and then we've got javelin throwers heavy javelin throwers renowned armored slingers and heavy ikea bowman uh chariots chariots are very good i'll probably want to get some of them because i can't get cavalry really so something something fast and maneuverable uh light swordsmen they come in from them can we not get them from any anywhere else the only place you can get like swordsman the watchtower interesting but that's not garrison that's this one guard house there's a bower for the bowman randomly on their own they'll have lots of buffs and bonuses all these different buildings and then we've got administration which does a variety of different things recruitment cost reduction construction cost upkeep cost reduction food warehouse food lumber warehouse for yeah more lumber production vineyard our happiness yeah there's going to be one to to go and get that also unlock spies at tier 2 the winemaker what's going to make people happy then we've got chieftains hall influence over this province a bit frustrating that they're at um only up to tier three because i'm assuming i can't get any of them no i can't get any of them in my minor settlements so yeah your provincial capital is going to be even more important with the way the building's currently set out and get envoys from there just to call control bridges upkeep units and army good i want to keep it on but yeah influence is important to get extra resources which i'll show you guys in a moment and then we've got all the temples depending on which god you want to dedicate to there's lots of different buffs bonuses i really don't know which gods or gods are the best ones to focus on so if you guys watching have seen other youtubers other youtubers twitch streamers uh covering toys so far and have kind of worked out what the best one is to go for or that's two or three gods do let me know down in the comment section the presets have got lots of different but i've not tried out any of the agents in this game yet so it's going to be a very much a learning experience as we go but uh hopefully lots of fun also this campaign map i've just got to say how inviting does that water look i said super hot in england at the moment i would love to dip into that cool blue sea that looks wonderful uh right so yeah buildings uh we can't build anything uh uh tell you on uh alas you are our forest settlement so your resource building we will go for the loggers tents and we'll go for the longest tents over any of the others just because apprentice fletcher has a negative hit to our influence uh bronze fire pit has a negative hit to our happiness we can't go for the woodworker because we need uh stone that is ultimately the what the line you want to go for for sure but that costs you i mean you can see that 2 000 odd word 2000 odd stone and 300 gold so that's kind of more towards the mid late game once you've got more resources coming in you can just go for the woodcutters lodge if you want maximum wood at a big growth hit but early on logger's tent there's one on the left for all your resources worth going for we get plus 26 uh wood per turn and a high influence bonus of plus 34. now the high influence bonus is if we have 60 uh akin influence or more in our province currently we've got 60 it is dropping though so we are going to want to um find ways to improve that um either with one of those buildings that i saw in our provincial capital or through potentially some research which is our raw decrees up here so take a look at that next uh and i know the influence one is down off the stone line here we go songs of the age plus three influence so that'd be useful going for people's feast as well plus two public order happiness um and yeah royal stone probably wouldn't be terrible going for that uh barely early on because we have no stone production we've got bronze production a little bit of bronze production we have no gold production but then barely anyone does and she's got gold one so you need the treasure hall for that um food and wood that's fine but i'm actually gonna go for public service first just to get extra growth because soon we get extra growth going the better again similar to which gods are the best if anyone has uh thoughts on kind of best tech tree or progress to go through feel free to shout in the comment section if there's a particularly good bit of tech somewhere do you let me know but i'm thinking public service then royal stone and then we'll go songs of the age and the people's feast sort that all out um now we need to take a look at old achilles mood they're currently proud that's fine not indignant grieving or outraged we will probably start working towards those and things indignant because we're sat garrisoned yeah this one here he'll increase this mood they've all got different buffs and bonuses um indignant plus 30 to all resources faction y plus 10 to happiness is province but at the cost of 10 influence i don't think other than losing the extra resource yield i don't know if that if having low influence perhaps affects public order happiness as well that doesn't seem super bad it's not ideal but it's not terrible minus 50 to deal evaluation for automatic agreements though ain't amazing uh sorrow for the dead uh favor of the golds plus 20 from temple faction y plus 200 to experience all units per tourniquetly's army favor from priestess rituals plus twenty percent own characters faction wide and then minus seven to happiness fashion wise so that that isn't awful happiness hopefully there's plenty of ways well the vineyard and there's that broad cree actually probably wouldn't mind sitting on that and how do we sustain that one we sustain it by uh grieving continues to grieve as long as there's a priest in the army okay how's that one that one is yeah staying in a settlement uh outraged is the most powerful in terms of the buffs it gives plus 40 to melee attack of all units in achilles army uh plus 100 percent to treasures loses after battle own character faction wide plus 10 percent casualty replenishment rate of all armies own armies faction wide plus 25 percent damage of all units killee's army and plus 100 to income from raiding looting and sacking own army's faction-wide but it comes at a hit of minus 30 uh to all resources faction-wide and -50 to growth faction wide that's not terrible the growth the 30 percent hit to resources and that is sustained um for every turn that kylie spends in battle once he's hit that i don't know how we get back to proud then but um if this has if he has a cool down after a while his mood dissipates i don't know i guess we'll find out let's realize as well this province berry these guys hold yeah that's not they hold it no well i will eventually want to go after them and get that so i can complete my province but time to do diplomacy because i think we're going to want a non-aggression pact with them early on because i don't fancy getting attacked in the back while we're going this way so let's try and placate them uh for how do you feel about me i could barge for something but probably better just to let them have the extra [Music] extra bit of relationship gain with me and then we'll go quick deal loving that the three kingdoms diplomacy system is in uh troy makes it so much easier quick deals and stuff so we're gonna go through everyone that is positive and just quickly do some deals take wine and also start kind of doing some barter agreements which sort of replaces trade agreements because uh there is no trade deals in this you have to kind of you have to do them all yourself managing all the resources so kind of a fair bit more resource management in this game uh which i think is good i'm liking having multiple resources adding that military access lowers the success chance or the um uh the evaluation breakdown so i wanna i wanna get as much resources out of them as possible so we'll do those separate deals um red resources the uh faction has it in abundance so they value it less so they're more likely to trade that away whereas resources they have in green they're having short supply so they value it more so they'll you know they'd pay more for that sort of thing but they've got loads of wood i'm just gonna yeah i'll take i'll take your wood um 200 oh no okay that's going really high one hundred ninety i've gotta remember this is for five turns as well uh we might i potentially i guess we could get more with a single barter but i think let's just set up some and per turn trading see how this goes so yeah for five times we can increase that up to ten turns if we want to but that's not going to work agua heart x10 is back 83 yes please agree i am happy now you're not actually happy to take a military uh access okay we'll wait until you like me a bit more that's fine drop back um again back to non-aggression sparta it's uplifting adding in milk jack just makes you like me more so that's good and you've got loads of food i think i'm a particularly short supply of food but let's try give me a lot okay for 301 boom that haggling thing shot for five turns noise we gotta remember then every five turns to keep coming back and checking deals i look forward to hearing what's seen again uh we can't get a huge amount but food you've got a lot of it want to share 46 47 no 46 is your limit for five turns okey dokey agree that was that's what uh you guys are up in the north yeah i don't want to suddenly get attacked let us see if a deal can be reached i think again because you hate me i won't ask for anything i'll just let that do its you know maximum effect of trying to improve relations now this is uh like a means you're the chat king who's caught achilles spent some time in i know nothing about the iliad so feel free to educate me guys uh but yeah according to the what the zeus advisor fly over at the start of the episode we spent some time in his court lisa i think you're the chap i think we spent time in your court you've got stone for days can i have some stone i'm gonna try a single barter just work out so you'll give me 12 but could we do better if we asked for say no so you don't give me two so it'd be better to ask for a single just to get a bit more stone but i'm definitely coming back to you guys in a few turns when i've got stuff that you need or you need bronze actually how much bronze have i got uh 360. in that case actually let's let's do this now let's uh bart agreement what if i gave you 300 oh i've just realized as well this is for per turn isn't it now you're never gonna give me that i'll tell you oh and also i'm not gonna give you that much for every single turn either whoops i meant to do that as a single a one-off that's what i'm thinking let's try that 300 300 320 250 330 boom i think i've got a couple of missions which is going to give me more bronze now anyway so yeah we'll take that single barter reason why i want that is that we need the stone to upgrade our and i don't think there's anyone else yet no we're all negative other than this can't do any military defensive alliances or offer confederation they don't want peace that's fine i want to give them peace i always right i think that's all we need to do for this very first turn let's finally end the turn in 30 minutes lionheart let's see how many more times we can get through now hopefully quite a few though uh king's decree uh issue of autocrat oh that's good two turns in that fire wood and food nice so yeah how much do i actually need there 330 stone which is what i've got now good so we can upgrade that once we've got population surplus i mean i can't do any commandments um we've got to build up 12. haven't we just i just want to jump on out and see and they've gone in there they're at three still i gotta remember this garrison of eight my reputation endures back in you go um and you've got slingers so i think if we have one more slinger and then just smash out spearman that's probably the best thing we could do obviously i guess we should keep checking though ah here we go military access ithaca they're now on board with it we shall not fight oh they are good yeah that's how much they're going to take that for whoa rolling in the food um yes please mainly so i can just throw it at other people in other parties okay 207 beautiful thank you odysseus who i will also be doing a series with i'll be doing a hector uh series on twitch and the disney series on twitch uh both will be record and upload to youtube though but this achilles series is the dedicated youtube only series um i'm also thinking yeah divine will i didn't go through all of that i should have done this prayer aphrodite for growth and happiness that would be probably useful unless there's a prayer from somebody else that does stuff uh also the uh hecka tombs that we can do that's what i've got to check the gods um so that might be useful when going into the siege having that uh cult of hera up to um favor level one tier one respected military service plus 20 to missile damage of slingers that's pretty decent i could pop it now to reduce my recruitment cost but then while favor would probably dip back down what all the prayers do though um zeus does deal evaluation for everything except barters that wouldn't have helped morale success chance campaign line of sight all around temples that's not gonna help us recruit rank uh might help a little bit i i feel like that prayer aphrodite is probably the best one um just looking at the rest of them see if they're tier one respected benefits are any good athena the mentor of heroes plus 20 to melee attack of spear units own armies faction wide that's good plus four to recruit rank of heroes fraction y plus 20 to the melee defense of shielded units that's good but we've got to get up to 300 yeah 300 points 300 favor that's not gonna happen anytime soon then apollo is for archers local recruitment capacity who that's hmm possibly could do that because we could recruit a few more units and attack the enemy sooner that might not be a terrible idea i would have got enough to do aphrodite's growth and then apollo no aries rather yeah let's do that aphrodite do your prayer i deserve your favor and then ares yep it will be a mighty sacrifice nice achilles the champion and yeah more spears more more spears okay i think that is everything we can do there's not a huge amount we can do at the moment probably oh we could pop in the guard house but that would be my stone um minus do you have really with the guard house it hits your happiness you'll you're unhappy from being offended and protected okay fine um i haven't plus one at the moment yeah our influence is just dipped so we're not gonna get any benefit there so we need to get this upgraded and then get some influence gain um but yeah so i won't i won't do the guard house just yet because we want that stone to upgrade our city it's from wall city to a citadel most of the troops in 300 food and do not need the development of your towns and cities for many benefits accrue from construction at home put your carpenters and stone masons to work okey dokey zeus uh aphrodite you've got prayer now it's active uh laying the foundations construct any building 350 wood and 200 stone oh okay i could probably i could upgrade some of this stuff that does me bronze there's more wood i feel like that's probably a better one to go for because that's more resources but that's four percent and more growth let's do that and then let's go understood small space i'm thinking we want one more thing that's a lot of slingers otherwise four of them should be enough to get all the spears and then probably just get his army up to a 20 stack and then just strike that city i think and tell how much they've built up and we could always seize them down a bit and cause them some attrition don't upgrade that yes from this one bald city to citadel yeah we've got enough of that at the moment uh check diplomacy again quick deals check military access defensive alliances please get stronger and claim a bit more territory there they're almost considering peace thinking about it thinking about it son of a goddess and a king um number three what's on notification yeah construction's available but i don't want to do it so no enter let's use the double their interns are super fast benefiting from that warhammer uh optimization king's decree yep it's got that on food and the wood nice and we've got public service plus 10 to growth faction wide so i'm now going to go for the stone because we don't have any of that coming on in we do have a little bit of bronze it's just before i recruit more troops i've got seven right now ah 15. my reputation endures it might be best right although i can just i wonder if i can afford another army uh increase your total army upkeep by 20 probably not i think we could get another army armed and ready you might better then back up with extra forces i'm wary of them having a horse in there i could or i could start seizing them and actually recruit another force and then bring them up they can't recruit anymore that might be the way to do it slaughter them let's let's think about that don't hold back that's just in our favor it's going to be it's going to be tough we're out of swordmax units and army's faction wide i've got ares i can't go oh i can i can go straight on in actually we don't need the ram because achilles is a siege attacker i'm assuming yes um i mean i might as well get a ramp i'm gonna wait i think i'll try and bring up some extra units don't know if this is gonna work or not i'm gonna probably bankrupt this might be too much being an archer hero could be interesting but any of you cheaper than the others no you're all the same fender protector i don't really know the difference between all of them at the moment um compassionate one movie ends turn on province of positive populous uh i don't think we're positive here are we no no you've left and aries disrespected by your faction oh that would work motivation after a battle witch hero is either reinforcing or being reinforced uh so that wouldn't help choose all the different bits here loyalty system little windsor battle in turn garrisoned oh yeah there we go let's go for you bottom oh yeah we've got enough of that we've got enough of that and get four more units um upkeep cost but it's fine we'll get rid of this army soon i wonder can we do a bit of diplomacy [Music] um what have we got a lot of we've got wooden bronze so who wants all that someone that's in the green that will give me lots of food yeah so agamemnon few can doubt this single barter and i would love to give you 150 bronze or 300 food 310 food 350 food 400 food okay you really value it a lot don't you i just probably hit the up arrows can't wait to find his threshold so somewhere in between 650 and 700 get upset what about that bargain of 699 no that's not okay 85 84. perfect thank you very much let me get another another spear unit i know my duty and yeah there's another spearmint boom and then we'll go in there i want to stop seeing is there they went from three to seven i don't i want to seize them stop them getting more units but let's bring up a few more attack it's gonna take four turns for them start attrition but i think we can just go in send them off that's all good next turn those extra forces we'll swap troops into achilles army so he starts off with a full 20 stack not all who serve you give their best here we see one whose lack of motivation makes them of limited use perhaps even a liability action must be taken to remedy this yeah i'm not planning on keeping him for too long because i can't really afford it uh start turn with 20 single army oh that's fine yet we'll do that soon that'll give us 500 food 50 bronze and 50 gold 50 gold great hold level down sad i don't think we can boost that up again can we ah two more turns so we can do it on target oh so we've lost that one that we're going to recruit that's fine um we'll just yeah we'll just bring up those extra troops by the numbers then to achilles give him all of them still press the attack though because you're an extra hero how was that i swear that was like slightly further along now it's slightly less what how's that how does that work right well surely this is enough to take them on after hope yeah i don't really know what to expect from sieges in troy so let's do it because we have the god on our side and we could wait two more turns to have one but i don't think we need to let's do it let's go on in should i wrap up this first episode quite nicely with the with the siege [Music] this is this is there because they've got they've got two heroes so now i've got two heroes and then we'll disband the other hero after this [Music] is there any settlement though i think they've got they got one more need to check check the diplomacy a dry day that's good start appointment let's have a look at this map because i'm already loving what i'm saying yeah i mean i feel like thrones set the bar fairly high in terms of siege maps they were really good siege maps and thrones weren't well utilized by the ai but at least they uh they looked good they had multiple layers and levels to them uh i am liking the look of this that's like formed around the around the rock there and you've got this kind of higher ground in the center they pull back to their victory point that's really cool this would be amazing to defend i hope i hope i hope i hope that ai is in a way aggressive enough to press to attack some of my settlements so we get a chance to fight some defensive battles oh my reinforcements coming from there okay that's fine they've got two gates over that way i should've got an extra round but it would take another turn though wouldn't it so it's probably better just go for this wide bit of wall here that's what we'll do although are we in range of their towers how strong the towers port towers instruct worse because yeah there's no artillery or anything like that siege catapults or anything like that to deal with any of it you can't take it down same with the same with the wall um okay we can just sit back here then wait for that hero to come on in and we'll advance so oh my spearmen they do have magical appearing ladders which you know i don't i don't completely hate i wouldn't mind the medieval two system if ca wanted to return to that where you had to build ladders for your units but i kind of understand in a way why they've gone to the system because it just means you don't have to worry about building ladders everyone's got them because it would make sense that all the units for the siege going forward would ideally you would want them all to have ladders i guess you could argue that but what if there weren't enough resources to get enough ladders then maybe it'd be nice if they appeared perhaps before just showing them now rather than just making them suddenly appear i don't know we can toggle equipment show i don't know right slingers you're probably gonna take a fair bit down i'm hoping you guys will screen my inventory as we move them forward to hit the wall these guys i think will just keep them they're my sort of more unique troops that i can't replace so i'll have them go through the gate with achilles have achilles out in front up tear down that gate and these guys go on in we will wait for archer friend to appear once again if i've dodged this correctly smile reinforce reinforcements i mean when you guys say it's just one man it is one man and his bow he's got flight uh flights of artemis though missile speed and damage so let's bring him all the way over he's actually going to pull a few of their troops over this way potentially useful or your what the rest of his stats range 180 now you've got your uh aristo as well so you both get one that's useful yeah now i said i think it's fair they've got two heroes why shouldn't i have two i also realized i've not taken a look at achilles living legend mechanic yet so many things to check out so little time we'll do that in a minute because we can have achilles uh confronting and fighting various opponents oh is that the one of that let's go hit that guy and pick him off right forward everyone let's get them all by have found gets a bit derpy sometimes so it's best to give them individual attack orders that's knocked him off the wall at least back off the walls yeah they are and they've got their renowned slingers up there actually work on them i'm bowman your warriors are attacking the gates yep bring it off wipe them out all good haven't brought these guys up yet i think we probably can tell them to go forward now your ladders have a foothold on their walls where is that character can't see him send you up on the wall archer boy here comes the ram oh look i'm using the laps there they're better than bannerlord ai using all all the stuff oh these guys maybe not [Applause] you guys want to get up and over that'd be great the enemy gates have been destroyed nice well there he is right we need to take him both out you have captured the enemy tower good okay now take out that one take out the archer and he goes i am mighty show me blood if you can shoot him just have enough rage gonna attack the foe has captured your time here go all right i've got all of these bits nice no we didn't need those extra units i don't know actually having three extra to three extra spearman's definitely prepare to die destroy them allowed us to swarm the walls they're a little bit dirty about using ladders and walls your warriors are losing heart you guys are struggling a little bit against slingers having a giggle get these things inside how's kelly's doing now you die the pop is arrested you've got enough rage yeah you do there you go hit that one achilles focus on focus on the archer would you no mercy attack okay not all of you guys need to chase that i think two of you is more than plenty to go catch that point as well they are trying he's right in the thick of it we start shooting this one actually the achilles have his kill here killing not a problem on wreck him finish him give me good spearing any second come on skewer him achilles for glory wreck him there we go is he dead yes he has claimed the enemy hero take out the other one there you go you capture their victory point give that a second unleash the power of the gods where's he gone no mercy yes you will there victory is nice enough to taste finish him no he's running coward did he just say we shouldn't even be here as in he shouldn't be there i mean this is your city mate i don't really know what to tell you oh they've got you know clubs up there i've got a few expert more burning right attack i am mighty get him achilles come boom the city is ours [Music] chad mean victory i'm assuming that's the pyrrhic victory type thing we did lose 1 344 to be fair i was going to say looks like achilles is struggling there but no time to block and stab him boom it's a bit of food a bit of bronze we've got some gold as well lovely loving that resource breakdown okay so occupy is that luton occupy gives us all that with um stability exactly we don't want to stack we want to take it really but i think i am going to loot an occupy that tends to be my preferred um thing challenge answered post challenge oh one of those guys must have been one of the challenges yeah so so so so before we end today for maximum strength as well nice a lot dead now we killed the priest as well priestess yeah living legend i totally forgot doing this one um so yeah you can confront other characters and then when you've when you've confronted all the ones there you get the bonus that's available here so doubt and uncertainty will get minus 20 to upkeep cost of all units own armies faction wide france extra units for instance recruitment plus four to influence faction wide uh let's try confronting ajax the lesser recognition so if if there's kind of three outcomes i believe recognition where they bow down tube as ajax has um he turns deathly pale as soon as he hears the challenge and then butters a quick prayer under his breath he immediately convinced his fellow soldiers to declare uh difference to achilles sensibly recognizing him uh before the gods as the mightiest warrior of the world has ever known so that's one of the outcomes the other outcome they can decline and say no you've got to come and fight me uh in battle or they can accept the jewel and if they accept the jewel then achilles leaves your arm and you have to put another general in um it's kind of similar to the death master snitch a shadowy dealing's mechanic in warhammer 2. yeah he jumps out for like two times let's see if we can get all of them now our triumph nice achilles has proven to the gods and mortals alike that he is indeed a living legend no challenger dares dispute his claim and all are in awe of his valor from akira to anatolia soldiers speculate about the divine origins of the hero's invincibility sweet so we defeated those three we've got no challenges so okay so it just jumps between the two doubted and uncertain whereas yeah then we become if we clear away all those challenges then we become the living legend and we get 20 upkeep uh cost to all units own army's fashion wide grants extra units for instant recruitment and plus fought influence faction wide right well that's uh that's where we're going to wrap things up for this first episode um we could get rid of this guy um let me know if you think we should keep him or not we can bring in more uh genuine runners and uh 15 spears nice slow battle speed they're heavyweight class frontline shielded and can switch weapons oh cool so they can switch from spear and shield to ripping spear with two hands being a two-handed unit that is awesome uh but yeah we can bring them into achilles army in place of some of these spearmen which we can merge on up uh are they they're not dead yet no they've got um uh thurinthos over here so we can go and grab that we've got the principal capital which they'll be looted so we'll need to repair all that they have got a lumber warehouse as well interesting is that like a unique building for them what is that about an especially their special one oh we can build statues of achilles everywhere oh cool not like a it was this one lumber warehouse okay not quite like warhammer where you've got landmark buildings as such uh you can't build them in specific places uh enough but yeah we roll with the two armies we don't necessarily need to right now we could probably get rid of that other one just keep his army as is and keep rolling on down this way then i guess it's choosing who we're gonna go to war with off that probably i'd like to go for these guys sooner rather than late so we can complete our province uh let's just have a quick little look at diplomacy see if that is a viable plan three they are non-aggression with me so i have to cancel that not aggression before i go after them um they don't have any alliances though i guess we'll see we'll check out the other factions down here as well but we'll do all that and more outside of the next episode so until then i hope you guys have enjoyed don't forget to comment rate and subscribe follow me on facebook and twitter take pride into the legion check out my phillies and sponsors games planet and overclockers uk until the next one ciao for now
Channel: lionheartx10
Views: 776,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achilles, Achilles Campaign, Achilles Total War, Achilles Total War Saga: Troy, Achilles Legend, Total War, total war saga, TROY, TROY - A Total War Saga, SAGA, bronze age, Total War Saga: Troy, total war troy epic exclusive, troy news, total war saga troy, trojan war, legendary lords, achilles, hector, the iliad, Campaign Gameplay Total War, Total War Saga: Troy Campaign, Troy Total War, Troy Total War Saga, A Total War Saga
Id: mGVceXyQles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 2sec (4262 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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