Can You Taste the Difference Between Cheap and Expensive Steak?

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so here we have two stakes on the right no this is right wait this is my right this is okay on your right you will see the usda strip steak that i got it's ten dollars a pound it's about three quarters of a pound so it cost me a little less than ten dollars but it was the most expensive steak at my local grocery store on your left we have the a5 wagyu steak from japan it's one pound exactly and it cost me 175 dollars for that pound so the price comparison it's not even close and what we're doing today boys very simple we're going to be cooking up this one then we're going to be cooking up this one exactly the same maybe not the best a man can do but the best i can do and then i'm going to be serving it blindfolded to my roommates in seeing if they can tell which steak is which and that's it that's the plan for today i'm cooking them like they are only adding a bit of salt sea salt harvested from france cool and then we'll find out which one is really the king is it worth 17x can you even tell i'm also not using any butter or rosemary because a lot of people actually recommend you cook wag you without butter because it has so much fat content so i think if i were to baste this in butter or add a bunch of seasoning it would be not a fair comparison at the end of the day this is not trying to cook you at its peak this is not a tutorial i don't give a [ __ ] what you eat tonight i don't care if you're a good cook or a bad cook all i care about is a fair comparison between the meats and then my roommates trying them that's it that's the stream content that's all i'm trying to do i don't give a [ __ ] if gordon ramsay throws up watching this i will be cooking steak to the best of my dumbass ability chet we are not going to be doing this the whole stream we are not going to be doing this where you guys suddenly out of the blue out of the blue i've been streaming two whole last years two years all right never have you guys ever been like you know what ludwig i i am an expert chef i think i would win masterchef but all of a sudden all of a sudden how many michelin stars combined do we have we have 10 000 people in here do we have 30 000 michelin stars relax actually dumbass touching his whole desk after handling raw meat well i just think that in the 21st century our meat production services are nothing like uh the jungle from the 40s so you know i i'm not too scared people eat raw meat all the time we'll be fine good news good news so i don't have a thermometer but i do have a vast amount of knowledge from watching masterchef okay i have a problem this is too big for that so i'm thinking about just like you know what i mean it's not gonna fit do you understand that i have to cut it because if i don't cut it i cannot cook it because this unfortunately is smaller than this that's just simple math look here's the thing chad i'm already cucking it i'm already cutting it it's already decided so either you tell me how to cut it or you try to fight against the inevitable okay it hasn't worked out for 45 and it's not going to work out for you everyone's a [ __ ] three-star [ __ ] michelin ass [ __ ] every all you [ __ ] are sitting on your [ __ ] asses eating your [ __ ] pb j talking about how you know what you're [ __ ] all right we have a larger pan now i'm putting it on high heat so i have this salt how much am i doing here like wrong salt they shipped this salt japan sent me this why would they send me the wrong salt oh yeah oh yeah oh uh huh that's my [ __ ] more okay that's my [ __ ] more because you ain't no hollaback girls it ain't no holla back girl too much no such thing as too much salt cowards [Music] i slapped it slime i don't want to slap it more i don't want to i'm not going to slap it but i feel like i slept at a good amount it's like i'm not going to slap it more i slapped it a good amount gordon doesn't slap meat that much just get in there baby all right it has been thoroughly salted put a little drop of water in it it's it's cooking look at that that looks like [ __ ] do you have something to flip the meat i have tongs i'm gonna practice [Music] [ __ ] i'm gonna throw the steak on are you guys ready let's [ __ ] go 170 dollars this is for you gordo oh [ __ ] how long someone start a timer one mississippi two mississippi i'm flipping [Music] oh look at that beautiful crust that you can only get from a teflon [Music] oh it tastes yummy chat spam pog champ cog champ holy [ __ ] it's actually a dog champ if you want me to remove it i'm seeing a lot of cog champ pogchamps it's actually dog chan look at that that's beautiful it is very soft to the touch wait [ __ ] it might be raw all right you're the guys who pog champ cog champs holy [ __ ] it's a dog champ i think we can take it off now this looks well cooked okay we're gonna let that rest let's cook this one up we're not foiling and putting in the oven we're cooking them both equally the same and then serving them are you just gonna sit there yeah that's what cooking is they're all lazy [ __ ] they just sit there no peeking i hate no peeking rules let a man peak one time for the one by the way if you guys are watching this on youtube do me a favor and scroll down and see if you're subscribed it turns out that 25 of the people who watch my videos aren't and it turns out that sometimes even if you think you're subscribed you might not be so check it helped me out a lot and if you don't want to at any other point to subscribe to my channel you can unsubscribe whenever you want twitch chat says do it please well they just said hi youtube but close enough do you guys think it's ready or should i keep cooking it a bit you guys are halfway between it's well done and it's raw wow why was that hot ladies and gentlemen it is time for the big show in one corner we have the 175 dollar per pound wag you japanese steak and in the other corner we have the american 10 that's a steal that's value strip steak is this raw chat chad is this is this raw meat all right i'm gonna try a bite it is like a meat gusher it exploded in my mouth and i just had a blast of salty explode in me hot frothing of in my mouth it's delicious i hope you guys like your steaks rare any food poisoning is obviously not a fault of mogul moves ludwig if you sue me then rent is skyrocketing brother so in front of you you have a 170 wagyu a5 grade beef steak and a usda steak as well they've both been cooked to rare perfection i'm gonna feed you a bite you're gonna eat it and you're gonna tell me which is which if you happen to be right you can have more wagyu oh i love this prize this is a great prize if you are wrong you do not get any more wagyu wow it is on the fork it's a pretty big piece of meat this does taste good i have my preliminary guess right now that's got to be the wagyu that's got to be the wagyu it's so tender are you sure if you're wrong you don't get any more that's got to be the wagyu aiden you were correct and for that i will leave you with a nice strip of wagyu steak holy [ __ ] that's all yours enjoy you cooked it very well you cooked both steaks very well thank you yeah uh chat was commending me the whole time neep come here all right come sit i'll guide you in front of you are two stakes one is a grade a5 wagyu strip steak from japan now the other is a usda grade beef 10 steak you will eat both if you can figure out which one is which i will let you walk out of here with a giant strip of a5 wagyu are you ready that was really fatty it was really good honestly i think that was just straight up the wagyu but i won't say anything i won't lock in my answer until the other one you're not locking in no all right here's your second piece of meat that one was also really [ __ ] good however the chew on it near the end felt like steaks that i'm typically used to i haven't had much wagyu any or like any at all have you ever had wagon i think i might have uh stolen some when we went to hop hop that one [ __ ] up yes who paid for that you did and then you stole my wagyu yeah i didn't know about this like steal it you're like offered and you're like hey everyone we're fighting now and it was like it was like a christmas like dinner we were all going to and you're like treating us and you're being nice and now like actually no i take it back so you're welcome tell me which was the wagyu not the the usda which one is the wagyu one or two [Music] one you're right oh god thank god take off the blindfold this treasure trove of meat is yours walk away and enjoy nick you are late come here in front of you are two steaks one a 175 dollar wag you steak from japan the other a 10 steak from aldi i'm gonna feed you both yeah you're gonna tell me which is which if you're right you get more wagyu if you're wrong you walk away empty-handed okay okay okay that was steak number one i want you to think about that while you enjoy steak number two any thoughts formulating you only get one guess if you're right you get more wagyu if you're wrong you get nothing i think number one was wacky number two had like this interesting flavor i haven't tasted before but i've had wagyu yeah i feel like i would have recognized how it tasted that makes sense i feel like you're trolling me i'm not i promise you i'm going with one all right take off your blindfold you were incorrect number one was a ten dollar steak for maldives it was good that steak could i have more of that yeah you can more the 10 you salted it more here thanks man hey cheers cheers to our health two for three interesting turn of events cutie sit down homie did not listen to me on how to cook them i don't remember the chairs i did not listen to you how to cook but everyone's complimented my compliment am i cooking today where's my wine okay don't drink the wine right now all right you can drink the wine then great you have two steaks in front of you one is an a5 grade wag you just can you you see i have been to culinary school so i know what is going to be just based off its texture stop touching them this is the wagyu is that your your final answer oh wait this is wagyu one thousand percent this is the wagyu but you just said that was the wagon i know but i didn't feel them correctly this is where i go okay are you sure yep okay you're right yeah congrats thank you okay all done i don't think slime would want it but he also hasn't come down he knows what's going on all in all i think people were three for four and i think nick was smoking weed but people were able to tell the wagon is it worth the price [Music] no look at the end of the day it doesn't matter how good the ingredient is you put enough salt or sugar in it and i'll enjoy i get my big mac from mcdonald's at midnight there aren't many more foods in the world that i would want to eat and that's just the fact that's just the fact of the matter i can get raising canes right now and have a plate of wagyu right next to it and i'm not immediately picking the wagyu slime just in time i have so much wagyu left for you why didn't you come get me what i didn't get anyone what are you talking about you got everyone in the house that's not true i have not left this seat chat chat ask chad he didn't he got nobody money changed money change you you know what you're right either way i don't want to try your shitty cold beef uh you [ __ ] you wanna you hurt my feelings have a piece of the wagyu all right stop stop talking about it you did a great thing here uh but it tastes like [ __ ] it's bad thank you all right see you later enjoy [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,508,006
Rating: 4.9589281 out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: JTanCzS57xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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