Ludwig Ranks Every Fast Food Burger

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boys what is up welcome back look it's time the return of slime he's back and today we have a hell of a video i got every single burger i could find at any fast food fast casual place around my area i'm gonna say right now i'm missing a few spots culver's shake shack whatever it is we just couldn't get it it's just how it goes sometimes but what we did with the burgers we could find these 15 moist succulent burgers is we ate them all in one day and we ranked which ones are the best that way when you're going out and you want a burger you don't know where to go you can refer to this list let me know down below if you think that it's wildly inaccurate post your own list i'll have the link to make your own to your list down below tweet it at me whatever enjoy the video and by the way make sure to subscribe 30 of people aren't subscribed to my channel the number is doubled in the past month i don't know i don't know what i gotta do just sub if you can i'd appreciate it have a good one let's go slimes here everybody all right chat screenshot this is my pre-eat tier list slime is here everybody dude two hours two and a half three hours my man it's been about three hours yeah it's been about three only got four burgers here's what happens i had the idea to like oh let's put dairy queen on there because you know that's a burger right and no one really thinks about those he gets gucci in a bit they don't do burgers anymore and i went to two of them but they said they did but i went to them and they don't and so i went so [ __ ] far bro for a burger that doesn't exist that doesn't taste and then habits on here and i'm like okay i'll get habit on the way both of the habits i stopped by were like longs lines longer in my than my peep okay so you didn't get habit i didn't get habit either should i order habit then [ __ ] i don't care dude order happens so look we'll be fine this is okay chat let me tell you let me tell you how this works ludwig says hey because he brought me this burger idea away before right and i'm like yeah that sounds fun he's like okay burger stream today i'm like okay sure uh what's the list and he's like i'll make a list i'm playing valorent though three hours later play three games all right hey first of all you're right man you want some water no i don't want any water come on you know what i went to that [ __ ] dairy queen and i was like well they don't have food i was like and i went through the drive and i was like i'll just get an orange julius i it didn't taste good nothing is going right today well you know i'm very stressed out you know what's gonna make you feel better eating some burger all right well first up in and out in so this is a double double this is uh that means double meat double cheese animal style uh no i got it just normal animal styles i tried to get every sort of flagship burger and i think animal style is a little it is i agree i think it's the right decision i think you made the right choice uh so what we're going what we're looking at here this is the the in and out double double now you'll hear a lot of people everyone has [ __ ] to say about in and out oh it's actually overrated oh the fries are garbage oh and everyone has so much [ __ ] to say and it's like you will never matter you will never matter the people that run this planet and all the countries in it will never ever care about you ever ever ever they won't and so just remember that but anyway but anyway the burgers are also pretty good they're pretty good i made the argument that people from california and i think this is why people also [ __ ] on it is because it i think originally started that in and out is not attainable by everyone and there's an inherent value to being close to an in and out so you're a better person because you can get it there's an artificial scarcity there's one tweet that was really funny a while ago it said when you die in california you actually just respawn at the nearest internet yeah which feels that way right they feel like staples like nodes in a video game of uh should we get a knife to cut them in half of our society sure can eat it together the real value of in and out is two things one is price this is a double meat double cheeseburger called double double and it cost me six dollars actually 550 or something [ __ ] like that that's really good you get a lot of food for for the price and there's that and it's good food right they make it right away or they make it when you order it made to order they call it um the meat's good in fact one of the reasons in and out doesn't like go nation nationwide is because their inability to access the ingredients that they like uh i think they ship it all daily from texas either way let's get into it cheers cheers it's so yummy that's so good it's a little bit man and it was good bro it's just really good wow and you know i don't love american cheese it pisses me off but they make it work and if you're from east coast just eat [ __ ] and die whoa you are literally built less i just wanna i just wanna keep eat i'm hungry too i'm gonna finish this i just wanna keep eating it don't finish it we got so much to eat do not finish it i really young man do not because it will make you want everything more don't no bad can i have one more bite one more bite once i don't want the bite with the lettuce because i hate lettuce and burgers it's just a waste of space i think it's good hey no no no no i was i was literally just trying to move the burger you already took a bite no i didn't have don't put it near your mouth there's no reason for it obviously i'm not going to take a third bite i'm just trying to there's something in my teeth and i'm using it like a toothpick right that's food okay so you can use anything else to do that okay really yes really the dell taco burger uh so real quick about the del taco burger in that same old house we i didn't i actually didn't live there at the time but i was friends with everyone there and nick our roommate had we were housing they were housing meds the smash player from arizona and meds had made it very clear he only wanted to go to del taco and uh because everyone's like getting food and stuff and there's like oh there's mcdonald's business he's like no i want del taco one at one i want it and i believe nick was like okay i'll take you i'll take you to taco yeah he shows up and he gets the [ __ ] burger yeah and nick was like i've never met a human being that ever did it seems psychopathic in a way look at this cut this looks bad yeah the meat looks so thin and frail it looks almost like a spread it's just so it's so lacking in what meat should look like the meat has and i'm not exaggerating literally no flavor yeah it's like it's just like a product for your mouth and it's all i can taste is the cheese and bread it takes me back a bit to when i was in school in school you have a few lunches that would be like yes you know like chicken sandwich day pizza day burger day was a bad day i didn't like burger day our burgers were [ __ ] they were bad days no one was hype about burger day which is weird because burgers are burgers it's a good food you should like burgers and it's because it was just so dry and tasteless and this is reminding me of that same and it's funny to say but same taste but this is this is not great ugh all right we got up next tommy's this is uh i believe it is socal chain i had this once when i lived in uh hollywood and i took i [ __ ] my pants so bad i didn't actually in my butt but like in or in my pants but i i had this shit's so bad uh from this you think oh yeah oh and so their thing is that they put chili on the burger so there's probably chili all over the same box as del taco imagine oh my oh my god yeah look it looks like poop look at that oh my god we're gonna get banned on twitch for this oh god but yeah it looks like someone pooped in the burger oh i hate this i i'm hating this yeah there's a lot of chili okay yeah look at this it's like a mashed butt diaper for your butt man i really hate this it probably might taste good but there's just a flood of chili right behind that is in my hand because there's so much yeah hey to the nights to the nights it looks like poop the chili's not good yeah it's like cigarettes kind of i don't i don't think it's too bad like i i can't like i'd have another bite right now it definitely feels like not well seasoned it tastes like a cigarette what's in it i think you're saying that because there's like a bit of spice but rather than tasting spicy it gives you like the aftertaste of ash ash yeah and burning which i do taste a bit all right so let's get going here i actually got fries so so [ __ ] so let's read this last one and then we'll rank what we have fries in there back fries oh wait they just gave like homie fries fries no no i got fries oh yeah these are fires they're perfectly seasoned like these fries are not good because they're not hot and fries last like maybe 50 minutes but these are perfectly seasoned all right this is five guys this is a cheeseburger with all the whey oh there's all that [ __ ] this is their flagship burger okay so it's like i think it's a double i think there's a trend two of like what we call quality burgers and being vertically strong you know what i mean i really don't love that trend i don't either it's too much for my mouth the other ones look like lunchables meat this looks like like real meat like this looks like real ass meat i mean you can watch them cook it right there's this wasn't a drive-through i go in i tell the person there i need burger and then people in the back make the burger in front of me yeah and they got like potato sacks everywhere i like the toppings i made this argument that uh beforehand this is better than have it because habit instead of trying to improve the one product by having like cool toppings uh they basically just make like weird unique brands and they get they get nuts they get weird and kooky and these guys just work on the one thing they have but you can get anything you want well they also have like dogs and [ __ ] you know what i mean like hot dogs oh you know what i'm saying yeah that makes me think i met dogs hey cheers to that brother as far as taste i think it really does win but it's so well seasoned eating eating this is not fun this is not how i would get it i just can't enjoy the meat and the burger because i have to go through like mayo lettuce pickle you know what i someone said slime's really bad at eating burgers and it's like how could you be what tell salmon about your journey uh i drove all around southern california collecting various uh chaos burgers and you know when we bring them all together in sort of a circle pattern i heard they light up and we all get like really [ __ ] no burger shenron pops out and we can make one wish what's the best so far do we have like a consensus five guys is probably the best we the del taco burger is a strong last that's right in between five guys and in and out right now i think this is just way better than in and out and i love in-n-out really yeah it's pretty good you want a bite which one is this five guys have a classy bite eat by the way this is a guest bite from off-screen aiden this is solid it is solid right i guess like when you when you think about price though you would hope five guys would be the best yeah it's [ __ ] expensive hey the hedgehog okay do you want to go through do you want to start do you want to rank them as we go do you want to just go through them let's rank them as we go i think that's important okay let's let's do the four we just did uh five guys it's s i just want to put that down there what do you think i agree five guys is s i would love to put it there i think it's the best burger and it tasted great i love how well seasoned it was i wouldn't go with those toppings i think all the way isn't it's not you don't think that's optimal huh no i think you're dumb i think you're wrong people put too much on burgers a lot of the time and i think lettuce gets in the way it's just water dude lettuce needs to go it needs to go in general ken [ __ ] yeah dude [ __ ] lettuce [ __ ] let it [ __ ] you big lettuce we're coming for you you will die yes it takes space it doesn't pack well it doesn't have the crunch that they hope it will often times it just ends up soggy water that dilutes the flavor of the burger i [ __ ] hate lettuce i [ __ ] hate life let it go on record with the secretary of state whoever it is we can go two for two i [ __ ] love pickles it's good to meet you it's good to meet you anyway we were at del taco which hold up let me just make one adjustment to this tearless just one tiny there we go yeah now del taco i would like to put f do you firm agree firm agree handshakes all around that was gross this is just the burger mind you just the burger finally we have two left uh in and out i think this one i liked it i'm between s and a so yeah it's like is in and out great yeah is it special no and i don't think everyone's talking about like the price the performance ratio and i don't think that's the point right we just need to look at the burger and it what it's like when it's in our mouth and it's hot and it's and it's steamy inside of our mouth and our body and our brains okay really so don't worry about the price even though that is a good factor but i think in and out but it's not an s because it's not special isn't that what s stands for hmm hmm i want to hold off and i would like to rank what was our last one tommy's i would like to rank tommy zombie's diaper burger diaper's burger tommy's diaper burger because it tasted like ashes from like a marlboro light i would put it in a c i would eat it i would finish i would have finished it which is why i want to put it c i think it's bad but the fact that i wanted to finish that even though i had it after del taco yeah and i didn't want to finish i'll talk i literally didn't want to and i'm hungry i'm still hungry so i think tommy's is a c because i i don't know what they did right but i wanted to finish the food okay this is sonic i've never had sonic yeah i've had sonic there was one around where i grew up it was like the spot to go hang out uh the burgers are fine you go there for the ice cream kind of like dairy queen sure well not anymore i guess not anymore there's a big diameter going on here i like that i i love that about whataburger is how wide their burgers are i will say this is also a fast food burger right yeah the flatness the this is the kind of limpness yeah the flaccidness this came out real quick but let's give it a bite the meat is like very like like tastes a lot yeah there's a lot going on here which feels weird because it's a sonic burger i think it tastes pretty good i actually don't mind the flavor too much it it almost tastes like that's the msg yeah maybe maybe yeah it tastes like i'm eating like a deli meat or something i actually don't think it's too bad i feel good about ranking this not a c above a c you think it's a b i can live with that i would say it's a b yeah i think it's better than tommy's yeah okay i'm picking up what you're putting down i was somewhat impressed let's move over to a a treasured one on this channel barles jr looks wise this literally looks made minus this strand here but this looks made for a commercial yeah it's like look at and it's like only this side too because this side it just falls well i think that's the idea right sure but this is like this is like this is beautiful like this lettuce as much as we hate lettuce that looks great this is the most beautiful lettuce we've seen today outside like i hate the strandy shitty lettuce too this is a famous star i believe yes the famous star burger uh i haven't had this i i [ __ ] you not since 2016. really yeah i think so cheers the bread's a little dry but i'm wondering if that's a transit problem it took a it took a while to chew it was hard to chew and what ingredient i said on three stood out the most the lettuce three no she'll say at the same time like it's the [ __ ] mess yeah it's actually insane how like how much this lettuce tastes how do they do that like everything else you can't even taste this is like a it's like a movie or a tv show where all the side characters are better than the main actor but anyway that's all to say that the hamburger sucks boy meets world i can't yeah that bourbon troll is actually a great one you know shawn mr feeny mr feeny boy meets world actually is the best one that i can relate to this is the boring boy meets world of burgers because this is the cory matthews of breakfast cory matthews is literally flavorless there is nothing here that cory is offering yeah but thank god we have mr feeny he's so smart you know thank god we have this this bun which is you know maybe tapanga we got who's his older brother uh eric eric eric that dude was so funny he was so funny so funny he was so much better than corey eric is the spread eric is the spread the burgers boy meets world the verdict because it's actually like really good like all the other stuff is good i just wish the patty was good on three one two three b yeah be meets work below sonic for me yeah absolutely yeah because at the end of the day the main character is better in sonic and that's what we're judging mostly moving on to what i think might be the worst is the juicy jack in the box uh jack in the box is notorious for the food of choice for drunk people yeah it has a it has a long and sordid history let's look at this bun and let's talk about it real quick there's a gloss on this bun that makes me uncomfortable and there's also something called the buttery jack that's not what this is it's just your standard cheeseburger i'll cut along the line or we need the line i think perpendicular ever call me that again sorry look at this [ __ ] lettuce bro this came like this yeah get out of my house i don't like either we gotta keep it there but i hate it it's like a decorative thing in burgers and i couldn't be more dissatisfied with the existence of it this is not good the meat is the worst i've tasted so far even del taco felt inoffensive that it sucked but it wasn't trying to it was trying to you know get out unscathed this is like someone being mean to me this is a bad burger it it's very pasty like it's like it's very mushy in my mouth the moment i chew into the meat and there's not a lot of flavor to accompany you having to you know mush it in your jaw have you ever like been to mcdonald's and you just get like a bad burger like usually there's this standard level of quality but sometimes i just gave you one sometimes i missed it fell on the floor that's what it felt like that was but i feel like it's that all the time yeah like i don't think they missed i think they tried there because you're sober i mean yeah everyone in college there's always someone who like has their drunk spot yes uh jack in the box for some reason is is one of those spots but also mcdonald's and stuff like that uh-huh i don't think it was very good it was also like it was weird every time you took a bite food would fall out of it yeah because it was so poorly assembled construction was terrible um it was constructed to be like looked at on a on a window and never eat but even then the the lettuce was like a [ __ ] like a like an appendage just hanging out um i'm mad i've become angry i feel comfortable worse than del taco that's my call you can do with that what you like i can feel comfortable with that why is there del taco no chick-fil-a read that question out loud to yourself and then use the context no better yet go to a family member and tell them hey if i was ranking burgers should i get chick-fil-a and then like wait for feedback from a family member stupid i hate that guy in chat all right jollibee i've never had this me neither this looks terrible this looks cute this looks like a like such a cute little burger this looks like a mistake of a burger but this is it this is sauce right here beef patties and then cheese pretty simple burger which i like i mean i've never seen a sauce of this color and i'm so jolly bee is a filipino chain of restaurant that mainly serves chicken this is mayo but they do have a burger it looks like thousand island oh they're a chicken place yeah this is like a del taco situation okay it is definitely thousand island can't believe you said it was made oh dude you're just 100 and if the thing is we can google this so it's like 20 thousand island 80 mayo which i know that's how dressing is made dressing's mostly mayo if you guys didn't know that yeah but i don't know it's gross all right let's get to it cheers yup [ __ ] this feels like a toy burger yeah make a kid's face it's not very substantial i will say there's a lot of sauce and every time you take a bite it'll move like it does like where you chewed so now there's a giant glob of sauce i don't know if you can see right here and if i take another bite it'll be there and there's gonna be a bite i know if i had to continue to eat this where the sauce would accumulate in such a large quantity that it would outweigh everything and ruin my appetite yeah you're feeling you like you just got bricked in your mouth yes by a [ __ ] by something there's some god right too much someone with just a lot behind them yeah like zeus came down and really just [ __ ] dropped the load eagle form much like the diaper burger this will be in the [ __ ] category [Laughter] it's like we got a poop burger our gum burger yeah your piss burger that's the next one up uh wendy's let's go let's talk about wendy's so there's wendy's i think there's a couple things have square patties weird champ they have the guy who says french fries and fresh meat that's fraiche they got square patties yeah yeah but i will say their burgers are a little bit above ave i i like wendy's because the four for four i think they have pretty good value this is it is the cross section we can clearly see mayo ketchup is what they went with we have the nicer lettuce that we saw from carl's jr not as much like a different maybe strain we got onions in here i kind of think i'll enjoy that because it seems somewhat grilled this is straight yeah it's the indica lettuce and just kind of enjoy how i'm seeing this meat it's definitely fresh it's fresh it's fresh it doesn't look substantial it's not that thick it's not like five guys but it looks fresh i'm looking yeah it looks i'm looking forward to this yeah for sure more of a body high it's all right i'm not in love here surely not and also a big problem with burger burger world and the world of our burgers is that they just go so hard on the [ __ ] ketchup and mayo yeah every one of them and there's a reason for that it's salty and it's fatty and it's good and it distracts you from the fact that this [ __ ] has been sitting in a [ __ ] box oh well i think because they do the sauce they don't properly season the actual burger like this does not feel like a well-seasoned burger this is not particularly tasty in any fashion at all i would put this this is where i want to put it bang and and i and i wouldn't be mad if this was the case i think i would feel remissed if it was here it doesn't belong in sea it has nothing to do with the piss or the [ __ ] it's a comment it's no [ __ ] burger you feel fine i think you're right i think i think this is okay it makes a lot of sense to me my stomach's hurting we are whipping out a fun one don't fall for marketing that's clever guys it's just it's all the same exactly but we got the mr beast burger and it's from mr beast himself on youtube which is [ __ ] poggers because i love mr b's content and we are having the very own beast style burger we didn't plan that by the way okay so this is crazy i remember when you tweeted out he's like what should i do with my money i'm bored of stocks they they they don't interest me and i'm like damn that's crazy look at this this looks cool a lot of mead this is a meat burger for sure mid wow that top bun i don't like the greasiness i'll say that it is very greasy off rip i mean interesting thing here too the spread is on the bottom the mayo is on the bottom and the ketchups on the top i think that's tactical and smart and i like that disclaimer mr beast burger is not the same from region to region it depends on who they hired to make their burgers it's white label burgers this is not a store that's crazy so it's gonna taste different for you guys but here in l.a call it the marketing burger what we got it's doing everything right it's doing a lot of good shout outs to youtubers yeah the true movers and shakers of society the meats i think a bit overcooked i want to finish this whole thing but this tastes like restaurant burger not fast food burger and there's a very big difference yeah that's a good point or no i think it's a mixture i think it's in between it still feels very fast food yeah but i think this the patties and the way it's cooked and like the uh and like the char on the sides and like the center like everything leads me to believe that i could be sitting down at [ __ ] you know like something insane i know you guys are saying add you guys are saying sus i have literally never watched a mr beast's video ever i don't care i don't care that it's like that it's a famous guy or whatever i'm out of the loop maybe ludwig lodwig is a shill that cannot be trump i'm a chill but i am just being truthful slime could never be bought out this is a real good burger i'm gonna make a search here i want to check the price not that it should form the opinion on the taste but purely out of curiosity it was seven dollars seven dollars it's not bad that is pretty bad in and out is 454. so you can get a little under two in and out burgers for the price of this burger but now i feel pressured by you [ __ ] in chat saying i'm a chill because i want to give it an s but then i'm like oh god they're gonna think i'm gonna follow my heart mr beast i'm sure your videos are great burgers are great too here's here's you want my real [ __ ] okay in and out and mr b start a while five guys reigns supreme i think how do you feel about handshakes this i'm gonna leave in and out sure i'm gonna leave in and out till the very end let's move on to our next and this one is going to be a spicy one let's talk oh my stomach bro having it your way it hurts so bad i [ __ ] hate burger king so much well good for you this is the impossible burger from burger king aka the impossible whopper this is probably the biggest thing i've seen today yeah this is [ __ ] weighty oh wait let me feel it oh this is like an iphone yeah wow that's fat bk i think for i think like our generation like shunned it like there was a war between bk and mcdonald's and it is clear who won yeah it's the uh x bone of the ps5 war yes meat this is the impossible meat it kind of looks like [ __ ] roast beef um but it does also look like meat which is what we're going for this is my problem with bk as a whole is that if you take the entirety of this burger right the meat and the cheese the burger part is so small in comparison to this [ __ ] castle of shitty condiments and extras the same old story of a [ __ ] caked ketchup and mayo world trying to hide from us the true it's like dark souls fast food is like dark souls and the fire keepers are the spread and the burger is the dark soul of man but it's also not good so it's bet so it's bad and that's dark souls and i agree fully with him as always i will say the meat is the question here because it's an impossible burger it's fake meat it's faux meat yeah the question is like do we want real meat or do we want impossible meat real whopper meat i think it's only fair before we rank we have the whopper yeah side by side side by side comparison pepsi challenge ooh what happened i don't know they went a little overboard on she someone said in chat that thing bleeding pee i feel nothing i do feel nothing wow this does not stir my eat the meat the meat raw yeah tell me what it tastes like on three one two three nothing which is meat tastes like nothing to me yeah sure i think it's the same answer that tastes like jack [ __ ] but they give you a lot of again the condiments they're like hey there's a lot of tomato on this huh uh that's what i feel like the burger is doing oh i'm feeling it mr krabs lutz in my bones i'm slowing down help me ludwig i think do you think these are efforcy i think that i would eat it every day over the del taco burger i agree i would never ever choose del taco over this yeah but i i think i would eat tommies and jollibee i feel like i would eat that more but the tommy's is a diaper and it hurts my my poopy bones yeah i think it's the end of c bro that's all i can say both there's no d tier so it's like end of c but it's not f it's not f i agree uh impossible i think is f because i would never want that ever i almost feel bad for vegans to put it there yeah it's like we're making some sort of statement yeah and it's like i think veganism is great and i think we should reduce our you know our meat consumption you guys are doing great but why why is bk in the mix yeah they're not helping us it's true this is hard this is a political move this is political i just made a political move oh no we're gonna move to texas now aren't we reagan is one step closer to being revived the ancient stones this is one horcrux of his comeback oh god i feel so bad right now let's get these out of my sight ludwig unders hey dude and we got stinky donald stinky duns huh quarter pounder with cheese now i asked slime what burger should we get for mcdonald's should be the big mac and he said no so there's a thing about mcdonald's that some you might not know the quarter pounder is the only one that they make to order the rest of them they have kind of sitting around and maybe they make it when you order it if they don't have any the quarter pounder every time is made so it's objectively in that regard the best burger that they have so ignoring the marketing it should be the best product on average when you go to mcdonald's quarter pounder it doesn't feel like that a quarter of a pound no that's an eighth oh right because you cut it in half cheers they put something in there man something in mcdonald's burgers that we've been eating for our whole lives and i'm like it's like the end of ratatouille bro you know why you didn't call it ratatouille ratatouille bro and i'm and i'm the guy and i'm like it is a straight pain of a critic and i'm [ __ ] changed i don't know what it is msg yeah but there's msg and the other ones not sure so what happened yeah it is kind of like hershey's chocolate where it's like you know people outside the us have hershey's chocolate they say tastes like throw up because there's like this weird chemical compound which is so cute we're so used to it that like we like it and we crave it in a sense and i feel the same with like mcdonald's it's and it's probably just [ __ ] copious amounts of salt and msg it's just sugar it has these it's probably sugar it is there's someone in a lab with like beakers and [ __ ] and they made this mcdonald's chemical ronaldium and they put it in this [ __ ] and i finally we found it i [ __ ] love it so much dude have it burger and grill our final burger okay this one i have high hopes for it's one of my go-to's if i want a burger midday um this doesn't look good it smells good though smells pretty good let's just give her a shot god dude last one cheers to 15 burgers [Music] pretty decent yeah i feel like fat ludwig right now my tactical crop top could not have been better i have this is working exactly how i planned this was this is also out i was doing this at the start and you saw no tum it's true okay tactical crop tarps are a divisive power well that leaves us the three things to rank that we left have it we just had in and out mcdonald's i will say i burgered the [ __ ] out i can't have another burger but i can still like knowledge habit tasted great i think it's a ors for me and in and out is also ars for me okay let's do mcdonald's because i think mcdonald's is b i think you might feel that way i take mcdonald's over any bee any day that's what i think because they put a chemical in there that has enslaved me in my mind which with that argument it could go a but i think rather than putting it a it is like the king of b's yeah yeah that's a really good way to put it it stands with them in the same group but it is the best of them rather than being the worst in the next tier yeah and now we have habit and in and out i think habit i think it's just a better burger than mr beast's burger yeah i think it's more well-rounded yeah and look at these pickles you got the dill cut you got grilled onions which i didn't ask for but they said we got you that's the thing and i really appreciate that mr beast didn't do that for me he didn't care about me he put all his skill points into me he did yeah it's good he's he's a warrior but this is like a red mage yeah you you gotta diversify your skill tree i i don't i don't think i have it's an s no i think it's better it's it's top of a next to mr beast i want to do this i want to pace around i don't know what to do okay let me give you my pitch let me talk to you about tier lists yeah man you've made a lot when you leave five guys alone at s it is implying that it is so much greater than everything else it's not so imbalanced and i feel like we're adding an implication of imbalance that doesn't exist it's not that much greater yeah okay so you're saying both the tears represent stark distinction in quality yeah and the fact that it's all that they need to be in relativity with each other yeah i see and that's a really good point and i think with that pitch and that information i think you make a really good point that in and out belongs next to five guys wherever that may be either way yeah i think five guys is the top of the top of the trash heap here um it's really good in and out doesn't quite get there but it's it's just a sturdy sturdy horse uh i actually don't think habit is that like outside the realm of in-n-out it could probably bs in a lot of lists but i think that this is probably more accurate to where like if i had to pick a place and if i had to give a recommendation where i'd go yeah i think everything is in its right place here i do think that you tell somebody hey there's a tommy's a jolly being a bk where do you want to go like what do you think is best you're like tommy's but you got to say hold on there's an asterisk yeah it's a diaper burger like okay you asked a loaded question do you want to either either like a normal but bad burger do you want just like come in your mouth or do you want to eat a literal diaper with bash and then you have to wait for their response they have to really search deep and answer that for themselves not just either you might honestly sway a lot of people to go bk which might be a mistake as well but at the end of the day we can all agree that meds is a psychopath i'll taco burgers blow put her there man [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,348,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: y3zuJdlZWhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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