The Greatest Game of Family Feud

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hold up let me call mizzy mizzy did you tell your chat yo i did not tell the chat tell them yeah throw on guerdo valley orchestral it's on okay uh did you already start it no we'd start at the same time you got three two one go come on miz oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay three two one go okay now uh i'm just gonna say boys and then you do the rest okay boys tonight for the first time ever a duo two men 50 000 subs 5v5 family feud oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no you're good me slime cutie cinderella nick and aiden versus uh simply melania maya and nick and on the line our greatest surprise are hollow dragonite cards [Music] your dark dragonite against my fossil hollow dragonite winner walks out the dragon tamer loser baby back [ __ ] slime did you not bring a chair like i asked did you no you didn't read the chat i got an extra one the others will get it yeah oh this thumbnail thumbnail nick will just walk around the house and give me thumbnail faces as if the cameras are rolling do you guys know what's going on today no you just said you were down explain it to me like i was a viewer watching this youtube okay okay um lady heavy prime uh hey little buddy have you subscribed recently is this video maybe i asked mommy or daddy about that twitch prime i'm just gonna show you the faces hey hey guys no no no it's not part of this no they need no you got to do this listen you can't no we're doing something else here no we were doing it we do we're doing your birthday present oh yeah we're making your birthday present yeah hey it is family feud and you're not in it's it's all of us and it's not you man it's not you why neither when you're watching the vod later just know like i was not a part of this what anthony was saying i don't you look weird dude yeah you totally had that man you got no i was just gonna leave man you can't make excuses for him he's he's wearing get out of here there you go get out of here don't get cringe all day he's been very cringe you know family feud is where a hundred people are surveyed yeah and then uh the host will ask a question like name another what name something else that you'd call your wife's ass okay and then you know you'd be a booty and then if you get it anyway whoever has the most points at the end it wins usually that's how it works and then you go to fast money which is two people from the same family and you have to beat 200 points and then you get twenty thousand dollars that's that's family feud but for this one for twenty thousand dollars if we win that's a lot of money that's a big deal for us that's huge yeah we were in before he put this up but now that he's committed to it that's really important he can't he can't take it back it's also really meaningful that you said that for us there's no money out on the line you will win nothing it's gonna be family feud normal questions whoever has the most points goes first in fast money whoever gets more points in that section wins around and it's a best of five do you guys get it oh yeah big time first to three i also really zoned out i kind of just like he got really boring for a second that was insane it was crazy i almost felt like i was like that was so annoying did you guys watch him like this i put a holographic dragonite on this it's worth five thousand if we lose i lose the card oh no the cards okay can you guys have a little cutie cutie we're playing family feud i know how to play okay thank god thank god hey there's a cad miz yo did you turn on c d what's that sandy's nuts man [Laughter] what do you mean how do you play start the buzzers bro dude it's i have to do this by myself name an occupation which people have a chance to become a teacher i think it's in which people have a chance to become firefighters okay sure teachers have always had a chance to become [Applause] teacher [Applause] they give you that i know it does look like we have a gang no wait don't we do we get the whole thing how does it work no we get a chance to steal it by guessing if we get the last one we win all the points we get all your [ __ ] points bro yeah we steal it name one model name one model victoria's secret round two name something people do to their faces oh very smart very smart that's good i already know the rest i've never uh i didn't think at all about this um bad answer but i said rub yeah rub was creepy what do you know how many times you touch your face in a [ __ ] day i actually don't know good you're so good honestly i don't know i i thought about it too thought about it actually true it's not as good as one i guess that makes sense kind of no all right name a vegetable that begins with the letter b dude they don't know your reactions now this is the hard part uh you're good you're good you've got time you've got time everyone's quiet but oh [ __ ] it's not banana you gotta put something in bro you gotta put something in you gotta put something in man so lucky bro honestly cheating bro he went for the autobahn that counts baby that's crazy there's more autofill and then i was going to put beans it's broccoli oh no oh and bell peppers no i think bell peppers first are we not talking about beans bro but maybe you don't know that oh that's really smart what did they say oh brussels sprouts they're gonna win i didn't think of that okay vegetable bell pepper that's what i say automatically this needs some oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay so we're going to go with beans [Music] squash over beans i eat a lot of butternut squash first every day bread beans and vegetables they're not right i don't know man i don't know magic beans and zelda that guy ate them butternut squash let's go with beans don't do it bro i'm telling you butter nuts beans will take us to the promised land i think it's butter on squash let's go big let's go let's go squash isn't it it squashes its [Applause] own okay name a good job for someone who likes to work outdoors uh okay uh if i love to work outdoors i would be a park ranger tell me an animal that has a reputation for being slow uh who could forget the old turtle the tortoise the tortoise everyone complains about traffic i live in la i live on that good old uh the 101 to the 405 worst commute in history but angry dog came after you what would you do uh i would run yes sir i would i would kick the [ __ ] out of the dog uh no uh fairy tale would be complete without a princess oh good answers i think you're getting great man by the way well no one does it for me so i just feel left out this is everything this is everything that is funny you have the same person i think we've got a couple of good answers there i think we got i think gardner yeah yeah nice what's up what's up let's go wow i think taxes is a rich person thing i hope more people run than pick yeah if more people kick than run society's the problem answers okay okay yeah yeah 14 kickers is a little concerning i think after that survey they should have the cops outside fairy tale would be complete without okay so here's what you said oh i think we won no problem right we're up by 70. oh what this wasn't on there at all what let's give it a block oh my god all right all right all right all right yeah no no no no no i think we all get the rules now hey hey that that's one point us don't point us one point us yes all right all right we just got to start thinking a restaurant the thing is every place you can say i've seen i've seen a you know world serving oh [ __ ] what most people wouldn't expect to fight in their own home yeah they would what most people expect you live in this house do you expect a fight to break out you're yelling at me and yes we fight everybody i've never fought in this house anyway let's just move on then i think nursing home nursing home nursing home yes i think i think we all thought about old people immediately so we should go because they're weak and stupid yeah yep you're so slow no i just don't give them the whole thing what i think it could be retirement home that's fine this will come up [ __ ] you guys i fought in my home so many times yeah [ __ ] you guys don't exist god you made me feel like an idiot you made me feel so dumb i said home and everyone made me feel like an idiot like it was the dumbest thing bro yeah you tell me the first thing you do when you get home from work name something in your house with four legs me a word that rhymes with bubble we're gonna need a different answer name something that some people refuse to wear i don't know who the game is name something that might be painful to do after you have a facelift think of another i think i think mask is too new i hope not i just think it's too like it's way too political for a game but there's a chance that it's like the game came out and aware of this [Music] it's a ps5 game but i just think that there's no way that they would go political like that it was a play and i think we needed a play to win i think rest was better than later since lay down didn't pop up zero yeah yeah nap was a good one yeah yeah that's all right sorry we're only down seven we're only down seven table was good they might have done something dumb like a dog right it's not like oh no they didn't table right oh they went dog in with dog no you did a table nice that's big that's big all right so we got a lead now we got a lead like bonnie rubble yeah mask is gonna have zero next question it's so true though wow yeah absolutely crushed damn game three game three game three mizzy it's it's cutie mile on the last one no yeah for the dragon shot that's not fair for the dragonite dude this is game through we're doing bus three all right so we're a lot of talk i think freely throughout all wait so we can just cheat now yeah yeah yeah we're just cheating now this is the chat but we're talking with each other yeah yeah yeah who refuses to wear underwear 100 people this question you i don't refuse i just didn't people nice reason that people already okay what's the good answer for this uh uh i was gonna say addiction uh no no it's too specific you're too smart too smart main reason people overeat uh sad sad oh true breakup i think breakup that's so much better than if sadness said said oh nice welcome nice hey guys call me crazy i think we might pass this there are six answers we want to pass pass craving is hunger right craving hunger oh pregnancy craving craving counts is pregnancy pregnancy holidays how ooh he spelled habit wrong right no no oh yeah so true shut up guys pleasure is a good one it does seem fancy okay thanksgiving i think holiday so we're not ripping pregnant thanksgiving we're american this is for america all right okay matt they just gave it to you bro it's gotta be number two [Music] nice food i'm [Music] i thought that was in sadness yeah me too man but it's okay everyone over eats on holidays you ever eating food and you go nice food so you continue eating it and you go oh i had so much nice food oh that sure is some nice food nice food is so strange all right someone go name something with stripes i think clothing's one zebra i think tiger crosswalk i thought we were americans literally a second ago you were talking america this is america oh close it's got to be closed bro yes am i dumb i thought candy cane right i thought yeah candy stripes i think clothes first straight wait what is this is this drake stripes over checks checks over stripes [ __ ] checks put checks wow i think we got candy cane right i think we type candy and if candy cane comes up we just like trigger church if not we think about it that's right easy money he that was the frame that was the only thing that was afraid where you get everything [Laughter] i think snaps number one though number one maybe do you want to do yell all right do yell i like yell yell is rude imagine someone yells at you to come over here yeah let's go let's go cough they can't clean their glass i would do whistle whistle i think whistle's a good one yeah i think whistle is good i think a wave that's like is that rude though like how else do you do it that's not rude oh [ __ ] all right it's the last one and like bang bang table slam slam slam [Music] that was a joke you should have put slam it wasn't even on it doesn't matter if it's if it's close it'll give you something else maybe it's wave i think it could be wave the problem is we haven't done something that's like aggressive like [ __ ] pants [ __ ] pants [ __ ] pants what do you think is good for the stream on their stream would be really funny [ __ ] it right yeah yeah do [ __ ] pants [ __ ] pants okay [Laughter] [Music] swearing in this house no they didn't show them bro the thing is like the guy has to say it right [ __ ] pants is it we should have tried waves we should have tried away but should your pan was fun okay okay they got they earned it they're sick no they didn't no if it's waves if it's wave it's because we chose you could wave yeah you're awesome banana if you're yeah you wanted to do the funny thing but it didn't even work i didn't know that they took all the points we literally figured it out right it was funny look i'm not gonna lie nick if we had done slam we would have done way but because we didn't do slam we were between like a bang and away don't find this don't make a wave you put stall you said do [ __ ] your pants it would be funny we should do waves i was surprised he was down for that it was funny dude what whoa this is hard i think the problem is we won't yeah we even i mean they're not gonna get it they're not gonna get it but we're not gonna get we're not gonna catch up because we lost last round so we're still gonna be second place no one's reached the magic 300 so we can wait oh whoa secret fifth round oh [ __ ] this is stressful now name something you'd hate to have happen to your whoa whoa whoa nice buzzing text i choked oh you're such a choke okay i can't believe you [ __ ] this happened to you i think he was saying you're gonna die bro why would you why would you do that without talking to any of us oh [Applause] i hate that you got rewarded for that i hate that you got rewarded for that no okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay all right make sure it's maya blind yo yo yo all right we got it it's maya no help no help no help okay everyone quiet gather around my children name something parents hope their child is done by the time they're 30. who married or moved out married or moved out married or moved out tell me something that might be sitting on your lap sitting on your lap might be sitting on your lap your keys your laptop your wallet your purse your cat i'm going to say laptop name something listed on a motel site name something listed on one of them i detect people to stay there vacancy i'm so bad at spelling i'm so stressed name something every good couch potato needs chips uh a girlfriend um dick in hand uh couch foreign remote remote control that was really good those were great answers she put dog on the left she still has to do the other one she's not gonna miss okay it's gotta be gold i think yeah heart of gold that's all right that's all right okay i got six points six points six points six points six points move down versus marriage is tough i think you can pair just such an old thing to want they're boomers this one i think was our worst answer she put dogs answers to this one i think yeah you said cat for all of your laptops yeah i think laptop beats dog but not cat okay i've screwed it i'm sorry it's okay sorry come back i don't think we do vacancy is top answer these answers are looking good in six years and this will give us a winner [Applause] [Applause] oh my god oh my god i can't believe you clutch sweat wow 20 000 split five ways wow that's so much money for so much money for us hey hello yo what up busy ggs dude that was probably that was terrifying dude next week next week we go again that was [ __ ] next week new family that was [ __ ] fun yep so uh dragonite miz same family that was [ __ ] amazing i say we do the same thing all right every night though all right love you get my dragonite uh that is completely fair let's go get the dragon knight to chat round of applause to both teams this was scuffed but honestly [ __ ] amazing this was so [ __ ] good so those [Applause] all right gg's missy ggs bye guys bye bye [Music] oh i'm so torqued hey great job guys hey you're welcome man couldn't have done it without you no that 20k though for sure coming all right have uh paypal which one so it's gonna be so late though okay so like you don't offend it yeah i'm sure it's so late though [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,676,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: v6aNyQgXTXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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