Can You Taste the Difference Between Cheap and Expensive Cheese?

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boys i bought five different types of cheeses brie cheddar gruyere goat and blue and i'm challenging my roommates to see if blindfolded they can taste the difference between an expensive cheese and a cheap cheese this is like some from fancy it's from some fancy's cheese shop but it has like really small servings i'm going to be setting up basically little samplers of each type and then i think i'll just have them keep going at it that's pretty much the idea whoever gets the most correct i'll give 500 and they will be awarded the title of slim jim champion cheese master edition all right these are the breeze fancy breed cheap bree i'll bring them all up in a moment but let me just start by setting it all up then we have our gruyere i think this gruyere was probably about like 15 bucks for just this little shred and then we have a giant slab over here gruyere i will say i think they'll enjoy i think it's like the best all-around cheese they're gonna hate the blue cheese man i i don't need i don't know if it'll be worth the 500 for some of them i'm a fake french ched one time when i was a kid my mom made fondue and i left the house for three hours until the smell cleared it [ __ ] up my day i don't even wanna open these dude this is gonna make the whole room smell goat cheese what person in society thought to milk a goat i guess it's not weirder than cows oh look at that look at this this is fancy goat cheese oh gosh actually smells great it's so strong though they can eat this right that's totally fine probably part of the experience ah that's such a small piece i'll just leave that as is godspeed to my competitors and this is blue cheese this is where the pedal hits the metal the metal hits the pedal let me show it to you boys this actually just smells like blue cheese dressing i think cheap blue cheese is like supposed to be aimed towards like the masses so that actually didn't smell bad at all i'm worried about this one though look at that i mean like if you're a cheese guy you might be losing your [ __ ] right now because that looks perfect oh wow okay it does not leave a lot to be discovered does that make sense so right now i've put all the fancy cheeses on the right and i need to mix it up a bit so what i'll do is i'll use my patented mogul move stickers and i'll just put it underneath that way it's just underneath the side that it's on that way i can spin it whichever direction i think everybody's gonna get the goat cheese the only one that's kind of hard to tell i think is the blue cheese and then the gruyere and the cheddar so this is our first one this is our blue cheese now just visually can you tell the difference can you tell which one is fancy it's somewhat difficult this one's definitely more star-studded has a little bit more mold yeah then there's this one this one is very visually apparent and the goatee's on the left it's like a this is a paste and this is the goat cheese on the right that's the very fancy one uh this is the brie just way creamier i mean this thing is like a this thing's thick this thing's like you touch it and your hands already sticky and then these two i can't tell visually visually i have nothing this is cheddar i think can you tell which is which i can't and then this is gruyere i think this will be the hardest to tell this is the set look at this it's the same thing so they're all going to be blindfolded that'll make it a little bit easier for me and by for me i mean harder for them come here come here come on that rug someone's going to slip on it come on grandpa chairs here do you remember your chair it's a little further up grandpa blind would suck so bad slime welcome hello hope you're having a good day today yeah i have your lacroix for you in my in my hand so in front of you today there are five different cheeses yeah your goal will be to tell which one is the more expensive cheese if you win not only will he be crowned the uh the cheese champion you get the slim jim belt okay you'll get 500 you we talked about a million earlier right you know what i talked to my money guy he said nah that's me yeah talk to you about it [ __ ] [ __ ] uh i have no i have nothing is there cheese you prefer to start off with you don't want to start stanky or i want to get wet i'm getting more and more confused i'm going to give you i'm just going to give you blue cheese all right so this is blue cheese the plate is in front of you jesus that's so intense yeah i feel like the left one it was like getting punched in the mouth okay and uh you know i feel like expensive cheeses are determined by their their power yeah their energy levels and i felt like mega man just now and i feel like i flip a car after that so i think that the left one that i ate first was the expensive one and the right one felt like it you know was a consumer level you got one correct let's go [ __ ] that was the more expensive cheese but this is just the starting point it was extreme it was like someone like put a lighter into my on my clean the palate out get some lacroix down all right your next cheese is up this is gruyere i don't know what that means it's played in front to swear right you have two tiny cubes right here and right here try not to misplace them too much but one is more expensive than the other fancier than the other okay you just have to try both cheeses and let me know you only get one go at this i grew a year yeah all right well no you don't really pronounce the r go ahead you don't just skip it you would just you go glue yeah yeah no you killed it man whoa big taste differential yeah wow that one i just had i had like magic inside of it okay i had like special tastes of a far away land okay i felt like i was eating part of a tree very weird i'm gonna say that the last the the second one i ate was the expensive kind because the first one it didn't have that that special power inside of it slime like good cheese has you went with the second cheese the tree cheese that was corrected again [ __ ] go dude i'm so sick you are two for two on cheeses this actually might be too easy ludwig i'm very good and goaded and strong and good maybe you're just cracked we'll see what the other competitors do if you slip up on one then it becomes a lot easier for everyone else oh is this the bree this is the bree because i feel the rind yeah you ate that like a little squirrel [Laughter] now this is tough i think the one on the right is the expensive cheese the this one the first one you had the first one i had is that your final answer final answer are you sure yeah bro all right you said the cheese on the right that that was correct was the cheese on the right you are three for three slime it's easy because i have the palette so i i grew up poor you know that you know you do talk about it sometimes i have a palette of a of a wealthy man because my taste buds were forged in the fires of kraft mac and cheese and and processed foods wait doesn't that mean the opposite no because when i taste the sweet appalachian mountains of of god cheese there's a difference because you have craft every day when you it's not craft you come you know yeah but it's also like if i was eating like a like a lava rock i would also know the difference it's like dark souls cheese right yeah this is the dark souls of buzzfeed challenges you have two more cheeses in front of you one on the top one on the bottom you are three for three right now i mean this is amazing yeah i'm a i'm just a king so you felt your first cheese that's your second cheese this is goat cheese chev i hate goat cheese i don't want to suck a goat's milk i don't want it so you want a cow then yeah why they're better why goats have square pupils it's weird is that true yeah oh it tastes like a swimming pool the question is which one did you like better which one tastes like a swimming pool to you oh the top one tastes like a swimming pool but oddly enough i feel like that's the kind of weird [ __ ] that wealthy people are into swimming pool so i'm going to go ahead and say the top one the swimming pool goat cheese is the more expensive cheese because of its uh disturbing flavor profile slime yeah you are correct let's [ __ ] go you are now four for four you could have a perfect game right here and make it very hard for your competitors the best anyone can do is tie you okay that is the right cheese that you're eating right now what's wrong too much cheddar cheddar is a bit of a thicker cheese it it feels like the way like a bowling alley smells that's how it tastes you know what i'm saying no it would be hmm so it's much more pleasant okay the other cheese is trying to [ __ ] with me yeah it's like someone in chat just trying to like rattle my cage that one's just like a pog i'm like i'm white and i'm [ __ ] right so it's like if i eat something spicy it's like oh this is like work this is beautiful rather than me just wanting to like shovel food in my mouth it is the road that is easier to travel sometimes what i'm saying is the cheese uh the first one was too spicy for me i think but however i think that that spice and that like challenging is a signal that it is the more expensive cheese and the other one was just you know your your store bought your walmart so you think the right cheese is the more expensive cheese the first one i tried yeah i did with the one on the right slime you went four for four yeah on the first four cheeses call me wendy [ __ ] and now you are wendy it is the cheese on the right that is more expensive if i get a first one if i get it right call me wendy if you get this right you will go five for five if there's a sticker on this side you just crushed top to bottom every cheese slime congratulations on a b minus no really the left cheese was the more expensive cheese the right cheese was the less expensive cheese you failed on cheddar you went four for five it is not a perfect round and you can't call me what i asked you to call i cannot call you that all right well you can take off your blindfold congratulations you went four for five that's pretty good as long as nobody else goes four for five oh my god three or less you win so go ahead you still have a chance of winning get any of the other three competitors tell them to come down in a minute and i'm going to set up the next board no it's no no i thought you'd i thought you'd recoil he's been doing this all [ __ ] day dude i watch the newsies they do it all the time in the news he's been coming up to us and i'll be like oh love it unders and we'll like run a bit and he'll spit on his hand and then like go to shake your hand and it's so weird stop doing it i'll be selling papes i'm selling papers all jesus all right what do you think about your chances i think i have the most game sense of anyone here do you think your cheese whiz oh my god i'm glad i can't see you man wait what it's like i'm glad i can't see you right now like it's a funny joke this is your plate okay you have two cheeses one on your right one on your left oh god it smells so bad you can eat them in any order you can smell them in any order okay i think i know the answer already but i haven't tasted it yet i will tell you this is a new strategy no one has ever tried to guess based off of feel nick no likey oh god that is miserable oh god that [ __ ] me up i don't ever want to ever do that again okay but i have to do it i literally have to have to do it again i'm ready sure that one's more pleasant not nearly as bad it's very floral it's like if you mixed lavender and what i imagine like taking a bite of a car's tire would be like okay i'm getting an image yeah the first one is like the lunchables cheese and this one is like a bit of rubber and some flowers okay so i would like to give my answer though which one nick yeah is the more expensive cheese the one on my right side yeah is the more expensive and the more on my left is the cheaper if the sticker is on the right on this side then you will get one point you were correct [ __ ] go dude you were correct so now where do you want to go with that you want to stay on the stink train you want to go off i'm trying to ride the sting train until the wheels fall off brother okay wow i'm learning a lot right now about what my sexuality okay yeah that's weird that tastes like a that tastes like a foot all right round two goat cheese is weird man yeah it tastes how like old people smell oh i think the one on the top is the more expensive one and the one on the bottom is the cheaper one you are two for two it's [ __ ] god dude we're going down the stink meter now to bree ah okay there's one on your bottom one of your top yet again that's pog that's some pog chi just like mommy used to make your mom made brie i have my answer okay one of the bottom one of the top nick which one was the more expensive cheese the one on the bottom closest to me is the more expensive and the one on the top is the cheaper so if this sticker's on the bottom you get a point i i think so you're exactly right three for three nick and you are crushing the competition now things are gonna have a cheese whiz huh my kind of cheese whiz that was my joke and you made fun of me what do you mean you didn't say that i thought it was punching you never said guys you never said that your next cheeses are getting more mild maybe that makes it harder maybe that makes it easier you have two cheeses one on your top one on your bottom you have to tell me which one is which your content's getting a little more mild man they're both cheddar they're both cheddar cheese okay he said that weird it's because there wasn't sugar cheddar smell the other cheese okay i love cheddar cheese it is cheddar that's a classic i got it the one uh on the ball oh wait the bottom the one closest to me yeah that is the cheaper one and the one on top is the more expensive one okay so the sticker is on the top you get another point you were wrong the one in the bottom was the more expensive cheese wow that one tastes really good on the top though one final contest okay one in the bottom one on the top this is gruyere it is a very mild cheese it's like the most pleasant okay least challenging wow great cheese this is tough yeah are they very similar is that why dude this is [ __ ] hard you could get it right i mean at the end of the day it's a 50 50. okay here's my thought ready yeah my thought process sure on the one before i had a very clear rationale yeah and it ended up being the opposite this one or the one on the bottom and the last one the cheddar felt like harder and the other one felt a little softer and i thought hard meant like rubbery cheap yeah but apparently it meant expensive now i'm get the same vibe is happening with these cheeses but i've tasted them so many times now that i can't tell which one tasted they blended in a way i think i'm ready tell me which one was the more expensive cheese the top or the bottom i think the one that was closest to me uh-huh was the more expensive one and the one on top was the cheaper one is that your final answer yeah take off your blindfold if the sticker on the bottom here is actually on the bottom then you go four four five tying slime okay congratulations it's on the bottom [ __ ] gold four for five you're tied with slime wait which one did he get wrong he also got chatter wrong bro i think you switched them no i didn't kill both of you stop saying captain i did it in front of the capitol but don't just say capturable it's factual is it factual it's factual sounds captured not capturable [Applause] well it was a pleasure get aim it for me i got you no yeah no kylie jenner i'm not going to make out with you aidan hot mike hey uh amen i'm your sherpa your cheese whiz get it no and i'm going to guide you through five different types of cheeses so let's start with cheddar i have all five cheeses now and let's get this show on the road hmm this is good yeah you're eating it like this is like a like a like a like a restaurant like i'm serving you cheeses blindfolded as an experience not like a contest you could like charge people for this you know that one was really good i think that was some of the best cheese i ever had if that's the normal one then i'm [ __ ] okay that's fair this is the second cheese now the question is aim game which cheese has to be the cheap one wow that house should be the cheap one really so you're saying the bottom one is the less expensive cheese i'm gonna look like such a [ __ ] idiot if i'm wrong do you think you got it right yeah i do i think i got it right i i will be shook to my core for the rest of the challenge if i'm wrong it would be tough to start off with a loss yeah can i say something yeah i say something what this cheddar if you guys seen the matrix you know when they're like nobody ever makes their first jump feel the back of this plate nobody makes their first jump yeah if you get it on the first try you're the one and guess what eamonn i'm the one no you lost the one you shot these yeah you lost dude it was the other challenge oh i was so excited i was like i'm [ __ ] neo bro i'm she's neo for a brief moment i thought it was cheese meal we're not she's neo bro and you're my morpheus i am i am your morpheus but you picked the blue pill and the movie ended really fast you and your gap teeth wasn't the lesson at the end of matrix was that ignorance is bliss and you could just ignore it all and live in happiness wasn't that the moral of that movie nose do dope kung fu in your dreams might have might need to watch matrix again same thing do i know which sorry did you say which one this was do i get this this is gruyere gruyere yeah it is a swiss cheese from the mountains of switzerland they actually milk the cows there who are more muscular because they have to go through the mountain range as opposed to farm bred cows which is where this gets its flavor gruyere is french for strong cow for real yeah that's so sick this is good yeah yeah the bottom cheese is really solid you like that cheese that was better that also very interesting because like with cheddar i could tell their cheddar cheese but with this i they almost take like taste like different cheeses i feel like they don't so now aiden the question is which was the more expensive cheese the top or the bottom i can't i guess i feel like i can't just go with the one that's with the one that i thought was better can i you're saying because you picked the cheddar that you thought tasted better that perhaps yeah this aligns with that yeah like like i'm thinking about like the the way it kind of like melted in my mouth a bit differently the way it tasted a bit stronger that makes it great about that yeah that makes sense i feel like my samples my sample size is too small for failure i'm gonna go with the top one the top one is the more expensive cheese the top one is the more expensive cheese finally second one i ate final answer unlike you did not go 0-2 right now yes this is bree i do like brie i will say your strategy of just chomping down the entire piece i gave you is new i think it's optimal much like sushi a delicacy but one that you eat in one bite so this is this is interesting because this just feels okay like off the bat it actually just feels different that's so creamy that's very good too just based off of my experience with this cheese assuming that i haven't gone my whole life magically eating very high quality brie at small family and friend gatherings that has to be the more expensive one the one on the top that i just ate you're saying because the bottom cheese tasted similar to the ones you'll have at your gatherings that most likely your friends and family are not stacked loaded buying fancy chi yeah i think they're they're by mid chi aiden yes sir you went two for three let's go so far so good now we're getting to the stink zone this is goat cheese this is this is go yeah got it yep yep this is goat cheese mmm very creamy so that was honestly pretty good i like the little like the tang or the i i mean the the strength if you will sure when we're talking about strong cheeses okay you didn't mind that jesus no it was good i will tell you what your competitors did not feel the same probably not as like cool and as open-minded you know yeah i haven't experienced the world's cuisines it is probably because they're lame and not cool although slime used his growing up in poverty as his base for all of his answers if it's somebody that he doesn't feel like he should have tried in his broke years what a cop-out one final goat cheese and then you tell me which one is more expensive top or bottom okay this also the texture this is a little creamier although more similar than the gouda was does creaminess mean expensive to you or is it just a difference you consider that was stronger okay and admittedly maybe something i wouldn't eat as casually i'm gonna i'm gonna take a guess and say that the fancier thing was like the stronger thing much like the gouda the creamier thing yeah although i worry maybe it was like a little creamy in like a cheap way but but we'll see let's go let's go with the top one let's go with the top one is the more expensive cheese top one more expensive okay can you hold this for me yes are you baiting me because this is the last time you'll ever be able to hold this you are incorrect and you are the biggest loser so far in our competition it was not the top cheese it was the bottom cheese the top cheese is a very cheap goat cheese uh which guarantees you place lower than your competitors both of them both of them [ __ ] no they went four and one they went four and five but hey you could still beat out cutie you might not be the biggest loser of the day let's just get one more cheese out of the way it's blue cheese blue cheese is something that i remember not liking yeah we'll see how this goes some of your competitors felt similarly that's very strong but it's kind of good i think that would taste really good on like a cracker okay it's been an honor this is been an experience at the end of the day you can walk away enjoying the flavors of the cheese oh does it feel like you like that one as much man that was not enjoyable now blue cheese is actually named after the mold yeah it grows i actually am familiar with that that's why i'll always wipe freaked me out so aidan the question is which cheese is more expensive the top or the bottom okay i have had blue cheese before so i'm gonna go off my kind of like my gouda take yeah or my brie take okay so i'm going to say the second one i ate which i think was the top one it was the one i did not like was the more expensive one was the rank one you've already gotten two wrong which is the worst of anyone's performance today what there's no upsides for you this is only three competitors so only downside take off your blindfold yes three four five five let's go what happened if the three of us tied uh well cutie would probably still win [ __ ] i wish i'd gone for a [ __ ] i'm gonna get bullied for not knowing [ __ ] cheeses dude cutie for the love of god you need to get all five cheeses oh my god it smells awful in here now cutie um which cheese would you like to start with i'm not ready okay okay okay first of all first of all first of all i feel like i have the most to lose here because i have the most food experience yes that is true well there's actually nothing to lose you only win 500. you don't pay to end i know but i like you lose my pride because i i actually this is very cool of me and um hip i used to this is actually really embarrassing i shouldn't say this out loud i used to have a blog where i would write about charcuteries in like that were served at restaurants and would rate them because i love cheese i love charcuterie yeah um so if i get this wrong it's probably because i overthink it but i know a lot about cheese actually which cheese would you like to start with uh i believe i should start with most mild so i'm gonna start with brie oh this is a thick rind does that mean something for you no okay hey guys it's me cutie cinderella welcome to the stream um as a culinary professional i would like to give you a fun tip about brie you should eat it on crackers with some jam does this become your blog now yeah so brie is the same as bruyere where it gets more pungent with age so it's definitely the top the top one so the stickers on the top you get one point and you're closer to maybe going clean sweep yeah you were correct yes i know a secret about cheddar what cheddar is interesting because cheddar with age actually loses its silkiness often if you get really really expensive fancy cheddar you get these little granule crystals in it the best cheddar i've ever had had granny like little crystals like that you could crunch you could literally fill them this one has some buoyancy and this one is crumbly i haven't tasted it yet but i have a feeling this is the nicer one um i'm not entirely sure let me taste it oh interesting hmm i might be changing my mind here okay oh i just got a i got a granule on this one it's got to be this one i just i just bit it so you were saying the top one is the more expensive cheese yeah now the way it works is if i flip it up and there's a sticker on the top it means you were right if there was not you were wrong cutie cinderella you are wrong oh my god really the more expensive cheese was on the bottom that's super weird i have a feeling it's a brand thing and not an age thing it's okay no i'm mad well there's three more cheese that you need to try and i don't even care anymore do you want to walk away no i'll go i'll eat it okay well then the cheese is over here this is gruyere there's one cheese on the top and one cheese in the bottom i don't know that'll taste like cheese now i've lost my passion everything i've ever stood for is gone which cheese is more expensive um the top why do you say the top i don't know it's just more pungent and that's what gruyere does so you'd assume that age would be associated with cheese but i got her with aid with price but i don't [ __ ] know okay i don't know you were correct great next up is goat cheese i actually don't love goat cheese plain it's a bit pungent it's a really soft goat cheese usually it's a little more crumbly like oh like this so this means this is the cheap one because this is what i'm used to buying yeah the bottom one is more expensive all right final cheese is the blue cheese wait was i right you were right oh i forgot the shell oh my gosh yeah yeah you're so right yeah it's the bottom oh yeah my bad my bad yeah she is right my bad i totally forgot she just kind of said it so factually yeah it was very easy to tell because i use that the other cheese it comes in a log and it's probably like seven dollars and i put it in salads very often so i one final cheese blue cheese i like blue cheese you are three for four mm-hmm i'm very disappointed actually uh i'm a spinster in the world of cheese nothing left okay you're being very dramatic still possible to win you just need to get one final cheese two cheese both blue both blue which means one mold everybody one inexpensive no opposite one inexpensive one expensive i have a feeling this is a cheap one already why um it is almost uh rubbery it's almost it's processed it's like it feels like a processed blue cheese oh uh yeah no i was right the top one is more expensive slime and nick both got four correct oh aidan got three correct every single person got cheddar wrong flip the table so mad take off your blindfold if you get it right you tie with slime and nick uh-huh and then it goes into a cheddar off a sudden death free-for-all you have to try it melted and see if we can see the difference are you ready yes okay the final cheese blue you said top you were correct it is the top cheese which means you tie with nick in slime and we have to go to sudden death and it's by pulling the straw the way god intended in front of me i have three stickers i've ripped them so they are varying lengths oh my god whoever gets the longest one wins oh there's two shorts there are two shorts one long two lovely one exactly got it all right so you're gonna pull on three whoever has the longer one wins one two three cutie cinderella come on down justice is served in this world you could have got this one too slime you pulled first you did pull first you pulled last thumbnail okay thumbnail time it out whoa how what does that mean though like what does this mean why is there a cat in the front right so you put a big slung jam right around here okay yeah right there okay get on it okay [Music] we can just leave it to the gods to decide anyway congratulations the only one everybody got wrong was the cheddar it was a mix-up it was bad chatter was a mix-up old croc hey no brands no brands don't worry you guys don't worry about it guys just worry about thank you guys so much have a good one [Music] i
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,631,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: kSwLl82wKQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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