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how's it going yes it is another eat food stream this time cutie cinderella joining us back again to eat food from scotland that wasn't bad that was like pretty good scotland i shouldn't have gone for two polite let's just stick with the first one there we kind of nailed it we don't need to tell us how this all started well so when i was a boy sorry continue so when i got a account i made some friends i'm starting from the beginning you said okay uh and and one of those friends is from scotland and some of you might know him scotland he he sounds just like that um cutie cinderella he sounds nothing that was pretty good it was okay give me like a sentence and i'll try um subscribe to me on youtube see the thing is if i'm chilling people are already in a mood to not enjoy it and yeah i'm also trying an accent so yeah it's such a bad sentence yeah tell me i don't look like a hot cheeto can you give me like a normal sentence like how are you what's your name no that'd be too easy uh why don't you say something like how about you do it then you do it and say subscribe to my youtube in a scottish accent i'm so scared to do a scottish accent come on i'm going to offend a whole nation no it's all right it's it's it's like it's like a smaller nation i don't even know where to start subscribe i can't subscribe that was just english subscribe to my youtube i can't do it i'm actually trying my best now i look really red yeah you also i think you just got red you also i think we're just imitating a leprechaun yeah subscribe to my youtube i don't know i don't know what that is anyway that's all to say yeah you have a scottish friend who you met on twitch yeah he actually sent us a note so many food streams are you trying to fatten up your cuties so the baby comes out with a dumpy like his daddy and we are gonna mute tts for the rest of the day it reads from the man who sent this to us mini titan two cutie and slime's friend that was hurtful any scottish accent i do for the rest of the day we are even on because of that line go it here are some of my favorite sweets hashtag lud has a prawn cocktail i'm not making this up he wrote that ps follow at its mini titan on twitter and then it said youtube editor put a sexy picture of me on the screen and then it followed up and said chat don't say no smiley face so to everyone who i just saw say no smiley face you've been called out anyway that was the letter thank you to minnie he sent us all this give me back my vip no maggies and we have a bunch of candies from scotland thanks minnie now i've been to the uk i'm a world traveler i've gone all over the place i'm poor you have never left north america nope so you don't know what it's like to travel the oceans uh but i've had a lot of these already all right let's jump into it the first thing i want to open because i'm a little thirsty is uh iron brew somebody brought this to our house at twitchcon remember that it was probably minnie yeah or is it alcoholic no i don't know actually i just said no essence of arn brew but i didn't try it then i'm gonna stop doing the accent soon i promise did you try it then i think so yeah well the cans all mangled the ingenious design of the aluminum can failed oh no it's gonna stain my sweatshirt here i'm wearing a black nice shirt you need to oh don't poke your thumb oh i hate this oh she's putting her thumb through the cannon hole i did it oh wow what's it taste like uh i don't know if i could use words to describe it what is hot sour cream soda oh yeah that's good it's a cream it's like orange cream soda yeah it's all right i'm not a soda guy i stopped being a soda guy when i turned like 20. oh i like this because it's not very sweet it's only 250 calories it can well how much is a can of coke bento fizz wait it's 250 a lot this looks like berry flavored per 100 i like this it's like fanta i like this a lot i'm actually really gonna keep on the drink train because i kind of want an energy drink i doubt any of these are energy drinks it's called lucozade any scots can you guess i think minnie is watching is he yeah isn't it like what time is it here he stayed up to watch he was really really good i'm so sad we should have started early i know you didn't tell me yeah it is an energy drink i hate minnie this [ __ ] drink has 600 calories in it oh pinkies up champs oh my god is it good i think it literally has citric acid to make you think that it's working and then there's actual product in it that will work what i mean i think it's bad oh i don't like that i had a heart attack i don't like that oh i don't like that i find this quite enjoyable it tastes like prune juice and coconut juice had a baby i don't like it i'm into this ew it's sophisticated it's like a really it's like a very muted grape is like kind of kind of grape kind of prune taste and then it has like a aftertaste of like like diaper it's for kids they say i kind of like the diaper aftertaste though it's literally for children you can't say you can't say it's sophisticated this is for like sophisticated children yes like kids who are in ap classes hmm yes i'll keep that for later all right okay thanks out of the way i feel great let's start moving on to our snag sherbert dip with the tasty strawberry lolly look it's crazy because it doesn't even look like i've licked it is this just straight sugar yeah i love this yeah you keep it no you keep it you have to try it yeah all right oh why are you being like that i had it was great you try it you're being so dumb trying it why don't you want to try it you're not trying it it was in my mouth try it why are you doing such a baby it was perfectly in my mouth oh my god what you're gonna act like you're afraid to put that in your mouth when i always have to put oh right yum oh i love these gummies i don't know what the white bottom is but i like it you guys can't see this but it's a dinosaur i mean i'm an alligator it's an alligator out what is this flavor oh is that the is that the is that the joke that they're weird-ass flavors the flavors are weird as [ __ ] they have apple blueberry black carrot i think that's what i'm eating orange lemon raspberry mandarin strawberry and i feel like there's one that stuck out oh it does say black carrot it's why do you guys think i'm lying i thought he was lying too it says carrot guys you don't trust my reading ability either one wrong equal one sub to my youtube all right oh wine gums white women go to scotland why white women all women like getting drunk this smells awful awful let me describe it it smells like a black licorice warhead oh it smells awful oh god is everything just black currant flavored holy [ __ ] it tastes like what i think uk people's breath smells like that's meat i hated that yucco oh squashies squashies wow i love pulling up to the do it again that was not a scottish accent can you do a scottish accent i want to try again no i can't i've already done it today you've never done one i know not a lot of ask me to do one unless you do one say like good day they say that right that's you're trying to do australia you're doing good tonight and that's also a bad australian i'm i'm done with the accent i'm done with you chat do it you have tapped out your accent ask for ratio i wanna do one squish squishies i'm so sorry oh these are pretty squishy they look like erasers you're gonna put that in your mouth this is clean i washed it today oh sorry oh this is european as [ __ ] why when i go to the eu there's a bunch of [ __ ] like this it's like the raisins of marshmallows like if a marshmallow had a raisin form what this is gonna taste like [ __ ] and i can already tell i'm getting strong whopper vibes [ __ ] with whoppers what is happening in my mouth what are they called chocolate covered raisins raisinets raisinets yeah but there's no raisins in these what are they like then sixlets what's the us version of this sixlets you're saying like septuplets in this they're called sixlets they're these milk duds no because milkshakes are filled with caramel no this is like a milk dud though milk duck you kept like like this this you making up [ __ ] oh it's like sixlets you know kisses you know fling dangs you know cummies when you go to the movie theater you get your cummies you know you intersect on cummies it's not those are not things what's a comment it's like a milk dud this is milk dud esque just a slightly different inside flavor not even that different to be honest except for that you're wrong i don't love it love it because milk duds are filled with caramel oh can you get over it i'm trying to explain to the masses with products they would understand kisses hershey kisses but in a circle they're just chocolates are what that's all they are you think that's like a hershey's kiss yeah slime i would like you to try one of these chocolates and then tell me whether it is closer to a a hershey's kiss or b a milk done you have 20 seconds at first a kiss later on a milk dud overall milk dud oh my god milk that they're filled with caramel boys go to jupiter to get boys go to venus to get more penis can you stop we have more candy put it back put it back i love it put it back in the hole put it back put it back don't don't take another lick cutie do not take another lick hey look i'm ludwig i missed i missed the whole i couldn't find it okay all right all right all right all right all right all right all right moving on to our next we're gonna go to kindertown this one's for you that has a boy toys and this is a girl toys do you want to eat your whole ass own kinder egg all right i want to get our own toys sure i'm done actually there's no toys inside in the u.s wait wait wait we put them all out and then you do right random and see what happens i'm only opening you're going to open all no we mix them all up and i'm just gonna my boy toy ones no you why i don't want a girl toy you might get a girl oh my god i'll get so mad at you if i get a girl toy oh i got a race car race car gas gas gas whoa yours is way cooler than mine boys get cooler toys stupid girl toy what am i supposed to do just little oh [ __ ] i want a lighter on fire they give you a little pat to put your car down and then that's all mine does she wiggles all right let me try some of the chocolate yeah it tastes like oh it tastes like that chocolate in the countdown calendars yeah advent calendars yeah i want one of those can i get one for christmas now you're an adult and it's august anyway the chocolates kind of dog [ __ ] i bought these every time i'd go to europe as a kid it's only for the toys that's it the chocolate really not that great at the end of the day but it doesn't matter because you get cool toy and you're gonna hang it off your nose you're gonna break out i think about these things i keep chocolate more than two feet away from my face at all times no don't do not approach me that cutie i'm being serious i'm being dead [ __ ] serious do not come near me with the cutie cutie stop stop do not stop i will get you the advent calendar oh we did it can i whisper something in your ear yeah you better [ __ ] chill out or i'm gonna [ __ ] whisper oh it smells great wow no smell it i don't like this whisper it smells great right no it smells like nothing this is a giant kit kat no it's i think it's i think it's like a three musketeers marshmallow interior that's not marshmallow that's like a marshmallow interior what is this i'm wrong it's delicious talk to me about cadbury because you know about cadbury like a cadbury you know about the cadbury egg yeah a cadbury have you ever had those one cadbury eggs that are like filled with goo no because you're the cadbury person i'm not the cadbury person you never if i was in charge of cadbury you did not give me remember when i told you last night you're gonna be the cadbury person today please have your cadbury facts ready you're gaslighting me what's your first cadbury fun fact cadbury the name came from um a bunny and a cardinal bird had a baby and that is where the name comes from the bunny yeah before it was a chocolate factory it was actually an animal testing facility where they were trying to come up with new breeds of animals and then they're like this is too hard let's make chocolate that's true crunchy i think i'm gonna like this you know what this is this is um honeycomb this is called honeycomb this is my mom's favorite treat oh my god she would love these yeah this is my mom's favorite treat it's kind of like butterfinger my mom used to buy honeycomb from the local like candy shop so and i'd get in trouble if i ate it without asking so this just makes me feel like i'm gonna get yelled at for the trash i feel like cadbury had some fire had some fire candy bars that'd be hyped during how like halloween we got picnic what weird names oh but it's cadbury picnic oh it's got a raisins in it huh it's got raised raisins and peanuts which is like that's a picnic if i've ever heard a trail mix why did i say it like that what's wrong with me it's derailment here you go she's oh my god grab it it's a poo it's trail mix caramel it's trail mix after someone ate it oh it's like a hundred grand but with a bunch of [ __ ] in it yeah it's not bad double decker like the buses or when you [ __ ] while sitting on someone's lap and they're also [ __ ] aka the slime and ludwig aka a very efficient way for two people to use one bathroom seems three musketeers ask it's a charleston chew versus a crunch bar it's fire yeah it's very good next we have fudge which i don't know if it will actually be fudge what am i eating why would they lie i think it's nougat yeah it's nougat is it very like good size though i'm i'm disappointed it's just a lot of sugar it is it's not bad i just thought it'd be fudge because it said fudge this is something they're all yelling curly wurly oh we forgot our curly wurlies what the hell my bad i thought they were like yelling like a scottish like swear words yeah it's funny reading chat cause they're all like oh my god you miss curly wurlies no fingery fufus yeah like no cummies what is going on relax boys all right all right our uk cummies whoa what is that i hope it's pretzel and chocolate this is crazy what is this it's just caramel and chocolate and you know what they're both good this is a [ __ ] milk dud this is the caramel that's in a milk bed that's great it's just so true it sounds nasty i get nervous to say it sounds nasty because one time i was watching polite edit us eating and he was like whenever they have food asmr cutie always pointed out and i don't know if that meant he doesn't want me to point it out because it ruins his asmr experience i think he just wants to edit a nice clip of chewing with the zoom in but you always talk and interrupt our asmr here you go play subscribe to my youtube subscribe to my youtube subscribe to my youtube subscribe to my youtube all right that was great i need some salt me too so we're gonna eat some mr porky oh no oh i hate the sound of that please have some of mr porky i've never had pork rinds ever i don't know if they're pork rinds yeah these are definitely pork what is this ew i hate it take only the finest pork rinds oh they're pork rinds this is fried pork skin right it's so i actually couldn't do it chewy yeah that i lose the ability to hear sometimes i like to think there's little people in my brain who work it and this would be like an earthquake for my brain oh my god because of how crunchy this [ __ ] is see my issue was like i i bit into a part that was like soft like it must have been the fat or something yeah like calcified fat oh i can't do that no it's awful it's basically just like overcooked bacon that you sprayed but i can't even i can't even eat uh i'm not out for a while what's that stuff you love [ __ ] money weed oh my god what somebody clipped that send it to me i'm going to send it to his mom no come on he needs come on please don't do that stop stop i don't know what that means this is like english right like they don't have their own language like what is a pastilli is that a dumb question oh my god i'm so sorry is that actually dumb is that a dumb question in glasgow it might as well be a different language am i right am i right guys nothing got to put subtitles on for the lemme show i just got nothing nothing that's great it's a delicious fruity treat by the way i also don't know what a pastille is it's okay someone said granddad's sweets warning fuzziness said it okay whatever it is i don't want the purple one because i know it's gonna be black currant and i don't want that all right close your eyes you don't want the purple one right uh uh-uh okay what is this it wasn't purple oh my god i hate it i'm gonna have the pink one oh it's still in my teeth oh [ __ ] what's wrong with you is there no joy in your country kinder buenos fire i already know this had him several times in my life there's so much cat hair right here what is this this is already kind of opened it's smarties do you know what they taste like no okay so you know what a smarties right are smarties yeah yeah i'm assuming these are m ms all right now just close your close your eyes why didn't can i get a graph what was that power these are just m m's yeah they're m m's but they call them smarties and they taste worse than m m's what they're mauled that i said they're worse than m ms oh they're there are worse uk people punching the air right now oh [ __ ] mom that's that's what you guys look like right now accept the truth you're in denial this is good treats usually when we do this i don't want to save anything and here i am it's very chocolate heavy did he send us one tootsie roll yeah mini all right before we go farther it's jaffa cake time chocolate cake jaffa cake ooh jaffa jaffa drop a chocolate cake everybody eat your cake drop is coming and he's gonna suck i don't know where i was going with it what the [ __ ] am i eating it's like orangey right that's great this is arrow arrow is delightful peppermint and the inside looks like what a drawing of covid19 would look like it does look like a bit of an imbalance i don't think you guys can see this from that far away it just looks like how germs are drawn by people look at that like that's jimmy neutron when they went small and then went inside the body to fight off the bacteria oh what a weird this is not what i expected it looks like the picture which is shocking yeah just like 2 000 people in the uk maulding sucked on it you have to suck on it you're barely eating it if you chew i actually liked it less as it melted i liked it more oh that was great swizzles refreshers that sounds delightful lemon flavor soft chew i get the vibe that people from the uk just like having [ __ ] in their mouth to chew on for like an hour in the u.s you put something in your mouth and while you're chewing it you're thinking about the next thing you're going to put in your mouth and in the uk you put some in your mouth that you're going to have sit there for like 45 [ __ ] minutes this is yummy i'm still going but yeah it's a workout i'm not gonna finish it oh my god this is so scary at least it was my legging on my face okay really we're going again not a third time there's so much cat hair yeah look at all that cat hair don't do it again highland shortbread chocolate chip with a scottish terrier that's what this is right they love dogs oh these are great it's great this is really good delicious i could do without the chocolate chips shortbread's a treat yeah i love shortbread you know what i should make shortbread when after all you couldn't do it like the scotch you couldn't do like knowledge why you're like this you could not do it like the scots is there anything like you would try but you would not come close to the scots hey maybe the irish though milk is our number one ingredient this is just more chocolate this is more chocolate but it's gonna be much milkier this is just white chocolate yeah i hate white chocolate i [ __ ] with that zero marshmallow ball is that what this is it's chocolate in case marshmallow yeah it looks fun though oh it's great how is the marshmallow so creamy this is great mmm they're fine all right so the last thing we have is special it's in a special package it's an off-white box is he flexing on us crisps oh hell yeah i was 90 sure you were dropping that on my head prawn cocktail oh god i'm nervous it's just salt and vinegar i hate human vinegar she doesn't like salt vinegar i enjoyed it you're gonna love this one what is it french fries you're actually gonna love it it's literally french fries it's salt and vinegar isn't it no ah it's salt and vinegar you're not gonna enjoy it you'll actually like this one i don't wanna call it barbecue but what is us salt and vinegar are you kidding is it actually why are they all swallowing vinegar why is this happening please let me see the flavor just try it trust me it's cheese not four salt and vinegar just trust me for one time in your life it's solid thicker i like full tongue that because i trusted you so much i used my whole tongue of a pure trust oh that was so vinegary jesus christ why is everything vinegar flavored i hate that why vinegar like burns my tongue what is it about the salt and vinegar is the vinegar and the salt no it's the vin i saw that you little [ __ ] this is not nice you're not being nice to me all right don't mix it in there it's like bad roulette go away i'll get my bees cheese and onion you like it yeah it's good i don't want to try another one what the heck they're very airy pickled onion what flavor is that it's like oniony pickled it's gonna be vinegar no it's not yeah it is yeah it is i am not so picky i just don't like vinegar and these evolve in vinegar all right cheese wait let's play a game i'm scared one of these is cheese one of these is salt and vinegar so which hand do you want left by dum you lost now everybody pogged when flake came out i don't know what it is but it looks like very intricate chocolate not a lot of calories only 134 per bar i'm gonna pop one in i'm not so much in the chocolate mood anymore but i like how airy it is all right that's all of our candies the only thing we have left is the last gift that we got from the uk from scotland which is pokemon sword and shield rebel clash so we're gonna do an unboxing right now okay good view back here first card is a lombray galar mine durant i do like that that old guy who has durant in black and white too wingle phantom i don't think this is a real pokemon i think this is made up i've never seen in my life bronzor toxil all right this is some new [ __ ] we got an applein we got a palpato reverse holo and our card of the day is hoping for a hollow oh a surf fetched oh that's very uk oh i'm engorged in general i think they did pretty good if i go to scotland i'm not mad at my snack options uh yeah that's all the snacks we have good job scotland thank you thank you mini titan follow at mini titan on twitter it's mini titan on twitter it's minnie titan subscribe to me on youtube you can find cutie cinderella on youtube who's youtube's doing quite well 40 000 subscribers now yeah you're 50 yet no on your way not nice on your way not nice on your wall you guys want to know how many bottles of champagne i bought for his 500k not true and you made me open them before then two times so i didn't have bottles of champagne but i did have confetti guns and that was very cool hey if you did enjoy the youtube video that this is becoming maybe subscribe i don't know i'm not your mom i'll give you a candy that sounds creepy but in this case i think you can trust her you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 907,188
Rating: 4.9399071 out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud, qtc, qtcinderella, united kingdom, snacks, try, try all
Id: amIdzQnI9Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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