The Truth about my first time...

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what's that other prom story I've said the other proms story on stream before I actually went to prom twice my hey instead of watch this guy fell cannonless maybe maybe get maybe get my u2's out now it's out now also taller than schlotz whoo Wow crazy it's like because the joke get go I can't believe that happened to me I went to prom my junior year as well now our school didn't have a junior year prom but some schools do my school didn't have a junior prom but one of the neighboring schools like one of those private schools that like a bunch of people who I went to a elementary school did and one girl Emma well I was like friends with in like third grade to like fifth grade messaged me out of the blue and she's one of the people that went to a private school and was like yo bear in mind this is junior year of high school he probably hadn't talked in three years so I was like yep and she was like hey um I know this is weird but I have nobody to go to prom with I've asked everyone and then she went through an exhaustive list of everybody she tried asking and said will you go to prom with me on text and I was like sure I didn't like Emma I don't really even know Emma that well at the point but it seemed like I was her last hope and I didn't want her to go to prom by herself even if it was junior year prom which doesn't really count or [ __ ] matter and honestly it's just a big scam senior year prom kind of matters junior prom giant scam so I say yes prom was that weekend she messaged me on like a Thursday I got everything together I got a suit I I patched everything I didn't look the best a man could I didn't spend that much money on it but I got it done I'd do all the pictures with her I hang out there friends or family all the pre-prom [ __ ] that you need to do and me and her friends roll up to the joint in a limo and it's some very tacky very ugly Paris themed prom but I'm like hey whatever it is what it is and the moment we get to the venue she's like I'm gonna go talk to some friends I'll be right back and she leaves me at a table with that we arrived with I'm getting along with everyone we're talking we're chilling we're having a good time after a while passes I realize I haven't seen Emma in like 30 minutes and I look around and don't see her to any other table and that my eyes make their way over to the dance floor and I see her dancing with a dude I'm like all right whatever it's not a big deal it's not like I like her that's fine I'd go back to the table and I happened to bring up to the table that I was like oh yeah I saw Emma dancing with some dude everybody at the table went to the school his friends with Emma and they were like uh-oh you know like what what what happened apparently that was the guy Emma liked and wanted to go to prom with but he said no meggy's and went with another girl but she was still so obsessed with him or liked him so much that he was like dancing with her even though he had like another day I don't know what the [ __ ] situation was the love triangle was all I know is that I was getting cooked I mean it's not like we were set for marriage but I'm sitting there went out of my way to go to prom with her and then she's there does a guy and I'm like again not a big deal all right she'll just do a dance with him he'll go back to his date I'll go back to mine and we'll just have a nice night well prom lasts about three hours for the entire three hours she is hanging out and talking with him the entire time I did not see her once I basically was just there to take pictures with at the beginning and escort her into the building let her schmooze on the dude and then escort her home I was a true verifiable cook do you ever get revenge no I think she apologized but I'm pretty sure she's like allergic to the Sun or some [ __ ] so end of the day I'm winning in life all right let's uh let's hit this I wasn't that good with women in high school pretty much all of my stories from high school with women are kind of embarrassing just in high school kind of yeah I remember there was a moment in college where I was really nervous I was really really nervous I'd already lost my virginity at this point but I was still nervous about like hooking up with a girl and then I just did and then we started dating and I thought she was like I don't know something clicked at one point I realized in my life that like nobody's out of your league and that they're just [ __ ] girls and they [ __ ] in fart and they also bleed out of their peepee hole which is yuck and grosser than guys and they're not that scary and ever since then I've been better with women what was your worst high school story I think I've told most of them at one point or another I got like three stories in my mind that are the most embarrassing I'll tell one I haven't told in a while the most embarrassing story was actually also very pogchamp for me at the time it was about when i had a girl come over to my place and we got a little freaky i think it was junior year maybe senior year and there was this girl I liked and we'd be talking for a bit and we had some pretty hardcore feelings but had never expressed them sexually to put it mildly and then one day I invited her over to my house and my mom happened to not be home and she happened to not be coming home for another hour so I had a house to myself and we're lying down on my childhood bed which was a twin bed with a backboard cubby that you could put things into and I had one of those things that apparently every household did back in the day I don't know why everybody bought this they ended up getting really disgusting but it was like those pillows that were armchairs too but I had that on the berry bag in front of the cubby on the twin bed the girl kind of like lying down on it like sitting upright and then me on top make it out and I'm distracted enough as is with the making out but then I start noticing that much like a square peg goes in a square hole my peg is not too far off for fitting it and I'm like interesting this is very interesting but I'm trying to ignore him it's not like I have a condom we're not gonna have sex I'm a virgin verifiable but it becomes a little too hard to ignore and so after and I'm not making this up ten minutes of making out I bust one I'm [ __ ] busted from like baby dry humping and immediately panic sets in and I'm like [ __ ] what if she notices how do I talk myself out of this the post nut clarity hits me and it hits me hard that's not where the story ends I wish it was I cut off the makeup and I go into the guest room cuz she be lines towards the bathroom not a word between us I don't know if she knows and I throw my underwear under the guest bed and in a panic I just throw back on my shorts commando and I come back out I'm flustered she's flustered I think we both have a deep understanding of what happened but not a word transmits between us and she drives off home and I'm chilling in my house by myself thinking about what happened when my mom comes home and at that point it's been about 45 minutes so I'm a little more chill and I'm like yo what's up MA and she's like hey what's that look what's what she's like on your shorts I had it noticed but because of the quality of my shorts we're so old I don't know if this has ever happen to you guys but the quality of the shorts were so bad because they were so old that the fabric got stretched just a bit and it created these white circles in like four distinct spots everywhere on my shorts and I was like I don't know I don't know what that is that's weird that's weird champ before we champ was weird champ okay and we'd go about our day three hours later she knocks in my door comes in my room she's like hey why don't we come I'm like what's up she's like hey uh I found this under the guest bed and for some reason this [ __ ] snooped around the house cuz boomers love cleaning and went under the guest bed we didn't even have guests over why is she cleaning the guest bed on a Thursday afternoon who does that it's so weird what do you do that I got nothing I mean I got nothing what do you say so I'll I I don't know uh I was willing to lose the blue marker pen is melted she's like uh huh yeah I don't do that yeah of course I wouldn't do something I was doing I was playing with blue by was a hot glue gun and scary scary world out there so many monsters and I wasn't allowed to have people over without permission after that why do parents ask questions they don't want the answer to they want to know if their child will lie to them and we always do I don't so what do you say Stan so that's an area you go you go yo I was actually dry humping and III pre came my bi ditches shorts under there because I they want the girdle no yeah you're badass I would do that nowadays back then I didn't have the balls Stan's is right though if you actually just tell the truth you end up developing a really cool relationship with your parents were you allowed to have those conversations and then instead of like navigating the world by yourself which is like so scary and impossible sometimes they like help you out any other high school stories there's the classics I've said I've said these to a lot before but I guess I probably haven't said them since I had like two thousand beers tell us another Combs story I don't have a [ __ ] story I have a make-out story so one of them the first one 10th grade I would ride the school bus every day because they didn't have my license yet and my sister had left for college because she would drive me to school 9th grade so 10th grade I returned to being a school bus guy which and this is just my experience was kind of lame for my age if you're 16 should be driving yourself the school bus was mostly like middle schoolers so I was one of the few people in high school and one of the very few people in tenth grade on a school bus there was one other cool person on the school bus because I had no friends of the school bus everybody else drove it was a junior and her name was Olivia and she was bad Olivia was a bad [ __ ] and so me and Olivia would start hanging out and we start talking on the school bus but she was dating another guy named Steven so we were just friends and look I was pretty funny I dropped some low bail be used before lull w's were low velvet use and that was the extent of our relationship until a website came out not pornhub the website was called ask fm if you guys are Zoomers you might not know but it was a website that allowed you to answer questions that were asked anonymously from people in your social circle you would post your ask fm and your Twitter are on Facebook people would anonymously ask questions and you would answer them and it was really just another way for high school people to flirt and that was pretty much it and so Olivia happened to get asked at them and then my three head started evolving into a five head and I thought there's something here I can do because now I knew that Olivia had an ask fm I thought she was bad I've heard rumors that her and Stevens relationship is fractured having some problems so I slide into her asked FM and I asked a harmless question anonymously and it was kind of a ballsy question but I felt pretty confident because of the conversations and the good lulls we've had on the bus I asked her you probably won't be able to guess it I said who's the funniest guy you know and originally it was just a shot in the dark I wasn't sure what to expect until she answers and she goes and I quote that's kind of a hard question but recently it's been Ludwig and I'm dropping POG use pogchamp spag chomps left and right reading this knowing I'm in how am I gonna bring this up to her on the school bus cuz I'm in a conundrum I asked the question anonymously I baited out the answer I wanted but I can't bring up the question or Elsa's to sus so the next day on the school bus were talking droppin jokes and I open up her Twitter and I see her in her BIOS like her ask fm and I'm like oh that's that's weird you have an ask fm she's like oh yeah I open it recently I was like oh let's like look at it or something that'd be stupid that'd be crazy he's like oh my god don't they be so dumb and I was like oh my god it would be dumb let's do it so I open it up and what do you know the most recent question is who's the funniest guy you know the answer me so I look at her and I'm like what and she's like blushing she's like I don't know it's like whatever and then I dropped the most brazen thing I could have I go what about like Steven I thought he was kind of funny and she goes oh we're not really talking anymore and so I go oh that sucks man what did that happen that's such a shame that's such a shame High School relationships huh never know you can trust never know you can trust these days and a week after the ask FM gambit I asked her she wants to hang out we go to her place and we watch the notebook she picked me up with her mom's car from my house we only live like a couple streets away we're watching the notebook and she starts cuddling with me and I'm like but I remember she did warn me when we were texting about hanging out that she had just gotten out of the relationship with Stephen and wasn't looking for anything serious and just kind of wanted to hang out and I was like yeah yeah goo goo goo whatever whatever um so we watched the notebook and at the end of it Pete ball gets a couple kisses a couple smoochies you start making out a bit and I'm like mmm here I am one of the baddest girls in junior year I'm only a sophomore and I'm at her place and were smooching so she drives me back to her place or my place and then gets out of her car and we talked a bit and we're just hanging out basically in my driveway saying goodbye then a couple more smooches in and I notice she's wearing a ring and I'm like what's that and she's like oh this it's a Claddagh ring it has a heart on it and based off how you wear it it signifies if you're in a relationship or not and I'm like cool can I see it she's like yeah sure and then this is where it all crumbles down she hands me the ring I look at it and then an idea that would bring the downfall of this perfect day my big idea was that when I put it back on her hand I would flip it into the take in position signifying she was in a relationship the implication with me the plan is there the idea I'm in too deep the ideas juice has too much of a grasp amount of my mind so the idea enters my mind I'll put the ring back on in the dating position I start the mission flipping the ring in my hands grabbing her hand placing it on she looks down her eyes widen as she begins to realize what I'm doing she looks up and she goes what are you doing I look back to her and I said will you be my girlfriend she looks back at me down at the ring back at me what felt like four hours until she replies no I told you I'm not interested in a relationship I just broke up with Stephen like a week ago you know I had a lot of fun hanging out but if you're not gonna be able to respect like how do I feel about this I really reason ever not to be able to hang out just Club now she drives away I see her in the book the the bus over the next couple weeks but any time I try to open a conversation she shuts it down in a way only girls in high school can a motionlessly and quickly in my dream of dating an upperclassman shattered all off of a dumb idea in the bag literally at Bowser throws at 1918 even and I choked it I choked the PB I got to greedy young Ludvig was a mix of chat and simp but they both came out at the worst times yeah I think like most boys in high school I put such a big emphasis on getting invited to parties hanging out with girls and losing my virginity and then one day I was like man I just don't care and everything was better I did get invited to parties not until my junior year there's always like a cool group of kids who like started smoking weed in middle school who are all badass when I was still like [ __ ] and farting and that's pretty much the max of my capabilities it turns out a lot of the cool kids didn't have the coolest outcomes in their lives but they were so badass in high school I got invited to some parties junior year and I remember one of the first house parties I got invited to I was friends with one girl she was one of that she was kind of in the cool girls club and we had honors choir together and like you know I had a baby crush on her at some points in my in my like we went to school for 18 years together and much to my surprise she had had a crush on me at some points so I remember one time after require concert I invited her back to mine under the guise that we would work on some duet together for some guitar night in the school and then I didn't gain the balls to finally kiss her until she was leaving and then we hot and heavy made out and then she was like why don't you do this an hour ago and I was like [ __ ] why didn't I do this an hour ago because she had already texted her parents she was on her way home and that set the stage for Saturday night's party at Lori's house her parents out of town and Lori had a pretty badass house all the cool kids were going and I was invited because choir girl invited me so I get all ready for the night of the party I'm wearing one of my nice Polo Ralph Lauren shirts with the embroidered Polo Ralph Lauren logo I was during my finest cargo shorts enough to fit any gadget or gizmo you needed and I strolled up like I was the [ __ ] and in my mind we were gonna be like hardcore making out at the party or sneaking to the parents bedroom but it mostly ended up just being like a group of people all in the living room and you weren't a lot of stairs and I was too [ __ ] to be like let's break the rules and I think she would have been uncomfortable that idea - but my opportunity came what she was going home much like the first time we kissed and she was like hey I'm headed out and I was like hey I'll walk you to your car so I'm walking her back to her car it's the dead of night stark out and then we get to her car but that's just a precursor for the hot and heavy makeout that's to come I mean it's steamy if this was in a movie it would push it to r-rated I'm sure of it we're going for like a full minute and then we're like sleeping pump it's deep fresh I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing with the tongue exactly but I know it's going out of its way to do the most and it's getting all wet in there it's a wet makeout but I don't mind cuz I'm horny I'm liking it and then it's getting really wet I'm like hell yeah hell yeah she's getting in there too and then it's like tasting a bit like metal and I'm like that's weird that's weird why does it taste like man and then I realized I'm having a bloody nose and I'm like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's dark out so we can't really see what's going on I'm just praying that there's not too much blood on her and then I open my phone flashlight and it literally looks like some terribly racist highschool interpretation of Native American face art it's all over her face I thought that [ __ ] from anime was fake I thought Master Roshi was just a meme but apparently is kind of real I bled up a storm and she's kind of freaking out because not only she has to go home and like see her parents but she also doesn't like blood on her face which under the circumstance is reasonable so I'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] she's like one Chipotle napkin I'm like here take my shirt I give her my shirt and she wipes everything off everything's good and then she drives home I go into my car I have like a spare shirt I patched myself up the best way I can whatever whatever look it sucks it's not a big deal but it's an embarrassing moment shared between us it happens I walked back into the party everybody's staring at me and then the realization Dawn's upon me that perhaps choir girl wasn't as tight-lipped as I had hoped she would be and teryn the clown as he always is looks over and he's like how's the nose bud she texted somebody at the party and they told everybody everybody knew she was a loose lipped about the affair I not expressly made it that it needs to be a secret but for [ __ ] sake as you guys can probably tell I'm always good at taking it on the chin and you know laughing off the joke but we did start hanging out less frequently after that I wish I could say that was the last time that something like that had happened but I think there are three separate girls in multiple different occasions where I accidentally had a bloody nose while getting hot and heavy I don't know what it is I don't know if it's just like too much pressure on the nose making out there getting too rough high school girls get a little rough with your face my was a sensitive I cannot handle the amount of pressure they are applying on to my nostrils there's three different girls over the span of four different years hasn't happened to me in a while thank God and it's not happened to me in a why y'all I just said thank God I said not recently check [Music]
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,560,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud, high school, stories, story time, first kiss
Id: f5fo8f1soNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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