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alright boys today the plan is simple you laugh you lose but this time if I laugh I'm gonna shave my head but I'm gonna make it look nice all right let me be very clear I'm gonna make it look nice all right I'm not gonna walk out of here Iran 2.0 that's not what I want that's not what you guys want maybe you secretly want that but then when you see the thumbnail to me look at how long you're like not say Rob's ugly by the way your up is very cute understand I can't pull it off I got a weird shape head I just have a birthmark in the back of my head I don't like to talk about it but I have a birthmark and when sometimes I have hairdressers who say you guys don't care about this but I'm just gonna say gonna try to make it look nice all right I'm thinking a 1 to 2 Hittite fate and they're like a 4 5 at the top that's still a shave doesn't shave your supply using a shaver let's start let's start how are you I'm under the water please help me hear too much reading if only someone could save him [Music] sometimes you fart I don't like that video I don't get why people find that video funny my hearts broken for the dog if it was dumb cat than sure those kids come round to America and they're only talking in memes they go to the grocery store they just go Isla mal harambe that's can someone just give them real English I [ __ ] stinky hate me with 2019 [ __ ] and expect 20/20 Ludwig to laugh I have a vault alright this sticker is a reminder this is like a a for me I get one monk sticker every month I don't laugh at it I'm up to three stickers Ludwig stands [Music] how how quickly did you make that I only decided myself I was gonna do this yesterday why did you have that ready you had one day going to run you can't shave your head you're you short you have acne you shave your head what are you guys doing is this inception did you guys plant the idea to do this in my mind what the [ __ ] is this ding dong the wicked Baek he's dead it's a shame that [ __ ] didn't die is seven years ago I'll come clean I'm American which means I know nothing about any other country at all damn he just stands there [ __ ] and farting I'm so glad that I've been trained over years and years to never laugh when I see the troll face I see the troll face and immediately it's like grandma's titties it's one of the three things I think about what I don't want to bust wasn't me guys are going with the hard stuff I didn't think you would go this hard this early this many fart jokes what is this what is this video and make me watch it right now what was the point of that why do women only like jerks they treat them like [ __ ] why do guys only want [ __ ] bimbos who walk all over them scam it as a DVD DVD it's not funny anymore but I like it look at that beautiful bald man he's oozing swagger it's not gonna be me I'm not gonna go bald even if I lose to be clear I will not go bald Jesus Christ look if I want to kill my career that bad then I'll just go back to playing poly bridge I wonder if it would Bend baby oh no I think we had different experiences as five-year-olds you guys are true lawl w/e I that was not me at five me at five I think I was [ __ ] and farting and kind of still trying to figure out walking if I'm being honest this is just a clip from my I think this is a clip from my YouTube video that I uploaded today obviously that doesn't count I know you guys are memeing I know you guys mean clearly that wouldn't count would it make sense what it really make sense [Music] okay okay last hijo oh nasty hope you will nasty pole going a washout [ __ ] ho this was literally a song on the first ever playlist video I made the [ __ ] was that it's just coming to me yes I can do it on myself this time I remember being in high school and they would have a bowl this is what I thought a bowl was like a realized Bowl but it's just like this little pipe that they call a bowl for some reason and they pass it around there like you know how to do it I was like yeah and then I can't laugh I accidentally blew out the little anyway look I'm not a for whatever whatever was it a big deal soda dog I want to have sex with my dog kind of weird champ what would you alright namespace its you how about JLo Dre how about that I like that one well what would yours be mine would be a big chunk yes it's so easy for celebrities they can just do old ass memes from five years ago and cop Millie likes [ __ ] Elon Musk is the most basic [ __ ] and he just goes man animate kind of POG and everyone's like what'd you say bags it is so sucky good quote good it is good quote it is good good quote Ludwig good quote doesn't count as a laughs because two of the three Ludwig's didn't laugh hello Joseph he's will do Zoomers even get it do you guys get it do you just pretend to get it I see you love w/e i don't believe it i feel like you guys pretend to get it I feel like you guys see it come up and you're like oh my god yes [ __ ] that was funny I think the audio got muted cuz it's a movie but I'll hold up I got you Oh Shay works okay three dollars you dropped three dollars and you sent me fart sound effect like what rice gums editor needs to download to throw in a video for a quick low bubble you saying I don't believe undertale stands think that's funny he hits his head and drops the book does not count as a laugh one it's me from the path it was the freakin gabagool you [ __ ] you [ __ ] everybody did couple pictures of leaders they're literal / beautiful animal and this dart is to end racism maybe like a practice throw just one practice throw you know I just woke up from a little little dark but you guys [Music] America I [ __ ] you not he turns himself into a pickle [ __ ] this meme I hate that me I do TTS without meat every day and we're here in clarity because we've been invited by a very special character I hear he's a local legend and his name is Shannon how are you we're here in Killarney today are you from Killarney born and bred and come here Sean we're trying to figure out what makes Killarney so special what do you think makes it a great tell again yeah lots of tourists around Jules older man it's great I got only the words that he said directly after the other guy talking shower to you baby and I'm sorry that your grandma died grandma grandma you're dead now what color is a carrot if you dig a six-foot hole how deep is that hole I like 20 feet what is a BMW bein W is a car spell BMW Wow smarter than me on with no minimum views you could make a video and make me watch it right now what was the point of that are you just flexing on your turnaround time I ain't had my wee-wee suck properly in a few months [Music] [Music] insane how many times brim no Yankee boy there's no real easy way to say this but look you're a simp I'm gonna have to report you back to Kiska damn what a [ __ ] mix-up donating it there's no way [Music] I think one of the worst things you can do as a parent is give your kid a shitty name [ __ ] your kid is still probably like the worst thing but and it is funny and I would laugh at that cuz it's so funny but I gave my lap I lose and I don't want to lose but very funny very funny I am typing in lo W in all caps Goodwin you know their parents says you know who that is that's the Grinch and I go jesus [ __ ] christ ludwig no you cannot get a hi-yah for [ __ ] sake when I tell you guys pay for monkeys dear Lord what a sad little life Jane you ruined my night completely so you could have the money but I hope now you spend it on getting some lessons in grace and decorum because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tires on is that a school whoa I must be in fortnight [ __ ] [ __ ] goddamn okay you watching okay your prank my dad do the layers and that is crazy it's sip reacting to a guy reacting to the original video that I'm reacting to how far has this content Human Centipede God oh my god is this coke from Burger King we're gonna play five does not count no no think I'll call it close we'll call close shot but I can't count okay I can't count I don't want carbonated poop water gonna be the reason I don't want to call my mother up and say I shaved my head and her go why and I say carbonated poop water it's not a world I'm happy to live it I did not laugh there's no way there's no I mean come on I mean come on carbonated poop water that's my legacy that's what when I die they say Oh carbonated poop water that's what took him out clip alright let me look at a clip the jury states that I laughed at a video about carbonated poop water I claimed I didn't let's check the evidence oh my god is this coke from Burger King okay so clearly clearly we are dealing with the situation where I'm being framed chat I'm being framed here we'll come to a decision like adults interesting we find ourselves in a predicament the people say no let me get one more authority on this I have a problem that I need you to figure out what is it looking down eye level eye level for the content hello Kahn there's a clip and I need you to tell me okay without any information whether or not I left oh my god is this coke from Burger King on hunt yeah that's really tough what's your call your iPhone at all if it wasn't you laughs you lose with me and you I would have I would have fought for that I would have I would have said that's a laugh put it on the [ __ ] screen don't [ __ ] with me don't don't you dare [ __ ] with me that's what I would have said are you saying it's a laugh I'm saying it's a lot Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] man all right yet you laugh you lose I lost oh oh oh oh I'll shave my [ __ ] head down cuz [ __ ] slime cuz slime [ __ ] onder called it alright psych I need to get a guard I need to get a guard Jesus Christ I'm not psychotic are you ready chat what the [ __ ] is that shirt where the [ __ ] you just got that for a little W put the [ __ ] mic on all right first of all couple ground rules I'm not shaving my [ __ ] eyebrows were you supposed to shake your Iraq oh it was a part of the deal No are you lying no yes no ha is he lying why not your eyebrows alright so I think it 2-1 fade on the sides okay okay I'm gonna top just like a classy six eight that does that seem that seems fair they're saying zero not a zero I'm not going bald alright look like let's just out of curiosity how do you put them on oh no yep that's still very long oh that is long what if I do a four on top is that crazy it's very short but sure this is gonna be too short I don't know what you're trying to diagnose it's gonna be very short I'm terrified oh my [ __ ] head Oh Oh it never happened alright you do the rest what if it just doesn't grow back hold Sasa you're just bald for life after this wouldn't that be crazy Jack you know how it goes you laugh you lose drop a follow I did the 8 and I was so confident the 8 felt like 3 inches and then the 4 is like a Sammy ok I told you it was very short ones like vodka PAH it is a lot of big vodka fell short oh my god oh my god I think you should have done like a 6 but I just you were just excited and should've talked me all I just didn't know what to tell you oh no I thought you were doing it you didn't want to scam that badly no I'm happy to scam I think you're gonna be very unhappy with how this whole oh I love scamming we're doing the top before I can I'm sorry this would be really sad Oh God [Music] [Music] [Laughter] keep going keep going that's the worst angle I don't want to say that it lets me do all of it at that angle there's anything that's like so weird you just gotta say to that like oh god okay here we go [Music] it's so spikey like like a chia pet or something don't call me a [ __ ] shoot like Sid from Toy Story I do not look like Sid God it wouldn't have been this bad if he wouldn't have gone straight on to it I did it for the thumbnail all you YouTube [ __ ] you subscribe to my goddamn channel I get it for the thumbnail now looks like [ __ ] now I'm Sid from Toy Story the hairline is not too bad though huh kind of people POG it's very bad alright cool cool yeah yeah sure I'm not like emotionally vulnerable right now [Music] [Music] what I think you got a bad head dude why would you say I'm a bad head now you look great no I'm saying if this all goes away one day oh you're so foxy I can't wait till slime secretly hopes I go bald yeah he hopes that God would join me when he lifts his hat he goes hey brother brother brother bear rash here do you see it oh yeah okay all right you look great it's great call that laugh buddy ready I think that's the best you're gonna get all right I'm gonna shower I'll be back chat what do you think answer with one simple pull how's the cut is it hog or dog wait for it wait come more two's come more two's nice there it is sometimes you laugh and sometimes you lose and I lost and this is me a loser [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,466,843
Rating: 4.9536567 out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: 801OAzJfHwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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