I Ate $100,000 Golden Ice Cream

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Can you explain this further OP? English is not my mother language but I know Mr Beast. This post looks interesting

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/thomas-lieven 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I honestly dont get his appeal or why people actually enjoy watching him

👍︎︎ 81 👤︎︎ u/RedditUser24562 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is the logical endpoint of the current economic system. Why is anyone surprised? This bucktoothed everyman has found the absolute center of the bell curve and milked it for millions. Whatevs

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/betacrucis 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

In most of his videos he's giving away cars and stuff. This one was kind of an outlier imo

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/IntentionalTypa 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

In response to everyone; wish fulfilment and because he’s a genuinely good person, he’s more than earns the right to take a video or two for himself and his friends once in a while

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/-DekuScrub- 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jfc what did I watch. That’s megalomaniac as hell, why does this appeal to people?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/DamnHotBananas 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wow that’s disgusting 😂

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GinnyMorningstar 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

It’s absurd to treat money like an illusion when, as MrBeast so clearly illustrates, it has a basis in reality, whereas it replaces the need to be stoic in alot of places in the lives of people who have difficulties doing so.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AnInfiniteRick 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Would have been funny if it tasted gross.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AlexanderTox 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
in this video we are going to be eating one hundred thousand dollar golden ice cream i'm blown away this is so good five thousand dollar mac and cheese this mac and cheese is magnificent thirty thousand dollar banana foster oh that's incredible and so much more starting off with 100 ice cream and working our way up this is 100 ice cream it's really good this cheese is 500. that's pretty good oh gosh i'm excited oh my gosh this is really good all right we're going to the next door this is 1 000 chocolate as you can see there are golden flakes on it oh my god oh wow this is amazing when you eat stuff like this with gold on it your body doesn't digest it you just poop out gold and with that knowledge let's go to the next restaurant we're about to eat two thousand dollar cake each plate is worth two thousand dollars each plate it's a white chocolate grape juice petite ghetto raspberry coulis and vanilla genoise in between the mousse raspberry reduction sauce and grape juice jelly you can tell it's good because of how many words i didn't understand i called dibs on first season oh come on oh my gosh oh that's this is good come on that's that's just disrespectful no it's so good easily the best dish so far now this might seem expensive and it tastes really good but imagine what the 100 000 ice cream will taste like i'm worried i'm not going to like food after it we are now at the next restaurant so it's a black skin chicken which is a very rare chicken biscuits with foie gras white truffle mash with red eye gravy made with coffee chandler here's some 3 000 fried chicken if you're wondering who this is it's michelle she's a random subscriber now that we're starting to get into the really expensive food we're going to bring in random subscribers and let you guys experience it with us and don't worry they're all quarantined and got tested we're safe that is good really it tastes amazing but that color is really throwing me off smell the mashed potatoes oh my gosh no i'm not eating that i'm gonna take one for the team [Music] it's good oh is it jelly and liver it's so powerful it just lets you know it's in your mouth instantly would you say it was worth it i would say so yeah perfect next restaurant we are now at the next restaurant this is a random subscriber daryl at this restaurant we're going to be eating gawaya salmon ecuadorian chocolate tarn it's an ecuadorian chocolate that comes from an ancient tree each bar that's 50 grams costs about 500 bucks how scary is it to put a dish together like that don't mess up the recipe wait what is that my man just pulled up an entire rain forest cafe what the heck nothing's going to jump out of my meal right that is crazy oh my god that is really good i love this caramel sauce mmm genuinely this is one of the best desserts i've ever tasted in my life aren't you glad you subscribed yeah i'm so glad i subscribed darryl you have five seconds to say whatever you want go like and subscribe and it's it's great to eat a fourth all right next restaurant all right we rented this entire restaurant we're being safe if anyone tries to come and eat here we have someone waiting at the door giving them a thousand dollars play the clip of them getting money this next dish is five thousand dollar mac and cheese oh my gosh i know later in the video we're eating 100 000 ice cream but this is probably going to taste better i'm excited can you tell us about this mac and cheese i sent someone to norway to get a live norwegian red queen crab we sent someone all the way to italy to get four thousand dollars worth of fancy mushrooms mushrooms and i've got a little something for chandler in the back oh really yes it's an extra plain macaroni oh okay oh and it's in a pub g toy hurry get a close i say we all wait and take a bite at the exact same time let me get a scoop carl we're trying to taste test no this mac and cheese is magnificent oh my gosh this is amazing yeah this compared to the like all black chicken oh my god this is good i'm having an intimate moment oh this is a crab i forgot there was crab in there there's no way can you film me if i film me i mean switch seats with me drink you get experience the five thousand dollar mac and cheese okay dude do you need a hug i'm pissed at how good it is i'm mad well guys how was it this was amazing good job thank you so much guys because you made something expensive that still tasted good surprisingly it's very hard pinky touch teleport for this next dish we have another subscriber monica hi chris is wearing the sexy shop mr beast just blur it blur it and put shot mr b's text over it oh yeah oh now it's blurry we are about to eat seven thousand dollar puff pastry basically it's a wheel of cheese with 40 year old sauce on it free is like one of my favorite all-time cheeses ever you have favorite cheeses yeah my favorite cheese is mac so that's cheese pastry oh it's a triple seat it's like stuck together it's so thick the sauce smells really good you should try it just for the sauce alone this doesn't look like poor people breed that i'm used to i don't like the smell of it you can tell you're regretting your decisions i don't like cheese all right we digging in if i have to i'm scared of cheese i'm scared of cheese it really tastes like it tastes like cheap [Music] it just tastes like a block of cheese very cheesy it's an acquired taste water taste is a way of saying it sucks i'm not eating it nothing could have prepared me for the explosion of old cheese taste i just gotta go through a little bit of paint on our way up we gotta get through the cheese to get to the ice cream this next meal is gonna cost nine thousand dollars but not because of the food in this video where we gave people who lost their job to the coronavirus a bunch of money we donated to a chef and now we're currently at his restaurant and we're gonna order the most expensive thing on the menu and tip him eight thousand dollars it's been a while it's been a while how are you because of you i was able to like take care of my hospital bills like continue cooking that really means a lot to me so thank you very much this is so heartwarming oh my goodness so this right here is one thousand dollars we have a timon stuffed cornish hen it is uh dutch chocolate this stuff on top absolutely the mashed potatoes is where you'll find a little bit of truffle but like a lot of garlic and seasoning and whatnot garlic yeah mashed potatoes those are good those are very good it doesn't overpower it yeah a lot of this expensive stuff they just kind of like smear truffles on it this is how you're supposed to use truffles i really want to try this chocolate chicken chocolate chicken that's a weird scented i got a big glob of that sauce in my mouth and it's good but it's it's strong what are you doing that is so weird there's a lot going on in your mouth it shouldn't work why does it work since you're generous enough to make us this meal we brought you a ten thousand dollar tip so you like the chicken i did we're gonna finish it in here and starting now things get serious no more games only food it is now time for the 30 000 meal me and the boys had to get all dressed up if the suits weren't enough we brought another subscriber and we forgot to tell them to wear a suit tell us about the banana foster it's uh made with a special applesauce we have some crystallized honeycomb we have honey meringue infused in a oolong tea from 1996. that's when i was born we're obviously gonna flambe it for you right here on the table so we're gonna have a nice fireworks oh really of course aren't you glad you subscribed oh i am stoked that i subscribed i'm excited so right here we have a uh a vanilla panna cotta whatever yeah he brought fire oh my goodness that's probably the coolest thing we've seen so far today that's good wow oh that's incredible fantastic i'm in love the middle jiggly thing carries the whole thing i will trade anything in this banana foster for these brownies these are insane these little balls those are hazelnuts oh i thought they were right after this we are eating a 50 000 steak and then 100 000 gold in ice cream the receipt's in a box and just you have proof that says 30 000 and then we left a 5 000 tip i'm gonna go pay the 36 000 bill i'll see you at the next restaurant this is our final restaurant we are about to eat 50 000 steaks and the 100 000 ice cream and you know the deal we brought a random subscriber in what's up william hello jimmy um before we eat the hundred thousand dollar ice cream we want your 50 000 golden steak so can you just tell us about that absolutely so our steak has been aged for four months we smoked it for about 15 hours we put it in a blanket of gold just to keep it warm and amazing we think it might be the most expensive beef in the world it's like gold tinfoil wrapped on it it's menacing oh my god that is beautiful it's like the geographic channel all right what is the trouble what is the trouble i'll skip with the truffle i'll have a little bit i've got a ton of white truffles so far i can imagine just like yeah like two grains okay the most expensive salt in the world oh my god you did it like that guy on the count of five take a bite one two five oh oh oh my god oh my goodness what this is so rich tasting if that's the way to say it i mean yeah the truffle's not bad on it this is good truffle we have a sauce that costs nineteen thousand dollars did you like it oh my god yeah sauce me up baby matsutake mushrooms with black truffle juice oh my gosh it's like steak sauce but 500 000 times better more please wow i am so glad i subscribed to mr b the best steak of my life we also have some caviar with potato cake oh so it's like a baked potato but rich people it's a loaded baked potato they were right it's so good oh wow oh my gosh i do like it in this video we brought tons of subscribers in to eat lots of expensive food and in the past we've had subscribers compete for cars houses even a million dollars if you're not already hit that subscribe button there's no reason not to and guys up next is what i've been talking about the entire video 100 000 ice cream yes as scary as this sounds we would like to try your most expensive ice cream the 100 000 ice cream with all the different sauces which i know get really expensive here for the love of god what am i looking at each one of those ice cream balls that you see costs over one hundred dollars a week we've got chocolate from south america made from chocolate bars that cost five hundred dollars each strawberries that are picked from japan flown over last night first class just for you boy from japan from japan we topped those strawberries in a bottle of 99 year old grape juice that cost over 20 thousand dollars oh my god every time you put one of those strawberries in your mouth it's 75 we have miniature candied peaches those are the little green parts each one of those peaches costs five hundred dollars for a peach here we have a wild huckleberry sauce each one of these spoons is gonna set you back about 50 bucks and with any sundae you're gonna need caramel sauce this one's gonna set you back about three thousand dollars that looks so good butterscotch made with some really really really fancy 50 year old apple juice this my friends is 45 dollars oh my god no way you're dumping forty five thousand dollars on top of the ice cream and there you have it guys a one hundred thousand dollar ice cream sundae okay i never thought i'd see it in person i personally don't even feel comfortable eating it so i brought in even more subscribers we have three random subscribers here two of my best friends guys enjoy the one hundred thousand dollar ice cream chocolate i need one of these strawberries each one of those ice cream balls were made with 500 chocolate bars and i just dropped it on the table oh my god oh my god wow that's so good oh my god that is a delectable oh that's amazing i can see a hundred thousand dollars right there try the baby peaches they're so good i'm blown away this is so good it's like the king of desserts honestly i can't even compare it to anything it's so crazy they do look really good jimmy nobody's gonna get mad at you nope i don't want it he's a man of his work all the boys over there seem to really be enjoying the ice cream and having a good time my personal favorite videos to film are the ones where we help other people but sometimes we gotta splice stuff like this in videos like this do help grow my audience so when i do give way more money i have more money to give away if that makes sense i just wanted to give a little context that's where i'm not a snob jimmy how is this my life thank you are you happy you ruined ice cream never going to be 15 000 for the steak and it's sauce and then a hundred thousand for that sunday so 170 000 800 and sometimes thank you for watching hit the subscribe button [Music] but i think it's here to stay
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 47,799,926
Rating: 4.946291 out of 5
Id: C680oxL__ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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