I Ate $100,000 Golden Ice Cream
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 47,799,926
Rating: 4.946291 out of 5
Id: C680oxL__ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Can you explain this further OP? English is not my mother language but I know Mr Beast. This post looks interesting
I honestly dont get his appeal or why people actually enjoy watching him
This is the logical endpoint of the current economic system. Why is anyone surprised? This bucktoothed everyman has found the absolute center of the bell curve and milked it for millions. Whatevs
In most of his videos he's giving away cars and stuff. This one was kind of an outlier imo
In response to everyone; wish fulfilment and because he’s a genuinely good person, he’s more than earns the right to take a video or two for himself and his friends once in a while
Jfc what did I watch. That’s megalomaniac as hell, why does this appeal to people?
Wow that’s disgusting 😂
It’s absurd to treat money like an illusion when, as MrBeast so clearly illustrates, it has a basis in reality, whereas it replaces the need to be stoic in alot of places in the lives of people who have difficulties doing so.
Would have been funny if it tasted gross.