Can You Taste the Difference Between Cheap and Expensive Chocolate?

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there it is the slim jim chocolate trying contest now we have three different types of chocolate can you visually tell which one is the least and most expensive well here they all are i'm gonna let you in on a secret this one is the least expensive medium and most expensive so we're gonna have to decide today whether my roommates ate in nick and slime can taste the difference whoever does well i'll show you what they get [Music] ready for y'all winner gets the slim jim savage belt from cutie cinderella who had it for the past month after winning the cheese competition was it as well as three hundred dollars in cash except i don't i have cash slimey cat we'll figure it out either way 300 in the slim jim bell uh that's what the winner gets and we'll see who wins today now my job is to make sure that they can't tell which chocolate is which the fronts have some like branding which they might be able to taste it do you know what i mean like if it's a really long brand name what if they could taste the brand name i don't know if i sound crazy or not but that's what i think they might do like use their tongues to feel the groups like braille of the mouth just trying to make this the most official bill nye approved experiment you can when i mix them up no no no this is perfect it's not mixed don't troll with me you know how hard it was to cut all that up i'm not an excellent cutter wait i'm mixing them up oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'm blindfolding you first sorry stop right there oh here i will not look at it i don't want to stop though darkness of your toe i'm scared of doing that well i'm walking together with you so there's no way for me i really hate subbing my toe but there's no way for you to stub your toe because i'm walking backwards first can we buy a mannequin okay this is um you need to face the stream okay so when you buy a mannequin a little bit what we're doing here is i'm gonna have you try three different flavors of chocolate okay okay don't touch my hand just keep your hands to yourself for a second i don't know where i am in front of you you have a plate with three pieces of chocolate on it yeah man now i want you to there's two pieces of chocolate that's all you get okay so you can you can try one and then go back to whichever one you want but i would just try the one in front of you to start it'll be direct center so that's your first piece of chocolate okay if you win this contest are they the same you can get them pieces of them there's two pieces of the same chocolate underneath it so just eat one for now that way you can get a a bearing i want to eat it fast because i don't want to my mouth to detect differences and maybe my tongue can also read the words on the chocolate because i'm very smart i cut it off three oh really yeah all right here we go [Music] i feel like because i'm a goddamned american yeah and i'm pretty much don draper okay um is he the most american person you can think of well because in particular the brand of chocolate that i'm most familiar with is very it sticks to me you know what i mean okay and this is not it all right all right well let's just go next then another two pieces in front of you i've turned the plate just okay that's obviously a bad way to do this bad way to just don't do it again okay just go really slow here fit a little closer to you yeah that's it that's it you're like the aliens from toy story hmm okay this doesn't taste as good as the one i just tried why would you say that it just doesn't it's like there's less there's less bite there's less chalky bite chucky bitey on wig okay you understand it i kind of do like you don't but i feel like that's the lowest end the mo the most inexpensive yeah all right well you have fun one final one then please grab your last piece of chocolate oh hey kitty man hey man let me get him in wow wow you just said wow you're in awe this is the most expensive wait whoa you just had two of them yeah okay they were the same right yeah yeah it was good i wanted more of it wow that that was the most expensive the one i tried second was the least expensive and the one i tried first was the middle most expensive is that your finalists my final answer i've never been more sure about anything in my entire god damned life okay said trucking pretty sure about that slime yeah you're wrong what about absolutely nothing whenever it comes to the second wait what stop because you were right that it was the least expensive okay the second one's least expensive but don't be stressed out because you got it that the other two contain the most expensive yes problem is you flip them really which means you only go one for three ah [ __ ] i do know my dog [ __ ] chocolate i'll tell you that you know that and i'm never gonna take it away from you yes sir what [ __ ] dirt tastes like yes sir the bottom of the world tastes like what dirt soil so true so true of you still a loser here today firm handshakes take it okay okay got salt so handsome okay so take off the blindfold you're so soft i kind of like it well emmen we're doing a chocolate trying contest if you win it you can win 300 in the championship belt oh the belt's up for grabs again well yeah it's it's like the super it's like the super bowl back in the mix or belts i think i need to uh i need to help this i'm sorry i need to help my grandpa just give me a moment it's all right one second all right chad we have to do this again my slicing techniques from the last one were pretty impeccable so chat here it is most middle wait oh no oh no i know i know i'm gonna figure it out just wait it was most middle least yeah i am in yeah i'm ready for you okay all right this is a knife don't hold it you're blindfolded okay all right ah oh yeah a good one so tall okay oh you're in are they all milk chocolate they are all milk chocolate yeah otherwise this would be weird contest yeah um i mean i'm i love chocolate in general okay also not very like picky like i do like eating nice chocolate sure on the occasions i've been able to try it and uh but i also like hershey bars i think from the way that sort of felt in my mouth i don't think that's the hershey's or like the cheap one okay next piece okay okay i'm developing a theory wow you can tell from the texture of this one this is definitely not the cheap one okay but i think a lot of what a lot of mid-tier chocolates do is they try a little too hard with the fanciness or the design on it so my gut right now is that's the medium one okay wow but i think i think this third piece will bring it together let's let's bring it home this is your last piece of chocolate this one feels like a little stickier does that mean something to you um this one tastes very good okay feels like you haven't said one tastes bad yet they all taste good right right i said like i'm not picky when it comes to chocolate sure um that one definitely tasted the best okay and it also was like a little yeah a little stickier the way it like melted in my mouth was like a little bit different can i try the first one again okay i feel like that's the cheap one i'm gonna say that is the cheapest chocolate that one okay and then the second one that i tried that is the mid-tier chocolate and then the chocolate that i said was the best i think that is the most expensive chocolate wow so i'm locking it in that's my take off your blindfold and shake my [ __ ] hand hell of a job you're tired of slime you only got one right it was a great effort so i'm on her it's cooter's time to shine oh cool getting involved just cut two pieces de-face them all right all right dude you take them over wait so you had two pieces yes this is your final rotating plate this is your final plate just remember where you put them all on your final plate you can also do it any way you want at the end of the day i need to eat chocolate and you need to know which chocolate's which i'll leave you to it this is not a competition for dogs i just thought of that all right let's see what we're doing here we got to use the knife cut chalky i don't want to melt it i want to get it grow and wash my hands got no papi it's an absolutely stressful day it's a stressful day guys do you know i [ __ ] on ludwig a lot for like being a content creator and like anyone can do it i am exhausted and all i want to do is lay on that joe downstairs and mindlessly watch stuff on my phone until i fall asleep this is hard and now i know that and now i have to give him credit and you don't know how much that hurts me i hate giving i hate giving him a w i hate when he gets a w no stop do not come oh what's up [ __ ] oh you're a little afraid you're always right just under your toe i'm not afraid oh no i'm walking isn't it scary isn't it scary to do that no i'm not scared why don't you come near me then come toward me come toward me maybe i want some yogurt yeah why don't you just come together you know what i actually don't want any yogurt no i'm just gonna walk towards you yeah just come toward me yeah hey did you hear about the celtics game why don't you come to where the plate is if you're so confident you're coming it's here a rush oh i'm coming coming yeah all right how i'm like where do you want me all right stay there you actually came pretty far pretty good what what's up uh you drop your glasses do you want to pick them up no because i put them there on purpose okay that's where i put them yeah you might step on him oh aiden how do you not know how to tie a man blindfold a man how do you know how to blindfold the man don't do this either god it's a skill you're gonna need one day i thought would be weird you're gonna need to know how to blindfold and bind them to me there you good yeah i'm good all right let's do this all right so uh in front of you i'm gonna scoot you over here your first taste test [Music] you seem kind of confident about what's going on here i don't know what that is oh it's chocolate can we go next yeah all right next one i when i put my tongue to it i was like that's the cheap one and then i bit into it and i was like because it doesn't taste like old fart hmm okay what do you think chalky boy that one little chunky boy it tastes smooth you know like a scotch okay so that's a fine scotch you say this is the same one yeah same one you want to give it another shot now you got you got the target and then finally i'm looking for a very specific taste on this one that i haven't tasted yet the final one okay wow i'm shocked and didn't get this you're shocked how do you know what it is it's cause he's canadian okay i think i'm picking up what you're putting down no they're all i took them off stop touching the plate you're being yeah you got chocolate hands now that's sticky hands okay yeah just use me that's fine can i give you my answer you can go ahead and give me your answer the last one that was the cheap one the first one i had that was the expensive one which makes the second one the middle one final answer lockheed we went from most expensive to least expensive hang out with one phone there was no chocolate it was all an illusion what you ate holograms this whole time you're living in a dream wake up ludwig do i sell subs no there's no subs you're a banker you've got a car accident you've been in a coma for fun waste the [ __ ] time for all of them yeah i thought i was the most sub streamer on twitch we've been trying to get to you for so long i had so much money yeah i was so rich yeah you it's all gone now hospital is insane where's my girlfriend the guy's name is okay all right let me for real though oh god i'm so [ __ ] mad at you my sweet piece of [ __ ] my sweets it went in descending order from most expensive to least expensive yeah i actually got them all correct yeah you you have beaten the competition unless nick ties you you're a piece of [ __ ] tired of giving you w's i gave you a w earlier i complimented you i didn't have to i'm so goddamn annoyed no you don't get this yet nick has to do it no do that this is us baby we did this we did this god you you you schemas your own competition to earn three hundo is it never enough ludwig if nick does get three for three he'll be the winner i won't i won't take it from i was just come here what i felt it what this medium chocolate has a ridge and i felt it you cheat but you you took your accolades first you took the glory first just so you could experience it's insane but i can't play he's insane he should have came clean right away i know i just took the glory i just wanted to be the king is all dude i thought i might have gotten it without the ridge too i just i thought to myself it was on you you know you did the bad cutting job it wasn't me i i i tasted it all good like i i knew the cheap one this is what he cares about he cares about the glory over everything else it drives him no i'm giving him [ __ ] psycho i'm key for vghs don't no do not make this about bghs you don't just get to make an analogy because you make friends with jimmy happy birthday man sorry 20 for that cameo get nick down here and have him tie so he can do a [ __ ] tiebreaker competition where i knock his teeth out that doesn't feel like a tie breaker now you look slow oh my bad you can put it in like more naturally they're just they're cool glasses oh so cool yeah i didn't want you to lame i want you to look cool and chill so this is going to be your first piece of chocolate what am i grabbing right here it's right there that is your yes there's two there you only need one right now if you want to go back we can go back to it can i try the others before trying that again no yeah that's the idea okay i'm just gonna go clockwise this yeah [Music] you think you know chocolate could no fair i don't think i do what's fair of you to say uh okay third one final one do you like chocolate yeah oh i think this is hershey's okay like this regular hershey's chocolate am i crazy i feel like chocolate though could be one of those things where like the more expensive it is the more like try hard it is cheese it tastes like not enough like preservatives and sugar yeah you know we we like the cheap chocolate cause they get they put the stuff that's bad for you in it yes yeah so the one i just had the last one okay yeah i think that's hershey's chocolate i think it's the least expensive the least expensive is the last one yeah okay the one i had before that the second one the second one i think was the middle okay or hmm hold on damn i'm gonna go with my gut even though i think it's wrong because of the whole preservative i mean but i'm gonna say that the no i'm gonna not go with my gun i'm gonna make a gamble i think the middle one is the most expensive and the first one is the middle you know what i mean yeah i guess you're saying yeah all right final answer yeah put on your hands what is this the belt are you trolling me though it's like controlling me take off your blindfold i feel like this is going to be a setup where i don't actually get this because i was wrong because i got all of them wrong i don't believe you i am not gonna pog because i'm pretty sure you're trolling me it's time to pog because this would have been yours if you want with your gut yeah gotcha you had it i had it but you took a gamble and because of that you went one for three nick one oh yeah that means you tied with aiden and slime oh i would have won that you would have won i knew it [ __ ] you had it right i went for a play you psyched yourself out i went for a play i know yeah but you can still win we'll have to develop a tiebreaker uh aiden slime you want him something fine yeah because he is such a defeatist what do you think amy's doing right now what guess looking up chocolate he's playing a valorent game because he said i've already lost there's no way i could ever claw myself back into the good graces of our lord jesus because he forfeits and we do this the old-fashioned way man on man okay no so you're gonna put his teeth in okay he brought it up earlier i told him he's not gonna do that i mean i'm wearing these so okay so we're gonna do this the old-fashioned way with the rock paper scissors shoot it's the best i don't wanna he's so much better at rock paper scissors it's the best of five this will determine the winner eamon forfeits via valorant game is it rock or is it a shoot or rocker it will be east coast rules rock paper scissors shoot can i strategize you can go crushing me you're rushing you can take 60 seconds you'd like to get water or think rock paper scissors one point nick oh we got it slowed down we got to make sure they know that's one point nick the virgin rock starter [Laughter] it's okay it's okay hard rock dude it you're doing great you can still win this all right rock paper scissors shoot slime wins scissors versus paper okay rock paper scissors shoot slime ones again scissors versus paper it's a repeat i think you're the matrix i'm inside your head and you see the code rock paper scissors shoot slime is our winner [Applause] i've never worn rock paper scissors against him in my entire life and that is not a joke that actually is not a joke i don't know how he's so good at it but i defeated him in kumate i think with the glasses he was weaker and that's not a cap i think he couldn't see in yours you're just stupid because he has worse vision everyone talks about you and how we don't like hanging out with you all the time you're a winner i'm the winner you get the pink sled the pink glasses i'm oh man hey well done nick it's a pleasure thank you very much do you want me to buckle it for you i'll call it for me i don't buckle it buckle me okay it's not even over this is like [Music] titanic [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 493,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: sZrx8tD9IwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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