I Bought Shroud.

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it's 2 a.m okay here's what's going on maya higa is a streamer and a wildlife conservatist concert conservationist conservatist is like republican right no okay she's a conservation and she's creating a sanctuary for animals and doing a fundraiser stream she's raised 337 000 today insane um and she's doing an auction where you can you know give something and then bid on it and then get that item the next item going on is an hour with shroud i'm going all in okay i just asked slime how much money we have you know just to see and he says please no with the screenshot of my stream title which is buying shroud i'm doing this on stream so i can write it off on taxes i'm doing this on streets so i can make a youtube video out of it after i spend like 50 000 for shroud oh look at this ludwig city's gonna put in his whole net worth i guess we're looking at a thousand each [ __ ] spooky febreze eat [ __ ] and die i will win shroud i will all right we're chat we are the the the biddings have been gone register for 2000. it's on it's on i'm telling you i'm not it's 15 thousand that's what i thought heroes for days fifteen thousand dollars when you're starting up the bidding heroes oh fifteen thousand three hundred by rizz we are starting fat mo lol with twenty thousand dollars twenty thousand dollars twenty thousand dollars do we go to twenty five thousand dollars mudwig i saw that you wanted i don't even see your name up there buddy we need to see ludwig's name up there right now at twenty thousand dollars do we hear ludwig do we hear anybody yo boys hey thank you guys so much for tuning in today it's been real it's been fun but god damn what a long stream we had whoa wow baby wow that was a [ __ ] good one just came to farm a few primers i appreciate that gonna be live again okay okay let's just strategize let's just strategize soda bet 31 000. i'm talking about chance that's what i'm talking about chance 31 dollars by soda holy [ __ ] soda is not letting himself be poor tonight thirty-one thousand dollars by steve okay i put in a bid i put it one thousand dollars thirty two thousand by lovely thirty-two thousand dollars okay let's see what sodapop is saying do we hear any higher than 32 069 soda pop and wanting his one hour with [Music] [Applause] shroud's paying 35 grand for himself bro just you have every hour with yourself what do you want give us one hour you can't put 35k on yourself this is unfair this [ __ ] got like 30 million dollars for mixer for like six months of work you know how many primes i have to farm do you know how many [ __ ] times i have to say boy he's having a double check to see if you have a prime available and this [ __ ] what was really good at cs go six years ago never won a major got signed a mixer for 30 [ __ ] million got all of it even though he did like a third of the work me out here in nine of fiverr oh god thirty five thousand and one dollar from sodapop and one one-upping shroud showing him how much money he really has is someone gonna out-bid soda i had to make a call yo hello let's talk amen business oh god i hate when you message me in all caps yo how much money do we have in the business account right now what no it's like a come on i just need okay i want shroud shroud wants shroud i'm watching the stream i know but i think if shroud sees me bet a big number he'll be like i want to hang out with ludwig and maybe we'll be friends from this oh god okay here's my question this is a tax write-off because it's a charitable donation since it's on stream is it a double write-off no why would it be a double write-off it's not double the money what are you talking about because it's for content so i you write it off but it's it's look if you spend ten dollars to charity and ten dollars on stream it's the same time right off it doesn't double no it doesn't double up that's fraud what if we change the number slightly on the charitable one and make it a little bit less that way it's less obvious again that's fraud okay is that that's a bad thing yeah it's okay it's another word for lying okay like everyone drops a white lie occasionally sure but white lies usually don't cost thousands of dollars okay and that's the difference and that's what the irs cares about okay i can make a video out of an hour with shroud and make back two thousand yeah okay and then when you write it off since i get it all back i'm technically making money okay let me try to explain this donating it as a charitable donation and donating and using it as an expense spend to you know make more money as a business it's still the same concept and it's the same amount of money so there's no double up and there's no especially because i know you're streaming right now we cannot discuss defrauding the irs live wow okay nor should we do it my chat's chill bro like they're cool you're being weird now so there's a lot of people in that chat watching you all chill all chill all hot right some of them are kids you're calling them hot okay that did you made it okay it's late anyway give me a number give me a heart stop a hard stop yeah but but but say a hundred dollars less than the hard stop and k oh my god i just won 40 000. it's 40 000 right now oh god i don't even know who the [ __ ] that is all right listen to me our hard stop write it down write it down write it down write it down write it down write it down okay i'll send it to you actually doing it all right okay what do you think of that [Music] that's kind of okay i mean i'm giving you that's a little bit of generous here okay it's a little bit of wiggle room but if you go over that you really shouldn't go over that okay that is understandable i will not go over that i'm gonna make a bid now don't look but don't do all that at once i know i'm not stupid i've bid for pokemon boxes before all right cool cool man all right all right i'm going big i'll talk to you in a bit okay see you on the inside all right 40 000 and one dollar let's go mod wig could be possibly swooping in forty thousand and one dollars holy [ __ ] no way forty thousand dollars from blood this is terrifying i'm so s there it is okay ray's 40 holy [ __ ] oh my god anything you want one hour why didn't it work anything you want oh no gaming gaming gaming gaming hour of shroud wait whoa whoa whoa whoa what's this gaming thing i thought we were gonna enter a discord call and play strip poker all of a sudden it has to be gaming what what do you mean gaming okay it's fine this is fine we're gonna bit 50 000 one dollar again chad this is for charity this is for maya she created a sanctuary this is a legitimate 501 c 3 whatever the professional charity is look think of the youtube video i spent fifty thousand dollars and bought shroud think of the youtube video i'm going for it i'm going for it can i can i not eisenburg why is it not oh ludwig really wanted that hour with shroud fifty thousand and one dollars um by the way guys i have been meaning to do this announcement for a while i am dropping merch as you guys know march 11th and i'm happy to announce the merch prices have doubled [Applause] it is now 100 per sweatshirt same sweatshirt same quality double the price ladies and gentlemen this is big congratulations to all of you i this might not be worth it man 50 000 and i could probably ask shrout to hang out and he'd be like yeah yeah sure lord wig we could hang out yeah you're pretty funny uh did you want to play like foul rant is is soda out [Laughter] you [ __ ] that'd [ __ ] we're going to make a big bet we're going to make it high we're going 52 000. are they willing to go any higher this is a great youtube video she's goading me into doing it no he heard me you this might be my last i i i i i hope this wins if this goes above 52k i don't know what to do i genuinely don't know how to send someone fifty two thousand dollars my credit card limits a thousand hopefully who the [ __ ] is this ryzen guy i should i need to put in a bet to scare them off listen i've seen some of these numbers on shroud's top donations of the day all right this isn't much 52 777 dollars for an hour with shroud ludwig is back in the biz ryzen's live he's a streamer what at 52 live he's a streamer he has 56 [ __ ] viewers where did you get 50k [ __ ] i don't know dude i'm just thinking about the content and like that'd be super dope bro oh my god i don't know what would be dope's partner somebody what is this what would i do with my hour with shroud it's like what would we not do you know what i mean an hour with shroud like minute one we share each other's deepest darkest secrets you know a minute too we talk about like i don't know like like our fears maybe minute three we play some games together minute four maybe i got outbid who the [ __ ] is amaranth underscore okay i i feel like some of these people are fake there's no shot at amaranth white knight is dropping 52k so does talking [ __ ] oh mr poor is talking [ __ ] from where his cardboard box ask him how the dial-up's going i'm sure i'll get the message next month yeah yeah real good [ __ ] talk down there look at that look at that whoo my fear is that this number is being artificially inflated by fake accounts who don't have the money to back it they're just donating and then i the fool in this situation drop like 10k more than i should but i guess it's for charity so more than i should doesn't really matter go halfsies with soda and do 30 minutes each have these with mr poor no shot no shot the only time he ever go happy is when he has to buy like a bus stick and he can't afford it i don't need to go half sies with that [ __ ] you out of your mind yo you gotta go in connor it's a lot of money listen it's a lot of money but think you got to think long term all right this is stroud you're talking about here yeah that's interesting it's not an opportunity but he gets an hour is shroud on like on the usual you know how much that goes for it's like 150. this is a deal right now that's a good deal i guess if you counted all the hours he was signed to mixer and how much money he made this is probably like literally a third of how much he made right and don't listen to what slime said you're completely right all right a business expense and a charity expense it works if no one's done that before it's a tax loophole in a way it's a loophole they don't know about it yet and you can show it right here yeah that's a good point um all right connor hey good luck all right thank you oh okay thank you hannah you best move the [ __ ] out of the way it's my shroudy rowdy now no way blood with a 53 000 bid it's getting it's getting high it's getting high hey what's up okay listen i know listen i super love maya and i want to give all your money to maya but i clicked over on that resin guy's stream and it's like his dream to play with shroud it's like his dream okay well his dream can eat [ __ ] and die it's mine but like you've played with shroud and i i have hannah's phone number i could just text hannah and i could just say hey can we set up a little play date i don't think you get what's going on here i am trying to be a shroud's new hannah okay what what about me it's gonna be me and shroud now cutie do you not get what's going on i'm paying 53 000 for this man i know but it's you just want to do it cause for fun but it's actually like resin was tough i love shroud uh i just feel so bad for him because he really wants it why are you trying to talk me out of this i don't know i really you're supposed to have my back why do you have verizon's back [ __ ] up i have i have i have wanted your back i'm not kidding the whole time i was like feed him to the wolves i was like i'll give ludwig extra money so then he can go above whatever slime said [ __ ] slime i said that i said it out loud but then i clicked on that rising guy stream and he was just talking about how he's like always idolized shroud and how his dream is to play with him and it hurt man it hurt all right so i'll let him give me 20k and i'll give him five minutes this helps oh when i get to 60 minutes i control the economy all right i can jack up the prices artificially because i have all the supply okay it's okay it's okay i just i just i just wait wait wait wait hold up i gotta listen to ludwig for 53 000 oh [ __ ] do i have to pay them oh i think i [ __ ] up i think i have to pay them yeah all right well insane i'm not helping you with any of that money we didn't go over the limit so i don't need that um do you guys want like okay i don't know if this is going to go through but i'm going to try right now i'm struggling to pay this yo hey just saw the stream great i i feel like i sent you a limit that that i said hey you shouldn't go over this in fact you can't uh can't do it yeah and what i'm looking at is that you that you did what oh okay dude you know what happened what happened i i actually i had flipped it in my head and i just read it well yeah because it ended with 999 so i read it backwards and just flipped it in my head like right okay okay yeah you've never done that before ever yeah you know i think it's a new thing it's a new thing yeah i've been on stream too much wow that sucks well too bad we can't go to the doctor to fix that because we can't afford that anymore wow you know we're gonna find out cause like i do because you understand there's a lot going on you know like the house there's a lot of construction like things that we pay for it may feel like the money is there but it's like actually not right yeah and that's so i'm how do i how do i pay them this amount of money oh my god send me the link i'll figure it out i want everyone to know that if you're a big streamer you can still be a child uh but extremely wealthy and that's what you're looking at right now is like a big rich baby okay you always call me big rich baby when i'm live on stream yeah it's because i mean it shroud dm'd me oh shroud followed me let's [ __ ] go sony you're broke you're poor i'm from the shroud now all right i'll let you have your moment i'll figure out the payment okay congratulations bud so how do i respond to shroud now this is like we're kind of like friends now they said i was crazy they said i didn't know what i was doing they said ludwig 53 000 even for charity even for a great cause is an absurd amount of money to spread with shroud shroud will never be your friend shroud will never ditch hannah become your lover well step one completed [ __ ] oh my god i leaked my dms oh my god oh [ __ ] oh was that on the screen oh no did you guys see it was just a friend who dm me [Music] i'm so embarrassed i'll say excited for our date wear something nice check cutie's tweet what's cutie's tweet yo ludwig i guess shroud is excluded yeah he [ __ ] is and we're more than friends we're best friends day ones road dogs it's always been me and shroud user soda poppin oh hold up looks like the name is wrong poor poppin now if he types his day will pop up his poor poppin what shroud say we'll work on that with our hour it'll be part of our hour we'll have him was this a dumb waste of money no chat because it all goes to maya's bird sanctuary that she's creating in texas and so it's actually pretty hype she's already raised 400 000 today all for a good cause look at that it's a shroud dm uh yeah we're friends now you know what's can i i'm gonna tell an embarrassing story so you know i've been trying to i don't know if i've told you i've been trying to set up this poker game with a bunch of streamers it's like a little project i've been doing and i've been trying to get like nine guys nine streamers to basically do like a poker game and i was thinking of good guys for it and i dm you know i got a few yeses few knows yadda yadda and i was like like oh you know i'll try to invite trout you know like we've done a few games in the past and cutie's like yeah it's a good idea it's a good idea but i couldn't dm him because we're not he didn't follow me on twitter at the time and we weren't friends on discord you say at the time like he didn't just [ __ ] follow you things have changed since then obviously our relationship has moved on this is actually embarrassing cutie's like oh i'll just message hannah his girlfriend and like tell him to like follow you and i was like okay cool a week passes she's like hey by the way did shroud ever follow you and i was like ow no but he's probably just busy she's like oh i'll hit a man i was like no you don't have to i think she does anyway nothing it's like another week passes it literally took fifty thousand dollars to get this done it would not have worked unless i did this 50k donut i will if he followed you would you have done this no if he just [ __ ] followed me we would have been fine we could have just played poker together it was like your mom taking you to school and being like hey here's here's my boy yeah my boy play with my son you're telling the other moms like hey can your kid play with my kid uh anyway let me message maya yeah what if shroud imagine shroud's a hard ass like imagine i get my hour worth shroud and he has a [ __ ] timer and we're doing some activity and he cuts me off time's up another 53k if you want the next hour pros vs pros [ __ ] eight rocket stands hey one time for the one this is me and shroud shroud with 5k what are they buying shroud puts up 5k for a one hour date with us fan but oh it's a date with s fans so that he can have it so funny dude wait so s fan gets a date with shroud for 11k and i spent 53k on the same [ __ ] thing what the [ __ ] i got scammed [Laughter] everyone's laughing at me now true okay um the next item that we're gonna do all right chet i'm gonna wrap up stream i'm gonna go live for at least [ __ ] 10 hours tomorrow we're gonna have um some fundraiser goal to recoup some of the money we lost uh who knows who knows but that'll be tomorrow boys thank you all for watching today what what is this okay when shrimp [Music] uh 11 000 to hang out with if it's not yet up on screen um you're my man very close [Music] you have a minute here to put in don't let this distract you from the fact that sodapoppin is still poor which is why chad we are going to be raiding soda he's a small up-and-coming streamer i really love his stuff he's been doing a lot of gta rp i think he's really gonna pop off in this world so we're gonna go ahead and rate him give him some love boys give him some love he surely does deserve it he's definitely gonna make it one day i feel that i feel that i'm out boys thank you all for watching i will see you all tomorrow peace oh you're poor you're poor you're poor it was a [ __ ] ludwig grade [ __ ] all of you yard is projecting in mad you're literally reaching up to a [ __ ] giant ass building trying to punch upward and you can barely reach you poor [ __ ] [ __ ] all you thanks for donations though it means a lot [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 2,102,129
Rating: 4.9621825 out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: PHEIkwaZ5vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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