Astarion's Actor Plays Baldur's Gate 3 - Part 1

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oh holy [ __ ] it's happening it's happening it's happening hi we're here it's me apparently how exciting how exciting he's on camera so hi folks if you don't know who I am just stumbled into this some reason uh my name is Neil newborn I'm an actor performance capture actor and voice actor in games predominantly uh I play Starion in this game which is balls get three which is [ __ ] awesome uh and with me is my pal and your old man wizard that you haven't seen for 20 years occasionally comes into your village basically destroys your life with a simple couple of sentences of let's go on a [ __ ] adventure and then proceeds to literally systematically piecemeal take away every dream you and aspiration you've ever had so you can throw some [ __ ] tarnished ring into a volcano Tom DeVille true loving you um your sound is you can't see it but I blew a beautiful ship a magical ship of smoke away um yeah everybody hello hello hi folks so welcome back here now we have many many technical issues that will all happen throughout this entire stream we're gonna get started in a minute but right now I'm just trying to destroy the music um we're gonna set up beautiful bangables music I don't know I'm sorry go ahead oh well I was just gonna say we also have a tabletop RPG that we do about once a month yeah that's true the Vagabonds and that was the music from um so yeah I like you on this side idea we have our first technical hitch your voice is going like robotic it's going quite romantic like this it's going a little bit that so it might be a headphone issue maybe put your headphones on I don't know hmm yay technical issue number one I don't know what you know how to do about that but let me try that sure if you as you play around I'm going to say a few things before we get going uh so firstly welcome everybody to our very first the beginning the first chapter in fact the character creation and then the first hour or so I guess of gameplay in balls gate three I have been waiting for weeks to play this I played a tiny bit of early Alexis and I haven't had any chance to play it properly apart from that I had to play EA because obviously I was doing mocap and creature work and directing as well on the game but I'm so excited to play this game I'm a huge [ __ ] Fanboy as I know you are Tom uh whatever you did Sir that sound is a lot better now that's great hmm I think it was the earphones are just not connecting one another um so yes we are both Fanboys we're both really looking forward to it first and foremost uh huge hello to everybody in chat if your first time here welcome welcome and huge uh thank you to the mods who are helping this on the Discord Channel and also on our stream we are not professional streamers we are amateurs lovers of best uh I'm an actor director producer and Tom is a director writer and show runner as well uh both of us have our professional work this is a the thing that we do for a lark and we really enjoy the fact that there's a big Community gathered around us doing this year which is really fun um so huge thanks to the mods as well uh Tommy lead us with some shout outs I believe and I'm gonna uh just hang on a second I'm just gonna do about three things at once hey hey all right give me a minute give me a minute okay I should do juggling and Dazzle them or something uh yeah so on that note uh I'm gonna go through the rules of the playthrough uh myself and Tom are playing as a party of two with companions uh Astorian is going to be a companion for the entire playthrough the reason is that I always think it's best to start a playthrough with the starian as a companion because you'll see more options if you're actually playing a Starion you already know some of the story because that's the way the the conceit is you're actually playing his story in his life so we're keeping him as a permanent companion which means we're not going to be playing Rogues uh that's a that's a big No-No um other also in other news we are going to we've already spoken to quite a lot the va's and so they're not actually voice actors per se they are performance capture and voice actors the actors the cast of ballscape 3 and a lot of them are going to be joining us sporadically over the next few I was about to say years over the next while whenever long it takes to finish the game uh um joining us and we're going to be interviewing them we're also going to be interviewing some people from malarian as well and also some of the directors on this as and when we get availability so that's it um we're not I don't care about saves coming like [ __ ] it whatever the only thing that we're going to be saves coming really is a starring choices because we don't want him to surreptitiously leave uh because he's like that isn't I'm like that sometimes I just get [ __ ] off like a cat and just Waltz off so to avoid that we're not doing that it was safe's coming scumming saves uh we're doing that I give a [ __ ] you know he's a pickle pickle vampire he's I know I like the term complicated Tom I'm complicated so that's it so that's the idea that's the setup um not sure how the Dynamics of people joining us for play uh whether they um can join in as companions I'm not entirely sure that works in multiplayer so we'll see how that goes over the next few sessions when we have interviewed people in but hold fire we may not they may not be able to play this we're not sure um yeah that's about it man we're both very excited slash nervous about this because we've been waiting a while Tom you've been very patient with me performance yeah man yeah well you know we have to get so I took it I had to get a whole new set up it's like a whole new rig that's rigged love Yeah rig love uh and thank you to everyone basically the shout outs they're going to give us is to everyone who's been subbing and re-subbing uh just today taking loads thank you so much someone who is always very generous with something but never liked their name mentioned to the unmentionable thank you we salute you directly uh I think this man you've got to send me an invite yeah we'll do many things so first I'm going to do is turn up the volume because the volume is now going through this computer as well I just don't want to drown us out so Folks at home if it's you can't hear us talk or it's a bit too much let me know and I'll adjust the volume but I do need that apparently I am a bit quiet a bit quiet Tom a little bit quieter well don't be bashful to me how about this WOW uh someone's suggesting we make sure to turn off uh character nudity because we could get banned oh really what no surely not really can you get a twitch Battle For That oh it's actually correct or is that someone's just being extra careful continuity character new gbg3 twitch because that was kind of the thing you can turn up by the way oh well as long as I've turned you up to maximum darling you have to turn it on your side oh okay um so while you can turn off genitals and unity in bg3 settings twitch's terms of service is fairly lacks about nudity in games as long as it's not the focus of the stream so as long as we're not staring at the at the [ __ ] we're we're going look at that let's talk about this I tell you what Tom says [Laughter] life painting now look at the shape of the foreskin you'll notice that's more bizan time in its nature striking back from the 15th century when it was very much in fashion uh yeah we're not doing that so I think it's okay man I think it's I think it's all right okay I mean they haven't said do not [ __ ] do it you will destroy everything it's just said that as long as it's not the focus it's in a game we're not like use it's also flaccid darling it's not going to be um edit attention so I think we're okay and now we're making it the focus of the [ __ ] stream okay so it's moving on for that I'm gonna leave it on and see what happens because [ __ ] it um class yeah exactly exactly so I think it's okay um so we'll leave it on um again uh not not seeing anything like you must absolutely not have it um foreign let's just [ __ ] do it uh yeah if it's if it's all apart [ __ ] it we're making way too much of this let's just go now is the focus of the string so anything else that we need to talk about um oh yeah by the way if you liked the theme music um that's something we put together for the fact we used um royalty free music we do name check the artist uh because it's important to do that we haven't done it here because we shouldn't have time this is a last minute thought that we had uh we name checked the artist on our Vagabond Chronicles playthrough which is one fancy role play I'm the dungeon master if you don't know what that is check out our YouTube coming uh it's going to be starting probably I didn't know in a couple of months time after we get through the most of this um because we do a role play session with inel Tomlinson he's from Horrible Histories and also from Final Fantasy 16 Jess uh Jess nestling who's an amazing actor who's also in um not only 140k dark tide she's also in this game playing character if you haven't played it I'm not going to tell you which character is but she's [ __ ] iconic and she's great so it's them you just heard her beautiful voice in on the song as well and he just heard a singer yeah yeah quite extraordinary so uh that's it there are a couple of rules that Tom and I discussed between us uh doesn't really make a difference to you folks I want to say thank you very much for everybody joining us and away we go and away we go Tom let's go Tom let's skip into danger why not someone turn the music off if it gets too much let me know but let me put up a little bit all right okay okay uh you've got to send me your name doing it [Music] I [ __ ] love this game and nothing is happening [ __ ] uh hang on let me show it to you in multiple our friends uh okay I might have to restart immediately it doesn't seem to be working all right well everybody talk amongst themselves for a second this is not working all right I'm just gonna uh get rid of the verse for a second I might have to just uh just restart this because it doesn't seemed to be working buddy uh where is this where are we concept is working it was just being really lazy no it looks like it's crashed all right give me a second folks we are going to be back into this in once yeah oh fantastic away we go crash the desktop oh yeah that works that works that's [ __ ] tracks that's one point like I said folks we're armitive here mate um anyway very quickly while we're trying to eat up some timings to save ourselves where are you all from countries only possibly States for some reason Americans always put States um as well as fine and just let us know where you're coming from because we like to know where everybody is today uh plus if you want to check out in Germany England New Jersey Canada Jesus very fast Wyoming murfia Mafia USA usually czaria Germany Italy France San Francisco Russia Pennsylvania great we are we're India we have the we have a lot of the world here right now representing which is great because we're all human beings this is a very inclusive space uh one note on that folks we're highly inclusive um there is maybe it's not welcome here apart from Boris Johnson Rishi sunak uh Trump uh Putin and uh also brother man they're not welcome here everybody else is cool all right so we're back in we think let's try this one more time I will invite you sir I would invite you all right fingers [ __ ] crossed eh okay looking like it's doing a lot better it's a lot happier now I think all right here we go all right so we are now inviting friends I've invited you you invited darling rather actually you should write me that way you have no power of me okay I think it's working dude it's not working yeah it's working you're in [ __ ] a dude that is working I need to change my picture this is like from uh uh this is from an indie game which I can't remember the name of it it's really funny it's [ __ ] hysterical um I remember the name of it now it's very very funny if I remember the game I'll tell you um it's very funny because it plays with story it tells us Concepts and plays all this kind of stuff all right so you need to be ready get ready yeah I'm doing this foot forward and all that people are waiting I'm ready all right so number of slots I think we just need two question for the chat if I put it to twos I'm gonna [ __ ] us if anybody else wants to join us I guess it is right how does that work is it gonna [ __ ] us if we put it down to two from four yeah it will so I'll just leave it at four leave it at four leave it at four uh Invitation Only and let's go [ __ ] hell yes yes right now yes all right we're in it it's perfect cinematic time I love this cinematic holy [ __ ] because my mind players are one of my overtime favorite monsters holy [ __ ] [ __ ] it's been four [ __ ] years dumb oh this is an emotional moment oh man I love this guy and this is this trailer came out about three years ago for you three years ago amazing really well done I can't remember the name of the company that did it but it was just brilliant but it wasn't trailer Farm it's somebody like that yeah very good statistics I like that he got like the naughty tadpole who's like causing trouble uh you're coming with me a reality tab ball yeah come here you come here you stop screaming there's no sound 's low for the game oh my God uh audio is very low sorry about that folks let me see if I can punch it up a little bit [Music] is that better that's better okay good [Music] oh no this is actually Tom DeVille he didn't know that he mocha that was that one I yeah I played that I played that that little Hypersonic screen with me yeah actually I did get to mocap uh a mind player okay so here's the thing before this is gonna take a bit longer than it normally would because I want to go through a few things with all of you folks uh I need a little bit of BTS now so I actually got to do all of the orange hello Hello darling how are you wonderful to see you um so I actually did all the mo cap for the all the introductions for all the characters I worked with uh Greg lidstone uh Leah Caldwell and Thierry who is the lead animator at Lorien and between us we created um all of the in not the not the words we didn't write it but we took the writing and then we did all the body I did all the body doubling for all of the characters including the dark urge for this introduction scene we also did that with the races and also with the classes so I'm going to show you little bits and pieces of this because it's really [ __ ] cool I'm really proud of it so I'm just going to show you the introduction stuff a little bit so you get to see a couple of them all of them and then we'll show you little bits and pieces of the classes and then we're getting here yeah Thomas you're going to also um uh be making your own character while we're doing this and then we're going to talk you through what character I'm making okay so I'm going to play this introduction so yeah almost 80s I'll surprise in terms you move forward introduced just like you very cool very fun so I know a story is a vampire but was he originally an elf or was it with the other pointy ears vampire is no the ill uh the the ears no the ears are very much um uh elf ears and okay yeah still saying that the game will be louder yes the game it will be louder but right now it's not going to be folks until I sort out something this end um I definitely can actually do that or not but let's see if we can oh I can yeah okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna increase the volume here sorry about that folks that's why I was asking everybody uh we're gonna try it here but I don't want to make it so like I can't hear Tom yeah uh let's try okay so I'm going to show you so let's let's if you want to look through yourself you can uh but I was doing uh let's say carlex stuff all this stuff here and uh story uh which is a funnel I really like probably Gales on that's kind of fun this is Tim Downey he's amazing so I was doing I had to watch their performances and then recreate it for this which is kind of cool and also their body language and stuff [Music] you find yourself in the presence it was like confused to be there for a second and now he's okay now he's on top of things yeah why is this music it is low it's weird isn't it better thanks to a slight miscalculation on my part that relationship eventually soured and did the greatest of my Powers now I'm merely a humble wisdom it was fun so we have to find different movements using less Tim's performances of bass and then uh go into the actual story of this particular instruction the conceit being obviously that the table is talking with them and finding out who they are cool okay that's enough of that so then I very quickly bought what's up okay just put on security today people are asking is this wrath again rat again imagine a really shabby version of Gail yeah he just fight tail if he slept in a hedge for a year that would be radical exactly yeah so here again folks we did all these different ideas for creating like halflings and we based it on physical a physical attribute they have so the Gnomes have little itchy feet so they're sort of a little poppy um so that was the idea behind this was to like create um an identity for the race based on the kind of big things about them because Yankee is sort of stoic and very like kind of stuff uh so that was the idea um then we also had I'm gonna actually I'm actually gonna play a half hour but this I already know before so there's got this sort of like a slight Swagger to them for being like you know um a combination of human and elf uh sub race I'm definitely playing a Wood Elf so I have an idea of the character I want to be um to show you some other classes next so these ones are really fun as well because we have this great idea of of these effects and stuff that we're trying to get into it so Thierry and I worked in Ghent together um to then come up with these ideas to sum up these different characters so obviously you know in a very straightforward way which was actually harder little thing um it's really fun so cool now I'm actually going to play I think I'm going to play a druid yeah so heart health is what I want to play because there's a lot of advantages it's not the most imaginative race to play don't give a [ __ ] I'm just gonna do it anyway but I want to play Druid because I really want a wild shape I think Druid is really fun well you're quite fond of playing elves like in in RPGs aren't you you're quite an LC I've always played a whole girl I've always actually that's actually my go-to for Dean D and also Warhammer I've always played the Harville that was kind of my thing I always got fascinated with those the idea of two different oils emerging in one person I think is really cool so yeah you're right yeah often do I very rarely get to um get to be a player usually a DM or GM uh okay so I'm a druid wood elf uh half elf because I'm pretty sure what else is going to give me some bonuses Fleet foot movement's very useful for Druid I think uh can trips all right we've got it it's like somebody somebody's very drunk trying to get more drinks all right I've got and I thought it's useful if I remember because you can pull people in however guidance early on is going to be probably more useful and this thing is quite useful to just bludgeoning damage and it Tran it makes me a little clap it makes my my staff whatever into a magical item so I'm gonna keep that for the moment uh produced flame could be used for me not sure distance but I don't really know that right now poison spray is cool but not sure everyone is so useful right now so we're going to background uh we've got acolyte Insight religion exceptions not really not really I mean I might be a criminal but I'm not going for a criminal acrobatics performance um Outlander Athletics survival is probably going to be very useful [Music] oh okay interesting yeah I'm gonna play I'm gonna play them as a female uh because I want to I think it's comical I want to try that so they are female and they're going to be incredibly tall uh I think I'm gonna go folk hero is kind of fun animal pet all the dogs maybe uh what else we got so I'm thinking folklara now or oh I'm thinking folk hero maybe animal handling survival [Music] yeah maybe insights useful for this this nature obviously survival is useful uh what do you think folks are we on the right track for a druid build [Music] yeah I think so I think we're on this one I think this feels right either or an Entertainer which I think is kind of fun good Artisan persuasion persuasion could be useful persuasion could be quite useful and animal handling I think some brilliant folk hero folk hero definitely folk hero all right so Focus what we're doing imminent danger although it may end up actually like betraying them so I don't know yet insight's very useful persuasion is very useful as well ah what do you think I'm gonna go I think I'm gonna kill the Artisan actually I think persuasion is a very useful skill in this game [Music] how you doing Tom how's your character I'm just I'm just messing around with my character with my character now I don't but people can because I don't think we can swap over so that people can see me build my camera but I'll be able to I'll be able to see you after this I'll be able to have a look at your parents as well when we get into the game yeah I think when we get into the yeah I think I need to buff oh my dexterity is nerfed apparently why is that can I live with a Charisma of 10 do you think what is good and what is good and Dragons is it's 10 good 10 average average I don't know what I want to do what I want to do is like constitutional dexterity buff um um all right I'm gonna I'm Gonna Keep with Charisma of 12. it is quite useful I guess but I kind of want I need to buff my dexterity and Constitution at some point I feel I think the dexterity would be more interesting than Constitution maybe well the Constitution's Constitution is maybe who hates who I'm not sure whether it's pretty [ __ ] bad uh although Constitution's Health isn't it it only gives me like meh really okay I'm Gonna Keep Constitution at 14 dexterity 15. saving throws maybe maybe they're right maybe I should do this dexterity at 14. he's 30 40 okay strength fee I'm a bit of a weakling so don't challenge me to my arm wrestle anytime soon please Tom um dexterities 14 Constitution is 15. uh yeah so yeah maybe I don't think I can go any higher on wisdom this is the maximum right now I think I can get bumps later I believe Okay so we've got string feet dexterity 14 Constitution 15 with a bonus uh intelligence eight [Music] she's a bit of a dummy she's a bit of a dummy now I also have an intelligence of Faith right now all right I'm actually well we're both what do you say I also have an intelligence face not that smart they're both pretty dummy we're both dummies all right I'm going to do something else I'm gonna I'm gonna do I don't think I can create something else increase my intelligence with my strength huh [Music] I'm gonna increase my strength slightly because I feel a little bit embarrassed by being shrink baits all right so at the moment chair we've got strength nine dexterity 14 Constitution 15 with a bonus uh intelligence H is a bit of a dummy um wisdom is 16 which is a minimum you should have for a drude I feel and Charisma is now 13. um yeah so I think that's pretty good at the moment [Music] maybe I'm not sure I'm not sure where they do this but I'm slightly terrified so terrified tourism of 13 I'm not feeling good about that [Music] I mean you know what [ __ ] it I'm Gonna Keep it I'm Gonna Keep It reasonably easy so it's going to be 10 strength 12 Charisma which I think is the minimum Mentor is 13. I think it's fine so and it has the same modifier um I think so that's what we're doing for that okay cool cool cam trips we've got sorted prepared spells all right I definitely want Thunder Wave a [ __ ] goodberry is [ __ ] I hate doing phrase all right uh entangle very useful uh Q wins is that's a touch one so I wonder if there's oh I like the leap one when you're taking a Lead Animal French is oh you know for a second I thought the animal friendship with somebody licking the nose of a dog you see that I genuinely thought it was like it's like if you look at it like that right so I'm taking tilt to animals anyway because that's way better and way more fun um I can also be an animal I should take healing words are you planning on dying a lot [Music] my character's got quite a lot of healing by the way let's go up my character's got quite a lot here oh really oh [ __ ] it though I'm not taking any healing I'm being selfish what do I want to do okay so um my advice is go uh aggressive oh like like attack magic type stuff got Thunder Wave already uh that's cool nice I was going to take enhanced leave but I don't need it right now I feel uh very far is kind of useful sort of but not amazing the ice knife is pretty awesome is that uh it still explodes it has a range of 18 meters I'm gonna take that that's pretty [ __ ] badass yeah okay so animal friendship meh don't care about that talk to animals we have ice knife is very good uh Thunder Wave is great and entangle is very useful too so that's what we're going with right now now we have to edit the appearance so female uh which voices we got well what was that male voice let's hope the locals are friendly yeah hell's something just woke up down here no be wary this place is trapped what do you think uh I'm looking hang on hang on a second is Magic I like it yes I like this one what do you thinking for hair oh the hair we're gonna get to in a second uh body type we want where's the body type one oh that's a different one we're a very tall female which is cool so she's pretty she's pretty she's pretty she's pretty uh okay so then we have to look at facial structures which is [Music] like this it's nice pretty yes I like this one this is cool all right let me go over this um I think we can change quite a lot of stuff so scarring definitely some scars because she's going to be badass a bit much yeah that's a bit much Mr Beer kind of this is pretty [ __ ] cool uh skin tone I'm gonna make a tiny bit more I like that actually kind of like the skin tone she was on already um cool so this is maturity she's very old uh make her a little mature she's incredible Tommy she's got wackos she's got lots of freckles which we like I like the freckles I like the freckles intensity oh she's freckly I like freckles freckles are good um firstly you know I'm gonna do that uh okay very quickly don't look folks real quick uh we're just gonna go for I don't know what this look like so I'm just gonna be real quick real quick real quick real quick real quick there's so many choices uh that's actually not that many okay we're gonna go over this one we okay we're everybody here tell me you still here we're still here yeah I'm working on my character right now all right I'm working on I did it real quick I did it real quick so it's not the focus of what we're doing it's part of the game nobody looked you didn't say anything right excellent great for you I think what are you hiding there uh I was oh I could have hit it I could totally have hit it I could have put one of my videos in the way I'm such an idiot I'm gonna do that again all right so where's my video I'm gonna do this now I can look at my now we can all enjoy this is how um yeah I'm trying to look at that now I can actually look and see if this is the one I want yeah we're not supposed to lead you on that I'm not leaving all you can see is my face it's just me like this all right so we're putting my clothes back on so as far as as far as they know over the bottom because that is it's perfect dude it's part of the game it's fine uh all right so that's good so we've done that bit which we didn't know creating your character to uh to check them out in the in the nude is that is that part uh yeah it's part of the entire process isn't it you have to check everything out about them I like the question I need I haven't looked to this can you check out the origin characters in the bus uh at this point at this juncture I don't know I'm not sure maybe maybe I think I can definitely check their underwear I've heard that's the thing I've heard about uh General voice [Music] uh it's cool we've got some Face Art which is awesome some piercings are we okay we need to we need to go with our hair we need to get their hair out of the way uh what we got yes oh Tom Tommy checking it out oh I like it I like it I like it man that's very cool I'm not even exploring the other ones I'm already sold on this this [ __ ] great all right hair color more fun [Music] you look like you're basically a supporter of the Mind players I that's why it's like a little um that's like it's like you know it's up for grabs kind of thing you know this is me as if I was a woman this is what we're doing going for right now which is kind of cool uh no grain green natural whatever I don't know what that is facial hair we're gonna give her a beard yes [Music] no beard all right I think it might be problematic like getting like I don't know it just people may think we're not taking this seriously uh I don't want to do big so that wasn't the conception ahead of my head although maybe my next round I'll definitely do that I think um so we need piercings though cars and stars look cool look at this oh that's pretty awesome it's like Thorns okay fastened Stars as well at the moment oh they're very good I really like the fact that um you can also play uh Trends in this which I think is amazing um and you can also have there's also um gender fluid non-binary um pronoun and my character is my character is non-binary oh your character's non-binary excellent very cool so yeah we have a then very good um yes and I also love the fact that they included that in the game I think it's amazing Lauren are awesome like that and you can be whoever you want and romance whatever you want that's very cool all right so we're getting we've got my characters getting getting there and she's I'm gonna give them heterochromatic eyes story my character um very cool oh it's very Bowie I'm into it all right so we've got green and brown eyes a very earthy colors as well um yeah okay what do you say I said we're both blowing plants yeah we're just honoring Bowie in our in our five trees all right this is looking awesome very happy happy with all the choices here body Arts uh body art no don't need to do makeup actually she's got tattoos all over that's fine hair we're loving and facial hair again spell judgment we're not doing version uh okay so I need to do I need to do her name right what do I do a name yeah so it's for some reason it's not like you you win that first tea That's when you go to the name but for some reason I've got something that comes up that says choices ended and I don't know what that means Maybe [Music] um right okay yes okay I gotta get my voice I'm gonna double check all my choices because that would be something to do the the edit appearance I guess voice for yep uh cool okay I'm proceeding quicker than I thought man all right karlak how dare how dare you die um okay I gotta think of the name ah man what's your name dude this is gonna be a problem they don't want letting me oh is it my client get out anyone in chat Knows Why having me the choice is pending and um hmm lots of suggestions mummy Stompers Mommy we're trying to be vaguely like fakely cool about being serious about this sort of um oh Bowie I like that you see Bowie oh that might I'm not sure about that Bowie what do you think folks Bowie so Belle apostrophe w [Music] ow yeah I like it you like it you mean it it on it yeah like it totally it'd be like this Bowie can we deal with it there's another thing [Music] I like does she have a last name or the sugar one sir last name was just literally no she's a Jewish very much like your character in The Vagabond she just like grew up in a hedge like that those were like the syllables that she made that was the first thing she said [Music] as she was born an owl bear or something the Outback gave her that name um like somebody found her and gave her the name and then she took their surname yeah well like an Albert gave her the name an Alba so Barry Albert yeah yeah I like eating before probably elbow really [Music] like that I mean [Music] are we spelling are we spelling Bowie the wrong way are we therefore yeah okay uh people some people they're mixed they're mixed opinion yeah some people are like yeah some people are like [Music] owl but with a like an e but o w e l i quite like that oh very old I like that oh yeah or just no no last name about low last name Bowie because it's like it's still within the rainbow it's still in the Realms of like high fantasy but we know where it's a nod to do you know what I mean I love it yeah I'm gonna go with Bowie she's got no surname she was just found all right all right uh I can't remember if I choose to be no I guess that's it yeah all right uh what kind of Guardian we're gonna have all right oh yeah what kind of carving now are you gonna have cut I love the drows don't you just love a drow s you weren't a drow they are the edge Lord um what about tiefling yeah that's gonna get confusing I'm gonna go drown a very shrinky drill uh lost Swan drow all right let's do that uh uh let's do female as well uh voice one [Music] your instincts don't be afraid nice you can do that pretty yep but dark ever happens so cool oh I didn't know you can seriously oh man I want to go back now uh I think I could really add those yeah I'm getting back you can do what yeah edit the appearance of uh the Guardians yeah I'm gonna give her the same scar that I've got yeah uh freckled no freckles uh I might give I might give them uh Vitiligo I can't pronounce this very well it's illegal yeah why not yeah I think it's called they represent people that have that pigmentation uh difference as well it's very nice all right so they have as we go a little bit [Music] we go nice that's cool um I think it's really cool so we do that uh eyes red I guess they always have red don't they because they're drow makeup let me do some makeup hair kind of like what we went on actually I foolishly changed it Matt yes liking this that's pretty cool all right all right so hair color [Music] yeah okay [Music] Okay cool so this is my uh this is my guardian I think it's awesome very cool very beautiful nice okay um highlight intensity what's that I don't have to turn up highlight intensity I don't know what that is I have no idea what that does oh this thing oh there you go oh that's cool oh I didn't know you could do that okay oh yeah wow we're only thinking we're liking the blue Tom purpose or the purple Maybe I like the haircut it's very good like I liked I like the purple yeah all right awesome digging it look at that it's my that's a very cool guy already all right I am ready to rock and roll sir are you as well uh I am just I'm sorry I'm just fumbling around with my [Music] Guardians I see Tom you're fiddling around with your guy here on Twitch I thought we had just had a conversation about that all right we are good to go [Music] today we're heading in all right heading in all right let's [ __ ] do it I'm gonna turn down the music after the cutscene because honestly it's just I can't hear anything to do that um actually what I might do is switch over something in a second just to make it a bit easier it's [ __ ] Venture afford it's like back with my employer off he goes beautiful um uh you may well have the uh yeah you mean I guess if you [ __ ] around long enough just wait for that tablet to explode yeah you know what I mean oh my God yes yes [Music] [ __ ] Dungeons and Dragons [Music] oh my God I'm curious what town this is I know I know this is set um 200 years after the first games I think or about 100 years to set a while after first game oh so okay maybe Bolton's gate actually bald skate this is actually going to say this is [ __ ] yeah foreign foreign yes so good as he got heartburn sorry this is so cool I love how this kind of that mechanism foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good oh wow I guess it's your character right I forgot this is like the extended bit there's a this is the extended bit of cinematics which is pretty awesome as well wow yes yes dude yeah and Press Start that's what happens when you press the start button only [ __ ] [ __ ] dude wow all right there is one thing I'm going to adjust oh I haven't seen this but this is new I haven't seen this this is a I didn't see this in Early Access this must be new oh cool I think I did this and smoke either I or Josh Richard or maybe Sasuke Allen actually one of the mocap team I've done that but one of us might have done that all right I just need to change something real quick uh because because the sound is a bit too much for me so if you don't mind folks I'm just going to change the sound to make it the speakers of this computer as opposed to in the in the attribute here because it's a little bit too much so I'm just going to do this for a second don't worry we're not going anywhere I'm just going to change a setting because I think at the moment it's going to drive me a bit mad can you please let me know if you can hear this okay because it will definitely help me it's on better is that okay hear that is that okay all right yeah that's all right cool [ __ ] me it's full this game all right so we'll check you out who the [ __ ] are you as for a Torah Trail Gloria Victoria well I am a uh tiefling Paladin oh nice very cool my whole back story is that I was found as a wee baby in on the on the steps of a monastery um humanoid demons and the monastery instead said like someone in the monsters put me in and basically said I'm gonna train them and they're going to become like a a sort of Fighter for the monastery very cool um so they trained me up but everything about me everything about my character is is very like whether I'm going with that like my training or whether I would break out and basically like there's a real conflict in my character between good and evil like no way that my demon side will come out or not like um makeup and everything ready oh that's really cool and um and like um yeah like I've also got the Hedrick home here like because of the two sides of my character and you're playing in non-binary character as well so they are and non-binary and yeah yeah they them excellent very cool so we have uh my character so this is your character which we've examined I'm just gonna have a quick look at my character so this is Bowie uh or Bo for shorts uh her nickname is Bo I like that I like bow sure Bowie is her actual name but Beau is her nickname so if you want to call her if you're friends you can call her bo uh she's very tall uh she's pretty she's pretty [ __ ] she's pretty hot quite soon we're both pretty kind of big you know she's really but she's a big she's a she's a tall girl she's a big girl uh yeah so Beau uh is a half elf wood elf uh she's a druid uh she was found uh she's a foundling um she was raised they found her with a pack of wolves that razor and then that's where they gave her a name of Bowie because actually all the Wolves would have a particular so we people found them the Wolves came around her and started protecting her and the Wolves uh would do this and like that and she would finish it with the kind of song because she was a baby and so the people that found these Farmers nicknamed her Bowie and the name just stuck uh she didn't she likes it to a point but she knows what the history of it because she doesn't she didn't know what happened to the pack of wolves where she was told they just fled but she has an inkling that maybe something bad happened to the walls and that the farmers did it she was raised not very well um she was raised um uh a tough love but not very much love more like just tough uh and they they didn't treat her that well if she's more like an extra Farm her when she came with age her childhood before that was pretty free and and basically just was by herself quite a lot and she has an affinity with nature she spent a lot of time in nature um she never found the pack of wolves though that she's from the forest was quite far away so she never actually managed to get back that is the rough backstory of who bowie is um this is my character she is Druid uh I'm gonna play it here what skills have you got I'm gonna have a look yeah just the last bits of details just Minor Details of her I'm playing she is she her um playing her as a pansexual so she's pansexual uh she loves who she loves um last skill set so her skills she's got her strength isn't great um she spent a lot of time in the woods not necessarily doing her chores so she didn't build up a huge amount of strength even though she was raised by Farmers um she's quite dexterous though she used to hide quite a lot she used to run around quite a lot in trees and things uh she's her stealth is pretty good she used to hide from the farmers a lot because she didn't like me very much um and nature is obviously very good her intelligent she's not the brightest spark on the planet um but because she wasn't educated but she has a natural sort of wisdom and understanding of things um she's got animal handling Insight uh persuasion as well she's can be she can be quite charismatic she's just not necessarily always the most quick-witted uh on planet so yeah that's this is who bowie is in a nutshell she's drilled as I said I would elf she's got um weapon proficiencies which is useful so you can use weapons and armor but medium to light dark vision which is very useful she's got Fey ancestry so she can't be put to sleep and she gets protection against being Charmed and she can do opportunity attacks as well 13 which is a great moment understandably her movement is 11 which is very fast almost as far as she can see she can move uh size medium apparently I thought she's gonna be talking about anyway she's not been a huge Mac carrier capacity so it looks like you're going to be the pack horse buddy uh looks like your character remind me your character's name is instantly forgotten azra Ezra azra okay all right so Ezra hello azra hi azra uh I am refer to me as wow we both just got horrible squiggly worms that was [ __ ] awful that was wonderful we should do something let's do something about it what's this over here I mean the place looks like it's burning oh we're just okay this is the pool I'm going to investigate the pool top do you think that's a good idea yes investigate my time don't well I wouldn't just investigator don't go sticking anything in there don't get weird about it I'm just going to adjust the video I get weird about it yeah I'm just going to adjust this attention pod over here no it doesn't you know it's really annoying it doesn't for some reason it won't let me show all the options on my screen I have to adjust this for next playthrough sorry folks I'm going to try and you can't see all the um all of the things some reason that the screen isn't quite low this one uh okay I will investigate the pool be careful everybody skill checks [ __ ] me figuring a skill check you're rolling I'm rolling it's oh [ __ ] difficulty class I've got a minus one bonus I can add a bonus I've got guidance okay I've got the guidance spell which adds moments to you I can do that for you as well and I'm going to need that to offset the minus one so I'm like maybe if I lick it tastes like brine okay let's let's try this the only way I can help with this I don't know I don't think you can are you listening to my conversation because if you if you don't listen I don't think you can help but if you listen you might be oh yeah how do you do that so there's a big ear thing I think that floats over or floats over the my my me all the objects I'm looking at yeah click that and you'll hear okay uh so let's have a look at the bonuses again see what else there add bonus I've had a guidance I think you have guidance which is means there's only one person to do guidance are you listening are you there are you helping I'm listening I just it just sort of looks like it's giving me any options though I mean it I wouldn't go near it personally it was full of horrible Squealers uh I'm gonna taste it it looks it looks like it could be soup and I'm quite hungry yeah I'm rolling I'm rolling [ __ ] I've ever failed this time you might want to duck uncover it's just soup I tell you what you have a look uh I'm gonna leave it alone why don't you have a look all right you have a look at the Forbidden soup I've been listening to your conversation all right so I'm just gonna where are you telling me I'm gonna listen to your conversation everything came from it's just soup it's forbidden suit maybe it's just I'm gonna investigate all right I'm gonna do a scale I'm gonna do my skills here so it's just soup but it's in a very fragile Bowl okay you should reach up oh you blew this [ __ ] out of there it is but now we know Tom we shouldn't touch that oh wow thing over here I don't know let's investigate these rooms let's see what we can see yeah I mean it looks pretty effed up it does look pretty after I'm just going to increase the sound back to where it should be because it's gonna get pretty loud folks sorry about this uh let me know if it's too loud all right so there are other people in these pods Tom someone didn't make it now this person made out of it that was oh that was the gift Yankee we saw earlier I know we'll give Yankee gift Yankee it was it was like me you and the get the Yankee and I think everyone else it's one of those things over here I haven't found about about just stick with me folks I haven't found what was that what just happened ring heels this thing over here heals you oh that's cool I found something [Music] [Laughter] my pocket is bulging so massively though it's almost like a humble it almost looks like a flash did you jump it oh yeah okay I like took some fire damage for that Jersey oh I think I take half fire damage or something like that being a teacher oops we've been born in the play okay all right where are you dude I'm getting over here well I'm coming back down all right then yeah that sounds good all right so if you restore yourself I get restored as well that's kind of cool that's cool to know all right we're going to spend we're gonna maybe bend the whole of the stream look I found the sphincter let's go for it why not let's go through that little uh yeah she's definitely gonna pan this for that just start saying it Tom all right we've got we've got another lifted yeah uh who's an awesome amazing actor and is essentially our DM and narrator if you don't know who they are you should they're going to join us quite soon aren't they hopefully yes I think I think I think we can announce it on Friday [Music] um what we've got over here Tom we've got a whole bunch of what's all this [ __ ] a ruins thing what's that [Music] um raising jars brain Jaws oh um let's pick up I don't like the brain Jaws no I'm going to read this stuff and then I'm gonna I'm gonna NAB it one like ourselves unconnected from the home interesting what does that mean thousand years of humanoid history elves dwarves and more we are we is this stuff we're learning yeah the thing interesting thing about this is that you should definitely read everything I kind of want to attack this [ __ ] brain thing look at this thing help me no no it's fine it's in your mind in your mind well I'm gonna set it for you by four I don't know what type of thing yeah I freed the brain free yeah you're free why didn't you pick up what's this cerebrum Aquarium that's [ __ ] up why don't you pick up these uh this is like a get these things because we probably should keep in mind I think what things I've done the tablet over here yeah I'm picking up I'm gonna half inch the tablet I think it's probably a good idea are you taking them I think you pressed it I think you pressed it you're fine okay I did read that one yeah oh there's more brains in jars up here oh it's this thing that's talking to us all right all right I'm listening in on you why characters are so ridiculously hot it's very hot sorry before you leave love to watch you walk away darling [Laughter] all right what is going on here yeah oh he succeeded as a reception check I'm coming to call now with the active almost okay am I talking to man or brain I think your personal point of saving something to do you sound afraid um why and they say I think you should go after you speak to a man or a brain okay um yeah your vote appear to my screen your little picture you realize you're talking to an intern oh [ __ ] the Mind flayers who abducted you oh you look unhappy I know why they're afraid I'm gonna okay yeah that's an interesting point why why would they be afraid because they're evil in the ship interesting okay are we thinking the enemy of my enemy is my friend Tom before you destroy it I my attempt to remove it yeah I'm thinking I'm doing the same thing I'm saying the same the enemy of my enemy is my friend maybe wait would that mean the enemy that they're fighting is our friend I'm very confused I'm not very intelligent my character's got intelligence fate um I love the fact as your character my character gets to know each other that you'll basically Lord that over me [Laughter] um and your character always start they they always start it with I think you're fine um actually um let me talk to it before you destroy the brain why I'm not gonna destroy you I was thinking about saving it all right [Music] strength is not great investigation uh this uh investigate yeah investigate in the game okay let's investigate first I think you're right let's do that [ __ ] it's intelligence all right I'm gonna use my guidance skill on me again oh we haven't done anything to it so I can always step away and let you try it 20 yes okay um hmm okay a dexterity I think is going to be my highest on this one gently prize the brain from the skull all right okay I've got plus two one disparity I've got guidance as well total bonuses three to six it's a 50 50 chance those odds are pretty good unless you think you can beat that with your stuff I don't think you can necessarily I get a plus one to four on a guidance so I've got a possible bonus of three to six I'm loving it go do it I think it's pretty good now otherwise I would defer to you sir around [ __ ] 20 twice in a row are you kidding just throwing them up this afternoon uh like I'm streaming this to a certainly yeah Jason uh Jerry I'm playing later on we need uh we need some criticals right thank you lorian I guess honestly folks normally um that's cool okay cool got ourselves oh good [ __ ] this is oh this is cool okay I'm this I'm into this idea I think okay so it's quite powerful these things but if we mutilate it and it becomes a little subservient the safe word is um brains uh then um at least it's not going to turn on us which would be a bad idea I think so right um I'm gonna [ __ ] it I'm gonna [ __ ] it well I mean you think about it like at some point this thing is going to um ah this is gonna this is gonna if we [ __ ] if we don't [ __ ] it could turn on this right right it might be thankful I don't know what these things are I'll be honest with you I don't know I can't remember this monsters I just read something somebody just said no he's just a little guy okay um I that's I'm leaning towards he's just the little guy yeah but he's not like he's not natural is it he turns on him It's hammer time but isn't that right adding to the problem I'm just saying all right we'll spare the creature because you're because I'm a big old [ __ ] animal lover and stuff I guess it's kind of yeah I mean okay it looks like a brain but it's still that thing it may look like a freaking brain but oh what what the [ __ ] oh no I immediately regret not crippling it some so what happened it's called you friend though so Bo just turns around gives you the side eye of that was a bad idea okay [Music] okay so things is our friend because the the whatever's going on with our brother yeah okay what should I call you that's not ominous at all very good not vaguely worrying all right I think by the way folks we can't always read um the chat but thank you everybody that's subbing uh it's a channel we did play other games as well re4 we're playing as well but we really appreciate you so thank you very much okay let's [ __ ] oh wait what's at the helm what's the hell the hell on the [ __ ] yeah it's fine now fine son thank you can you all hear this folks okay you know okay folks you don't know this unless you watch the Vagabond Chronicles um so this is you guys know you can't hear this yeah the subtitles are cut off I'm afraid because it's like it's annoying uh can people hear it okay because I'm going to ramp up the volume I'll put turn up the volume a bit more so if you don't know this um are we the Vagabond Chronicles uh Tom plays hedge wizard and uh he's also kind of an idiot's event and his brain is called Gary Gary the brain and it's a disembodied brain he's his own brain this is scary so I'm going to read out like Gary so sad yeah right so so Gary the brain is based the voice is based on my dad uh who's a public figure he's a sports journalist so it's he's fair game uh so I'm gonna read out in my dad's voice the last sentence you just heard about a wonderful voice actually did a better job but this is how my dad would say it um do you not hear it uh we we won't we will not survive here we needed to uh to um to um uh to good luck Commander that's my dad so all right what do we do man what do we do all right let's go yeah I think we should take it with it we don't [ __ ] no [ __ ] effort let's take it take the thing with us yeah let's go all right [ __ ] it up today in front of the very weird fleshy Road follow the route where she rude all right cool I got a brain we need the brain as a pet what's that um he's jumping around with Gary he's having a bit of funny uh all right so we need to um let's we're gonna go back now we need to loot dude [Music] all right guys all right guys uh all right so there is there's kind of like nothing here I guess on these things [Music] a tentacle aquarium all right so I'm gonna do a I'm gonna do a Power move just jump down yep cost me two action points are totally worth it [Music] is there anything else we can loot around here I can't even think I guess not I guess we're good I don't see anything um [Music] was there a goblin oh there's a dead Goblin wasn't there oh wait my brain is stuck because my brain is not not clever a little bit Gary gospel oh wait there's a restoration there's respiration there okay I'm going back for restoration though real quick so you're trying to loot and all right nothing looking around seeing if there's anything else just all right someone just hit the restoration points we should all get our health back there we go all right nice and easy [Music] um all right should we uh should we get on him we should get out of here did you do it yeah I'm waiting for you I'm waiting for you let's go away don't Gary come on oh this is [ __ ] badass oh nice oh hey Lay's out how things do you have nice out holy [ __ ] they changed her intro that's so [ __ ] cool dude I love the dragon sweeping behind there did you see that [ __ ] gymnastics like and your skin tingles oh my God that was very cool dude the flash of your face [Music] nice [Music] what is this [Music] blesses me this day together we must survive cold it okay what are we gonna progress in this uh you can't see the last one well only if you think I was the fall what do you think it was a thrill okay uh you know yeah what is a thrill I'm not sure there is this is [Music] cleansed our bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days okay we're trying to mind flares there must be something we can do we can do not Escape [Music] yeah hey Raiders thanks very much for the rain hey hey Raiders [Music] look at these things still I mean they're actually like positive this is pretty embarrassing because they're you know I might contact let's [ __ ] go dude yeah okay okay focus let's let's focus up so what are your skill sets what are my skill sets how are we gonna [ __ ] do this wait a second I'm actually gonna do something I'm actually gonna I'm actually going to give you control and I don't think you've got let me give you the uh Lazelle because I've got a brain so now you're controllers you've got one point less intelligence than me so all right uh just by the way folks in case you uh know uh we're playing on balanced uh not tactician we'd love to play on tactician however there is a certain amount of needing to get through this in the Stream So I hope you understand I personally would have gone to the tactician but we talked about it I think in the interest of not taking a gazillion [ __ ] years to get through this uh we kept it on balance I don't think we can change the difficulty maybe we can so we find it's a bit too easy we might see if we can change the difficulty um but otherwise it might take us too long so we're just being mindful of that we're not doing like the whole you know easy mode [ __ ] man uh but yeah anyway we'll be fun all right so uh my character your character hmm I am going to I'm going to try and ramp up basically all about smashing yeah okay so what can you do I'm gonna throw these things are like fiery right yeah all right I'm gonna try and where are we taking so these things maybe the closest one I can reach this one all right if you target one that's further away yeah I'm gonna Target this dude over here yes nice all right there's no [ __ ] there's no other stuff all right I'm gonna try and reposition myself a little bit I can actually move very fast so what we got do you want to be attacked over here I'm gonna let them attack you because I think quite frankly that's a good idea my character is very tanky so uh I'm gonna move I'm gonna move right up the middle here okay I'm gonna send in our brain because we don't know enough huh yes look at this dashing which doubles the movement and we don't know enough about this brain to know if we like them or not so I'm just going to use the brainer attack [Music] um it's lizel's turn still I think you have to uh that's real it's been hit with a five volts okay because I'm like that I can't get that okay well that sucks um [Music] Gary I'm gonna look after Gary um uh topple okay what's that all right I'm just gonna I'm gonna sit here I guess John [Music] [Music] who was that it oh man yes we're basically Gods but basically just I think most like it's they're basically like baby demons um why don't we say we're gods and just presume that this is like the harder spiritual World [Music] um can you use that I don't know but there's lots of things to look around this I've got some loot I'll share it with you quite happily uh there's some more potions one day I'll catch a break where are you because I'm sort of losing stuff I'm checking out over this sort of north of the room basically all right so I've got this let's look at what I got so I've got a uh I'm not I can't use short Source or axes I've got two I'm not I've also got a light crossbow I can't use as well uh but I do have a um can you use a stimulator I just picked up a scimitar I don't know I can say what should I how do we how do we train each other pickpockets I don't know how we trade but three-word Spellbook Alchemy equipment you can just pick up and drop in like there must be a way of trading I don't know how to do that like but if you work out the advanced free panel like a character pickup party view yeah pick up yeah party view so I'm gonna give what's like yeah yeah um can you see if I can if I can use a short burner for Druid cam if you want to give me that short bow from Lisa I've just given them a crossbow I've also got some silverware I've also some clothes and you've got which shop though she's got a shopper and her range thingy oh she's got that equipped she might not like it you um I don't know um yeah but she can use a crossbow definitely that's more power so if you I just gave you if I can't use it oh not proficient but I can still use it which is weird okay I don't know what that means uh uh you know what man it's fine I've got some I've Got Magic so I'm gonna hmm I guess a light cross if I can't use at least I might just use something bad I'm gonna dump a lot of weight onto under laser uh she's got a whole bunch of weapons now but her long sword is better than any of them uh I can only I can't use any of those things so I'm just gonna stick with my my cooler stuff that's fun all right that's cool uh so that's what we got right now I think we're good uh although I did see something over here that want to investigate wait wait wait let's have a look over here before we rush off nothing around here what's that it's generic but it's apparently yeah they've changed this around I don't recognize any of this this is new okay that's very cool I'm glad they've changed this all right so I'm gonna go for the arterial mesh the arterial mesh Tom I'm gonna climb up here I just healed everybody so I think we're okay yeah you I'm gonna I'm gonna go up here yuck [Music] this way I am following you know okay cool okay again saved so I guess we go through another schfincter turned down the uh music is unbelievably unbearing it's awesome music it's a little loud let's just drop it down a little bit better um okay so what we got what's all this uh this is like another um the sigils you can read okay my account is pretty strong so annihilate is the one on the right one of the middle can't read that one on the left can't read that can you read these first two the left and the middle one nope what did you do what did you do dude you just killed some people I just picked up one of their rings [Music] just picked up you just killed two people holy [ __ ] you're [ __ ] a good place oh look what's going on over here oh I don't know what's going on oh we got shut up hey shut up okay don't kill her just please don't kill her exactly look for a lashes look for that I'm gonna vote on this one yeah but look real Ash alien nothing looks familiar okay uh I'll look around it's trying her out she's very powerful we need to if we can get it like early that'd be awesome because she's a very useful [Music] all right thing next to the Pod yeah I'm gonna press the button again don't press the button to investigate it first you crazy but okay I guess we you have to press the button press it touch it what's the conversation what's going on all right the console appears no one comes don't trust the console look uh don't hit it I'm not gonna hit it okay I'm not gonna hit it yeah you're quite ham-fisted as well what's this what's this yes [Music] should we go through the sphincter it's usually work for us in the past there's no dude there's another dude another dude where systematically check every room well there's a dead halfling okay if you go into got a key got a key got a key okay got a key dude I'm going to try that wait how do I put this into [ __ ] it all right um all right there's a lot of little mind flares running around do you want to check out this pod I want to go I want to have a look I'm just sorry all right you have a mood I'm gonna I'm gonna check this stuff out all right but don't go too far dude if you're going to go into one extra room don't go into the two rooms right yeah all right not there's actually a dead end it's okay all right yeah give myself guidance for this you know okay I have no idea I don't read [ __ ] magic I pretend to Read Magic I'm trying to impress people almost a list of stuff yeah hello slave mind are you concerning all the good stuff another brain uh where are you okay come back to the room come back here where are you happy in this or something not yet but I'm also staring at this enormous [ __ ] pod with a person in it and this came off right okay this will open so we got gold and we got some kind of Onyx before we do that um we're gonna leave Shadow there she's not going anywhere yeah all right whatever [Music] I saw some I saw like I saw like a control thing do you want to try and check out this sigil I can't read it um why don't you check out when you're finished you can read it I can't read it so if you might be able to read it with your karma check I'm gonna give you I'm Gonna Give You guidance guidance boost where have you gone just not in a chair again haven't you just gone no I mean I care but I'm Gonna Give You guidance oh okay you're now very buffed in a pleasant okay in a platonic way you need to read it again yeah you know it's not I'm not giving you anything you just have to read it it's over here where is it okay I can I'm not doing push it I push it oh [ __ ] no I'm Gonna Leave it I'm gonna walk away we're going all right can you please read this thing it's a Sigil which is behind the don't push it it's essential behind it like a you know literally yeah I'm getting his push yeah you failed it okay I'm pushing it [Laughter] didn't hear something a presence connected oh no nail [ __ ] what I did I just whoops [ __ ] this up oh [ __ ] I mean you killed the male I didn't kill them I just pressed the button I did not put them in this place oh [ __ ] dude that was not my fault it's theoretically it wasn't my fault did they set it up for me oh look at that well that mind flares very naked all right so we're just gonna we're gonna walk away from that and then we're gonna go and see Lazelle who's awesome um something you should know you know what never mind no I didn't hear a noise sounded very much like um all right I'm gonna give you I'm going to give you the thing I found which is this thing here I I guess it it works with um I guess it is the thing that you have to put into the machine maybe I don't know why don't you do it then huh come on do it all right cool why why are you singing like that is that because you don't say responsibility if we kill Shadow heart rate I mean I just thought I'm only about to kill Shadow heart I won't tell you what this does there's a sock in the console [ __ ] with the roon you found okay I found it fine [ __ ] it let's do that all right sorry that makes sense [Music] it's roll some dice all right take closer look at powered up console we should do that first right yeah add bonus guidance yep I got minus I'm so stupid I need to increase my intelligence 17. all right 16 with a plus one Seventeen very good all right nice success [Music] make it seem more like a beating heart than a machine device is different from the one that calls the other captive to transform oh okay perhaps it will open the nearby pod are you always slam I'm playing my character very uh chaotic neutral right now uh chaos chaotic good chaotic because she's very clutzy there's no there's no alignment I don't think in in 5e but if there was it should be chaotic good with a klutzy would be the parenthesis after that like a Sub sub alignment you know a place down the console fingers crossed we don't kill Shadow heart sorry Jennifer I'm gonna kill your character straight away somebody just said chaotic stupid yeah pretty much my alignment is chaotic stupid this is true Authority oh that's interesting I can wheel the Pod to open using a lipid and wisdom my wisdom is very high so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna wheel it to open it will you to open oh difficulties two minutes [ __ ] all right I need a critical ones to fail it are you kidding free okay that's fine all right nine okay that's small enough nice okay the biomechanical brain at the concert process your command nice [Music] it's gonna be a real short [ __ ] inflator isn't it it's gonna change your mind for it straight away all right cool well we haven't got it all right surely we've got to get some brownie points for that man We rescued her okay what are you gonna what are you talking about at this point you're off I just wanted a really cool um Jennifer English a really amazing actor I feel her gratitude clerical Paladin she's a clerics all right what are we doing uh getting out of here follow me from keep up do you feel it just knowing each other's heads which one did you choose did you speak because of those parasites uh listen in uh all right let's get going are you gonna ask you to join us you can tell the [ __ ] off all right you've got such a kill man wait what was that she's pinching something is that the two here that she used to I don't know what's that I'll score those Oscar again ask your dad what it is she's being evasive all right okay so multiplayer at the moment uh okay so you've got Lazelle I've got Shadow Hearts okay cleric you're a paladin which makes sense that you have fighter I'll have we have a clerican on Madrid that makes sense right yeah we're splitting up that way okay cool alrighty so that's good um we've looted all these bastards uh Kim what about actually what what weapons can she use he's got a mace right you've got anything better than a mace I guess it's a short sword Maybe you use a short sword I mean sorry like isn't that a traditional Weaponry yeah you're right okay but maybe we can give her a bow though maybe she can use it though [Music] maybe uh actually you know what maybe crossbow better for her can we can you um swap your crossword no she's proficient she's proficient with a bow she can use a bow there you go okay our Armor class is 13. all right her underwear what [Music] that's [ __ ] hysterical she's got underwear too it's very it's very very leathery well I can't examine her underwear tell me what her underwear says I can't examine it it's your character oh my character yeah oh no built for function rather than fun it looks kind of fun to me oh that's like Mark's expenses I've got big pants on I got big marks and maybe this pants uh okay so camp supplies that oh we've got some stuff to store stuff in which is kind of cool a keychain all right let's go okay all right yeah let's go sorry I'm just getting destroyed it uh all right I guess we go this is empty this is all done a brain jars so we've all got our health right okay I guess we go through the sphincter yeah I feel we should say run away I'm gonna say we haven't saved in a while [Music] I think someone just is it uh just right up here [Music] strip them if you get if you if you sell and push them together I think you can group them somehow like Shadow Hearts group okay that's the way up here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what's going on oh one thing I was gonna show you wait one thing okay to get your weapon out I'm in patient for the accent and then dip it what you can dip your own what's that what's this [Music] to mention it and if you if you click on your character then you can group your character by pressing G's I think it is or something like that or there's an option to group you might want to group Lazelle to your characters when you run around and zoom around but you can do that hi everybody in chat sorry folks if um if we're not really paying attention to chat too much uh obviously we're trying to get into it uh see if you press G or if you right click on the on the thing you might be able to group up with them because you're because you're controlling Lisa was your character I'm not so I can't group them if you can which keeps them close so uh so yeah group up your characters bro I just kept him in the yeah there's a restoration thing here you can use but you can keep going burn I'm gonna I'm gonna try and heal you so press g tom this is female can you hear me okay yeah yeah okay great yeah all right nice let's go all right let's go huzzah ready to enter the helm no yes all right [ __ ] we're doing fire away for you whoa cutscenes holy [ __ ] it's like oh no wow he just he was a mate of mine who'd we root for me oh he's getting [ __ ] up this guy dude [Music] oh okay cool all right connect the nerves uh connect the nerves instead during the uh uh do that oh [ __ ] dude I won that [ __ ] sword I want a sword don't do anything just yet so we've saved just before it I'm going to turn the volume down for a second hi folks all right this is the one thing that we're going to do which is a little bit naughty um I do know about this bit because I've heard about this bit that dude's flaming sword we want that flaming sword for laser it's [ __ ] awesome apparently so and there is a way to get out of here quickly so my suggestion because I'm pretty sure the NPC won't do [ __ ] but my suggestion is that one of us should at some point run to the end of the thing which we have to get to the console we just saw and the rest of us can kick the [ __ ] out of that deal with the sword and then we should grab the sword and then we can trigger the cutscene stuff afterwards it's not totally legit I know folks but you know what [ __ ] it man um so we should do that unless there's a spell or something that can help us out I don't know if there's anything else we can do um I don't know what lizelle's spells are actually it's a good point in my inventory if you open up the group inventory I've got this thing which is a nautiloid tank which is very flammable okay so I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm gonna throw this at them and blow the [ __ ] up out of them uh that's an option too uh laser as Shield of Faith gliding Bowl resistance no secret flame charm person oh that's interesting can we charm them I wonder this guy self this guy itself she puts on a mustache hello I'm not Shadow heart I'm a candy gram person please sign here she wasn't smart I know that's gonna work uh I don't know anything else actually what else she got it's kind of it ready now I don't know if she can charm anybody she can charm someone that's going to work on one of those things a humanoid well I guess that would I wonder if that would bro don't do that what happened [ __ ] I just wasted that I just wasted this um [ __ ] I just wasted the go [ __ ] all right well that well that's that okay I guess I guess we're getting the flame let's we're going the barrel Man City roll uh first things first we have to kill a few of these things oh cool okay good um okay how do we do this how do we do this uh ice no if I ice that's not gonna blow it out have you got a flame think you need cast fire or anything or can we shoot it with an arrow or something because we can shoot with an arrow right uh first thing is this will that make it explode my feeling is that it will actually make it explode I think it will but I think what we should do is pick up these things and chuck all of them at this dude because he's got 150 [ __ ] XP let's not block okay so man we're not gonna blow up we're not gonna blow up the barrels we're going to pick up the barrels and throw it at that Commander dude he's got 150 XP so we use all of the [ __ ] barrels and just Chuck it at in it's going to blow the crap out of this dude Barrel mancy let's go what do you think right well we're gonna I'm gonna however onto this board or where it lays out actually she's right next to you so what we're going to do is take out these two things first not like me uh I don't know click on her oh she's still why is she whoa she fell through the environment she is so far away uh oh that's a bit of a problem is that a little glitched let's try reloading that because that looks like a little glitch I feel sorry folks but I think I'm gonna have to reload that because that looks uh we just lost up one of our party which is also a fighter which is a problem we didn't group her she didn't have time to get back to you I don't know okay well we're back here again so that's fine where are you dude where are you so group up I think the main thing is try and group up otherwise you're gonna lose her I guess we're just here so it's fine so uh let's move Lazelle to here so click on her and bring her over and then group her yes [Music] she's not in this room dude no no I'm moving out [Music] let's see what you move I need a drink how about that don't go anywhere folks we're gonna keep playing we're just gonna try and get one of our party together I'll be right back exercise [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yes okay good timing for media drink okay are you grouped up shall we move everybody over here all right yeah so everybody's over here oh wait what's inside okay all right okay so that's cool hey come come close so that we know that we're not gonna somehow do that oh she's [ __ ] up dude can you just go and do this really bad yeah okay all right cool so we're all together now which is great cool okay uh let's do it let's hit this sphincter hit that sphincter yes did we miss a whole bit okay so the barrels are the key I feel we're gonna save the game now so we have to do that stuff all over again and then uh we are going to yeah we're going to then do this all right so we're gonna do the barrels so we're gonna quick save it um just to go and do that whole business all over again do it do it all right that's why she was falling through the sky connect the nerves protect the nerves all right so F5 comments battle all right cool all right okay so this is my character so I'm going to okay there's not much to get a shot actually move over here and then I'm gonna ice blast this thing if I use this is that if you want to get one per rest how many spell slots yeah I think that's possibly how it works I think I get two spell slots something stupid like that it's quite powerful as well maybe uh one shouldn't do that I'll try shooting this okay I'm gonna try and shoot this one over here nice okay cool this thing's Dead all right so that's my moment over I don't need to do that just yet I'm going to hang on to my spell slots right now okay so this thing is now charging us good luck everybody thank God it hit okay good and then I'm going to attack Gary the brain's gonna go in for a heroic save nice and then we're gonna move Gary the brain oh no not too far okay so that's going to draw okay interesting all right your turn I believe dude all right so the third place it's your turn [Music] oh can you know what you use all right okay oh is it no it's your character it's funny though later I was gonna do so she's gonna do lacerate on the ball oh the post has moved it's not good yeah I just killed that I feel like the next thing is still standing um okay um we crashed or something no no yeah see what's at least you're saying that so it's just uh yeah it's your turn [Music] so we can search these things the Imp is over here so we need to hit it with the range we need to pick up these milk Lloyd tanks there's two on the left so you get the two on the left I'll get the one on the right I've already got one and then we're just gonna douse this [ __ ] in all these things and throw our heaviest weapons at it what do you think nice not bad okay Four's gonna get two left that's fine it's gonna be let's go uh still you'll go ask for so you need a quick turn on move so you should move towards the tanks sure [Music] all right uh Shadow heart [Music] so let's get shutter hearts we're not going to use fire just in case we're gonna try and range type this thing all right so YouTube you pick up the two we can shoot loot the bodies I guess uh pick the two on the left so maybe loot the bodies as you go and then pick up those two northlawn tanks this laser is pretty strong I think [Music] um you know you can Dash as well how do you do that Dash is a bonus that is an action you can take there's also bonus actions uh which is replenishing oh yeah oh yeah I got it I've got it yeah so who am I playing I'm playing me right now okay so I'm gonna I'm Gonna Leave You to um interesting I'm gonna Dash as well actually [Music] like that all right so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get to this thing here another step forward mysterious liquid I don't know don't do that don't do that don't shoot it now no pick up all right not enough movement that's fine all right so I'm that's what I'm gonna do right now liquid I'm not gonna use the inside devour I'm gonna use Gary I'm gonna sacrifice Gary 's gonna enter combat well maybe we can use Gary's interference actually yeah let's I'm gonna like move up Lazelle as well we'll use them as interference okay that sounds good we'll keep going here for the moment just just in case anything else comes behind us all right so you've got um she's supporting him yeah all right you can do you can bring my romance Gary all right I'm gonna I'm gonna come and pick up this other tank then if you want with Shadow Hearts we're spreading the weight I know you take it if you can actually because I don't have the the I can't get there [Music] rather quickly so chests or anything in English all right uh that's fine [Music] all right so so far the plan is is in effect it's a lot of exciting uh looting as we go I'm gonna get alongside it and then you need to get alongside yours and we need to then blow the [ __ ] out of this thing so just gonna move over here all right I'm in position to I hopefully not kill myself when I do this how do you think about just at the moment it's wanting me to shoot it uh no see there's a there's a thing down here called Throw and improvise weapons you go into your inventory and then you select what you want to throw where are they oh God damn it increase rows where are the things I can't throw it [ __ ] I'm not strong enough so tell me how do I pick it up I don't think I'm throwing Okay so [ __ ] is one of us okay we have to position it [ __ ] it we're gonna we're gonna position there next to him and then run away all right yes mate mail yeah how do I pick up my tank right click on the tank it'll give you options like attack or pick up or like okay great I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna run to it and drop the stuff next to it and then just run away all right I dropped the first one drop and then drop this one drop do not attack it yet I am not I am absolutely all right yeah yeah you're gonna do the same thing I'm out the way now uh more or less so all right that's Barry done uh I'm gonna keep our brains should be able to be gone I'm gonna have to do it next time forward I wonder if actually [Music] all right here we go [ __ ] me okay so drop off your barrels drop your barrels up all right hang on hang on then uh oh what's my armor class oh I can use a scimitar that's kind of cool something else um we've got 12 remaining it was fine plenty I'm just I'm gonna drop this I've got another Nautilus tank in my totally dropped out I've just dropped a slave mind I think that might be we're gonna kill both things we're not friends yeah it's true my feeling is that we're a bit too close we should move all our characters away like Shadow Hearts probably all right I need to I need to drop one more tank as well I'm going to do another okay so I'm just moving us up to here the wings guy um so okay so Shadow heart we should definitely we should jump up to like around here if you like really get out of the way you know what I mean so I'm gonna do this and then ready for the guiding bolts and stuff and when guiding bolts are pretty useful I can do that so okay we can always try and okay we're just gonna hide here a little bit oh that's not gonna work all right [ __ ] it uh okay so that's that oh the main floor is right but that's fine okay so then we're gonna get our character out the way all right all right [Laughter] that's fine all right so Mike I love how they're so busy with um right so you you gotta you've got people yeah okay now you need to get her out otherwise you are gonna get blown to [ __ ] [Laughter] I think that's all of them yeah okay yeah [Music] I'm still quite close we went to one more rounds left all right uh you wanna wait one more round thank you I'm still pretty close to it I mean should we try anyway I think it's gonna be fine it's just such a famous one of words I'm quick saving all right let's do it all right three two one here we go oh we're gonna blow up again dude okay oh [ __ ] okay we need to cover them in like explosive liquid now is that um no I've got a sacred flame you okay you know what you've definitely got one more round uh you've got one more round to move your yourself out of the way a bit more oh my God it's still alive [ __ ] that's a major problem now okay pretty close oh [ __ ] okay I'm gonna thunder wave this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's not good we killed the Mind flare yeah oh my God okay um right that's not good uh we we definitely need to oh we need to group well we need to okay we need to just all right I'm sending [ __ ] us ahead uh oh my god of that I did not expect that to happen I honestly thought that would blow the [ __ ] out of it I mean it did blow the [ __ ] out of me just didn't kill it um all right I'm gonna send us is gonna take this thing on and we're gonna just start attacking and spamming it okay Shadow heart definitely needs to get the [ __ ] out uh that's not good I'm gonna head to the controls yeah I think you should dude uh we're gonna try and we'll try and see if we can I think we can kill it I really wonderful he's got he's got 93 hit points left yeah one of us should definitely head well you know what I should head for the things I'm not as powerful as you are you should try and take this thing don't really determined to kill me I want that sword dude I think it's an excellent sword I don't care if I get with dude I'm taking the swords I think it all went apart when we blew up the uh we blew up the Mind Flare have you ever robbed the Mind flare yet [Music] he just had some kind of what did he have on him he had a bloodstone um okay I'm gonna I'm gonna use Shadow heart I think you need to do something because we're still waiting for lizelle I think oh yeah sorry [Music] um if I use guidance it's a lot of fun [Music] we are dead oh [ __ ] okay now we now we have a problem it's on fire okay the brain is doing his thing all right okay all right all right okay so okay uh I'm running my main character away because oh [ __ ] that um maybe I could actually do something I'm gonna actually I first want to do this yes you [ __ ] did that's yeah try it I'm gonna try and say I'm just gonna hit him hit this [ __ ] where he's down oh [ __ ] you I'm past I can't oh I haven't got a spells enough son of a [ __ ] [Music] they're not surprised okay [Music] all right let's [ __ ] all we can do about that how are we doing in terms of 86 that's not great [Music] about I'm gonna move some [Music] damn it man I can't even use the um I can't even use um what do you call it I want this [ __ ] sword we're gonna do this again I'm gonna try this again let me try again Tom yeah we should try this again because this is a one-time thing let's just let's just [ __ ] let's let's reload and do it again 86 [ __ ] points are you inside all right fine [ __ ] it all right let's uh it's your turn dude your character moving I mean I will have any different results no the difference the difference is that the Mind flare will occupy him because we blew the Mind player and then we've now got oh man I think we should reload this is the mark of downtown all right we're gonna have to reload this one though it's too much yeah we just this is gonna end horribly badly yeah we are reloading we [ __ ] that I don't care about saves coming whatever but this is a one-time thing folks and it's not something we can get back so uh that's why we're gonna do this it's fair enough [ __ ] it it's our game I think all right abort bad idea all right so this time we are not doing that we are going to instead just attack it why not just try and come on someone in someone in chat has just given away do it by the way what's that um well there's two two suggestions that we found the test uh have Shadow heart prepare commands you can disarm the she hasn't gone come on she's got oh Pokemon from her Spellbook you mean don't you have to like or oh just wait until the end of it almost finishes the command or you have almost no time left but I don't have to come on though [Music] okay well first I'm just saying yeah hang on a second wait a second if I can clinch I don't think I can change the Spells though [Music] because uh spell book can I prepare it without sleeping I'll do it in combat I think we'd have to do it in uh rest I don't have come on where's come on come on oh crap oh [ __ ] all right so all right where do we have one before this we've got this one oh [ __ ] sorry folks sorry about this all right so we're gonna have to prepare command spell to make this work sorry sorry sorry but [ __ ] it all right um all right so we're just going to understand how the game works I'm afraid you're gonna have to get your you're gonna have to get your character back again remember but that's okay you you've got time when I've changed this around and learn how to change spells that's a new thing so you need to go to Lazelle and like get her all the way back and then grew up again and then we'll try this again uh all right I'm sure after we got Lazelle no that was combat I didn't I didn't do that after this just before we went into the fight but yeah but the combat started me I think didn't it [Music] two seconds um right spell book so what is command it's me shadow heart come on okay [Music] in fact we're just going to use guidebooks very useful Shield of faith all right once you get rid of one of these things just let's get rid of shoulder face okay Einstein so you can actually do I didn't know you could do that that's interesting this is level ones you get two of these these are my spell but okay all right cool so I have command now all right that's cool so you're back have you grouped up dudes group if you're at the top yeah we're in no I mean group up with pressing G [Music] mm okay now let's go that way we avoid anybody falling through the scenery all right we'll skip the next cut scenes we don't see that so let's see yes all right cool this is gonna be different so now we're just gonna use those things to blow up the dudes coming in so I think we're gonna just blow the [ __ ] out of this thing I'm going to do this and I'm going to dip I'm going to dip Tom I'm gonna good opportunity it's dipped in fire Tom nice awesome seven not enough oh cool all right that's the go over and then we're gonna use uh Gary the brain so instead of um that's not bad that's not bad at all right let's just loot the stuff right now over here uh this will be uh by the way folks on the whole loot is shareable we're not going to do that thing in normal games where nobody wants to share loads kind of stupid uh right so guidance is going to be command so I'm gonna that's a can trip right yeah all right we don't see anything right now okay that's my carrots I'm going to take a lot shot this thing trying killer wow good it's dead so we need to focus everything on uh the dude we can also use some of those barrels to set up behind us to take out those camians that come in I think oh I like that idea that's kind of cool okay your turn sir [Music] hey [Music] um nice nice one shot we're good first of all is done um I'm gonna put a barrel down here then I don't have one okay um next to the hors d'oeuvres you did bring me all dabs didn't you Tommy I did okay that's my cool right now yeah okay [Music] okay so let's loot everything as we go along those barrels are still very useful so I think we should still take them it's not just put them in your backpack uh where are we wanna Dash actually I'm going to use guidance all right it's Dash so we're gonna let me on here I guess it's not that's it okay so we're gonna pick up these things and run over and pick these things up so at least they're not explosives waiting to happen then we can we can put them behind us afterwards all right cool that's about uh us is going to attack so I'm just gonna send him straight attacking here just in case judge and Shadow heart is going to [Music] uh Dash her as well get into a good position just get ready do you want to go and pick up the sword if I get close to it [Music] yeah sure yeah um okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna get reasonably close okay all right it's the next turn is over all right Tom your turn sir all right um as well I'm just going to charge in yeah we can start wailing on it because it's going to be focused on the Mind flare I feel apparently yeah [Music] it's rather exciting isn't it no sex yet you should go into hand-to-hand with Lazelle man and switch weapons to using a crossbow dude [Music] I'm taking the fact that we are a female apart from your non-binary obviously but we are a majority uh female party which is pretty cool pretty sure even the brain is female or maybe the brain is urgent food s [Music] all right see you dashing you dashing all right pick up those barrels yeah we're gonna need them later at some point just think of the kind of fun we can have when we throw these barrels in a town or a village somewhere right I got two of those barrels I think that's the animates okay now we're just gonna Focus fire on this [ __ ] thing so I'm gonna I'm gonna do this and then I'm going to buff um a lot of movement oh come on really ah [Music] oh it's annoying [Music] this is a can trip right guidance can trip so I think actually I'm gonna try this in Japan sure yeah all right um I'm just gonna buff up my weapon and then go and smack the [ __ ] out of the next guy all right that's that's uh Shadow heart is going to guidance herself should be just a can trip yeah that's fine and then I can't do anything else just yet so the next round I'm only going to use command on this douchebag cool I'm just gonna It's Gonna Leave the [ __ ] out of these kids cool all right that's that's it I like the idea that the mind flow's got a really high voice leave it to me go to the controls leave him leave him Tom oh [ __ ] okay that's not good [Music] what the [ __ ] is that all right 13 turns remaining um it is you'll go we need to drop some barrels behind us don't we so maybe you wanna Ezra wants to drop some barrels on this the bottom of the stairs here over here like hereish if I go there or something shut up I'll just pointing at something a little passive aggressively but there you go all right yeah what do you reckon drop Barrel we'll throw the barrel and then because then it just goes everywhere if you throw the barrel it'll break but it won't explode unless there's fire near it so make sure there's no fire near it and it'll just be coating the stairs and then we can burn it yeah if you drop it your feet it should be fine though right oh I didn't look too close [Music] all right that's fine all right it's our turn so uh let's [ __ ] do this thing huh uh I'm gonna [ __ ] send this thing again oh you [ __ ] all right uh let's just get into combat why not we're here master we're going to help you whether you like it or not I don't need to do that uh cool I'm just gonna jump and find it job cool all right [Music] uh I'm gonna tour attack it with my buddy over here no no the mine said another mindfulness oh my God Gary is such an idiot Harry's such an idiot all right here we go we're gonna command this [ __ ] so command halt approach drop we want the drop come on yes there you go right I'm gonna steal this [ __ ] weapon [Music] there's more of them dude anyone four that was on fire okay oh yeah all right I don't know if that means we can pick this sword up in time if that fucker's gonna pick it up again can you no no don't run the other way oh dude you pick up the sword pick up the sword uh tell me I'm using as a Stoke up these guys she's covering our arms yeah I know he should have picked up the sword dude because the guy might pick him up never liked the same as you I mean clay but it'd be funny if both of us you went whoop whoop whoop everybody's just basically on their ass okay so all right cool okay hopefully the guy's just not gonna notice his swords anymore fingers crossed that was cool all right all right so let's sucking those [ __ ] up just keeping me huh she's picking the ends quickly oh my God no I got it at home he completely forgot about his sword brilliant um I got a attack of opportunity on him which is awesome nice all right I'm just gonna keep an occupy you can get Gary got the [ __ ] thing dude let's get the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] these guys it's just [ __ ] burn it let's run I'm out I'm out I'm out [ __ ] it we got the song we're like [ __ ] it let's go we don't We're not gonna be able to kill him so let's just get the [ __ ] out run away what are these things void bulb what does that do what's up here oh what's up here is that a loot we should we should not be tempted we should not be tempted up here you shall not tempt us larion you've got only about 10 [ __ ] things to oh dude what's that what's that I know it's a shell shells no okay we're gonna run it all right let's get the [ __ ] out dude uh where am I going this way all right anything of use uh we're just burning we're running it dude we're getting out of here you coming I'm willing to use it baby return okay fair enough okay [Music] what's that Pearl okay [Music] okay cool uh are you okay for healing you're all good aren't you all right yeah I'm good cool all right let's get out here dude got his [ __ ] sword thanks Chad nice that's a big hit dude very nice very nice pretty [ __ ] awesome what are you planning with your character you're running it up yeah [Music] yeah yes do it Tom yeah Gary's great but [ __ ] Gary you need the rest yeah okay I'm gonna get laid out no it's not even very close to you I'm gonna burn the [ __ ] out of that thing Shadow heart's gonna burn the crap out of there like him have you got a candle on you or anything like that no no no you're gonna have to that's cool shadow heart's got a fire evolved I think I've got something as well uh no I don't that's okay I'm just gonna keep going forward then in which case all right I'm gonna I'm gonna take this no time for Mercy that's [ __ ] right all right I'm not gonna I'm not gonna click the button yet I'm just gonna get to the thing uh okay that's that's there um all right we're just gonna go I'm gonna get our licks in Gary the brain's going down fighting then you pull them out can you save Gary you may be uh you could be not under your control anymore I have no idea I have no idea but right now he's under my control but I just I'm not really bothered about Harry the brain all right I'm gonna come back you can pull him out of there if he survives if he survives the fire I'll save him [Music] wait have you got anything like Flame or fire or something like that because it's too good yeah inventory um annoyingly my other McDonald's were the different type of teethling I could have been yeah fire but no [Music] yeah I don't think I am just doing some uh she's got sacred flame that's what I just did though I didn't do anything yeah I didn't use diving board I'll try again we took out half of his health and it's pretty cool I think we're good that did most of it he's remarkably not messed up that you stole his swords um I think he's flexing like I don't need it [Music] attack um I can't change his spells it's a bit too late for that yeah yeah um roast him now it's not gonna kill him either I just want to piss him off put your lemon just like a [ __ ] roll all right it's uh yeah all right cool alrighty so that's your go um oh thank God I thought we just really [ __ ] up or something okay what are the health points 82 each 82 each uh do I want to just hit it and should we just get the [ __ ] out and just not worry about that what you can do to try throwing with Shadow Hearts right if you've got any light on my face um yeah that's fine uh okay I'll try with Shadow heart see if she's got me I'm Gonna Save Gary the brain then right and then let's try sacred flame can I just I can't do it on the floor I have to do it on the person and they have to get hit by it before it would work sorry [ __ ] it no it doesn't do [ __ ] I guess the sword he had guiding bolt is radiant it's not fire that doesn't work too late we only cutscene that's cool nice [Music] oh yes [Music] wow Fred what do you do [Music] wow cool huh [Music] God lights out [Music] twang we will never know what happened to them I said mindful it's happened a matter of days oh God we haven't got much time Neil I know it's just [ __ ] awesome loving that loving that that was great and we actually did the thing that we really want to do which was Nick the sword so very cool thank you Chet for having me for advising appreciate you thank you very much we're not going to be looking to up for answers for most things folks but that was a special case because it's the only time you can get that sword and you can't go back for it so the sword is really cool and we're keeping it we kneeled it yes thank you very much that was from can't see the name cool oh wow okay cool that's all three of them Bard isn't it check it out oh deeply Posse hmm [Music] and uh wow there's a whole positive here has been thorough played by Epic Records [Music] coming for us whoa character [Music] hello nothing [Music] all right okay just like what the [ __ ] it's like what the [ __ ] happened oh wow this is cool really loving the fact we both took uh the hermitcratic eyes man that's very cool nice thanks all right here we are we survived with our hairstyle completely intact Emilia Tyler amazing uh check myself for injuries what have you what screen have you got the same screen but your characters be the same options but for my character okay check yourself for injuries I'm pretty sure I'm okay so orientate yourself to do it quick on the clock is ticking you need a cure all right that's not good okay oh you're gonna leave it there that's good you want to leave it here yeah yeah right that's that's pretty cool I think that's a good idea everybody else just not to stop all right so I'm going to save the game uh just because you know it's always good um I'm gonna put uh what [ __ ] what the [ __ ] okay that's our save game um cool holy [ __ ] it's so good wow yeah [ __ ] I love this game all right folks uh we are pausing uh we're gonna pause here and uh we're gonna be back tomorrow for signings so we're gonna be doing signs yeah so we're doing signings tomorrow um it's We're not gonna be playing the game we've got a lot of signings to do so um we're going to be taking some time to get through that so I think Monday Tuesday at the least will be signings maybe Wednesday maybe we do play again a little bit more I think maybe do another session on Wednesday you know what do you think yeah and then we'll do other signings as well yeah so Monday Tuesday signings and then Wednesday will be another playthrough of this and then on Friday we have the great news that our amazing friend an awesomely talented actor who is the DM and narrator of this game Amelia Tyler is going to be joining us for an interview as we play the game that's going to be a bit more stop starting he's going to play in the game uh they're also going to be talking to us and we'll be uh chatting to them about their work who they are and if you don't know who familiar is just totally check her out she's an incredibly talented probably one most prolific voice actors certainly in the UK if not the world um and also she was a played my lady and another character I can't remember in DOS two and she's incredible and she did loads of voices in costume so yeah Millie's going to be joining us on Friday um that's it we should probably raid somebody else and spread the love no what do you think a huge thank you to everybody that has joined us for the first time let's check this out uh stick around we're gonna be doing this for a while um we really love you to be a part of it um if you want to join um if you want to join us for so I've just done a whole bunch of weird things if you want to join us for um subbing please come and sub to the channel um we're doing over the game as well and after we finish this we're playing out things we often do interviews with other actors and other developers and directors and stuff so and we also talk about the industry exclusively as well um so yeah and and if you serve tier 3 you do a coffee a coffee meeting that's a free month one a month don't you where you can come and hang out with Neil and chat indeed just get free subscribers yeah and it's just like part of us it's just for uh industry talk it's not any personal things um it's an industry talk about acting my work or directing or how to get into Voice work all that kind of stuff um so it's not I never answer personal questions but if you're interested about acting stuff and directing and games generally please come and hang out um that's for tier three people only there are some other tier Awards as well but um we'll get into that later I think we've got somebody to raid so shall we do that now Tom yes that's right we're gonna read Dan's gaming who's a very cool journalist um and you and twitch streamer as well so I'm going to read them uh thank you very much everybody stay for the raid a huge thanks to the numbers of people I've turned up really really lovely to see so many of you um stay with us we're gonna be playing the entire game through and we're going to have voice actors we'll have directors we'll have larian devs as well on this over the next coming sessions as we go along um and we'd love you to be a part of it and ask questions as well all right all the best thank you very much see you soon radio started so hang for the raid and uh we'll speak to you soon thanks mods cheers Tom see you thanks bye
Channel: Neil Newbon
Views: 986,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dA2fqixp5QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 4sec (9364 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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