Baldur's Gate 3 with nothing but Rangers

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none of this is going how I wanted it to this spider has been nothing but an agent of chaos bow Gate 3 is a wonderfully tactical though not particularly challenging game particularly when you're playing it like a complete munchkin always doing multi classes always taking that two Lev dip for Action surgeon fighter which actually got me thinking about all I miss out on in B Gate 3 by playing that way never getting an actual class through to its final levels and seeing what those offer always taking preferred classes and using dominant strategy what if I avoided multiclassing my perceived best classes and went all in total immersion therapy with another class one that I've never used before the Ranger and what if I did that for every single character in my party ensuring that the ranger got the focus the care the attention that maybe it deserves but also possibly not considering how many enemies have piercing resistance in this game and so here's the plan I start as a ranger on tactical difficulty recruit a party and then resp specialize them all into Ranger as quickly as possible and then I add a couple of extra restrictions to the mix one no respecing after this point once somebody's a ranger they stay that Ranger two no saves scumming fights a fight must be won from a save right at the start three no save scumming checks that ability checks I'm going to have one caveat here though because this game's actually really big and there are a lot of options I'm allowed to explore what happens if I choose a different option but I do have to live with the results that the dice give me five I must use as many possible subclasses for each class so in this case for the ranger there's three subclasses and I must use one of each this gives me the best chance of exploring everything the class has to offer once I'm done with this run I should be in a good position to review how the class and it subclasses fair in BOS Gate 3 and it should put me in a good position to review them so I make my character making sure to spend a lot lot of time on customizing his appearance and then when deciding the name I have to choose between the obvious decent pun of our the ranger or maybe something like stranger danger Ranger danger stranger so I make the wrong choice and move on with the game so I wake up in this beautiful place in this beautiful morning I then fundle some brains get a bit too touchy and scare away my potential new buddy and keep on trekking until I come across the angriest green person I have ever met I had my first battle where I realized Ranger kind of sucks until you get the sharp shooter feat clean up quickly free the obvious romance option and then charge into what I'm certain somebody thought was the most metal thing that could possibly happen in D and D a battle with demons and mind flares on a burning ship in the middle of hell and if there wasn't a better justification for this plot starting at a higher level than one I don't know what that would be any anyways we fly poorly out of that mess and then land poorly and begin the game properly we re recruit the first girl I save a man who is seemingly far too accomplished to be level one get En raptured by his hair and decide he must definitely become a ranger I then locate the fourth and final member of the fund Brigade attempt to exert dominance enough ging get me down never and fail I then make off to the Chapel to unlock Withers and convert all these Rubes into Rangers after a couple of straightforward encounters that I won't really dwell on because the challenge hasn't even started cuz not everyone's a ranger yet I unlock Withers only to realize I don't actually quite have enough gold to resp specialize everybody into Rangers uh and so I make my way to the Dr Druid camp where I can get a vendor to sell things and get that money I put up a rather poor defense and for the first time ever this idot dies in the battle well no never seen aridan die before I'm not reloading that that's hilarious I get into town so literally every random piece of crap that I've picked up make enough to afford the resps I need and then head into Camp to create team Ranger danger and confident I am now completely Invincible I decide to put the pain on some harpies this was a terrible idea and it goes terribly with the bulk of the party falling victim to the luring song after being unable to break the haries concentration in round one okay okay oh for God's sakes oh for God's sakes rough Tempest I will raise oh huz so I give up on that temporarily and travel a bit decide to do some interpretive [Music] dance still feeling pretty pathetic about my Harpy battle and desperate to nurse my fragile bruised ego I decided to pick on a m and her kid this shouldn't have been much of a dangerous fight but it did get a bit dicey after successfully failing to get a single and snaring strike off still though I fluke through it I managed to get my first team Ranger danger Victory under my belt I steal from a god shrine which from sure of just be a once off and level up again giving me access to our subclasses I make one of each a Gloom stalker a hunter and uh the disappointing one I make the choice to go two Hunters instead of two Gloom stalkers with the benefit of hindsight I think this was a mistake Gloom stalkers relatively early on get a free extra attack on the first turn the first turn in battles in BS Gate 3 are by far the most pivotal with all enemies being alive positioning not being yet how you needed to abilities not being casted yet it's really really easy for turn ones to go really bad and the ability to get an extra free attack there for for no cost that's huge the hunter gets a really useful a bit of the level 11 but unfortunately that's basically the end of the game and the game's probably at its most risky in act one where you don't have access to a huge sorting of items regardless present me doesn't know this I also go hard on ins snaring strike and Hunter's Mark unaware that I will not get a single successful ins snaring strike for the next I kid you not 3 hours of gameplay because [ __ ] you I meet a very good boy and sent him to my Camp certain that I will have use for him again and journey onwards to find a boar suspiciously drained of all of its blood what could it possibly mean I journey into a stinky Goblin infested Village and decide to sneak off to a better vantage point to start start this fight I slink my way successfully onto the roof at which point for some reason I give up on being stealthy and just talk to the goblin outright I do successfully talk my way out of a fight before remembering that when I woke up this morning I did indeed choose violence and attack them anyway this fight showcases a lot of the strength of the Ranger class distant enemies on Lower ground just aren't going to have much of a chance I clean them up easily jump into a basement and discover literally the most run changing items in the game funny hats I immediately kit everyone out into their hipst sterious [Laughter] forms I keep on going to find some teleporting spiders lacking a high vantage point this fight requires a bit more effort than the previous one and then during the fight spot an opportunity for the next level big brain tactical gameplay Mega move with this spider on a destructible web I aim for the web to destroy it and have the spider fall down for massive damage oh oh I clean up the spiders lose LA to poison bring her back up lose her to poison again and then make off to another basement to get the best start of act one item the braces of Defense otherwise known as the nudie gloves because with high enough early game dexterity this is probably going to give you the highest AC in the early game particularly if you're running a DEX monk I am not running a DEX monk but I do look fabulous now making my way further across the land I find this poor old lady being harassed by some very unreasonable men I rush to her Aid and immediately get accused of being a menace he's with the ha don't bloody stand there gaping get him I don't understand what part of me looks suspicious I travel slightly further down the road pass a check that I have literally never failed and immediately slash property prices for this corner of Faun forever I attempt to do business with kind old Auntie Ethel keep that hole under your nose shut and sell her every random piece of lint in my pockets and then head back to the starting area of the noroid crash site because I'm nothing if not extremely inconsistent here I meet a pale man with enlarged canines and red eyes and spectacular clothes and immediately deduce that he is an upstanding member of society after a brief misunderstanding we brist and he heads off to my Camp going back to the druid's Grove I meet another character whose backstory has no business being attached to a level one character no matter how much you try to wave away a power increasing tadpole somehow resetting everyone level to one I meet a lady who likes snakes very much and actually fail an ability check here for the first time and so now suddenly I'm super invested here cuz I'm not sure how this is going to end sadly right afterwards I pass an Insight check and I'm able to Defuse The Situation without any kids being eaten by any snakes I mve further in looking for somebody else to cure Tad potis have a brief conversation with netti and sensing a bit of awkwardness I realized that my attire might be causing some issues in helping set people at ease so with the magic of shape-shifting underwear I borrow an upgrade from Shadow heart and voila things will not be awkward going forward from here I am beautiful this doesn't work as I immediately realized she's trying to poison me she tells me if I don't want to die I need to find a man who is way too comfortable embracing his inner and outer fairy and gives me some poison I will definitely forget to make use of dead said on getting my mojo back I start a jam session with a fellow terrible musician and proceed to power cord damn it come on I was was born for this no oh come on come on come on come on come on I was born for this my performance completely reduces her to tears she starts talking about blood and death and it's honestly pretty metal but by this point I've tuned out with my moo restored I decide to turn in for the night only to be awoken by a completely impossible to predict Revelation aarian was a vampire and he was trying to drink my blood fortunately my self-defense lessons kicked in and I shanked him back good with the danger resolved I decide to go back to sleep and leave that mess to clean up later two out of three of my team couldn't care less and shadowart seems about 30% disappointed that aarat is now dead feeling particularly Invincible now I go back to show those happ's what for again the fight goes Super well until Peewee gets himself absolutely chunked it's not meant to be hard fight after crying my eyes out over his death I decide to refuse to live in a world without him and reload to the start of the fight to go again the fight once again goes Super well until literally everyone gets lured by another hary song and we get absolutely chunk oh my God everyone's Lord are you okay okay hit him he deserves it oh you still oh my God okay okay yep just kill him he's useless they're all useless my freaking God all I can trust is my spider don't you sing don't you sing you bastard oh all three brilliant What where are you even going fortunately we recover this time and after witnessing the world's most confused hary what the we wrap things up I run around giving everyone the chance to tell me how awesome I am climb up a mountain and suddenly a devil gets the idea that of all places this is a good spot to greet me after telling me he can solve all my problems without actually giving me the option to solve all my problems though maybe there was some content here that maybe got cut he kicks us back out and I'm I'm left wondering what the point of any of that was I head back into the blighted village and attempt to recruit some ogres to my cause they give me an item I can use to summon them into battle which I will 100% never actually use leaving me 500 gold por for nothing for some unknown reason I head back to the Crypt at the start of the game hoping to do a bit of spelunking only to completely balls it oh come on just let it explode then no get out of there get out runow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow owow and with that disgrace I decide to Menace the local Paladin of teer population which the Paladin smiting the everling the Jesus out of me well at least he blew his whole load there okay can't roll nothing but ones my injuries okay I get it you wasn't supposed to win that one I reload and this time without missing every bloody dice role I deal with a lot of them without too much trouble a Dodge would have been good about another one no okay oh my God I then greet another party member whose backstory is once again way too accomplished to be at level one and stick her in my camp where I plan to never talk to her again feeling big and tough now I decide to clear out one of the more dangerous early game encounters a crap ton of NS with a leader with plenty of health and a brutal melee attack only to be fight blocked by Gail revealing he's got a magic addiction worse than my future tadp addiction I throw him enough just to make him Lucid but not enough to think he could ever leave me I move into the big null fight and combined with the complete inability to ever get an ins snaring strike shot to hit and my low damage output I get completely overwhelmed by the Nos and utterly destroyed just to confirm that wasn't a coincidence I tried again and get the exact same outcome oh goody disappointed I decided to pick on a smaller group of NS and head down to the secret Zen room Camp after getting cool out by the leader and asked to State my business down here I decide this time to perform the sneak ability challenge assuming that after showing just how sneaky I am she would decide that I am just way too sneaky to kill and give me a job or something oh that didn't that didn't solve anything that did not work out so I reloaded and just passed the other skill check oh for bullsh I then try and loot the camp and here's where I learn that my spider companion scares the [ __ ] out of everyone In fairness a huge spider does seem like the sort of thing that would send everybody into an absolute panic but lordy it is hard to steal stuff and break into rooms when NPCs are panck running around in every random Direction at every random time I'm sure this won't cause any problems further down the track and I'm sure it wasn't enough of an issue that a recent patch fixed this exact issue at this point I've also hit level four which unlocks a feat SEL ction I get Sharpshooter for every single character allowing higher damage on hit for a minus five on attack rolls making it so my attacks can now do sizable damage provided I can get my hit Chance High from here I take the secret tunnel down into the underdog I encounter two minotaurs who I assume will be complete pushovers thanks to me having both distance and The High Ground then for the first time in history I actually land an in snaring strike wait what about my special Gloom stalkery ability what why I proceed to follow up this incredible tactical display by accidentally sendling lasel down to attack with melee weapons instead of her ranged ones ohra no oh for God's sakes this doesn't cause too much trouble and I somehow managed to get another and snaring strike unfortunately he shakes it off and un makes lasel oh you can kill her now it's fine yep fortunately the fight ends and she stabilizes unfortunately there is a huge ass Minotaur now on top of her and they can't actually click her to just get her back up and because I'm too cheap to use a healing spell on her I keep trying to find a way to raise her I can't I I can't interact with luo no please she's right there stop get the woman I can't until I accidentally trigger another trap no oh for God's sakes realizing that she is now in extreme danger I try to heal her with a healing spell but get the healing spell off a second after she fails her final death saving throw and she dies forcing me to use a resurrection scroll oh I get invited to mushroom Town once again sell all my random junk to people who don't seem to know any better and at this point it's where I meet up with the most overpowered companion on all of BS Gate 3 my man glut glut has the ability to raise literally any creature slain in the underd dark as an ally to fight for you literally any creature at all yeah yes any of them this is absolutely as overpowered as it sounds and I always forget to actually bring glut with me finish off the dgar and then suddenly realize I can't get him anymore so I get him early on and resolve to 100% make use of him this time so unfortunately I forget to make use of gut's incredibly useful ability and journey off further into the underd dark I make it to Mr B bang and wonder how I'm going to balls everything up again this time until I remember that the gith yanki Mega Jump racial ability makes it literally impossible to mess this up I get the noble stalk for a bonus Point too anyways I unfortunately managed to corrupt the rest of my footage in the underd dark but basically I get glut killed before he can actually do anything useful cheuck at tanty and decide screw the underd dark and go above ground to take my frustrations out on the nulls oh yeah I guess that's what happens if you leave them for a while you absolutely body me again oh sweet Jesus so instead I travel West see a dragon starts super sing and then my party reaches god mode to elaborate slightly level five is in my opinion by far the biggest power jump in the game martial classes get access to a second attack on this level it is such a dramatic jump and such a huge opening up of the game and builds that I honestly wish this game started at level five and that act one was balanced around starting at this level but whatever we're at that level now and say for a single particular fight nothing else in this act should really pose any more danger to my party so go back to kick those NS asses using my newly acquired Spike growth spell I seal off their approach and start playing like the absolute most obnoxious zoning troll you have ever met I easily pick off the enemies except for one hyena who is way too smart to go anywhere near that mess at this point I realize I have no idea how to stop channeling Spike growth and I literally have to flee the combat to make it go away I'm sure this won't be a problem later in the Run what oh my God you idiot no stop running I need to talk to you stop running I deliver the whole chest to get my hands on Old mate Harold Harold will stay with me for the entire game I head on over to the goblin camp and try to sort out the actual main task of this act attempting to be diplomatic until well I'll just let this one play out let's try to be diplom shall we how'd you know dumb as a rock but world class are tearing the throats out of we one she rest of her lits inside in the pens beautiful beasts be a shame if you came all this way without celebrating a raid we are you'll need to wear our war colors nice this across the mug ought to do it my eyes I tried to be diplomatic Gil you saw so I Endeavor to use the more violent type of diplomacy to get my way through once again using Spike growth to completely ruin the day of anything hoping to melee me it's a simple fight and then how do I quit channeling the spikes after being pressured into taking Tad balls I decide to try it just the once and immediately get hook giving myself the ability to turn hips into crits I set about dismantling what is frankly not a very well organized resistance by having a goblin think she's leading me into a trap and allowing me and my team into a room where she's entirely on her own which ends just about as well as you'd expect for her I then rescue the most important character in the game if you bought this game to [ __ ] a bear my spider then proceeds to just completely [ __ ] up every single plan I had for this entire area by scaring a whole bunch of the characters permanently into different zones none of this is going how I wanted it too this spider has been nothing but an agent of chaos and decide just to kill big boy with the explosives I already had on hand I next try to see just how many fools I can shove down the exact same hole oh what a terrible accident he had a tragedy before completely Bing it uh and being forgiven for it what oh a kill off Menara going to draw zled Do's room and find that my spider has somehow also permanently scared this Goblin up here into the rafters oh my God what are you doing up here after thinking I'm super clever punching him off the roof and failing to kill him oh he didn't die I give up and trying to salvage anything from my Excursion and the Goblin Hideout and decide to just take the fight as is and wipe out everything in my way to fight is Trivial right up until the enemies decide to use my own strategy far more effectively than me nice try a what what's that difference in damage taken I fight my way back to a certain group of people's very specific fetish and let him know the deed is done deciding Druids really are [ __ ] I decide to Nick the statue of silver anus windrunner on my way out of the Grove see you heading back to Camp I get an entirely incomprehensible request from LEL full of subtext and metaphor that I can't make sense of yes sex no idea what she's asking me for entirely confused by her offer I go out for drinks instead I move on to the next Zone I meet a woman with an absolutely awesome item available for sale an item that just is way way way way above the power level of other items you can find in Act One the graceful cloth which increases your dexterity by a whopping two points gives a plus one bonus to deck saving throws a jump distance increase and advantage on all dexterity skill checks including disarming and lock peeing lock peeing and lockpicking which is absolutely absurd this early in the game it is so Bonkers ahead of the power curve at this point in the game that it really feels like they put it here by accident now you can buy this item from her but that costs money so instead I pretend to be absolutely morally disgusted by what she's asking me to do and then kill her under the guise of moral superiority to get it completely for free for great Justice having not yet learned my lesson about Spike growth I cast Spike growth in the entrance to this building to begin killing off all the MS inside without any trouble how do I how do I how do I get out of this mess I collect the ceremonial item and and remember this I definit ly kill some Eagles plain to see no surviving Eagles no survivors at all and collect another ceremonial item I absolutely obliterate a group of Cobalts by killing them so hard they don't even realize they're under attack until I've obliterated a few of them wait wait I wiped them out and collect the final ceremonial item I then fail to put the items in their spots correctly because godamn I am just not man you can trust and then proceed into the let me check my notes here for the pronunciation the cre so I walk in steal a bunch of parasites because godamn I am such a junkie and make my way over to the vendor here for another item whose power level is just way ahead of all the other Act One items the gloves of dexterity the ability to for a glove so set any character's dexterity to 18 from whatever atrocious base you gave them at the start of the game is super useful L's so on this run where I lack the foresight to do this for any of my team I could have waited to steal these off the vendor corpse because uh spoilers that's what she's going to be soon but I need to balance out my karma by buying this one legit or something and make my way into the Captain's Quarters and need access to the key she's currently holding there's a number of ways we can get our hands on it but at this point I think it's pretty obvious when I woke up this morning I chose violence and oh boy did I choose well I'm convinced I'm a better Diplomat than LEL so I dismiss her into the naughty corner and prep myself to be the most Charming lad you have ever seen when talking with a goddess get out of here Lael you bear that which is ours but are you friend or are you Thief that is a face of a man who does not comprehend perhaps I misheard you would not speak of a God would you blashe in tongue you wish to see godhood I wish you to end you are being lied to I will be obeyed you wish the daughterhood I wish you to end what are you doing you you that's it we're dead thanks to you I wish you to end oopsie forced to accept that maybe diplomacy isn't my best skill I bring LEL with me and as expected she starts behaving like a tier three sub my queen scar you are permitted to look upon me you are invited to KN the deathless queen has spoken you will obey through some combination of button mashing I eventually survived the dialogue tree and further the plot after deciding not to rat out the seire who put me on the path to a lifelong tadpole addiction I decideed to take on the feds get in the Cocoon oh my God I was expecting this to be a pretty difficult fight uh enemies here are level five so they've got double attack the inquisitor's got a lot of Health I just could have seen this going really badly instead uh it goes pretty well we eventually get an entangling strike on The Inquisitor and he's doomed yeah now that I've improved my hit rate I can't hit [ __ ] and we quickly finish him off after that why didn't I do this first not a smart man oh my God cocon is unusable the Rangers is still dangerous no you could stay on the ground but yeah with the increased damage from Sharpshooter we can actually clear out enemies pretty quickly with double attacks so the fight goes pretty straightforward figh is still useless though he really picked during harpies and he never did anything else come on it's time oh my God after dealing with the popo laelle once again behaves like a tier three sub when she realizes her favorite streamer will never treat her like she sees her Lord your wrath as a dragon you promised Ascension yet I crawl among my own people low as an as's belly the team hits level six which is frankly just not that impressive and then set about looting the crei and collecting the kameha Maya stick anyway go back to Camp Andra arrives to tell there's a better streamer to to and she's just bitter enough to consider it I decid to head to the final area left in act one and the source of the only fight that I've been at all concerned about for this entire First Act because apparently I didn't want the fight with near to be at all dangerous I work with the dingbats to betray him down the line all I need to do is push the stinking eye down the hole without anyone seeing including the guy who asked me to push it down the hole for some dumbass reason someone what only the guards you guys are on my you idots fortunately I managed to talk them down from punishing me for doing literally exactly what they wanted me to do anyways I destroyed the W with an explosive whoops uh this fight was you know interesting H not that interesting I bait it pretty easy because I'd already betrayed him so I make my way deep into the era and fight a lover element all the fight is super easy because well I've got four characters in the class that specialize in doing high damage to a single Target at far range I then failed the single most important ability check in the game uh-oh let's no escaping the laughter I returned back to Camp to prep for what I expect to be the most difficult fight in the game for four Rangers and somehow managed to trigger Shadow heart's drinking cut scene for the second time in one run anyways here we go the hard part the wankat Tron 5000 has one specific attribute that makes it rather awkward for a ranger it takes double damage from bludgeoning weapons and half damage from everything else and arrows are not blunt I decided to go for a slow and steady strategy where my team spread out and slowly Whittle it down from afar this actually starts remarkably well until he enters phase two at which point he learns Quake a huge AOE damage ability putting massive pressure on the party and becoming more or less a DPS race oh crap that's uh he's got more range uhoh I then decide to actually use the hammer for one once in my life to try and score a kill to my surprise it actually honestly doesn't do much damage done nothing there must be a way what follows is a series of fights where I'm forced to realize that no obvious cheesy strategy is really going to work it's incredibly resistant to Bow attacks does huge AOE damage in its second phase has really good movement range and Deals stoning damage on hit in my mind the only solution is to do a lot of damage and quickly that means phase one lots of bludgeoning damage and phase two leveraging good movement manipulation and two Hammer strikes and so with that strategy in mind I begin another round so I begin the fight by attempting to get an snare and doubling down on the melee first strategy there's just no way to get through that amazing Health pull without first donking him a lot with blunt weapons it doesn't go so well at the startop finally get my in snare my blunt hit and he's taking good damage the issue with this fight is not phase one it's phase two when he starts putting Quakes into his attacks what what is this you just why do you get to change targets you're cheating stop cheating I tried to knock in prone with my bear and succeed this will really help with hit rate it's at this point I realize something really important about the boss his re prioritizing mechanic happens for any damage including opportunity attacks please don't kill me oh come on oh I get it cuz if your opportunity attack yeah D of course okay screw you though the fight has drawn on long enough that I need to make the last a flow again then attempt to lure him straight to the Hammer with laso please don't hit too hard oh that works that doesn't work well I really don't oh dear Lao you're in a bad place the fight starts getting so intense and Jank that the sound now starts failing sorry Leo wait she's still alive some awward controls here prevent stranger from being able to Res lasel oh my God no you freak screw you forever and ever and ever and ever and ever this forces me to move Shadow heart out of position and use up her action as well once the Constructor has been hit by the hammer for some rather arbitrary reason four fire methods are put into the fight as well oh boy they add a lot of chaos to the fight and also spam heat metal which can cause you to drop your weapon which is uh not great I need you to not do that sir you need you need to stop oh no oh she's dead I'll I haven't noticed it yet but there's a glitch that has occurred the lava is no longer lasting multiple turns wait are you both in the fire and no s it just turn off in one turn is it what the hell is going on game it's so confusing what my Bear's dying my Bear's dying I'm absolutely clutch Miss I turn on the lava to soften him up again hopefully for the last time I just need to lure him onto that platform and Hammer him one more time and I've won fortunately Shadow hard is in jumping range all she needs to do is jump on that platform and we'll win no you need to have movement oh no I have rewatched this footage over a dozen times I don't know what happened I'm starting to think this game might be a little bit janky now without a distraction on the platform I have no way of luring the machine back onto there to hit him with the hammer suddenly inspiration strikes okay scratch go there scratch go need to be distraction scratch Good Boy wait no no you can't kill scratch yeah that's fine you can go for him no oh well now game's over bastards what scratch do well you showed him what for really did you have to Quake I'm left with very few options remaining I need to somehow lure him onto that platform to destroy him not wanting to deal with the additional chaos of a whole bunch of imps running around I decid to clear them out first no you don't young man see that's that's your bull your bull man now all that's left is Gil dude styling on my butt because of the lava glitch I have to find a way to turn on the lava flow get him super superheated lure him onto the platform and activate the hammer all in about two turns no are you oh my god Stay Stay Stay Stay Stay Stay Stay damn it and there's only one possible way forward I need to lure him onto the platform survive his attack and then Misty step to the Hammer control to finish him off unfortunately with my health where it is I couldn't possibly survive a slam Quake combo and so I figure my only chance is to get to the Hammer platform and turn invisible so he travels there tries to reveal me fails and then I Misty step over to the controls killing him the plan goes perfectly except it doesn't he manages to identify and smack me H one Health one Health holy crap Batman I Missy step to the controls and squash the wanker for the most scuffed win I've ever had in this stinking game and with that I have won the hardest fight for this comp in Act One Fu ready to move on to act two I reenter the crey region and encounter a blue jay who starts ragging on Eagles Eagles are Pricks man yeah Eagles are pricks I agree to kill the Eagles although I was pretty certain I'd already done that I go back to confirm I did indeed kill the Eagles after being called a [ __ ] by this bird for like the 12th time after confirming I did indeed already kill those bloody Eagles I lose my temper I killed and shoot an arrow at the bird I miss because I am indeed a little [ __ ] forcing me to chase him around the Highlands until I finally managed to recoup a tiny little shred of my self-respect I enter the final battle for act one against a bunch of obnoxious ghouls who can paralyze my party guaranteeing Critical Hits on every subsequent attack as long as they're paralyzed and more dangerously there's two death Shepherds here absolute wankers who can fully revive any Undead allies including each other this results in exactly what you'd expect so I make a big spike growth wall to try and kill them both before they can resurrect each other I kill one but fail to get to the second one down before he reaches his dead body in a moment of Brilliance I realize I can use silence on him to prevent him from using this ability you want to resurrect somebody just try wait what it's not a spill oh my god with that Revelation I reload and create a huge Spike growth Road expecting the enemies to all destroy themselves as they run towards me on it instead what happens is way funnier the ghouls all refuse to go down the spike path and while both death Shepherds take the long way around I let them come over and Whittle them down the same rate allowing me to kill both of them on the same turn preventing them from resurrecting each other and with that done I Whittle down all the ghouls and make my way to the end of act one I meet an old F that tell Gale that blowing up is super good and I'm left wondering if that will at all be relevant this run and with that act one is done onto act two
Channel: Biggerest Dingus
Views: 50,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rEjnmHo2r0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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