SOLO Honour Mode - Stealth Archer BG3 ACT 1 VOD

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hello everyone this will be my recording of a solo autom mode playr with commentary this is also completely unscripted and I'll be playing shut hunt for the Run let's get into it who are you so we pick God's fiber princess here and I'm going to pick minor illusion for some setups later the subass is like the best part about it we can't change it here and are going to select the worst cleric subclass for stats I'm going to go really weird here so we might go 16 digs and 16 [Music] gisma the reason being is I need some um cheap chop stuff and I'm going to put some into persuasion so fans of my channel might recognize this lady I'm making here I W dwell to long on this part so yeah we'll just blast R just the here and the hair color and we're done say I still my presets besy see character cran in 2 [Music] minutes your mind reels stomach chains legs you shut your eyes the mission the artifact so we're going to retrieve the artifact in many were sent to ret such an insignificant seeming item can you see how pretty she is only that you must protect I'm not damn bad for her at all what the first thing you want to do is REM let's see Al I'm going to change the camp clothing here cuz it's free slay no time to waste this is going to be a pretty long vard so I won't be talking the entire time I'll try to talk and be entertaining but I'm also going to reserve my own energy levels so depending on the workload on mood I might cut cut out all the walking so here we made Shadow heart's girlfriend within days we can do we will so battle begins and we going to swap over to her since this is a solo run I'm going to strip her of all gear might as well take the shoes too I reckon and this is where we say goodbye to Lone make way see you besti let's end this yeah I'm just going to blow the spell [Music] SWS [Music] hey this next imp's going to take [Music] W no this is exciting BL is and [Music] N that was luy was considering using a potion [Music] there so while I remember I'm going to change the armor over so that's 19 so those let's see what we have here so I'm going to use this here they sell back I'm going to um how I guess solve that issue wits and Blades always Shar we need to keep pushing forward I don't want to test how much punishment this ship can take also when I make content I have to play the music off so I have to edit some music in have to edit some music in I can't words usually we give it a try go what is it right I'm going to put on a crossbow so my honor mode saw puffing is very different compared to a lot of people you're a Das then interact with the door this thing is falling fast so we already have Dash active and I'm going to do it [Music] again like check out how far we can move [Music] here something going to cast Sanu and no one B his [Music] M yeah so pretty much my paing we get to level four without any fighting then we have such good gear that we pretty much just stomp on the rest of act one I think it takes a bit an hour of setup to be an absolute God in that time so here I'm going to dash again I'm going to pick up from any M FL body you here basically they have Little Gems that I can sell for like [Music] radio we should get in [Music] here hey those dogs so Frain your head's not as alien as the creature it's safe with you let lady sh's still be fulfilled but only if you can find a cure first the tadpole okay I'm done um sing over Shan let's go so lazelle's a little blue bow here I'm basically going to walk over here for a fish which will help do a qu [Music] so here's the first skip we can do we can skip the intellect of erors by jumping on these [Music] rocks I'm definitely not going to risk the fight now with 9 HP in level one so over here we fin test which gives us 5 XP so there's a bit of traveling right now so I'm organizing my hot bar while running so I'm going to head over to this portal here that approach the sigil on the a hand no can't make it out by myself I'll perish in here I'll perish no I guess um Sharon sh might do that actually over so this is going to be a pretty brutal play through being [Music] so next I want to go for the mire here it's h so he has the chance to give us a spay P death is too good and which we didn't get on this round the reason why I'm heading over here is for actual speed PS None Shall see me on so here I'm going to do an infect wors let's try this way I just can't be bothered with the [Music] doog so if he didn't know over here has a chest under a rock that has two spay Pond nice view and we felt the nature check and we didn't get it so the next up here I'm going to the Grove Fine and since I played Early Access I've done the Grove F that many times like literally I'll do anything in my power to bloody skip it so I'm might pick up this shovel cuz a bloody keep getting better I'm just going to dig and hopefully find some money nice we found 59 gold then basically the routing up done we need like 6,000 gone and hopefully we can get that in the first a you know so as for the gr F I go back to the camp here time for d since I have the definitive edition I have like some goodies in [Music] here yeah this is how Des what I am see I'm going to crouch and use my potion of [Music] Li yes I'm literally using a potion of fly to skip this Vine damn [Music] and way I feel like the for's pretty much identical to [Music] EA but tell I'm going to flow down over here this chest isn't worth very much money but I'm going to pick it up anyway going to do some chicky gardening here so you know how we picked up that fish earlier if you give it to tougher that's 15 XP so next I'm going to go in the Grove right and this is probably a pretty long and boring [Music] part I'm sorry I'm sorry have you okay we felt the roll on the FR there she must pay the price scared little girl we hands some to SC of wolves again when we C oh I will imprison the devil do it do nothing and she's dead kga we are Guardians not Killers spare your tears she still tried to run better us start a conversation I see now you see you need to be quick this so while she's walking over the door I'm going to pick up a level and Ranger and doesn't matter what we pay if you haven't figured it out like you don't have to copy me take a this one t crawled over this will be a pretty SC play how now I because you not whatever like this playr is pretty much metagaming with no regard for the story perfectly hidden so I'm going to wait until she's out of the room and pick up this MPL of parasite speciman onward in her name and that is a mouth for I'm going to say space gummy from now [Music] on okay we're going to have a really long walk back in the next person I want to talk to is Vol the reason being is Vol be I'll pick pocket victim my Camp all the time yes yes I see let's see what's to be said he said and okay so we talked to arabella's parents here for 45 XP unless you have news of Arabella it I'm surprised I honestly remember these numbers cuz uh I probably can't even remember what happens 5 minutes like 5 minutes in the past or what I've had for dinner [Music] today [Music] a some very low energy compared to my videos so here we have pretty nice allines I'm going to steal this breastplate with then oh no he's going to chase me is he I'm going to send it to Camp there your light fingers have attracted attention it seems an explanation maybe in order you okay that extra Charisma proved in handy there will search out I lotions and Potions Galore okay so we need um we need all these stength fixers we don't need the reviv fire scrs cuz if we we could am with did [Music] anyway I'm actually going to keep all of these shoes cuz they'll help us kill a boss [Music] [Music] later okay I went back to camp and I'm going to put on that armor [Music] also this is not a speedrun I just have 8hd I just want things done you know the hardest segment of this run is probably the first [Music] hour is the for still happening yeah I can hear stuff going on that [Music] Wasing yes se's here the F's [Music] done so I'm going to pick up everything they dropped here so I'm pressing space bar to go really Queen come you us drink a strength for X just to have increased jump distance and carry we so the reason we're going ever here is for the gardens ulent but you wondering I'm mic I already have guidance I'm actually going to re very soon there it's grab the food number four am I I could [Music] F hey so here's the G and saman necklace has a har why were they here and in this chest is some gone so there's only 20 there which is pretty sad [Music] so I'm going to jump over here as a chicky shun I'm going to go to idn here for the parasite people up ahead the something's a strange symbol glovs the injured man lock up you going to send these two to the AL cave true Soul absolute I'm going to interact while as it host memory abandoning it host not sentimental creatures [Music] clean so you're a lot of traveling for the first day hour [Music] just check for anything [Music] useful dead goblins dead Travelers so I'm going to pick up everything [Music] here better take that so we need a lot of Sala now play through too for Speed [Music] PS okay so here's a skip you can do in that one if you disguise self as a drown it can pretty much bypass all the goblin encounters well well wait a drown in the sun stand down this one's got a touch of the absolute about her apologies your lord ship so that's 170 x [Music] Spain so we discovered the Waypoint there which is awesome I'm going to go over towards the windmill here what do you want as the symbol glows power go for one of these options [Music] Authority the Goblins slink backwards so that's 190 XP let's find you something to it so that's 100 gone which is really nice so I just picked up a Smite P satel there which is pretty useful mode any explosives or throwables is such a crunch okay so over here I'm going to relas the gome and Bo release I meant uh release from live if you didn't know you can like make your own moral decisions the P thing I do isn't like Min Maxi yeah it's just the one I personally do so we're going to head down to the other Goblin Camp here as soon as we cross the bridge we're going to hit Level frame so ideally in h a mode you don't really want to farm till level four or five and it's pretty easy without [Music] combat I guess I'm trying to frame this video as like a along or like a like a loose walk through it's like not too serious you know shove out the claw coming through so that's another skip of our disguise which is awesome and I'm going to pick up a second level one range here I'm going to go inh hand sleep and F clown just a bit of utility for getting around and so traveling will be a lot quicker now but yeah this video just serves to give you an idea like you don't have to follow it 100% sounds I'm I talk to Vol here [Music] of so I'm going to unlock this way point over [Music] hereat OFA must have been so here's her last Dr dialog power see if you picked the drog you didn't have toce WR 120 XP which is pretty awesome actually might put away the disguise cuz I really like looking at [Music] cheddah he could have jumped from over there but I'm being lazying some know Lu pick this [Music] door I must keep going see the reason on me near is for the Misty step amulet unseen as I was taught so I'm going to wait for the S lines on this ogre you don't have permission to be here okay so I'm pretty bad at this entering a [Music] forbidden must let anyone see that's R I'm being for and relatable [Music] R you don't have permission to be here oh my god um you must keep going it's right you'll be more skilled than me at this unnoticed you've set foot in a restrict unseen perfect no time to D I'm going to try a different approach [Music] here [Music] it took me so many attempts but you can do it in one sweetie you don't have permission to be this way okay so you're probably curious R I'll show you why I wanted then like right now so I'm going to go into draw ragland's room [Music] here have to keep low actually no just give me a second cuz I'm going to teleport in I'm going to do Vol before I before I do the money your [Music] right [Music] so this play through is unscripted and the talking you're hearing now is [Music] unscripted don't go bothering my P what it to you as the symbol glows power courses through you Authority I guar we mustn't T Vol will be cash cow for like um for a little [Music] [Music] bit so right now doing what we got the see step amulet [Music] for and if you're wondering why my weird stat allocation I need like cheaper Trader prices what it some of the dialogue checks early game are pretty rough this St say is pretty rough so I'm just going to teleport over it 560 G that's awesome so here I'm going to go back to the blighted Village uned so we have a few has and gold so far that's not too bad over at this campfire there like a dagger you can dice roll and get 15 XP for notice A peculiar dager protruding from the tough so we just missed up by one but that's not the end of the [Music] world so here's a little um pile you can dig for money so you to jump over here climb down these rocks there's two skeletons who can loot in so this rock has a gem under it what's that I'm going to jump over here and there's a crate or some stuff in there six and go I mean that's pretty s so over here is the skeleton in a bush so this ring gives us plus two stealth plus two slot of hand and minus one kisma so the smug ring will be a permanent ring on our run pretty much so that's a bit of foreshadowing that I'm going to do a stealth build over here I'm going to pick up this cane key wonder what it opens and I'm pretty much going to go to the cell with it but the I do I'm unlock this way point just when get out quicker nothing we need to worry about so while I'm here and pick up the quest we were lucky it's all I have so we hunted we get a game of SW bring me her [Music] head so down here is a lot of stuff to learn that Corp smell is right enough time for its killer to have moved [Music] on just avoid that trap it's not the most exciting game play so we picked up an invis pot which is really good something over there 270 gold is huge jail poison is a really good fra Bill looks like a trap [Music] there there's something more to this see some lights on the chair and there's a pressure pad over here so I'm going to jump over in 209 gold that's really good something going to teleport back out here I'm going to pick up something very heavy soon so I'm just going to make room front I'm going to send all camp supplies back to cam so this next part's going to happen really quick it could be a run inder basically in this cave are full of traps here I'm going to like jump to The High Ground here and stay on The High Ground the trip Bo is in this area so I'm going to jump off it here into snake mode and I'm going to jump over basically steal his lock box as quick as you can and teleport out cuz if you get into combat there that could be a game over [Music] I'm thinking we might as well save the counselor while we're [Music] there better get to work smoke something burning great God I hear shouting someone needs help gr you Raven girl could be inside don't just stand there [Music] push I just so go down inside hurry that shaky little smoke she just did oh my God this is why she's the best G okay I stepped on some fire which is pretty crap I'm going to put on that ax and just one shot the [Music] door no mercy damn ton Shadow Kitty is so strong I like how the only word is just like [Music] come so let me tell you in this room is so much food but I'm just going to grab like these two tables cuz I'm lazy you butter bun Miss shahan may I trust you'll see it through I mean it doesn't really matter what you pick here just went with the spell spark I'm pretty much going to sell it is the purpose of it what so this is the rough part of the Run yeah mind like it's pretty RNG depending so I'm going to turn on kamic dice just for this segment so here's a run iner here way so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hop here and hop here like as fast as I can human man awaits you I mean if we fail a dialog here we won't [Music] die you freees waiting on your next word got to press on so another tip here is there's plenty of food in these cres but I'm not going to bother where did he go you know I'm doing it's not very long rest dependent so the KE in this bottom chest yet nicely designed there's some good food in here which I might do actually so here is where we need a Cru maang that's far enough what's your business down here and some honestly and maybe we'll kill you [Music] clean I feel like these Stog options don't display the right [Music] details I'm going to go persuasion hopefully I get the wrong it's 6 to 9 but I might put advantage on we so here's a little shortcut you can do you can like um just jump across she's got nine turns of charm so I'm going to make this quick we can provide but today find them so that chest we picked up I'm going to give it to her our [Music] Trader [Music] going to quickly talk to brim here ones well if you have the golds my pet artist will make your most heroical lightess and I want the gloves of favory which give me a v who on slot of [Music] handshakes teleport to the heart out [Music] here and I'm just going to wait until a champ one's [Music] gone Keep Going Quiet simply begging to be [Music] robbed wonder the better than [Music] this thought I was paid to crack heads not stack bloody B I wonder how long it takes for it to go normal L SLS don't want open fles where're feel like she's normal now ever [Music] onward so might go trade with BM normally here I was just being overly cautious only tell her it's a gambling it's happened before basically he has the Titan string which I want something I can help you [Music] with so this Bine is our endgame bow we literally use it the entire [Music] run I'm just going to sell some stuff and get some money for it l some [Music] we [Music] pleasure okay this F can go wrong pretty [Music] quickly [Music] so I might give myself um Shield of Faith here just so I have 2 AC basically the strategy here is I'm going to use some minor illusion to gather them so I'm measuring the sh distance here so I want them in this area [Music] you okay I didn't get the initiative there which is really [Music] awkward there's no need for this see my rewards so I'm going to throw an alchemist fire here get to it so it's just two enemies left I'm just going to [Music] hide did they just ran into what so this guy should be pretty easy he should wear next turn there we [Music] go just another day in the life of a Sharon you know a bearfoot Sharon so we got most of the RNG out of the way for the Run we got the time string baby that's what we want I'm actually going to send that chest back to the camp cuz it's [Music] heavy right I say a goblin cam Sho arrows I'm going to go back to cam Camp here I would have words with you so I'm going to walk up to buddy Vol here give myself guance perfectly hidden and I'm going to steal his [ __ ] which is um going to be a daily routine like a ghost to if you fail it is just going to run away and be a little bit that's it n he Captain right could have killed him easy it shall be done so right now we're going to go to act and get some gear and come [Music] back so you have a decision point to you like do you want to go to actor and get like the best gear for the b or you can continue sweeping Aton right now trust me once we get the gear it'll be [Music] trivial there are important matters to discuss so bone daddy wants to talk to our no harm in a little conversation I shall be here in there are many answers no I don't think Vol refresh his stuff but but I'm going to try anyway mustn't let anyone see unnoticed [Music] good I came just in time yes you recognize that b and I'm here don't you will not become a We There is great I will keep it from consuming uming you I'm going to take a few screenshots here both of us a fight for the F you can change I have to go the enemy is closing in wait she does look very strange from that perspective we are important matters [Music] to see you die strength forix gance and Ste from best calm and quiet that's the way too easy something nicely all mine too easy yo there's some Scrolls of Enis that's going to be real Handy good unnoticed good I guess we didn't get it [Music] huh so we're in the me a I'm going to ignore as far cuz I've had a few runs for a tri to steal from her and it just like I'd say if it goes wrong it ends youran got mainly level what three and she's level five keep moving None Shall see me okay so here's some Spade run te but I'm very bad at it so I'm going to full clear in the middle [Music] [Music] here so the trick here is just to jump in the fog Lon I'm not going to risk it I'm just going to bloody Invision run got to press on [Music] [Music] [Music] still so yeah we're pretty much going to wa for a wall here if I remember I'm going to cut it out from the video [Music] in we can survive 12 hp let's [Music] go they're actually chasing me I can't believe [Music] that should be a fast forward button cuz seriously um can't give up not now so I'm going to fight from combat and come [Music] back so is follow meant to me in this cam cuz I come find [Music] him a welcome rest so we're going to do some shopping in act two and come back to act one so technically it is an act one [Music] video this is [Music] grab this way Shad hard is immune to the um Waker Shadow curse I'm actually going to drink the th fall cuz it's driving me crazy your own Mother [Music] Superior to true I admit of course you are planning to sing [Music] instead best so here's another skip you can do for early act two if you prepare the command [Music] spell [Music] you can command the dder to drop his Moon Lantern there's actually no repercussions for this so he saved all of my spell on I'm going to pretty much go to camp in Long R matter to so before long r on a Thor vol see n NE too like I'm not even sure yeah can't on B maybe not I'm definitely going to blow up that on so we probably have to waste another strength like off see if I can get the drop on keep your hand see there's literally no repercussions for this might be useful won't you help me Lantern gives off a this Lantern only likes the way when I am hurt did a [Music] good he Shadow Kitty need to rest room break [Music] in okay sh to K's [Music] [Music] done [Music] these aren't the remains of some Skirmish whole armed you know what I'm just going to eat the damage cuz I'm lazy so here's a wayo I want to [Music] unlock better get to it then I'm going to go to slide in [Music] [Music] now just be careful or and here there's enemies in there that's [Music] curious this place is protected you might find allies here or at least supplies it's wondering why she wasn't jumping [Music] Shadows Roo so there's a few items we need here so in the in itself is an invis [Music] potion [Music] it's actually so easier to again that like the speed run is re up for [Music] him so in this Barn is a chest worth a lot of [Music] money it also has a pretty good piece of armor if you're doing like a main Force corn do build this justo Al I'm this lazy I'm just going to teleport back see any movement stock up while you can I only hope I've brought enough to see us through so the bul of f SP will be on this person if you're all right by jir you're all right by me r on let's see how much money we're going to bloody spend [Music] here of favon oh my God [Music] okay so we want the UN go m that cost us 2400 [Music] bucks also want the um cloaker [Music] protection and also want the uh emid of the Harpers right we've got enough money for that and we just [Music] [Music] wait [Music] okay so the next St is [Music] moonrise forget we're close I can feel it the absolute that's you find they can be no doubt this is the place this is where we'll discover the secret of the absolute C want to see through the main doors I'll see what I can learn should you be interested I have a particular offer okay so the most important thing here is the risky [Music] ring so that's going to cost us 1415 so pretty much this ring and the ton string will carry ask through act [Music] one and I'm might pick up the um potions of Enis just for insurance come can't hear a damn thing in [Music] there so before we go to act one yeah they wouldn't admit it the absolute CA I want the Drake fruit GL which um your family which will Bo s damage but I can't be bothered farming right now so if you spend another 10 20 minutes um picking up stuff he can probably afford [Music] it so here I'm going to improvise weapon kidnap [Music] her so I'm going to pick a location they give me enough time yeah and I'm going to teleport to riwi town so the trick here is as soon as I hear the dust R I'm going to click the [Music] Waypoint I guess have felt that ra I'll do it one more time [Music] maybe I think the Ry ring gives you [Music] advantage [Music] I'm literally doing this meme to save like some farming time and we'll get into the content I wouldn't have allies we handle the diplomacy you just keep looking pretty okay it's 91 1% of Advantage now I think it was too early on him I don't know how I get the kidnappings like um first go on stream [Music] I must have done a wrong CU GR okay I'll add a chapter marker cuz this is like really crun so if you're watching this video in the future and there's like a chapter to skip all this CR basically they too long didn't wantes up get the Drake fruit [Music] glaive this is attempt Fray um I'll do it earlier I think just getting my curs ready strike fast you sought a fight and now [Music] you I think I was too late on the FR Brothers sister with me well with me I'm not worthy I never learned the words yes you did she gives them to you fully formed you hear actions have not gone unnoticed okay I can't quite get it which is me I think it's like 2 Grand worth of [Music] product wied [Music] brother [Music] am not doing it too [Music] early sort of fight I'm doing it too late I think [Music] I'm so sorry this usually takes me like first go [Music] honestly right so let's [Music] um okay you have the door it really early perfectly hidden best step Al she can kill you so I'd be very careful so I'm going to invite for another tick and attack [Music] [Music] her so this shadow um creature does so much damage oh my God that did n damage already [Music] okay let's go back to act one everyone that's Al [Music] Salam trying to thing which way point [Music] here so we've reached P comfy mode here actually before we do any fighting here I'm going to drop my bow here and do Elemental weapon on it this is our set up every day I'll take this way so that gives a plus one enchantment and a um one4 damage of funder actually prefer the funer cuz they all synergize wild beans unseen perfect let's make this quick onward ever onward time to meet your maker oh my God everything hurts an [Music] onone so I'm going a race F cuz our M damage is pretty mean [Music] so I'm going to loot of the dead people on the bridge [Music] here okay never mind they're not here Hast I would have words with you so we going erase Big K not this one for most s very well thou walkest and F should thou or any of thy compatriots a matter okay that took a while just for that d so I'm going to go ranger him it literally doesn't matter which one you're picking I'm just going to go ranger KN for the heavy armor which I'm not going to even [Music] use I'm like an open tracker for the slide of [Music] hand so I want seven in DS webly 16 and con you know cuz we're Sol we can die at any point yeah and I wi 14 in chisma so here I'm going to go stealth and uh Athletics [Music] Oren two I'm going to go enhance leap [Music] again and go Hunter's Mark I reckon we're definitely going to do archery which plus two so P this s stalker and we're going to pop off now I'm going to go all clear Reck I don't feel like we need long strer and I'm going change back to the armor cuz it looks D so here we're going to do our daily Pick booking a gentle touch p p to be light finger unseen perfect in and out like a ghost he he didn't run off so we can keep doing it unnoticed goodine Nic okay you can press enter here which makes it quicker too easy A Gentle Touch pay all too easy unnoticed good got to press on so I'm just going to check out dies here let's see if it looks any good on the armor I mean it kind of looks weird but I might actually go off it's still okay [Music] I don't know how I feel look kind of gross looking okay lighted village and we're going to go to an actually before we go there let's kill the ogres yeah so we're going to attempt the O Level free here Qui M like honey so I'm going to open with Hunter's Mark this gives us a surprise R de so I'm going to shoot here and go dread Ambush D this breaks the AI and the stealth Archer mes the [Music] thing attack what can't be seen I guess the ogers then have the highest IQ not the bravest strategy I'll [Music] [Music] admit to F so we did a game this we' broken [Music] comment better to hide fight sometimes so this was a lot to move level four and five unnoticed good I don't unfriendly eyes I'm saving my bonus action for theide here keep out sight so that's why I'm not using hun ASM wello nice that's a level up for [Music] us so we're going to go Sharpshooter here additional 10 damage but with a minus five penalty to the attack round since we have the risky ring it's completely offset like it doesn't even [Music] matter this point in the game we're pretty much going to turn actor into a Hos so we just picked up the headband of intan we're going to use it for check some later on what's the round up nothing L you like you took a life need to keep going off I go have to keep [Music] pushing mustn't let anyone see okay that's awkward we missed [Music] one so I should be jumping [Music] around please we just want Marina back just stop this [Music] we I just get a 44 damage a chill runs up your spine okay so the reason for Ati a for the strength relix is we're going to be using one per day should get some rest I need to keep Sharp I know what to do gods grant me patience eat up Marina I won't say it again okay Alex is really nice and you can never have enough potions of En so I'm going to keep some junk just to kill the um Grim Forge [Music] baross what is it what's going on Ethel can I and you okay so let's go to the under dark so I'm going to go through the goblin Village shooting arrows this blessing people say it's easier without armor I'd better do the talking ah pain without forgive me but please my work congr yes this will do nicely okay we have a plus waren then that's pretty awesome the pain you suffer will cleanse you do not fight it I forgot the Goden simulate but um that's fine want more wonderful such a beautiful just wonderful your voice s you are doing so well do not give in now that's it Sweet Child I am proud so we have L's blessing here loves I should say 30% hpow to get post two attack rolls and wisdom saving throws for three turns so I'm going to go get branded here Priestess gut needs to tou you ready so the reason I want this brand is to skip the Dua Punk hold still as pain muddles your thoughts your minds become entangled a familiar sensation she too carries the dark vision so whatever maybe I could help with [Music] [Music] concerned you didn't say you want to picked up the better get to it O Come here I ain't waiting around that might be worth a look to RIS I'm going to use the Dr boy you s of fight I shot two arrows and on the second one CH caught me in doog but that absolutely rinsed her [Music] so down here are explosives are might col there's an elid parasite in that corpse you should take a look oh nice we found some arrows something over there must keep going may you H toly Ban's um a insurance and B [Music] therapeutic this one is a true Soul parasite spumy yummy it can you can absorb its potential open your mind to it you already know how okay it goes without saying Ron you don't have to copy me and need a space g space gummy it's completely optional and like you don't need the power your mind swells as it subsumes everything the tadpole has to offer everything it was and everything it was destined to be pure potential pure power good you have grown your power and improved your chances of survival the first one we want to go for is C the wing basically once a creature goes to a hit point that is equal to your Aid power can it dies and makes um an explosion so the next thing we want to go for is aity dram quiet as a mouse hey so remember that ogre that was annoying me earlier this way I can't wait until level five of get so much damage nice there were a few potions [Music] Sam what is this so over here you can bypass the puzzle it'll fill the check so I have to do the puzzle okay this is going to take me a while so um I'm really bad at this puzzle so we'll probably um leave a Time Scamp of cut up from the [Music] video quite The Descent best get started okay that wasn't too bad usually takes me like half an hour so if you pass this perception check you can literally lock pick okay I'll broke my concentration in them that's depressing as I said um the explosives are insurance okay so I'm going to get the Waypoint over here and kill them Min time see I almost forgot to put on my [Music] gear do so much damage we don't even need the bloody moon thing this is probably a bit um a bit risky but I might do the spectator level [Music] four as I said once you get the gear you can do any puffing you want done with you keep L quiet so the trick here is to get surprise um from the [Music] so it won't affect you if you're up here come quiet that's the way so nice we got the surprise on it so we almost did 90 damage in our first [Music] home so here I'm going to walk up and Dread Ambush a hard for now finger should take us maybe two turns at most to kill this spectator the E pretty much fre XP I'm lazy here so I'm going to cast forever [Music] fall rest [Music] looks like a trap there going to skip the B by just jumping past [Music] it oh Dum you that thing didn't look friendly whatever it [Music] is so here I'm gonna just use the name Vis bang go better take Peak is it be an overkill for these turrets but I'm being lazy okay this is going to hurt I can keep going a little longer now that might be worth a look so here we're going to PE up the Saucy F there's something about these flowers feels like my magic's wilting and a bow does so much damage we don't really need a lock pck might as well I think from nail and I'm going to slow down my game play here what's I'm SL going down the brain cuz I'm talking wor now to run on this floor I want the flowers flowers I mean Tim M balls and um the tongue of Madness you two mushrooms areer requests for aium hey why do you want this Quest um that's my favorite Birds you know once you finish the quest you get the boots of Stormy [Music] CL so we going to be reading some journals here again H I can think of better places to enjoy literature than in the depths of the underd dark s you know these words they are from the opening stanza of a play you found in this very Tower thought she's so pretty I was taking some screenshots there come out of love for me come my lord of course my Don't Be Afraid sweet girl what can I do would you like a hug I'd like a hug from here for just a moment his arms are too tight she looks so uncomfortable now for a comfortable hug as if he's meant to be embracing someone slightly shorter remember you are Lov little so much everyone will be so proud of you I already am hey so you remember the sto from my tons string video this chair I feel Stronger Just from sitting in it the strength vanishes as soon as as I stand curious so if you didn't know I can destroy the store run as much as I enjoy and you get the club of Hill giant strength so once you equip him it sets your strength to 19 so if you're doing like an Elixir T string bound it's perfect or you can hold another stat stick on the other hand [Music] okay so another on a mode trick here so once the turrets are deactivated you you can actually kill them for XP so that gave me 40 XP then there's four turrets in total and it can only kill them once just a shame right cuz they do rise [Music] [Music] again so that's a third tur down these things also do have distance here but since we have the T string of Sharpshooter like the minimum damage we do stupid so I don't have a plan here I'm just kind of running around getting [Music] XP I'm actually enjoying this play through so we'll try to kill kill every [Music] [Music] boss seems simple enough Prime spot for an ambush I'm trying to figure out the way to mushroom town the air is thick with spores they must thrive in the [Music] dark you are swallowed by a the YF you see a vision State your purpose you detect a distinct quiver in then the got shedan so distracting to look at so many miles connected so here I'm going to take off my R sking I'll see what I can learn if you talk to BL he summons aan are you looking to open your mind but the and even with nor gives us atic mushrooms there may be a timus cause confusion in those that approach them the I already have what he's looking for self you must drink the world loses its edges so this is why I took off my um rescuing but fear pierces your mind like knives of ice the parasite digs deeper as if it needs to hollow out your skull we so lucky then the that love S I would and I must admit I was curious to study okay now we can talk to him and get the stuff have you changed your mind about the ring the butus stormy clamorous soan if you haven't watched my b in video like I'm might explain it there normally I go shoess with the shadow Fade Out yeah but these are literally the only boots I wear to the end of the [Music] game don't think I need anything else from him really okay let's put the boots on and put the ring back on don't she'll need an antidote soon why are you helping me pain so they're going to get her shoes and um it's pretty much a freight pass across the lane Sovereign you do the the dead make a fine what more would but we still have to be careful of the encounters see you see a fella on his own on your way in bald blue tunic dumb as a stick that's a bit of a roast for your husband there [Music] I'm actually going I try some in these D see if they're [Music] prettying so I'm buying the strength legs here potion en oil of accy want all get the Dr poison you can never have enough explosives so I [Music] reckon [Music] reach into okay let's put the door on see if it's any good pink is actually gross so I'm going to send that to [Music] K let's try blue around I [Music] guess that is not much better on his own [Music] okay let's try the light blue one out it's actually a bit better so I might um use that [Music] [Music] one still not a fan of it but I'll do for [Music] now someing look recent so we're going to rescue all M wife bad here [Music] stop you recognize the name bber bag scroll okay I'm just pretty much going to LEAP right here C's back to him [Music] yeah a I'm all right God I can finally breathe I'm just going to jump straight for the noble [Music] Stone I should have talked to him h progressing not well I just made more work for myself I have to go back there are you was only thinking of my own um preservation [Music] really okay he's here which you swing why does he have full HP oh my God he dumb B there you are look at the his hands are empty as a collecting Noble stalk go on then next time more careful next time for certain anyway what were you saying [Music] hey let's sail across the water now his fist grips an axe on his gnarled gray skin you see the show The Burning those in just anyone a every Army needs grunts to run in it but spoil my hunt bit [ __ ] rude man I'm going to kill you lat on got to kill the slave and fetch back the leather the oh look at that Swift work you could teach our slaves a [Music] thing a vessel wobbles on the Lake's murky Waters I'm just going to skip through this really where's GE who are you so the first option here is the safest one for us well I'll be what about Geck where's continue you sp up drug [ __ ] who's the whom greymond another slave you're [ __ ] so Chum But I'm warning you SW that's pretty T so almost level five I kind of want to fight Grim at level five just to save time someone buil a fortress down here I didn't live here though steps are too I'm just going to do some much sh hard stuff you look at the skeletons you realize they are all clad in the same dark armor oh she was sacred to account if you jump over here and Misty step will jump onto this [Music] area the sh ID's here and you don't have to go through that ship puzzle a beautiful Idol crafted with r I'm just going to teport down cuz they'll save me some d [Music] I've actually never SED with near on any play frame they are tin the dialog options I think the majority of you want to say me kill him like especially in AA play through might find something useful casting mold which means there's a forge nearby so if you didn't that or something the short C to the um to this um way point here a welcome rest to tr carefully think I can take on these um baddies there's also or over here which is safer than the mud F fits the mud methods are account Words [Music] you can't say this is IDE deal your [Music] maker on I go have to keep low off I go Focus strength true let's try this way perfectly hidden I see a way so we're going to use stealth to our vage here prepare to die so we got the damage and I think the Battle Is Ours now that won't [Music] work so we're going to Kon play here [Music] have to keep going hidden for [Music] now got to move so M stop picking up stuff to throw at Grim unseen as I was taught need to tread Softly I'll take this way I'll go R the safe [Music] way let's see haven't been to this area in like a whole [Music] year I wonder if I can kill this monster from up here perfectly hidden [Music] [Music] okay I'm not evening in up over it's going to take too [Music] long this W honey you made to be po PE pocketed [Music] today I was just settling in and reviewing unseen perfect okay we need be Scrolls of fire for Grim in and out like a ghost unseen as I was taught a gentle touch pzo p that fing good it's too easy unnoticed [Music] good okay that's some nice Asal we just [Music] witnessed no time for ddy R let's do the Grim fight [Music] so so yesterday I had a solo WIP to the mud methods there so I made the love [Music] [Music] methods the had a mantin forge incredible it doesn't matter what we put in here as soon as I find some [Music] okay so the trick here is to fly back up you can miss the step back up can't afford to stay idle I got the views really annoying me here so when into the Tactical camera [Music] there okay now you shoot the valve over [Music] here None Shall see [Music] me so we're just going to throw things at him pretty much [Music] again you know how I said I collect random objects shoes work really well against him so that was 24 damage just in so this will probably take me 20 minutes to [Music] do once the fire runs out you just shoot the L Bell the reason I wanted the there like it's so much [Music] quicker [Music] use your liid potential hey byy you don't have to talk to me like [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey you still has super haen so I'm going to throw on this sun this is pretty chill with a poopo [Music] I don't know hell about myself but [Music] [Music] whatever he we still have a crossbow left to throw at him hey this should be the last sole hand [Music] hopefully this does enough damage hey the sword does do 24 damage okay see you grim [Music] oh my God look at all that stuff we destroyed him better stop to rest soon then okay that's the Grim Forge boss done how closer lean to level five not trying to think was easy to do here trying to think what's easier to do here what a got to be about so maybe I should do the goem camp okay I think I barel man this one like the golds AR very strong so I'm just going to do like maybe two of these that's a bit gross mate I might get the purple dye um the black Dy is my favorite whiches on M okay might go for the gloves arery here [Music] [Music] get you back chck for the chi [Music] come quiet the way unnoticed I really have to use Darkness hand so basically what I'm doing is poisoning the Goblins going over here Lads I propose a [Music] toast a toast to our Victory and many more to what should we toast to H You Raise Your Glass and Shout gone drink up surely we can pass this one they're dead must have been no stranger you as the symbol glows power courses through you [Music] Authority some killing us off Battle Stations this is going to be pretty fun [Music] down with you guess so to scrap some distance here it sucks I can only attack once a turn my next try to kill the buit oh my [Music] godash break Crush [Music] we could lose if we placed shup at Lee here [Music] [Music] I think we just BL up here until the um [Music] [Music] for that makes it a bit easier H come quiet that's we just kill them off one by one [Music] yeah in her name not for can do what I want bisty see you're being arrested [Music] head [Music] do we really need all this F I guess not really as I was [Music] T think got to keep moving feel my mistress's wroth let's go no time to waste this is so relaxing [Music] everyone black out drunk a lot of them you can smell it from here moving right I should turn off the um comic [Music] [Music] dies let's get going to say my misses are really [Music] exaggerated okay I don't know why he did that no I should attack him from above there loose brick work best not lean against it unseen okay we can't destroy that letter I wonder if we can block that ladder actually this way the was more travel shest i d where it is in this some L what do we have [Music] [Music] here so I'm going to block the ladder here [Music] that's like a pretty solid Doss two strategy D [Music] you this is so relaxing everyone Your Time Has Come perfectly hidden let's make this quick you took a light that's cute G [Music] quiet de we're almost level five [Music] here you're being arrested for [Music] assault time to pack it in for the [Music] day to me I must keep going might as well kill him as well very interesting physics [Music] there this is pretty cool i' leave him [Music] alive time to meet your maker you're being arrested for a the [Music] forest want to look at you [Music] no don't do the [Music] drums no time to waste worth a sh [Music] is this going to be handy while going and like just give my turn back unseen perfect [Music] Focus strike true let's try this way need to press bleed for me time to meet your end get some rest I need to keep Shar I must keep going quiet is a mouse on I go h okay we need 287 more None Shall see me [Music] this is how lazy I am with the turn order this way must let anyone see I'm going to see what he does okay he going to CL up I don't know how a level three Goblin can attack [Music] twice better make Camp soon might be a while there's another chance to rest no time to waste unnoticed good step soft [Music] let only then okay this is kind of annoying I'm ready better to hide than fight sometimes have to keep going I guess we're going to go for drain next time got to keep moving [Music] [Music] unseen as I was [Music] taught I didn't get any xay for that that's sad let's try this way better try carefully [Music] time to fill some [Music] Graves got to press on have to keep low Fus [Music] Str need one XP for [Music] [Music] that come quiet that's the way [Music] both D you can't attack what can't be seen on I go I guess it depends which way in looks oh my God this could be bad definitely going to invisia got to focus [Music] onward [Music] think we should long rest [Music] here okay this cut triggers when you do the amum quest use the powers your parasite gives you to convince them you are one of [Music] I'm not talking much I'm getting tired you name quiet as a mouse your P light finger in like a ghost I'm going to put on the favorite GLS have to keep low it's too easy this ni unno good A Gentle Touch pisil too easy this will do nicely it's too easy too easy okay we've made the tiniest smidge of xain Need To Tread [Music] something [Music] no more cast magic weapon on it as [Music] well there a plus three weapon here which is pretty awesome onward in her name unseen as I was [Music] taught off I go let's see we up the height Advantage [Music] here was that see keep no quiet to Dre poison and girlriend [Music] [Music] that is so smart by the AI this person can kill us if be Goods up [Music] here not the bravest strategy I'll admit on the move T's going to try find us we just need one good attack on [Music] [Music] him [Music] I'm not going to risk it here I'm just going to [Music] [Music] en no [Music] oh my God this is so annoying it's like so [Music] low if I'll let him attack me it's over mustn't be seen got to move [Music] okay that was lucky I don't know what happened there come find me if you dare on my way this is really [Music] Clowny okay he healed up which is really [Music] CR hidden I come going to try that again the drill [Music] poison K that's so much but I wanted to do that from the very start [Music] on the Move better avoid unfriendly [Music] eyes another the parasite collect it it might be useful okay so we're going to go for Ability drain [Music] here and we get all second attack a level [Music] five so when we pass we Trace them which use us plus 10 better make Camp soon might be a while before there's another chance to rest need to keep going a long way to go still so there's a lot of food here [Music] I guess we can do the spot M let's see what we have here no what am I doing you can just use the well apart from an overgrowth of mar the coin disappears you could spin a cloak from all these cobwebs unseen perfect let's see so we're just going to take our time [Music] here let me strike [Music] true oh my God like she one shot three things just [Music] then so first round no is really good now [Music] unnoticed good best step softly so the trick here is we can shoot the eggs safely your time has come [Music] come quiet that's the way so might take my weapon here I ass she's um immune to um Poison Something Going to wa until she's on the [Music] wayb [Music] I prefer this one cuz I'm more in range oh hell okay let's do an now AR own [Music] head okay this could be pretty [Music] man H so might K the little spot is here better Hur [Music] onward is she far enough away if I killed the little splatters she would doesn't [Music] can [Music] onward inv hopefully I hit this okay fly I'm dead [Music] inen [Music] Feld [Music] okay now to deal with all the little [Music] spiders I don't think else any a here [Music] [Music] [Music] h this is going to take a [Music] while okay is something going to happen here cuz um it's the game Frozen [Music] I don't know why it does that sometimes but it's annoying that helped do I really need the B dark transfixing isn't it who knows what's down [Music] there yeah I'm not going to for the um Necromancer [Music] F okay let's get some more um strength [Music] [Music] elixers [Music] hello that regular swimming in your brain juice is a bit of an inconvenience isn't it here from we can can I go to the maret call [Music] name [Music] have to be more watch some next time we'll be no point in lingering now I've got the noble St [Music] okay I'm going to go to the Yankee Cran ever onward hello who you know look over there do you see that feted little Hive I'm going to steal the arrows from here and hope for the best [Music] honestly you'll be well compensated of course just bring me an egg yeah I didn't expect to pass on honestly unseen as I was [Music] taught a gentle touch pays off P to be light [Music] fingered unnoticed [Music] good no time for Danny worth try okay that's so [Music] slay no not right now at least are we going the long way seriously damn thing won't budge hasn't been used in some [Music] time looks like a trap [Music] might as well take a [Music] [Music] look okay this is how lazy I am yeah I'm pretty much just going to go into combat to skip straight into the crash if this is about that [Music] weapon I tell what she going to [Music] do so the GI are at odds with the absolute as well within the artifact of feeling stirs certainty your curiosity is getting the better of you do not let it stay away from the ganki they're hunting you they want the artifact they'll stop at nothing to take it from you okay let's see if we can pass the intimidation here let's see what I can GLE SRI to Arms mytic State your purpose quickly okay we only have one bu inspiration very seek the I hear even silver sword Voss has been drafted I heard they're making a strong the search must be going [Music] badly I'd heard this plane was this fine but your paraphernalia had better be pristine and I God she has so many [Music] arrows okay maybe I should steal him cuz that's so [Music] expensive on [Music] your is close actually no I'm going to put gance on just to be sure perfectly hidden time for little ping all right unnoticed [Music] seems I'm just going to name this here [Music] [Music] come quiet that's the [Music] way in and out like a ghost in and out like a ghost too easy yeah some of these things but rolls are too stupid on it P like finger [Music] nicely let's try this [Music] way okay we only have one inspiration but I'm lazy um I'm going to go for the gamer chair right now what do we have [Music] here so I'm going to take off my rescuing I'm going to put on the headband of intellect better do you have the better question is tell me how long go to the sais you even G Yan rarely experience the sais you are very lucky okay time for the game of cheeting you feel your there is your body grows cold its warmth sapped by the cold metal seat the machine awakens you must focus on the parasite at all times the zisk will do the [Music] rest layers of magic weave themselves tightly around your head the tple squirms and contracts it's trying to hide your skull groans and bends under the pressure then Agony okay saving pH time let start this is not looking good at all through waves of T the device said the parasite you feel yourself ebing away while the parasite only grows stronger these Gamers please I really want this PA that's it one more please I really want never fa the device the T no no more okay I'm just going to Google this real quick see which one has a lower dcing they're both a and oh my gong okay we're try which um unable to find it you can't get it every time the her voice Cuts with a fanatical Edge an obsession that was too close you were lucky I was there to save you once again just going to say it feels pretty naked about the [Music] rescuing parasite take the game just use a parasite to fix I'll grab that so here I'm going to be safe and go for shield fr usually luck of the th th Realms is a good [Music] option basically if I lose this Shield it stands everyone near me take the kraat will cheer up when we find it I think we all will and this p over but she looks so slow this cut scene this is not a public forum keep away from me oh shut a heart getting buddy um Pride all the times by Fair unseen wait she doesn't get surprise that sucks got to press on shlock okay this could be [Music] bad but don't buy on this Inquisitor we're [Music] done V how many misses do you want ched [Music] eating [Music] unnoticed [Music] good that's her dumball now for her commander just rting in plain side here might as well help myself I [Music] [Music] [Music] go worth a shot okay my longer here just to get the permanent bath but permanent I mean semi-permanent and while semi then I mean until long rest should get some rest I need to keep [Music] sharp unnoticed good unseen perfect A Gentle Touch pays all unnoticed good too easy this way might find something useful someone in the comments said if I pull my um bow in here I don't have to apply it next [Music] morning [Music] I mean the more run better have the better Ru patter me smoke [Music] [Music] [Music] patter [Music] a was let anyone see so I just touch pzo unnoticed good None Shall see me it's too easy it pays to be light fingered in and out like a good [Music] [Music] think it's could the increas on wor try's see where I can nothing [Music] [Music] going to go back to stealing here cuz that's a lot of [Music] money have to keep low unnoticed good action oh no my bows in the bloody camp chairs that okay that was [Music] [Music] lucky okay let's pick up our B because I forgot about [Music] [Music] it okay it does have the enchantment [Music] for [Music] [Music] okay we need a little less [Music] weight what might you be hiding have to keep [Music] pushing so I'm playing really slow now I'm getting tired [Music] you know me I'm a game where I'll do an entire act in one sitting the moment of truths near as does this [Music] Inquisitor so in here I'm pretty much after a headband which is my favorite headband better take a look ah our esteemed guest please approach we have much to [Music] discuss this is so paric for me I mean a lot of people get upset over barelan [Music] team it's always me like aarian special fl's power is endless but patience is not approach I won't ask again okay this is just beautiful [Music] for I speak okay I'm going to shoot a fire arrow to get rid of his ready to parrying go and Shadow cutie light the world on fire Inquisitor with wargas was poent we are you are permitted to look upon me you are invited to KN sh is just going to give you a wife you bear that which is ours you you must accept refuse and know my Fu that was a bit explosive [Music] a so here this is my favorite headpiece looks so pretty on her so this ring is very good but I might not use of this run don't do it heat you're [Music] my come we will yeah what did you just say you to stay away and now you've come here to murder [Music] me is Shi think of Miss milkus very [Music] well [Music] Shadow Kitty no how could you I really thought you wouldn't we could have been so much more but you had to choose this it was just a prank Ray um get over it so you are not to be trusted I don't intend to make a habit of conversing with my killer so I will be brief your survival depends on mine and mine on yours it's less than ideal but it is where we stand I know a secret that blackith never wants to be revealed it is the reason she Mobil iled her people to retrieve anyways I'm going to skip it I got my screen [Music] chance so we have this um Bliss condition [Music] there I'm glad you came to your senses now leave before the others come for [Music] us come and quiet that's the way no mind if I do noticed good okay we're going to do a little shopping hand I'll go this way let's see what news of our very well but I'll make note of how much way trolling through bubles okay we can start selling some allow crap [Music] now [Music] [Music] okay I'm going to go back to act one [Music] down [Music] [Music] they well that regular swimming in your brain juice is a bit of an inconvenience isn't it here [Music] from this way okay I'm going to go to the maret cony and um Tred a bit more I have never seen my species [Music] Evol bi of course it was bib we be no point in lingering now I've got the noble stock the of accuracy is really good [Music] better wait till [Music] B so yeah after dinner I'll be back with the recording okay I'm back from dinner let's keep [Music] going what was I doing I can't even remember oh I came back from the Yum yank King guess I could kill it [Music] way gex the talker [Music] onward okay let's say if we can pick him off one by one SE as I was taught on I [Music] go mustn't let anyone see better tread carefully have to keep low on bleed for me okay that can smells pretty rough on my way is going to call all the stupid [Music] [Music] zombies time to deal some punishment I'm going eras at the far here because I hate waiting for my turn keep [Music] quiet dumy [Music] [Music] moving just going to chip away at it everyone unseen it's been a long long day better stop to rest soon let's make this quick heading oh my God black cops is [Music] annoying perfectly hidden I see your way done with you let's see Spirit Away how is your war must keep going research progressing not let's see this done I'm going hand the it greets you with okay so we have two temporary BFFs bless and Bliss BS [Music] blun mating rituals that Dr must have gotten very lonly down here okay so let's go for the hyenas [Music] now the Risen Ro that's what it's come actually I might do um the devil hunting tunnel looks like it claims some victims as well so on the way I might collect all these hyen ear the reason why we want this hyena ears is for Speed [Music] bars go as a mouse let me strike through I must keep going i' better take a peak a faint acrid smell clings to the corpse okay I won't make any this tasteful joks I'm going to skip the rest of this footage well thank you okay we got the gamers on so if you're doing a solo run you want to kill this trade of first she can hold person new which ends the game doesn't even have a bloody sone [Music] that was very interesting for me shed [Music] H dead nose looks like someone played with them made the pain last let's start crafting so we can make two here which isn't too [Music] bad better make Camp soon might be a while before there's another chance to rest come and quiet that's the way down with you to [Music] die going to eras hit the fire cuz the height waiting for my turn unnoticed good need to so I'm going to aim for the hunters here [Music] first prepare to [Music] die [Music] on my way let suris they can reach me from there [Music] okay let's glitch toor hang is let's see honestly I'm pretty much done for Act One whatever we're doing now is just like for fun really that's the symbol of the absolute marked in blood off I [Music] go so we just have to Chip Away hand let's make this [Music] quick this way go as a mouse on I go unseen as I was taught no time to waste None Shall see me don't asly love this by sty and like up my alley hey Flynn going to do anything [Music] [Music] need to stay [Music] hidden [Music] I'll work to Al fav cuz um y I don't know where we [Music] are [Music] Ming need to keep out of sight [Music] should be able to kill two a turn [Music] there the priorities are on the Rangers on the Move come find me if if you [Music] dare another parasite collect it that wasn't too bad useful must keep going let's see what we have here so we're going to use luck of the far Realms here time to pack it in for the day I think the M here is we're going to go as long as possible without long [Music] resting okay we can make one more speed potion so I use these fairly often anything they increase my attack [Music] rols and definitely the speed potion lives on my [Music] Hopper [Music] just say character level we're almost level six [Music] actually I guess I could kill the AL if I'm like the x is terrible okay you know how it's a solar R all I'll make one exception I think going to get the B boy hand no harm in a little conversation are you serious oh my God this is a pretty curse a run so we're going to deal with the AL first then go de with the um salon on cramp Nest must be near by better get to it oh that's ttin dead Al bear prey no doubt need to press onward no time for D must onward then unseen perfect mine it's greater anyway you feel the Quake of its heavy footsteps before you see it an Al don't give the surprise face looming out of the [Music] darkness I'm just going to attack it [Music] end have to keep [Music] [Music] going K was pretty lucky [Music] there [Music] the K I was so lucky it didn't hit me imper okay that's pretty unlucky for her [Music] said I crit I'm [Music] fire C looks from you to his a single strike will end his is suffering what would shadowart do here I think she would be merciful she loves animals searing pain erupts from the wound on your hand a strange half familiar image comes to you a dead mouse seen through a veil of Tears your tears the image that's actually so sad cuz I know the ref friends you watch speechless as the Cub begins to perhaps it'll live it it got her it got bright [Music] too what D do [Music] know let get the egg better fetch that an Al bear egg these are supposed to be worth a [Music] fortune Salona statue it is stinking cave hardly a place of honor that's curious prayer and assemble perhaps it does more than just flatter Serena empty words CLE literally does not [Music] workan I guess we could clean up the Centum [Music] hard [Music] perfectly [Music] hidden attacking is the best defense time to meet your end way have to keep low you know we got to kill the dog for shahan bleed for me Focus strike true I'll take this way we literally clean sweeped then [Music] should check for anything useful what's that Tru else have we got we still have the HG I think I'll leave the hag until my act two video is I want the Ring of free action I don't want to get um help person by her yeah I'm going to do the rest of the Grim Forge maybe must let anyone see this way displaying a Dr corpse in the underd dark someone's trying to make a statement drinking any day time for a little ping Focus strike true you attacked someone only the guards are allow a your own let's do this on I go can't attack but can't be seen may you ain't the that rock slide let's make this quick another sping up better be careful around it think you got me [ __ ] what now you know what figure it out yourself buddy Dam I you might got to keep moving unseen as I was taught it's been a long day better stop to rest soon I'm just going to wait for this person to get close down damn that was nasty crit then well the rumage Deep gnomes killed under the Yoke of what are you hiding I just want to see if there's any show and dialogue in here this was a Nightfall Feast to break bread in Sha's name then spill blood in her name a sacred right [Music] I guess we're going to slowly murder everyone this mimic should give me level six no I still need a th that's a fair [Music] [Music] [Music] B let's make this quick [Music] perfectly [Music] hidden [Music] is if you stand up on these rocks they can't attack [Music] [Music] you [Music] I guess I can still grab you down so be [Music] careful yeah it's not the most exciting honestly no mercy got PR on no no no no don't climb down [Music] cheda this could be a real Ain not the bravest strategy I'll admit no time to waste this is one of the reasons why we want High AC and solo on a mo it just makes it harder for enemies to attack us [Music] I don't know why I picked that up I'm not even going to use [Music] that it used to be a fun exploit but it's really useless [Music] now noticed good I must keep [Music] going so we're going to try to like get rid of the um d one by one what it down you think unseen perfect no mind if I strike hard strike fast let's try this way still at it then got last I saw and he still ain't broke [Music] through I'm thinking need to keep out of [Music] sight the caress the door [Music] nothing aren too tarnished on the Move okay let's race and start um picking them off one by [Music] one onward the oh my God if I had a fun wave right now have to keep low what's there shall be [Music] mine come and quiet that's the way you attacked someone only the guards unseen as I was Tau and you better hope that's the worst [Music] does it move [Music] it got some nerve clean up this mess dying let's into a gamer move here and that goes for [Music] you again and I'll bed you have to get him real close I reckon a in [Music] he on your I think they need to get closer [Music] hand [Music] you attacked someone only the guards are allowed to do that as this one is about to demonstrate that was an accident marban you're free to bastard [ __ ] heads I'll peel Your Balls Like Potatoes if you don't move and you better remember things could always get worse for you we do try again I mean that's a pretty good [Music] strategy you clean up this mess keep crying for your sister and I'll personally rip up her head when you dig her out the slowest of you L is getting tossed to a in heat onward ever onward you attacked someone only the guard okay that works maybe I'll destroy them one by one you attacked someone only the guards are allowed to do that as this one is about to demonstrate you try your best but your best what just attacked me I was Weir he attacked me from damn there okay better to hide them fight sometimes fing fast I need healing okay this guy's bugged I'm going to Enis and [Music] B got to move what the hell is going on with this guy is so [Music] banged are you okay there buddy like what are you doing I can keep going a little longer now I see [Music] way keep digging got to press [Music] [Music] on I mean this is pretty fun I find it you attacked someone only the guards are allowed to do that as this one is about to demonstrate you're free to C and quiet that's the way Al say you didn't know that trick I'm paying the portrait have to keep going no need to fight for on the move let me strike too on I go ready we can probably go for [Music] ni let's do [Music] this can you hear me attacking is the best [Music] defense there's a parasite in that corpse we got a real good um game is no harm in a little conversation B drop I'm Greatful don't mistake here we were just slave hands to the cult but not wurn he know that business is what said us after the powder to begin [Music] with he did this to you the decaying corpse lies before [Music] you the head break not for no no no okay let's go back to the marinid [Music] Colony peace spr [Music] you did there's plenty more don't [Music] know might saw D GL too I reckon so I'm going to level up here and go um [Music] assassin so that's a rogue multi class up sorry I'm going to add to my stealth which is going to be real [Music] awesome have I got everything every time you level up you can now back to the tring now I've the so I'm going to get a potion of speed and inv potion here [Music] of [Music] course hey I mean it's a solo run but I want glut just to kill him all right reach into memory shiv Reve but I I must [Music] there may be no Spore [Music] you to S instead of [Music] R might as well take a [Music] look well I go then actually we still have the um the Billet to kill I'm just going to save the tople for [Music] now oh my God I'm going to put that back actually [Music] [Music] [Music] might find something we're going to have to be real careful [Music] here [Music] [Music] have to keep low got to press on [Music] [Music] need to [Music] stay hey that made it so much easier let's go this [Music] way look at the bars on that thing sh preserve me time to meet your [Music] maker in her name [Music] [Music] okay I just one shot that [Music] man got to move they're just making sure I don't fall in the [Music] home what's it call it more unseen perfect better tread carefully fool dumb you the true contents soon None Shall see [Music] me I'll okay this way is there anything left I feel like I've killed everything who this the um Lava [Music] methods that's really good XP but I hate the surprise [Music] r [Music] MN [Music] okay this is going to be real [Music] [Music] [Music] brutal [Music] [Music] [Music] a okay there 75 x which see one one not the fly up p [Music] oh my God this is St a really h okay I'm going to recommend not doing this battle in on mode just if you're solo with a party it's not too bad talk to me I'm going to drink one of my big boy potions here [Music] [Music] okay that four was sparer than I anticipated [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] need to keep going I guess we can go [Music] TOS I'm not Rising my save about the um ring of free movement keep [Music] [Music] [Music] blink [Music] [Music] unnoticed good Focus strike [Music] true better avoid unfriendly eyes okay this is pretty chill it I know what today now when I go might as well I'll help myself always must let anyone see as well help myself have to keep pushing Mia's GC in his backpack that's pretty funny is it really worth risking a solo run just for a plus one decks [Music] woulding in your bra juice is a bit of an incence isn't [Music] it here for [Music] what it's really not worth it I guess [Music] think about our next [Music] video we got the um I might go for the Woodward [Music] keep L and quiet oh [Music] Fe Mr isos w't be seen can you not summon things [Music] [Music] please better hide [Music] strike hard strike [Music] fast okay that was pretty red no need to fight for it's pretty much a steam roll really once it's see if this build set on it's that strong unnoticed [Music] good I must keep going I must keep going I really can't think of anyone else oh the a is in the bar I guess what happens when you destroy the bondor your time has [Music] come get out time to meet your [Music] maker sh's a scary [Music] lady got to keep moving I feel like I've killed the entire act one guess we still have the man past the k [Music] [Music] perf get [Music] bleed for me this is the man pass we could day I'm really just stretching the pace of string [Music] here I guess the diff shiits are pretty spicy no time to [Music] waste [Music] worth talking to per what news of our little project have you it looks different to what I expected are you sure that's a [Music] g what the society [Music] doesn't thank you so I should hope so when Adventure calls I am always thoroughly prepared take oh my God that egg's worth so much [Music] money anyways it's been nice lady as far [Music] I think you monitor at the um um temporary [Music] buff [Music] I see way time to fill some [Music] Graves I must keep [Music] going [Music] unseen as I was I recognize those cobs are three sheets to the [Music] Wi [Music] better make I guess we could kill the Kam kishkas chance to rest what is I smell TR oh my God I hate other cameras like that sometimes hidden [Music] now that's this quick on my way need to keep out [Music] sight then [Music] I'm trying to find the um room with the guardian let's see this what we go for the Eagles I [Music] guess [Music] okay there is the room I'm thinking of this door [Music] here [Music] let's do [Music] this okay that was pretty easy all this time it still holds [Music] strong keep you open shall we okay we have the birds next so that shouldn't be too hard something over there it's like Vines to climb up I can't remember which ones they [Music] are perfect that screeching is bound to bring more of them down on [Music] us [Music] K you just got bonked [Music] [Music] then get some rest I need to keep Sharp [Music] [Music] [Music] larian monasteries of this SI looks like normal weapons would do the trick here not just [Music] ceremonial did Gamers we got in check for anything useful so we do more radiant damage [Music] now [Music] step softly I'm pretty sure everyone's Ager against us bleed for me [Music] [Music] perish by my hand is shadan against the whole Crush let's go [Music] my mistress's [Music] rock [Music] [Music] gaining XP that's a [Music] surprise I didn't see [Music] [Music] let me strike to heading there can't attack what can't be [Music] [Music] seen Focus Str have to keep going bre this [Music] strategy have to keep going damn some of the damage coming up from J are so crazy no [Music] mercy [Music] the GI is such scary enemies like um just that one enemy could have killed me time to pack it in for the day I [Music] think [Music] I'm quiet that's the way fo D you your future ends now got to move better avoid unfriendly guys I'm literally standing right next to him and it doesn't [Music] know let's try this way this imposing portrait toct a powerful in the corner of the painting is a small symbol can't quite play I guess that didn't work [Music] huh just as you find your flow you slip sh a hun perhaps you should leave before someone notices unseen perfect done with [Music] you no [Music] [Music] mercy mustn't be [Music] seen yeah this build is scary hey it just Delights [Music] enemies you rodo what have we G I think there's like fre in [Music] here need to does it on I [Music] go I literally think that's the Cris done I think I might do the um de Shepherds and CA [Music] video [Music] time to meet time toet unnoticed good done with you don't Dy this one unnoticed good [Music] got to press on strike hard strike [Music] fast better hide [Music] [Music] e got to press on no that's Ho's [Music] hand mine need greater anyway good oh my God is that a scroll a greater [Music] invisibility [Music] drink carefully let's try this way none shall see me I time to meet your [Applause] maker on the move [Music] damn shed heart is so [Music] scary I think I'm going to call that a video I guess I'll see you sweeties for the next recording
Channel: Morgana Evelyn
Views: 282,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, bg3 bow, baldur's gate 3 titanstring bow, bg3 titanstring bow, bg3 best bow, baldur's gate 3 best bow, baldur's gate 3 best bow early, baldur's gate 3 best bow act 1, baldur's gate 3 best bow act 2, baldur's gate 3 best bow act 3, shadowheart, baldur's gate 3
Id: nzGXbq6VzOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 297min 35sec (17855 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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