Blindfolded Chess - GM Hikaru and Gothamchess take turns not seeing the chess pieces

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okay i like the way you said that um e4 that's a  pretty good first move pass by tess as they say   um c5 uh d4 d isn't david mm-hmm okay cd4 c3  oh i think you have to uh put the game up i   think it's not up on your screen that's what  that's what oh but i'm following hikaru what   but i'm following what gm hikaru on twitch oh  you're not playing oh oh sorry okay okay okay   okay okay can everybody see it i didn't look at  the board can everybody see it though let me see uh yes okay uh your opponent played c takes d4   yeah so c3 got it all right d takes c3 pre-moved  knight takes c3 uh-huh it's five-minute no no no   bonus the board is correct right they say it from  my point of view i believe so yes okay okay good uh knight c6 uh bishop c4 e6 knight f3 that's playing fast knight f6 um e5 i just drew that arrow almost like that looks like a good move d5 just  subscribed like three months bishop   how time flies thank you for all the  entertainment and learnings three knight d7 castles where are these 1200s in the sub battles  by the way bishop e7 uh knight to d4 all right cashing up on the clock knight c takes e5 uh f4 knight back to c6 um bishop takes c6 okay bc knight take c6 mhm queen b6 check knight d4 bishop c5 bishop e3 bishop takes d4  bishop d4 queen b2 uh knight takes d5   i'm like predicting the entire game  with my arrows let's see if he goes here queen b7 um knight to e3 okay you have 247 and he has 315  okay uh castles queen g4 well that move is a very  aggressive all right keep thinking all right he's officially under  you one time okay g6 queen h4 f5 um uh rookie d1 it's a very intense game i want  to talk more but knight b6 um okay bishop to a1 that's a funny move look  at the scope of this bishop so at the right there's why bishops are better  than knights knight d5 uh knight takes knight or cafe one premo yep so he  took back with the pawn rook fe1 bishop d7 uh rook to e7 ouch rook f7 rook takes rook uh-huh king takes  queen of six shock that's even more clinical king e8 uh rookie one rookie six premium  rookie seven premium queen f8 premium checkmate wow nice oh my god you saw that faster blindfolded  than uh yeah i would have went i would i saw   queen f7 rookie eight so it's pretty funny  that you you you saw rookie seven queen f8   yeah but rookie seven is is it's a guaranteed  work because queen f7 is not a guaranteed   me so you're you're actually wrong levy wait  how's it going he can play queen e7 and it's not   a gear queen f7 loses rookie seven is a guarantee  it's a guaranteed force it's a hundred percent   because if he goes king d7 it's made and if he  goes queen of seven takes king the eight is queen   of eight but if you if i tell you to pray with  queen f7 and he blocks the queen e7 then i lose   the game so he takes my queen with the king oh  that's so funny he can play here yeah yeah no i   just mean mine's 100 guaranteed there's no way to  mess it up oh that's that's that's that's savage   okay that was that that was um he played well by  the way i was gonna say it was like 1600 not 1200.   he played very well yeah he he was quite strong  yeah yeah levy you got to be sharper like you got   to be right 100 of the time you can't be playing  these impressions you know i got i got i got my   30-second chess uh addiction right now i hit 29.88  yesterday so uh mm-hmm but yeah oh by the way big   shout out to james dash thank you so much for the  four months man i hope all is well over it then i played james dash uh recently i was doing a  speed run and i got challenge and i got matched   against him and i was like oh it's james dash nice  all right oh before we start the second game quick   question since someone's like spamming in chat  have you seen the show the queen's gambit or   something so i saw some articles that said it's  uh it's actually fairly decent no no i haven't   um i know it i don't know when it came out uh i  think i need to watch it oh okay okay well then   i haven't missed much the the trailer you know  i i like it and it has a lot of accuracy which a   lot of movies don't have for chess like they set  the board up right but i am not the biggest fan   of them correlating chess with substance abuse and  craziness oh i don't even know what it's about i   just uh people are talking about it oh but i will  watch it and then i'll get back to you with a full   review so okay that sounds weird okay all right  turn it on okay okay one second i'm gonna put on   this no worries i just i mean what i'm blindfolded  now because we're all oh we're gonna alternate   okay we can't both be delightful also borat two  came out today so also big shout out to united   airlines of course as you guys can tell these are  eye shades from united so big shout out to united   airlines as well i heard ludwig bought spot stock  at 37 and sold at 35 so good job ludwig on buying   high and selling low big shout out to ludwig  all right you're black you're you're black levy   yep okay e4 all right we got to  go with the with the classical uh e5 knight c3 ah my own weapons being used against me potter  knight c6 uh-huh f4 wow immediately oh boy um let's play pawn takes pawn your your eye cover is just hilarious i don't  know why i can't stop laughing when i see it   it's just so different uh d4 yes of course uh how do i wait sorry d4  yeah wow he's uh okay uh queen h4 check okay is something funny sorry yes sorry by the  way your opponent is still thinking sorry   your opponent well he's probably  wondering why he messed up on g3 f takes g3 knight to d5 knight to d5 uh what g2 check i'm about to have two queens on  the fifth move mm-hmm king two   um let's what's the fastest  way to win uh take first uh i'm gonna okay i'm not trying to solve the  game this early so uh g takes h1 equals queen knight c7 king d8 you could take  my rook i have two queens true knight f3 uh queen takes e4 check bishop to e3 um queen h takes f3 check pre-move queen f takes e3 checkmate   okay he resigned but i mean queen ee3 was a  safer primo because he couldn't oh because   he is king so how what was his rating before we  take it off what do you think his rating was levy uh 300 okay yeah so his ring was higher than  the person that i played against oh yeah oh oh no oh yeah okay happens okay wow um yeah no wonder  people don't like me very much i'm i'm sorry oh okay sorry it's all good sorry um all good  did not didn't didn't okay all right shammo   you up hikari you have black uh  he just played knight f3 uh g5 yes i covered this in a recent video i'll move  on yeah wow i didn't cover it but i was like   there's no real gambits against knight f3 but  you can try to play g5 oh uh they can't they   can't see your board oh again wait what yeah  one second what's going on gm hicaro on twitch   no they can't say what do you mean oh oh because  their two boards open oh oh sorry okay sorry okay   okay sorry okay um okay uh e5 p5 e5 the  easiest way to do this is you just click   on the last game that gm hikaru on twitch played  and then the second a new one starts it'll over   well the problem though is i have you i had  your game open i forgot to close your game   that's all i just closed your game what do you  mean okay i mean or i can just have multiple i   can just resize it for multiple boards i guess ah  yeah that's how i have it so here he goes d4 um h6 how do your guys play like good  moves and my guys lose in in 10 moves   because you you've mentally you've  like you've broken them with with all   the sub battles they no longer  have confidence knight f3 e4 okay uh f7 here not a good no guys  it's not good to take on it i mean   uh he goes knight d2 actually  that's probably good maybe   that's interesting i didn't even think about  that but okay knight okay e3 of course yes fe3 d5 oh i thought you were going to do the uh  you know what i'm talking yeah i know exactly   what you're oh wait which one queen h4 and  bishop 7 are moving the bishop first okay uh knight c3 uh bishop to d6 dude what the hell you're  gonna be down three pawns g3 uh h5 yes uh chat please don't play  openings like this but we can do it   because because do do as we say not as we do right yeah i'm what i'm already down two pawns  soon to be three knight f3 uh h4 of course if anyone's curious this is  called the hershrum gambit   the what hairstrum oh hair show okay or sorry  h-e-r-r with strum knight takes defense oh so   like deutsch okay so it's like german okay  knight t5 okay um h6 g3 yes this is problem maybe okay harris from gambit okay exciting you learn something new every day yeah my my personal favorites are the papa tikulat  and the gidden's wyden haagen gambit the what   d4 knight f6 g4 oh yeah yeah i  know because uh clyde played that   yeah my namesake played that there's this uh  masterpiece in hawaii clyde nakamura he used   to play that all the time yeah so bishop g2 good  move actually um g takes h2 i noticed that when   i was going through the games i was like oh  there's a nakamura in here what but it wasn't   you because i'm like the rating's too low looks  like it's a different person yes indeed indeed actually the thing is there's another nakamura  who played in the olympiad though in like the 90s   um it was like 2100 also for japan so i'm not  the first nakamura to play in the olympiad   he goes e4 that's a good move  um let's go um let's go c6 actually one two three four five six one two  three four five i'm only down a pawn here wow   knight f4 um it's also a good move uh bishop to g4   i'm just happy i'm predicting your moves  i'm just i'm drawing arrows right before   you play them so either it's good for  me or bad for you but it's uh true yeah chad is really okay e5 bishop c7   chat as well chad is impressed we can  talk and keep the position in our head but   generally i don't have an issue issue with that i  mean it makes it harder but it's not insane for me   but i will say this so i was trying to do like  multiple boards like bishop e3 okay yeah um   knight to uh d7 okay if i try to do like  multiple boards i would have a problem i think   with just one board i think i can do it yeah  i've done like three games at the same time   blindfold knight takes h2 it's a good move um  right but i mean you have you been like talking   to your chat at the same time yeah yeah yeah yeah  it's hard it's really hard to focus okay bishop   five yeah so you have 222 he has 130. okay um  queen d2 uh that's a good move also knight b6 yeah i mean with one board i can do  it i think i've said this before like   the only time that i can't do blindfold chess like  i've become like yeah knights before is if i'm um   if i'm driving i cannot do blindfold shots  when driving queen c3 uh knight takes e3 queen takes knight to e7 monkey steer yeah if i try to like analyze shots  or play chats while i'm driving i can't do it it's   just for some reason i just can't i just i don't  know my brain can't do that multitasking that that   bishop e4 um it's probably a good move queen d7  your guys are playing good moves uh bishop takes   bishop uh knight takes bishop yeah so you have  158 he has 50 seconds okay queen e4 knight g3   well it was a lot of good moves until  queen e4 still probably winning for   white somehow but yeah queen f3 now he takes  h1 uh-huh he takes with rook queen takes d4 yes yeah i remember because i was like uh there there  was this period when i was in vancouver and um   rook d1 or sorry queen takes e5 yeah i just don't  want you to like get low on time well i'm winning   the game so it doesn't matter yeah well now  i am now i am g4 queen takes off for chuck   yes you'll probably resign he  loses everything here king b1 uh   ooh tricky ooh that's actually wait queen  h2 tricky it's tricky still is a chalk queen d7 king f8 queen takes c7 queen takes queen   yeah and even if you didn't have that you're  still up a rook right right that's true yeah all right white resigns yeah seeing like  him i thought he was probably like 2   000 but i bet he's not 1275 yeah yeah 12.75  right exactly yeah yeah not yeah okay yeah so yeah that's uh that's all right all  right the next guy i play you gotta   you gotta step up just don't cheat  you're cheating yeah you gotta   be confident you'll beat me i can't  even see the board you'll be fine   so totally yeah let's see i believe i'm ready so  let me close the game yeah there we go okay yeah   so like that's the thing is i remember or sorry  your white lobby go ahead all right let's go e4 good stuff e5 d4 e takes d4 c3 mhm where's my water yeah be careful yeah be careful a d5 wow i'm impressed uh let's go this is like where my knowledge of this  opening ends uh let's go e takes d5   yeah i love how my chat levy they're  saying they're they're they're thinking   that i actually was driving blindfolded  they think that like i literally hold on well some some people do drive  as if they are wearing a blonde like um oh i actually i better not say that that  would be really wrong yeah don't no don't do it   he hasn't moved yet he played knight f6 sorry you  played 85 he played 906. wow um all right let's go knight f3 okay bishop g for it bishop g4 yeah yeah oh sorry sorry  um let's go bishop b5 check wow okay uh c6 uh pawn six pawn mm-hmm pawn takes one so yeah that cause like it  could have been c takes d4 but it but but   that's not what pawn takes point  true uh um let's go bishop c4 mm-hmm bishop c5 bishop takes f7 someone in my chat wrote how do they do it  blind it makes me question my intelligence well yeah people ask like how you train this  stuff and i just don't think it's necessary   you play enough games it gets imprinted in your  brain like true true my opponent is contemplating yes and it's funny because you said you close  your eyes when you visualize and i keep them open   oh really wow okay i mean obviously i  can visualize with my eyes open because   like if i look up off to the side and all  that stuff um my eyes are open but yeah although when we did blindfold 960 i had my eyes  closed okay okay king f7 uh knight to e5 check it's called visualization some people can some  people can't actually levy you know it's weird   i know people who are like 1700 who literally  can't visualize in their head i know people   who are 2400 who can't visualize that's like  one person but anyway okay your move king f8   king f8 uh knight takes g4 i guess uh pre-move  queen g4 um no no i i've played like multiple   masters who like will talk to you after the  game and i suggest moves and they're like i   need to set it up on a board oh really what yeah  i'm like what you know like you skittle after   the game like no of course and they're like  yeah i i don't know what you're talking about okay uh he didn't take he played ipd7 knight  bd7 very solid uh let's play c takes d4 sum up two pawns yeah two puns um this  should be for a check i'm i'm sorry   chesapeake just said something  laughs let's go knight c3 yeah c5 super aggressive but a little bit uh a little  bit uh prima how do you say it prima prima tour   uh premature yeah premature premature uh short  castle my queen's got that right triangle going   and he doesn't have a lot of pieces  left just out in the open you know   what we should try we should try fog of war  blindfolded that would be insane okay rook c8 rook c8 okay um let's go bishop to g5 uh yeah sorry sorry this driving  joke is stuck in my head okay cd4 um   i have i have options let's  go uh let's go with knight d5 oh my night my night's hanging oh my god oh no  my knight both my nights but really only one rook   c5 oh he missed that he could take my knife for  free okay uh let's go here with bishop takes f6 knight takes off six uh knight g takes f6 g uh g takes off six knight takes b4 yeah this is easy because he doesn't have  that many pieces left so you just see everything rook g5 so hostile let's go with uh f4 how much time is left uh you  have 117 he has 50 seconds   time flies when you're  having fun g6 g6 uh knight c6 queen d5 oh good move queen f3 pre-move rook takes yep yeah that  that happened okay rookie hg8 g3 you're up 30 seconds 104 to 34. h5 uh knight takes d4 h4 knight f5 and then pre-move hg king f7 he traded one king f7  hgh king f7 yeah rook e1 mm-hmm rook h8 rookie 7 king f8 rook c3 rook g4 rook c8 checkmate very  nice good job oh his rating   oh underscore mlg dog it could really  be anything i mean i feel like he played   i haven't seen i'm looking down i don't know like  13 1400 probably yeah a little bit lower 10.78 wow   he played he played well yeah he did play pretty  well i mean it looked like he knew what he was   doing i mean he played d5 like i i was actually  pretty good but once you blunder bishop f7 yeah i know i mean after he blundered i thought  in that middle game he played reasonably well   once he was down the piece yeah guys keep  keep this thing in mind like if white can   play knight e5 in the middle game then it's  in sack on f7 it's it's not gonna it's not   gonna be good i actually don't think it's  impossible to play fog of war blindfolded   we can try after this maybe well but yeah  we'll to trade off but yeah we could try um loopy oh oh loop loop lupio  loopy oh we need we need you not really signing up for the battle  but flaking that's a good way to wake up oh i'll just take a nap then ah so yeah so levi as i was saying like uh that story  that i never completed was that that i was i was   going to the islands in in british columbia  i think i was going to like um not the island   so i was going to like uh i think i was going to  courtney actually um which is just a place in bc   with a friend and so i i was basically driving and  we were discussing the king's gambit and king's   gambit theory and and it's like 2 300 and every  line that we were discussing at some point i would   just like hang hang like a knight or a bishop i  would just like i'd say i'm moving it would just   hang a knight or hang a bishop so it's like i i  don't know why but dr maybe it's because driving   requires pure concentration like i i don't know  versus something else i mean maybe that's why we   also need brewek to go to live chats guys we keep  we keep trying to go down the queue if someone's   not here yeah you just got to be in live chess  please uh no i i agree but i have to tell you like   people say they get very stressed when they drive  and i'm like completely the opposite i i i don't   know i'm like very i'm very relaxed traffic or  not or like i don't know uh yeah that's true no   that's true no i agree yeah yeah i actually yeah  i love driving driving is very smooth and calm but   you're in new york levy but have you really done  like proper new york city driving yet i've driven   like two i've driven in two hour segments like  i drove to philly i just no no no i don't mean   like highway driving i mean have you had to drive  from like the uh from like the west side okay it's um i i think you need to move then because you  don't have the right attitude for driving new york   city uh okay you have the black pieces okay yeah  yeah yeah okay yeah i think i do tell me e4 e4   um let's play uh d5 okay okay yeah it it it does  suck though especially like side to side uh ed5   uh e6 wait what sucks side to side like if  you have to go east side to west side yeah   yeah yeah exactly all right that [ __ ] sucks  like it's yeah uh he takes bishop takes the e6   this is called the bunk gambit the bunker  the bonker gambit with it with an o or u   well first first play move knight  of three it's called b-o-e-h-n-k-e   okay oh so it's like some german guy okay okay he plays bishop b5 uh queen to d6 queen d6 yeah uh  we're down 40 seconds so we get   so you just punch us i don't  know why that's just very funny short castle uh castle on very imbalanced position where we are  just a clean pawn down but we've got   counter play on the kings yes we have bonka  s on our side yep we also have the forsen   what's it fish hook or fishnet coming up soon  if you know what that is yes knight c3 knight f6 uh the absurdity of it all d3 uh knight to g4 row bishop takes c6 um queen takes c6 okay but  now we have two bishops so black is minion i'm not even sure how bad this really is well i  guess it is really bad bishop g5 uh wow okay f6 that was actually a very bad move bishop h4 g5 yeah he's sort of  just allowing the attack right bishop g3 h5 yeah this is everything  we wanted and h uh h5h3 h4 oh bishop h2 knight takes h2 mm-hmm i mean white's okay i guess it's not that  bad but probably after h3 i should have   played knight h6 and g4 it's probably  too much knight takes h2 yeah bishop d6 well white's extra pawn is anything but felt  in this position so anything but what like you   don't feel it it's oh oh okay okay he said foul i  was confused what you meant by that knight e4 um hmm bishop takes h2 premium bishop  d5 yeah he took oh that's a bad move f3 oh he missed it okay f5 knight c3 um no let's just be calm here  bishop to f7 is it is it touch piece   or not when i say bishop do i have  to move the bishop i don't think so   all right queen d2 uh rookie hg8 okay can't  i can't still have a headache because of   blindfold or because my coffee hasn't kicked  in rook ae1 that's a good move queen d6 check king h1 uh can't get away with it can i okay um bishop to e8   okay i would have never played that  move but that's probably why you're a gm   like straight up would have literally never  played that move well it's very obvious because g   if i go g4 fg fg rook f7 i lose the bishop and  also i put the bishop on c6 go g4 in it i've   got a long diagonal hold on hold on pause the  flexing rookie two so what bishop c6 no i know   but i i don't want you to lose time you have 216  and he has 220. it doesn't matter he's gonna check   mated g4 he's just chuck mated yeah this is a  very nice maneuver that is that is very nice   you know when to throw the punch you know you  don't just throw it uh hg3 oh you mean hg4   yeah let's have some fun here let's go h3 i'm  not even sure it's fun i think he just dies   oh i suppose that's fun yes yeah i don't a rookie six um uh queen to g3 with no threat at all yep zero  threats here with the queen the   pawn the bishop and potentially the  rook joining no threats no threats uh g takes h3 sorry excuse me what he played  g takes h3 uh bishop takes f3 check queen h3   primo queen g2 checkmate that's so unnecessary  i knew you were gonna do it too flexing the pin i would have done the same though so yeah yeah that was that was yeah bishop  eight bishop c6 was instructive that was   yeah well i mean the point is i want to go g4 but  i can't do it because i just lose the uh i just   lose the bishop on f7 so like i'm going to try  to play g4 where does the bishop belong and it   belongs on c6 to line up the diagonal because it's  like an op when you when you said bishop e8 didn't   work uh or sorry sorry rewind before you played  bishop e8 you said i can't get away with it so why   you were saying g4 um wasn't good because f g  f g like there's a bishop hanging right so yeah   well i thought g4 fgfg rook f7 gh3 gh3 but if i go  queen g3 there i think he had um was it just queen   of two i think queen f2 is winning or even just  he moves the knight to like e4 queen h3 queen h2 wow okay and the recovery uh okay that's why yeah and  then queen f2 queen h3 queen h2   with the threat of of mate 2  oh my god yeah very nice yeah oh i forgot to say what i thought his  rating was but i i already closed the   board i assume it was like what  like 1500 he was 1600 yeah yeah what move did the opponent  miss i think the opponent just   allowed the attack to happen  more than anything like right   that's that's that's really it uh lord  plimpton we need you in live chess please okay you're black levy yep okay e4 me  just move this okay e4 uh let's go e5 okay knight f3 c6 nice this man still hasn't  watched my vienna new meta video bishop c4 yeah let's play g6 castles bishop g7 mm-hmm i should have  played the blackburn shilling gambit   uh it's okay it's not a big deal that's what i  was actually planning and then i completely forgot   c3 yes very solid uh d6 good move it's like move five i mean i can't go wrong yet h3 uh come on let me be a man be a man i i don't know what that implies in this position uh do you want me to play g5 i  didn't say that okay g5 except i did   that's what i highlighted on  the board really oh my god terrible i don't actually think it's bad this is  kind it's kind of instructive how in these uh d4 yeah i know it's it's not always  so bad um g form hg4 bishop takes   queen d3 queen where d3 d3 okay okay um yeah the problem is ah there's there's there's  no problems let's go with queen d7 uh someone in my chat says this is so insane  i need to practice more could these two   hypothetically play a game of  chess without a board in pieces   um the the simple answer is yes we could it  wouldn't wouldn't be hard at all bishop g5 it's very rude i wanted to  castle uh how about knight ge7 i was gonna say aren't we playing a game of a  chess game without a board right now but i guess   there there is one so you meant just  out loud but yeah yeah but i mean   it makes you wonder why sh why do we  even need a board in pieces at all   we should just sit at the table and  without a board they just say some moves   like the next major over-the-board turn we  should just be sitting there no board no pieces   hit the clock they make a move they say a  move hit the clock um didn't they have like   a beijing mind games blindfold thing they did  yeah yeah but i mean it's on a computer screen   i'm just saying be better if you're sitting at  a sitting at a random table in a conference room   and you just have a clock so you  say remove and hit the clock okay b4 yeah that was a very long period  of thought for him uh let's go with i can like already chop some  stuff here let's go h6 okay vr chess without the vr bishop h4 uh knight g6 mhm oh sorry sorry chad is really on a roll today  they're doing a good job making me laugh bishop g3 all right go ahead let's  let's go with h5 sure sure   i'm sorry just someone says someone just said the  the the clock should be mental too so no clock   either smash the [ __ ] yeah what are you talking  about i got three minutes who's talking about   actually speaking of what  what is that b5 b5 was played   okay uh knight a5 okay you have two 202 your  opponents 250. i don't like that okay uh knight h4   knight h4 okay um knight takes c4 mhm queen c4 uh bishop f6 uh-huh pre-move fg6 yeah it happened f3 f3 yeah bishop e6 d5 bishop f7 knight e2 h4 bishop h2 g5 oh sorry i don't have a jeep one  no you do you too oh you were you were silent   so i was like doubting myself i was like no did  i play fg6 okay i was but the silence scared me come on man you don't you  don't respect my attack rook g8   yeah no i'm just being quiet now because  because of the time situation a5 g4 mm-hmm a b6 b6 ab6 ab6 rook c8 uh bc7 uh g4 g3 you mean sorry sorry sorry yes  yeah you have 101 your opponent is 140. f4 g takes h2 mhm king h2 queen g4 mhm rook f3 rook if uh queen takes g2 checkmate king takes g2 is my rook on g8 am i crazy i know it shocked me okay stop doing this to me   you're pranking me man i all that talking i  was like losing the position that was actually   really hard that was a really unbalanced  game oh my god i was like miss speaking   squares because i knew i had played g4 and  uh g4 and oh my god yeah that was that was   good i don't know what i don't care what his  rating was he was really good yeah 59 1800   what yeah wow he was 1600 yeah his bullets 1800  wow he was really good no he's pretty good he's   pretty good um i gotta run to the restroom so  can you just give me one second yes be right back oh that was an intense game  scared the crap out of me i cuz   i didn't expect this guy to go rook f3  because i was like he obviously sees my attack   but damn would rook g1 have saved  him um it would have delayed mate yes yes yes it would have delayed mate for a move or two sorry i would talk more but i'm uh i'm recovering what did i do before streaming i didn't exist i didn't exist it was like the big bang you know  there was no signs of life can i let you know a   good line would be if he continued to defend well  if he played rook g1 i mean if he played rook f2   i would have played queen g3 and then pushed my  h pawn probably something like this what are you   talking about people just wanted me to show  like had he defended mate what would happen   but uh oh if he played brook g1 instead mm-hmm  but you want a rook f2 i mean queen g3 h3 and   just yeah yeah it's just one i was worried that  after eight after ab6 he would play rook a1   no no i i i when i played ab6 like this i forgot  he played knight d2 because 92 in my brain   it was a you just said a word and i was  like yeah whatever i'm gonna keep attacking   okay um yeah then i remembered and yeah okay okay all right are you ready   uh yeah i'm ready or i'm the one  blindfolded right yeah but okay i'm reeling okay we're white right okay um uh let's play a d4 bishop uh sorry i'm still bishop is illegal uh knight  okay uh g4 yes gideon's widen hogan baby   bishop yeah you see the kidnapping  hogan what yeah knight takes g4 e4   yes it's the same thing you  did last game but in reverse   extra pawn in the center lasting the palm is on  d2 not d4 or d7 not the benefit of playing this   with uh with white that extra move matters  a lot so it's better to be white than black   or wait wait wait i i can't see chap but um  disregard the last comment sorry d5 um uh e5 might i hope my chat's acting normal uh yeah  yeah they're they're good good okay f6 um wait f6 okay h3 he said e5 f6 right yeah  e5 f6 h3 okay but isn't he just lost   well he was lost when he signed up to play but   okay levy bishop takes age six mm-hmm gh6 uh queen h5 see gideon's widen hog in  op king d7 uh c4 yes indeed oh clutch move e6 why is that so good i'm just saying he could  have lost very fast but uh he takes d5 now it   will only be kind of fast uh he took back  with ed5 uh knight c3 he sent us a message   he says what is this bullying i just wanted  a king's indian now his king's on d7 then okay poor dude c6 that's a good move um castle's long it's actually not so clear yeah once the trade happened  with knight c3 yeah i mean it's   mate in one no no there is no  mate and one no no mate one mate in one followed with the message  i'm so dumb lmao king c7 a good move f4 very solid who is you typing to uh just uh you know uh just locking in  another another trade before the week is over   okay do you think ludwig was being honest  when when he said that he uh he bought   united airlines at 37 and then he  sold at 35 or he was just memeing   no i mean i i think he was just leaving i mean  if he did that but isn't that like completely   wrong to do correct correct well he's an english  major so i don't know if okay knight a6 by the   way wow bishop takes a6 he really we're gonna  really take these these horses with our bishops   uh ba6 knight f3 yes we have very good development  here his king is his most developed piece so um i play i remember like i  learned about the stock market when   grade six grade seven i had some stock  market game on like a simulation or eighth but did you ever own aig stock i i don't think so rook b8 okay i already do  one rook hg1 you said uh no i said um e1 oh okay   did you go to g1 no no no no i'm double check i  thought i thought you said g1 but i pity one yeah no it wasn't investopedia i don't remember  it we used some program uh bishop g7 um e6 no but the problem with all that is that  like from a psychology standpoint your your   reaction your decisions are completely  different that's the problem like the   way you react when it's just like a paper trade  versus a real trade it's completely different   so i mean because we're humans we don't react  with like a computer would make the same reaction   every single time regardless but we're only human  and we have emotions and then like our actual   decisions are different that's the problem  rookie 8 uh f5 putting the clamps down here yeah i mean all these airline  stocks are obviously they're uh they're a casino play i mean objectively  like you you look at it and you think   well they fell by 70 i mean probably they will go  up but uh did you did you a dabble in the airline   stocks once they all tanked or no i haven't been  dabbling in them i mean i dabble a little bit   in the casinos but not like mgm um and lvs  las vegas sam's but i i touched airlines um   can be seven okay let's go uh  now we'll go um work to g1 okay like boeing is one of these companies that's like  will always be around you would think so if you're   going to make an airline play that's the one bone  thought in airline play they're more defensive   i know they're like yeah they manufactured uh  rook g8 um queen f7 shock yes people were asking   why not queen f7 earlier it's because black  would have blocked and defended i mean it's the position is quite hard to mess up king a8  uh rook takes g7 yes his king walked a long way   no actually this is not to be political but you  know how you know how i i feel pretty confident   saying that biden is going to win g7 yeah queen g7  of course and if you look at the investment flow   you'll see a lot of flow into solar like there's  been a lot of a lot of flow of money into solar   and i think that's the best way of telling what  what the election looks like queen's terms yeah   okay that's very cheesy i don't care b3 um it  was his last chance it was good true true true uh yeah but no it's uh it's not so good uh your  friend rafam gnog rated 651 just went offline   by the way the guy i'm playing no no no i i'm no  just you just get notifications for friends c5   oh okay okay um okay kind of random wait doesn't  that hang knight take knight takes d5 correct queen c6 um knight c7 uh-huh  pre-moved knight p5 check   yes all that happened king b7 uh he  played king b6 yeah um after knight d5   queen takes a7 shock pre-move queen takes b8  shock as well he played king a5 so queen takes b8 queen takes b5 uh queen takes queen mhm  king takes uh d takes 35 yes king takes e7 bishop d7 rook takes d7 resigns i didn't think  he was that strong i think he was like uh   maybe like a thousand that's  exactly what it was 1036 okay   yeah well he yeah he he did some wild  stuff in the opening like f6 was um okay so i i can i can play one and then  do you want to try blindfold we can try   sure we can try yeah why not figure out how that  would work so you we would both go into the fog   of war area one of us would start a game and  then the other one would have to observe right   so okay it would just be the same thing um the  thing is that there's no match command so we can't   start games automatically so we'd literally just  have to take a challenge that's true that's a good   point yeah but we we could try it anyway i'll hold  on i'll check chat by the way just because i can   play blindfold chess doesn't mean i can predict  the future so i don't know what you're going to   be doing tomorrow um because if i could predict  the future i obviously would go play the lottery   win a billion dollars and you would never hear  from me again um okay so uh all right anyway um okay yeah i'm i'm uh we're waiting  for you yeah i'm i am ready to uh   to go yeah you get you get these notifications  i turned all my notifications off so   ah okay here we go okay i see that i have a  game all right i have white let's go with uh   let's go with knight c3 yeah i'm joking  you guys of course i'm joking uh e5 e4 okay knight c3 is a great first move except  for c5 knight f6 well knight c3 is the   van gate opening right yes uh f4 okay here  we go playing the wii n variation of chess d6 yes black is lost knight f3 yeah black  is actually not doing great here already   this is this is true you have to there's only  one move on the third move and that's not it   true knight c6 but yeah you could just play like  this bishop b5 uh-huh this is my game against uh   tabitha bae from yesterday did you win oh yes i  did well see it's because you played the vienna   mm-hmm sure also because you're  a significantly better player but   it's because you played the  vienna right okay e takes f4   i will flex on your behalf uh d4 uh-huh yes  but now i have center and i will win pawn back you're doing well this game very nice bishop g4 um oh i don't want to calculate honestly i'm just  going to play bishop takes f4 like okay yeah okay   i i want it to be very simple i d5 a6 all this  stuff it's it's probably completely winning but i'll give him one more chance to redeem himself oh wait i have to lean up right so you  see the the cat and the whiskers g6 g6   now d5 okay i'm sorry somebody when i had somebody  just said you sure equals you are an idiot i'm sorry that's okay i mean they have a point i  i am definitely fully aware of the reality of okay   queen d7 wow that's not a good  move that's not a good move   uh let's see how can i like get even more  here i want like more uh let's play let's play there there there let's go uh h3 good move more are you sure there's things is good today there's bad days  sometimes but today's a good day   yeah today has been really funny  bishop g7 e5 are you sure yes   yes i'm quite sure of this one uh do you take c5 d takes c6 b takes c6 bishop takes c6 black lost yes queen takes c6 oh queen takes c6 97 uh queen um takes a8 k7 looking for like a very fast mate but i don't  have one king e7 let's go queen uh queen c6 oh my bishop damn he takes out four knight d5 pre-move queen a8 still no move yet but there might as  well might as well pre-move queen b-8   right exactly and then queen c-7 as well right and then pre-move queen e7 and  then pre-move long castles uh-huh let's see if it all happens  i want all those free moves   regardless of what happens okay want  king to see four after all that yep wow like he he okay yeah he  did everything okay oh amazing   okay uh let's try to let's try to solve this  how much time do i have two minutes two minutes oh man let's go i guess okay let's go um queen c7 pre-move actually i  don't know i i don't actually see like a forced   you missed it you you had it you missed  it king b4 okay so he went king before let's go a3 king a4 uh queen c4 queen b4 rook d6 checkmate okay  it's not the cutest one but it works what   was the cutest one uh b3c4 d6 but you me you  missed a forrest win like it was it was all the   whole sequence can't he play he can't he play king  takes a three queen e5 is mate oh oh you mentioned   the standpoint oh that's very yeah that's fair  yeah no but you missed the forced win it's over by   the way but you missed the fourth win like queen  e4 you just you just staircase it king c5 king   six queen c4 no matter where he goes b6 or b7  you check and it's made on c6 wait wait sorry   what did i miss on what move queen e4 you get  the pre-move sequence after king c4 queen e4   and then t5 and then queens b5 queen c6  and it's made no matter where he goes   i i mean actually you could go to b6 i guess  but wait check here check here uh that's true   he's b6 i forgot about yeah yeah that's  what i saw i saw he had b6 and i was like   yeah that's true yeah no v  hey vienna is it's vicious so okay very nice king b6 is uh but i'm i'm sure i  have something but i didn't see it yeah i mean you know what i would have actually probably no  but not a four pre-move he goes king f5 there's   there's no force primo sequence no no there's  there's there isn't because yeah no that's true if   you play knight f4 he has king f5 and king f6 so i  saw all these moves they're only runners and then   let's see yeah no i think what you did was  right i actually think it was the right sequence   three king b5 yeah queen c7 king beef plugging uh yeah the uh no i mean  vienna is uh it's it's the new meta   all right just play knight c3 don't  play knight f3 so early guys like   just because the gm's do it okay um shall  we get one more let me check on the status
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 835,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, blitz, magnus carlsen, blindfold chess, blind chess, blindfolded hikaru, hikaru blind chess, hikaru blindfold botez, hikaru nakamura blindfold, naka blind, naka blindfolded, gothamchess and hikaru, hikaru and levy, levy and nakamura, levy rozman, gothamchess and naka, gotham and hikaru blindfold
Id: 7HKnNt-UTZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 28sec (4588 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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