Boxbox vs Ludwig Blindfold Chess Match

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I'll pass on we have a c5 pawn right now it's  directly to its left so you're gonna click it   and drag it directly above the black pawn so  you're not not up one but it's you're gonna   click it diagonally instead oh my god not only did  he remember he could do it he also pronounced it   and it's gone right and okay nice full now I take  his rook can't take my room what's blocking you   all pass on give a sneak my pawn right now it's  directly to its left how does look you're gonna   click it and drag it directly above the black  pawn so you're not not up one visa it's you're   gonna click it down you know how the instead  and it's gone right and okay how the hell I see   oh now I take his rook can't take my rook how the  hell does Lord we see this for 1,000 level player   yeah all the moves right oh my gosh let's see  hey I'm know you're white oh you are by the   way you got these for I I did push-to-talk  so that's why they can't okay the e pawn   the EEP on it so it's at the bottom there's  letters and on the right there's numbers so   that that middle pawn that's in front of my  okay cool pawn to e5 okay Knight to f3 okay actually you guys could type like f3 you're right  the night that is opposite side of the board as   his knight and move it forward towards the middle  of the board wait can't you just type in it type   it in and shot I thought you could type it  in I move it towards the middle of the board maybe not though maybe not okay probably not no uh  you didn't I move yeah alright we're gonna we're   gonna go with we're gonna go with c3 here nope yes  c3 that's the the third pawn up one pansy Annie   placing a 3 in front of the bishop about what yeah  yeah I would like to take my other night and move   it towards the center d4 why are they playing the  same opening that they played earlier or fourth   pawn moving up to a box box is too loud okay alter  alter any move d4 yeah I'm sorry should I should I   have clarified which piece yeah okay did we do  it though they don't know anything else no you   can't you can't yeah d2 to d4 I'll clarify okay  is that better you guys look better now sounds   better and maybe it's better if it's too low I  would like to take the d4 pawn with my Knights   on the right what what no I have the muted i muted  the stream I did do that are you sure can clarify can I just take him then I'm gonna take him yeah  wait might I have a pawn on c3 and I can take it   on the right thing or when did you move that pawn  I did that before I move d4 pasta Nene true okay I   would like to move my queen up right two squares  why Oh like up right 1 squares upon ok move that   one up she's great move it up 2 squares what oh  no uh-uh I think he wants to know who wants to   do eat well you ready 35 no you can do you Queen  can't you Oh No yeah two squares oh no not like   this no no no no no no meant to do you're playing  c500 next party come on d4 with my pawn I'm gonna   take c5 with my pawn no you take a five why queen  not go up right it could but you said up right it   was up left yeah the ESOP exhaust towards the  other way better memory maybe I don't know move   the horse forward left you only have one horse  food okay could we clarify which place this is   gonna be on here yeah yeah an e at the end say  what square that's going to I wanted to go up   mostly and then left it a little at the end no but  you goes right you go to the center at the edge   great did you take the pawn you go right your mics  off no go right not laugh go right up to left one   up to LA no go right to up ones go right to the up  one not left right right gee and went to G 4G 4G   4G 4G 4G for so g4 it should be protected right  now by the bishop on the back rank it should be   where a bishop would normally be tap-in I still  have Knight f5 know any I do have a Knight f3   we're playing upside down oh oh yeah slipped  around it's the other way oh we can't recover   from this oh my god Ludwick seems like a little  bit like oh my god it should be fine I don't know   that means did we flip the board okay oh my gosh  yeah cuz now it's to into the live thanks alright   so we should still have oh god okay damn it I was  good at the start but I am cooling down quickly   yeah you've lost track huh no no that's not how I  would phrase it let's play h3 good move h3 okay on   to h3 h to pawn is the far right one to h3 nice  try you think you can attack my knight I'm lucky   for you I remember that my knight is there well  I was the tier 1 back to its original position no but that's the original politically  regretting that move he wants his Knight   on on I think it's I think it's FF 6 I think  it's funny I'm not frustrated it's just it   this is actually really really funny see ya I'm  going to move my bishop to it's sorry that the   left bishop yeah the left bishop I'm gonna move  the left bishop specifically to it's gonna be   G 501 rocking away from that night yeah I've  given up on that section of the rock Wow but   I would like to move my way hold options on yeah  my left Bishop is gonna be no no my left my left   bishop right now should be on a three right it's  not it's so bishops the one that miss diagonally   it's the one that cannot cone to the top yeah  no no see yes he wants a GPA Oh No so it should   be the diagonally okay got it nice nice beep on  b3 what Oh b6 what text take [ __ ] with bishop   oh sorry b6 b6 yeah yeah yeah well it's  cuz he said it wasn't he said incorrectly horse we took [ __ ] it's a horse it's horse  there should be a horse in front of the Queen   specifically that should be able to take  it you turn on music a bit taking with the   Jeep on all right so you use pod to take it  there okay sure uh we right now should have   a pawn on c4 we should have oopsie five okay  hold up we should have a pawn on c5 and that   was the pawn that originally so I should have  I should I saw I should tell upon the e-file everyone thinks they're brilliant until they  aren't yeah this is this is really good though   you can lose in the middle let's move yeah let's  move our Knight to c3 nice so it should be b1   right now let's move it to c3 nice Ludwig is  actually doing a pretty good job remembering   bishop on c8 to b7 okay good move yep yeah  actually Ludwig's memory like it's actually   really high like I feel like he's seeing the board  better than the logs on C which is crazy because   one thing I know is who are young people who are  like a little bit lower ranked I feel like below   1700 they generally have trouble like visualizing  numbering and the fact that what we was like 1100   and remembering this is pretty insane now let's  move the out footboard did Matheny box box agree   he should be on d1 I would like to move it to d2  interesting okay no - E - no - D - I said E - no   you said D - all right he made a mistake I would  like to take his rook my bishop in the corner is   going to zoom over and take his rook yes yeah  there's a pawn in the way where I haven't moved   up my pawn line at all there's three pawns  back there you can take pawn if you'd like   I think by Friday even this probably shouldn't  Center blocking it yeah I just like remember   a vague like cloud of pieces there you're  saying there's something in the way anyway literally two kings yeah mate okay this is  gonna be really scary but I have a pawn on   the D rank right can you capture the Pope on a  diagonal to it what no biggie for keep moving   Ford - I'll pass on Oh sneak my pawn right now  it's directly to its left how does look you're   gonna click it and drag it directly above the  black pawn so you're not not up one disa it's   you're gonna click it down you know how the  instead and it's gone right and okay how the   hell I see all now I take his rook can't take  my rook how the hell does loaded we see this   for 1,000 level player that's like insane that's  like really insane actually fake blindfold yeah   like what that's actually really insane Castle  can you Castle queenside so click the King and   drag him over three squares - it's like you  squares two squares and drag him over three   squares to its left who's squares two squares two  squares yeah no - beat it should be B - they'd do   it wait did you move move it over two squares  yeah yeah just drag them over two squares then   wait wait did we do a move then yeah are you sure  what move did we do good very good so he castled okay cool cool are we castle load way  are you familiar with the boats has   gambit I am Queen each screen thinking  one will be for the prime brizl for the   prime sunflower for the tier 1 sky  true for the two months say so much no it's fine yeah literally this plant take his  Quinn again I'm in the voice call but I have   push-to-talk and able so I could talk Levi's  that's why yeah I Castle queenside yes that's   why I've like I'm Lucia boys called but I have  push-to-talk not thinking of girls for the prime   just so that I can talk to you about a child I  would like to now he can win the rook though he   can win the rook what was $100 you donate 100  this game is 10 times better than they played   today pogchamp this game is a lot funnier that's  for sure gosu guy for the prime know you just took   my queen how would you have a pawn there right  yeah you're right he's actually playing a better   blindfolded I know this is actually pretty funny  isn't it it was double that pawns okay rook to   f7 rook f7 but you can't do that right you can  castle yeah dude isn't F the second last rank   oh look g8 okay it's on g8 no rook was on the h8  all right I forgot about the Alpha bit too now if   Ludwig plays Bishop b5 chog we just met me from  from h8 to g8 blood would close Bishop b5 check   here he's he's a freaking genius oh where the [ __  ] did my pieces go there's there's a glob in the   middle but I don't know what's there I believe  I'm still efore you're still we traded in the   top right I should still have I've a bishop on  that left part right no way just hanging out no   I know I bishop eyes moved up here right no way  I should sell the bishop oh no way I moved him   I should have a bishop right you have a bishop  no way yeah an f-1 it's I haven't even touched   him my king side bishops oh I'd liked it no way  I would like to move my bishop do I want to do   that if he's on e5 he's directly attacking  d4 so I can't move my bishop to d4 I could   move it to c3 no ec3 III right I could move  it to III because currently on F no no it's   on F so I came over to e3 I could move it - E -  or I can move it to D 3 D 3 would be protecting   my pawn I think my kit Mike might my mom I am  I'm I'm I'm a my uh my [ __ ] is still f3 um 3   and it we got to look cool can we prune with a  castle Castle kingside just moved your work to   GA dude you literally just moved your work to g8  he literally would just rip one move to the right   right yeah cream of that so we look really cool  I have three if I capture fast v7 can capture   know he's a bishop b7 yeah no yeah it's not a  t-shirt that Ludwig is wearing I think that's   a t-shirt right he's just C is a t-shirt so it's  like it's coming loose it's red cuz it's pre-move Ludwig's gain nervous I can hear it let's move  Bishop to d3 oh we allowed the castle pre-move   no less okay uh let me castle dirty okay then I  would like to move my rook the right guy do you   want e so E one that's right in the middle mm-hmm  I don't know who's gonna win this game cuz there's   no way they remember where the pieces are at this  right don't have a rook that's like right there not exactly oh okay okay um I don't know  who's gonna win I mean like I have no idea   how they might like guessing now up one so  f6 take well girls you can take okay yeah   claim my bonus okay there's already a Paulin  f6 okay then I would like this f6 font to go   take whatever isn't diagonally we're done  before I mean for your g6 your g6e five on   me for you can't take yep take okay good we're  taking that pawn foolish I now take his rook isn't there a book in the corner my bishop there's no rooks in the corner I cancelled  and I move my rocket I've are no longer well   for is no longer there but you're still on  e5 and your ePHI is blocking your b7 bishop   so you can move forward one if you want with  your pawn wait I'm amazed that you have like   a reasonable crest of where the pieces are but  then even if you did that you'd have an open   line - like what B - and then I can just take  with King long it's actually pretty impressive   I'm not gonna lie it's pretty impressive he has  the coordinates wrong but hit generally it's pretty impressive yeah it's definitely very impressive this is  amazingly yeah I captured your first night cuz   you blundered it and your second night  we traded whoa blunder is a strong term   sacrifice Ludwig was seeing less lines let me  play - I'm blindfolded yeah Ludwig ins this   is impressive I'm not gonna lie okay he the  next match blindfolded he just did Queen - d5 okay I know I have a bishop I know  I have a rook okay rook should move   up or sorry down five squares which one  down fire in front of one of his pawns oh sorry oh my G rook should be going it's like  g4 or something like right in front of one of   his pawns it is it is right burner water  was positive he takes your rook next move   oh you know what don't give me a hint I  swore Mataji for I just feel like this   is the right move you know what are you  sensing nervous Brooks on g4 right now Brooks on g4 yeah abcdefg H it's on g4  oh no his singing or H for how is it on but there was a pawn in the way I guess the  pawned part of the trade okay okay okay okay   okay yeah yeah ninety-fourth it I have someone  on h3 take rook oh my god made h3 a while back   what yeah take rook with the pawn yeah please  when did he go h3 I made h3 a long time ago oh   it was because I moved my knight red oh yeah when  you move your knight and i pressured h3 and then   you moved back and then I went with Bishop and  then I took you and then we traded and that's why   you the file open and then use [ __ ] it where  the pieces are what am I watching this is like   really bizarre are we plus nine right now is he  what's he up one two three or five six it should   say in the bottom one two three four five okay  he's up five eight nine what the hi he's up nine   um yeah he's plus nine do you see the resign  button he should be playing blindfold Thanks   there's an offer draw he's blindfolded so there's  a chance he might accidentally accept this cutie   you're good I definitely want to hit on dirt he's  not can you actually reply Swift - no no no sorry   sorry yeah no no yeah yeah definitely gonna X  that out quick no Megas + mark is sorry we're   not I do want to be clear here we're gonna say  no to a draw is that so great great great great   now can you come to the mic resign line folding  when you can see the board it's not it's not   over yet it's not over yet okay okay how was  he playing better actually I'm so confused okay and I take my lowest pawn to move it up one  I moved up to if possible keep his trust okay he   was stressed okay no it's just I just don't  know how he's seeing this I mean I get that   I get the Box box guy I mean basically and the  board upside down affected him but like I just   don't understand how how does Ludwig see this is  ridiculous it is insane for someone who's like   without actually throwing to win the consolation  bracket he actually knows when I blunder he's   using his third eye right right right yeah he's  using a third eye right no but this is crazy I   mean this is really insane like remember they  the pawn in h3 like I mean I have more nerve   than some kind of um he is like playbacks Ryder  things like that's the only way I can see him   remembering the positive he can vaguely like  he can recall saying a few things I have three   pawns in the far left I have a king on it should  be Oh debacle three three I have one rook yeah   a three yeah I was it should be in a three is  the first row third one there's nothing there Oh King on a King on a King on a - no I don't have  a king my king is on c3 my king isn't there's no   way I'm listening I'm listening in on the actual  discord call you a three it's a three or is it c1   note c1 you're right I'm sorry I'm sorry I [ __ ]  up yeah yeah I was doing him backwards yeah oh my   god no no no you know I was miss speaking I was  missing okay okay okay okay okay okay yeah yeah   I saw the king there and I should upon you got  to I'd like to bring that rook from D to 2e to   so right on top of the other room they're stacked  okay great they're stacked ya know how did he know   this okay Wow I can my H pawn take something I  would like yeah I'm really confused he Ludwig   must have some kind of memory where he can like he  can play back in his mind wasn't taking that's the   only way he remembers this is he can just he can  play it back in his mind so h h what's then know   what's the numbers h4 took g5 all right it works  backwards h5 took g4 all right I would like to I   would like G so it so it's on g4 I would like so I  have a knight on f3 still oh can he take 'if I've   what what am i watching all right is that b5 I  don't care about that pawn no he's definitely not   here he's not painting I believe now that he does  not have a pawn on the H rank I are my my rook   should have an open line what did that rook I did  wait it's to the club in closet right yeah totally   yeah you ever look on the left man you blundered  you're right rook you play g4 and then it got   taken how does it remember this why are you taking  his side don't feel bad he blundered it you're   okay you specifically blundered it man you're all  right okay so okay give it to me straight any does   only my Bishop exist right now oh [ __ ] my ear  like non pons oh I have something that's not a   bishop give a rook a one or no not a one whatever  you're a eight oh I have a rook oh my god where's   my rock oh come on um wherever my rook is I'd like  to move it up three squares or I should say down   three squares yeah the chat that I have playing  is box boxes chat right now I can i can adjust   yeah guys if you want me to I feel like it's a  good square to put on there I would like this is   how we're gonna get him he just like makes strange  moves and then he's gonna let loose can I switch   to Ludwig okay sure I'll switch the Ludwig at some  point I'm like it could be a check of the board at   some point I'm like it could be a checkmate now  I'm gonna need you to do me a favor Annie if I   ever move this rook into a place immediately  be taken don't panic something he's gonna get   your panic in your voice and he will immediately  know that he can take it so you must confident I   turn it off sry I needed I look to d5 I still  have I still have a bishop on it should be d3 yeah this is completely insane he boasts that  he has some kind of photographic memory though   for sure there Han screwed up he'd like  to move that Bishop to c4 Oh Annie can   you tell me what his last move was d3 to c4  okay I just moved my rook to d4 the bishop place my rook directly next to his bishop move as  far down as needed to get to next to his bishop   yes no but there's no way he's cheating savea's  cheating upon there would have been there would   have been a telltale sign like there would have  been like take Bishop d7 with my bishop bishop   in the top right can I take it yes you know that's  how you know he's not cheating because like this   sort of thing like there's no way because  he doesn't see where the bishops are either okay okay wait wait so I have a bishop on c4 and  he has a bishop on b7 yes yeah this is correct   oh you talking about Bishop c4 not Bishop c4  oh okay don't worry it's just math he said top   right oh I apologize I don't I don't know my  right and left is that so is that right that   is the left side is there a bishop I can take  on the top right and I can't take that Maggie's wait did he make a move okay troubles brewing  Ludwig he's getting scared okay ah there we   go I think we're second so go see for d5  right yeah see 4d v e6 to be f7 and then   g8 there's nothing there Ludwig you have a  king that was castled so your king should   be on g8 there's nothing there everyone's  cheating and then like he says the king is   on jeah it's like oh my gosh she's just a  pataga like everybody everybody else any   how much time does my opponent have  I've got to survive that much longer yeah no no I guess you're right in terms of  like the castling but yeah how do I do this   stuff well I can just see the board perfectly  like I can just see it perfectly oh sorry kitty   I currently have my my um my knight on e5 right oh  it's the chat stuck its kind of yeah it might be   awfully the back got in the middle right so so  let's just say I wanted to bring him over 2m e   f g six there should be a pond there coo coo coo  coo coo cool all right [ __ ] it let's just bring   our rook so there's two on top of each other  let's bring the top one and he's gonna be in   the same exact line as his rook okay that's not  that did it get frozen I got frozen Tori Lotus   don't work on me my rook timid Asian tactics  don't work on me it's braver than that my Ross   and I wrote back like it's brave oh wait ricky  42 wait yeah all right I apparently moved your   bishop not your rook no no some other work to  e4 I don't oh no I'm okay is it fine ah where   is my rook is my rook and my rooks should be  on okay next am i okay to be clarify my rook   should be on e 1 and e 3 E 4 yeah that's fine  yeah that's what my work was earlier I love   checkers this is a fun game okay I'll try it  try to refresh it one more time one last time   and then I play I just play could I just play  okay now it's back to to b3 the pawn yes it's   a good move yeah he's done it he's out there he's  chillin b2 b3 okay that's on the side you castled   wait no it's not wait yes it was water - is there  water I want water I'm definitely losing it could   be argued that you're plus nine advantage is  nothing compared to the it's insane position I   have right now what waters that waters are for  losers yeah any tickets take his rook how yeah yep yep squats seems broken fine I'll take them back with there's a rook on e1 if only  my brave rook was still there okay thanks thanks   okay crap that could actually really good for  me okay so what's going on so I got a DM from   Hikaru on Twitter saying those meeting for right  now is that real course yeah my gaming had Bend   I didn't blindfold very very funny Albert very  funny uh there is a meeting for for me right   no there definitely is not me because what  an honorable player resign here or yeah they   would have resigned probably about ten moves  ago after they put the rook on g4 yeah why   didn't you resign Ludwig Albert you do arise I'm  talking about your rook oh it's it's not easy to   remember that he had upon an h3 well that's true  okay at least you remember that okay that's good   okay so there's still a mathematical win out  there right not me really okay cool cool cool   if he card says it I'm good there is something  I can do with this rook okay Annie we're gonna   have to speak really cryptically we're gonna  get really sneaky take my rook and just move   it somewhere that's it well you'd be clear  I do need to know where this rook is going   Annie I just want to Claire I don't know if  you can hear me I do need to know yeah just   like somewhere between like three and eight  squares away you do realize you can only move   down seven right if you go up from one end  to the other it's only seven right oh you   realize they're only eight rows so even if you  move from one end to the other it's only seven   you can't go down to eat okay okay move it  down five squares five squares and lock it in okay Chad sorry I just jumped in there for a  second I said take it she's sweating taking   it was my bishop on a bishop on c4 how do you  remember that do I have any pieces that exist   on the board that are not pawns or kings okay  then there's still chance okay whatever that   piece is please move it please make it take  the nearest available piece all right you   guys yeah okay Albert's completely lost Albert  please make the book move move it one squared   towards the middle whatever please sit maybe yes  this is over he's just completely so that should   be your business right did you just move your  Bishop to d7 g7 all right eise evan eise Evan   your Bishop is on e7 maybe a lot of other  foods that make 2002 quickest maybe I mean   I think Ludwig Ludwig is one of the guys  who seems to have you have a horse right yeah now that horse is it able to take so  is there anything I would I would like to   move it to I would like to move it to F F F  7 f 7 I'm down yeah yeah please how does he   see this this is he good does he have an eidetic  memory shot because he's definitely not cheating right take it back he's looking through the  clothes yeah that's you three move it towards it   uh he does have an exotic memory okay okay okay  yeah because he's playing he's playing really   really well like not perfectly but he's playing  very well he's game no it's just very impressive   I'm not gonna lie this is really really impressive  you just awaken the final boss take him under your   wing seven well I wasn't joking chat when I always  calls the letter D seven there bishops at E 754 in   a row tic-tac-toe is this correct yes tic-tac-toe  yes there's a king on d7 there's a bishop on   e7 and my horse is on f7 yeah there's a king a  bishop in a horsie all in a row tic-tac-toe you   Rema you're right Ludwig they're three in a row  you're right okay great great this is this is good   we like this we like that they're hanging out I'll  break them yeah I'm like how does he see that it's   like he's got that memory thing going on it's not  check with our horse what move the King towards   the middle I'm on d7 right now send me to d6  what what am i what am i watching this is insane   nobody's not yet you may be able to remember it  please the only way to monitor yeah okay and also   he lined it up one two three so he just moved  to d6 I'm efj five I would like to put him I   believe because he's one diagonally away from us  we can put him in check again if the piece if the   squares not taken by pushing him too left in one  down right how does he see night see for tracks   who left one down with my night in the middle  there's a pawn in the way no no I would like to   move to see I would like to move my knight in the  middle who's on e5 to c4 which should put d6 in   check check again your Kings in check again your  king your king can only move the left or our back   you can't move right so if you could either go if  you wanted I think you can go you can probably go   d5 this man is feeding me eight lies he has  to be or you can go to the C or B files i sim listen listen Annie I know I know my king can  take something and I would like to take it no I   can't just like drag the king over all the pieces  around it until it takes one of them I know it can how is he Wow do not go back towards the center  it's easiest to get checkmated there do the   whatever move is available it was left you can  stay in the D file or you can go to see I see   go to see the one closer to the middle yeah oh  he has a photographic memory there's an article   I'll read it yeah should be straight front of  him nice take it back with pawn it was on the   seventh rank so you can't its c7 so you can't you  only have pause near King yeah no he's this good   because he it's not photographs we can't see a  good one shot good one no I mean I guess I can   see it wow I didn't take it was a man who could  member locations Albert I think you were played   here completely oh he probably knows where Asia  is on the map good I can I can take something   in front of it no there's a isn't there a  night but it's protected by b3 you can go   you can go if you widen go before but he says  no I was thinking also true can I go anywhere   else towards the middle this is this is pretty  sick though this this is really amazing I'm not   gonna lie this might this is one of the most  impressive things I've ever seen for someone   who's not really a beginner this is one of the  most impressive things first offer I draw reject   the draw please okay I now go to d4 okay so the  goal is we kill off all of our pawns March them   into their deaths and then I'm alright you sure  I've seen him stalemate before there so I want my   rook my rook to take any pawns to his right  see like even this he's wrong but like he's   wrong but he still he's still somehow can like  yeah like even if he's wrong with coordinates   he still understands there's some on the row  or the rank like it's really insane no there   should be some pawns on the right there's none  to his direct right though see like he's got the   board wrong but he still is right conceptually  he just has the wrong side it this way okay okay King is currently quite where  it is this is nuts though this is truly Wow I would like to advance  I don't have any there take the pawn on the   left then just on this on the seventh make  sure it's on the seventh rank what all right   Annie whatever my leftmost pawn is move it up  two squares one square sine take it horse oh   how does he know take my next pond and move it  up two squares can't we're checked uh move my   king towards center this he's got some kind of  special numbers for her like literally towards   the nearest edge I'm on like e something  right do something d4 go to c5 how does it   I mean this guy's a genius but can he really  deliver a clean checkmate the longer this game   goes and the longer we talk the more over yet  okay okay gonna checkmating is quite a pattern   I played earlier this is crazy yeah if you want  to earn these 20 subs you gotta push a a2 to a4   my pawn yeah to a4 okay Annie take a random  one of my pawns and send him to its death wait what chief for to g3 yeah I don't know I  had upon there either how do you jump up to if   it's on g4 g 40 G 3 is not jumping up 200 yeah  you guys are good at math I'm not I have a pawn   on G 2 correct I should also have a pawn on H  3 no no no no I just threw a ch3 1 so I should   have opponent we have a pawn on g2 his pawn is  on I've upon on G 2 is upon on g3 can I take   the Pawnee just put up I would like to do that  yeah yeah I would like to take that pawn then that's perfect any more pawns any more pawns in  chat none on the board do you have no pawns left   yeah we'll see these Salome turn on auto it's not  sure yet I would like to move my king towards the   edge of the board stalemate could happen with  this piece set up these Knights in these pawns   it's gonna be it's not like it's gonna be Salome  tour it's gonna be a random chuckling random style   mate random Chuck man I don't know which one we  together rook on the a a file so you can't go to   that edge can I go b6 before before before okay  before no this is very impressive battle King   move up the pawns on the right all the way up the  furthest one up just [ __ ] truck him yeah just   as I like so there should be a pawn alike g3 yeah  on the right the guys on the far right just push   him up the guy was further closer to the edge  just push that guy specifically up and move my   king in a tactical so you know what I think he's  gonna find a check makes he's gonna he clearly   can powder and recognize where the king is like  he in powder recognize the colour or something before p3 the one closest to their edge so they  keep moving that specific guy okay b5 right keep   bringing them keep bringing them up same guy no  his memory probably is better than mine because   I I'm not really memory so it's like it's let  me just hurt just the guy who's closest to it   like I I guess what are the same regardless is  in general terms I what long I've trained my   memory he has not trained his memory so  yeah okay okay before before keep going b5 was a pawn on a force you can't go to b5 you  can stay on the fourth rank you can go c5 oh he   was told he can't go to b3 okay sure Albert you  can actually go to b3 if you want to let's say I   don't wanna go to b3 is it my turn his turn  my turn where's my my thing became a queen   so it's his turn okay I think I was pushing  his a pawn no especially the right oh my god let's check me coming nice I'd like  to move my pawn wait no it on pawns   I'd like to move my king 1 square well  he's on like with c5 right now yeah b5 before before King can't go to be for King up one square just keep making random moves  that might make him stalemate she won't find it   he's gonna see it because it's gonna see the pawn  connects to the knight he's gonna see the pawn   connects to the night I bet he's gonna sneak  some pawn connects to the knight fifth-ranked   oh I didn't know I had two horses I didn't  know oh oh that's so frustrating god damn it through the game yeah well I didn't think I  had a I didn't realize that a horse on b5 I   thought I only had one horse so I was just gonna  put him on there and then I was gonna bring my   rook all the way over oh I'm so mad earlier  hmm yeah I mean I guess mainly what I would   say is that Ludwig has a much better memory  than you do like yes his ability to recall   the recall like the general like squares were  like what was around it like wasn't very very   impressive so like I I think like I thought I  mean I thought you played better blindfolded   Ludwig than you did in the actual game when you  could see the pieces damn damn but but you play   that really really well like that was that was  extremely impressive extremely impressive like   it's one of the most of you I think I've ever  seen I had a horse there if I if I I thought I   didn't have a horse and I knew all the other  pieces well it's funny as he says you didn't   have that horse is still a stalemate because  you're your other night covers the to school   to dark squares next to the king yeah yeah yeah  yeah yeah wait Cara how do you memorize all the   pieces I can just see the board because I at when  I do preparation I do memorization techniques so   I can literally just see the board perfectly I  just can literally see the position and move the   piece on the board so you have like monitors in  your eyes basically yeah well it's it's like cuz   I can do like multiple games as well so it's  like the same room like I just minimize each   board cuz I remember it how you just recall that  like you put like two games blindfolded yeah I   can do like 10 or 15 potentially there's no way  yeah well grandmasters can do that like everyone   like every grandmaster can do probably I would  say for sure five no I'll remember day GG box   box you don't have to pay out thanks for joining  yeah was a pleasure Hikaru hopefully I made you   proud except for the end you did that was I'm  not joking that was honestly one of the most   impressive things I've ever seen on twitch like it  that was really really impressive for someone when   I just checked made it if I brought my Queenie 8  was that it d 6 was to check me patty 8 was also   one was one way of try and check maybe one oh  my thought process was put the Queen there so   we'd have to go up but I I forgot that he's uh ya  know but that was great Bible honey fly v55 yeah   for I mean if we're at 400 it's so mauled alright  whatever that's fine alright you guys big game and   I'll I'll definitely watch the rematch against  sue but but you both you both did a good job   of like more or less remembering so so congrats  good game a great show Thank You coach all right you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 715,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, blitz, bullet, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video
Id: qWlySZd9Iwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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