Nakamura's Knockouts: Playing Eric Hansen and Puzzle Rushing

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Brina 5d five I can take a plate coming out six yeah three of them three need throwing a chuck the hd7 make the board's it's right now and here's tape [Music] Hey [Music] movie such as King gay I've wondered that oh whoops age we'll settle a check [Music] shucks tract you news Eric you lose you lose oh all right [Music] next game [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'll play Eric you guys you guys in chat want it so you know what I must oblige the fans will get their wish yeah I mean probably gonna say Erica women like 2:1 or 3:1 when like 3 out of 4 and lose like lose like ten points or something silly but I still want to play Eric all right so Eric it's time for the Hansen yeah so I'll just be I'll just be sitting and chilling until someone can tell Eric I assume Erica streaming so somebody can tell Eric and his chat but yeah so we'll see but all right so everybody told him okay so I'll just sit and chill wait for him to finish playing soju gurov and then the show then the games will begin hey Goldust Tori how's it going play puzzle rush okay I'll do puzzle rush I'll do puzzle rush to you guys you guys want puzzle rush puzzle rush it is puzzle rush it is okay let's let's see puzzle rush ah ah ah ah all right let's go to one I bet it's Queen f6 by the way no it's not it's rook e1 okay I thought it'd be clear on 6 okay - wait what oh let's just check and takes three Chuck mate check take the rook ignite shock meet checkmate takes takes I guess okay that works Chuck and mate wait rook t2 oh no you see all you just Chuck I'm blind I'm completely blind for a second there I was like wait what is this Chuck takes checkmate checkmate checkmate shocked mate 56 checkmate of six checkmate queen g4 looks I'm confused by this problem fish before okay good enough checkmate Chak Chak and mate not rookie 395 takes Murphy 3d8 takes King h3 looks good check and mate a little bit slow the pace is not great 24 ish in the first not not ideal not ideal I wish I was a little bit faster Bishop c5 drops the Queen I take free Bishop um guess check and I see one okay this should East seven looks good okay rook eight - looks good in Queen c6 shocking clean h7 it's meet 94 no probably just takes 92 okay looks good 96 obviously and just take okay Bishop c3 and Queenie four looks good I guess not knight eh I assume it's thanks no it's Queen out for weird okay very very weird wait 95 yeah okay good night f8 I assume yeah okay good a for f3 I assume out for antiques okay what is Keaney fight what is this okay a3 I guess and I take okay that was weird rook c8 rook c6 Bishop d5 looks like an obvious move takes okay good night g3 looks like a move I guess just takes and takes and takes and takes and takes Bishop d6 rook c7 there should be six King to 7 or X - 7 king d8 brick c7 king deep I King c8 I'm doing so well this one - I've got like I'm doing so so well takes rook c7 King d8 man where's the mate my just blind Brook c7 King d8 is wrong ok so it's obviously takes but what the move is here is beyond my knowledge 25:26 no Brooks's seven King Dedede what am i no no you just oh you're just taking over a cafe and I'm blind I'm insane I wasted way too much time on that King g6 Queen d3 King h6 Queen up for King h6 and just takes okay good come on come on Bishop c3 no rook d8 rook d3 I mean looks right clean out for maybe I'm shocked and it's okay good good good pigs Chuck Chuck take the Queen take the rook okay ah it's not a c7 I know that it's an f6 no FG six and I guess takes it's not eat for a c7 it's gotta be h7 I guess it's this yeah okay okay Queen and Queen e4 and mate um wait knight c6 Bishop c6 no it's good Oh Brooke III either is Rick a3 there that's what there's work a three to slow today it's just too slow at this than these ones I'm Queen c4 what is this d5 Queen most Queen c4 takes this Chuck Chuck rook e8 it takes okay insanely hard takes no wrong rod okay so I assume that means Erika's done then Erik just finished but he's tilted well so be it I'll go back to live chess oh let's see okay where is the Eric man let's go it's show time okay time to play the Eric time to play the error challenge is sent waiting for Eric let's see where's Eric where's Eric I'm waiting for you I'm waiting for you bro oh I'm sorry I missed I actually missed a donation thank you very wills 17 1973 for donating $3 hi he car I've been playing chess for over 30 years now and I still can't get more than 400 Ehlo or get past level 5 on puzzle Roger it's really demoralizing are you are you there any tips you can give me thanks I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and your stream alright so first things first let me let me make a couple good moves get out of this opening all right we don't want to close between c2c see let's test Eric's theory first okay Bishop g5 so yeah I mean I guess the main thing is if you're having issues I think try to understand why you're having issues at that level I mean or maybe it's just a pattern okay b6 and I have three Queen c3 might be a pattern issue at that level actually like maybe you're just not getting the patterns or something but just how it goes 97 I think 95 is correct if I remember c5 is definitely not correct I think I take and take on f6 what does Eric doing isn't this just bad for black it takes this is definitely not correct I know that much I can play rough d1 play p4e for how does this link go I'm trying to remember I think maybe I just grabbed pawns I'm just gonna grab pawns and go f3 King off to I could take each six but that looks really that looks like that's really asking for trouble of rook d1 is actually is there anything wrong with room 51 I don't say anything wrong his work do you wanna if he takes I take he can't go Brooke DX my queen covers d8 Queen a4 I'll play off three now I'm threatening work d4 virtue for mate I've got the escape square for my King as well c8 I think work d4 I still work c4 okay so he still works before okay so what I'll just take and go like King F - I think King F 2 looks reasonable or III maybe II know three can't be right here let's see if I go King out to Queen c5 King g3 what's going on let's see a queen h6 is also a pawn as well actually no why can't I just take so he's only got a queen and a rook he can't really meet me just two pieces here it was Queen before I have Queen d2 he trades the Queen's I can just trade go King up to g3 Bishop g2 I mean you can't really made someone with two pieces here you need more than that so we're c5 yes efore actually is a form of here before he's got some weird kind of drawing idea so maybe I play h4 and create a square maybe just queen king of to play h4 I don't understand what rook c5 actually does here because if Queen before I still can go Queen d2 and now I'm gonna run with my king and a second or go rotation 33 with the loft oh right right as soon as I said less that's Eric's theory he said I don't even know how this theory goes oh that's priceless that's pretty awesome actually wait to have efore now how does he protect the bishop Queen c2 I just take the bishop ABI can go Queen b1 or something I miss played this although Queen c2 Queen d2 is still completely flying for me okay so he goes Queen a - I could still I don't really want to take but I think I will just take queen bee one Queen I want a I'll play B force rook is kind of box here he's got no squares at the moment for the Brooke so it's a little bit unpleasant here for block Queen a1 I completely clean up for maybe why not still he's gotten over cage five between g4 this rook is really really kind of an unpleasant spot here on e5 King g3 I don't really like this position for black I mean black is probably okay here but it's very hard to play maybe King h3 maybe Bishop b5 Bishop b5 looks reasonable oh I just wondered the bishop I just wonder the bishop ah terrible oh well that happens who that happens that's just uh Wow just blunder that completely went blind for one second feels bad now feels bad gets five I guess g3a Queen D for Queen 383 P 5 H 5 carick d4 maybe king tree - just keep waiting I mean I can't I can't really keep waiting though I mean I'm just losing here all those there Eric yeah I mean that that I just highest hung that Bishop Bishop e5 is a terrible to move and that's what happens plus 3-13 not not really very good yeah that was just a second I've done that actually today where I've just made it really careless blunder for no reason first time it didn't first time I got away with it again so I'm but this time it didn't quite work out so well and unfortunately this time is much more obvious last one was not obvious this one was obvious unfortunately so h5 fixed the pawn seriously can't attack ninety six ninety four ninety five maybe Queen d5 also or a five is he really threatening anything here I don't think he is so I'm just gonna play a five here I've always got Queen d5 as well which is worth noting and Knight see force there are multiple multiple lines here okay sir ticks I'll take this page five I think I can actually even just take besides just having Queen d5 I can also just take Thank You Clara Cottontail for donating five hundred bits Chris Wainscott says it's crazy how quiet Eric is right now okay so I play Queen d5 he's got what b3 g h5 c4 or something and he's okay I guess maybe King G sick what am I missing Wendy's take C 494 BC for Bishop Bishop a5 maybe okay let's see and I don't have to take I could also just take here 94 doesn't make sounds Queen d5 I I can also play I know but I can't play that okay so I I guess I have to go for this I'm not sure if I believe in it but I'll try maybe I can also take on c4 here maybe but I'll just click Queen d6 tonight eh v King G six or nine th h7 maybe okay see 525 he'll take on b6 I'll play a four and now it's very messy a3 I've got Rick a for coming c1 maybe Brooke ah he's got Rick c1 yeah okay this is a problem like a very serious problem so I'll play Rick d8 hit the pawn on d4 maybe Bishop a5 Bishop g6 is one way also to sort of although I should have gone with the other rope why did I put the other work on d8 that was really stupid of me not to put the other rook there because now I mean now I've got big problems here that I can't really deal with alternate shock bishop g6 I should have put why did I not put the other rope there that was so stupid of me although he's no he's now slightly miss playing because now if he has to go to e4 Queen seven or Queen h2 it's still probably quite bad for me but if he could have gone rook c5 and 90 h5 I think it was just winning for white out right so Queen seven have 95 will play with d5 got Queen da take the pawn g4 I don't know what you for actually does so flavor KH 8 threaten to take and take on h4 Thank You science house for subscribing Thank You Larry and Bob for subscribing on flick ween d8 hittin D for hitting b6 threatening still to take on g4 as well so Eric is really kind of deep in the tank that's this time to takes I'll take was a rook pawn or this rook rook g4 I think I still have Queen b6 if he takes I can take and go King h7 I don't see it so I'll take if 96 I have King h7 or Brooke h6g one logical move I think I should go which way should I go or I can play where cage six actually rotated six looks like a nice little move here protect the bishop so he doesn't have 96 I also have work h5 here so he's no h5 either yeah this game Eric's played well last game I should have won this game Americans played well um Queen c3 what's the idea he just wants to take a three it's not really the idea okay I don't care about this pawn in a three so just take it Eric I don't even care like Queen d6 or something okay that's a I think that's this dubious move now it's Queen d6 I think that's slightly dubious cuz gonna have trouble protecting everything here everything's a little bit loose now f5 work h4 is an idea to clean a7 okay so that's i assuming wants to try and ah so he wants to take on g6 but i can can't i just my queen before that's right and main and one with queens there okay rook c1 okay see if i would be a mistake i should be careful here not to give him any counter play a five maybe yeah 500 d4 okay rook d4 Queen c7 still rook d6 is fine or 55 or and even just take probably King h7 rook suit rook c64 h1 takes you know fate like on g7 to force it and now I'm actually I'm up upon somehow magically that's all she wrote alright okay that's one okay that first game ok that kind of makes up for the first game just a little bit cuz that get but again plus 2-14 cheese these are some terrible odds geez plus 2 minus 14 so I have to be Eric by 7 to 1 to not lose points now that's what I call really unpleasant those are really unpleasant odds but you guys want me to play Eric so player but yeah this is really unpleasant 7 2 1 ouch harsh there's no way I'm gonna set a new record today I'll say that 7 to 1 is just unbelievably brutal ok a 592 yeah 7 to 1 is starting to get into that like insane zone where you have to like be out of your mind I could Castle I guess I could also play off 3 I think I'll just castle here 95 f3 just build up the center here everything's pretty safe safe and solid so either Eric is under Rader I'm overrated probably Eric is underrated I think I mean I'm probably what were rated by about 30 points right now but I mean I would say in general err Eric should be a little higher than 28 20 considering their inflation I've seen lately and the ratings okay clean off 6 this is a little bit unpleasant for me maybe Knight c3 if he takes I take I think I'll take and go 95 cleanup 7 logical move now I think I'm gonna try to Rima new over my bishop around like c3 or something maybe a 4 a 5 I have to deal with this Knight which is very strong here on e5 ok chief or chief or mildly concerns me I can always take I guess and just play like Bishop e2 oh he's got oh he's gonna go f3 whoops although 9 f3 Bishop g3 I think I'm still okay h5 I just take I go fishy water h3 next move maybe I should have played h3 first actually but okay I'll throw in a Chuck put the knight on a five here just to create some some confusion here amongst his pieces well though maybe the night maybe the night actually did belong should have stayed on d5 here he can go back okay so please Queen g6 look do one looks logical to try and exchange rooks Knight f6 logical also maybe ninety-seven hit the Queen oh he's got Queenie for her oh no I can take him play knight c6 woo yeah yeah [Music] it's okay so it's thinking for a long time here okay so he doesn't take I think he was supposed to take actually he didn't take no I think I'll just go back to d5 keep keep the keep everything he playing was her 92 in f3 no 92 my queen was on d1 I think so his queen was always hanging heat so he wants to go 1993 so I slide over to age 3 9 IH e3 is not erect so my Queens here so he's never got anything on the h-file rook f3 or Bishop to Bishop f2 looks interesting work f3 also looks quite good problem here though is that I he's got a lot of control over the right squares I played g4 Knight of 6 906 row 6 worth d5 it's bit iffy this let's play rook f3 Bishop f2 and rook she won here at the end 31 maybe Bishop h4 here threatened 97 guys got a take I take but I think I should just be I should be better here or not by much but a little bit oh wait what's this takes what is Eric doing did Eric just missed that I've rookie h3 or something I'm gonna rope d3 I'll play e5 try to keep opening it up more put like g4 here if f3 work f1 thank you one Dench for subscribing with twitch prime h3 trade sovereign wreck h1 gonna go King out through Keaney 407 I guess I'll just keep going in with the king here if he takes I just take my rook is a little bit loose here but it's nothing nothing tragic now I'll go back to d1 here just to protect the rook from the inevitable inevitable pin once he trades now I think here I can go like g5 g 6 ok there's both to h4 and ya know I should just be winning 152 like rook g1 or I can even take on d4 at some point 7 broke f1 still f3 just bishop g3 I think or e3 or even I can just take actually oh he's got Rica for oh whoops oh shoot i blundered that oh shoot I just blended that completely 94 worked III luckily 95 work g3 I guess maybe checking roki six hang off three threatened meet wait surely I'm winning here right Chuck rook c6 GG oh ah okay that's another one in the books okay I can just take the GG oh come again so that's two in a row efore let's play e5 a knight c6 maybe 906 thanks again everyone who's watching 2700 of you watching Eric and myself play today okay so they call this what the Rio gambit accepted I don't even know what that's supposed to mean oh I'm all taken castle which was erotic level English well 648 oh we played rookie - I thought he'd I was gonna play Ricky one okay slight mistake um I'll just go back maybe d6 Bishop e7 maybe I can even take but okay place 94 so just Knight f6 try to exchange pieces I mean my guess you can play an IH e3 this is pretty dry though maybe not even pretty dry this is just very very dry like more than even just kind of this it should just be a draw look I'll play a5 fix the pawns I can play Bishop d7 if I want to take and clean e8 I mean this is not a very exciting game unfortunately I didn't expect Eric to play rook e1 against me but what to do what to do just takes oh maybe I'll play repeating b5 maybe I'll try to tickle him just a little bit oh but I can't even play b5 does a back ranker so no I don't even get to tickle them okay yeah okay yeah okay that was very exciting okay let's put d4 c4 Knight c3 tickly four takes Bishop g5 that was that big that AA BB big draw age six much B 392 why does he magic his ass he might happens my score in the world blitz yeah I would say relatively yeah I can play h4a for it also just play I mean I can also always just play this seat for again I think I will cuz I mean I don't see any reason not to just keep playing the same way I plays f5 and it'll take this time let's let's make it a little bit different maybe 92 and 93 hit the ball now 595 I could take I guess I will take if gf5 just h3 rook f5 I don't like fish me - no I covered this square I'm gonna go a4 gun I mean this looks really really ugly for black I could be missing something but it looks highly unpleasant go six I guess he wants to play east six or something do I really care I think I do care but maybe I do maybe I just cast and go out five or something okay rook there maybe I'll play rook D once on e6 I can take and take on cheese six at some point keep all the tricks on G so it's alive if he ever tries to break the center when he heard speaks here it sounds like music King eh shade okay I've got f5 here I can also move my bishop away maybe Bishop C to F 5 EF fish about 45 or 95 a little bit short just to touch King each one is always a move as well but I think I will play what will I play guess I'll play Bishop C 2 working-class hero says it's incredible watching them at the top of their sport performing thank you for that and of course I'm gonna run the restroom hopefully he doesn't move ah a 6 ok I'll play a four ouch stubbed my toe alright so a 4 F 5 is still an idea here for me I'm not sure what I'm gonna use it as so idea so he's still thinking here so somehow even though I went to there oh he's using the restroom haha he's using the restroom right now oh that's too good too good oh this is too good Jesus poor Eric okay wait what if I take e to e to work fa GG yeah I was there's a - this is like priceless rookie one jeez he's like he lost the bathroom exchange yeah yeah he did lose the bathroom exchange okay let's play uh the bathroom he didn't work no bathroom camp did not work for Eric at all unfortunately okay ninety-two I could play e5 I don't really want to play if I want to play something a little bit more original right now sufficient before I think he might have just made a mistake this would be to I can just take on f3 Thank You c'n ASCII version - for subscribing with twitch prime Thank You mr. P h1x for subscribing work up one I do it bishop c3 here I guess maybe rook e8 Knight b6 is also interesting don't believe there should be something for me here since he just played this but I don't see it right off here 96 95 94 yeah hmm strangely I don't see it so I'm gonna go to 95 Thank You JJ through 47 for subscribing to him once in a row now I hit play off 5 hit the night takes I taken I won the rooks is a fork on the Queen and the king 95 logical and queen out six idea of playing aged six here and then like maybe g5 maybe now he's got problems cuz he can't both his rooks are kind of bad and this Bishop dominates both of them in a way so he's got some issues here that he has to resolve and needs to resolve them like pretty much right away his knight h3 logic like plate h6 e 5 actually looks maybe e 5 or maybe just I know he wants to go Knight up four so I play chess Knight f4 g5 why not I'll just play g5 after Knight f4 and I know for I can take I can I think I'm just gonna play chief I've let and we'll trade and I kind of like the position arc Arsenal sexy car has improved so much as a streamer I'm so proud Thank You arc Arsenal thank you glad to hear that you guys are enjoying the stream it took a while to get into it but yeah now that I'm into it it's it's pretty it's pretty cool it's fun to do actually it's a lot of fun to have the interaction with all the all the fans and it's like at least when I'm streaming it's not serious so like in Russia the tournament was so seriously there were so many people who kept running up asking for autographs but like during an event it's very tough because you have to be like super serious all the time always focus it's a free pond by the way the fish page six I just take h2o Chuck but yeah like basically it's much more relaxed so I really do enjoy this hobby it's not rookie one and I miss that okay that's a but I do have rook d8 still maybe Bishop h2 I don't really want to trade Queens is there some way to avoid trading Queens as a question not really it doesn't look like hmm hmm how to play this Bishop d4 maybe yellows played Bishop d4 and King g7 try to keep Queens on the board use this bishop I've got rook e8 here maybe or d8 which one do I want to play I think work d8 makes doesn't that's tough I don't this isn't quite what I wanted let's see I can't trade the Queens I can play rook c8 maybe Bishop f2 king of two is a problem Rickey a king of six maybe just Bishop b4 now Bishop e4 is no good I've got it I got it move though Bishop d6 is not a move Bishop c3 maybe hit the rook try to force an exchange of something Bishop c7 maybe rook e8 still okay there should be one rook e8 I mean I'm sure I'm just I've got issues here so okay I better just move just just move and rook t8 hit the bishop probably age five or Bishop e5 maybe just H five there should be two rook e8 probably or Bishop d4 maybe also as possible okay so maybe specially five try to trade everything must be three I guess a 6 g 3 H 4 probably or actually G 3 I've got Bishop f3 maybe so I'm trying to take I think and go H 4 so he does play Bishop e2 if I take and I think I'll take and play like H 4 maybe maybe I maybe I didn't have to even do that maybe I could have done this in the other order although I'm getting g3 Chi - maybe this is maybe quite dangerous for whites still can you six g3 this is still may be very dangerous Oh am I just winning I think I just Queen I win this is a time for Erik to tilt if they aren't gonna tilt ah building the tilt maybe always got bishop g1 excellent move by Eric I did not see that actually okay there's about four oh he played this oh shoot why did I why did i pre move that why did I just wonder that okay whatever okay whatever I pre moved that I was oh but I mean I guess actually if I take he gets King f3 so b5 is not a terrible move to play but uh yeah Erik is probably tilting even though he got the draw there I bet Erik is tilting down the loss because that's uh that's very unpleasant yeah I expect to Eric to be tilting even though he drew that game i I actually really do expect him to tilt just because like he probably should have want he should have won that he had what six seconds he had plenty of time to win that I mean I'm kind of shocked that he actually that he didn't win that because like he had plenty of time there can I see 455 Knight b6 throw I just take on EA all the time so I take Bishop takes Queen b8 I think I can take and play like c3 maybe it doesn't really look very pretty for black here kind of I mean he's a little bit boxed in with all his pieces here you can't really play Bishop ease or now I can't like wait no Queen h5 why don't I play I went h5 instead of c3 actually why did I do this it's just Queen f3 hit the pawn now ask our Father since remember we're only winning it at 7 to 1 yeah I mean that's that's kind of problem that's why I like originally I didn't want to play our cuz it at +2 - 14 I mean it's pretty Roth and now I drew the game since + 3 - 13 but still pretty rough there should be 6 I've got f5 95 also as a move or key 1 I think I'll play Knight c5 here just try to exchange loosen up the Kings side here a lot of issues potentially for black Eric was pre tilted by being checkmated by Magnus oh that and then we in the lead shot Sivan I guess probably bleach house just a gas now I've got f5 again here 95 rookie wanted to move 96 also but I think I'll just play rookie 1 joule per says who cares about ratings good chess is more important yeah generally that's true wait now I've got office I can take and played chief or I can also just take the pawn on tv5 and just be up a pawn that's all it's all really nice I kind of want to take but I don't see the continuation so I'll just take and take I've got 97 if he takes on a 5 here so it should be pretty good Queen d7 is also a big threat Chris Wayne's got this time to head out for the Cowboys playoff game I'll be spamming a messenger with updates naka all right fair enough go anybody but the Cowboys nobody can root for those guys nobody but nobody can root for the Cowboys they're so terrible [Music] so but anyway yeah if you are headed out to enjoy the game down the last Chris [Music] Newton necrosis did I ever meet Eric in real life yeah yeah I mean any if you're I would say if you're above about 2,400 and you're within about five years old or with it if you're within like five years of each other pretty much everyone knows each other no no played before just played very positionally solidifies hold on pawn chain rook d8 maybe Queenie for f5 f6 ideas Ricky eight I could take I can also just play Queen out for I'm gonna try and play as very positionally very very technically correct tank Queen d7 f6i g5 24 now I control the e-file here as king is a little bit open he's got weaknesses here age four should just be winning I can play HD five rookie three also looks good but yeah rookie three could be Chuck's King H 2 and goes work do you wanna I was up Queenie a teenage seven takes and Queen she's seven mate so this looks pretty good NASCAR Fox with Magnus is pretty good I hear ya Magnus is a pretty good shots player I could take g5 I can also take and play h5 me which is interesting or no h5 s bad roadways maybe I'll take and play h5 rook a five check King their work c8 say 798 Bishop d6 I mean everything wins here I'm just trying to figure out what's the most practical way to win here I'll just take and go like h5 so I'm just gonna go rook e8 check and rock f8 or c c7 take the pawn here there's ninety five which I think that's a bad move Bishop d4 I think I can just check and go like we've got fate I mean work these seven is still a move but I think I can just wander up with my king now okay so it finds 98 97 I Knight d6 okay so King III um like for cafe de gun now kingi for and I just keep bringing everything up further and further an idea he ate a plate g4 here God be careful not to louse tell me but he's got one pawn so it's never gonna be a stalemate here I think rookie someone should be winning now cuz takes I just take King d5 ID alright he just flocks top position anyway for him to play not shockingly okay so let's play Caracara oh wow who wants to put the pan off or I want to play this one okay um play Knight f6 g6 there's about five probably trade rookie one I can take an ostrich Castle takes I'll take East 695 I can play I can take I can also put like 97 here maybe 93 King h8 I'm gonna go look rook g8 or something Knight f3 I'll just go back and go 94 a gun 27 he takes which I don't really like I think it's I don't know why he wants to help me improve my pawns here I think that's in the seat rook c1 no I think I can even just go like Bishop f6 Bishop h4 use this open G file here against his king queen h5 actually maybe I should take maybe she's southern Bishop h6 is a kind of an issue or not an issue at all I don't think it's an issue at all I'll take I'll take I'll play rook she's 6 I'm gonna go Brooke she ain't next move and again I feel like he helped me improve my pawn structure and I don't really like the position for white here like rook e8 g 3 c5 if he takes I take and are all kinds of problems because whereas King is Falkor Wa Dae says do I think I'm gonna adopt Eric's today probably not because I'm not on a streak of many right now and I would say most likely I don't think it's gonna happen today but maybe we'll see so see for up lady for if you take I'll just take back I've also got this deep pond running up the board now which is a big issue for white as well so there are all kinds of problems for white in this position so b5 d3 looks very interesting but 93 is also move I just have to find out find exactly what I'm looking for so Queen b7 is a move I can't d 3 is a move that I really would like to play here but d3 rook d1 Queen d7 I don't quite see the continuation so I'm gonna play Queen d8 idea maybe to play d3 maybe to go Queen a5 just to keep all all the options available I'm gonna go Queen 85 though here and maybe like 93 try to put pressure on the rook here Queen a for Queen C for I think I should be doing quite well here so I'll pre move dc-3 if he takes I don't think he'll take but he might actually have to lose a seat for then he's gonna lose b5 so he might actually have to just take on c3 but he plays Queen d3 actually Queen d3 is a good move yeah okay six try to force the exchange that b6 I think Queen c6 is really really bad for white so I'll take or I'll premium of the takes at least b6 I think just clean before wins okay so he does play b6 interesting ah cuz you can take on he can take on c3 and play queen d600 this is a problem this is a big problem so I'm gonna go 94 try to backtrack a little bit here b2 I've miss played this again although b7 Queen d7 let's see Queen d7 what's he do though how does he protect the pawn here it's between b3 logical move then I'll play h5 try to play h4 maybe go work chief or maybe I'm just work she ate I'm gonna need it like triple up here somehow eventually maybe it's kind of tough to triple up here but maybe I can do it got to be careful about three here but I've always got the c3 square so I'm gonna try to play rook e8 rook rook e7 soon Queen b6 logical move now d3 looks like a reasonable move here maybe d3 d2 no d3 d2 doesn't work so I think I'll start getting tricky I'll play Knight c3 with the idea of playing Knight a4 nobody can just take all right I'm gonna have to go for the flag then I just wondered this he still can't go Queen b6 though which is good so I'm gonna go rook e8 and like Knight a for if he takes or what b7 actually yeah rookie sevens is serious try here so he's gotta figure out something here or queen a7 I think I'll play Queen c7 and rookie 7 and even if a5 I can just take take and play like rook d7 oh I just wonder clean up 8 I just blundered this oh my god wait rook g7 oh he missed it he missed it oh I'm gonna be able to flag him he miss it he was who's winning oooh oooh I was really really bad that work I flagged him but that was not good that was not good I missed cleanup Fiat I should have been a smooth flag and said that turn into a really messy flag ok a6 let's finish up d3 thank p3o is eric tilting is eric on the tilt machine already that's awesome to hear ok b5 I'll take languish be 392 next move 94 96 is a big issue here for block potentially so he plays d5 Queen f3 is possible here maybe I should just take and do something different but let's see alright so if I take and play d4 that's possible I can also just castle play like 'if I've played something very unusual maybe even c4 I think I'll just castle there should be seven I think I can take and play like Bishop d4 Knight a5 is also another move that I'm considering here I don't really love 95 I don't love work a four actually let's see I think I'm gonna check up on here so I'm gonna gambit upon a good night a5 hit the bishop play like c4 try to play very aggressively check try to break up the center in a hurry I think I can play c5 if Bishop h2 King h1 and then I'm threatening to take the bishop again so I mean I don't know if this works but this looks dangerous this should be seven now Queen a4 looks very tempting throwing a chuck I've got like c6 coming as well now this is actually is Eric in trouble here in 97 Bishop f4 feels very very dangerous for block suddenly like out of nowhere basically yeah I place King f8 but I think like rook c1 maybe even c6 here knight c6 Brooke c1 queen 85 though so it works e1 makes sense here plays age 5 I think c6 makes sense to kick the bishop and now I think I should probably play like Age 3 to stop Knight g4 Queen b3 Bishop d6 it's pretty ugly for block maybe Queen b3 maybe I'm turning Queen b7 here D this Queen b7 Queen b7 is maybe a move in the right position like Queen b7 is maybe a huge threat next move and he's got back he's got bad rooks all his pieces are underdeveloped I mean Queen b7 is so tempting here but Queen b7 rookie 7 I don't have a continuation somehow amazingly there's no continuation there which is just bizarre so I guess I will play Knight e4 94 or maybe Knight f3 is more precise Knight f3 looks slightly more precise to hit a 5 thank you see Shawn part 379 for donating 1500 bits Eric's listening to me wait is there extreme sniping he's listening to me you can't be serious is he listening to me oh that's pretty funny if he is actually um ok so he takes I'll take I've got I mean this is always going to be some idea that I have here he's got issues ever we're kind of Bishop c4 putting pressure on this pawn I don't feel like Eric's gonna survive this much longer he's still still hanging on but like it's getting really really dicey ninety four looks incredibly strong to threatening Knight b6 Queen b6 threatening ninety-five because of the main on f7 this is really really I mean actually all this pieces except this Queen are on the back ring so that's how you know this is bad tonight h6 now Queen b6 looks good thank you I'm applause for subscribing with twitch prime 96-97 not quite Queen b6 r okay seven okay let's see so I'm down on time so I do need to be a little bit careful maybe maybe Chuck or not Chuck sorry Knight b6 is not Chuck what am I saying 95 to hit the Queen Queen d6 94 GG GGO gg Queen d6 I play 94 and then I overload the Queen because he can't protect b 8 so it's game over he just he can't protect b 8 anymore and my queen guards d5 it hits b8 his rook is on e7 oh jeez this is pretty ugly alright next game let's stick to the caro-kann since that seemingly worked well last time seemingly being the key word cheese sucks Bishop f5 history something first fish about five castles takes takes 95 gameplay 94 97 right away 97 makes more sense 93 King h8 ok we'll do this it will do the same dance again 9527 the electric himself to to to says meaty music this is gonna go up on youtube so that's why I'm not actually playing any music right now cuz I expect for this to be on YouTube and when I put the music they have deal with all the copyrights all that other unfortunate stuff so work a fate I'll probably take at some point 72 yeah 72 but I mean it's not a because eric is under rated and I'm probably overrated a little bit it makes for a very rough matchup ratings rating points wise so yeah DV razor says YouTube yes oh this will go on YouTube that's the plan at least now I could take with the bishop maybe which is interesting to like takes and play like maybe f6 maybe I don't know you can also take with the pawn here but with a knight on d3 it doesn't kind of make as much sense now I'll play f6 all I'll try to take and go 'if I've just a blast the center so I mean I assume he'll take you might know it goes 93 so IV 5 here I assume I should play rook g6 rook g85 that's my three move plan man Stuart it's the car you're cool thank you master I'm flosses what about Vivaldi yeah I mean once I'm once I'm done playing Eric I'll definitely whoa but what does that do actually I can just play with g8 93 is begging to be played at some point I can't do it right away or can i no I can't do it so I'm gonna try to Reema new ver this night around maybe 95 ideas maybe I shouldn't play b5 looks now I might get c4 although then I can take and go tonight of 796 anyway so let's see what he's gonna do here anyway plays and I had a four player with g7 rook g5 was maybe better maybe Brooke she 5 was better I don't know still got a 5 ideas in the air I assume I'm gonna sack some points relatively soon but I have to be careful about c4 that's the only danger here so I'll play Knight up 7 first if c4 I'll take a 96 an e5 place c4 so I'll take all the 96 oh we can take with the Queen oh but then I gonna hu 5 maybe yeah yeah then I'm gonna hu 5 ok it's not ok so it takes 96 or a 5 I guess 96 makes more sense thank you cold sir for subscribing now I'll play e5 9 h 5 h e6 f4 is a huge threat now as well maybe I should have played out for right away actually maybe but anyway whatever the game continues so we'll see what does Eric hand son of its gonna do here okay takes place f3 Wow so I take take what's his idea Bishop a4 Bishop f4 must be his idea rook G to take States rook G - that's a very solid idea now let's see if I take Bishop before I have no rookie h3 is either I can still play like Knight f6 but doesn't really look right I can also play something weird like that no that doesn't work um wait why can't I oh you those Bishop f4 he goes f4 not f2 I keep forgetting his he goes the other way it goes off or not f2 um let's see okay so starting Fe 495 makes no sense Knight f6 maybe just to exchange he's gotta take I think and I take with the Queen to get out of anything on the e-file there's about two maybe ephors risky bold but risky probably probably too risky actually play H 5 H for ideas a 4h for or a 4 maybe I should I should have played up for 19 I should have done the other way without 4 instead of age 4 but anyway the show goes on whoa what's this takes whoa rook h6 Queen g2 Queen e1 GG yo always got clean off one maybe he's got clean off one too it's like somehow barely stay afloat threatening work t2 Chuck now maybe one who ng - oh this feels so close to winning okay I've got a lot of time so that's the plus what's the downside downside is there's no clear-cut way to proceed okay I have to bail out let's see you three hit the Queen III t2 takes takes e to make shot hahaha you lose you lose you lose Eric you lose you lose alright next game okay time to talk time to tilt Eric 93 uh-huh a four okay B 6 Thank You chaotic Aladin and comedy and 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 subscribing two months in a row hashtag you lose yeah that was that was that was good okay I'll Castle played like rookie one maybe C 3 or something actually with the night here on suppose play chief for those so it's kind of not ideal I'll play C 3 just got everything kind of where I wanna work c8 maybe as a bad move so I can go like Queen e2 here and he's got some issues with this little weak pawn here on a 6 like he doesn't want to go rookie back but he might have to and he does in fact so maybe I should get aggressive I'm gonna aggressive and try to try to push him off the board now with like be for cakes like c4 and E 5 maybe a 594 looks amazingly good here with 95 earth D 8 maybe rook b1 as possible just to keep pressure on the Queen side here Eric looks like he's visiting a proctologist too weak to slow yeah hurts all right 97 um how do I take advantage of this there's some issues here for block they aren't pronounced so it's a very slight edge here so I'm gonna play Queen C to try to hit this pawn create more weaknesses long-term how do I do this so 95 I don't really want to keep putting my knife back but I won't say anything better it's kind of it's still better the angrier he gets the worse it gets Oh is Eric really on tilt right now he could be I mean I wouldn't be shocked if Eric is really starting to lose his mind somewhat somebody just threw out an air extreme don't tilt we love you Eric Rosen oh that's really really good that's that's a good one oh that's that's priceless he's the average stable okay Rick ba couldn't move I could take I can also just play like Bishop c3 try to keep building basically in this position I've got really all the control over the squares I've got he's not as bad I complained no Knight f6 just loses material so he's trying to exchange I guess I'm willing to oblige him I'll play g3 Queen a7 on the King F to start to bring my king in now he's giving me Knight f6 here which I guess I still have I don't really want to play again I'm gonna keep bringing my King as close to the center as I can like Queen B to his Knight is very bad here on d7 so I'll play h4 just keep on building keep on building the position queen bee one probably go back around push me to bush bus three at some point I think now make sense try to go push about three maybe exchange the 96 though there might be some issues now cuz now I can go Bishop d3 he can't really take I can go like Bishop b4 it's a little bit unpleasant for black I feel maybe not really she's got night off eight but it's starting to get to the point where it's becoming kind of kind of unpleasant to play for block now cuz this night is just so awful he really needs tonight on e7 98 so Queenie for as possible actually but how do I win if I play Queenie for I don't see how I win so I'll take with the night he'll go back to d7 I assume okay goes Queen c6 also logical maybe Queen d3 I would like to get put my knight on f6 at some point maybe still it's a little bit doesn't quite work so I'm gonna go 96 here King f8 I guess I'll play Queen e4 I should have done this earlier when the night was still enough eight cuz now it's like I don't even understand what I'm playing for exactly but whatever I'll play g4 I guess oh why not g4 takes Bishop e7 so he wants to I guess bring his Knight to b8 oh he went oh he went that way oh whoops oh that was a mistake careless okay whatever it's just game continues he still can't move the bishops he loses this pawn southern maybe ninety six five six week and I take and go King g6 oh can I kick and go f7 Oh Eric is gonna tilt so hard he's gonna tilt so hard now so I think f7 just GG is just GG king g6 he can't go at bay but if g7 I go King g7 Oh Eric should be just like tilting this is this is this is a real tilt game that's a that's a real tilt tilt game yeah that that is uh that is that is a big-time tilt it he is tilting he is still thing you ain't wrong poor Eric we love Eric we love Eric g6 Bishop g7 castles I kept I can feel the anger and the in that quickness is the moves now this is this is when it gets good because I can feel the anger I can feel the anger I take I guess I can also just take on e5 maybe I let's play Issa so I'll let him go ninety-three gun I'm not too concerned but now I'll play off six I just want to see if he's going back to d3 or is taking I mean okay I'll go communicate as usual Queen e75 how many a road is that I don't know exactly Thank You Dre Dre 8347 for donating five hundred you ain't wrong big-time tilt yeah I mean Eric should be tilting because that last game I mean he kind of he avoided losing like he was doing terribly and then he managed to survive long enough where he reached a good end game and then yeah when to lose like that where you play like f6 with the idea of playing just like you're gonna be completely fine okay so I guess I'll play worksheet here he can never play see Forks in Knight a5 I'll go Queen f7 e five is lurking again probably bitched about fate Bishop d6 and I try to use the G file here Queen 84 so now he really is trying to force through c4 but I don't see why I can't play e5 here Thor Nelson says he killed too many brain cells in Mexico oh yeah Eric was in Mexico right Eric was in the the Mexico land I think I could play a four queen h5 is interesting I'm gonna play off for here again I feel like White's got big problems in the position thank you Alex Ron for subscribing with twitch prime and it's just it's starting a dangerous like queen h5 bush page six okay place C forward try and loosen things up I don't think it really I can play Knight a for but I've got night f2 at the end but still a lot not so clean for white here I mean there are some really serious issues in the white position okay so he just play Knight of four so I could take up to taking up for makes notes on its Knight c5 makes no sense 96 it makes a little to no Sun so I think I'll take and I'll just take on a four it takes I'll go between d5 idea of playing b5 now he never gets d5 there may be some issues if I get a five with Bishop d4 and Roachy to okay now I play b5 hit the Queen night before 93 is coming like me this is looking kind of ugly for Eric wait Queen a6 night before night before Bishop g7 and then 93 at the end was another fork 93 looks good takes takes he's got no Knight g5 2 d 4 d 4 hangs it was it 5 more for adoption is it 5 more for adoption I've stopped I've stopped ball I've stopped keeping track I mean I think even though it's 9 - I'm still losing like 10 points because like that's just how it works when you're up by so much but yeah uh he's got big issues rookie 5 trying to go for some some tactics 95 is his idea I don't have to take I mean D 2 is a funny-looking move here Queen f7 looks ok I think we now 795 she's six rookies six let's just be a little bit careful here not to mess it up Queen f7 work eh Queen 795 Queen chief oh no that's a checkmate that's a mate in two with Queen h7 at night at night uh oh wow that's matin - okay I better play Queen d7 lon that was amazing so queen up 795 queen g6 lost queen h7 queen h7 knight of seven with me wow that's an amazing mate luckily I didn't fall for it that would have been very tragic okay so now I take he takes I take that would have been extremely tragic actually so let's see so he has to take I think King off one I think work she's seven Bishop e5 I trade Queens and go d2 d1 make a queen I don't see any tricks here for white yeah I don't see any tricks oh okay so I take GG my deep on baby deep on all the way baby all the way down the board we go he resigns alright another one of the books okay let's keep playing e4 let's go for the major - lets play Queen h5 just to make him even angrier because if I beat him here I think I'll adopt him if I beat him with queen h5 he's totally gonna just lose his mind okay so 92 d3 Knight c3 takes do you six I'll castle yeah I mean because if I beat him here he is just gonna lose his mind completely so I've got I've got to go for the like the monster time - tilting him 93 b6 okay lp3 plate for why not just 95 f f5 I take okay 96 not a big deal Queen d3 King h8 maybe this would be 2 as possible here try to play along this diagonal if it opens up ever plays a five I'll take I'll play a four try to really use this long diagonal I think blacks already in a lot of trouble here oh it's not c6 ah miss c6 wait but if I take on a five he's got 95 play named night eh five okay this is probably terrible for me but I don't know for sure so takes he's got to take with something here if he takes the night I take on e5 or even Queen d5 action maybe just Queen d5 okay King g7 now I can play Queen d5 here I can take on any five I think I should probably just let's see if I take I think I'll take what the Queen hid the rook c5 is hanging he can't he can't stop me from opening the long diagonal take king g6 now route d3 is one move queenie fives another move I guess he wants to play Bishop e7 at some point rook e1 last night a force rook e1 would be bad Bishop c1 d7 Bishop d7 is there a continuation there I don't see it h4 maybe roof d3 night wait wrote d3 night of for queen somewhere d7 I feel like I should be doing okay here somehow but I don't quite see the move like Bishop see one doesn't oracle t29 a for um let's see okay what do you won I had a for Queen f3 Bishop e7 Queen g3 takes takes okay I'll play Rickey wine I'll play Knight f4 all right simple play night afore I don't see any other moves that make signs here point out three Queens III this is what is calculating there should be four can I take English up see one kingi for age three takes takes came to 4h three I mean okay I'll take I'll take King g3x at king h4 I've got g3 Chuck forking the king of the night well okay I can let's see I can Chuck I can play g3 for starters I don't I didn't see anything else I'm sure there was something else it was good ah but he's ah he's got this way I can run like this I didn't see this okay this could be an issue or not an issue King rook e - maybe worksheet - King D - King III King C 3 shaky but I think I'm holding it's a shaky very shaky but I think I'm okay here am I gonna make Eric call me daddy or simply sir sir feels much more proper somehow yeah air Eric's probably losing his mind cuz again like he's in a lot of trouble here I just wondered a piece okay rook g3 logical I think I bit Koba should be to maybe a fish about three I've got okay but now I think I can run yeah now I just start running with King D to fish be five rook h1 I mean okay it's a cage one I guess here takes takes King III it's got King g4 though I've got some problems here maybe should be five hit the rook Bishop c7 Bishop e6 ideas d1 maybe Brooke H to about six I've got work h4 yes yes yes exactly wait track Bishop g5 Bishop C to work h5 and I think I should be able to flag Eric here somehow although I gave him this stupid idea maybe let's see okay but your d8 wait what's happening is Eric lagging okay Chuck Chuck Chuck you lose you lose you lose you lose you lose Eric you lose come again come again come again all right next game okay see 65 I'll keep playing this I mean what are we at eight I think we're at eight right all right six let's play each 697 probably 97 Queen c7 Thank You Dre Dre easy 47 for donating 500 bits you lose again you lose you lose okay Brooke c1 I don't feel like this is correct I didn't think this was how you're supposed to play this line is white you think that's just ninety-six why not 91 I clean I have four f6 I think is also moved here I'm not sure Knight f4 looks reasonable Oh buddy can play Bishop d3 I timed the order wrong order i mistimed the order okay what our brush makes seven a c4 Wow okay if I cake might be six hit the rook okay he's he's on tilt he never should've played see for sure just taken and gone 93 like this is an absurd why is there ik doing this like okay maybe I still can't really protect the pond but like why even allow any of this I don't I don't understand maybe a 5 or f6 assets looks ok actually night afore I can just take ok take stroke up seven I take out six no now Ericsson has played it again Eric was was much better he's still probably better but it's not anywhere near where it was pigs you know 795 doesn't really change anything just Queen G 794 virtue 6-3 I guess I can play Knight c7 protect the pawn no Bishop d6 also d4 is loose here Queen h3 I guess I'll just go King b8 maybe just Bishop d6 hit the knight on e5 and like now I feel like it's getting somewhere now Ritchie 648 there are some issues for whitey gun what she ate she won and now I'm starting to exert my will against like Queen off 892 logical maybe just ah but he's going 94 that's a problem ok I guess I'll just create a square for my King to start with well like king e7 run out of any danger here on the on the Queen side I guess probably 95 is an iMovie gun 95 logical now I can take take SOT we'll go Queen off 6 protect the pawn I mean why it's probably a little bit better do I have f3 here f3 Queen on 3 takes a night of for Rookie 592 looks like a move doesn't it I have three Queen Esther who takes its Knight f4 rook B to work g2 rookie for 92 I don't know if it works I'll play rook she said and I'll just bail out I'm probably new f3 here though maybe not actually I've got issues now I've got real problems here so these weaknesses so I better sort it out like ASAP 28:25 no how do i maybe Knights oh wait no 93 hang tonight what am I even thinking geez what am i doing okay I'll play Queen d8 oh I'll Chuck the pawned it so I can go f3 here oh that would've been a very tragic way to mess up a attempt at an adoption okay f3 oh wait to see Brooke b7 he might have had rook b7 there okay no I think I'll play Knight c3 wait I've got to be very key okay 93 looks playa bollocks Queen d4 is a threat Brooke II ain't maybe rookie 7 yeah cuz rook b7 I take Queens to 1687 I'm fine I'm also down on the clock so I better focus you guys so I'll probably be a little bit quiet for a few seconds see what he wants to do Queen c4 can I be 5a for Queen D for d1 I'll probably take on a3 actually take go 95 gonna be 395 d5 I can take or play queen out six you have three okay I'll play work f8 get three meter on a Chuck rook e8 d7 94 is it's right now I can just take okay Hey okay takes Queen b6 King eight okay five I've wondered that oh whoops g8 seven with Chuck Chuck Chuck you lose Erik you lose you lose Oh all right next game all right thank you for doing it thank you who was that for donating five hundred bits I think those DPP tricky triumph I thank you for uh thanks for the bits okay e6 let's play more the same Bishop d3 Thank You commie and ask for subscribing with twitch pride okay a four a five I feel a little bit like Krusty the Klown there with that laugh like that felt a little bit crusty ish thank you melt swag for subscribing all this castle Bishop before I can play like f3 okay just plays 96 off for d69 a for maybe or even Queenie two acts just hit the pawn in a six thank you well I could take I could also just go back I'll just trade I mean I'm up a pawn here so this really should be quite good I'll play pass if just Bishop buff to solidify e4 now 94 looks good maybe I'll play something safe like h3 here I can also trade or Ricky wand let's play h3 there's there's no throughout ani Forex I'm protecting everything h3 also stops any night you for ideas later on so it seems like a pragmatic move to play thank you or sorry Thank You Jerry 8347 for donating sorry it wasn't happy even think of the games that I saw on that boom like that was right as the game was ending and I saw like 500 comments that just started coming in so yeah alright so tilt until a time of the bond cloud now that would be the ultimate tilt that would be like really ultimate do IV 5 here even here you know this take E 5 95 I can play queen h5 for example I mean this looks terrible for black I'll just take takes 95 maybe Queen off three maybe even c4 actually c4 looks reasonable just kick the night I had a four Queen g4 so a night of four Queen g4 96 96 driver q1 is Ricky wanted option time yeah I don't see anything I think it's adoption time I think it's adoption time I think this is adoption this is 10 right this is 10 right this is 10 right this is the 10th game I think oh I'm only at 8 oh I thought this was the 10th game oh this is only 900 I thought I thought this was the 10th game oh never mind I'm insane oh well I started celebrating too early ok fair enough so to survive another car card okay oh well oh well I still expect him to resign here alright so this is a 9th game ok finish him with a bonbon cloud with white maybe bond cloud with black I'm just gonna get blown away so once again thanks everyone is watching I see we're at about 3,000 viewers now so all right next I'll stick with what's worked because I mean I would normally play e5 but if your error could play rook e1 and make it drawn like a heartbeat I don't think that's even a question at this point so let's see what he does he plays 91 I played g5 again why not I could take or just Castle I think I'll just Castle here there's 52 um what does 52 - lets play c5 here keep the bonk live for the 11th game yeah the 11th kami right that's one that's one of it makes the most sense I'll take post take I'll probably trade or work c1 okay also logical just sidestep anything on the C file here Bishop g7 is one of my possible moves coming up queen h5 does not threaten anything doesn't really it threatens kind of something something a little bit vague so I guess I'll play Rick h7 protect g4 then I'll play Bishop g6 of you takes I'll take and go Queen b6 Knight f3 okay so he wants to like try and win some material here on the Kings side Bishop g6 takes Queen h3 could be an issue so his idea is to take and then take on g5 so I have to come with something work she's seven maybe queen h6 night she ate or Ritchie 16 h7 I don't know if it works but I'm gonna give him a chance to hang himself with Queen age so explanation it's 46 cleaning something Bishop g7 thank you potato chess for subscribing with twitch Prime I don't know if this works but I've got to give him the chance to to go into it because nothing else really makes sense here and actually takes I even have rook h7 of Bishop h6 maybe so there this is by no means clear for white the other good thing okay so he does go for it which I kind of expected okay so fruit g6 what's he gonna do queen aged five or something or eyes got Queen h5 here ah okay now it's time to get slightly desk for me with Bishop d3 Knight G it doesn't work work age seven hangs cheap five basic we now six fifty to ninety two rookie eight maybe ok I'll go for it I don't know if this works well go for it with Bishop h6 here Thank You guy brush for subscribing the pitch prime Thank You math staples for reading with a party of nine hundred and fifty three people thank you my staples thank you for the raid hope the tables true you well over over on stars I guess it is so okay Queen have six logical my Bishop g7 if Queen up seven I just played Bishop h8 you can still take on g5 I think no Queen f7 I've got work Fe okay so he does take so push page six as expected now Queen f6 I'm probably gonna take and play work she ate oh wow he's just gonna sack the exchange really or not the exchange for sack material I was not expecting that actually okay now I think I'm in good shape okay Queen c7 maybe because his pieces are not ideal here like I can take and take e5 like nothing here is quite right for white so like cleaning off six even g3 e5 is one move like II five and ninety six I mean why just getting blown away here like d4 maybe d4 the d4 should be right then I can kick the night as well or just play nice and six first and then kick tonight next move 93 allows Queen off three I think this is winning well okay night a3 I'll play Queen f3 this pawn is hanging here Thank You trustee for gifting a - Matt staples I mean a wife just busted here completely busted actually 95 just Queen d2 reckons just off six yeah why she's busted here I'm feeling the adoption time as long as I don't mess something up in the next like 20 seconds there should be an adoption a four outs play have six solidify everything here d4 okay so now Eric is definitely in a world of hurt this is terrible for white so now I'll just remove my Nikon 95 next move okay but Seabrook d1 doesn't even threaten anything I can just play 95 because he moves the bishop I just move my queen like Queen f3 Knight a4 is a huge threat ninety six ninety four is an adoption adoption come to Daddy come on whoa there we go 10 in a row baby ten in a row ten in a row ten in a row there we go wow thanks to all four thousand who are watching I just beat Eric Hanson that would be transfer also streaming ten in a row and that's what we call an adoption for those of you who aren't familiar with the term Thank You Jay clothes for gifting five subs to the channel - big Papa 59 Chesbrough bean busy 2016 Jory and Ray kamikaze 59 and kamikaze 59 $15.99 Thank You trust me for gifting hugs - uh the waffle master no FIV TV Odysseus ate Dante one and poutama or Apple Emma 83 you know what I'm gonna go from I'm gonna go for more I'm gonna try to go for the record you know there's no reason not to keep trying to keep Erik tilted b5 okay Queen h5 thank you thank you dl b thn katie for for subscribing Bishop c4 cleanup three I'll play see you three yeah Eric's probably really angry but your is angry Eric or depressed that's what I'm trying to figure out right now is the anger is he just depressed because you could be either actually played see it's very kind of dubious now these pawns aren't great I like night here but you can't get everything you want in life so let's put three Queenie ain't maybe ninety three to go tonight p5 why not put the night on a nice square here 93 King eh eh so he wants to go night she it I guess I'll go clean e2 probably night she it maybe night b5 knocks I protect to protect the night with my queen I mean d7 or if d1 looks good a4 looks good also maybe let's see how do I want to play this so I'd like to pawn it be on c2 not c3 I just wondered upon accidentally on e4 maybe he won't see it although maybe it's not so bad against I take and I take b6 thank you probe elope afore subscribing yeah i blundered upon but maybe it's not terrible takes Bishop g2 King G - it's got Queen c6 ah I miss that oh dear maybe you know three and queen e3 maybe just clean up three seems like an idea here or yeah let's play Queen f3 he'll take I'll play like rook d1 maybe I'll play a five I assume here or Ricky eight also logical ooh this is a problem maybe b4 maybe four just try to open it up takes and c5 or something but yeah oh oh oh oh thank you push the pause for gifting gifting town subs too so deck or darn LHS mouth eyes ye pan pizza demin our journey to 1400 gas form snake man use for 2002 killcam 1991 employed a 369 for the Queen III tried exchange of Queens I can take on any five I guess I can also play like Queen a seven maybe just see five here at DC five does Queen c5 yeah pretty good d5 okay now ba 5 doesn't make sense maybe queen up for here other than Bishop e5 okay let's go 94 try to solidify here he moves the Queen away I'll go B 5 C 6 probably if he takes me okay one I've got to be careful this pawn storm that's looming clean out six I'll just bleep be I don't know what queen of six does because now I've got out for like he wasted at MP he needs this pawn to be rolling down the board here so yeah Queen h4 is fine logical I like clean g3 or something or maybe I just play c6 not for maybe actually b6 yeah why not just b6 Bishop e5 f4 is not a threat p7 maybe what is he threatening bish before I just go Queen e2 he still doesn't have any main threats this is the thing I don't really understand what Eric's trying to do so like now like rook b1 or night maybe even just knight c6 here I mean I guess he can make a draw with Queen g5 in each case where I make a draw okay Eric and make a draw here I don't think it draws what Eric had in mind when he won the pawn in the opening though and I got to 10 so I don't even care if this as a draw I don't even care if Eric kind of make make a repetition with Queen g5 Queen h4 because I got to 10 so it really doesn't matter oh my sub alert is under the board sorry okay so he plays g5 I kind of expect him to be a man and go for it here play work h1 maybe I mean I'm gonna Queen at some point that's rookie h1 makes sense just to soft G for so I can take III now I should probably make a queen I don't have to make a queen I can also put a group d4 maybe a let's play work d4 if takes I'll take one takes and I go see d4 and it's very messy so sorry I'm not seeing the alerts at the moment sorry you guys he'll probably take Oh am I missing stuff suddenly sorry you guys my missing stuff oh thank you Dre dream for getting a thousand bits and thank you Hanson Hanson eats something for gifting us getting getting a gift from anonymous sorry about that yeah Bishop III okay King G - oh wait I've gotta move fast I'm too long time and I just wondered - okay I got to take this way like rook b1 okay so let's see what p1 c6 rupee five I think I'm winning again I actually just wrote a fiver K he resides up I love it in a row oh boy oh boy fill the tilt the tilt is strong in the Eric the tilt is very strong okay Knight c3 spy 906 d3 whoa Eric wants playing ng talk about tilting wow this is a sad day to be an Eric Hanson fan this is a this is a very sad tilt I mean Eric's playing a exchange exchange basically like an exchange exchange caro-kann to try and not lose this is pretty funny a4 actually a4 is a good move yeah kind of ugly oh this time I've miss played the opening so he's got he's got a pretty safe position and good chances to a make a draw b4 it's a bad move I can play a 5 or maybe it's not that bad I guess he wants to Knight c4 and get this favorable pawn structure so I'll just play Bishop e7 thank you trust me for giving us up to VJ ruse worked d1 lyric d8 I can also take and play b5 maybe maybe I don't love it though so I want to try and keep winning so for that reason I'm gonna avoid all the trades for as long as I can giraffe hunter something just got here is Erica adopted yes yeah I adopted Erica I think was one it was just a one-game ago so be five okay logical like Playworks e8 why not although again Eric's was playing it he's getting into a bad position again this is not he's just miss playing thank you and honest for gifting a sub to Hansen is a doc now nights before I take take and play a for Chuck so this is its its this is pretty rough for Eric right now yeah this is pretty raw Starcraft geckos says I feel bad for Eric but you know if Erica topic knocking he would never shut up about it that is true that is very very true actually so I can take and play a four maybe so I know it takes an A for it's got to go like keen B to R ok 5 is coming king C - I think push would be for maybe or yeah but should be for a night be one maybe work a 5 I'm starting to press him in this game so I should be careful how I do this so maybe Bishop c5 looks like a logical move ok I can take I guess rook c5 as possible here Knight b6 and Miss played this I miss played this it's gonna be very hard to win this now maybe ok 5 though he's got night oh he's got night of 5 oh whoops I missed that completely for some reason I guess night see oh yeah yeah wait G 656 oh I missed that completely oh dear C 7 maybe no work see something's bad I've got him of the night somewhere maybe night I guess I have to go this way and in hopes for something here yeah this was a mistake a big mistake maybe work c7 b6 works c6 still he's got weaknesses here so it's not like this is completely lost like night b3 maybe hit the rook rook d1 or fb5 maybe at some point or 83 and 84 is also an idea probably I'm just losing here somehow but I will try to fight on okay I guess I have to check and play a3 like a3 maybe king b1 I just take b-66 is still not over but it's probably losing but this is not quite over yet I'm not quite lost okay what I could take or maybe just play like 82 maybe before b6 that's still obviously losing for me but it's not not trivial for white to win here okay seven fact I'm not sure how white wins is Pawnee - actually it's like kind of hard to win and if I ever get the King to c5 than white Scott okay so he's gonna play like this okay oh I blunder b7 oh whoops oh okay I was not expecting that let's see he's got a cake okay over p1 she won I blunder though okay rook e1 c3 okay thanks Oh another one another flag oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear poor error okay now it's time to really like maybe I'll still play Queen h5 we're sure should I do a bong cloud sure I really try to nail him okay you know what not yet if you plays like e6000 I'm gonna wait to do the bong cloud not quite yet almost not quite castle d3 or h3 first I guess 95 d3 trade Knight c3 I'll truck maybe if it's if I get if I'm able to win like another five in a row I'll try I'll try like 93 Queen e2 or 95 maybe Bishop a3 as possible I think I'll just go back at 590 h5 day 495 next move almost without a doubt I'm double adoptions is 20 by the way double adoption would be 20 ones in a row 96 I'll play Bishop b2 thank you kitty kitty hits us for getting a sub yeah I mean bond cloud I'm waiting I'm waiting to play the bond side it's definitely a possibility now though so let's play queen g4 offer Eric more and games cuz he loves on game so much Queen d8 let's play Queen e2 night a4 okay that's fine but I think I can still just play like Queen d2 and I'll take and like okay takes interesting I'll take a five we'll take and play off for Queen h4 logical maybe Queen c3 to hit c7 do something on this diagonal like now I really wants to play off five here so how do I prevent a5 where I can also play off four I guess Queen f3 is the way place c4 here rook e8 maybe work f1 and work ey next move still if f5 I can always takes if G FIV hangs upon in h5 h6 logical I think I'll play like Queen d3 maybe and now I'm probably gonna play off a four at some point soon I also take I've got Queen d1 here a for Bishop of four-night h5 is also possible do I play a four not a the question now for it looks like a reasonable try to play Knight h5 very unclear but a 12-point 9221 a tough four takes takes takes king h7 King H 2 and G 4 um what to do vato Tuvok todo don't I'm not a playoff for I'm gonna play Queen out 3 or 21 go supply Queen up 3 King h7 ok so now I will take a 4 I'll go King H 2 and G for to protect the night on h5 have you takes I just take back although I put the paw Nazi forces got work f3 AK a little bit a little bit unfortunate to allow this okay work h8 good move maybe Kim G to to hit the rook maybe h4 h5 is possible ok 595 [Music] H 595 oh he's got Bishop h3 eyes got this page 300 what's I just blended that okay I'll take should be 293 I mean I tough one try to get the night somewhere over here he should not he sure just trade it I don't know why I left tonight why he left all these pieces on the board he should've done this like maybe guess I've got to try something here what do I fry Roxy 3 and F 3 I guess maybe Rick g3 and Rick g7 be - I guess tonight efore it's still not obvious still not so simple for blocked one whoa king of five Wow okay f3 in 93 and King G - it's got efore but if I take and play were caged 3 how clean is this always got that one ah he's got that move yup he's got that one whoops wrong button all right fair enough happens all right sorry new game try start new new series see 65 six-page 690 78727 91 she 500g 591 c5 takes takes Queen c5 c3 I can play CC 496 also is completely fine c4 is interesting here now I'll play C for now 6 try to open up the position a little bit Knight f6 could play 96 here I call split like Bishop g6 um could also Castle I guess but ok 96 and Bishop d6 that's the role to put pressure on the h2 pawn g3 I think Bush b3 is probably good 94 is also probably good this creature makes a lot of sense oh and queen up 70 beer I guess look how it's a long run to the restroom right now chief or okay he moves he moves relatively quickly not super fast it's the Queen g7 protect the night probably clean up six okay be three oh I can play h5 here for example I don't be three actually be three kind of threaten something I don't know what a threatens all point 94 oh sorry dad missed something oh thank you Corleone for gifting 10 subs I was using the restroom okay I'll play h5 Thank You Carly all freezing substance in math yeah sukh the Morpheus 91 at 12:45 doc hellas Tom 69 93 under Bantu Barrett bossy 92 deer gets Snoopy and Elias Elias and tunes thank you thank you Corleone for the her the I for the for the sub gifts thank you 93 now I can play rook F - I think night F - looks correct this night up to age four just like blast and completely it's gotta move the Queen somewhere h4 looks crossing h4 g3 I mean I think White's lost here just like eh g3 I mean I think even that's just once I take a go Queen h6 man I don't really see how White's surviving everything here the roof protects a knight is Bishop g2 just Chuck me maybe ambition buff one a Bishop g2 looks good enough so yeah just check me all right one up nine to go nine to go let's start the train again listen now now I'll get back playing more real openings a little bit 20283 trade huh Thank you Thank You Dre Dre 8347 for donating five hundred bits bathroom gambit still wins fair enough fair enough the speech for I lost again so that I can adopt d6 like play 92 I think ninety two and a half three e3 is one way to play this so yeah San Diego causes I'm actually gonna go out after the stream with more megaphone promotion for Hikaru bow ties and chest bade 94 that's very kind of you good good to hear I'm gonna play III I think just III push me to a pretty standard position I've got two bishops here which is good not great d5 I think is slightly dubious you're putting a four I think I just cancelled here so okay a4 I'll play a where do I want my rooks I assume I want them on C 1 and B 1 because B 2 is weak and maybe I have to play B 4 so I'll play but I couldn't take on d5 now as well yeah I think that will takes if he takes one I just go Queen c2 so he plays the EDL player p1 maybe e4 at some point is a move now as well Queen e6 we was still trying to play d4 I don't want to play rook e1 Bishop b5 as possible Bishop f1 also looks fine just to avoid d4 84 Queen e2 Bishop e6 okay Bishop e6 is a good move as well I did not I did not completely expect that all right um-hmm I don't want to play B for it but I'll try it it's a bit at I'm taking play Knight c3 Knight b3 Queen b3 and we'll just I don't really want to take like this but guess we'll take with the Queen I'll take with the night I think when I am c4 not ideal oh and I just wondered a I just wondered a a3 as well but he missed everything so it doesn't matter like rook d1 I've got Queen c4 um we both kind of blundered there back and forth but happens I had a four okay is there an actual threat 92 is threat be three should contain it is there anything else to save pawns not really Bishop e3 looks flying so I can also just take the knight play the crops as Oh miss Derek whinnying oh yeah he won the last game that we played so I won I think 12 in a row I think it was and then he won the last game so yeah all right so okay so let's see Brooke c8 I can take on out for g3 as possible actually a four looks fine to just to just to save this pod like Brooke a once an idea maybe Bishop d4 Bishop d4 so that I can plot something on c3 and Eric's deep in the tank again if I if I can ever activate like Queen c3 as possible actually Queen deep but Queen c3 takes Bishop g7 Knight d5 Queen d4 um who okay so he plays there but now I can go Queen a1 and now he's losing cheese 7 as well so I don't feel like Eric played this precisely Queen g6 I guess a5 should be fine but nine of four okay so he wants night of four okay I've got to be careful eight five nine of for rook T to c3 that's dangerous okay oh it's turning to c3 right away actually so I've got issues here maybe your beef five I guess probably this is just terrible tea too maybe it's not so bad though so obviously bad I don't know how bad it is he ate okay so he wants plain it2 I'll cut him off again with Bishop III and again he has to figure this out because every time every time it looks like he's mating somehow I've always got tricks with this Bishop III and it just cuts off all the flow of his pieces 96 okay I think just 85 why not now my a pond is is actually dangerous - so Roxy it okay Queen c3 and c7 would be six maybe 95 or - six gotta take 46 I guess we see two maybe three maybe four 50 - Oh a blunder 92 oh he missed it he missed 92 892 mate he missed 92 a night of - ok 93 seven maybe niche - oh I blunder this one oh geez oh wow what a crazy game oh geez woohoo Eric even though Eric drew that game he should be pretty angry about that game - he should be pretty angry about that one also even though he drew it he should be really angry about that one he missed ninety to meet along with many other other things in that one so yeah I mean Eric should not be happy with a key and even though he drew it he should be really unhappy with that but that was a that was a fun game though that was that was one of the more enjoyable games he's laughing now Oh Eric's laughing I mean I guess it's gotten to the point where he can't really get worse for Eric to be fair so in a sense maybe you should be laughing I guess a six be six maybe I don't know which I think be six make sounds cut cover both the squares night h4 Queen e8 maybe I threatened he wants to go after three so I get to be careful here we have Queen d7 Queen h5 Bishop f8 okay f3 logical 95 maybe I've got Knight h3 here I've got rook e8 bish buffeted also rook e8 looks pretty logical to play for a five Bishop f8 at some point laughing to suppress pain yeah well I mean if Eric had lost that game though he would have been really really angry he would have been really really angry he thank you tres paid for gifting a subject Corleone oh it's Cora Corleone okay at Corleone okay b4x played Bishop f8 knight of seven Knight h3 is also lurking I want to play e5 somehow I don't just go Knight up 785 next move Eric gets most upset with spouses well yeah I mean and the thing is if I had actually played ef5 he would have lost that game on time so he should so he should actually be happy cuz I feel like if he lost that game on time I think he would have thrown his computer out the window probably so maybe 96 now 94 yeah I mean American lost I came I think he would have thrown his computer out the window probably could be five he gets the square but I'm not too worried I go to have seven and ninety four and E 5 Oh Eric's with you after wait where's Eric garrison Montreal the reason st. Louis ok Knights e4 e5 is coming next move between d3 d5 again what's wrong a5 b5 e4 is there not sure how good it is so I'm gonna play Bishop at f8 first and maybe take on c5 maybe not oh yeah sir oh yeah sir is watching ok got it ok so good take and play e5 e 4 I'll take I'll take that way so I can still play e5 e v e4 maybe e5 f 4 it's not really so clear here it's very very tricky yeah after show up in Eric's room and everyone is telling him to leave like literally in his house or what like what do you mean you guys you mean like literally in his house or you mean like literally or and he just he just - did he just - did oh he - he just showed up a chat oh poor Eric yeah I'm like what what what a time for what a freaking time for yasser to show up like jeez can you pick a worse time ouch like geez oh man now I want to play f4 and Queen h5 me them Bishop f2 that's pretty unfortunate for Yasser to show up at this time like geez I think I'll play out for anyway I for I'm probably e4 is what I'll do ok please push buff - which is actually I don't know why I didn't think he would play that but I'll takes a click Queen h5 I can play workout rook c5 maybe yeah what it's time for Yasser show up oh man what a time I play with g8 thank you kitty kitty hisses for getting sub to Jenna haughty good one good one okay Brooke b1 so he wants to take beef at the pawn of b5 I'm obviously trying to go for some kind of meat here on the G file I don't know if I'm in time three problems here maybe Queen d7 rugby 594 no that's no good okay I'll just go back I'll correct my error temporarily and I'll just sit back and play a couple more moves GM yeah the 60th match is not good for him for health reasons yeah what a time for yasser to show up like geez what a time now the chef - I could play f5 ok but I got to be careful with the time situation here maybe Queen I'll go to d7 just so I keep more ideas on e6 I would lose the flexibility also to go to the G file so okay Queenie to work she ate a fork p5 now I've got Knight takes d4 with tempo plays a for guesswork h6 looks fine rook h4 was also possible I guess I'll take takes bean g7 may be threatened or gauge for mate now I can take this way cuz I'm 54 I can just take got night you for coming this is getting ugly for Eric again this is getting really ugly Thank You DPP try to game for donating hundreds Eric just called you his sugar daddy ok Queen c3 looks good Chuck mate Queen h3 GG GGO gg kingi two losses door case you mate nice game that's two in a row right is that two or no we drew the Lassen so this is just one okay so I think I'll play six more against Eric I think that's what I'll play six more or maybe nine more if I get a streak rolling I'll play no anymore but I'm gonna plan on playing Eric six more games a three a trade probably let's do something a little different a plane I teach through this time III probably see five takes Knight of two Bishop e2 castles speech for now this I think is some ancient there's some ancient Karpov Kasparov game I think there would be one yeah sir would know about this game Knight g4 actually takes bishop d8 free exchange because I hit the Queen um now I assume I should take probably I don't know if I should take your actually it's weird I want to take but I'm not sure it's correct I don't think it is correct to take on off six give them double pawns somehow okay I'm not gonna give him double pawns on play Bishop d3 Bishop c2 now I place g5 which is big concessional move I don't like g5 at all put like Bishop c2 I'm just gonna go Bishop g3 or f4 at the right moment with the right setup want to go E for maybe Bishop be one to hit the pawn on a5 actually this makes sense Rick eight and now I'll read it redirect my Bishop the other way to d2 if d5 I still can take he's trying to aim for d5 here I'm like Queen a 1 if d5 I'll just take and go Bishop c3 know I'll do Bishop c3 now f4 and rook e1 is my idea or work d1 may be okay for i'ma stay for a good move good move Eric okay that puts a big that's ugly whatever I'll sack a pawn and keep playing with the two bishops rook c1 he'll take I'll take with the bishop probably 95 Bishop takes e5 I've got fish page 7 check coming if Queen e2 rook e1 I think he's just lost again yeah I think Ericsson on water trouble again yeah I think he works in big trouble gun do I have an advantage because I'm not listening to the garbage music he's listening to LOLOL that's a good one I don't know maybe Queeny - I've got rookie one I assume hit the Queen Queen d2 bishop eh-eh it looks pretty strong where my ropes marks are here okay so 93 is a threat definitely push me Shaitan Bishop f6 oh this is actually not I thought this was just winning but uh Eric found something tricky here found something very tricky actually maybe I just blundered maybe I'm not even winning anymore Bishop eh eh f6 f6 Bishop f6 93 yeah maybe I've wondered um let's see how can i play this hmm efore 93 there should be 493 I might have blundered here unless there's some trick I don't see it though it's just a blunder okay I'm gonna have to chuck an exchange and hope that I'm not taking each one and hope that I've got some play here but probably I'm in trouble the feet maybe Oh nonot takes I've got rook e1 though don't I think e1 hit the Queen like Queen d2 do i Bishop h7 actually whoa whoa maybe this is not clear at all whoa Bishop h7 King h7 chuk chuk king of five g4 oh it just doesn't work with one tempo wow it almost wins wow it almost wins but he goes king g6 ricky seven king of five g4 doesn't work as a queen she foreign the pin wow so close actually okay rook e6 obviously although still Eric Smith's playing it again now he's getting himself into more tricks because he's - bishop this bishop and this Queen on these two diagonals are really really strong Queen d4 wait - I've way okay Chuck oh he's got Ritchie SOT knows I'm Queen Queen e1 oh did I just blunder wait no King h8 takes wait what's going on here Chuck I mean I guess okay listen rook e8 King g1 maybe see a fish about five hit the rook I always got this okay age four takes what what are you doing Eric what are you doing bro what are you doing brewski what are you doing Eric viii ah he played this one Oh cheeky before he's still losing though I still clean the pond I stuck me in the pond anyway he's still losing oh but Bishop h7 and queen bee one oh wow queen bee one oh I didn't see no but none bishop oh wow before Ricky four oh wow that's genius Bishop h7 was winning Oh Eric is screaming poor Eric and that gave me tricked me with a pre move even like he tricked me with the h3 in the roof c3 and all that he still lost poor Eric I feel so bad for him I'm enjoying so much it's I'm enjoying it so much it's abuse okay but now I think again I can play c4 + f6 we're gonna have something very similar to what we had last game so a4 I think g5 anyway is it g5 Bishop h5 96 know yeah but I think g5 is still ok because Bishop h5 King d8 Knight f3 um I think just knight c6 yeah this is still I don't think so clear so if I take my cake and I can even take but I think I can just play like Bishop g7 maybe or yeah actually what's wrong with just takes takes is probably fine but I'm not sure how much I can take this pawn a b2 instead oh it Queen B - I mean this looks terrible for white maybe maybe white has something like 9 h4 but this looks really really ugly there's about three maybe Knight c5 as a move I could take f3 I could also just go back to h7 maybe yeah maybe I just go back to h7 I just go back to h7 I just chill and uh he took his headset off to focus yeah I mean that's the thing that you guys so I've won so many games but like my rating has not gone up at all because it's plus two minus fourteen so like I'm gaining like nothing so if Bishop d5 takes c6 I just go Knight p6 I think and I'm fine Bishop g4 I think 95 and I'm fine okay so he does take so what's if I take he's gonna take with the Queen I guess is that his idea then I have I play 97 Queen somewhere I presume that's his idea here but if I take and go Bishop g8 and Queen a One Nights it's very very complicated position here so let's say I take he's gonna play Queen d5 I so I think I go Queen e2 Knight of three before yeah I've got Bishop f4 just nil his queen Oh Bishop she it was also possible actually rotates often maybe hits the Queen again Queen g8 is 97 even work here I mean this is crazy I'm just like chasing us Queen all over the board now Queen g4 maybe h5 for good measure probably not necessary rook g7 should be fine well though I don't know if work g7 is good name in 95 here even 95 just 95 and Queen c2 or something all the rook g7 and 95 was maybe better lucky one now I can take on f3 if I want to and also play like Queen D 3 maybe what is happening on for Queen D 3 always got Ricky no work before I take up 100 I got a bullet there I thought he could take on any for cos queenie for a Bishop g5 truck luckily it doesn't work bishop g3 I mean 93 is a move here what about 93 yeah why not rookie 3 I can also take enough 1 again I mean I can take f1 and go Bishop c5 maybe I can also just take the rook on e3 I think I want pass the pieces so I'll take this way and now Bishop c5 looks like a strong move I could also just move my bishop maybe yeah why not just Bishop c6 e 6 Bishop c5 and now Queen g8 I've got Queen off eight for starters et7 Queen each one should be winning I think a night of five okay Bishop c5 I guess takes I'll just take back make c7 and I run and now I should be okay I should be safe here now six Queenie for King v6 where his shucks Queen d6 block Chuck okay oh I just wonder to me ten time ah he saw it shoot oh honey can just he can just free move yeah he's got the stupid nonsense okay Oh stupid all right okay fair enough okay careless all right Oh stupid all right time to just beat him no no no I'm done playing nice now I'm just gonna go and kill him again I see three takes Bishop III cakes and castles all right now scan g5 Bishop you 394 what is this a three time to resign between d4 I mean I could have taken maybe but okay now now I'm out for blood no no I'm done playing nice now I'm out from real blood Queen at 7:00 night of four I'll play rook e1 I should never have played beats where I played B 3 and C 2 way too early way too early okay rook e1 should be six I mean even clean off to here is just like really really good for white I could also just play b4 I guess just up a pawn here completely winning C well let's see what he's going to do here yeah now I'm out for blood no no I'm out for blood no I'm no I'm not even gonna like kind of I felt like I mean I was playing okay but now I'm gonna really play seriously and just try to crush him town in a row yeah I mean Eric has tilted but I mean that's kind of the point like Eric is completely tilted but because he's so low rated I'm obviously losing points so okay um before I miss that completely missed that move very very annoying okay maybe Knights e5d 394 394 weeny 7 Queen takes takes a three that looks good d8 rook to e1 today it's 94 hit the Queen night if sex is an idea here Queenie seven just Queen D four is fine what does Queen d8 - if I play with d1 he wants to go Bishop d5 I guess this is his idea play a three also let's say okay we're do you want Bishop d5 I've also got Queen takes b8 as well Wow 55 takes takes Knight f6 King g7 takes King f8 still not clip conclusive play a three queen c5 obviously looks good okay play a three I could take which should be four balls tag takes what Queen b6 or something has got Queen b6 mmm ah heís got Queen off - I didn't see that either hmm oh man well why did I play work chi1 Oh what am i doing work she won okay I guess I'll play croquet one try to run this a pawn up the board miss me for a four a five I'm not sure the blacks okay here actually bees this a pond it's really really fast and the night looks very nice but it can't really stop anything here oh thank you house and Roberta's for gifting 5 subs to the channel - pinky Kirti pact Oh puto shred all official hoagie and Shaunie kragle okay so Jeter inna Bishop d3 obviously Bishop c4 a6 is always coming at some point maybe or I can just go King G - I'm gonna go 86 as well probably here I'll take and create an out another outside passed pawn here how does he stop all the plants I don't know how he can stop both if I get two outside pawns I don't see how I can stop both okay takes I'll take h5 just buff one h6h 7gg again the pawns are kind of split too wide here for block to stop them like night-night up 94 King f2 King off six work h1 I think is winning like rook h1 h7 that's all she wrote all right that's one nine to go actually these will be the last nine games that I play regardless I think so let's try to make them good okay so we'll play the same thing again yeah like I should have won that Lasky no it's so ridiculous that I've messed that up this this last war I had the full full King side alright so plus three last nine last 200 years for sure no I'll play I'll play like nine more I think and at all cuz we've actually played what like 26 or 27 games to put a lot of games already so it's been a long stream play c5 or not I said c-5m n qi v one of my even saying bishop she's 791 I think I just retreat and goodnight a 5 hit the bishop Oh Castle probably play f6 at some point might maybe I'll just counsel right here if I for I think f6 fine yeah f6 looks fine and it's again very messy for white not an easy position to play he takes wow I was not expecting that no I will take the knight this is already I think pretty bad for white Bishop d2 so I can't really move my knight I played g4 for Chi 3 ideas Bishop f8 Bishop d6 also looks plausible I mean I guess who wants to go tonight c5 so I have to be mindful of that as well oh let's see if I g4 95 bit about 7 I'll play it I don't really trust it but I'll play it ok Queen e2 just about 7 rook e1 guess I'll play age 595 I'll play Ricky it always it's gonna be like h4 g3 I think or h3 I'm not sure which which one I'm going to go for I'll probably put this rook here don't know which rook belongs on EA they both make sense but night before or logical now although 96 so tonight on t6 also gooks it protects be servants there aren't any tricks with like bish basics or anything here bish basics I can just ignore it with Queen b6 for example or 94 maybe 94 actually looks pretty good too and now Eric is also deep and deep in the tank thinking about it yeah so you guys so tomorrow I will be doing sub Sunday from 9:00 a.m. Eastern until 5:00 p.m. Eastern so I'll be playing sub so if you're subscriber you can challenge me and I will play you now this does not look like a good move I've got b6 I've also got a 5 maybe I don't know if I'll play a 5 I don't know if it makes sense but I'm gonna open up the up the the queenside here but I'm gonna get this efore square so that's what I'm banking on it so this e for square is my money square and everything will be good after that Queen e2 I could play a 4 I could also play something like c5 the bishop g6 looks good too just to plant a bishop on f5 maybe 92 logical I think I'll play h4 here maybe I'll play h3 awful force this position I don't know if this is the one I want but I feel like my positions fairly decent here as long as my King is pretty safe which it looks to be pretty safe here Richie 8 maybe I should have taken on d2 actually why don't I take on D 2 c1 let's see I guess I'll start running with my queen it's a little bit iffy night f2 may be known I have two is no good C 5 c4 looks bad so I'll just play Queen b7 do you wanna know I'll start running the other way now I'll run to have seven c4 king of 7 c5 but I think no I can't I just like take and take enough to even he's got to take on a 5 I take with the night I guess or he can know if he takes off two he hangs d3 takes with a king interesting on 84 is a move Bishop d3 no Bishop d3 is not a move d4 maybe that's just 94 KX 9 c4 I've got Bishop d4 or queen before maybe in g6 at 94 I've got Queen B 2 I've got Bishop d4 as well so this is very very messy queen bee - I assume he'll take if I can also do lit Queen a1 okay - I've queen up three here maybe I've got Queen f3 I can also take something ether is no good I've got to be careful here I'm Way up on the clock this is a tough position to play I blunder queen g4 I'm just starting to make bad blunders for no reason now getting a little tired you guys and okay I've got to find something here Oh King h8 just run for cover in 94 logical move like this be seven five four three come on you gotta move Eric free night you lose you lose track and you lose GG all right Chuck mate next game all right Oh two in a row let's go eight more to go let's go all right let's start the train up again eight more eight more to go oh did he just did he break his headphones or something did Eric just do something oh did I just tilt tilt air did he just break something did he did he just break something whoa Queen B five castles Knight c3 this is not correct oh did he uh he's not what he's not what okay Knight a four let's play like Bishop d2 maybe Bishop c5 action makes sense as well let's see just play Bishop d2 oh there's multitwitch oh so someone could be watching both streams oh wow that's pretty cool actually oh wow I had no idea that existed like Queen e2 Bishop a4 makes some sense I guess multitwitch oh there's multitwitch oh that's that's really kind of cool actually huh I'll to check that out yeah Queen f3 hit the pawn on d5 Bishop a4 is an idea here he's got this big weakness on d5 which is a big issue for block here okay let's put fish before hopefully push b5 I'll trade I'll go Queen g3 or I can take I guess but I'll go Queen g3 well Queen e5 wow it's not expecting that one though if iti can play Knight e3 and it's okay Brooke be one queen bee to Knight c5 push about five no there's so I'll just play C 3 keep it simple keep it calm if d 4 I can just take take take and go rook D 1 1 a piece on d7 at the end I guess just takes why not there's just a free piece after rook D 197 what am I missing danke Shon 3 7 to go 7 to go let's go let's go let's go Oh deep wait is there a lady for it all in this match I don't think he's played it at all I don't think Eric's played a d4 at all Emily analysis yeah I'm using multitwitch run here the only one saying anything oh that's kinda bad I don't know ok problem here is that play to Gruen fault and unfortunately wait rook d1 isn't did he mean to go Brooke C 1 or D 1 I'm confused I think he assumed he meant to go Brooke C 1 but I think Eric actually must click there I think he meant to go Brooke C 1 castles Wow ok but this must be really bad I can take and go knight c6 for example I can also just play knight c6 right away yeah I think Eric Eric misclicked he mustn't miss click I'm constantly talking and analyzing the game while eric is just utterly silent pretty pretty funny alright so ok e5 but this is a free pawn on e5 I can take on e5 with something first of all maybe I don't know if I want to if I maybe I'll I think this plays positionally I'll play this very positionally put a bishop on d5 try to use the two-on-one here my two queens led pawns against his 1 try to use the two-on-one and the open sea fog combined with these these backward weaknesses here to my advantage so f4 logical play play f6 don't have to I think I might just play Knight a5 actually 95 looks good I'll save f/64 when I absolutely need it okay now maybe have six makes sense to kick the night maybe rook c8 okay trade and go knight c6 a gun now I've got night before ideas winning this pawn place a3 and always take I don't really want to I think I'll play you six here idea Bishop f8 maybe try to hit this pawn also push about three and ninety four is an idea in fact is it an idea right here oh it's not boutiques oh he's got the shakes e6 oh geez oh geez maybe rook c8 and I'm still okay this wasn't my intention though whatsoever hmm oh I really don't want to make a draw here there's got to be something to play but I don't see it rook c7 looks so sketch and rook f8 there should be 5 I mean I just don't see any moves here yeah I don't see any moves a few fun now I mean I can play work c7 you know let's go for it why not what is there to lose here really there's nothing to lose at this point might as well try I mean I assume I'm gonna lose because of some kind of pin on this rook but you never know 91 logical guess I can take or just play Bishop f8 or playoff 5 I think I live - Buffy hit the pawn on e3 Brooke c3 but now I can maybe move my rook action maybe it's or a bishop Bishop e7 f bishop d8 actually yeah maybe bishop D a protected rook and then move the knight maybe it's not completely dead okay King off - maybe like Knight b8 it's got a trade yeah it's still it's still equal but there's gonna be some kind of a fight now at least whoa takes wow I did not expect Eric to give up the two bishops like that now this is very much a game now the game is still very much in play play five kick tonight like this is not oh he just resigns okay fair enough all right what is that four in a row I think that's four in a row I mean I objectively I should have taken the draw but you know at this point we played so many games why not the game is afoot the game is very much a foot a 592 I'm gonna go see four very fast here like right away b4 looks very wrong somehow play maybe c5 and Queen e2 whoa what's this takes 9c for Bishop e3 oh this looks terrible Knight b6 is coming work c1 maybe this looks really really bad for Black Knight Bishop there okay logical maybe just Queen e2 here I'd keep Bishop e6 alive for work d8 I don't want to put the knight here cousin he gets the rook to d8 easily so I can also put like rook d1 maybe e5 there's a threat here at some point as well and black still can't put a rock on DX so you always walks into this Bishop e6 so yeah it keeps going the show keeps going alright so it's this kind of an unpleasant position for black to have here it's very very tough to play okay so I can play Knight b6 now obviously um do I want to play Knight b6 or do I want to play F for first f4 also makes sense maybe we'll play out for first thank you notice for gifting us up to Hansen his trash alright so rook c8 so I could play Bishop e6 I can also just play like a 5 here just keep on restricting as Knights no access to d5 like rook d1 and his Knights are really cramped here he really would like to get a knight here but I've got all the squares covered I can play Bishop h7 for example you know what it looks looks pretty good why not just takes Czech Queen Queen d7 96 I mean all his pieces are trash for lack of a better word so yeah this is pretty terrible for block yep this is another another spanking I think this puts me at five verses four or five in a row if I win this what does this put me out if I win this game just I'm not undersigned sure you guys 96 looks I mean I can take 96 looks good this would be five okay this would five or four how many in a row well I've won if I win this game this will be five okay right worked d7 looks good idea rook d7 and rook takes c6 GG yo he can't really move his knight anywhere I think he might just throw in the towel here okay bye when this is five okay so after this five more then five months five months so okay rook e8 rook c6 or not worser p7 is playable I mean everything is winning here I just I don't want to allow any nonsensical play so I'll just play work do you want a pit simple King f8 maybe now Bishop c5 looks good yeah Bishop c5 looks very strong now King e8 oh I still don't have I still not winning somehow though Bishop d6 okay whatever Bishop d6 looks good too though so it'll take I'll take back okay you can play it this way also d8 I think 95 and okay you can play Bishop c8 but I mean objectively this is just losing for block like rook d3 maybe works c1 actually is kind of a nice touch no it doesn't quite working off - okay g3 takes he wants to play 95 at some point now this looks winning out thanks yeah this is just winning okay Bishop g5 logical look she wants right and rook g8 I mean still is this so bad for black like he still is no square is even 94 I just keep taking everything these bishops these Knights everything's not coordinated so that's five five more to go let's try to make a run at it okay e4 Oh keep sticking to the caro-kann since Eric is not shown correct technique okay so he's gonna play an IEP three again yeah we're gonna play the same we'll do the same a little jiggy-jiggy C 3 g5 a 4 it's not correctly 96 now and f6 takes like a Bishop d3 I think just Bishop d6 again rook e1 I'll just castle thank you now for gifting a sub to Erica so Tom oh man you guys chill chill chill ok 94 I'm gonna castle go g4g for Ash is a huge threat hurling mighty thanks what is this Bishop h2 I mean maybe Y can play this but this looks terrible for White Queen eh five minutes ago King f8 is one move maybe not the only move King f8 is flying Queen f7 does not wear King e7 he goes off three so King f8 Knight f6 should be fine maybe maybe no i maybe i blundered let's say so 9 f6 queen g6 rook e8 maybe yeah queen g6 just rook e8 of course rook e8 yeah rookie aina i'm just winning cuz rookie 5 Queen e5 and I'm threatening Bishop takes age to winning the rook Bobby's got Bishop e3 oh whoops did I just blunder tragically I think I just blundered quite tragically maybe beefs good guess b6 and prey but this doesn't look right at all oh I'd clean G southern Oh Queen g7 okay Queen up five but now he's giving me a shot now at least after Queen d7 or Bishop each - Bishop to Bishop e5 it's probably playable but I think Queen d7 looks right queen d3 maybe just wait just see five if he takes I taking go Bishop d6 c4 is it's right now at the fork of the queen and the night Emily Nelson sigh have stamina for both players do I excel at anything else like I do at shots no I mean I think to be no one no one in the world is really I looking to do some thinking honest we gifting us up that Eric is amazing we're case six rookie 648 next move rook e8 I can play it anyway we're k7 Bishop c7 I'm like okay but I got to be careful Knight G 3 is maybe a threat Oh 90 Tories may be a big threat actually so ooh okay I guess I could slide back maybe rookie 793 maybe c4 is a move maybe Queen d6 even I don't want to play 90 h5 but I don't see a better one so I'll play Knight h5 here B for logical night afore maybe yeah one I had a for if he takes I take and the point being that after trades his knight on f1 is really bad the pawn will dominate the night I'll control all the key squares c4 okay logical d4 Abba DS got 92 now but rookie three still it's still not trivial it's still a tricky position for both sides sort of cleaning up five play like d3 maybe your rookie seven I guess rookie seven makes sense here you can still take a d3 maybe still very tricky the tricks about growth players thank you Araki shocked over donating a hundred bits let's see what he wants to do here so it's kind of deep in the tank again so I don't know what this mean what's what he's trying to do I thank you beat growing green for donating $5 one second I'll get to your message in half a second there should be six as a threat because the Queen and the king d2 is a big threat as well what does he have here I think white it might just be okay King there I think d2 is very dangerous as well thanks rook e1 you lose okay he plays h3 oh I can still check so I can just take okay oh wait I got to be careful here wait wait wait a second wait a second I just blunder rookie five I guess hit the Queen I almost blundered there that was okay takes all right six up four to go so as being be growing grant says he caught Obon cloud on the 10th game high-carbon playing trust for over 30 years oh it's the same guy okay anyway play the ball caught on the 10th game okay this is six right or is a seven am i white in the town theme or not I don't know how many i won I think this is only the seventh game right I think this only a seventh game if I'm not mistaken Bishop g5 9 a four I guess yeah we'll play the same thing again the same same little tango fish page four I am gonna be white in the 10th game okay awesome good stuff Queen d3 is the idea try to put pressure over here this is terrible for black again I don't know what Eric is doing Bishop g3 like this is very very dangerous Black's had to open up his King side here a4 is a threat rook e1 and Bishop e5 followed by a four it's pretty dangerous okay so he does play 94 which kind of shocks me so after he wants to go c4 so I just take and play off three why is this this just looks terrible for black rook e1 a4 is coming like I don't really see what's redeeming about blacks position here like if I play like a four for example I'll just Chuck a pawn here try to open it up although F for me maybe I four isn't fast but I kind of like the concept so I'm gonna stick with it so Eric's thinking a good it plays g4 Wow g4 looks insane looks I think now rookie five rook e1 this looks crazy this looks really really dangerous for block like really dangerous rook e1 he can't overtake cuz I forked the Queen in the night he's got an open King he can't really move his knight he's got loose pawns here in the center potentially like c4 is one idea that I have here this is very very dangerous for blocks rook b8 now c4 makes some sense if I place it before can you take no right can you play work before maybe before Knight c3 work C 495 d5 Knight of 66 no he can't do it so I'll play c4 if he goes d4 then he loses the pawn on c5 here if he takes on a a4 I take back I hit the rock on e8 CEO its Seahawks at Cowboys oh I didn't realize that was the game okay Knight c3 I think and I mean unless I'm missing something I think 95 is still good 95 rookie 5 I've got rookie 5 for starters I've also got 90 f6 and Queen age 7 or takes this looks really really bad for blocking I mean I could be missing something but I think the tactics do not work for block here so we'll see what he's gonna do okay so he does play t4 but now don't I have 95 or something even a 95 and 96 and rook e8 like GG oh oh man and he can't take on d5 then he gets me a turd on h8 ah but he's got this one okay so it's not gg he's got rook b8 so he's still like hanging by a very thin thread maybe b4 play b4 try to force him to take so I'm gonna place c5 and overload as Queen I mean this is really really hard to play with no time on your clock so if I play c5 I guess he's got Queen d5 I can also play Queen d4 and also play like 97 followed by c5 which looks pretty good too so I'm gonna play 97 just to take away any counter play and I'm gonna play c5 and Queen d4 like King g7 C 5 and Queen d4 he's got all kinds of problems with his King now 95 again maybe it's playable but I'll just take and now 95 with this long diag and blacks was getting creamed Tavish b6 okay so ah maybe it's not so easy I keep thinking that I Ono I go 95 so I've got rook e8 and rook e8 I'm just up in exchange because of the pin he he just loses the exchange G a G Bishop e2 okay still fighting eric is a fighter that is for sure okay rook III like a 5 ok logical oh I guess Bishop a5 idea Bishop c4 h3 now I try to open up the Kings side to play against this king and the night with the pin okay he's just gonna lose on time all right seven in a row three to go three to go three to go okay so c6 and I guess d5 will play the same thing he'll retire before the 10th gives into adoption Oh is Eric going to the Russian or something oh no okay you just steal one away for ten seconds all right let's see what he's gonna do here I have adopted him two times in the same day before actually so this would not be the first time that I've done that if I do beat him ten in a row okay so we'll play this again I feel like I've played this like way too many times already 94 95 King h8 rough sex or something I'll go King eh8 I'll play 93 or night f3 okay nighttime 3 of 6 he takes ok ok it's really work Chie push my fave Bishop d6 or a 5 depending on how it plays it Queen a4 logical move Queen e7 or Queen b6 is the question Queen b6 with the idea of a 5 and a 4 looks strong so I'll go Queen b6 okay please rookie - so he sees the ECC is the danger so 48 idea e5 again and again this is a tough position to play for white like this is really not a pleasant position to have like this is pretty unpleasant pretty pretty unpleasant so alright so this is what this is the attempted 8 this is attempted 8 right yeah so tomorrow is sub Sunday so from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern I since there's so many subs I assume it's only gonna be subs if it goes beyond that there will be other other opportunities for people to play but yeah he doesn't see the danger he just sees b2 haha that's true I guess yeah he could to see rookie - it protects B - what's a danger he five is one idea of God here I can also play 4 C 5 e 5 is what I want to do but I need to prepare it I need to prepare it maybe Queen B 7 + e 5 actually yeah queen bee 7 followed by e 5 and off for looks really really nice I could also swing my queen but then I hang c 6 I don't want to do that can also play Queen d7 C 45 take 6 Bushby 3 takes yeah I think Queen d7 actually looks pretty reasonable idea playing e 5 always about e 5 I think I'll just play e5 anyway I don't care - for maybe a 4 or Bishop f8 should I like Bishop f8 maybe your F 4 also works but I'll go Bush both eat here now he's got no f 3x I can take G 3 v RS o wants it's no good music today I know music because I'm playing Erica and I assume there will be video that's going up on YouTube at some point any time I'm going to be closely on YouTube can't have a can't have music so it'll be copy where it'll be like there's like the whole copyright infringement thing so alright Bishop d6 Queen D 3 F 4 is one move here like well what about a 4 they're just gonna play rookie 4 or something but I just take now just can't be good I mean if this is just so bad for whites it's just terrible I mean if you plays G 4 I think I take d4 then ok it does take on at 4 which is just I mean it's the only move I think he can play but it looks so bad takes f3 Knight G 3 or Queen g7 even okay Knight f3 Knight she 5 maybe uh yeah f9 t g5 we've got f3 Chuck discovery more GG oh and if he doesn't move the knight he just loses h3 so that's going Bob thank you anonymous for gifting a sub - I have to go bye glad you enjoyed the show I have to go bye so alright so two more to go as Eric going to stop here as they are kind enough how's Erica enough he's not accepting has he had enough has he had enough or not he's thinking he's thinking about what opening to play ha ha ha we're at that stage we're at that stage [Laughter] he's staring at the moon all right fair enough you guys all right I'll stop done um okay you guys fair enough so in on that note then I think I'll finish up with the two quick puzzle rushes so I'll do two quick causal rushes yeah all right let's do some puzzle rush Paul's a rush puzzle rush for the further finish now if I can only get 60 and puzzle rush now boy would that be special that would be a perfect way to finish the stream if I could do something special okay takes takes takes what is this Bishop e7 meat takes takes chuk chuk take Queen whew I almost up tonight I take the Queen first check and mate check check mate check and mate pick up the knight pick up the rook pick up more material Bishop t4 just with the dyads Wow just take okay Chuck I'm takes okay Knight a for Bishop c5 Bishop c5 takes check tanks tanks I said eight cheaters that that's probably this right yeah and you make a queen Chuck take track take the knight I mean I assume you just office on it okay whatever takes g6 okay takes but should be four takes okay tags with be ready no Queen b3 or Queen c3 ah Queens through is meeting too careless very careless anyway I'm still on pace so that's the good news takes and I have three work d1 takes Jack to extract a queen this would be six a four yes good takes takes a five okay good what do I have queen inch six and meet Scott to be work age six it's Queen h4 no no it's rook g6 up oh no oh I thought it was going guy uh I was careless well I got caught with the mouse in between there oh so sad okay check in Queen c7 Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck and take the rook b4 is out uh c3 okay takes let's see age sixteen out seven wait HS wait Bishop e6 maybe age six fish about five in this range seven okay let's good must be night h3 right I don't see anything else is a queen h3 or no it's worth g4 virtue for and made on h2 wait h7 it takes and work out five and make Queen is it yeah it takes okay rook f8 or no Bishop d3 checking for age seven and a six and eight Queen inch three looks good and chief for I guess and just takes okay I should slow down I've got 41 I should have like 43 with no raw with none wrong but whatever bad things happen feels bad Matz takes or queenie to King Street Queen up one King to 4h five okay so King there wait Queen d3 is fine Knight f3 also wins but I'm guessing it's check it's gotta be chock okay that's good night a1 and maybe three is meat night see to what is this Brooke hitch for yeah okay roll cage for it's good Queen eight one night f1 uh Shaq Queen out six check and take tonight white pawns are going one up or down white pawns are going up g6 takes g6 takes East 64 East seven v6 ah Bishop f1 wait King c6 I'm bishop c3 okay good oh shoot this one oh no push-ups you for King H for which e8 nope took a gamble took a gamble oh wow all ridin have those two wrong earlier I would have had a real shot at the record but whatever all right it happens okay it's the last puzzle rush you guys last one okay Chuck meet Chuck Chuck and meet Chuck meet Rick some take the bishop Chuck and meet checkmate checkmate six take the Queen checkmate must be 95 right yeah and checkmate Chuck and meet six pick up the Queen takes take the rook 9 h 5 Chuck and Nate okay hey guess what stakes and Queen h2o okay three piece okay trade trade 97 wait just for cafe yeah just work updating 96 23 okay that's pretty good 24:22 and check 20 25 in one minute okay this is the pace that I need to go for the record 25 in one minute is the pace I need now an IP to have Queen c2 maybe okay Queen c2 and rupee one okay knight of seven Queen c3 Queen B - or no I just worked out for and rookie five it's takes and g3 okay okay seven Queen b7 looks good Bishop f5 mm-hmm b4 also looks good I don't I mean b4 works oh it's just g f6 oh I'm so stupid it was just g f6 okay whatever still on pace Knight g4 maybe okay good night v we have to obviously 94 Chuck Chuck and Nate okay takes I mean I assume it's take chuckin d c6 and c7 maybe yeah okay Bishop f4 Queenie's three maybe yeah okay that's good ninety-five Bishop f6 or workout six looks really good and d5 is it wait wait Queens you for Bishop g5 clean out five for cleaning for no it's gotta be Chuck point out five okay good rook g2 night f2 obviously Chuck Chuck Chuck and Nate queen queen before king d8 queen c1 okay Queen see what it takes okay well BC works I assume and like rook d3 maybe can do you want okay good speed just takes empty Queen okay 44 keep it rolling Queen g7 no wait what wait am i insane there am I just insane what the I'm I'm I must be insane or something I guess is takes enough I must be insane all I'm gonna go back and look at that problem so oh shoot one of these ones don't know um okay let me pull this up so I'm confused by that one I'm confused let me see okay let me click this let's see okay so but Queen shoot someone wins material doesn't it oh no it doesn't okay I'm insane okay one more puzzle rushed on you guys one more puzzle rush one last one one last one for the road for the road okay peace free peace Chuck meet Chuck Jack meat takes takes oh well I'm gonna reload that that's not happening whatever whatever whatever whatever that's that's just a bad slip okay one more okay Ricky one Chuck mate takes checkmate Chuck okay pick up the Queen checkmate checkmate free piece checkmate Chuck pick up the Queen Chuck me we're gonna take your seven Chuck mate wait what I'll chuck it meet see six pick up the piece for takes checking meet Chuck and take me seven before and Bishop before checkmate big stakes block is going what down the board or up the blacks going what up the board okay okay eight rookie h1 or fish 8 check and mate - checkmate g5 and take ok 25 in one minute again that's exactly the piece that I need fish about 647 wait see for Age 3 King V 3 and you just win okay Chuck and meet v8 and take the Queen no 6 and takes ok Chuck wait Brooke c3 and meet okay Chuck and I guess eggs tapes ok looks good Chuck Chuck Chuck and meat such as a free piece yeah okay 8h 5 and wait check check check check check mate okay there we go another one in the books Queen f6 Bishop Bishop b4 both work guest takes ok just take some meat ok Chuck Chuck and meat what's a g5 I know it's checking g5 the i-95 907 35:35 queen of one though I don't Quincy something yeah Queen c7 and me okay good it's got to be chock 92 I guess okay night c1 maybe no Oh brutal brutal one okay Queens the 8th King up 7 check King up six I've got plenty of time to so I should really slow down it's obviously Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck and meat Oh suspicion off three maybe rookie one Queen e1 Bishop age three g3a3 g3 i confused oh it's Bishop Miege three Queen G 325 strange Chuck Chuck oh wait is it spot Bishop e5 Queen d6 Queen h1 does not work Bishop c8 works Queen b5 works everything works here I don't know which move is correct though Bishop c8 King II know okay guess let's just take okay just oh god no no they're one of these problems I hate these problems it's got to be Jax oh man ah Bishop e2 king c2 checking d1 is it like King bee oh man this is ridiculously hard like 93 92 for their checks everywhere I can be 109 t too hard just too hard okay one more one more that's too hard one last one one last one checkmate before that's just too hard Thank You dvb-t try to game for donating two hundred bits everyone playing puzzle rush it's one more puzzle rush is one more puzzle rush okay checkmate what I mean okay big steak Queen check and mate check and mate check check okay I don't Queen eight seven I mean I don't even know what's takes okay take night take Queen chocolate of the rook Bishop check of the rook four and eighty-five shocked and neat sack chuckling a queen fifty-five Thank You chess paper getting a subatomic fuel can Shelby that's check pick up the Queen pick up the bishop ninety-seven pieces okay not ideal but good enough 24 good enough to to King III and Keaney - we're gonna make you know five it takes Chuck check and mate Shakti take the Queen up to 2 pinch three that takes it takes takes 48 that's mate wait Chuck and you should be five maybe okay I'm just take the rook h4r way to clean up threes meeting one chuck chuck and meet Ricky to Quincy to work the eighth Bishop f3 looks crushing what on earth Bishop d3 was good Bhishma three was completely winning I'm confused Chuck okay good enough I mean you can take just King eh 896 I guess okay sir me it was clean aged six service right yeah oh the rooks hang on d4 oh jeez okay one last one one laughter you guys one last one the rook is hanging i won absolute last one I'm better get sixty checkmate track take the rook Thank You expat TD for subscribing checkmate checkmate shocking meat pigs and take the bishop Chuck take the Queen Queen inch 5 inch seven g3 take the Queen take the knight take the Queen take the fish take the knight make a checkmate at to make a checkmate in to make a material take material up qi1 take the bishop Jack take the rook rook do you want and c4 looks good or just ignite our kitchen floor looks good Queen d7 looks good nice the seven looks good night b5 in 2006 inmate looks good clean for looks winning Queens u2 is good b5 is good I'm using so little time so far I guess b5 yeah good I mean this ei tour King bikini 7 checkmate come on come on we're caffeine over cage 7 just take okay 94 Queen b6 94 come on come on Chuck checkmate Queen I mean oh yeah what does this just take the rook okay Bishop f4 looks good work d8 looks good what is this rook d8 looks fine but rook T it doesn't look like a correct solution I mean it's a jack and rook the eighth and rook D - maybe this is super long this one Bishop d2 rook T two wins Bishop d2 wins everything wins here and I have no idea what the correct moves I mean okay it is Ricky - good takes four straight six SATs queen h1 or h2 maybe frustrating very very frustrating okay Chuck Chuck and me okay thank you stay high bought for gifting a sub mix queen we got four cakes okay good check which yeah check check and meet queen III is obviously a move it doesn't look correct though so it's probably queen III gives them a draw or not is it Queen C for King D 6 Queen D Queen C for King if I check its yeah it's just takes okay King f8 we're cafe Queen f8 it's ninety six ninety three Queen d6 is no good Queen e6 is no good it just takes 96 I guess takes what like rookie 151 wow that was a super long problem cheese I was insanely long Bishop h6 no Bishop f6 no e 595 no I think it's takes and now there's got to be some way to meet him in south for maybe yeah it is a for good Queen g4s obviously move 45 poof work e7 oh man this is hard Queen deep - maybe yeah Queen d2 Chuck in Queen d5 and rookie 7 oh man it's giving me the really hard one sound like Doc chucking meat cheese this problem of taking like 10 moves now unreal Knight a5 King eh southern Queen g6 now Queen g6 no Bishop h6 no brick h8 is a movie 6 9 to 5 King h7 Queen g6 King g6 no Queen g6 wait Queen Jesus it's it no it's not he can just take with the pawn Oh bh6 for cage six ha I mean maybe it's just checkin Queen g5 ok I see one ok wait wait this one's might this that's my this my giving us Fabiano from the blitz thing ok no Bulls the Queen yeah no time no time ok not seeing meat in 10 and 3 seconds laugh out loud alright you guys try to put up a run that preview that first one I had had a shot that one was just brutally hard that thought those last who were really really unpleasant ones to get but yeah so uh all right you guys um I'm gonna finish up there so tomorrow I'll be streaming from 9:00 a.m. Eastern to 5:00 p.m. Eastern I'll be doing subscriber Sunday so if you're a subscriber you can challenge me I'll play you so that's I'll be back tomorrow at 9 I hope you guys enjoyed the stream thank you to everybody who who's watched you can click the follow button to the to the left of mine or to the right of my name up top if you are a follower already and you'll get notifications when I'm live and when I'm streaming so you can do that if you haven't already you can also you can also go to Twitter see my schedule for the week it's at GM Hikaru so that's it for now and I'm gonna send you guys over to Alexandra for now so have a good evening and I'll see you guys see you guys tomorrow at 9 alright good night
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 142,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, Chess, Blitz Chess, Fast Chess, Speed Chess, Bullet Chess, Chess Master, Chess Grandmaster, Chess Calculation, Puzzle Rush, Chess Puzzles, Chessbrah, Eric Hansen, eric, hansen
Id: sC0wpZruwqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 49sec (11689 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.