Hikaru Teaches Boxbox How to Beat the London System

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okay what why do I see my Oh Oh as Albert once  I coach myself haha coach myself exactly yeah   okay actually what I was gonna say is what's  your first move here oh I need to turn you up   one second me my first move is black yeah I I  particularly hate queen pawn up I always panic   and do something random this one okay so so and  what's your move against c4 here that's weird I   can't resign on the analysis board I can't do  that I go here okay so alright let's let's do   a little bit of a review then so I'm gonna what  I want you to play is actually what the other   night we were kind of looking at let me flip  you can flip the board by the way if you click   that COG wheel near the black top you just flip  the board so right so what I'm gonna recommend   is the other night uh when when when you and when  when I was playing us both Janna and yourself um   the system that I was recommending was to push  this pawn forward oh is it to prepare for d5   well basically it's just to develop your Bishop  very quickly and get your king out of the center   I see okay and so normally white will say move a  knight here and now you move this Bishop out yeah   you do it anyway right so it's a basically do it  no matter what if your opponent tries to stop it   with like a pawn push then you would start to  push your pawns like in the center here right   away okay so the point behind the system is  basically you just get very quick development   um let's say white moves this night out here  you actually don't need to capture this night   unless you're forced to and then you counsel your  king what's the white plays this move to develop   this bishop and now you would go pawn here be  it here you said don't take the knight unless   I'm forced to right so in this position you I  mean actually you know what you're one of the   best players in the tournament you know what  why it all should show you something different   right so okay here's what you're gonna do you're  gonna take this pawn or this knight rather why   it will take back and now your word yeah and  then he triple up his pawns right and then at   this point you make if you lose the match like  at least hey I'm not the idiot who tripled up   their pawns right well I mean you're gonna win  if someone does this because what happens when   white captures is now you can put your Queen here  you attack both of these pawns okay and if white   tries to end you can just capture a pawn and you  play the city basically more or less you play the   same idea always putting the bishop on this long  diagonal towards the knight the pawn in the brook   yeah the bishop house mm-hmm sorry what'd you say  I just think I like this so okay so when you push   this pawn one thing that's very important here  and this is white like objectively this is fine   for white but only if you're like a grandma at  Grandmaster level is because it's very hard to   play this since this Bishop is stuck behind this  wall of pawns it's like if you're a Grandmaster   you'll know what to do but I'm not gonna treat  this like a grandmaster because no one will play   like a grandmaster in this tournament so let's  say white develops the bishop okay okay so you   bring this night out let's say white castles and  now you develop this pawn Hey oh yes yes sorry now   it's about plum be push it up to protect this pawn  but your next move basically is when white pushes   this pawn forward to take the take the center you  you meet it by pushing your pawn forward and the   idea is that you can bring your Bishop out and  you can put pressure on the Queen and the knight   with this pin yeah I see and then his only like  solution to get out of it is to do this which   doesn't want to do exactly yeah so this is just  actually what I would recommend you to because   nobody in the tournament will be will actually  be able will be capable of playing the structure   well if you really know what you're doing like  as a grandmaster white is probably okay but it's   way too advanced for anyone to really understand  the deep idea what does that one move which one d 5 yeah so T 5 is actually a very bad move  because now what you do is you bring your   knife back oh yeah yeah just bring your knife  so do you know what the egg white do you know   what the king's indian defenses nope okay so  is it's not really relevant that you know what   the system is but the point is that when white  closes the centre here your next move is gonna   be to move your knight back let's just say white  plays a normal-looking move actually let's say   white plays it various ematic move like pawn push  you're gonna bring your knight back that feels so   wrong well the problem here though is it's very  hard to vault but you see your rooks are stuck   behind you don't really have open files for your  rooks here yeah our time making backwards progress   I'm moving my knight back well what you do here  is is you prepare to push this pawn forward and   then activate the rook on this F file I see  but could does something bad happen if I go   here instead okay so if you go here uh there's a  tactic for white is it pawn now chase the night   well that just hates us a night away um that  would actually be a very bad move because if   white pushes this pawn you can you can move  your knight up here oh and now you start to   try an attack every which way there's a way for  white to win this Knight if I move here mm-hmm okay so it makes me think of this diagonal okay besides it like asking nicely I don't see how   I can win this night okay so what  white does is Knight takes pawn you're forced to take back you lose this pawn  and now you're down upon and then also this   guy's like kind of hanging this guy can push  right I see yes and by the way all night but   it's bad this is a common theme like you might  see this in some of your games where someone   puts a knight or they put put like a knight on  the edge specifically and there's some kind of   discovery where you can move a night out of  the way to attack it so that's why in this   position the way you would play as you bring the  knife back is now you want to push this pawn and   open up this file for your rook basically and if  you can if you can let me just make a couple of   moves let's say you get this position let's say  white moves the Queen up here as I asked before   you don't understand what the King zinnias  but but there is a very important concept   here that you should understand very important  concept okay which is that you push the pawn so   you tack the bishop now you probably think in  this position why don't you capture this pawn   and open up the file for the rook right yes so  the reason you don't do that is because now you   go all in you you get very aggressive and now  you push this pawn ah this super aggressive one   Square pawn push I like it well okay so what  do you think your next move is here this is   the this is the key point well considering this  was the previous move the only thing I can think   of that this sets up towards is this right so  what you do is you do attack you push the pawn I'm trying to understand it one second is  it because so basically don't really solid   defense instead of an ax so don't think about it  as as one move there's a very basic plan that you   have here so this is why I asked earlier if  you understood with Kings Indian is because   what you're gonna do here is actually you play  white so so so let's just play this out for a   couple moves you see what my idea is okay oh I'm  playing white let me flip the board sure okay so   wait this is [ __ ] as white I don't have any  moves so yeah like basically your rook attack   nothing okay so now I'll show you what you want to  do here so let's just say white plays a move like   this you would now move your knight up here claim  the space right and let's just say I don't know   it's hard for me to find moves that make sense for  white here but let's just say I move my rook here   yeah yeah nothing feels good on white here and now  you start pushing pushing the pawns up the board   yeah the pawn storm and if white does this move  your next move would be to move your rook up oh   and prepare for that yes and then what's your next  move after that so let me just just make a couple   of random moves what's your next move my next move  well since I've spent so much time preparing this   I have one two three layers of protection for so  yeah for sure like we it feels like we spend so   much time setting up for this is G and F pawn  push right so this is exactly the point behind   pushing this pawn is that white can't really let  you push the pawn forward because then you just   start storming with all your pawns your roots and  your knight and everything is just coming down the   board really really fast mm-hmm and not only that  but it's just like nothing what it can do on this   side exactly yeah it's completely closed so this  is very very strong is the London a thing that   you can only do all in response to Queen d4 no so  you can play the London system here which is then   bring your Bishop out and the point behind this  system is that normally like if you were pushed   upon then white will push this pawn and he has a  very simple idea of development with it bringing   out the bishop tonight and getting the King out  at centre of the board wait is the is the London   a response for black or is an opening for Wyatt  it's an opening for white it's an opening where   white pushes a pawn and then moves the bishop out  on the second move oh okay I feel like or you were   mostly telling me how to play as like the black  pieces here yeah this is what the black piece   not the white pieces because I ask you what you  did against d4 and you didn't have a you didn't   have a set idea and you have a vision right and  you're teaching me a good way to respond to it   yeah so this is kind of funny because literally I  was showing fusili how to play this with white so   so now I'm gonna show you exactly what I would  recommend against a lot of the players in the   event so what I recommend is that you push this  pawn forward okay so mm-hmm there's no way he   would push this right well there probably is queen  out so so pretty much that's trading something   really funny so so so yeah so so what I was gonna  say is when white brings out this Bishop on the   second move there is a drawback which is that  basically that the black can can can bring the   Queen out very early and attack this pawn because  you've brought the bishop out on second move oh   it's a rare situation we're getting Queen out  is actually like really good right because white   has brought the bishop so like if you do normal  development white almost always is gonna get the   setup bringing bringing the knight and the bishop  and and the King out of the center of the board   so it isn't this this Queen attack is that just  like countered by one pawn move yes it is so let   me see how do I put this okay so when you push the  pawn white normally it's gonna push this pawn to   develop the bishop uh-huh yes so now you'd bring  this Queen out mm-hmm and white pushes this pawn   mm-hmm what am I gonna recommend that you do try  I try thick to recommend that you could do that   works but does now I want my bishop to be here  right yeah so I what I would say is now you push   the pawn and you put the bishop here and you try  to attack on this diagonal yes and down the road   we're gonna play in the center of the board by  bringing your knight and pushing your pawns to   d6 + e5 okay and then I guess like the queen isn't  really doing much there but like she wasn't doing   much back at home either right so so it's not it's  not really that big of a drawback having the Queen   here okay so so this is this is what I recommend  against London what colors do you have do you have   white or black to start Oh on the schedule I don't  have the schedule Oh I'll pull it up then I'll   pull it up I just can you also send me the link on  discord sure yeah yeah of course I can actually I   can I'll just pop it up let me pull it up from one  side okay yeah sure let me just see okay very you   play right so in you play on June 7th and you have  black okay you black ants Ludwick to start okay   all right they choose the colors randomly yeah I  think it's completely random completely random but   it shouldn't be a big deal but you black the start  so that's what that's why I think actually it's   very important that um that that you or that we  look at the black black stuff specifically because   if you have two blacks and one white I think it's  it's much more important at least in the first   game that you start off well cuz I think Ludwig is  actually probably the other player in your in your   group who is who is good hmm now to be fair Ludwig  doesn't play d4 he plays the e4 on move once   you're not in danger of these systems happening  but it's still I think is important to to take a   look at this so all right um so yeah so I guess  what I would say is in general against this you   can push the pawn and and develop your bishop  and this is the nimzo-indian defense which is a very well ok Ludwig's lovely cousin in my chat so  I know he doesn't play d4 yeah I'd be absolutely   devastated he were to play d4 anyway yeah III  know Ludwig play see for I've seen enough of   his games so so this this is a the this will be  absolutely fine right see so the what what did   you ask you specifically about it was c4 right  more than a 4 wasn't easy for that you wanted   help with c4 right something I see pretty often  Wow really you see see porn your games pretty   often yes I do against it okay so there are a  couple options that you can do against c4 first   of all you can try to play the same setup where  you bring your night out and if white pushes the   pawn you can push your pawn and you actually  transpose back into the the stuff we were just   looking at okay and if white doesn't do that  let's say white brings tonight out there there   are a couple options that I would recommend but  what do you what do you normally play against a   for just have an idea of the the pawn structures  so I feel like I go here I don't have it's correct   it's just what I've been oh no I might against  the e4 actually Oh against efore okay so you   play e5 okay I just I wanted to get an idea of  what what sort of setup you play I you mean we   we don't need to look at you for that much cuz  I'm sure look because his watching um but but   yeah so the reason that I want that see up to  us see if there's some way that you can connect   all the different opening setups that you do in  a way that's familiar so against c4 I actually   would recommend them that you you push this  pawn here if your opponent brings a night out   I'm gonna recommend that you bring your night  out like this and your idea here is kind of you   play e4 with rock with white right yes so okay  now let's say white pushes this pawn here cuz   this is a very normal setup okay you now push your  pawn white captures and goes here and now White's   threatening to win this this night right yes but  there's a genius square my night can go to which   is I don't know I just feel like that's what you  were gonna say yeah so you can bring the knife   back here and actually what they're what I was  gonna say is if you're looking at the position   weirdly enough this is like playing a Sicilian  defense but with the colors reversed so let me go   back to move one what I was gonna say is this is a  you see this opening this is the Sicilian defense okay okay so now let's let's compare that with  with this position do you see it's the same thing   except the white has one extra move so you see  it's a reverse Sicilian it's just here you're   playing with the black pieces not the white pieces  yes okay like by linking that together it becomes   a setup that you can play on both white and black  and then it's like more comfortable right it's   also something that you probably I assume you're  playing the open Sicilian right with white I'm   sorry by open Sicilian I mean you're playing  Knight f3 I move to or not okay I'm gonna ask   a question sure promise not to laugh mm-hmm what's  a Sicilian so okay so this is silliness when white   pushes the pawn forward and black replies with the  pawn to c5 okay soso Cillian is something that the   black does in response right so so the openings  where black chooses against efore specifically   is well so if black pushes this pawn this is  the French defense if black pushes this pawn   this is called the Scandinavian defense if black  pushes this pawn this is called the the modern   defense if black does this one this is called  the Sicilian defense and if black pushes this   one this is called the caro-kann defense will  this be on the test tomorrow no no it won't the   end and I think most people are either gonna put  the only one where white chooses the opening is   if black pushes this pawn for the most part  because normally what happens is after this   boom this move white has all the choices between  this move which is called the Rui Lopez or the   bishop here which is called the Italian opening  or white can push the pawn which is called the   Scotch opening ah yes I do like the Scotch opening  oh that's a very very good defense so so that's   why I like when I asked you about the Sicilian  it's um it's one black black meats this pawn   pushed with the pawn push to the bishop on the  the right of the Queenie okay so then let's go   back to your original question earlier where we  were talking about how like we're doing a reverse   Sicilian right mm-hmm so what I was going to ask  you was with white against c4 c5 was your next   move to bring the knight out Oh as white is my  next move to bring the white the the night out   right which wishing the phosphor you're gonna  play here five dollars I spent a couple hours instead okay so he showed you the closed Sicilian  with the pawn pushing the bishop beyond shadow   right yes good okay no III it doesn't really  it's not it's not a big deal I just wanted   to know what you were in a play okay so now  let's let's okay you know what then then that's   perfect so you know what you're not gonna play  Knight f6 then you're gonna play Knight to c6 on   your second yes and now let's say white pushes  the pawn what's your next move oh wait we keep   flip-flopping I thought I was white now okay you  know you're black aren't your black here okay so as black I'm pretty sure I go here now no so  actually what you do know I mean you have the   right idea but the move is you push this pawn  wait I can't see them of you're making this one   g6 oh there you go I'm setting up the house on  the other side you're actually playing a close   Sicilian except you're I accept your black here so  light one so I'm setting up the bishop frappuccino   on the left side right exactly but it's it's  the same thing so like flip flip the board and   look at this from the white white perspective for  one second okay okay so do you see that it moves   I'm making yes so what Gotham test surely showed  you this pawn push right yes okay thought I did   on this side no no this is correct oh okay okay I  think I'm getting it yes so the point I was gonna   make because if you look at this position okay  just so look at this position for one second I'm   looking ok and now okay so now let's look at this  position do you see the difference how did you   just like warp it because you're gonna be playing  you're gonna be playing the closed Sicilian but   as black now so you're gonna be playing the same  system but with the black pieces I see it could   you go back to the original one sure yeah okay  oh my god this is like an eye exam one two one   two okay oh yes yes I understand so what question  am i answering so what I was gonna say is you're   actually gonna be now flip the board so that your  block again yes okay so I see the similarities so   you're actually playing the exact same setup  that you that Gotham shots prepared for you   yesterday but with the black pieces I see then  this is something that I can do now I can do it   every game instead of only when I'm white right  exactly if your opponent plays c4 with white so what would your next move be ah I want to say  I ignore this threat and I just go set up the   numbers you know mm-hmm I just want to know just  try to remember what you looked at yesterday was   white and now remember that it's the same thing  even if you even if you're black so let me push   the pawn I assume you looked at this but I'll  just make a couple moves it's one of these two   moves now oh wait wait actually I feel like I'm  supposed to make this move at some point but since   you don't since you don't have a knight on this  square I don't need to make that move yet correct   okay so then it's between the knight move Knight 7  and pawn d6 I think the pond d6 one is better but   I like the order doesn't matter that much so let  me bring my night out okay so now that you have   a night out I'm a little scared of that Bishop  move so I prepare for that mm-hmm I will counsel   my king and then I continue setting up my knight  to e7 right and now I'll move my rook for example   and then castle and then the setup is complete  okay almost complete right so okay let me just   make a random move like this what's your next move  on f5 mm-hmm so so so basically the point is with   the c4 move you can basically flip it around and  play the exact same setup that you're gonna play   with white which essentially means that as long as  you remember how to play it with the white piece   you can just play it with the black pieces I see  so that actually like you're able to take a system   that you play as white and then play it from the  other side so you don't actually need to have a   special system against this okay so just just  basically when you look at what you're playing   with white just remember that you can play it from  the others you can play it from the black side as   well and yeah I just like I just let white have  like one free move right right I set up yeah and   it doesn't really make that big of a difference  because you get the same sort of setup and you   play the kingside is different from what you were  you were confused cuz the kingside is different   some of my chat that you were confused by by  the setup oh I was just confused by the pieces   switching from the left to the right side it's  fine I understand it now oh okay yeah but I mean   basically the difference was was white it was  I mean it was just a white pawn on e4 in black   pawn on c5 whereas here it's a white pawn on c4 in  the black pawn on e5 but you're just playing with   you know the opposite you're playing the same  system on both sides when you're white you're   playing efore and and when you're when you're  black like it's it's c-45 so it's just a reverse   Sicilian but you can play the same system the  same setup that you want to that you won't that   you're playing with the white pieces as well  okay so I have I have a question asked the way   you don't go back to like after that was all set  up sure okay one second um oh you're just making   the moves from memory right so g3 g6 right so what  was your question so after like this I don't know   what it's called but uh like the whole setting up  for this one pawn f4 or f5 push mm-hmm called the   Vienna defense I think right the Vienna mmm not as  far as I know oh it's not what is this called this   is called the closest Ilene Hey Oh No oh no the  closed Sicilian yeah all that stocks oh oh do you   mean Vienna is white oh okay oh wait wait okay let  lets let's flip the board and look at this from   the white perspective okay let's slow down okay so  against this pawn push what's your move after this   pawn push right and just like ignore it almost  immediately challenges one of my moves right and   you're playing this move right yes so okay so this  is the closest selling what you're thinking of is   you're thinking of this pawn push and then this  Knight right wait oh yeah I see it says Vienna   game now but mm-hmm oh it changes based on how  black responds even though White's moves are like   the same right exactly yeah so that's the thing  when black puts the pawn here when black plays   a5 this is the Vienna this is the Vienna opening  you're still gonna play g3 Bishop g2 anyway so it   is it's just a difference of where what Black's  first move is in terms of how you differentiate   which which move it is or which okay is sorry I  was just mostly curious because I figured Vienna   was like too hard to remember so I like calling  it the virgin well like close Sicilian is like way   too far off from virgins I don't get to the virgin  okay anyway could we go back to that game state   that was um like after the virgin was completed  sure okay okay I'll get the board oh yeah mm-hmm wait oh I should be looking at blacks for a sec  yes okay so black has the setup we were talking   about earlier um so I imagine I imagine people  who are in the pogchamp some of them might see   this and I was wondering mm-hmm I I may as  well prep myself in case someone wants to   prep secretly and figure it out how would you  personally like beat this defense okay so the   way that it normally works is because you get  this big big attack going towards White's King   normally white tries to attack on the Queen  side and use this long diagonal effectively   so what what you'd want to do specifically is in  this position you push this pawn here because very   often times you want to attack of course you want  to castle and push the pawn but in order for white   to start attacking with this pawn push because  that's why you move the rook in the first place   white has to push this pawn now and so now you  would Castle they go beat four and now you trade   and the reason that you do this is because now  your your rook has this open file here yeah he   already moved his rook right so so white tries to  use use the rook of the pawn to gain space but you   you open up it open up the spot for the rook cuz  really your rook is most likely not going to end   up on the King side so now you would play Bishop  to e6 let's say white pushes the pawn and now   you would move Knight up to d4 here and just trade  right so in this case I know I know you don't like   the stacked pawns like this but they're actually  quite effective because if white moves this Knight   here now you can move the Queen up or wait sorry  no that's actually bad move first you would say   move the King up here and the idea is to move this  Queen and put this bishop here to try and reduce   the effectiveness of this light square bishop wait  a second why did I move the King up so okay if you   move the Queen here this is a trap you should be  very aware of there's a good move for white here   I wonder if you can actually see it ah I I see it  not because I'm a good chess player but because   you previously suggested that this was the proper  move mm-hmm right see so yeah when I take the   bishop then you have the four of course I'm smart  no no but this is actually a common theme it like   even when you play the closest ilene your opponent  might try to play like this and blunder this this   work idea so so you would move the King up first  and the idea long-term is that this Bishop can   become very strong on this diagonal so you want  to bring the Queen and then try to exchange this   bishop with Bishop h3 or force white to put the  bishop back so normally would be something like   Bishop D well there's a b2 here and you would go  Queen to d7 idea to play Bishop h3 and exchange   these bishops because like if Y just makes a  normal move you go here and you can't move the   visual cuz then you would lose the brook and if  you if you mm-hmm couldn't white do the same thing   where he like moves this pawn up and then King  behind okay so so yeah if if white tries to do   the same thing here which is actually a reasonable  idea what you would do is you would bring the   queen up white moves the King and now you just  start to take space so you would push the pawn   attack the knight the night goes back and then and  then you would push push this pawn to create this   nice I don't know what you'd call it but but you  push this pawn and you take a lot of space in the   center part of the board here and you also still  control this open open file with your rook okay so   I this seems like a very solid defense for black  how would white go about like dismantling this   well blacks already much better so the way that  it might stop that from happening then so normally   what would happen is your opponent probably try  to play like III to stop you from being able to   jump with the knight and now you do the same  idea bring the Queen up idea to play push page   three they go b5 and now you go Knight to d8 again  with this idea they should go back right but again   there's no other good moves for the night right  but what you want to do is normally what a good   player do is they would move the rook here so when  you play this Bishop move they can move the bishop   back and you no longer win the Brooke and they  keep this long diagonal alive still oh that is   pretty sick but now what you do is now you push  the pawn what's the white please move like Bishop   to b2 and now you bring your knight I think both  squares are fine but I think Knight f7 is the best   move and now you try to start attacking with g5  enough for g5 g for and long-term what you want   to do is is you want to just put everything over  here towards the Kings side I say you don't care   about your King safety because like he's gonna be  spending everything defending right like your King   is very safe behind these pawns that are attacking  your king is completely safe in fact okay yeah I   see then like white doesn't really have anything  to attack on the right the only thing white has is   this bishop on the long diagonal but for example  if white moves the knight to try to activate it   you can just push this pawn and when white trades  you just take back and now there's not even a   weakness on this this open B file anymore hmm  okay so I'm looking at this position from blacks   perspective and I see that you have a bunch of  pawns and then a bunch of minor pieces backing   it up with the next move the F pawn push so the  next move actually be pawn push to g5 because if   you play a four this is a very committal move like  let me just make her make a move actually let me   just it's hard to make a random move but I'll make  a random move when you push this pawn you do give   white this critical square for the knight like the  knight can jump to this square so I'm sorry about   that I don't know that's fine so so so like the  way you do that is you would prepare it first by   pushing this pawn and then pushing the pawn to f4  next move Kent the knight still do the same thing   yeah but then it's it's a little bit different  because let's just say we reach this position in   this position when white moves the knight you can  also now start to force this Knight out of there   with d5 and and and you just basically create  all this extra space to move your pieces onto   this up file okay I see so when I suggest at  f5 it was like a bit too soon so another word   but yeah mm-hmm I see and like my preparation  is my preparation as black is a higher value   than White's preparation because white is kind of  stuck there's not really any good move so you can   make right really the only danger is that you  push too far you push you try to attack too too   aggressively and you end up opening like diagonals  and you end up your King comes under attack maybe   unlike the e line for exact on the e-file for  example but for the most part that's not really   an issue here because white is very passive am I  ever gonna do something with this rook on the a8   normally you just leave it there but if down  the road you move this Knight you can always   try to double your rooks down towards the f2 pawn  okay so for the most part in most cases you would   not be going here no no very rarely very rarely  usually you just you're trying to just blunt the   effectiveness of this bishop on the diagonal and  this rook and you just try to prepare to attack   everything towards the white king so it sounds  like from the beginning like this is a position   you've seen many times and have like studied at  some point in your career I've played many many   many games like this yeah so how much of like  your games are just kind of encyclopedia I like   knowledge like my encyclopedia in my brain says to  do this and how much of it is like sitting there   like calculating moves out so I'm obviously always  calculating but a lot of what happens in this in   these close Sicilian positions is white almost  always tries to attack it's always some idea with   b4 b5 and trying to attack down towards us working  this pond so I am always calculating but the first   like 10 to 15 moves I always have a basic set up  and then it's a matter of the the finesses of what   white can do in black and doing what the responses  are but I don't really think that that's gonna be   super important because sort of this idea like  playing III for example is something that's very   advanced it's not something that I think most  people will consider because a 1400 should not   really be able to understand why this is so bad  for white because you think okay black has two   pawns like these are double pawns so it should be  pretty bad but it's actually not because the the   pawn on d4 even though it's double it really kind  of takes away critical squares from the knight and   from from like white developing this Bishop even  yeah both pawns are like providing good value even   if doubled up here right so this is like one of  these things that a grandmaster would would kind   of understand and prepare for but 1400 will not  understand this at all like it's just not it's   just very it's a very advanced thing which is  why I really like the setup because it's very   easy to play for black and unless your opponent  is very strong there's almost no way they're gonna   be able to to defend against all your attacking  ideas on this Kings side here okay when you play   your games out how much of your time like are you  roughly spending the same amount of time on each   move or would you say there are certain parts of  the game that take up a majority of your time um   I would say certainly this middle part like this  position we have on the board right now somewhere   like moves 15 to 20 are going to be the most  critical critical period it's gonna be the most   critical period of the game no matter where you  are what level you're at and chest so I would say   in general the opening phase try to get to like  move 10 as quickly as you can without using too   much time because this middle part is where you  should be using it's 10 plus 5 so I would say   probably using like seven seven and a half minutes  and then making sure by like move 30 you have two   and a half to three minutes at least so then you  can use like your five-second increment and make   make moves quickly but definitely the middle part  of the game these middle like five to ten moves   from move 15 up to probably move thirty are the  most critical critical moves doesn't matter if   you're it's you or it's me or whoever it is but  that's the that's the period when you you should   use the most time yeah I've been spending a lot  of time on my openings which I felt like was a   huge like flaw I always like use half of my time  before like move 15 and then I leave myself with   like only the increment left in the endgame and  then I always blender my way out right I think   yeah it's very important than in the middle middle  part of the game that you earn out in middle part   than in the opening part that you do make the  moves very quickly really really important and   I would say even if it's not even here not 100  Flintshire I would still try to move quicker   elite at least until you're in the final you  know until you're in the champions bracket and   then like obviously you'll have more time to see  what your opponents are doing and how to prepare   for something specific and in that case since  you're gonna have time to prepare you'll also   you'll also be able to get out of the opening much  more quickly because everybody in the in the final   bracket is gonna have a set series of openings  that they play yeah that is interesting okay yeah   I see how like with a little bit more studying I  can just get the first like ten moves regardless   of what happens kind of down to an autopilot  science exactly that's that's what that's what   you that's what you absolutely want you want to  be able to get those first ten moves just get   your King out Center get the development and then  use your time in the middle part especially when   you're playing that's the other competitors who  are gonna be who are the contenders that middle   part of the game is going to decide whoever comes  up with the best plan because you're not gonna see   a lot of a lot of real big blunders so that that's  when you're gonna need to use the time okay okay   ah there was something specific I wanted to try  to see if there was anything I could learn from   it okay so I'll play is white first okay oh we  can just use this analysis board we don't do   a real game okay so I just wanna play and then  whenever you feel like the game is like over you   just like say it you tell me why and then we start  over okay okay do you want me to play something   specific or not play something different every  time okay so for the most part I'm just gonna   be doing the same things and try to prepare  towards this like really comfortable opening I've never seen that move before interesting I'll  bring the night in this is actually another way to   set it up so I'm basically trying to play  like you were playing with the Knights on   the same squares okay okay good I made the first  eight moves and you didn't say the game was over   yet mm-hmm so far it's pretty good so far it's  pretty good I feel like I've checked off every   box on pushing f4 well actually when you play  the close Sicilian or whether whichever side   you play it for you want to move your bishop  first before playing it playing it right away   so crazy if you were to push the pawn here  I'm gonna push this pawn in the center and   you'll see you can't actually really develop  your bishop anymore because if you go here   I'll go I see so I should move it here first  right because then you also attack the pawn this is wrong that is not the correct move this  is actually a very normal move oh really wait   oh I understand this this bishop for me is of  so much value I don't want to trade it for like   another bishop or another night okay so I would  assume that this bishop for you also has that   same value mm-hmm so you would definitely not want  to trade it off you would wait wait a second what   are you sure that's a no cousin you take with pawn  and then I'm 7/4 it's over wait but you said this   was that was a very normal move no I was saying  94 by me was a normal move oh I've been tricked   Oh oh yeah I was saying my move was normal my  knight move was normal sorry sorry yeah I was   saying my move was normal 94 sorry I'll go back to  here I'll figure this out the best move for white   is I think it's just the F for push okay okay  game's not over yet this is what I like to hear no I haven't done anything on this side of the  floor yeah I mean the the correct move here is   it's very very I mean the the like the main idea  that you want to play here is very very hard to   understand like there's literally no way that  you would find it so you want to bring the Queen   forward no it was my seventh move I would have  found that in seven tries right that yeah this   movie would have found but it's the next two  moves that are very very hard to come up with   because they're not normal at all so what you're  supposed to play here is bring this rook over oh   yeah I'd never do that in my life I let's say  I move my bishop and now you have a move that   you would never play which is you bring this  Knight back oh right well you did mention that   earlier right although when I mentioned this  because I was trying to remove your knight   here I'm not removing your knight but the ideas  that went out let's say I move my rook you then   push this pawn to get rid of the snakes this  Knight is really sort of cramping your central   squares and the knight so mm-hmm so the reason  this Knight went back was just because I didn't   have anywhere else to go and I want to free  up this spot right and also when you when you   play this move you'll notice that now the long  diagonal is kind of closed the pawns guard each   other and the bishop doesn't have any real  attacking ideas oh and it's only mm-hmm so   I've shifted everything over to the right side  of the board right you want and here to attack   and I've left your Bishop with like nothing  good to do here right oh okay so I mean this   is very advanced and this won't happen but this  is actually the the way that you're supposed to   play this is try to get at get everything over  to one side of the board where my king is and   then you want to start attacking like you want  to go rook here or even Knight here I'm gonna   start pushing the pawn and bringing your Bishop  down the board okay okay okay let's continue okay I feel like I like the doubled-up Brooks  better no I don't I uh I apologize she's   playing bell ring for the first  time oh oh that's fine Wow really   okay what no you're good I just need to  clarify that you were playing Balor in I don't be too proud of her this is her fourth  game so it's her first it's a little late for   that but it's okay it's progress anyway I'm  thinking oh I'm thinking taking this is not   correct I feel like that cramps my f-pawn push  but is there a way I can cannot really a way I   can continue pushing this f-pawn is there right  so so the way that you would try to continue here   is you would try to you would actually push this  pawn forward here oh I want you to take something   so then I can right so it's a very closed position  but whoever opens it up is gonna probably create   weaknesses so let's say I take this pawn and this  is an important point so here you at which piece   would you capture with oh it's 200 percent the  pawn yeah it is because what happened cause then   I can continue the week on storm right but also  the pawns are very weak in the center now so like   when I go here you actually don't try to pawn  storm you now shift your your attention to this   pawn and you'll see that all my pawns are kind of  collapsing here in the center oh yeah you can no   longer push this up right because then your pawn  captures I shifted my weight over oh my god chess   is a fighting game yeah so like that's the thing  it's like when you reach this position you're   reaching a position where you're sort of asking  for black to do something and if black doesn't do   anything like let's say I I know maybe I move the  Queen long term you can also play something like   this and scoot your King over and try to attack  like this so let's say we've been waiting seeing   with my king of oh oh I see and then go here look  there let's say go here and now you can start to   play like there are many things you can do but you  can play like Knight h3 with the idea of moving   the Knight to g5 yeah that's like surprisingly  not well protected order to move your Bishop   and double these rooks on this this G file as well  is there one that is the best or do you feel like   both of them have a lot of possibilities both of  them have a lot of possibilities but this is why   like it's very important if your opponent tries  to close close the center and stop the attack you   don't care you still push and you you get ready  to capture the other way and open up this this   file here okay when when you show those possible  attacks where one where I move dish up mm-hmm oh   wait okay I'll go forward yeah so like this  one wait sorry here mm-hmm there we go okay   so why don't one of the attacks was wait didn't  you say double up the rooks right so you can do   so first I would say move the knight cuz now you  clear the square you click you clear the square right everything with the knight here this is the  only place I can think h3 yeah okay and then what   would like to do um I mean probably I would try to  play something like maybe Bishop to f6 I see if I   do this what would black just trade rooks yeah  he would so what you what you probably would do   here oh yeah it makes me like making negative  progress right so well you probably do here I   mean this is very advanced again is probably trade  the pawns and up I see attack something and free   it up right but again you to be careful because  your King is open to if you try to exchange the   bishop oh you're right but what you would you  probably would do here is now you try to push   the pawn in the center I see again like whoever is  the one who attacks will create a weakness right   and so now let's say you trade the pawns here this  pawn is so lonely what what you want to do here is   actually want to take the space in the center and  then you want to put your bishop here and try to   attack towards blacks King yes the King is like  definitely a weakness he's like no we're good to   go right so I mean something like this is what  I would recommend of course nobody's gonna play   like this in the tournament so this won't happen  obviously but the basic concepts here that you   want to shift everything towards this side of  the board okay I mean this is very advanced like   this is stuff that I would not even actually  like even here you don't even have to push up   on you can also move your knight back and then  really just ask this Knight where the Knights go   but this is I mean this is this is very very  advanced stuff so I wouldn't really expect   anybody to play like this all right I'm ready  but mainly you want to attack on the kingside   I think I have reached critical mass in my brain  oh yeah I mean this like I'm this is like really   really advanced stuff like this is stuff that like  I would probably like most people who I chose to   are probably like at least 2,200 plus so it's it's  very advanced but I think the main thing is just   remember shift everything to where the king is try  to bring everything over an attack and I mean I'm   noticing like every every single person who's  playing in the tournament seems to be here now   so I um clear clearly everybody's trying to learn  the strats but behave yeah let's play a match okay   oh sorry yeah yeah what were you gonna say you  want to play an actual game yeah let's play an   actual game I'll strike fear in their hearts  okay why not losing until move 20 okay all   right um let me see I guess as their way to do it  with increment I haven't actually shocked do what   with increment to challenge you Oh someone to a  match worth increment let me see if it's doable yes I can challenge you to a 10-5 okay cool  all right then I'll just accept it when you   challenge me it's just seek ROH ikru good  work I did yeah yeah okay all right so you   said your last 20 moves are 12 minutes  was enough 1c 20 okay let's see if you   can wait there's no way you checkmate  me in less than toy I'll give you 10   subs if you checkmate me before to move  20 okay on or before movie 20 okay okay I want to see it for myself okay so right off the bat you took me out of  my comfort zone by doing something I wouldn't   have expected all right okay I feel like my  conventional plans don't work anymore but you   should have played something different on  a second move already it's uh yeah I feel   like this goes back to the first lesson you  gave me not the second one I'm playing based   off the most recent lesson because I have  the memory of a goldfish but I do vaguely   remember you telling me how to counter  that move with the day you're supposed to   capture the pawn and then bring the night  out for development to attack the Queen it's okay I can I can recover from this I see okay okay all right III have no idea this is good  but I'm so curious to try this mm-hmm this   this feels like a drum kind of game it's  interesting it's probably not good but it's   interesting what you like you immediately knew  what I was thinking when I before I even did   any of those moves yeah I mean I only looked at  this like probably like 17 years ago so aren't   you like 21 wait I can't believe this is like  a line of moves you've looked at it at some   point I looked I was very young I remember  this I was looking at this when I was like   13 or 14 because I wanted to play a different  set up against this first move and computers   weren't super strong back then so I actually I  was very curious about this variation huh okay this is this is beyond any game I've ever  seen but I think I go here now mm-hmm this   is good yeah this is very good actually okay  I will come here what the battle King what oh I'm beginning to understand this this is like the matrix your guys are ganging  up on me my queen needs a hero and deep behind the   pawn wall there lies one dark-squared bishop I  just need to calculate if the bishop is coming   to g5 or to h6 in the Queen or fight I want to  say I want to say bye I think I'm moving to h6 wait there's a free pawn oh no I'm getting distracted not save  the queen hey my condolences right my   condolences that sounds like it's  already over it is over oh [ __ ] mm-hmm you still can probably survive  10 more moves yeah that's that's the   goal at this point wait what move was I  supposed to make to save you could have   moved your bishop up to d2 or you could  have pushed a pond but you had to stop at   Chuck Bass I was able to make a discover  check on your king and take your queen okay this seems like this is a very strange game your   King has like nothing there  and my my team is in shambles hmmm this makes me suspect that oh god I  might be paying the price my my gut tells   me make a bunch of defensive moves survive  seven more turns but my heart wants to fight what are you planning on doing with  that how can this night do anything   other than a fork I'm sure you know I'm going  to Castle so why did you put this knife here oh my god you're going to sack the night you're going to go Knight f3 sacrifice it  for my pawn to open up the space and then   my king is gonna get suffocated mate do you  have a right idea but that's actually not   that's not checkmate enough move actually  oh my god do something else plan is if you   counsel your king and I go Knight f3 Chuck  you take the knight I move the rook over   and you can actually move your rook and run  with your King to the center of the board ah   yes I knew that I already this doesn't work  like I was I wasn't sure how to phrase it   because if this doesn't work well if you're not  gonna Knight f3 check me you probably I don't   know if you've seen this checkmate idea this  checkmate idea Hey okay I only have one move Nonie what move 19 yeah so I don't know if  you've seen this Chuck mating pattern is it's   kind of it's a rare check mating pattern we're  basically USAC something in your night guard   is the critical square so it's like when you've  got the king and it has to come into the center   on one way like backwards or forwards there is a  specific name of this checkmate I forget what it's   called yeah it's called a Anastacia checkmate  actually where the king gets the knight just   stops the king from moving anywhere and then like  it's whether it's a rook or a queen it's just a   force checkmate I see were you like counting the  moves like you're like ah yes checkmate with one   move to spare well I mean what I was going for  was I was trying to find a way to find it check   me I mean I this is actually a great check  makes it it's not a pattern that you'll see   that frequently either but yeah I was looking  for a way to try and come up with a checkmate   and castles is actually the most obvious move  and I was very happy you saw Knight f3 though   because Knight f3 is a logical idea to make this  checkmate I well yeah there's no need to actually   share the board but if you go back to Knight  f3 I'm Lu 17 and white white takes the knight   yeah North eg to finish it off right because  you can move the the rook next to your King   over 2 squares and your King runs on the light  squares the center of the board last night a 2   does the same thing but lots of the Nights stay  there it doesn't open up any possibilities for   white right and then I sack the Queen I make that  very unfortunate checkmate which this is actually   something to be aware of this Anastacia checkmate  because you might have an opportunity it's very   frequent that there's something where you can make  a check and and then the night covers the squares   where the King goes but if you hadn't Castle  your King you would have survived to move 20 oh that's so cool all right do you know about  how the sub gifting algorithm works yeah I think   you've mentioned it sure yeah I'll let you spin  it why not all right I mean it just um twitch   doesn't get that subs randomly they actually try  to find B 10 lowest eloah players in your chat   did did you actually tell me the story before I  changed every time okay yeah I know you totally   some variation of the story before it's not  the first time all right that was thoroughly   impressive how you managed to find checkmate  in 19 moves yeah I'm sorry this is very cool   yeah this is an Anastasia check with those so  if you'd like if you google it yeah thanks for   10 gifted appreciate it thanks man but yeah I  definitely looked at look up this checkmate cuz   this might occur in some of your games although  normally what I would save this checkmate when   it occurs it's when there's a rook that can swing  side to side it's not on the back rank so like if   you imagine um if you imagine the position with  like the brook being on like e five instead of a   it's very calm you'll see this check bit where  the rook goes from the side over from one of   my middle ranks do you know the concept of object  permanence no I don't actually oh it's this thing   that most toddlers develop between ages of two  and three uh-huh where it's like understanding   that even if you can't see something it's still  there ah so you're saying it's like it's like   that thing that's invisible but you can sort of  sense it intuitively right I'm talking more on a   much more primitive level where like if you  cover a baby's eyes they they don't realize   that you're still there oh they learned that  you are I'm talking about the very basic stuff   I have not yet developed object permanence it's  like all their moves that got me are like ones   that involved like moving a piece like across the  board like I didn't see that rook for the entire   game oh I heard of me oh how could you possibly  checkmate me and then you also like I was looking   at what Bishop moves he could possibly make I was  like none exists within two squares right you got   that uh you got that discovered check and took  my queen right exactly yeah I think yeah that's   one thing that's very hard to understand because  like you're just looking very close as opposed to   sync from far distance like what are the moves  like down the board but I wouldn't worry too   much about the moments I think in terms of like  viewing that stuff I think everybody is pretty   much at the same level and you actually are one  of the better ones in terms of seeing the ideas   so so don't worry I would say just like be aware  of like discovered discovered attacks specifically   okay so this string that we had where like you got  my rook everything was like opened up or sorry I   got your rook everything was opened up and like my  queen was kind of in danger you went battle king   moved your King towards my queen no I is this  a very bad position for white I think it's it's   probably about balance but I also did it because  it's something where if you make one wrong move   you're very likely to lose immediately so what  you should have done I mean white might actually   even be better if you play it correctly but what  you had to do after king f7 was move I think the   best moves probably move your Bishop to d2 oh  can we go back to analysis board sure yeah let   me I'll pull it off all it says you have a missed  win well yeah because I was trying to go for the   checkmate that's why oh you went for like a speedy  checkmate I see yeah that's why it's gonna show   me missing win so I tried to go for something that  wasn't wasn't obvious okay I'll just invite you Oh where'd you send the invite yeah I think  I did it's in live just so just I didn't   go to the other tab yeah okay so so like  at this point the critical move I mean I   played this move because obviously you're  like well I'm in my way bite me I closed   the wrong tab oh okay I'll run it by  you sure okay second it's being slow okay okay so you have a right okay yeah yeah so  so so so what I was gonna say is that basically   um what you did was it was it was correct because  if you didn't take this pawn in the center if you   were to move your night away then I push the pawn  and I get I get these pawns in the center and your   Knights get pushed all the way back because you  can't move the knight anywhere you have to go   like back to g1 and then I just move the bishop  bring the knight I really go for quick attacks   towards your king because now you're lacking in  development so I see so that's why what you did   is good I think this is actually quite bad if I  I think I was supposed to move my Queen here and   I think this is probably just losing for white  after Queen e7 but again I was trying to go for   something where I would have chances of making  a checkmate quickly because I wanted those ten   gifted subs badly wait so if you do clean up there  Kent I still do the same thing right right so what   happens when you make the check as I push the pawn  okay and then alright yeah it's fine you can make   the move right right but see this is the point so  this is one thing that is not gonna occur because   most people won't spot this but first I take the  knight with Chuck oh I see right and now I want to   see if you can apply in the move I don't have to  capture the knight here I actually a much better   move I'm guessing it's this no actually okay if  I take this pawn no no actually okay this is fine   too what is the next move for white though if  I take the pawn oh you're right yeah so you can   move the knight to either square age for a four  with the discover check on the King and then you   pick up the Queen okay oh sorry so the move for  white or sorry the move for black is actually did   it to stop the discovered check attack it's not  take the night it's gotta be a queen move none   of the other pieces look like they're somewhere  good there's only so many think of I wouldn't   imagine it's this that doesn't feel good you're  still gonna get discovered checked and loser oak   something that stops all those threats in one  fell swoop that's not just take the night yep could it be okay okay don't laugh I will  try that again no no I mean it's not it's   not an obvious move it's not something that  you're gonna be familiar with as a pattern   because it's a very odd pattern it's not  something that occurs very frequently okay   now I have to solve this okay it probably  is something that it pays off two to three   turns in advance or in the future mm-hmm  a move even better than taking night I'm if it pays off well okay first let's look  at it from whites perspective white is obviously   going to move this night if it's not taken white  is going to look to move this right I'm gonna run   to the restroom so let you think for the next  man I'll be right back okay Oh white is going   to move move the night somewhere anywhere that's  not in front of the King and discover a check so   then how does black stop this or maybe you don't  stop this and you just deal with it and then get   something better in return later on he already  confirmed it's not take the pawn because then   that gets discovered checked and then lose Queen  this King is so naked man I'd be so uncomfortable   if I were if we're on that side right now what  could it possibly be its we already know it's   not Queen takes pawn something that sets up  for the future there's no peace development   what could possibly set up for the future the  only thing I can think of involves bishops okay so do you figure it out  you if you poop so fast man ah I I feel like I've made some development  but I have not yet solved anything is the   answer okay I've narrowed it down to one of the  few possible moves okay okay it's either Bishop   e6 okay Bishop b4 mm-hmm Knight f6 okay or Queen  e2 oh wait no it's not that one I feel like it's   one of those three moves those are the only  moves I can possibly think of that may pay   out later yeah that's all I got let's see it  what's the answer the answer is Knight to f6   because you attack the Queen so like if you if  white moves the knight you just lose the Queen so what so white has to move the Queen back to  h3 and now I can just move my rook over and do   you see what's happened now like when you take  the bishop you do have some some return I think   you have two pawns for the for the night that  you're down but you're behind which that is   behind just white what is behind because you  have two bishops I am a bishop in two nights   so you actually have two pawns for the night  but you're just behind cuz you because I have   one more of these pieces which is worth a  lot more I see but isn't like how open the   king is like really really scary um not not  really because you can't actually get your   King out of the center right away here because  if you moved if you castle the King you lose   the bishop so normally what you'd play here  are something like d3 but I bring my back my   queen back right away you just hold that line  yeah and and you'll see what what happens is   very quickly like this is actually a very  good move here you bring the bishop out to   attack my rook uh-huh so I have to move the  rook and now you can actually castle the king oh and then pin exactly yeah but here I can  just I can just I can move the bishop here   and then I can move the knight very quickly and  castle the King out of the center immediately I   see and like we're back to kind of even ground  where your king is no longer exposed and you   have the material lead exactly yeah so so that's  why it's like even though it looks like the king   is very open it's not completely uh it's it's not  as easy it look as it looks as you have to waste   like one extra move before you can get your King  out of the center how common would you say these   kinds of games are as very an extreme gambit very  not common at all like I would say someone below   maybe a 2000 ranking would never never play like  this what I did is is very is is very advanced   okay so I remember like when we were playing  this game out you made this move which I feel   like we went over and like the lesson and then  I did not respond correctly to it yeah so when   I when I meet the the pawn pushing the center  by pushing my pawn what you're supposed to do   is you're supposed to capture the pawn and when  I capture you bring your night out because I've   moved my queen to start the game oh right then  you're kind of in danger right so I've wasted   one move bringing the Queen into the game now  black is probably okay after moving the Queen   around a little bit but this is not something  that a beginner will be doing because it's very   it's very random and very quickly your Queen  gets into a lot of trouble if you don't know   exactly what to do yeah cause like place the  Queen in the wrong spot and you just waste a   lot of moves while white gets the develop pieces  and chase right exactly yeah okay yeah see this   square can't easily be attacked mm-hmm yeah  okay so in this kind of situation I should just   like develop normally pretend that Queen isn't  there right right but it's important that if I   if I try to push the pawn in the center that you  capture and just continue the normal development   something like this and if I let's say I move my  Queen back you you've moved the bishop you move   the knight and you get the King out of the side  of the board very very quickly I see ah it's ever   wrong to just push push the pawn to d4 yeah I know  this is completely fine to any any combination of   these moves is fine as long as you're gonna put  the bishop you're gonna bring the bishop to the   c-4 square and target the pawn and then bring the  knight and castle the king as long as you're doing   good do that in any order it's it's completely  fine doesn't really matter if you push the pawn   or the bishop pushing the pawn might actually  just be better or wait is this what you mean or   do you mean I'll move to uh well I understand what  you've been saying here um but I felt like I felt   like I'll move to okay you meant 85 I'll move to  so the reason that this is actually not not the   best move is because now I can push my pawn hang  on sure man I want to see the bought of this too I keep getting invites from people with  inappropriate profile pictures oh okay   well okay I'll tell the UH I'll tell I'll tell  the Dubs to after we do this it'll take them   like 15 seconds they can think they can shut  it down actually alright thank you so just   braggy for the raid with 1663 people think so  much think you just sprout as well for the 15   months they pick shout to everybody we are doing  some preparations ahead of pogchamp which starts   tomorrow um so so we're looking at chess with  box box who is one of the absolute so you only   like shut down invites sorry what's that is  there a way I can fully shut down invites I'll   tell the jobs to do it actually right now you  might get this connected like 15 seconds okay I may be deleting the bodice fine then the  other competitors can't study me true true   okay so you've probably got disconnected I'm  guessing for like you'll get disconnected for   like ten seconds from the website yeah probably  in live chess it'll say you're like you're   timed out or something for like very briefly  I'll put my cam where the invites would be okay so it should be done actually so you should  be getting any any any any uh any invites okay   sweeten if I I think back to the analysis  board okay sure this one sign yeah just up   to recapture you since you did maybe just  refresh the page as well while you're at it okay all right um so are you still there do you  still see moves or not I I'm not there I'm just   at my profile okay let me let me reinvade you then  actually I'm saying yeah just go back into live   chess to click on play and live chess okay I'm  back okay do you there should be a board opposite   oh yeah I'm here okay so you see me making moves  yes I see the board going all around the place   okay all right so so right so so you're asking  what's wrong with a five I'll move to right so   the reason that this pawn push on on on move  to is not the best move is because you end up   in a position that is a little bit a little bit  different cuz now I can push the pawn to c5 okay   and then and what we try next would be here it's  one of these two pawns but I never know which one   is better right so if you if you push this pawn  here I can capture and what ends up happening is   exactly what should have happened on the less on  aunts are on on move to which is if I take with   the Queen now black gets to attack your Queen  because you've moved your queen out too early   here I see so then we go back and then we right so  what you would have to play something like f4 but   actually blacking out develop this Bishop and what  was your next move be oh gosh I feel like Knight   comes out right and so now I will now I will just  bring my night out okay and then my King like is   very exposed so I'm going to look to castle ASAP  but I do see how it I feel like that's good value   okay so actually now I'll play different or I'll  I'll play the pawn push first instead just cuz I   want to show you something specific okay so now  I'm just gonna look to Castle queenside and get   my king two out of the center so you mean King  side right I can't push up two squares I feel   really weird pushing up one square especially  before my bishop comes out maybe I do the ops   maybe I do this thing with the bishop okay so  I'll develop my night oh and then at this point   I go hearing okay now I'm a night out I see so  now when I take you get to you replace the night   right and so now I'm gonna give you an example  of why this isn't best so let's go back to move   one so very common opening sutter for blackens to  play the French defense where they push the pawn   here you push your pawn they push their pawn to  contest the center okay and now you can push this   pawn they push their pawn and you push this pawn  they bring the knight and you bring your night out   now I'm not saying you should play this way but  this is just I'm just trying to make it make it   make a point here so what you see is white has a  very strong center here cuz all the pawns and the   knight sort of guard guard each other yeah yeah  this chain mm-hmm but now let's go back to the   other position um let's go back to this position  wait how do you just go back like that I just   clicked on a move I clicked on the other position  oh it's like kind of saved in the log I see okay   so yes going back to here so do you see what the  difference is okay so look at this position of   one second I can't get that pawn chain up right  but also there's one other big difference which   is that my bishop is outside of the pawn chain oh  you were able to get your bishop out first right   so the reason that if you push the pawn this  isn't so good relative to like this position   it's cuz here the bishop is inside the bishop  is locked behind these alright you're right so   the thing is in order to get that set up where I  where I have this these pawns on these these kind   of these nice central pawns attacking everything I  have to make a concession like I have to have this   Bishop underdeveloped but if you do it where you  play e5 on move to I get everything for free I get   at carte blanche where like I can bring my Bishop  out and like even if you pull wait sorry no I play   c5 on move to if you play out for like I get every  I get I get the structure that I want and not only   do I get the structure but I have the bishop on a  very good square where it's outside of the pawns   and it can attack all your all your forces Oh so  that's why you said like the only flip the order   around cuz once this pawn comes out now you can  set the replacement knight thing we're right I   don't get that I don't get the the stacked pawns  I don't get the double pause okay okay that's cool   that helps me figure out when it's good to make  that bishop pin right so if someone does play   this which I don't think anyone will just take  the pawn and bring out the knight quickly and   attack the Queen as fast as possible okay yeah  that does sound reasonable and then it seems   like one of those things where like most beginners  won't easily be able to handle that right exactly   yeah so so that's that's what I that's what I  recommend recommend for for an opening strategy   if someone does is I don't think anyone will but  if they do you should play like this okay so any   other questions before the event gets gets rolling  or you feel that you feel pretty good I could you   send me a link to that right okay actual schedule  yeah okay I'll do that in discord yeah I'll do   that yeah for sure so um when we played that like  game where you made it me in 19 moves what's the   word oh you you forced me to not be able to do  what I was I wanted to do right or was there a   way that I could still do what I wanted to do  well I basically forced you I play it tried to   get you into something where you would make a  mistake right away cuz you were uncomfortable   and you didn't know my opening strategy where  I pushed this pawn so you just figure okay you   can bring the knight out to guard the pawn but  it was basically me knowing a way to to kind   of trick you into getting into position where you  had to do something immediately and if you didn't   respond exactly the right way you would be losing  or getting checkmated very early on in the game I   see I so like let's say let's say I ask someone  and watches this vide and they're like oh okay   like I'll do this against box box how can I like  bring this back to like a normal game that is back   in my comfort zone so okay don't don't do that  just kill them just take the pawn don't take the   pawn come on you kill the fun bring the night out  if they go back here you push this pawn bring the   bishop bring the knight and get the King out okay  do a different strat yeah exactly just develop   your pieces and take the central part of the board  and if they bring the Queen over to this side just   attack right away just push this pawn hey just  take it yeah and then play the rook out attack   this Queen so they end up losing like you see you  get one pond but you've wasted a lot of moves and   now again just follow that comes out Oh Knight or  pawn I would probably recommend pushing this pawn   first I normally like this oh yeah that's also  a move but you the thing is here because your   opponent has moved the Queen one-two-three-four  moves to start the game and you've moved out at   night in a rook just you bring this night out  normally they have to try to develop something   like a pawn push and then you bring this Bishop  out right away they try to develop you castle   they castle and now you bring the rook and you  try to bring the knight and develop your Bishop   and just put push everything sort of take complete  control the center because black can't do a whole   lot in the next couple of moves so you just play  to attack as fast as possible here because you've   got all your pieces on very very good squares  and black has very little development of these   three pieces okay this does give me a question  I wanna know more about then sure I'll just now   you said white wants to attack as fast as possible  mm-hmm how do you identify it because I got some   games where it's also like there's no there's  no clear answer or there's no clear move just   like build-up it like a solid defense how do you  identify it when it's one of these games where   you want to push as fast as possible versus like  just keep building I think this is very specific   to if they if they push this pawn on the center in  most normal situations you won't have this but the   point is when they do something like this and they  bring the Queen out early it's fairly exotic it's   it's kind of it's kind of unusual so that's when  you want to punish them as if they do something   they like they violate the opening principles  and they move a piece too many times to start   the game because it's definitely violating the  principles to bring your queen out you make one   two Queen moves it's a very start of the game of  your first three moves like that's not how you   play chess you don't bring your Queen super early  okay I see so what you're saying is we're mostly   playing aggressively because our opponent violated  the opening principle right he's brought the queen   out he's made too many moves with the Queen so you  want to you want to go right after you want to go   right after your opponent here okay make sense  so that that's this is what I would recommend   when I saw this I thought I would be looking at  I thought white would should be looking at this   square for the night but it sounded like you had  a very different strategy of just like in general   like attacking this area well as more of the  center was like these four squares specifically   oh okay I see I'm guessing like going for this  is like kind of meaningless because it's very   easily defended right the Queen Queen just guards  upon very uh it's the Queen's just protecting the   pawn very very nicely here okay okay so doing  that would be like a case of pushing out too   soon I've lost so many like so many positional  battles off of pushing a piece like two moves too   soon or something right I think in general just  like this is only this sort of opening where you   want to be cool on aggressive and just go right  after your opponent okay okay that makes sense   cool all right so I guess yeah if you need if you  need any help during the event just let me know I   assume it should be pretty smooth for you but  again obviously still - you have to play well   but I think in your group the first match against  Ludwig is gonna be probably the most interesting   I think the other two you should you should have  a pretty good advantage so but let me know if you   need any more help okay okay oh do you uh do you  know the rankings of my opponents I know Ludwig   I think is maybe around 1100 I think I think Papa  Platt is in your group I think he's about 800 and   the fourth one is uh who's the fourth one chat  who's not I think it's Swift or who I think also   is very new to the game he might be like 700 or  600 even so so I think I think you should be fine   I see I and then I don't have one question about  the format if you know it yeah the the top two of   every group go to the final bracket the main brac  correct yes hi but how is seedings done with it   okay sure so I can actually find that can be one  second let me find that where is it one second I   mean one thing I just got to pull it up in slack  right so okay it will be see second it will be   let me see okay so you which group are you and  again you are in Group D so if you're in Group D   you will be playing if you win you will play the  second seed in Group C which group C I believe   it's for cents liquor NIM and unchoke Oh bars so  I'm assuming you will probably play NIM slick or   choco bars one of those three cuz I'm assuming  that that force and will probably win the group   oh I see so it's already been predetermined like  first see it of D face a second yeah actually I'll   just read it out because they're there a lot of  people want watching as well so let me just let   me just read out for everybody so it will be the  group a winner plays second place of Group B the   group D winner plays a the second place in Group  C the Group C winner plays second place in Group   D Group a B winner will play group will play  the second place in group a group a plays or   no that's it that's the second age group so yeah  so so basically group a winner plays plays second   place in Group B group D winner plays second place  in Group C Group C winter play second place in   Group D and Group B winner plays second place in  Group A okay so I don't know how it works beyond   that which is your first match assuming that  you do finish in first you will play you will   play NIM slicker choco bars assuming that what  I'm saying holds true okay that makes sense I   was just like studying the brackets slightly uh  to see if I was going to be playing against boy   boy or hutch anytime early on in the bread okay  so I'm assuming you're in group you said you're   in Group D right yeah so I if I if I understand it  correctly you're press meu assuming I understand   it correctly probably will play the the group  the winner of Group A versus second place in   Group B if you win that match and I forget who I  think boy boy is in Group A right let me check I   don't know right off but but I'll tell you I'll  check it all out at all I'll make sure to send   you the links and all that stuff okay cool thanks  I think that's all I needed for now all right well   kill it man you're you're one of the one of the  favorites so I'm looking forward to seeing seeing   you in action yeah did I tape my personal grudge  against the boy boy III feel like I feel like yeah   I think you mentioned that on stream last night  right did he he took something away from you at   last his promos and League right so now you want  to beat him in this yes it's personal nice nice   it's good to see you see the competitive spirit I  mean it's good to see so yeah I think you're gonna   you're probably gonna play him most likely uh just  just do your best and I guess hopefully hopefully   it's not a repeat okay I'll let you go get back to  your stream yeah I'm gonna go practice rapid more   rapid games at some point I'll switch to ten five  yeah thanks so much for the lesson yeah no chance   absolutely I'll do otherwise have a great rest  this room yeah you too Albert all right all right you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 300,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, blitz, bullet, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video
Id: C2ICD9_F5pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 11sec (5651 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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