Nakamura's Knockouts: Adopting GMs in Blitz Chess

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Makes sense. It’s pretty easy to see the appeal of streaming over playing professionally in any game if the money is right.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope he will keep playing tournaments OTB, heΒ΄s one of the best in the world. And I think he could have a chance to make it to the candidates one day and even to the WCC, why not?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/qablo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Starts @10.00

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MatTHFC πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
seven I think I played team v6 threatened cleanup to vitiate so he wants to go clean chief I've played Bishop f6 Oh whoo-whoo-whoo terrible terrible terrible Queen f6 was the way of cut him off and I probably would have won on time if I died on them but okay that was pretty careless okay time to adopt this guy no more mr. nice guy time to just finish him off now it's 44 [Music] [Music] it's a karo here I'm gonna start streaming again today since I'm back back from New York City so just let me know if everything's good and all that's all that jazz assume it's assumed it should be good once again you guys let me know if there's something uh whoops let me know if if the sound is good or what's going on all that other jazz arm so I assume the sound is good yeah let me know you guys if it's not it's a 3c5 I'll take play a five so should be good but once again you guys let me know if there's something wrong fish before I guess I'll play d6 tonight a three queen a5 next will be night of six and 94 yes that's actually he hung a - I might be able to grab it but I'm I let's grab it I I call I call shenanigans Bishop a4 Queen e1 or what Bishop a4 is maybe bad Bishop c2 I'm not even getting my queen trapped here so I'm not paying attention you two but now Bishop b3 he actually let's play this cuz now I'm hit now I'm hitting C for kicks maybe a five maybe ninety four guys got Roque 300 row not a good start not a good start at all today should be three go slow go 97 if you wants to take I'll take 906 take on d5 maybe King off 7 just put the King on a safer Square see you for night before obviously I'm much worse I'm gonna need some some walk here to survive this but you never know what could happen weirder things have happened 95 got rook e8 and he can play 97 and make a draw he's got nothing more than than a draw and he is up a piece here so like I'd be kind of shocked if he's that desperate to make a draw here Oh fine play for a draw fine I'll be bold I'll say no draw and I'll go for it try to do something here with all these Queen side pawns rook c1 play like knight c6 maybe hit the rook and then b5 next move d5 was also possible but I figure d5 he did maybe II force I'll go B 5 B 4 doesn't maybe maybe D 5 here just now I'm gonna play B 4 I'm like e 5 d 4 B 4 I'm just gonna push my pawns right down the board I mean there really is no justice in the world if he can survive this oh but I just give me 4 ah why did I play p4 or wrong way la but I still got 94 so C 3 maybe he can't take because it's protected 94 looks wrong I'm gonna go King C 4 I'm gonna go B 3 C 2 rookie one maybe just C 2 now I'm just gonna go B 3 next move and just how exactly is he stopping the pawns here a little bit confused by this rookie 4 let's play Knight d4 b 2 his next move yeah exactly how is he stopping my pawns here what do you do to this I wasn't I just down a rook so he takes I can take I'll take with the e pawn just keep another pass pawn here the four pawns baby don't mess with the pawns rookie 5 no I think I'll play D 3 and now B 2 and D 2 are both threats because I'm because I'm because I'm psychotic I'm gonna play King d4 and King c3b 2 is winning oh it doesn't let me get King c3 or c4 c3 very sad very very sad okay so d5 I'll trade actually why am I playing royal openings Richard III I'm play Queen c2 that actually worked out in a way it was not supposed to but I'll take it nice five just trade I'll play a 3 B 4 create the minority attack probably Hogan he7 Bishop a5 try to exchange the bishop muhr tank says naka i was the first watcher here that's good to know man good to know you're following the stream ninja says actually in peak are you are you are a Yankees fan yeah well I mean as I mentioned on the string yesterday I'm actually in a New York right now so I was just able to dig this dig this cap out of my closet I don't know if it's completely clear with this it's a world series a cap from when the Yankees won in 2000 so it's a very ancient cap most you probably well 2000 was a long time ago I guess that's what eighteen years ago now so a long time ago very long time ago oh no made it ooh hohohoho says hey at GM he karo hypothetically speaking if you made as much money from streaming as from tournaments would you prefer it um that's a very interesting question i think the answer that would be yes I would prefer streaming to playing for for a few reasons I think first of all playing is obviously very stressful now one second you guys before I respond to that question let me make sure so night let me make sure I don't blood or some tactics so I could take on f5 96 Queen d6 or Queen f6 doesn't look good rook c6 just Knight Bishop d3 I don't want to or maybe I'll play rook b7 Thank You stompy for subscribing so he takes if I take what the Queen Lenny's got 95 and I lose stuff to take the knight queen d6 and I think I'll just play maybe Knight f4 just try to keep the bind here so he can a rule c5 or c1 right yeah thank you stomp you thank you stomping actually for stomp EJ for subscribing two months in a row h5 now again I could play like Knight b6 maybe and it should be good right so the question on and yes I am reading the chat also as most you have mentioned the double clicking I'm probably clicking a lot more conflicts screen since I'm on a lot I'm not like the cool kids I'm I'm not rich enough to buy multi multi screens have multi monitors and be be Fant and be like all super fancy so queen a3 I can just take because after takes the night on d3 is not hanging because the Brooke on bieed work on it would be hanging so rook b8 I'll play 95 try to create something maybe Queen d7 something like that thank you sigh Ronix 99 for subscribing now maybe I can go to 1979 f6 Knight takes d5 pick up a second pawn rook f1 is probably good actually Knight g6 maybe 96 rook B 697 King f8 hmm indeed I'll get fancy I'll try it I'm not sure it works oh it worked b6 I can just go Queen c8 Chuck it's protected King g7 and I moved in ite 5 re 7 so actually taking is completely fine right so the question again hey Macarena 98 maybe 97 97 King f8 Queen oh this is slightly tricky let's see it's a 98 if Queen c5 he just takes 97 looks right so I'll play it yeah X on King f8 I've got Queen h6 and if he takes I've got rook c7 King yet Queen eh ain't mate and that's all she wrote and now I think rooks c7 protect the rook Queen h8 Chuck next sorry you guys it's been too long since I listened to that song so I don't remember the Spanish lyrics but um but yeah anyway um right so the question about the stream yeah I would prefer because playing is actually quite strong I think I don't think I've actually mentioned this before but I know like an isle of man and in noir where they use these heart rate monitors and I found actually my heart rate when I'm not playing chess tends to be quite reasonable nothing too too terrible but when I play chess it spikes insanely and so I started think health that chest might actually just be bad for my health in a way when I play it so thank you for that Queen's right now so I would say objectively yeah I mean I find this to be a lot less stressful and of course playing a stressful simply because if you do do badly you don't make as much money from from the prizes so certainly if I could make as much streaming as I do from playing I would I would prefer it but that would require me being like a ninja or someone someone insane and I don't really see that happening but you never know maybe it will if you guys support me enough you never know I might I might start streaming every day instead of playing chess or playing chess online I should stay and say instead of playing tournaments castles Bishop e7 d5 I think I'll just play c5 he'll probably take I'll take Bishop d4 I just play Knight f6 maybe ninety five doesn't look right so I'll play Knight f6 back queen of 297 this were there no tricks with like b5 Bishop d6 hitting the Queen play e5 here I think I'll just play rook c8 try to create some threats here can be one maybe Queen a5 I don't Queen e5 is best feels slightly wrong but maybe it's okay Robert Fox one haha second monitor would make streaming less stressful too and really they are quite expensive these days oh you guys are hilarious um so basically I'm at home so I've got a bunch of random caps just just lying around which is why like right now I'm when I'm wearing this crazy Yankees cap that like is from 18 years ago so yeah like I mean I'm just in New York so I'm wearing whatever caps I have in my wardrobe here and in White Plains so I can take and play Bishop d7 I got to be slightly careful here at Lopes he's trying to wait if I take he takes e5 is hanging so wait if I take and play Knight d7 maybe try to attack the Queen if he moves I'm just gonna castle if he takes I can take with the Bishop so I should be fine Alvin's 30 elephant's writes at gme Cara what's the poster behind you thank you lots lost space 333 for the bit donation the poster behind me again ancient times is from it was pre because before the release of the Phantom Menace Episode one of Star Wars and I guess I'll take Knight f6 of rookie 594 it's episode 1 of Star Wars Queen c7 hit the pawn on C - oh maybe rook C 2 is better King C - Queen Queen c7 or work outside work take C - Queen c7 was an ideal but whatever who cares maybe just Brooke be a to go B for now if he played Queen d6 instead of Queen D to clean up - I would have played Queen c7 and tried to exchange the Queen's or actually did I Bishop Bishop f8 also as possible - so G for now I can take that's one option I can also I think I'll just play b4 try to open it up if you takes on a h5 b a3 b3 queen c3 is just G G so it goes a four maybe B threes and move I don't really want to take on g4 so let's let's play b3 so I've got queen a queen 85 hitting the rook on d2 and the pawn in a four so Queen a5 eyes got Bishop c4 ah that's annoying very annoying I missed that completely now I have some problems because I gave him the c-4 square which was very careless of me so I can maybe play rook before and sack an exchange g h5 looks suicidal ugh this is not what I wanted to do what did I do to this position so I guess I'll get tricky I'll take on h5 I'll let him take on f7 if he wants to this might not be tricky at all this might just be stupid and losing but I'm gonna try it at any rate so he takes with the pawn guess I'll put the knight on f4 gave him rook d7 again very poor very poor planning on my part so I'll play rook d8 now I can take on f7 tapes with the rook guess I'll take and play work d2 is 95 it's one option he's got Knight g5 2 maybe ok h7 get aside step any tricks with the Knights 95 King h6 this one if he wants a draw I'll take a draw I think maybe tonight of three routes you to maybe Queen e7 I think I'll play Queen b6 threaten Queen off to vitiate so he wants to go Queen g5 and played Bishop f6 Oh terrible terrible terrible Queen f6 was the way to cut him off and I probably would have won on time if I'd done that but okay that was pretty careless okay time to adopt this guy no more mr. nice guy time to just finish him off now it's a 44 d5 so everyone's been playing this line lately there's been two castles Queen - no I think is it Knight c3 I think it's cleanup for actually b8 Queen g3 the rook on g2 didn't see could play HT x g5 and unit rook on each one so it was actually Chuck made thought that was the point the point was he here takes g5 h h g5 was was just winning so no actually Queen g5 was it's right but if I had played Queen f6 I probably would have flagged him in opposition so that's why it's a little bit annoying a night before maybe I'll play an actually 5 f h6 just 94 who is it who is stirring off by the way and so where can I find video of naka adopting Eric Hanson um that's a good question I mean I'm not I thought I did I actually stream that when I beat him I'm not sure if I've stream that when I beat him when I actually beat him c3 so I'll take if he takes on b2 I'll just take on b2 Bishop g5 or night a6 is also move a night a six anything let's play Bishop c1 protect the night on g5 again i streamed the second one occasion the second adoption okay go vitami says yogacara what's the time in NY the time in New York right now it should be 4:11 because we lost an hour last night so assuming I'm not insane its 411 it's a queen d5 I could play like Knight c3 Queen 85 maybe night c2 or night b5 also I think I'll just play Knight d5 and if you play c6 I'll just go 96 Allie www says I didn't think was possible for knock to get checkmated oh you guys are funny maybe a3 was better than Bishop d2 I don't know I ate c4 or maybe a three a 392 or just yeah a 390 to trusted I'm not blundering something again my vision seems a little bit off it off at the start here so I mean I could could be missing something okay too night a3 if I take 90 to work t2 maybe or no night a3 if he plays a 92 I can play Knight to c4 takes us bish up so now can i play like 94 can I even just I can take and play Queen h3 maybe I'm gonna go for it I know I've got a draw with Queen afore I don't know if I have more than a draw maybe Queen h3 but I don't know if I've got more than a draw here I probably don't have more than a draw actually but I'll probably try to see if I can throw in an extra move somewhere King g7 throwing a chuck the queen h3 maybe I can throw in 94 do i gamble here or do I not gamble that is the question to gamble or not to gamble that is the question maybe queen g4 I don't see it but I'm but I said I was gonna adopt this guy so I'm gonna I'm gonna take a big risk here and try to play on probably definitely very incorrect to play on here but I'll try for you guys so I'll take the pawn rook e8 g3 now I've got Knight f6 tricks 906 here doesn't work so I'll play okay one two hit the bishop now maybe Knight of 6 wait but then he's got rook g3 and he makes a draw oh that's ridiculous that's very ridiculous maybe King g2 cuz Knight f6 he just sacks both works on g3 and I have to go key oh but I had a rook on e 2 I could block oh I'd work on any two I could have blocked oh I'm so stupid I'm an idiot Knight of 6 g7 maybe like Queen H fire threatened mate work age seven I guess I'll take age seven takes whoops Chuck would be a big mistake wait did I take the wrong work now ah ah Queen D one queen bee seven king g1 throw on a check drawn it takes oh wait I use up all my time what am i doing gun so let's see so tink tink gonna work out six ake protect you lose you lose you lose you lose all right so that's one that's one of 10 so we're gonna play this line again I thought I'd got a good position in that game should be 7oc eight before I guess we'll just play Knight f6 Knight h3h five will play nine extra five of course I think here I'll play a six to stop d5 and then I'll play 97 c5 next move Queen off to logical there should be to place c5 but I'll play Queen e7 first to prepare c5 so my Queens not on the D files to c5 so we take so I could take on c3 I guess or take with the night I'll just take with the pawn here no as far as you lose that's just from yes that's my carry over from yesterday since everyone seemed to like Maya Maya Maya Maya streetfighter knowledge or lack thereof I should say so it takes no plane ITA for hit the pawn on b2 if C 3 I think I can just play f6 maybe I just take the pawn on e4 when he moves the knight Knight h3o grab Bishop d3 I'll take the 95 hit the pot on g4 I could take but I'm gonna do I wanted to know I'm gonna play b4 try it try to attack I mean I could take a second pawn here but after Queen g3 maybe I'm opening up something here I can play b3 that's one option Knight b-2s and up night Wayne IP 2 king b2 b3 interesting night B to is definitely Queenie AIT's also Queenie 8 looks Queen e8 looks correct so I'm gonna play it I'm sure there's some tact with b3 night B - that probably was completely fine to the Queenie it looks like a pretty good move so tags I could take guess I will play a 5 to kick the knight 93 I think I'm gonna go Knights e4 and then there's got to be something on the C file Bishop c1 so night a3 doesn't quite work maybe f5 just to open the diagonal a knight a3 is a huge threat now it's night takes wait not nicely through sorry night a3 he takes and I just takes it three and his his whole Queen side explodes if he moves the King I take the rook with a discover check and then his queen falls he takes I just take and uh okay do tundra resign if Knight B - I've got rook c1 which would be to work d3 so that's two 93 I guess I'll just play like I didn't okay so it takes lady for probably oh please see five semi Tarrasch just play night of three could put the bishops anywhere I guess I'll just put on c4 cdcd yo naka get 4k subs make another 100k a year no super jim has exploited twit shut yeah that would be pretty awesome if I could I feel like if I get when I get to 1000 subscribers I'll do some kind of 24-hour streams so I mean when I when I get to that point I'll do a 24 hour stream that's what I've decided basically Thank You line stretch for subscribing with twitch prime maybe work d1 I really want to play d5 if I can so yeah that's the incentive everybody thank you evil Nalu for subscribing with twitch prime yeah when I get to 1000 subscribers I will do a 24 hour stream so that's that's the first first step so the age for here play for h5 Queen a4 now Bishop g5 pause but only 5 looks very interesting too thank you Rua bags for subscribing with twitch prime Bishop e5 Queen a3 Bishop c1 queen c3 as Queens not quite hanging yet he 5 looks very juicy Bishop g5 also Bishop I'll play Bishop g5 I'll try to spice it up thank you swim 19 for subscribing thank you NZ 63 for subscribing if he takes I'll play e5 aged 69 3 so now that now I've got the diet diagonal here possibly so so so we'll see so work D 85 doesn't look right Bishop b5 is always Bishop e5 actually looks with and he's got Queen c2 so maybe that's wrong g4 let's have some fun every but I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna play g4 g5 I'm just gonna not care and go for it for cat about for cat about it wrote people die doing to our streams it's not recommendable [Laughter] I mean I've stayed up for I think my record is somewhere around 75 hours that I've stayed up straight so I mean my drives a lot younger when I did that but you ever know maybe and maybe it's still possible thank you oh wait night youth 594 94 Queen h5 Thank You MP c99 for subscribing yeah but I mean with 75 hours I was very young back then that's like when I was like I think I was maybe 20 maybe even younger than that if I play d5 d5 looks pretty pretty solid here d5 looks like a very juicy moved to play just cuz he if he moves tonight the pawn hangs on e6 it takes I'll take now if rookie yeah I can just put that Queen d2 off for the exchange cuz I and he can't move the knight because of the pen Thank You Archie six for subscribing with twitch prime why do I have a bad feeling that somehow I'm gonna get to like one thought 1000 subs in like the next two days or something thing then then like I'm gonna have to do a 24 hour stream like right away rook e8 so I can play on but if Queen d2 I can also take c6 and b7 that's some pretty cute too but I I feel like that's there's no need for that so I'll just play Queen d2 and offer the exchange of the rooks or the Queen sorry and again he can't move the knight cuz now I put his rook into a pen on ei it sticks I will take he might play Knight e5 anyway but in this one he's pretty cooked so Ricky one of the night covers f3 f6f four and now he takes I can take all just take back with the pawn I'm not too worried about these pawns East sixty sixty seven East 7 good night that's three and on and on we go so all night Knight of three I'll play I'll play e4 just play something normal to shove d6 d 3 actually not there should be five that'd be very stupid salt is Castle 92 I'll play rook e8 takes I will take I take I will take Bishop d3 maybe just rook e8 I'm trusting that I haven't blundered something big here on this because I just gave him both of these diagonals right away so castles Bishop e5 would be a big mistake so I guess I'll just play Knight e5 hit the Bishop Bishop e5 he could trade in DC he could trade trade on e5 no needed Bishop h7 discovery I guess I will play Bishop f8 here to cover everything kind of thank you storm 2709 for subscribing thank you laying are at 0-0 for subscribing so someone just asked who is ninja wait if I go 93 to see of Knight age six oh geez 90 oh geez 93 96 gh Queen G for Queen g5 f g5 9 p 2 now that's too much so Knight u6 clean h5 I think I have to play d5 now and pray that I'm not getting like made it here on 2 moves or something it looks like I'm holding rook f3 is a logical move now I've got to be very very careful not to just lose so I guess I will take and Bishop c5 rook eh 3 b3 king h1 Bishop a5 Bishop a5 Bishop Bishop c5 Rock h3 Bishop e3 King h1 a six tanks takes d4 rook age six ooh this is this is dangerous so we'll take the ship c5 did I just blunder this though no Bishop III is still playable this should be through his flying says shock so I sold today you can play like each six maybe now Bishop you seven I'll go before I think or actually can I even just take maybe I don't know if I can take probably that's too much but I'll pre move FG six looks like because that's a safe pre move Mouse this is based on twitch stats he is 44 K so he takes hopefully bitched about for so what's the count I'm still I'm up one pond here right at the moment yeah I'm still up one pond so I'm up one pond at the moment so he takes maybe Queen f6 to hit the rook on a one-way time work f1 can I take Queen h6 Queen f5 I can take it and make a draw oh I said I was gonna adopt the guy though ugh all right Thank You Clara cotton tell for gifting the subs but I'm Rick f-100 I've got rooked off one basics Queen h6 queen of five and he can't take the Queen's of aback rancor but he's got Queen h7 Queen h6 to make a draw oh that's very frustrating but he plays rook e1 wait we can't I just wait if I take he'll take g6 this looks suspect so if I take he's gonna take but I take and I've survived you know No oh jeez I miss Rooke g3 ah oh geez oh geez very poor Bishop e3 rook aged six tricks maybe I'm still up 30 seconds so queen g4 roof g6 Queen i3 I'll play rook e8 protect the Bishop g4 go plate maybe c6 hit the rook like a five but should be six now I've got rook e1 tricks also so g3 I'll play rook e7 like Bishop t4 protect everything g5 Bishop g7 actually the funny thing is here I'm probably in a slow game I would actually draw this because I've got a fortress kind of I've got this weird kind of fortress here that I don't think he can break it'll take b5 was a bad move to actually c5 shoot I completely bungled this like an idiot I [Music] messed this up so badly oh he's got keen h6 oh that was so stupid i I just forgot he drew Chi through those so bad I was just terrible that was just ridiculous okay start over a gun on the brights and I'm beating him by about of three or four to one margin well not actually that was last that was three to one so that was very poor thank you again for the subs someone else subbed me I think I forgot who it was I really badly misplaced X I should have drawn that after on after I've got those rooks on e6 and e7 once he pushed upon a g5 but no big deal just start over again so I'll take he'll take a 95 I guess I'll just trade probably he'll take lanai it all Castle I mean in general if I'm fast against this guy I'm gonna beat him every time there should be five that's a little bit weird trade so if I'm fast against this guy we'll probably beat him but if I I'm not fast like I usually am because I'm reading the chat then then bad things can happen from time to time so let's see so a four I'll play for a 5 it's B 3 if 95 maybe Brook B 1 or B 4 I'll just play B 4 they'll take he'll go night C 4 I'll go B 5 try to put a knight on c6 now the four try to open it up a little bit 85 is a move a 5 I'll just trade go rook e1 threat 97 95 put pressure on on this tonight on c4 is nice but it can't really attack anything so King out fatal play rook b3 work f3 idea maybe 95 next maybe queen h5 also so we'll see what his next move is so someone just asked will I be at the London classes sure yes it starts on December 10th I believe it's not the standard classic you guys it's gonna be what was I gonna say it's gonna be it's gonna be a four-player kind of like knockout event so it'll be slightly different this year but I will be at it so clean eh 5 I'm gonna go work out 3 or just take a pawn on d5 Turkey 8 I'll trade 98 rookie 3 would be a mistake I would hang meat in one I don't want to do that so I'll play I'll play h3 h4 was also possible but h3 seems reasonable 26 I could trade I don't want to trade so I'll just play Queen f3 rookie 3 Queen off six maybe Queen h5 again hit the pawn in h7 h6 feels like there should be something good here maybe there isn't a phone so I'll play Queen e5 if he takes I'll take with the pawn and maybe East kind of miss played this again just slightly I guess I'll go f4 f5 teenage 295 maybe just rookie four idea e6 idea rook d4 maybe depending what he does Knight c3 works c4 Knight b1 I don't know what knife you want I want to go 92 Knight f1 ok that's a reasonable concept so maybe I just sidestep it yi 692 work d4 doesn't really look right f6 Knight f6 GF EF doesn't look quite right age for seems wrong I'll play King g3 forty-three I think I'll go King out for now Knight c3 g6 595 just king e4 probably he'll take king he ain't I think I can go Knight e5 now and actually what rook c8 or see it's not actually a threat ninety-two chimney for okay three I think md5 looks right so I've got rook c8 knight c6 Chuck thanks Chuck Chuck Chuck and a sovereign and GG or wait maybe not wait is he does he have some knight b5 trick oh this is some same with King e6 wait Knight d5 I've got rook a5 wait wait now if I go King d7 95 or something no 95 e 8 rook e8 Keaney and I have 6 workouts X so it just wins I just take work and takes takes 95 be a five-piece ok ah a four very funny so work a three if he took that if he took the rook on top six I was gonna play 95 be a 5 B 6 and I win by one tempo so that's one one of ten nine to go so this time I'm not gonna play stupid opening so c4 I'm gonna play c5 I think who was it was a cash from sky against Kramnik I think they had this opening they had something very similar to this I know she put the pawns on d6 e 5 and c5 against Vlad he he played some similar setup I don't know exactly what it was thank you common bond for subscribing with twitch prime95 will play rook b8 but it was a very similar kind of position to this and all I know is that Kramnik self into a bad bad position in that game motor brisk says cool is this he cars childhood bedroom or something yes indeed it is actually this is this is the room that I grew up in here in White Plains New York so 94 I could play out five I don't really want to so I think I'll play I'll play Queen d7 idea bish page three idea of five multiple multiple concepts the four be six just protect clean a four I'll just put a truck on c8 I don't know which one probably the B rook Danny ruler Dan seventy nine says looks like a room where he stores his trophies it is actually so there's like I like I mentioned a second ago this is where I'm this is where I grew up I am playing from White Plains New York so III I'll play d5 he takes I just take back ninety five and this is looking pretty good for me he's gonna go this would be too I'm just gonna grab the pawn because it spawned III is week since he played III tonight itseif or maybe just Knight c3 I'll cream of the take just because he might take jg 0:23 says are those the trophies he received from adopting Eric classic that is just classic efore he takes the Knights overloaded if he takes on before I just take on d3 so he's pretty much just busted here the chest kid says who has Moore's classic trophies you or Oscar which referred to my brother my brother has more I mean they're also a bunch of trophies on the desk just off-screen so um so there are a lot and there there's some I mean I guess you you actually on the in the in the in the right in the right hand corner you can actually see some of those classic trophies that I got so bishops III just eat ext3 hit the Queen first I don't know what this is I can take the Queen rook d7 I can play Bishop c3 many different things so that's two okay let's get back to basics actually I'm Picard did you see Eric's impressive 13 out of 13 what specifically it was that 13 out of 13 was that in a title Tuesday or was that in something what was that in or was that approach how sleek Queen e7 that's just D for threatening c5 and play d5 maybe maybe just Knight f3 here keep it simple ideas d5 or 93 maybe night before do I have something here maybe just maybe I'll just cast well he can take and I'll take back this looks like a pretty good position Bishop a4 and I'll play d5 Bishop d3 hitting the pawn and night night in the pawn I've got rook e1 next g3 is also a move I think I'll play rook e1 hit the Queen play I don't know what what do I want to play here 94 6 is always there I don't want to play Bishop f6 and release attention so I'll play Knight d4 maybe h3 g3 off for some combination of these moves and I feel like I should be doing well woah g6 whoa that fills bold maybe h3 kicked the Bishop Bishop d7 so he wants to go Bishop h6 do I really not have some way to take advantage of this as the question and I don't really see it right off I guess I'll just double just double the rooks Bishop g7 maybe 96 here he's got a take and now if he moves the by the e7 so he takes Knight h5 just Bishop g6 even Bishop d6 looks like the really takes takes Queen Queen g6 whereas the bishops on d3 right so Bishop g6 hd6 Queen g6 Queen h4 rookie 7 doesn't work Bishop g7 87 doesn't work Queen h4 g3 Queen h3 rookie 7 does work Ching there will be more arrows in a second once he takes oh he's gonna take and play Queen h4 and then I have g3 hitting the Queen on h4 I don't clean nh3 I just go rookie 7 and he can't defend the bishop on g7 Leatha 123 rights actually I'm he car oh how do I stop myself from a four day tilt if you're tilting for four days there's something wrong so g3 Queen h3 rookie 7 GGO moving on yeah so a four day so a four-day tilt that means you've done something very wrong I mean if you're tilting for four days on chess then it's time to take a time out and reassess your life so rookie 7 pretty much exactly what I just said half a second ago and he just he can't defend g7 rook F 2 I take King f8 and I just overworked g8 Chuck mate so that's three chessmen 94 it says axiom hikaru at face chesses here is here and he's a great supporter of chess but he's drinking a monster drink should we allow him to stay why not it's a free world you're allowed to drink what you want to I mean they're all the energy drinks I think we're pretty similar so there's nothing wrong with that I'm not going to discriminate it against them for making a poor poor life decision Bishop g2 will play a five do something weird a for maybe a three just kick the bishop there's a bishop c1 I'll place c5 try to open this diagonal III maybe like knight c6 c3 I can play Queen a5 maybe I don't really love it so I'm gonna go Bishop a5 might be one I could take I guess and put like 94 maybe or maybe just Queen a5 waterboxx I think I'll play Queen eighty five hit the pawn on c3 there's your D 2 on I'll play Knight e4 hit the bishop he moves c3 hangs c1 so I'll take a 92 interesting so rook c8 if Knight c4 Queen 86 and b5 naca do you like kombucha I've had compute kombucha on a few occasions I mean I don't know what all what the whole what the big bold fuss is about I mean it's completely fine I don't like dislike it or anything but I don't really understand what the big deal is about kombucha so it's fine but it's I don't know why I mean I know it's supposed to be some Howell thing or supposed to be great but I don't really understand what the big deal is so b5 kicked the night now maybe b4 is a move maybe c4 I'm gonna play c4 or try and open up the B file for my rook if he takes and if he doesn't this pawn on c3 is a long-term weakness so now maybe II 6 try to open it up a little bit King g2 Queen a sub and hit the knight on e3 Queen f3 maybe Brooke Fe maybe work de it was slightly better this might still be fine the point though the c3 pawn is super weak here so maybe rookie 7 looks like a logical enough move with this pawn on c3 it's gonna be hard for white to really attack here so he takes I will take the pawn if I took with the rookie at f5 so fe6 makes more sense f5 so I could take but I think my plan was just to play rook f8 hit the pawn on f5 I've got Bishop h6 ideas to attack the knight and the Brook on c1 will be pinned so I guess we'll see what he does maybe ete fef rookie it was possible chess jacob says who is the nicest player on tour besides you of course it depends what you guys mean by nice that's that's really the key question when you say nice I mean like nice does nice mean what you can't I take and pick up some material here somehow EF GF Bishop III Queen III this might be hard to win okay Bishop e3 is kind of a given Queen III takes takes GF v rook d6 Fe for I don't know if it's enough to win but it's gonna be interesting so takes I'll take I'll take I'll take back and so I'm up upon he's got rook d5 maybe rook g7 g3 I think I should play III here cuz i've got i've got this rook f2 lever to pick the 82 pon an a3 is a passed pawn takes I'm not sure can he stop yeah he can't saw it he can't stop them all so now I put the rook on c2 and 82 and the whole house comes crashing down and that's all she wrote that should be for I think four in a row is it maybe like rook be three there's jump D and he thinks I can go king h5 h6 okay seven well I can probably just take before he takes and I go c3 even so it's check and I put a rook on c4 and now c2 c1 or b3 I'll just throw in a check first and then c2 and that is all she wrote it's ro in a check c2 and rookie h3 King g4 thank you very much for that so that should be four in a row I think that's four in a row right so next game next game or not next game let's see we'll see in a second if that's if that's that's all she wrote Jimmy moo says yo knock Willy watch world championship match I might I might anyway thank you live from the eight five zero for subscribing with twitch Prime eight five zero what what uh what zip code is that okay I guess this guy's done then yeah I think he's done so let's see if I can click arm composer if he wants to play or not or maybe firuze you're too terrible Joe one wrote that weird a5 a4 a3 won the game in fact it did win the game you are right about that so okay no one's accepting so I'll just play I'll play this Azeri Kaiba bazzara looks like a little kid from the picture I'm not sure but it's pretty good reading I guess there's no title so probably pretty pretty good player so alright um Moo he 1980 says a champion car when are you getting back and talk to him where you belong I'll get back there next year once once I'm calmed down once I'm ready to play I felt like at the end of this year I just from like May onwards I was traveling playing everywhere pretty much non-stop and I felt like at the end I was just too tired and I just started making a lot of mistakes and games that I shouldn't have so I think once I once I slowed it down a little bit play a little bit less it'll things will get back to normal but I just felt like I was traveling too much at the end of um at the end of this last year was way too much travel so d5 he had Queen a5 maybe I think now he's just giving up a free pawn and once I'm missing something here f-5e 5 is just winning be a sex Bishop d4 looks really nice Queen c7 Bishop to Bishop d4 okay so II 5 now I can take I don't have to take I mean maybe Bishop b4 was better than Bishop d4 actually I think it was so this isn't this isn't great but this should still be fine so push me to rook da 94 rook c8 rook c1 followed by 94-94 anyway 94 everywhere sorry who eat who eats bagels what so many what was that about bagels I saw something weird about bagels taka-kun okay I don't know what you guys are talking about with bagels and all that he should have played Bishop takes a - that was a free pawns on Queen takes a there's rook takes d4 so Knight c4 maybe Queen I can take I don't I don't really want to take Queen g5 looks interesting Queen d1 look sketch maybe Queen c2 Queen c2 looks okay Letha one two three says action Kuro please make an episode where you play a slower ranks we'd love you man I've played subs on several occasions this past week so I'll do another sub I'll do a sub only event soon enough so chest bassist Robert has was talking a lot about eating on the Protoss league stream well what exactly was he talking about in regards to eating I mean what I mean bagels are fine to eat but I mean bagels nutritionally have nothing so I've gotta takes on queen bee - he would play rook takes d4 so now I go queen bee 394 I can take maybe I can castle and take east six but I feel like playing an endgame to see her wait why did I do that was stupid why did I just do this so f3 I don't know why I just did whoa takes oh he's got rooks eat stupid not not smart so I'll play King G - I'll take probably now King D - what's happening in this I'm game I'm not sure if we trade what is happening so he's got an outside passed pawn probably I'm gonna get some pawns here in the center I didn't calculate this before going into it which probably was kind of insane Keeney 5 maybe I'll play king d3 I'll give him king of 4 if you want so I think I'll go to d4 so b5 now I'll play d4 g5 g 3 h5 King III and play a 4 create a passed pawn I can almost preme actually I will just because if he tries to run to be 6 - f pawns gonna Queen if King d4 he's got a 5 I guess but II five I just take I think and then I go King d3 King III King D for or king at 4 and I push the e pawn all the way up the board if I take King d3 actually Keeney through before run to spree move so he takes King III he can play a 6 just king d3 and King D 4 and he should just be lost here he five Keeney for I guess King V v e6 King D 6 a 5 I always am to faster so e 7 I take and I just make a queen so you were science that's one up yes he did play that in game pretty badly I won't disagree with that he he never should have fixed the pawns on b5 b4 that was a huge mistake so alright so but what just happened did I just drop some frames and I still here I'm still here or not what just happened something weird happened B 3 d6 297 there's something weird just happened there am i back here let's see what's going on I feel like I should be back but maybe not my back my back you guys are not am I am I losing my mind I'm back ok hopefully I'm back I just offered ride and feel like playing that game with a disconnection that's the only problem is since I am here this isn't my house and I'm also an apartment on like the fifth floor they're a bunch of like elect electronic devices all kinds of other stuff that's just screwing around with everything so yeah so I just offered a draw there I didn't really feel like playing playing that game just figure who cares about six points in the draw no Knight b6 Bishop b3 okay so Bishop d7 I'll take play like h3 no Bishop g4 I'll just castle knight c6 maybe d5 hit the knight rook e1 he'll probably take I'll take shredder Roy says actually I'm he car you are at champion car are you in New York because that is where you are registered to vote absolutely not I am not registered to vote in New York I'm in New York because I'm flying on Air Canada tomorrow to Toronto and then from Toronto on to Mumbai to plan the Tata Steel event in India so that's that's the reason I'm in New York I would never I mean I would never register to vote in New York I mean there's no point first of all I mean it's gonna be it's New York's always gonna vote Democrat no matter what in every single election I mean it seems like New Yorkers like to pay and sanely high taxes and I do not like to pay high taxes so no I would never register to vote in New York I'm registered to vote in Florida and I did early vote two weeks ago so I'd recommend to everyone out there though you should definitely go out and vote in this election it's a rookie to but no I would never register to vote in New York I mean I I think there I think New York has is insane in many many ways to a five a four thanks drop did I just lag again for a brief second there are you guys uh maybe I did anyway hmm maybe the connection is not not gonna be as stable today to fish about five or maybe it's not even that maybe maybe my stepfather's in the other room playing on chest comm are doing something insane for all I know he's using the internet now and that's why it's not working as well as yesterday for all I know I'm not sure but that's just a wild wild guess it's over k2 queen c5 I click 94 maybe or laughs maybe Bishop e3 Queen d5 doesn't really make sense so I guess all I'll grab the pawn in e7c what if he takes with the Queen or he takes with the night it takes for the knight to have 94 here maybe hit the Queen on c5 Queen c6 and maybe 96 96 rookie 7 Queen c7 but 27 I can wait take d5 then Ricky 796 Ricky 7 what is going on okay yeah I take on d6 on Ricky 7 I can play rook takes e7 I think or not Ricky 7 he's got Queen d6 okay but he just plays 96 and now I think I can just go Queen d5 if I'm not missing anything it doesn't look like I am I trust I'm not I have five ooh whoa the bishops under attack whoa and if I take and play like Knight g5 or something going for the old like smothered mate so check me yeah oh I never thought you'd get to actually do this in a game so I'm Rick g8 I've night f7 or not a gaming in like I never thought I'd get it doing an online stream where it's not um where the smother made is not the traditional one with you know Knight h6 queen GA so yeah I said ye old smothered mate so that brought weight d4 this is a weird order actually I can be funny and play Knight d6 here I'm gonna be funny and play 96 a night of fun yeah you old smother me what am I like Scottish or something that was a little bit weird so h3 Keaney 8 Thank You three wise fools for donating bits Thank You Mary's have for donating bits 92 maybe b7 Bishop g5 I'll play Bishop e6 I had a four there are a few different lines here I can take on g5 I can play Bishop d5 action I think it's the simplest way to play this yeah he could have played rook takes g8 and then I have Knight f7 Chuck take he'll take on e7 or d1 I can play c6 or work d8 I think I'll play c6 here just solidify the pawn structure a bit because I can always play rook t8 if I want to later so I'll take and go King e7 the only problem he might have had c4 takes an e6 I now I'll play H for tonight f3 maybe like rook D 894 now I can take and play an endgame and I should be fine I don't want to though so I'm gonna play Knight g3 idea c5 I'm not too worried about this pawn Sinagua c5 that might be a knight b3 b6 he might have had Knight be 596 that was possible maybe zucchini six so which format do I like most now I assume you guys are asking in terms of like chess I like them all I mean I kind of like rapid more than classical I mean I've gotten kind of used to playing quicker trust a little bit more and I think in general in slow just the draw rate is really high these days so I mean for the most part I do prefer like prefer rapid and blitz so I played g5 he takes 94 th floor and then I'm not sure if I have something thank you for Coldplay 1992 for for subscribing so I'll play 94 here if at 5 I just grabbed a pawn on e5 and I'm not not not afeared of anything on the e-file Gotham chest you should ask he car with his thoughts on NY is that is that in relation to what I said a second ago about whether I'm registered in New York the legendary magician says play the bond count bond cloud please Hikaru I I'll play it at some point but on this I think now I go f5 and he's almost he almost has to go king of three cuz if he takes I take king h4 f5 is mate King out through his rook g3 mate so I'll play g5 just try to open everything up immediately swim 19 says at Geum Hikaru sports betting sites are giving me 3 2 1 3 2 1 in the WC world championships should I take it 3 2 1 what do you mean by that you mean 3 2 1 and 4 Fabiano to win if you're getting 3 2 1 4 Fabiano 2 when you should take that bat 94 I can just take his rook g3 is checkmate d4 Knight f3 let's play the modified Bond cloud modify bond cloud rook e1 king of 1 nyet no draw no draw for you poor guy thinks he probably thinks I just now asleep with King e2 he doesn't realize that this action was fooling my intention to play this night a3 maybe c3 was better because now he's got night before night before night h4 maybe there goes a 6 I can place c3 I think I'll play Knight h4 and e for basically I think that's my intention efore and c3 try to get something normal here so c3 Knight be 592 Bishop c4 King g1 I think I've survived this hyzer Jax is disrespecting your opponent by not playing proper bond cloud theory alright I'll make sure to play proper bond cloud theory next game now somehow this position I'm still slightly worse tonight on h4 very slightly because I'm gonna need to bring it back at some point but I think the way I bring it back is not to f3 I think is gonna be the g2 so I'll play push buff one-take so I'll go f3 Knight g2 and try to hold it that way rook d3 now I think rook to e3 some mistakes I think I can play a 496 King e2 and the rook is trapped yeah 1916 you two and the rook on d3 is completely trapped so it's go to a 7 now I think now I can start to play for more so Keaney 2 moves the rook somewhere can play Bishop e3 there should be 3 meters from 94 so I'll play f3 protect the pawn Bishop e3 Knight g2 and rook d1 if I wanna or maybe 93-94 is another idea put pressure on the pawns on a5 and e5 so I mean I would say if you can get three to one on Fabiano I would definitely place a small bet on him I think at three to one I think it's objectively based on the performance in the last couple of months it should be closer than three to one objectively if if the if if those are the odds I probably would bet on uh I would I would bet a little bit on Fabiano it three-to-one I think you have to bet something it's a rook d7 I think I'll offer an exchange Brookes here Bishop d6 now I really want to get a Knight to c4 but I don't see how I can do that easily so I'll play 91-93 I think I'll play like Bishop g5 maybe hear Knight e3 next move take advantage of this pin pin to win Knight e3 I'm now starting to get a little bit spicy so let's see what he does here 97 I think I'll play Knight c4 because now Knight b6 I can take a 5 and B sub X an item d3 puck spawn so he has to go b6 now I will play maybe b4 to try and Oh or maybe Bishop e3 Bishop e3 make some sense to maybe be four try to open it up try to create a pass a pawn here and game culture says I will doom donate my groceries this week if you play him on if I play him on that's that's an interesting proposition so I'll play b5 I don't know if b5 that's right I've got a 5 I think I'll just try to keep building this up here like Knight B to make sure I get this dawn at night here and at some point I'm gonna play I'm a 5 it's just a question of one it takes I will take and I'm gonna take on d6 at some point so takes Knight c4 a5 is coming maybe not right away but I'm gonna play Bishop d2 and work it in slowly I'm gonna massage them so g5 mistakes I played g4 fix all his pawns on the dark squares and we've got dark square bishop so that has to favor me now I'll play h3 protect the pawn first maybe Bishop c3 and actually now I can go 93 Knight a5 Ethan and actually I don't know Casey had some c4 takes 95 but 95 I just got a 5 so if he plays c4 I take 95 and I go a five and if 90 for a 6 maybe it's not so easy because you still got 96 and it's got Knight c8 here maybe there should be 7th of a seven-night c8 I play Knight a5 95 95 King a for 93 a7 and I think I just win here he can't stop the pawn he just can't stop the a pond from cleaning so resins that's another one so that's what like four in a row I think it's three in a row if you count to draw four if you don't let's keep playing weird stuff in situ I'll play a 5 maybe e4 c6 as possible at some points B for play c6 cut off this d5 square from the from the night maybe just Knight up 7 should be to Queenie 7 I'll play like rook d8 or maybe now c5 I think I'll play e4 I'll play a 94 95 trade push b6 what are the other questions take he's got 92 now that's the only problem I'm very slight problem not a big deal so if he trades a trip to ignite a fork weenie seven probably he'll trade Queen B - I'll just go King jigs on Queen f6 he can trade and go rook d7 and start infiltrating this might be hard to win this is the only thing I'm worried about so I'll play a five try to try to play against these pawns to work 81 I'll just take if Rick d7 I can always play work d8 I think and I should be doing quite well here assuming I'm not blunder 96 just Queen e6 the knight protects the rook protects now aged five I just take so he trades and now he's gonna now he's got the back rank problem when he treats the rooks he can't take there's made on d1 although actually he's got 96 coming Oh maybe Queen D it was wrong he can push like a pawn and then maybe I'm actually not gonna be up a pawn here I thought this was really good no I'm looking at it's like uh-oh wait check King H tonight at h6 maybe 96 96 Queen d7 maybe I should have played 96 first though Queen before 94 King g3 Queen g1 that looks like made on eh - if you tits Oh Queen B 494 King G 3 Queens you want threatens made on h2 Queen c4 King f8 96 King e7 and that's winning Rory 32 says what do you think about Magnus's sister saying that he might retire if he loses the match that one shocked me at all actually if he lost the match that would not shock me in the least so that seems like a very almost too honest of an answer from his sister because I think that's very true so alright so let's see so what's he gonna do now all right so wait for some more proper questions so he does take so what am I missing Knight g4 kingi three Queens you one Queen b3 King f8 96 key seven Queen b7 is enough for a draw between b3 King g7 Queen B southern king h6 I think I'm in time here right cuz came g7 because queen h2 is just a huge main threat maybe to King h6 and how does he stop made on each - cuz I don't see it I don't think you can't no I can't stop made on h2 so it's another one maybe yeah now I'll play Bishop a4 play London there should be seven III councils Bishop d3 d5 92 c5 c3 or b6 I think I'll just castle here I'm not worried about Bishop e6 just c3 c5 95-97 Queen c2 or knight c6 still Queen c2 maybe although here h6 work 81 rook c8 queen v1 is my idea or Knight f3 also possible so c4 especially to defy so he wants to attack so now I'll play e4 try to open it up a little bit Gotham says wait what's that mosquitoes chest baby Ryback cooking the stew what's - are you making trustee I'm curious what's - the goulash look or something or like what kind of stew that's gonna that's gonna start making me hungry now Hank Otto says when you've dedicated your life to your whole life - one thing it must be hard to find something new I feel like that's an issue no matter what you do in life I mean it's it's it's tough okay I can maybe take but I'm just gonna retreats on takes maybe at night takes d5 hitting the bishop and I he has to take with the pawn I'm pretty happy but if he doesn't done so now I will take take this way so he takes the pawn which is what I wanted and now I've got to find some things so I think I'll play Knight of 193 Knight f5 that seems like a pretty reasonable idea maybe taking this wrong so maybe I gave him 9594 here but it felt like the right thing to do to kind of simplify the structure if black can get a 5 a 4 a 3 [Music] then it then it then it could be dangerous but here it's gonna be hard Adam Oh heart says he Caro are you a hockey fan oh yes I'm actually a huge hockey fan hockey is the only sport that I follow pretty regularly these days so I mean is there a hockey question in there or not or is it just a general one I mean it's gonna be a long year for me as a as a hockey fan because I mean the the teams that I generally follow were playing pretty terribly this year so it could be a very long season so 95 I just played Bishop e4 but should be for work e4 Adamo hearts are just curious I'm a big bolts fan curious about your teams yeah well none of my teams were playing well this year so it could be a if I take he's got Bishop H to teenage to Queen d6 so I'll take the dark square bishop instead if he plays rook e5 there's Bishop eh7 actually bishops hanging anyway so it doesn't matter um yeah so the bolts I mean I kind of was rooting for the bolts last year because they've basically taken every the Rangers have traded everyone to the Lightning it seems like I mean half their team it feels like or X Rangers so I do like the bolts at the moment um but the teams that I generally supported the Rangers the Florida Panthers occasionally not lately ever since they let yaagh or walk away I haven't really been a huge fan so like yeah I mean it's it's generally the Panthers and the Rangers and it used to be the Canucks for a while but the management in Vancouver has been so bad for a while now that I kind of just stopped following I tuned out so I'll play h3 g3 salsa pause but I want to play e6 maybe Queens c4 let's see if I go king h2 play like f3 maybe and after in d5 like rook d4 maybe Queen takes b2 rookie for if management wasn't so bad in Vancouver I would still root for the Canucks pretty pretty seriously but the management just so bad that it's hard for me not to root for them and the Panther is much of the same but the Panthers just aren't very good this year at least they haven't been good for a while now and the Rangers never should have let everyone go last year they decided to go in this full rebuild mode which I thought was just utterly insane the team was still good enough to compete and they just let they just started trading everyone away and that that was very upsetting so f6 me that's Rona check an e6 if Queen c1 I can play Queen e4 to cover the check he can't take because I know about rook b8 mate and he just resigned ok so it's another one in the books Bishop g5 I'll play c5 I mean the other team that I occasionally like have like tonic ate the other team that I occasionally root for are the Avalanche as well but I haven't really been much of an avalanche guy in general so sometimes I like to make with that team with all the young guys but yeah so thank you Clara Cottontail for gifting a tier 1 sub to Chautala Rose shocked all night g2 I'll play d6 just like 97 Knight f6 they're actually got Knight up for maybe not so ideal but see and I just hung a pawn for no good reason he didn't see it wish me to a completely 5 here maybe not crazy about a 5 but I don't see anything better to do right off so I'll just play it I'll make my pawns a little bit loose here nice 5 I'll take I'll play off four offers I'll take the dealt with the weak double F pawns to open the diagonal so he plays efore so now I can play f5 I guess I've got to be careful not to let him get Bishop g4 where this really bad dark square Bishop live from the eight five zero says at GMT card dream car um I don't know if I have a dream car at the moment I mean I would like to have a Porsche at some point that would be nice like I mean I guess like the the Carrera probably that that would be my dream car at the moment that would be my dream car at the moment that I would say the Carrera that's that's probably my dream car at the moment but that that's subject to change Tesla yeah Tesla's always there as well but Tesla's Tesla I mean I've been in Tesla's on several occasion and they're completely fine but I'm not I'm not a big Tesla guy I mean I obviously in pro-environment but I feel like they're gonna be better cars that come out sooner or later and again I think the technology some of the other companies are gonna come up with technology that's just as good maybe maybe not um like it could be Google with way it could be the bots is it box there's some like the but it's not called the box there's some like box car startup I forget the name I saw some article in Bloomberg there they're pretty interesting too so I don't know I mean I think they're they're they're they're gonna be company as a catch-up II dog 3650 says do you like Tesla stock um I'm kind of annoyed at myself i I think on a stream maybe maybe actually the stream I did around like xx whenever whenever I did one of the first room I've done in a while I mentioned tussle stock and it was that like it was right around 300 I think it was right before the jump up and I had this sneaky feeling that it might uh then it might break out and I'm kind of annoyed because it was on my radar and then I didn't didn't do anything but in general I mean I think Tesla's is fine as long as Elon Musk just doesn't open his mouth if Elon Musk can just be quiet I think everything is good in tussle and the problem is when Elon Musk can't be quiet then bad things start happening to the company and the stock as well so Rick h5 I think I can play Queen e8 here maybe try to pick up the pawn on g6 but I mean Elon Elon Musk is obviously a genius there's no there's no doubt about that that much is a hundred percent clear so okay takes rook e5 queen d8 I don't see it cuz I'm Ricky six I can always just go rook up sexy he if he could get the pawn to d7 he'd be doing great rookie six were tough six but yeah basically I mean Elon Musk is an absolute genius I don't think anyone can dispute that but the way he goes about a lot of these things it's completely wrong so b4 may be Queen e1 then doesn't look and if I take Queen e5 okay I just play Bishop d6 I think I can Queenie for King g7 Roorkee Aegis Queen d7 I'm fine or can't yeah kimchi some I've said won't allow Queen h7 oh did you disconnect or something II dog 3650 says do you like Chinese stocks right now they are so undervalued currently um no I don't like Chinese stocks I think every I mean as far as Chinese stocks go flip flip a coin if you think if you think there's gonna be a the trade trade war all the disputes regarding tariffs IP and all that is gonna be resolved within the next say six months and I would say probably you should go long at this point so I don't feel like there's a ton of downside but if you don't really I mean it really comes down to like straight up a binary you know binary outcome if you really believe there's gonna if the issues are gonna be resolved in the short term or not if the issues are gonna be resolved then I think it's it's quite reasonable to buy Chinese stocks but I mean I think you have to flip a coin flip a coin and and and figure out if you actually think the deal is gonna happen or not tonight have six councils 94-96 probably ninety five there should be seven fish puffs one take I'll Castle 98 556 c6 93 Bishop e7 fish about six Queen e2 right on this one I think what was the move I think it's just d5 97 King h8 I think I had this against amigos maybe in the in the sink filled cup blitz maybe I think so d3 just like 96 as far as tariffs go no I don't agree with tariffs what I think is true is there are certain points in regards the issues with China that make some sons for example I think it definitely okay one second you guys Ricky eight maybe never just Ricky seven he's gonna go see three I assume at some point I may be just like rookie seven Ricky eight I think in regards like IP those sorts of things are the Trump administration certainly has a case that there are some things that needed to be changed but again I don't think things are gonna change anytime soon and I don't think China's gonna back down so I don't really see any anything being resolved soon unless there's political gain I don't see any political gain coming once the midterms happen there's little that can be done that's gonna change anything until the 2020 election so I just I don't really buy it I don't think the Chinese I think the Chinese are smart enough to know that nothing's gonna happen so I I kind of just don't see see much happening in the way in the way of a breakthrough so push me to so I can trade I don't want to trade I'll try to play on keep the game going for you guys rather than being super boring and just you know making a draw so maybe D for I don't really want to play D Forks and we'll go c4 if I played b5 I weak in my pawns so let's go King g7 and I don't want to play Queenie somewhat I don't actually know why I did this I should have just traded the Queen's and made a draw because now this could get a little bit unpleasant so Bishop before maybe I'll play Knight b5 or maybe a five I'll play a five here we need three but now I think I can play d4 maybe and when he takes I go Knight b5 and I'm happy now mods work for free that's actually a mean car when are you gonna play play fortnight probably never I I really don't want to that would be very upsetting to me to play for at night I hope that I don't have to play for a night that would be very that would just be bad II dog 336 50 says in my first year in college and just started investing and really enjoyed it except the market correct right when I got in that's actually probably the best thing you could ask for honestly is like in a way because if you if you just start a college that means I mean you're what like 20 you're like 19 18 19 I mean just save some money and buy cheap just try to try to average average dollar average cost everything and buy some stuff cheap I mean it's really good because um if you're 18 or 19 you've got you've got a 30 year time horizon so you know over the over a long period of time you're gonna you're gonna recover everything so it's that that's actually fantastic in a way even even if you have some short-term losses it's really good so I don't know how I can win this this is probably just a complete draw you know what's wrong I think I'm gonna try to put upon an a3 maybe it wasn't b3 just winning upon what b3 what did I miss something Bishop d4 oh you mean I could have played Queen takes nobody queen d4 is just a draw if I did that so that's why I didn't play that that one um now let's see if I can do something maybe Queen B to Queenie to c5 cuz he can't he can't ever trade the Queen's but I can't really do much either so maybe I can play like yeah it's just a draw just a draw ooh whoa no but now I can take and I can hide behind everything Keeney seven well what was that that was just a very careless blunder by him because now I can hide on g7 and Queen f2 and he's just busted so I got Queen F 1 and E 2 also wow those that was very weird maybe maybe he got aggressive thought that he was up ten seconds and he just flagged me huh that was very weird okay hmm very strange tonight of three I mean I might play for at night at some point but I don't know enough about it and it sounds like another shoot-'em-up kind of game and I've never been one who likes those sorts of video video games on my computer you know I've just never been that kind of a guy he's 6 b2 I'll Castle 84 cd4 or cd8 e for play 95 here or maybe a 3 I think I'll play Knight b3 try to force him what he wants to do with this C pawn Knight e4 maybe 90 to my night here on see one's a little bit clumsy but I can probably play Bishop d1 bishop c2 and a 92 I think I'll play like Bishop c2 here try it try to exchange the bishops and now overnight e2 and probably I'll take at some point on g6 maybe right now actually and I think I'll play b3 I'll try to try to force it open here on the on the Queen side out on my terms queen bee a tricky one maybe threatened to take on c4 now I can take on c4 and play I don't know like rook b5 or b7 rook d7 looks like a good try rooks e7 or b1 rook b8 repeat one trade the rooks off and now the weird thing is I don't think I should take with the night I thought about it did but I think I'm gonna take with the pawn here Queenie 8 maybe it's too slow though I don't know if I can get anything going so repeat - thank you trust pay for gifting a tier 1 sub 2 Dragon Ball Z I'll just go like King eh - I guess I have to give him the B file I don't want to but Queen B - hey 3 to stop B for now I want to put a knight on f3 like 91 Knight f3 is the ideal positioning for my night but he wants to go like Queen eight for Queen b3 I'm not I don't think I'm worried cuz I can still put the Queen on c1 and I can hold all these pawns cuz Queen b3 Queen c1 I still hold the pawns nicely and I don't see anything anything anything really going on so Queen c1 maybe 92 is an idea Queen a - logical how do I break through King G 397 could be a slight issue then go go team g1 he's got 95 here I'm well aware of this maybe now f5 f5 might be too much how do I do this so if I play d4 Knight b3 or f5 GF Queen g5 96 Queen h5 Queen a3 that's probably a wait what am I thinking yeah just f5 queen of for Queen f4 is the square knot not g5 so I'm queen of 496 I have Queen d6 it's a queen a4 so 96 I have Queen d6 and he can't do anything he might have to play f6 here f6 age 5 and then who knows what's going on because I've sex I can maybe click Queen b8 Queen b5 Queen d5 also probably it's a draw as much whoa Queen a3 whoa what is this takes Queen B 5 Queen d8 eyes got Queen da lucky so I'll put tonight on g5 it's anchored by the pawn if he moves tonight I'll go clean b7 if he plays f6 I think 96 is pretty dangerous now Queen e7 I think I can play Queen d5 or queen bee a but Queen d5 looks right jiminy Jimmy mu says yo naka what's your next big tournament my next big tournament will be the tata steel event it starts on November 7 so in a couple of days King h7 that's a good move now maybe h5 try and soften up everything over here a little bit more and now I think Knight f4 makes sense so that I can take the nights hanging everything's kind of a little bit loose here King H two cakes Chuck he had Queenie for I miss Queenie for actually a little bit lucky so I'll check I'll tickle them I'll take h5 with Chuck King f8 walks into night g6 take again and now let's see how do I do something here it made him maybe Queen Queen e8 Queen g6 95 doesn't make sense maybe like Knight g6 Queen a to throw on a check throw in a chuck kinney h6 gets mated throwing a check throw in a check in Queen g6 and gg-good night that's all she wrote okay so that's to next game Knight f6 takes d5 play done game straight 741 Bishop e6 h g5 work h6 takes G for this this line I'll complain I th for hope the DeLorean such s is so easy when you're a super GM well I mean sometimes chess is easy sometimes it's not considering the way I've played lately I don't know if I would say trust is easy so I'll play Bishop c5 stop 94 c5 was possible to but somehow I just like the concept of preventing some f4 like a bishop moving on f4 just to prevent that a little bit so maybe I'll throw in a check if I take he's got night at four if I take and take on e5 he's got what it's a he's still got night at four and then there are some issues maybe so if I play h4 here what about h4 to try and force the bishop to move don't know if this works or it doesn't work thank you for a chest for donating 1000 bits nova plexi tube says man I wish I was up to this channel well you could be you just got to subscribe tonight five I will take what's going on here came out 3G 393 work d5c 453 work d3 bishop f2 lots going on here again Zurich d5 2.c4 it's definitely move so c4 rook t 353 bishop f2 King G - maybe I'm really not sure what's going on here I suspect I'm okay but maybe it's not so easy so oh he play it takes isn't c2 and I've all the pawns are hanging here I guess he can make a draw with rookie sub and that's his plan although I'm not sure if this is an easy drug so I can go King G a trick f8 and I b2 is hanging which my rook protects b7 rook f8 ok so yeah so it's just a draw so I saw from a draw maybe he won't take it whoa a4 whoa well I still can play rook a to I reach like the same kind of endgame so I don't I don't actually understand what he's trying to accomplish here because it's the same thing as if he had just taken because he's gonna have to take both pawns anyway and so I'm gonna put the rook here and try to I mean this is just a draw obviously so let's see kini for I'll throw in a Chuck I'll probably go King f3 I assume and then king d3 okay now I just know I offer the draw I mean no need to play on just a dead draw so next game so so III maybe c3 Cinderella says have you ever played against reckful no I have not played against reckful not yeah I haven't played against Byron I assume you mean John Stehr you mean Wow what which which game do you mean that's the first first question actually play Knight d4 maybe maybe I've got night b5 tricks coming he plays Bishop Jesus maybe there's Knight d5 okay so he's so he was worried about that too so now maybe I take with the I guess I'll take with the C pawn he can trade trade Queens and play like a six or something pretty boring pretty pretty pretty boring so like Bishop before I can throw in a check maybe Tyrone or Chuck is king e7 I've got rook c7 so I throw on the check first and then I play a3 next move and I think blacks got some problems here so I'll play a three so maybe he'll take maybe not hikaru is a nerd thank you for that I mean in this day and age being called a nerd is not actually a bad thing seems like society finally is trending more in favor of the intellects so thank you for the compliment appreciate it it's a Bishop a5 I can play b4 I think I'll just play like I play f32 but kingi to a6 I think I'll play keen YouTube's on ie6 maybe I've got night b3 maybe 595 suffer k5 there's Bishop c7 track so I I mean I don't know if he'll play a six here but if he does maybe I can go night b3 Revenge of the Nerds so King e7 now that seems slightly off night b3 maybe a four here with a six I'll play a five ah but he can play rook c8 ah forgot about wait bishop d8 a six be a sex bishop c6 maybe it's not so not so fast so I've got bishop c6 here the bishop c6 rook b8 there should be eight rook b8 Bishop a4 Brooke before maybe it's not so easy maybe I'll just I think maybe I'll just take on ax Bishop c6 rook be it seemed rather unclear so tink Bishop d6 I think I'll play f3 hear idea to play g4 also just take away squares create some some freedom create some space for my my pieces as well so tonight c5 I'm Michael Knight a for Detroit exchange in play rook c7 and he's got to be careful here except King d7 that's probably a good move Knight c5 I 95 he'll just move the King I'm just gonna throw it on quickly and now I'll think I'm gonna play b4 here again maybe I'll play Knight c5 maybe I'll keep waiting f6 feels like there should be something some way here like e4 Knight c5 takes maybe g4 maybe beef I know b5 the night c4 hmm just not seeing it so I'm gonna offer a trade I I don't see a way to progress so I'm just gonna play something I don't know if that is h4 h5 g5 if Bishop e8 maybe fish BHS fish basics cover the square I'll play B 5 6 put put upon here protect it with the bishop and go King D through King D 3 and E 4 is probably what I'll do next King D 3 if King g6 I have rook G 1 7 l plea for try to open it up King off 7 plate a 5 here maybe I shall play e5 offer I mean either way he takes I get a nice looking bishop here ok fate maybe f4 although he doesn't get King g6 King out 5 maybe so I'll put the King on e3 and no way to ID Bishop e7 and rook g1 do I have checkmate oh no he's Bishop d4 King D for rookie 7 so I'll go Bishop c5 now I play Chuck if King h4 King f3 is just me right rookie h1 checkmate Chaka MOT Chaka MOT next game so chai latte kena wah says what is your favorite type of food Thank You nightmares zero one for subscribing alright a 5 we're gonna play the same same n game so it's alright so the question is what is my favorite kind of food ok 9h for Bishop c5 we'll play the same do the same dance again until they shows something better I'll just do it I'll just keep playing this right so what was what's my favorite food was the question I believe I like all kinds of food sometimes it's Japanese I've always been a big fan of sushi so I love sushi that's that's probably my favorite I would say objectively but the problem with sushi is it's not always good either so that kind of makes it a little bit tough to riff d1 Bishop e6 no Burke d7 cuz King e8 I'm gonna play like g6 and king e7 or maybe just rookie now I'll play g6 and murky a probably age 5 go go let's see so if I take he'll take with the pawn so I was play work e8 takes F G H p gfg Thank You Clara caught Intel for gifting a sub the rookie one rupee one rupee too even if he gets a Knight to f6 I don't think he's in time for more than a draw I think Knight f6 is just a draw he needs that he needs like he needs his King somehow although maybe he can get his King I actually got King out for here which could be a slight problem King out for could be actually a rather serious issue here and he does see it unsurprisingly so when I take I can take and I can g5 rook c2 King g6 rook takes f2 is no good so I play key night Knight f6 I've got nothing I can maybe play Birkhoff one rook f1 where's my reps on p1 so by taking g5 this looks kind of dangerous this looks maybe just bad actually [Music] d4 work h7 this might just be backsies he's just got this King g5 that I completely overlooked so work up one f3 and then I've got a cone with something okay I'll play work off one let's see so I'll go work f1 don't take I don't pray that I'm not blundering something stupid here so there's page 4 maybe now I've got rook f4 g5 maybe I can run the other way but actually what am i doing I'm just this is just terrible he's got rook c7 careless very careless maybe maybe I can still try to do something here I don't know like b6 I don't really know what I'm doing though this probably just busted completely a7 work a4 so obviously put his Knight somewhere my only hope is maybe I can sack and get some end game or he doesn't have anything anything much going on so okay 7 play work f2 so it does that so I'll take I'll obviously take and this is the best thing I can hope for some kind of end game here or maybe I can draw it and maybe actually it's not so easy here for white to win now I'm looking at this a bit closer this is actually kind of similar to my game against Ali so I'll throw in a shag if King e6 rookie - keenie 5 I'll throw on it Chuck and actually this looks home actually wait is this exactly my game against Eliana which is slightly different version this might be this looks this looks exactly I think this is my Eliana game except slightly different I think the configuration could have put a knight on c3 and or no I sorry I did I had a a G pod not um not a not it not in each pond so nevermind it's slightly different takes it takes maybe let's chase 700 yeah I gave him this one uh-oh it's wreckage 497 maybe 27 if king c7 I've got work aged 796 maybe now throwing a Chuck can see it King it okay King c6 I think this is actually losing if I'm not mistaken with correct play but I'm not 100% sure I think it's losing but I could be wrong oh and I just blunder I just wondered made yeah right I think rook e8 rook g7 might be losing but I'm not a hundred percent sure probably I went of loss because of the time situation but I think I think we're okay h8 rook rook g7 was winning if I'm not asking anyway whatever thought that was fairly stupid but c3 so II six before I think is this what I did against Wesley this might be what I did against Wesley and the in Louvre and I lost this crazy not crazy i Ross losses just ridiculous game to him like 10 moves maybe d6 I don't know what I'm doing what am i doing this game I I don't I want to put a bishop on c7 but it seems kind of insane I don't know what I'm doing this game but I think that last one I think it's losing on Rick h8 rook rook rook jeez seven I think is losing if I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure it's losing but I could be wrong so III see five I'll play a four to go Bishop b5 castles 92 maybe Knight b3 next move so he just goes Bishop d6 kind of in some trouble here slightly worse maybe not terrible but not not good not good that's for sure there should be two Bishop g4 h3 clappy 21 says he carves in a good mood I'm generally in a good mood I mean there's no reason not to be in a good mood c4 is possible I think I'll just play Knight g5 take the bishop on e6 if I can but no I didn't I didn't I didn't run today I was not running in the marathon I was just in the city because my brother was running in the marathon so yeah so I was I was not I was not in the marathon today takes Queen up six a night of 3e4 and I mean this is maybe slightly worse for me maybe but I I feel like I should be okay here so e f3 Knight f3 Kings you won next move looks pretty decent D fives hanging over c8 rook c1 maybe this looks pretty reasonable so now let's see it's rook c8 C 1 C 6 I think I'll just munch because I can and rook b6 may be Queen a5 or just king g1 not sure how precise I need to be if work d8 still Queen 85 so I'll just take the pawn I don't because if you ever plays Knight h4 does King Chee 195 King G 1 and I don't see how he ever meets me here because my kings very very safe in this position the cake 979 71 says add Jim Hikaru if you could be twenty seven fifty kilo equivalent of poker or sport which would it be I would love to be an be it 2750 at a sport I mean sports is just you make a lot more money first of all to state the obvious but I I mean just just being good at a sport like that would just be awesome so Queen d6 I can plate like Queen g5 maybe in Queen g4 if that five I've got Queen C for track that's the whole that's what I'm banking on here cuz he wants to go Queen g3 it's now I'll go Brooke b1 if rook seat to I think I can go Knight d4 hitting the rook and then f5 loose so we trade rooks so I'm up a pond here probably this is a draw again with croc to play but I'm I'm up a pond I'm up 40 seconds on the clock as well so 95 takes 24 it takes I think I work e8 let's see what's going on here if I if I take maybe I'll just take and go King off to now I think this should be winning whoops suicide like rook b5 doesn't make sense you need work be three and a five work a for work b5 so King g6 I think I'll throw in a Chuck I'll take because now I get the pawn to a7 and this should be winning so I think I can run this way so I think I can go this way this way and this way maybe it's not so easy so it can be three I've got rook before work a for that should be wedding yes this must be winning so Jack work a for rook takes a 7 g5 I think just like rook a to King's before let's see King d5 G for king e5 wait I just must play this in hell no I can take and go g3 and he done f2 I just take and king out for and he just loses so okay yeah so you just resigns okay so next game he for okay enough enough of this stuff let's play something slightly different so much to pay for Knight f6 which one do I want to play let's play an open let's see what he wants to do 90 to 95 three Bishop e7 oh he wants to play this one okay this is just a draw I thing some how I think you take c2 and now I think it's rook f5 if I remember correctly it's rook out fiber with d5 I can't remember exactly which one urn oh it's Bishop c5 maybe anyway this is a pretty pretty boring again so let's just see hanging off seven probably trade [Music] Merc a7 Bishop d6 should be fine Rick a7 rook c8 also I think just Bishop d6 looks looks completely fine it's a g4 roof t5 just put the rook on a safe square here if b3 work d3 Bishop e6 ah so Rick c8 what he's gonna go c4 okay so you go c4 take but I think on roof b5 takes king g6 I should be fine here unless I'm missing something so takes king g6 and this looks like just a draw so I'm just gonna take I've just trade everything on c7 and b2 hangs at the end so should just be a draw and what's I'm missing something but I don't think I am actually maybe I've got Bishop c5 this Bishop c5 actually it's right no then he then he has rook a five so it's not a thot wait Bishop c5 waits on Bishop c5 h5 King of six wait Bishop c5 Bishop Bishop c5 Bishop e5 Bishop a sub and there's no mate Bishop e5 h5 King f6 let's see it I don't see maybe I'm missing something but I'm not 100% sure that White's not in trouble here so if he goes work a5 I'm gonna draw the arrows if he goes work a5 I take Bishop a5 Bishop takes F to discovery picking up the rook on C force at age five King of 6 and if you move the rook offs he just hangs the bishop did he actually just blunder this he might have just blundered this because I don't see I get to get move the bishop like no but if he moves a bit off to like a for I still take enough to sew Ruka for King g5 and I think I'm just winning here actually cuz now if we r k5 I still take as a rook on off for hanks at the end after Bishop a5 no he just lost he's just completely busted here he's just busted no I just take fish before Qing Zhu for GG and I can even just play King G for so he just resides awesome fish before actually I did win that last game didn't I when I shouldn't have so I'll take on c5 begun with g4 maybe there should be five clean i-5 Knight c3 e 6 maybe Queen d4 Queen d4 looks good because now I can take and go or beat b4 is a huge threat here and if he plays a6 I take take and go b4 now here no b4 then he'll play Queen b5 so I take this actually looks really really nice a 6 Chuck D for feels like something's gone wrong so I'm Queen eight through there might be rook b1 here Queen a3 okay I've got night b1 maybe hmm nye b1 is option is an option but it's not what I want to do bishop c7 maybe rook B 1 a 5 so how do I stop a thigh that's the question here if I Castle a fiber p1 takes work before Queen a7 or p6 Queen 85 okay for I will castle he's gonna play a 5 rupee 1a before work before in fact he has to take some threatening work be through trapping the Queen tonight covers a 4 so tags for before and I will see if I'm missing something here I don't see it right off 9a 494 f6e that could be a bit of a problem a problem maybe Bishop d6 'if I've that's a problem to infer k4 I feel like I had something here but I kind of let the thread go I feel like I had something here something something something felt something went wrong so rookie one lousy five maybe Bob but then I've got rook b8 shock so if if I played rook b8 I think so it plays f6 that's a weird move with now can't take over P 3 P 3 Queen C 1 and I've rook a 4 okay for Queen a for Queen C 6 Queen C 5 let's see I'm work b3 Queen c1 King G 2 so ok time to think last big think that I can take hear me over K 4 takes okay I'll play it I'll just play X I don't see anything better than this and I'm not sure if it's good so let's see soap Queen c3 maybe Queen eh shock king of seven rupees seven I mean I'm way down a time here so I'll pre move Knight a4 just in case he does it I don't think he will so he takes I'll throw in a check if King f7 I'm gonna go rook B sub and hit and the night on d7 is under attack and it can't be protected if he plays King e7 I think Bishop d6 King f7 and then rook b7 it's the same thing so King f7 repeat 7 I think he's in trouble again somehow somehow he just he's not quite finding the right moves at the right right time jiΓΉ jiΓΉ jiΓΉ jiΓΉ Massa mom t says at GM Hikaru you more nervous to play Andrew tang 30-second online or Carlsen classical OTP um if this was 10 years ago I would say Carlsen for for sure but I'm just not as fast at bullet as I used to be so I mean definitely I won't want to play Tang at 30 seconds he's he's he's he's a very he's very good at clicking very quickly with the mouse he's much better at than I than I am King e8 Chuck King of five no mate here Queen h5g 4 so I will just take the knight on d7 Queen h v g5 there was no maid as far as I could tell so I will just drop the bishop back to g3 h5 but now I think I can go eat 4 right and wherever he goes I take on e6 and he's just getting Bostick's I've also got rooked III at the end so I can go rook d3 Chuck and he loses the roof d3 and that's all she wrote next game I'll play e5 Knight c6 there should be five Knight f6 don't play another oh why did I play this I didn't want to play the Berlin again why did I do this I'll play a different line done b-36 97 96 okay what I think there should be four well clicking yeah I mean the difference is that he's just he's very fast at cooking he's much faster at that than I am I mean I'm not gonna pretend that I'm that I have great speed I mean my my the reason I'm very fast is I'm very good at anticipating what people are gonna do so it's more anticipation than actually like you know oh wow just I'm always just blitzing and playing like a genius Bishop d2 I'll play a5 a4 so let's play a for now this is this B 4 squared becomes very enticing go c6 or d5 and I've got B 4 and D for both both squares are very loose now I think I'm doing well hey rook d8 knight c6 hit the pawn on e5 a for maybe night before night c2 why not when in doubt just go for it the only problem here is my kings on b7 I would like my king to be on f7 here instead of be something that's the only thing that I'm not happy about in this position so night c2 I'm probably trade he goes rook g1 okay also logical maybe I can play like just H v g6 King you for I think I'll just play King see I try to get my King a little bit closer here for the resulting on game so he takes I'll take the King I just want my king like closer to the center here rather than on b7 so I figure he might try and get a pasty pawn and it's better if my King is closer to the center then further away rook c1 I could take I'm gonna play Knight d4 probably not a good move objectively but knight c6 try to go to d4 but he missed the boat he needed to play for f5 right away cuz now after g6 king e7 Rick d6 I just go 98 sir rook d2 and I felt I should have gone Keaney a to play 97 actually that would have made much more sense but again because I was able to create this structure the pawns are always loose because of the square is like like d4 do one okay so I was all this way to move or to I'm gonna good I'm gonna go 97 95 at some point he plays g4 I think I can take and maybe play g5 I don't know if g5 is logical or not probably it's not so I'll just start waiting but again my kings on EA versus b7 so it's much it's placed perfectly here Fishbach - I can maybe play g5 no I still can't so I think I'll play King up 8 because in the night covers d8 the row covers h7 and our g5 is possible but I still don't like it so I'm just gonna I'm gonna wait here I'm just gonna see what he wants to do okay that's the draw yeah okay so that's another draw if he wants to keep making draws with white I'm losing with black that's that's perfectly fine by it by me so I will just play c3 take the pawn u6b for oh wait is this an Queen b3 and we'll see what he wants to do here much longer wants place we please 94 did I miss play this is this kind of starting to turn into something like my Wesley game this feels awfully like my Wesley game III a B for C V for Queen up six is a huge problem a three takes takes Queen f6 and I just lose Bishop c1 is really asking for it an IP d2 doesn't look right III I think I'll just Chuck upon and just pray that I'm okay here maybe Bishop e5 try to make sure that he that I close this diagonal so you can't put a bunt g7 and you can't also put a queen on f6 Knight e5 but I've got your b5 track blooming I'm not so sure this is this is the way he should have played it he's still probably as Bishop g7 and he should be okay but it doesn't feel quite right so there should be seven so I'll throw in a Chuck I'll drop the knight to d3 so if he takes I'll just take back with the Queen and I'm even though my structure is pretty ridiculous here I still am up a pawn but Queen a5 is a good move that I did not see and now I have major there are no major problems I guess I'll Castle this doesn't look very good this does not look attractive at all Knight c3 now if I take I think if I take he's got ninety two's if I trade he has 92 King h1 rook takes a five and then the rook is hanging on a one so I have to trade takes b1 maybe Brooke see actually Brooke c1 was maybe better Brooke c1 probably was better cuz this I'm just down upon this one I'm just down upon for nothing but maybe here I just play against this bad bishop so maybe here I can just play like h3 a night before at some point yeah maybe I should have played f3 though not not H or f3 so I could have played efore because now this doesn't look very good at all this just looks like a big old pile of garbage so c6 takes Bishop f5 and then for p5 try to exchange face chest thank you face for gifting a tier 1 sub 2 super Sayan 95 and maybe I can I can drop the bishop back to like d3 or f1 and so I'm not completely toasted here so Bishop d3 looks correct to try and exchange the bishops if I can reach an endgame down a pond it's probably pretty bad but it's probably not just lost that's the one good thing but now with now he messed up the structure because he he fixed the pawn on d5 and efore so now it's gonna be a lot harder to win this it feels like he did something wrong here Bishop b5 make sure I cut this diagonal now I've got 94 knight c6 threats 94 he can't move the bishops knight c6 now he's gonna have to play Bishop c3 and it's gonna be a draw he completely bungled this and I just got g4 fix the pawns and at some point is to play d4 and it's just um okay wants to h5 I'll take he might be getting frustrated because the h5 is kind of not not not not a great move to f4 can take and play f3 even I think I'll just take and play off three and this is just gonna be a draw king d4 I'm gonna play like Keaney too as long as I don't let him get a king to e3 I can't lose this so keen e5 Bishop c6 now you can never push he hangs upon and yeah now it's just gonna be a draw so okay I said I got lucky that when I should have just lost that game so alright next game let's see what he wants to do is you want to play another Berlin now let's see it 96 so this guy's content to play Berlin's day after day night after night so h3 king c8 d 3 h6 so I guess we'll see rookie one Bishop before we might see this exact same wine maybe I mean I he can't really do anything else different so 94 c5 trade at sea iwi ltw says is he car gonna wear a new hat every stream that's not the intention but I might I mean I right now I'm at home so or I mean action I'm in New York my where I grew up so they're a bunch of old hats old everything lying around so that's why I'm wearing a wearing all these random caps so King d7 if rook f7 just rook g8 and then King e8 so I go keen e8 anyway now I've got rook da truck f8 so we'll see what he wants to do here so rook d3 epsilon mu but I think I can still just play like not a5 obviously but rook d7 I've got 95 maybe so I'll play rook f8 rook d7 rook c8 looks fine come but I'm always I've always got this 95 trick lurking ja ja ja hahaha says you should do a hat over the board that would be nice but I think nowadays you can't even wear a hat because they because you could be cheating you could have some kind of device in your you could have some kind of device so I mean that's the thing like now like they're the rules are so insane for a lot of these things that you can't even do that so qi5 let's do D wants to do here work d3 maybe 95 now or night just 96 threatened night a for if he was the Bishop e5 hangs so he basically I don't know why he played chief works he fixed this pawn and now he gave me this really nice square on f4 that he can't really cover so b4 Knight f4 looks juicy here Knight a for as possible c4 maybe but I think Knight f4 has to be right so Knight a for like rookie 395 for example hmm c4 maybe he's got b5 or something b5 95 though sorry about that you guys he plays rook d4 I can all I just go b5 gesundheit gesundheit thank you very much for that so place a for us and 95 is logical I think I'll play 95 just force the work to Chi three words it's much worse on g3 than it is on he three ether it's got access to e4 g3 it doesn't have access so maybe now I can play work t8 or I can just play a six maybe or seat and a six looks right a six to play b5 so he plays b5 as I expected he would and now maybe I go to rook b8 here to take and go rook a to d4 now I could play rook out for maybe I think I'll just take and play rookie a for protect the pawn from the side now I've got rook got four at some point so now it's desperation mode so h4 if I take rook h3 do I have rook a3 or no maybe Knight f4 wait okay wait and Rick h3 maybe rook that fork so if he plays rook cage for I go Knight c3 work takes off 492 4 so this know maybe I've got 92 I've got 95 work a3 all Snover kiiis no so you got this square he moves the bishop I've got c3 and now I pick up this pawn now maybe I don't want to play b6 here why did he resign I don't I wasn't sure why he just why didn't just resign there that seemed weird Thank You Telamon for subscribing with twitch prime so here let's see what can I do differently all I'll just play III and play B 3 C 4 and IP d2 there should be 2 southern castles age-3 kick the bishop away 95 will trade Yaak to Raj says he saw that the oven was cooked it's the ovens cooked no it's the goose that's cooked the ovens not cooked the ovens what cooks the food it's the goose that was cooked 97 I could take d5 maybe actually if I move the might hang before so I kind of need to take he takes I will take you play a four try to resolve the situation of d4 Knight eat c4 and a for today clean night c4 probably he'll go like Queen e6 but then f4 if b5 I've always got 93 and on the pond Hanks rook da it's logical maybe 93 take the rook rook d2 queen g4 I think or Queen f3 I think maybe I'll just play yeah between a3 I just give them earth d3 roof d3 work d1 looks kind of okay she's six okay d1 um so let's see what he's gonna do here let us see what is he gonna do place b5 if I wait can I trade and play f5 if I trade and go Knight e5 he goes Queen d8 and I've got nothing I guess if I trade f5 Queen e5 f g 6f g6 Queen f7 I'm fine so I will take and play out five so the line goes Queen e5 f g 6 ft 6 Queen f7 King h8 Queenie 8th King g7 rook f7 shot King h6 Knight g4 hitting the Queen on e5 and the King on age 6 Bishop g5 logical now 95 does not work east six maybe Queen a it's no good night g4 h 5 94 h 5 9 f 6 no good 9525 no good I mean if I take I guess I'll pre move this just in case he takes if he takes maybe I just go east 6 probably I just go u6 yeah ii 6 makes sense although I've got 19 o 95 doesn't work so east 6 if roof d3 EF 7 King f8 Queen a rook da Queen e4 whoa f5 whoa do I just uh who cares I've got to go for I've got a sack hi it's got Queen g7 I kind of missed this may be queen for to protect III tanks rip f5 this probably just busted I kind of missed this this concept stuff age like um New York eat seven pigs you know unfortunately I think I'm just lost here before I like work a five maybe well the before wasn't best because now King off one and now I'm going to start to run the pawns up the board so it's not so simple if I play like I shouldn't have done that oh whoops I think I'm still okay here right shot King G - am i okay here or not if I play like candy to a three it's just the drugs I can I can hide behind and I hide on 82 and I've g7 at the end whew that was a close save that was a close game and now I've got or even just be four and that's that's it yeah g7 yeah all right that was close too but I saved it someone say woof woof woof woof woof isn't that that song like who let the dogs out woof woof woof or something how did the lyrics ago I don't remember that it's like so 2005 or 2003 or 2001 I don't remember what year that is maybe that's 2001 I feel like I heard that during the Yankees Diamondbacks World Series maybe I'm insane I thought that was from was that wasn't that the Yankees pills I thought it was Yankees Diamondbacks time around around that time period it's like who let the dogs out age for that's a weird Bishop g4 play against a sweet pawn now I could take I think I'll play h5 here fix the pawns he has g3 Bishop e7 e 6f 6 maybe rook d7 Rickey Aiden Knight f8 Bobby's got out for oh geez this is who this might just be lost ooh ooh yeah nice I have to go like Bishop d8 and up 597 this doesn't look right I actually forgot it just could go out for for some reason so e 6f 6 surely this is losing somehow but I'm not a hundred percent sure it's a rookie 8 a 5 97 93 wait 93 takes up 5 I've got no tricks or I can take and play 97 well that's probably bad bad maybe but I don't see anything better so I'm gonna go for because here I'm threatening to take and if rook e8 I've got 96 at the end empty 396 and I'm hanging on kind of hanging hanging as Teddy KGB would say keeps hanging on maybe I just go like Bishop e7 g h5 King b7 work g3 work h8 and maybe it's not so bad oh he's got he's got rook d7 at the end of Bishop d6 is no good maybe Bishop f8 we've got 7 maybe I have 94 some weird try I doubt this works but it's worth a shot takes whoa whoa what is this this is so clearly winning probably it is it is this so clearly winning that's a question here so let's see he wants to go King g4 so I'm gonna put my king on b4 or h3 I guess I can play like c5 or something ah but oh I should have put it on c6 and he has no entry squares if I put the pawn on c6 he has no entry square so here I can go King up for King e4 and I've got no entry squares so okay knocks can we should be 393 83 to ignite of three Oh Bishop b4 I wasn't expecting that there should be to take with the pawn I'll take what the bishop here just play probably health counselor Bishop g4 but now go h3s a trade and I think the pawn structure here is beneficial to me a little bit so c6 I'll castle the rook e1 hit the pawn on e5 f6 maybe like rook a4 a5 d4 doesn't make sense maybe row k1 try to play against this pawn be for ideas b5 ver que - Queen b6 maybe just queen e3 offer another trade push all my pawns closer to the center here yeah that is John Malkovich yeah I mean what I was saying is uh isn't the saying he keeps hanging on the kids got alligator blood or something I feel like that's the actual phrase I was thinking of 27 Queen c5 now c4 is a threat I'll play c4 okay eight free pawn do I want yeah I want I definitely want the five keep the paunch keep the pawns intact here a5 still loose it's fun I think I can just play Queen c4 this must be winning if this isn't winning I don't know what what is winning I mean the point is I can go b4 c5 I think if I play b4 because if he plays like rook c8 I can just take take be a5 rook c4 a six and I get the pawn all the way to 87 so a for logical and I could play B 5 B fives logical rook a3 actually makes a lot of sense here too just to fix the pawn so now King F 1 I'm gonna bring my king close as well g5 can you - f5 now I can play b5 c5 doesn't look quite right maybe like rook d1 actually I shouldn't have let him get these pawns here I think I a g4 to prevent that it's probably a mistake so c3 gonna go c5 whoa rook d7 can you really get away with this maybe I'll just play rook a1 force to rip back G for free pawn now I think he just blundered that I think he forgot to spawn was hanging because now this has to be winning just like I'll take so there's no off three and now just like c5 c6 king D five I think just work ace six should be winning and just c6 b5 b6 b7 I play C six because I can go Brooke b6 b5 and I think he's just lost eyes got work a7 oh he's got weird tricks here oh geez Oh yikes yikes yikes yikes somehow get too clever for my own good here oh wow b7 I always got King C 300 got too clever for my own good got too clever for my own good thought was ridiculous that was ridiculous I was so easily winning what was I thinking huh anyway I mean he has to go over k1 wreck a2 and make a draw so that was terrible that was just awful alright time to play something different or no you know what I wasn't actually losing the last game I wasn't losing that one was I I just miss played it slightly see what he wants to do if he wants a trade or not yeah he wants to play the same thing so ah getting tired of playing this line oh right he's playing 92 now that's right so fishery 7 if he 6 I just take [Music] clumping ethics okay now maybe see five or a five as possible to see Forbush b6 9c3 b6 play a five it's a b6 king b7 / k d8 next move probably or maybe work a e8 to go bishop d8 c6 Bishop c7 it's one idea because c6 and Bishop c7 as action may be a very serious idea now so g4 but I think on g4 if I play h5 what's he doing King j-3 feels like there should be some tricks here about like c6 feels like there must be some tricks here h4 doesn't make sense e6 93 okay let's see how this this works so you can't go a night a Forex I've got H 493 interesting c7 I thought it would go Knight c3 Knight e4 93 905 looks a little bit odd now first of all I can take or I can yeah I should obviously open up the H file for my Brooke that's the the first thing ninety-seven looks wrong so I will take complain 87 nobody's got King g4 he's got king g4 I kind of overlooked that slightly c8 still not so clear except he takes he opens up the the G file here Oh what am i oh but even though he opens the G file you can just block on g5 maybe 95 here maybe me if he takes with the pot I can take it's all take back but this can't be right for something somehow because the Kings on g4 if the King was not on g4 rorke f8 there should be seven so Ricky one maybe rookie to allowed King f3 rookie one gives me this beast we won square I didn't have it because the bishop covered it from e2 so that's why I went to e1 it's not rookie one try to pick up the pawn here and now work f8 and now no I'm just oh wait he's got 94 not so fast rook e1 threatened the knight on e4 threatened to take and play work out 633 still not so easy let me like I don't play worked you one now d3 rookie h1 I want to go work h5 maybe an attack or work h6 cuz now I'm Bishop g7 I just take King G for work out for Oh but now I've got Shaq on h3 oh but he's gotten a chi oh wow I just let him off the hook again Mr D for Kim G for maybe just take on f2 or deus ex ok let's see and if I like this of six Knight f6 rook e8 Chuck and I've got work out five check okay good whoo and that's all she wrote okay now if I'm just gonna sack he'll have to take and now I just go King c6 and that's all she wrote okay that was a tough game tough tough game d4 Knight f3 did I drop there for a second you guys I wasn't sure if maybe I dropped for half a second because it seemed like a anyway next game no whoops he played e6 whoops whoops whoops big a whoops no I didn't drop okay good to know all right this is not good Bishop f4 is just a pad move Bishop d2 c5 and mean I guess I can play efore here and let's see what he wants to do does he take that way but I take and I get c4 this turned out a lot better than it should have this is this is not right I did not deserve to get this good position Thank You chess paid for gifting the subs 96 maybe Bishop e5 and this game is gonna be like one of those computer games where you just play a g3 or b6 move and you just Castle you play it you'd be put the bishop on the other diagonal from good reason that's exactly what this game is gonna be because there are a lot of computer lines now where basically you just you just chuck it you just you just play some g3 or b6 or something then you just put the bishop on the other diagonal like nothing happened and it's very strange so I've seen it in many many situations now so it's a free pawn so he's playing the way he should he's playing very thematic like playing on the diagonal which makes a lot of sense rook e1 play rook c1 95 c6 ideas with free rook no there we go and rook T through his backs of 95 anyway rook to e3 95 and c6 so I'm cruising now cruising I'm just cruising just cruising what is there some techno song everything everything I say is based on lyrics or something I've heard so I'm just cruising what is that in I don't remember what that's in Bishop d7 yeah maybe he tilted there maybe that was just tilt Arama I don't know Oh with the singing again uh-oh he starts singing again you guys are hilarious you guys are cracking me up maybe maybe here all I still don't believe that this can be that bad I actually I was completely fine as I recall in that game that I lost so I want to see it I want him to prove to me why this is just terrible and if I play like be six or maybe Knight 95s bad so just ob6 rook d7 rook e8 is this this is a little bit different maybe or not really probably not really who Bijou B Hikaru is known for his chest but his true passion is the theater the theater well I mean I don't know about that but I mean maybe if I start reciting Hamlet lines or something I haven't seen him I haven't seen a play in a long time I feel like the last one I saw was maybe what was the last Shakespeare play that I saw I can't remember right off there's some there's some what what is it maybe I should have played 95 there I should have played 95 why did I do this 95 was a good move I have just I suck at jaws so I didn't play it after g5h for 95 was very good so I just suck at jaws sorry you guys okay this is playing a thematic sack here oh so he's trying to get two pawns he's trying to he's trying to basically push this pawn straight down the board but I think I'm in time with rook DX he's gonna have to concede the D file I mean I've seen Hamlet I saw what's it uh what was the last when I saw it was something that wasn't one of his main what winter Shakespeare his main plays what was it I can't remember what the last play I saw but I saw it in New Jersey at the Shakespeare Theatre at a Drew University so now I just run back with my king so he goes g5 King G sub G sucks King e8 and my rook just cleans up all these pawns over here and I make a queen with the a pond ah maybe it wasn't Midsummer's Night Dream it could have been that I'm not sure it wasn't Hamlet or bath or any of the main ones more importantly her white can't bring his King inks he's cut off on the third rank by this rook so King eh and I guess I can just take 83 Bishop d6 like rook see 305 and that is all she wrote so next game this time I won't make the same mistake probably just be three like I did last time I should be 2e 692 cd4 I can take either way I'll take with the e pawn here just castles fishery 795 trade some stuff off probably castles 92 keep playing normal moves Merchant of Venice I feel so old I have I haven't even like read Shakespeare in like probably like 15 years almost it's kind of depressing caught Thank You cotton tell for uh for gifting a tier 1 sub 2 kappa blanka with a k' a big k so a 5 now maybe Bishop III is logical no no clear KP 1 maybe c4 maybe for prevent a for so this dude just loves his n games that's like this guy clearly lives for like n games but this one I don't know if I want to give him because I'm a little bit worried I might be worse in this one so I want to play Queen d2 maybe Bishop g5 probably h4 h5 if I can I skim 95 though which I shouldn't have maybe c4 try to break break everything up here 94 which Queens Square do I go to e3 looks battle go to e2 so yellow sudhi wants to do so Bishop c5 I'll play Bishop III try to exchange the bishops have to cut the diag which too weak too slow says how good are you at Tetris um I haven't touched Tetris in quite a while I feel like the last time I played any sort of tetris game was like some Facebook game and I feel like maybe my high-score was maybe like a couple hundred thousand I feel like maybe like two hundred thousand and there's the online game what's the online game I think I got to like level fifteen maybe it was some it was something like a hundred fifty thousand maybe I think it wasn't very good I mean I it's nothing - it's nothing to write home about I'm not some some Tetris god so probably we will trade trade more pieces but I control the C file here which is very important so takes hang out fate maybe wait free pod three pawn or know he's got rooked e8 maybe Age 4 makes sense just protect the g5 maybe if I can get this this structure with these pawns in e5 and h5 that should be favorable maybe someday probably it doesn't make any difference but it's something to think about age six g4 g5 doesn't look quite right 92 it's not possible yet how do I want to do this maybe a four to start clicking off one rook c8 and now I'll go night YouTube's have you plays 95 hangs b6 plays rook c2 I get Knight c4 rook c5 wait Knight c4 or wait I've got a four also wait with F 400 F 4 and 94 night c4 d6 baby wait g5 I can play g3 maybe f g5 h - 5 H 5 was maybe possible so f6 94-94 doesn't really work it doesn't look like 94 Roxie 1 wait can't I just wait takes work a five-night C for work at 4:00 okay let's see um we have six we got 594 working for King you to work f6 Knight b6 which one do I want I'll play Knight c4 here maybe throw in a Chuck okay seven this is Diamond I miss played this is not what I wanted to do just a cap on this is not what I wanted to do at all I play like Knight c4 maybe hit both pawns at the same time I guess I could have played rookie rookie six wasn't very good so I guess now I just go with the H pawn 92 Toronto Chuck it's throwing in h6 it's throwing a rookie HH but I miss played this is just a draw yeah this is just a draw no I mean I'm not gonna try to flag him I mean yeah generally I'll give you get to like twenty seconds or so like there's there's no point I mean so okay next game takes 905 and c8 probably 97 or h6 play h6 the gun 97 we're gonna play the same on game the guy just won't give up he keeps going going for this I don't know why we're gonna see round like 20 of this opening like ah rookie four so he played rookie four instead of rookie three I don't know if that makes some difference I just play well I've got night of five maybe that's the first question no Knight a5 rook g6 so I'll just play with g8 so we'll see what what his plan is here it's a route d3 logical move play b6 here b6 work f3 I guess is his intention I don't quite understand it Bishop d2 if King b7 I still don't quite understand what he's trying to do rook e8 Bishop h6 I've got king c6 because I think his idea is Bishop h6 g h6 rook takes e7 Bob Bishop h6 I throw on King sees it's working c8 Accu lien says could you spice it up with a sign okay I'll play a Sicilian next game I'll place the Sicilian next game for you guys there's a king c6 he's got to take but again the problem here with this end game is that basically the problem is that white is conceding the D file that's the problem with the sign game so here I complete g6 I don't really like it so I'm gonna play play rook d7 maybe just King maybe this one's not so simple I thought this one was just clearly better now maybe I'm realizing it's actually not so I'm gonna go King d7 rook f7 and like King e8 I guess it's my intention so King EA rook d7 King offs up and and basically just be solid don't give anything away here on the on the King side Bishop b3 rook e8 don't want him to get h5 I mean he's got rook a four at some point maybe as long as I can put a rook on d7 though I should be quite ok here it's rookie four I think I'll play a five I don't know if the a5 is necessary but I don't want any work a four is coming d7 if aged five maybe I shouldn't allow him to get h5 but if I didn't let him get h5 he probably gets uh he probably gets rook out for work after six if I put the pawn to g6 so now I'm gonna go over cafe King g8 you can always play a four but after King g8 it's gonna be hard to force and it's gonna be hard to force an f5 here so c4 King h7 and now I mean I am gonna go work the a trip D through at some point if he lets me but he plays f3 which is weird snow now may be a good g6 actually try to break it up and go work out 5 so h6 and now the question is how do I proceed I need to get my rooks odd ah work f7 yeah I just hit f3 da he can't protect cuz now he's gonna have to go out four and then I go rook d7 back orgy thought no g5 makes no sense so the point is I don't want him to get the bishop here and now I'm gonna go rook da roof d3 and the diagonal is closed so that's a pretty advanced concept I don't expect most of you to to understand that but the point is now the Brooke gets to d3 or d1 here and if I five I just play G off so I'll pre move it yeah it completely yeah so Bishop c1 now I just go Brooke d1 hit the bishop on e3 and he's completely toasted cuz now Bishop e3 I just go Brooke b1 now five I can always just take with the Jeep on her cage for I mean I'm gonna throw in a check tickle him now I'll throw in a rook e8 probably not even necessary I'll take take another pawn oh he's got King g2 king out - oh whoops but it's still probably good enough to win he's got no time g4 murky forest coming see for all his pawns are too weak here in fact I can just Oh tricky rook d3 oh very sneaky rook takes D 3 would have been stalemate very sneaky that was very sneaky he deserves style points for that that was it that was nice work d3 was a nice sneaky way of trying to to get out of it that was that was nice that was very nice I like that that was sneaky that was nice I actually like that thought that was nice now that was I mean that was a good one that was a good swindle try that was it that was the legitimate like class a like swindle try 95 take with the bishop 97 from Chi 3 golem Louisville sneakiness that's a good one two three a bishop FIV for Castle is probably Bishop g6 or okay please be five so I'll play e4 oh I guess he can take maybe and maybe didn't prepare this quite right bishop g6 maybe wait f4 a 4d 4f g5 eath wait free peace Bishop e7 uh ah oh wait no he's got Bishop h6 wait what but EE peace come to Daddy that's a nice trapped Bishop on g6 that Bishop is dead completely dead just takes I don't know I can play Bishop g4 maybe and I'll just take on d7 if Queens you three night f1 now Knight f3 and I just plop a knight on e5 and it's just all over no Queen g4 maybe clean off to clean up to is not necessary probably but I I don't feel like taking any chances a rookie five sheet one if he takes some in h6 just rook e8 force a trade of rooks I'm like rookie seven Queen e1 Queen e5 next just queenie one because we're kept three gf3 and the queen protects the pond so a five L played rookie five before I think I can just like take got three gf3 so just trade I'm Queen before and I mean he's just completely lost I mean II won and up the board goes to a pond now for a for Queens the eight so I mean a five is good I'll just play Queen c3 just keep going 95 now he's got no open files he needs the Queen somehow to get here but the night covers the e-file Queen C to protect the pawn hit the pawn on f5 now I run with the a pawn again now I can just bring my queen and force an exchange and this this the a pawn is going all the way down the board now for just throwing a check another one and another one okay you guys so I mean I think I'm gonna try to go for 3100 I'm gonna try to go for 31 if I can win a few more games before I stop for the night Knight c3 Bishop d7 Age 3 oops oops oh jeez oh very sad oh very sad oops there's there's a nice little old-fashioned slip so let's see if I'm good enough to actually somehow suck out and not lose this game in like five those it is an endgame so like even though it's a huge slip oh sorry you're right yeah somebody did ask right you did ask for a Sicilian I forgot sorry you did ask for a Sicilian okay you asked for a Sicilian I forgot I forgot of course my playing work do you work t2 which was a bad move now like he's gonna have to waste a tempo to play rook d3 or he's gonna have to accept CC ponds which is not what he wants either so I will take on c3 if he takes on a5 I take on d2 intakes and the bishop hangs on i-4 so he takes 97 94 I could be bold and take on a - I really don't believe in it though so wait do I just have 95 maybe free pawn on c3 Bishop pawn is a house I mean he's just yeah he's got 92 so I can play h5h three takes but also just play like Knight b6 as possible Knight b6 94 probably c4 is not a threat I don't think so questions what do I want to do to unravel here g5 is logical what about g5 bishop g3 h5 f 393 rookie one night c4 maybe it looks too good to pass up so I'm gonna go for it so f3 probably 93 rookie one night c4 rookie one logical move maybe b6 here to threaten a - but now Knight c4 and I'm definitely gobbling here this is a pawn that I want to take because c2 is gonna hang also so after like rook D 193 you can't go Roque one cuz c2 hangs right wait night C to work c1 Bishop c4 what wait what what am I missing here night C - Brooke c1 I've got Bishop c4 Bishop c4 Burke d2 93 is possible Bishop c4 work t2 Bishop e2 rookie to 93 six okay wait no okay I can actually just I'm gonna take on g4 and now maybe Bishop c4 worked you to push me to 93 e6 not convinced so I'm gonna go 93 94 maybe just see 596 Bishop d7 if knight c6 Bishop do some traps tonight so he takes oh jeez I missed this oh shoot now I'm in trouble now I'm in a lot of trouble now I'm gonna have to hope the eight pawns fast enough and I'm pretty sure it's not because g5 this week so I'll play rook da try to exchange rooks and pray because if I can exchange one set of rooks maybe I can maybe the pawns are very fast here so takes Bishop e3 or whoa it just sax Wow but now this is just a draw I think this is just a draw I I'm shocked that he didn't go Bishop e3 actually I mean because now this is just a is just like at that draw Ricky - and and unless can i play on somehow maybe I can play on Berkey five free pawn f4 ricky 3 ah he blundered i can play on here this is not so easy like rookie 3 King F - I've got nothing so maybe King d7 a4 Chuck g5 rook d5 maybe if g6 rook g5 is this a draw that's um this should be a draw is correct play I'm not a hundred percent sure though let's see so I'm up on the clock too so that's kind of important so I'm gonna run to e5 now let's see eyes got this one but this time this time I'm going to go for a flag since we're we're at the back end oh he played Brooke she ate oh my god Oh terrible Wow Wow so bad so bad just so bad so bad so bad just so bad just so bad I had a feeling he was gonna do that to when he start when he started getting low and he didn't make the move instantly I had that feeling that he was gonna play something like rook g7 but whatever whatever at least he was low on time if he wasn't a long time then I might have broken my hand like Dania or something maybe e4 d4 Knight b3 just takes probably Knight takes I would assume so he takes the pawn I'll castle I'm chief for H 3 H 5 maybe rook e1 yeah I did have 20 seconds to you guys but I thought it was gonna play rook e8 that's what I thought yeah I will put a Sicilian next game you guys you want the Sicilian I'll give you a Sicilian what am I am if I win I'm went 3089 so I need to win what like four games so 89.95 nine or ninety four ninety nine so what's going on here after G for this trip g6 can he really do this 94 or wait I can just take and play Bishop G 3 and E 5 if Queens you fought Queen g5 just off for obviously so he's got to go back with the Queen somewhere and then I don't know if I should play a four or not wait II five ninety five looks interesting but I'm gonna play 92 so I can play off four f5 I think my max rating is like 31 40 years is something something like that so I'll play rook d2 if he takes I'll take and he still can't take on any Forks I'll take and playoffs three at the end so you can't take obviously cuz I've got f3 97 I think I go out for if I have six I've got Bishop c4 check in Queen d4 or other things to maybe bishops wait Bishop c4 just takes Queen 84 or d8 rook t1 maybe or something else I think I'll just plop my queen on or wait free pawn that's a free pawn on a seven Queens four or queen e3 threatening Queen b3 b3 Brooke c1 and it's just two pawns it's it's a clean two pawns here so I should be doing pretty well Queen B 4 D one's a move Brooksie one stop knight c5 also night f8 I think I'll play f5 here now if I was a bit weird but I want to stop the knife from coming to d4 and if the best he has is 97-95 then I should be doing swimmingly while here it's a queen 85 play Queen c5 here Brooke d4 also actually why not just roof d4 try to exchange some pieces get an e5 I am up what two pawns here dos pawns I am up two pawns here so what why not I'm Bishop d6 maybe Bishop e6 here maybe I know I just go King G to age for g5 is an idea as well and he can't really do it this night he really needs this night to get to like these two squirts now I'm gonna play h4 and just like okay Queenie a tween up 3 g5 I really want to play but I need to time it correctly okay so here he got 97 but now I think I think he's too late here cuz 95 take well I think I can take and even go just g6 maybe or g6 is wrong maybe rook d2 or rook c2 or weight queen off for I just queen a4 and I can grab the pawn in h6 here and he's just completely busted so I'll just take the pond and like a five and that's all she wrote pretty much just teenage to clean up seven this'll take Queen h6 Queen off five here just queen g4 now clean age five and now I hit the rook I've got Queen h8 threats it's a right triangle there's the ninety degree the ninety degree right triangle I don't know why I was doing doing math now but I am for some stupid reason all right you guys want a Sicilian right Sicilian don't lose your mind play Sicilian all right which one night or for dragging you guys which one night or if dragon high dark dragon high torque dragon I'll lose ten second so I see what you guys say night or if Dragon Knight or tracking night or dragon dragon night or that I go on that I go on it that I go on it okay everyone wants to see that I go on it so I'll play a dragon drag dwarf ha ha ha ha ha you guys are funny drag Dorf yes I forgot the drag dwarf was it was a possibility dragged her so now I'm now my idea is play 9594 so you can't play b3 so he takes I could take either way um I presume I should take with the rook but I'm actually not 100% sure um which way makes more sense Bishop takes also makes sons I'll take with the bishop and play Queen e5 like I guess castles g v h5 g v h6 f6 i think this makes some sense at least I suspect I'm worse here but I just don't know how much worse I am maybe not like B 5 B 495 I think I'll step out of any tricks on e7 I might play e6 in a move or two this is not exactly a great position that I've gotten though I'm Queen f2 maybe a five I guess he wants to go Queen a7 or something and grab grab Z material or something but I don't care about it I don't care about a stupid a pawn oh okay he plays g3 also reasonable way a 5f for maybe a five so I can still take on if he takes and he drops a piece to a four I take or do I take on e4 if I take on e4 Queen III ooh oh wow did I just wonder the whole game actually wait Queenie for rookie whoa whoa what what just happened here oh I just blundered the whole game I think wait okay I'll take yeah I just wondered the whole game here thanks you guys telling me to play a Sicilian and losing it's all your fault ah he's got Queens you won as well not the only way to win yeah that that's just bachelors and that's just terrible that's not gonna get it done chaps fault you you you're all terrible just kidding c5 I'll take so once again I feel like there's a reason this is not be 597 this is wrong I know this is wrong for some reason or just III I think maybe I'll just play normal chess always pretend like this is all just normal 92o Rock GA okay at least he's slow he's he's clearly getting tired - if he's starting to slip as well cuz I obviously meant to cancel he's six Bishop d3 castle of course thing is how is he gonna find a way to Castle queenside now I'm wondering it feels like he can't really do that but maybe he can like Queen c2 hoping the delorean says don't play mean akka I said play the night off that is true - a five I should probably wait till I've g4 to break it I think I've g4 here just to break up the whole thing so let's see what he wants to do here will he take or if he doesn't take he's just gonna drop upon here so I figure he'll take horse Knight 57 says accelerate dragon is far superior hahaha it's a try I know about wait Knight g5 shot Kamat eise except 7h 7 he can't go East 76th I guess you can go d7 oh it's not whoa Wow oh geez Wow unreal unreal oh wait but I can take in if he goes rook e8 I've got Knight c7 with the fork on the two Brooks so it takes me now I've got Knight b3 and now he can't protect all his pawns surely just b6 b7 rook b1 but should be 790 78586 GG oh yeah okay alright so that's that's a start ok so let's see you guys want to see I'll play in high dwarf or drag Dorf or a 94 Wow he just wants to draw seriously Oh fine I'll play something else oh so annoying so annoying Bishop e2 I think I can play aged six maybe seven rook c8 this should be pretty deep wait what is Queen c4 what is this what is he doing this doesn't look right at all so he just gave me like free Tempe yeah this doesn't I don't know what he's doing maybe he's starting to tilt a little bit cuz he just let me he gave me like a bunch of free Tempe for no reason at all I'm just gonna go b4 knocks no if I think ah ah yeah this was why he did it okay so rook d8 tonight a5 Bishop f8 if 96-95 burrkc once all player kc8 a three so now maybe Knight c5 is a move g6 is not a move yet maybe King h7 feels kind of weird Knight b6 looks very human but then he takes and goes 93 so I think I'll play Knight c5 force him to take I'll take with the pawn now Queen f3 so he wants to go Knight age 6 or something I guess I'll play b4 force tonight to move so he can't get 93 and plop something big on d5 and just like positionally crush me it's 92 Queen c6 protect the night hit the pawn on e4 more quasi right triangles although I know it should be clean I 3 that's that's the proper right triangle 93 now I think g6 is always there c4 is there I can take on 83 also I think I'll take on 83 he'll probably take I assume I play c4 open the diag idea g6 next move maybe so when he goes nighty-night III I Bishop takes a three page for g6 there's takes a three oh no did I just blender 95 some Bishop c1 he's got 9700 so God just so bad it's a twenty six ninety four Queen I've ate and pray as usual okay one maybe I have a five Fe for and I can draw this okay go tonight f6 in g7 that doesn't feel right actually I don't feel like you should have checked cuz now I can play me wait what is he doing bish b7 oh he's got 94 when I played Bishop e7 that's so stupid your speech for 95 Bishop f6 maybe I guess I have to go for it when in doubt just just do it rook b7 maybe rook d6 is logical 95 but now I've got work f6 and I've to is hanging so she takes off - maybe rook e8 or rook rook up no rokai 5g for maybe just Bishop G 397 rookie 86 F d6 rook got 5 I think threatening me Donnie h5 but this doesn't work I'm just I'm just up up a piece hey bishop g3 yeah come on and rook d6 and he has to take his rook do you want his mate he can't go to a one so the bishop covers a one alright let's go back to e4 again so Bishop c4 the night of 60 oh come on Oh hoo I guess we're both that that's a sign we're both getting tired we're both starting to just make ridiculous slips so I'm gonna play this position like down like three Tempe or something something really ridiculous here maybe h3 can I take and play Bishop e2 94 95 which should be to Queenie 295 Queenie for looks like I'm okay somehow miss wheet - I think I take you to 95 24 rookie 8 probably or 96 maybe Queens - for hit the pawn on c5 be 63 and just try to get the bishop on e3 so b5 Queen c5 so now I should be completely fine like rook e1 Queen d7 I guess I just take Queen d4 maybe Queen b5 hit the rook on e8 try to fight for try to fight for control the e-file King f8 see three's a move maybe beat b3 doesn't make any sense a4 doesn't make any sense maybe just c3 kick the Queen back to d6 or d5 and just put like a four no a4 hangs upon wait d4 don't have d4 here I think I do so he plays c6 maybe just Queen d3 the a6 can't I grab oh wait if I grab hmm if I grab pawns on a six then d4 hangs C d-four rook d1 I'll go for it any one it takes or if d1 okay eight Queen d3 hitting the pawn on age 7 so let's see what he's gonna do g6 I think I can play 83 now and now all my pawns are protected again so he's gonna lose a pawn or maybe he's got c5 cd4 cd4 but rook da I've got Queen b5 Queen takes b6 and now I should be doing Queen b6 d3 he's got to go d3 try to push this pawn to d2 I should obviously try to stop it on d2 King g8 I think now I'm gonna try to run the a pond and it's wrong to Chuck I can't play a 5 here maybe hmm Queen B 5 Queen B 5 good enough or not really not for a win probably no cui be fine it's not good enough for one so I'll play Queen B for c6 haggle queen I know Queen e3 doesn't work all right now I've got Queen B 5 I think this might be possible - to work see - [Music] too bad so so bad I'm gonna have to make a draw if I can which I think I can tax cleanup sticks like guide play work III now there's no roof one Chuck and I can go Queen e5 and force and game that's disappointing no draw he says no draw seven five a complete g4 I think I was thrown a check oh wait okay is he gonna try to he's gonna probably try to flag in this game so wait what am i doing actually okay six I think I'm okay I can just wait on a hh2 I think oh I just wandered right into what he was trying to do I mean oddly enough this is still a draw but I've got no time so there's no way I'm gonna draw this yeah I mean this is actually a complete draw but yeah yeah come on whoo there we go I beat it with the night or why not do it again that's when you know you're running good when you can you can play terribly like that get mess it up completely get to loss position and still somehow still somehow survive that that's when you know you're doing well so I don't know what I'm doing this game I've also played just a ridiculous line in this fishby to night or if and I'm just doing terribly Bishop efore wait I'm confused what what what is this and if I go Queen d7 be 596 but there's not an actual threat I don't think so if I put like rook g8 hit the pawn on g2 birkoff - now maybe I just King e7 he'll go Bishop of seven right maybe knight c6 cuz on if he ever attacks a bishop I can always just go d5 at Bishop III whoa c4 well what is c4 so king e7 I still can't go King e7 but I can go Bishop takes out five or night no wait 98 or should I take and plain idea I think I should just play 98 here unless I'm missing something very obvious I feel like I'm okay here because I've got this this uh this this nice work on g8 putting pressure down the G file so I take we have three now I could take no I could take but always play rook c8 98 guess I should take with the I don't actually know what to take with maybe I'll take with the I'll take with the Queen maybe play d5 because I've got rook c3 Bishop c5 coming takes works III first now Bishop c5 next and I have survived the worst of this Queen e2 Bishop c5 free exchange free everything good at ease Queen takes d5 threatening Queen to mate Oh baby come on so 95 oh let's play Knight G 2 there should be four a three tanks playoff three Bishop e3 next move 97 I think I'll play g4 why not why not why not be bold isn't gratis free and Latin I thought that was Latin not German am I wrong I thought gratis meant like free and like every every Romance language but maybe I'm wrong maybe like b3 here just to solidify c4 in 84 h5 next move Queen e8 I guess I'll play a four just shut it all down over here and now I've got a free hand to attack I've got b5 d5 for the night this is just a dream I mean if it's Latin in Romanian then it's Latin because Latin preceded all those languages I am pretty sure so it's a bit of both done I mean every language I mean every Romance language comes from Latin anyway so it's like it's all the same thing rook d7 maybe Knight b5 put the knight on b5 maybe idea of taking at some point okay I'll put the Queen back on e2 the good thing here is I can kind of just sit on the position a little bit work f7 I think I'll play h5 here so I'll make sure he can't play g6 and now I'll come back and maybe I'll play virtue one or something now if I take it's no good so okay I'll just all reset or a free pawn yeah baby come on come on now I can play like Knight b5 again or Knight d5 I don't even care if you sax on a for Knights III protect everything's protected now I'll double up and gang up on the D pawn that's step one step two will be to put a knight back on back there but I think hopefully Knight d5 rook d5 like Queen d2 at some point I'm going to go f4 or something along those lines it's just a question of wine okay so let's see so what are the possibilities here I'm going to run my King over to this side that's the other possibility Queen c6 b4 why not I don't always got Queen no queening it for is not a problem 9a for Queen b3 it's a queen 84 if I wait I can't trade no I can't trade can't play Brooke c1 maybe he's got he has to take and now where does he go tonight cuz b6 is hanging here there takes 96 okay so maybe I go Brooke b5 hit the pawn on b5 b6 twice this is looking extremely good now I kind of miss played this slightly I shouldn't of let it get here but it still looks really really nice King off to protect the bishop don't give him a for d4 it goes night a for it's a reasonable move I think I might a can play rook d2 he's got rook c7 you guys take and play b5 he moves the rock off I'll take the 8 ball before he can double you're like hmm it's wrong on a check now I can go brookey too though I think cuz rook c4 I check King e6 and I've got rook e8 a mate check a mate but f5 I think now i can play i think i'm gonna play work a7 actually and he's gonna have to exchange and then he loses another pawn c7 t1 I can't think I can this guy's very tricky in these on games so maybe takes b6 7 now I was on the wrong side cuz he can't stop the he can't stop both pawns nyet you lose b4 all right I've won two in a row with an ID or four why not Bishop g5 I'll play something non-standard g6 let's see if I remember how this line goes Queen C 495 is it Queen 85 I can't remember anything at this point so okay maybe H 6 5 6 4 5 6 what did I do wrong in this game I did something wrong King fe 8 95 work up 7 I'm not blond at 97 I have a rubber k7 or rugby 8 acting G 897 King h8 I don't see it I do not see it eyes got ah so he wants play b3 and 97 but I have Queen c5 and now I'm fine yeah although actually it's got three pawns here so you can actually just exchange the Queen's and play off three and we're still very much a game I'm just kind of what I expect him to do so Bishop e6 d1 rook c8 so c4 I could play b5 or I'll just play 97 and maybe b5 next it's rough D to put b5 see what he wants to do so he exchanges a four-night c5 looks like a nice move here in fact 95 is a great move takes rook c8 bishop c8 Bishop d7 protect the pawn and now I just I mean this might still be a draw for on two but the chances of well now I can't lose first of all the chances of something going wrong have gone from like possible to just about zero so rook b8 I think I'll play well let's be careful Bishop c4 93 Bishop e6 and now in rugby six I can just go rookie seven protect the rook the bishops connected Knight a5 he'll take b3 of obviously oh whoa there we go all right guys this is gonna be the last one cuz now I'm starting to really see things so either way regardless of result this is gonna be it for tonight so all right Knight c3 push up c4 d3 probably 95 92 96 for c6 I guess I'll just castle play like f3 there's three probably d6 I would assume Queen d3 to protect the pawn also rook d1 so he can't play Bishop e6 in d5 that was a Ric Flair whoo okay yeah I guess I'll take it give him the beans naka give him the beans I don't know what that's supposed to mean but alright I guess I have to be careful here because he's threatening I I actually realized I put the wrong work on d1 cuz now I don't have a thigh which I really needed so maybe I'll play Bishop g5 try to exchange so I've got Queen d6 maybe or no c4 is hanging what am i doing so now I give it a gave them the to Bishop so I'll play King h1 slide step any checks or any nonsense Knight g3 that's Queen e2 workup e1 so h4 I've got Knight f1 maybe 93 work d3 probably I'm just going to go rook t1 and triple up on the D file so let's see what he wants to do here so he does play out 5 so I'll play rook d1 before I could play Knight g4 maybe sure why not Knight g4 I Knight f1 each three g4 was possible to I don't know if Knight g4 is best but I kind of want to do this so I'm g2 non-threatening 95 and Queen g5 c5 maybe as a threat here maybe but I'll just play 92 Knight G 1 and just nothing is hanging here everything is rock-solid so I guess I'll play Knight G 1 anyway maybe not necessary but just over protect I'm like Queen d2 now because now we can't do anything this Knight is just is so awesome on G 1 so Queen b6 maybe just queen c3 try to set oh I could have sacked right away on d600 very bad but now he's begging me to sack and I just can't resist sacking because e 5 is also hanging so takes F G for attacking the rook actually wait isn't he just lost its to go rook g5 methinks the end is near so Richie five I think I can just play like c5 this just looks terrible for black actually because in fact here the pawns are brilliant they the Brooklyn on g5 is forever trapped its rook d8 I think I can even take but I'll just play well Knight f3 looks good enough but I think I'll just trade and play Queen D 3 and this rook is just dead I'm just going Knight f3 and that's all she wrote I'll play Queen d6 Queeny eight I think I can split that queen off six Tommy fook and Shelby says when did he car become funny I didn't know I was funny but but thank you for thank you for the compliment uh-huh uh-huh all right you guys so that was a very long stream actually and I was actually pretty enjoyable thank you guys for watching I think that the end it's like 1250 viewer so pretty good a pretty good audience thank you thank you to everybody for for all the subs on so I don't know when my next room is actually gonna be because tomorrow I'm flying to to India hood fresh that's 3,100 we did it chat yeah but no thanks to you guys you told me to play the dragon that cost me like 30 more minutes of my life but anyway yeah so yeah so I don't know what my next turn will be because I'm flying to India tomorrow so I'll probably be offline for a little bit if the connection is strong and in India I'll do some kind of stream it's I think it's 13 hours ahead so what would that be so like 4 p.m. would be like 5 a.m. that might be a little bit rough to do a stream but if if if the connection is strong I'll do would do a couple of streams from India if not I'll for sure do a stream of the arena Kings on November 19th at the absolute latest but I'll try to stream them before then so once again I hope you guys enjoyed the stream thanks for all the subs thanks for all the encouragement all the questions and all the all the great donations as well so thanks everybody and I hope you have a good Sunday evening and have a great week so hopefully next time we'll be coming to you guys from India and until then good night everybody
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 329,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, Chess, Blitz Chess, Fast Chess, Speed Chess, Bullet Chess, Chess Master, Chess Grandmaster, Chess Calculation, Puzzle Rush, Chess Puzzles
Id: uB0T546z_Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 35sec (13955 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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