Can I survive Terraria's Hardest Difficulty?

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a few weeks back i attempted one of the most difficult terraria challenges beat the entire game without dying a single time and if that wasn't already difficult enough we'll be trying to do so in terraria's hardest difficulty where enemies deal three times their normal damage so how do you possibly go about doing this well you have to play extremely safe which is something i had to learn the hard way minding without danger sense that's a good idea we should get to the point where we always have like a dangerous sense ready before we do stuff like this after just one mistake we had to completely restart everything now i'm going to leave death number two a mystery for now but fortunately by the third attempts we had the whole danger sense thing down so we managed to survive the underground just fine and while down there we found some insane drops horseshoe wait that's actually good i like warding oh warding dude what i like this playthrough is crazy but uh hey that's okay oh my bro we are now at 18 defense without buffs and using cactus armor before long we were ready for a first boss normally i would be super afraid of this if we mess up we have to restart everything but in most runs you don't get warding on almost every accessory you find underground oh dude that phone star would have been close fight up top wait did it just do one damage chat you fools whoever whoever voted no he fools he fools what are you thinking as a result our first boss ended up being super easy this is master oh there's 15. there we go it's doing something but it's dead and there's the wow okay well that's uh that was easy with my newfound confidence i made quick work of king slime and traveled to the jungle where we had a little bit of a close call okay so that's gone i think the bombs are gone i know i don't have to do this because like we could just go underneath but oh my god it was hidden it was hidden i almost opened that thinking that the other bomb took that out okay okay luckily that was our only scare in the jungle and we managed to get to max life's safe and sound at this point it's starting to look like a character is invincible both the brain and deer club struggle to make even a dent in our health but don't be fooled there's always something that can end to run and i think now would be a good time to show how our second attempt ended wow i did not even see that how scary are man eaters uh no literally where where did this trap can deal up to 500 damage ending your run instantly you really can't let your guard down in this challenge anyways back to attempt three something i haven't really talked about yet is how useful the recall potion is the ability to teleport away from dangerous saved my life countless times and knowing i can always fall back on this is a huge confidence booster in boss fights unfortunately the next boss won't let us get away with this if you were to try and recall during the queen bee fight not only would it chase you back to spawn but it would also become enraged there is no escaping this boss and so i made sure to take just about every precaution going into this fight which of course includes grinding for the bezoar something that normally doesn't take that long but it seemed as though our good luck could finally run dry how are we one hour into the stream and all i've done is search for a resort why are you no no why i got an ancient cobalt express plate which is apparently a one in 300. the bees are we're farming for and have been frying for for the past hour is a one in 50. oh i knew it i knew it i knew it'd be worth it okay we got it we got it we got it and so after three hours of preparation it was finally time [Music] i think i'll be all good we got it we got it we got a chat while the fight plays in the background i should mention that yes you could technically just save an exit to despawn the boss if you're about to die but i made a rule against doing so as it completely takes away from the challenge and the unique aspect of this boss fight the bees wait how to die was that i swear to god a lot of health left was that disappointing shots gg before leaving i ended up grinding the boss a few more times for the bee's knees our weapon of choice or skeletron or at least what would have been our weapon of choice if we managed to get it before running out of summon items all right i think that's the last one i don't want to like chance oh bro beekeeper two okay very cool very cool game thank you so much skeltron can be a little scary since the spinning attack can stun like you and also because the skulls deal some pretty decent damage even with their crazy defense stat as a result this ended up being the closest fight yet oh my god oh my god stuff like that that's where it can get scary like right now come on if like us if one of the skulls chains into the attack that's when we need to be scared so just keep circling so that doesn't happen just keep circling okay we should have it right here there it is okay little little little wrap for a little bit but we we did it oh dungeon i just realized chat what do we do about the dungeon that seems like something i shouldn't do if if things look bad because again we can recall out of dungeon pretty easily but that's when chat reminded me of the cursed skull an enemy that gives you a debuff which prevents the use of all items which of course includes recalls making the dungeon a much scarier place than i had anticipated and sure enough not even five minutes into exploring the dungeon this happened good idea um we'll see we'll see we'll see oh god oh no we have the debuff oh no i'm out i'm out i'm out goodbye that could have been really bad oh god luckily by this point i retrieved most of the items i wanted so we won't be going back there anytime soon at this point it's probably looking like we'll take on the wall of flesh soon and while i may have been ready for the boss fight i certainly was nowhere near prepared for the danger that is hard mode so i spend the next eight hours getting ready i farmed bean aids obtained the star cannon craft the necker armor built a bait farm on enemy farm and finally our planter arena now that last one might come as a shock to some of you surely by the time mechs are defeated we'd be able to handle it right wrong the hardware jungle is really not something you want to mess with especially in master mode take this tortoise for instance while spinning it deals 432 damage that's just 18 less damage than moonlord's death ray i am not trying to die to a turtle 20 hours in so i'll gladly prepare everything beforehand and truthfully i could have done even more preparations in this but i realized the more time i invested into the run the more it would hurt if i died so i moved on and just like with the queen bee before recalling during the wall flesh fight is a terrible idea rather than chasing you to the surface the wall of flesh will just simply insta kill you it doesn't matter how much health defense or damage reduction you have there is simply no escape and even though we had pretty solid gear to take this thing down i was feeling pretty nervous you can always mess up you always mess up with something and whereas with other bosses you can just recall away if if things don't go according to plan this boss you don't have that option so you you will die you will lose all this progress and it's it's not fun if this was not hardcore i have no doubt that i would beat this but the fact that it is makes me a little like a little nervous just a little bit after 19 hours of hardcore master mode it was time no matter what happens one of us is going down here we go chat thank you i'm just going to spam b b's knees like this 13 damage okay well as long as we just just chill to start will be okay the damage doesn't increase remember so it's not totally free and it speeds up but i just want to get the hungry out of the way okay i think most of them are going down we really just need the b nades in here let me try a few let's see how those do there we go muslims are down oh we're doing great we're doing great chat i'm just gonna set up a bunch over here just get them all ready get the ball cooked yes cowbees more more don't fall in the lava though 24 damage okay it's a little bit more doing a little bit more a little more lasers okay there's a chance oh and same in here okay easy it's looking pretty easy i don't know jinxer though dang it's already this fast it has so much health left still what okay i gotta be careful chat now's the time for bees though now's the time for bees whenever we get like tons of blocks like this oh okay easy easy yes we made it i got stuck there and i was really scared i probably should have tested for that but with hardwood locks the number of threats to her character has drastically increased with most enemies now dealing around 200 damage per hit so rather than mining for the hard motors i figured i'd play it safe and fish for them however i drastically underestimated how long it would take to get a full set of titanium armor i'd only acquired half of the titanium needed after six and a half hours of fishing turns out titanium crates are pretty rare without fishing potions and accessories so in hopes that i could get maybe a few of these items i did a quest i mean might as well nothing can go wrong if you're just fishing i am so scared that is so scary oh oh no no no i recalled and just like that i'd lost everything a single hit from this tortoise had cost me 26 hours and 43 minutes of progress in hardcore master mode and the worst part is i had a very real chance of surviving this for those unaware trey has a random modifier that will add anywhere between plus or minus 15 damage to an attack for this tortoise to have killed me it needs to deal at least 34 points of extra damage so how likely is that to happen a 25 chance in other words i lived through this hit 75 percent of the time i could have really used some of that luck from the start right about now but don't worry this isn't the end for hardcore master mode i didn't expect to get anywhere near this far in just three attempts so i'll definitely be back with more and who knows maybe it'll be an attempt that goes a distance thanks for watching i'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 908,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, terraria, Mods, Hardcore, Terraria Hardcore, Terraria Mastermode Hardcore, Terraria one life challenge, Can I survive Terraria's Hardest Difficulty?
Id: EvGs1M2Xm7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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