Calamity Speedrun: Supreme Calamitas Killed in Under 3 Hours!

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cheat sheet what are the odds of that slime dropping into the between behind exactly at the right spot to break the good oh I am the maddest I've ever been in my entire life god I can't believe this seems to follow inverted red my life is a first for the day you guys excited it's the first run everyone loves the first run nothing goes we have a completely blank slate to work from nothing has gone wrong everything is an opportunity its first run of the day first for them today you're exactly right writer hope you kept that seed oh you know it's all ng anyway and for the straight stream I know it's super exciting you guys ready hey lucha just doing boob mannequins using the slime sot silo like that and with the mannequins there gives you unlimited invincibility frames so nothing can hurt you it's better go on YouTube it very well probably well let's turn off slime I normally do once I start fighting queen bee not before it but I guess note to self it's in discord now well go on twitch fails thank you zai zai jian zhu zai ohms i don't know how to say your name let me to call you so I am thankful fall appreciate it when you're doing the sub free death mode runs probably never I probably just can't walnut keeping to the fall okay big boy trees big enough boy trees we have a little underground area um living tree not what ever rat on is called why didn't show your follow uh if it didn't you might just need to wait a second oh there we go this is a really weird really weird underground tree thing never seen one like this before we're just ends like that just new to me anyway we can set up a duping station already which is pretty exciting so I will do what I did on the last row and except this time I kind of want to do it a little bit differently just missed it I really should get myself a mousepad I left my old my actual mousepad at home unfortunately so I'm using a minor as a mousepad which is kind of a key for terraria thanks for the follow of prh just do you guys have crazy names thank you for the follow I appreciate it I'm sorry I can't pronounce all your crazy wacky names I'm gonna set up the houses first this time because the moment I poop money I want the merchant to be able to show up and then the arms dealer after that kind of like last round I feel like the more we leverage or NPCs earlier the better the advantage we get there we go that's all set up now we need that guy we need to make a door where are you vacation I am just staying with some friends in Canada for a while it'll be at least three months for the time being and we'll see for exactly how long oh thanks for the hundred bits gonna appreciate it okay hopefully this give me enough stone yes it slipped in perfectly I should be enough for sure yeah absolutely okay so now we go back up we make our furnace bingo and go that okay then put that there put that stare break this down break it down don't add more okay let anvils 1 there make chains make a sawmill make item frames not weapon racks item frames and then instead of the dipping station let's set it up properly and item frame and item frame and then we will immediately do money if you want to do that ASAP from now on all right there we go that's done we have enough gel so let's do that [Music] well fast then we can make our sticky bombs which are always good that we need to do for actual duping stations stuff unlimited power before I forget I'm gonna make the light armor we can stone we can do four platforms real fast yes will replace our pickaxe while we're at it the actual would do potions like delete the Splinter potions no they're right there okay just didn't put them in place got nervous for a second there it's like oh good job me okay and then we have our rope we can do some potions I guess and then that's good okay I guess we'll be on our way I will also go ahead and dig up some sunflowers to be able to place along the way oh it's raining alright favorite class in vanilla its mage I think by far mage has the most interesting stuff in vanilla I don't really know for like calamity because I haven't even really done all of the classes in calamity so oh I thought I had a hook okay that was great I loved that yeah mine already terraria has different classes so there's mage summoner this mage summoner ranged melee and Rogue rogue is more of a calamity thing technically it exists in terraria is like regular old throwing but terraria never really fleshed out that class so it kind of just doesn't really exist because thank you you can't replace a mushroom on the ground are you kidding me or maybe it just doesn't let me place it my hold black quick all right see you later boy thanks for stopping by dates are nice more good mates are nice a mining potion super good thanks to the pallet I'm a pretty big fan of seminary I think if summoner was more fleshed out overall it would be my favorite but as it is I definitely prefer age cuz drummer strumming ur summoner is a bit of a struggle as it exists at least from my experiences maybe I'm just bad at summoners ooh shine ooh thank you ooh awesome okay um we can teleport home nicely I have Cthulhu is spawning platinum did I miss some maybe I should be looking after platinum in the underground crimson there I haven't been looking out for it too much so far just cuz it's kind of like an out of the way sort of thing but uh honestly it's probably worth my time don't care about that that that that and I think we're good to go as long as we do please guys I actually kind of dig having shine potions to spare at the start of the game like free hard mode all right so enable Armageddon stay away from the tall tree it makes me nervous Wow just just be careful for me already of them Oh God okay good we're good we're good we're good what we got a merchant okay if we get an arms dealer that'd be like the best thing but having a merchant is already pretty dang good he's pretty hard ones have been really good so far I'm kind of a big fan I feel like it duping earlier is is just the strat that we should really look out for from now on because we can make merchants a lot more frequent we can get arms dealer ahead of time we can get the hive pack by Armageddon between being there's a lot of advantages a jrk chap right cool up a minute for you for that's not bad at all we need the shirt pants settle Church saddle pants we got everything great yeah okay hey how's it going thank you oh don't care about those okay and then we want to do this and we want to turn it into target dummies hey and then we want to dupe them it looks like a frickin Blood Moon out here what is going on we're gonna disable you because you did a terrible thing and I will never forgive you [Music] this is to know it's a one-block yeah okay the Bears are a little set up now we just need to go to the jungle we didn't do ball it's let's do that thanks for the follow a JK champ so that it's a little bit far away with the target dummy but I don't think it's too bad so I'm gonna just leave it as this alright cool now we can get going we have 400 calif which means we're almost assuredly gonna get the goblin army the for hard mode or at least if if recent history is is to be believed then we are oh we're at the sunflowers well back that's it brother that's not irrelevant actually I don't know how we got that but I'm okay with that it's all rights curious this is the sub freerunning you're here for it right now I should use my bucks Evelyn's thing oh well double-o well I saw that Bishan was like oh no here it comes the Piranha hit but if didn't deal any damage and then I was happy all right let's see if we can get an anklet of the wind on this run that'd be pretty neat we just got it twice in a row we don't this freaking lead there's honey this way I thought that would go a little bit further I guess not I don't know why my shine potion wasn't happening there I was weird um I don't know if this is supposed to be the jungle entrance oh there we go we just were supposed to go this way okay let's keep your eye out for platinum and for diamonds as per usual thing close the wind as well oh my god oh I didn't even see her you know what okay here's her temple which is good we want that salt and then we just need to find our queen bee where are you Queen Bee show yourself I guess I'll bomb a bit more you didn't turn off slimey goofs oops it's already gone that was a lot more bombs than I thought I fear I could mean or this okay there's some platinum ah man we're gonna have one of these runs where I can't find the queen bee hives oh yeah you can see them off council gills potion there's one there's a hive and it ain't gonna be a bad thing is I don't have a slime which means nothing's gonna go wrong okay okay also NASA decent time to get obsidian so let's do that okay um so we're going to want to use bombs then you slimy saddle to deal with the bees that's a lot bees they're making it easy for me I let me just check and make sure everything is ready I believe we're good to go I don't think we need anything else from here I think we can just make a move I really get nervous at this point that I'm gonna like start queen bee fight and then be unprepared when I get to the house an awkward spot for clean be summoned to be but it's not the worst I guess okay so we want to throw the bomb and then immediately recall Oh F the queen bee like rate oh well they're low down enough that they won't get hurt too much that's good I've want to use grenades but I'm really worried about it I should test that in the future though ah do it for the sub-3 know is I might lose sub-3 if it hurts me I would die instantaneously besides the grenade DPS isn't even necessarily better than the gun DPS I'm not sure I haven't actually checked the exact numbers I think my gun is kind of bad this run though that doesn't help but this gives us the hive pack and it also kind of speeds up the fight because we get extra free damage from the slimy saddle bounces all right 27 health this fight is over okay so get rid of that we got the oh don't delete that Oh God that would've been bad would have been very bad did I just delete the what is my brain I can't believe that I just deleted that in my panic all right well that's fine guess we don't get hive back whatever it's not a big deal um just a little bit of GPS loss we have ninja is there any other fallen stars why are there no pollen stairs good night time forever phone starts phones dice no okay seriously it's been nighttime weird huh all right this world just doesn't have stars good don't need don't need we can set up more houses real fast nicely done seriously how did I delete the bags I bet it's impressively dumb it's probably one of the weirdest mistakes I've made okay let's set up and then we can use our new real estate who make Zulu for that down get silk I only made one I don't like that all right I thought I had enough for more than that um to our platinum well and then we can put it away all right couple of Slayer season two starts here he needs aren't broken and all by the way they're balanced okay um with that I think it's about time for us to they're heading down to the wall flush I'm gonna put away some stuff that I want to hard dupe later I should take care of this silt first I should also make a platinum pickaxe because I don't have a bow from one and then we want the ancient fossil put that there and then we can hold on to the silt because we don't have diamonds yet and then we use our obsidian you follow that and then put it away for later the rest of it we don't really care about make someone fall fen appreciate it [Music] Emily faced with the fallout can you explain please um I can but the best way to do it would be able to just look it up on YouTube I believe badger has a video on it and you really don't want I've really done explanation for it cuz you're dealing with both your inventory and an entire chests inventory so if you don't do it quite right you might lose a bunch of your stuff and that's not good I should use my house so I can keep my eye out for diamo planter are you some host curious preciate it can you can you just don't where there's so many spider dens den dog stop stop and with this fight it ends thank you for the host enjoy the host here yes if you guys are gonna keep posting I'm gonna have to like look away for the time being another spider done is this just one big continuous one or are there actually for you I want answers could you be a diamond growing next time please thank you pop lights gonna drop now and I don't like that oh I can way too much damage no I'm not paying attention what is happening you serious pretty sure these are sapphires but I feel the urge to jack snowy thanks for the host gasifiers umm whatever I'll just take the rest okay so here we are in clans that's a voodoo doll yes come over here okay we just need to like heal a bit cuz this is a little bit sketchy as it is okay marbles no we just hold on to snow care to that we need that don't don't don't don't don't okay there's another demon please give me bone ash the world is almost a good place stop shooting I'll think about it read a nice little bridge for a wall of flesh fight is this enough I think if we also create a little hole in the house it should be I did switch it was just I need to get used to use times like I hit the switch button right when I need to and not before I need to and I really need to start doing it before also I'm a little bit disappointing myself I didn't actually see that bat I'll extend this just a little bit I would rather be safe and win the fight and save myself like 30 seconds Gabey or maybe good bet I don't know think since all appreciate it and hey guys you know what I'm gonna remember to do that would have been sad if I didn't let's go bad start bad start okay I have to not screw this weight up clockwork assault rifle because everything goes right on this run don't even be on our demon trophies good get rid of that get rid of that I think we are good to go rid of that okay okay okay stop stop stop stop stop stop I don't necessarily want to leave yet just in case we can get a chaos dude to spot so I'll just look through my inventory I think we're good we need health stone though so let's get that emond trying to hurt my feelings and my body but also my feelings as you're not doing the spliced beam correct we didn't even restart the game okay let's go home all right no arm stealer yet that's okay though he's allowed to not exist yet the nurse showed up I thought that was gonna be the arms dealer for a second and I was like okay okay so let's make the silk that I couldn't make earlier and it made me sad they said the duping station because the wall of flesh breaks it steampunker has awoken I also thought that was the arms dealer again by the way who are those curious yes [Music] okay so now we want to make the links tax and the feller of evergreens and we'll just put that away for later and then I guess we could make the ice machine real fast ducky Oh terraria the most odd game in the world hello from Germany oh wow thank you for the $1 donation bin I appreciate it thank you very much very kind no one saw me kill those goldfish rubber ducky wait a minute go and help yourself okay cool cool more house [Music] is some long rain 1v1 you in Terraria huh mmm fish has been slayed this is so sad it's getting dark good good good we want to be dark otherwise we won't be able to fight Skeletron and we need to fight skellige on okay so let's play the ice and snow don't need that we can put this bear I guess but need all that don't need the sickle any dirt okay I don't need an extra stack of stone this away and then make to the bars or a lot of them take your pick okay put the actual bars away get rid of that guy for all of eternity and I think we're good as far as this situation is concerned we've extended the house as the Steampunk is awoken all right Jack calm down we ain't wanna be won and I like you guys too much to destroy you in a video game uh anyway we're gonna go to the dungeon as I believe it is almost nighttime and even if it isn't we kind of need to you guys costume him I she's my bus good idea hectic oh it's starting to look light out that I misinterpret the time I might have misinterpreted the time no it looks like it's getting dark okay I can see the sky turning red and or : whatever look the part you can only do green Victorian chest especially this doesn't affect the other chest anything any chest that's not involving the heart dupe is are unrelated and won't be impacted at all you don't have to worry about other chests being messed with okay so we need to kill Skeletron once we beat Skeletron we need to go get bones alchemy table for watching table so thanks macrocosm I try we can do split for making a watch I mean we should be able to on most runs but about your spell like you're pushing I didn't stare hey that's good it's very good Nimbus rod okay essence of cinders good know know how I feel about that Nimbus rod I don't think it's used anywhere in the run at all I guess I could use it on the Skeletron fight right and mana yeah we can do that set thanks willow I appreciate it we need postman Lord rain this is primo margarita guys very talkative your ear it's not that loud name my keyboards loud oh okay kill this guy fast and then we set up an eye of Cthulhu thing and then we get the shield agri-food come on I don't like that all right this is interesting getting this I have to do this is actually probably a really good thing because we get these yield kethu extra early it's a pretty dang helpful for stuff coming reminder do not throw a treasure bag thank you I mean even at 100 percent it should be that loud No I made up a bit of a mistake all right well this fight will take a little bit longer than otherwise it should but that's fine pretty fight Providence in the hollow during daytime okay that's good and geared of that we can hold on to the contain which is actually good because we can use it to make a better fishing rod on the fishing session section comes up and then yeah now we go into the dungeon now we ditch the treasure bags you don't care anymore having o'clock with us or if it will help out a lot here cuz II nades are not okay cuz they can just activate the idlest and then I cry see yeah let's see show me the goods Oh what okay it's over that was interesting it spawned exactly one enemy Oh to add a little head of myself oh god it might not be over oh no really this is what's gonna happen now here's our pitching table there's some essence of chaos so it's not all bad but I don't like it this is a really open area holy moly I don't think I've ever seen like this open up a dungeon it's a small world too wait Moe disguise relay modus whatever you call words are hard who need some ability when you can have a slime hook I might traverse this dungeon like hello like it's so huge and opened and I don't know what I'm doing here like where if I bend and not been okay itself chlorophyll is great oh hey this is cute and convenient okay um we go home now I believe you've got everything yeah yeah okay I actually picked up everything good good good okay we're home you have an arms dealer both of these things are good well so I apologize as I tend to do I try my darndest to read chat during runs but at times like this where I have to pay very close attention to what's going on in front of me I don't get many attempts at reading chat so if I miss some of your messages I do sincerely apologize I really don't want to it just kind of happens that way and it's unfortunate and I wish I could do better but life is hard I hope you could understand chat okay we want to fissure those souls or whatever it's called get rid of that and then we just need to do fishing we should also buy our stuff from the what's-his-face the arms dealer I thought I duped money but I guess that was on a different run okay yeah we don't even have a piggy bank no wonder your ink okay so we need to actually tube silver now cuz I did that in the wrong order okay we have money okay me the rest of these give me the film on crystal lovely we actually don't have diamonds yet so note to self we need to get diamonds for that away for that away okay we have to do the eight and then we need buckets of water and do you guys know what that means reddit fishing okay so here's gonna be your little setup we have that there we have blocks here we have target dummies and then I think we're ready to go into single-player and get this going should be okay with this hollow it was really close by actually let's uh let's set up the dummies here a little bit put these guys here it should be set up cool now we're gonna make water and I made the pool bake this time in case that isn't really apparent because I do not trust fishing anymore after yesterday Shang all right chat you want to talk with me now it's the time it's maybe going to cry huh I don't understand I don't know spider-man I'm a cob high-collared packs used to I Ninja has arena I named it again face blink cushions you have ice here right there beer right there twice you didn't got him being wrong isn't that a Gotham you're just wrong bunnies are kittens it depends upon your lifestyle think you died mmm dang I don't look next time I'm alright okay what are we throwing out we're throw nuts too I mean we have the better fishing rod we have a better fishing area we have a lot going for us this time that we didn't last time Oh sick okay that was amazing okay uh I don't know if I have to join single-player multiplayer for it but we're going multiplayer we're gonna get the hard dude prepared we're gonna hurt dude guys it's not spicy yet we're about to be spliced come on come on so 3x E is booting you're so right I really should just test apart duping works starting with single-player that's what I should do but I'm too lazy okay so I need you you and you and you and you for heard dupes um David accent multiplayer is played hey Rattray how's it going what does splice to even mean splicing is a form of cheating and speedrunning where a player will perform part of the run and record it separately than another part of the run then Stitch the two videos together and submit it as one whole uninterrupted run and it is not allowed and runs and we joke about it because at some point during the year in speedrun I did the same thing where I quit out of the game and somebody heard a keyboard click and they called me out for it I think they thought I was cheating so now whenever we close and relaunch the game we mean both splicing because it's funny lysed use I don't know what that is spicy cube prove it's not spliced alright chat tell me something to do to prove this isn't pre-recorded calm down - doc leet you're old if I die well or if the run dies I will alright McCobb this is spliced oh oh well next time next time guys I won't cheat I swear this is my apology video I am so sorry I never thought I'd have to make one of these and yet here I am let's calm down shadow favor I think we're maiming pretty hard let's not let's not meme a little too hard alright alright so put those away we can't dupe the fallen stars yet because it is not nighttime I don't need that beam aids are outdated we can put the way the bones we weigh the Fallen stories for later away the desert feathers but with the chaos fish and then use the currents we got mithril already which is really good Cobalts you don't need any of that I just need titanium or Adamantite or preferably titanium there's Adamantite or so let's real quick set up some stuff that we want to do to throw that make the forge and then cobalt bars turn it into a shield and then replace gel I guess get rid of that get rid of that now we need to do any mu here you go wool that is all done okay now we make the armor and the railgun and the tools while we're at it railgun get rid of that the dry it has arrived how about some pumpkins okay pumpkin setup get rid of that get rid of that okay heard of that you can put those away for the time being let me just check and make sure and we can make the shadow key cool but the shadow key away is well or right ah is there anything else we need to focus on for the time being no we just need to get our souls okay that's not too bad thanks Jake here champ pixal the fall count squash preciate it dude I love complex let's also drop down see if we can find ourselves the got one tinker along the way if we could that would be good we also will immediately be able to upgrade our boots if that happens all right looks like he's not hanging out what a guy alright let's go home we got our souls a plate well next up we need the souls night obviously where was our crimson biome that's pretty far away so I think we'll just go to the left and find the hard wood crimson makes false basic you dude every spider enemy in this game is horrifying I hate it they deal tons of damage too and it's just like no you are you are making arachnophobia worse I think I already have those but just in case underground crimson plus ice is actually kind of nice here because it lets us get the essence of Eliam we need to because we need that before you can fight pry open and here we are oh that stops being crimson in that direction lame I can grab some and he did he dropped two nice okay so bloodletting essence is relevant at some point for sure let's get the cryo key let's get the bazooka and then we need to get ready to kill al Crichton and then the mech bosses I'm I really shouldn't do this this way I should like do the thing that I did on my other runs there's a two chests over here one I can put the non-essential items of my inventory into which is all of that except the cryo key and this so we can deposit all and then I do full inventory of this stuff hey leave me the friends right cool let's go back to the snow area real fast just put that there and then chainsaw the tree I guess the trees there and then great I have to put a platform if I want to use a tree glad I put away my platform so we're not gonna in-your-face tree okay spawn kaizen I forgot Oh Armageddon let's just do that real fast oh boy the demolitionist has arrived it hype chat or we out of what are we out of let me any more of snow does it snow that's not snow ice essence of Eliam I put it away it's over here yeah yeah also my souls it's cool let's cool we're good we're good everything's fine put that away now we can make a new cracky okay know what's all that snow once on that first dry cryogen hopefully you still have a run after that I mean that works like 15 seconds of time loss at worse for like 30 maybe get up here stop being in the floor oh no don't be spawned by the way last night I guess I want to do it a little bit further three hours in one second that would be sad I'll be quite a sad thing goodbye sub-3 chat I need you to believe a little harder we're never gonna get it all right drink I got my money back how exciting Oh permafrost how's it going goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye hello put this in my eyes all that no one will give me my health potions I want those so dude is that throw away the extras if these open this guy up moonlight daylight osmolytes that's good next summon X 7 X 7 that's good and then we want to favorite those real fast leet that delete that we can put this in the that guy chest and then leave all that back which the nighttime and then we need to fight okay okay and they school them and I have one run we're a nice golem doesn't spot on me that happens so often I've read three times on the split holy moly kind of dying and It didn t spawn sick is it really gonna follow me home it's okay we can definitely do Swan it in a second okay Eddie's fun we're good okay and then we want to deposit these guys back keep like three on us I guess hey there's a ball and star that reminded me that I should dupe them you Inc okay get rid of that with them back away but those in there and then we can make the burden breaker which goes there and then we can make the upgrade to the weapon but we don't have diamonds yet so we really need to get our hands on that so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna drop down through here really keep an eye out for any potential diamonds like literally this is good enough I'm checking this it's probably emerald or sapphire but I'm gonna check it anyway like we need we need diamonds I can't we can't go on without them if you're looking out for that and then at the bottom we're gonna go ahead and well I guess we don't need it and to think this happened because we need need a couple of things we need oh there's the Crimson actually that's good we need diamonds and we need murky sludge so being in the Crimson is actually good it gives me excuse to look around more than I already was and ideally we'll find a few like crimson slimes or whatever they're called Oh God oh wait that's a diamond crawler did the diamond survive or did that just actually happen I mean let's go why did I not like take damage visually for a second there alright last you bad don't you need tinker - we don't need tinker until much later there's diamonds all right that problem solved now we just need them Ricky sledge diamonds obtained now we just need to get the murky sludge so let's like hang out here and then put up this guy where are the water candles there there we'll light up the area there's a neck and a bunch of not the dude I want wanna give me something good start plug nice how very good that is okay I'm submit makai don't like that well give me the magic quiver okay I've I've begun the fight I suppose oh no wonder I was digging slow I switched off a platinum armor oh that could be it come on yes okay ah that's sick heck yes okay Steven exit multiplayer play did start except okay we're not spliced yet the game has to close you guys are bad at catching splicing you need to work on it it's a skill I know but you need to work on it is there anything else we want to hard do oh wise have to apologize I'm just joking this place spliced in the chat wait chat is dead it's not on stream there we go I think I fixed it hopefully just say 55 players my name is 55 so yes there we go how long has that been broken I'm so sorry that you need displays how did I get to this point I hope that wasn't broken for dual on East are you well this run is pretty freakin good I don't think we have anything else that could stop us up to limits and coldest at least so I'm pretty excited I have a hectic spliced about well maybe once I get partnered right once they get partnered I say it like it's an inevitability but in reality it is just a hope okay grab them Ricky sledge we could have duped the bloodletting at its essence at the end of the day if we really need to we can just go back and do that in the future so we want to make the Magnum followed by the lightning Hawk and we also probably want to make the diamond tuck because it's better there did that that that that that that that that that that's that that that that we also want crystals for later the way of those we need the sand did I keep it yes I did go with me okay that means we can turn it into glass and then as a result bottles then we want to take these bottles find a source of water the closest I believe is down here this close enough yes okay and then go home then if we take this with this guy this guy and this guy we can make Zurich oceans which are like the most important on the entire run it was back you can then get rid of the water candles and then we can dupe these what I'm going to space we're all notice them okay and then we need to go to the hollow get the stuff for holy arrows then we grind datalist storm bow and then we can move on and kill moon it's a coldest okay so bust a time here we go we're done so a blighted lens wouldn't hurt okay cool it's that away put that away and then make eliris where are they there you are that and then we need the keys light into the fall frame and now it is storm buh grind time there are lots of birds on the ground whoops I killed some maybe permafrost I highly recommend not coming down here if you do you might regret it okay before we do this actually let's make sure that we have a couple of things one of them is the jet pack oh you don't want to sell it let's me sway you you've been swayed okay um so that's done and then we wanted to get grenade shells that was what was on my mind okay come on now storm bow there's no point hiding there we go okay get rid of the keys lights get the storm bow in my hotbar and then we just need to go get the idol on tablet which means we needed to do the thing again so yeah we need the zerg potions that's important let's take all of our buffs we need the magnum rounds that's important then we also want to have more musket balls before we go so we'll do some of those okay and then the rest we turn into magnum rounds okay uh and then we should be just good to go to fight the idlest sigh believe this blood moon sign an item is what I don't know what's called actually I just know it use bloodstone or no chaotic chorus okay they bring target dummies I did good job me didn't bring blocks we can get some though just use the brick didn't bring torches whatever something in the way there what is it I couldn't even see that I feel like if I can't even see your furniture it's not very good finished furniture gonna be honest dungeon gonna be honest with you I should meet the riders of squared before I came down here but whatever this is not the best setup for this actually here's Scott one tinkerer honestly I'm gonna just go home because I want Goblin tinker to live and I want to get right up to squared so goblin tinker you live there welcome home okay we need to set up the tinker table we will expose the loom because we no longer need it and then we can upgrade our boots to Lightning boots in fact they can upgrade it pass that as long as we get leather do we have that oh my guess we don't oh we can't upgrade it fast landing boots guys I lied we'll eventually get blood orbs just right now it's not on the to-do list I forgot to make ready to screw together you have ten minutes that should be plenty of time there it is okay now we get going in we should do a few more rounds cuz every bit counts okay new you notes gosh we have a new tier 3 and a new tier 1 and they are both good you're both good and I am a fan of both did you see the wizard and the what's-your-face the technician like stacked on top of each other they both just immediately spawn when I pop the Zerg all right there's two yeah this really is not the best setup for doing this but whatever oh god it's one of those dudes okay why is this like this please let me get the drop early this is absurd Oh No there's two more down here though so that's good dang it I cannot seem to get lucky with the drop anymore I used to get pretty pretty easily but now it's it's getting really rough you can get dang dude hmmm how many is that the answer is too many thank you for playing this is such a dumb dungeon oh my god we got it okay thank God that was awful that was genuinely terrible then we find this we put that in there we put that in there as well and then we dump the rest into here you don't need any of this right we don't okay so we take this all back did we actually just run out of wow we just ran out of magnum rounds that's quite the coincidence all right and then we're gonna kill the whole system we're gonna be ahead and it's gonna be great okay yeah I think we're good to go I'm and the NPC's here to help me out it's a cultist down thank you for the nickel high-speed gems appreciate it that they're put away the milled blobs for now because you can't really do anything with them okay so now we want to reforge storm bow real fast God Lee's good we can reforge the Chilika few because we use it for the rest of the run and this thing is good okay we want to fight the vortex pillar first so where is it it's in the jungle again that keeps happening and every single time I'm happy that it happens I forgot that I should get a block ready on my hotbar okay and then pops I think all the available like enemy slots are being taken up by the enemies at the bottom left and bottom right and that's kind of dumb hey man I saw this guy doing a charity stream and I was just wondering if you can support him uh that is very vague mmm I feel kind of put on the spot here it's probably a no because I don't I don't know the guy at all I appreciate that he's going for charity but generally as far as supporting other streamers I really like to know who they are before I send people their way right so I apologize it's gonna be a no from me you can absolutely give them my warmest regards for doing a charity stream that's always super cool but like just as far as sending people to other streamers I like to know a little bit more about them before I do so thanks football Pinto and also thank you for the donation because that came with it so I appreciate that but uh yeah I'd like to get to know West year before I send people their way so I'm sorry okay need to reforge that and I also need to make the better pickaxe that's the run menu okay there and then we need to go back to the jungle to get clarify bullets real fast anti charity yeah clearly I hate charity you've caught me oh god I'm still sir ding stop the Beehive was right here oh my god that whole time if you're already digging pretty much as fast as we could snowfall has to be Jones so we want clora fight we want light fruit and we want a plan terrible if we can get it not gonna get too sad about the plan terrible though well brighter thanks to the fallout wow there's a leaf route one more during a beep beep IRL have you considered it to be a vehicle it might be a vehicle so I think I saw the temple to the right just then so I will keep that in mind for later we always beehive so what the heck where were they in the early game okay so a little bit top of elevator oh my god I missed it I don't miss a bulb Oh Oh like Jack you are cool okay so wool not hurting me now I just need one more life fruit and then we're good thank you chat I am blind there's an error with the timer it says bumble bird what is that that is not mayor that is a boss in the front and we are going to be killing it afterward now we don't need temple key we just dig in after we uh I think it's before we devourer of gods yeah we don't need the key no it's bumble cherry you're good they're really not gonna be any more like fun Tori I hooked me up here's one thank you I just have to ask bumble burpees before a year and if you're going through the intended progression but not doing a speedrun I didn't just incorrectly make my splits and do sixty attempts like that or 55 whatever it's super easy to kill bumble grip on the speedran before any of the other bosses it is comically trivial actually [Music] okay then the blood orange for that extra help and they'll put that away for later along with that and then we can do clarified related activities dip dip dip to do and then turn that into bars then the armor [Music] and then the bullets fires away well it's a bit okay setup yeah okay cool we need to start killing you have it pillars we're going to end on Stardust as per usual let's try out solar just cuz we can is it not the best area to be fighting this alert builder like at all oh I even didn't even meet the sound darn you guys wanna know what's really ope going to talk the bazooka Oh God good start whoa suddenly enemies oh I didn't bring a magnum round so that's not the best thing okay let's dip magnum rounds before we go back but we can kill the pillars faster okay and then we want to do solar we also want to make another chest now up there put that away actually let's delete some of these that I can move some stuff over like these guys and these guys they are used in a lot of stuff okay and then do my rounds okay let's see we need to do nebula next which should be a big boy meme Oh God don't turn on camera mode wait what the I definitely right-clicked I absolutely did I didn't disables every nice it's cool I want to disable it now though okay so that's done get ourselves one more color to deal with and then it's Moon Lord time which means that we really need to set up the nurse house let's also grab some pumpkins I guess go fast and I will tear down this tree and set up the house here okay so [Music] okay the nurse actually moved in this time which is always good sometimes she just decides not to I don't really like those times I'll be honest and then set that up for later okay now we kill Stardust All Right see you later beast think stopping by if this is sub feel good to see the rest of it soon this is an interesting for Stardust Billy all right inverter breath thanks for sticking around while you did some of these star cells are pretty bad at not getting stuck well thanks for the pennies ancient cherry God actually you might even call that a dime I'm not sure I've never had such expensive currency myself so I I really know what it's like I just you know if done the nurses in her house that's good okay I'm starting to get a little nervous again okay let's have you to accidentally hit it with the right of discard of course I think on this fight we're going to attempt to just tank the first laser damage cuz I think if I do that I get through first like I can first cycle the head so we're gonna go for that on this attempt and if it doesn't go well that's fine we just won't do it on future attempts oh no that was bad timing for the head laser oh yeah that's absolutely worth it cool when lord dad [Music] sub-3 and maybe here we go you may in fact be there a little bit careful - bird pheromones we want the elephant killer which he apparently can't make I think it's cuz the illegal gun parts are in a separate chest bowler wing is to replace the jet pack scrap those open this up the elephant killer and then I think we can get rid of the illegal gun part so I'm gonna just put away as a just in case get rid of those do this guy luminite bars okay and then I think we're just good to go fight bumble bird pickaxe oh that's really funny - the interesting mistake a nebula pickaxe whatever um cool so let's go beat up bumble burb that's not the jungle here's the jungle let's fight here I guess seems good enough whatever okay so we need our platforms okay okay so there's the rounds okay where are the pheromones they're their time to delete some buffers here's the Provos this good start good start okay and then we need the Golden Eagle that was a little sketchy a date the golden eagle [Music] that was kind of spooky honestly that's still not the Golden Eagle started running out of bullets like way too early I just delete some magnum rounds for inventory space my weapon proficiency [Music] that is still not the golden eagle I'm kind of annoyed we're still ahead but like ah my lady spawns I was like hey stop that get up here that's the Golden Eagle there we go okay dear to that put that there we are done with bumble bird cool favorite that go home we really should do more of this this being recall potions for those who didn't know what I meant I forgot to split so we'll just skip that one okay you got some minutes to kill dog all right now we want to upgrade our boots and stuff so we need to get some leather which we didn't get yet but before we do that let's uh talk to Goblin tinkerer we're taking godly there we go I'm curious like all right I guess I'll check this later it's taking too much time right now okay so that's done we need to go to the Crimson Underground which we can go over there but I kind of prefer to go over this way you don't even need to go down to ground actually we just need to go to the Crimson pups meet vertebrae and the very freighter hive there's a vertebrae where's the freighter here's the ocean this is the longest it's taken for me to get a high spot oh no that was just a bunch of jellyfish yes nice nice siren spawn hello also there's a plane terrible thing do I need to like go to the underground is this for you goodness fun perforator hi hello this is kind of ridiculous actually what the also I should probably pick up some of the vertebrae that are dropping huh there you go no but seriously what is up there we go cheese that was absurd alright that was dumb okay so we take this we do Pitt we also make some leather out of it real fast and do that put away the vertebrae and then we take this with the other stuff when we make height skates we can put that away for the time being we can combine these guys at the Tinker table to make Frostburg now we have to make angel treads which are a whole big thing we need Sun plate cloud rain cloud let's get that real fast by finding a floating island we have a tree that helps us with that what sigh let's let's calm down there cedar let's let's let's not do that shall we [Music] it's placed I need somewhere to put this thing okay there we go problem solving okay so we don't need these anymore we need feathers area light stars that's the syndrome ex-old so we need the area light and the feathers so all we have to do is just fly out use this at least in theory oh wait postman Lord rain oh oh my god I almost forgot this oh my god oh my god oh my god this is huge where's the big forest uh to our right let's go let's go let's go it's so important actually everything else waits before this is a really nice forest area too thanks the fall super fish till here nice cam I'm glad you've been able to stick around oh my god come on uh I'm willing to go for this one didn't give me the come on drop the core do it poor lad poor lad Corp glad Court it's the fall 24 gram ma this is taking too long really all right these feel like really low spawn rates for Zerg is because of the sunflowers I bet it is it betrayed me now they die yeah I can already see a difference that's funny I'll keep that in mind in the future I guess apparently a mimic died cuz I see a dual hook do you still Vega SS Cal yep that's what we're going for there we go geez that took way longer than I think it should have okay so go home and put this away for later you obviously cannot make that right now okay what are we even doing we've got out of the way because it was raining now we need to go good betters there's one did any others drop oh that's sad hey class supposed to go and help you swallow Oh God lovely things okay go home did we get another ledcor my dumb it's so stupid I hate that go away okay the feathers that we need the area light which we can just drop down until we find some [Music] interesting okay didn't find any there this is not my favorite right now because this is taking too long I'll just kill that guy for unholy guesses real fast okay they're Sumerian light thank God gave me all nervous I really appreciate that we just spawn like on the nurse that might actually be useful at some point but it's kind of just funny right now here we go we have very light feathers we can grab the Stars essence of cinder fallen stars we should be able to make the harpy ring here cool good good good we can throw that in there we can prove I guess those three into there for now and then we need a lot of buckets obsidian skull leather and water walking potions oh we need water walking potions which means we should go to the underworld as we still have knockout in the Blood Moon so we should force that [Music] [Laughter] here we go dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun okay bail bail bail bail bail bail bail bail bail bail bail okay that was amazing fun fact okay and then we can make the unholy cores here to that guy then we can do fees and we can make the blood relic there's a nice and quick blood relic so we never get a Blood Moon we just see blood orbs I'll pop sir go faster to speed up the process are you got plate lenses and we got blood orbs okay that's that it's no longer like time you only heard field full voices for like a second and the stream froze up I got frozen by a Medusa while I was falling and so basically I was I thought I was gonna die no matter what but I actually felt perfectly for the to block gap I had made earlier in the run so it all worked out they not hold on to my water bottles from before that's right I crapped them all into stuff that was silly of me that's okay though not a big deal we'll just make more you should be able to make water bottles when it's raining just sayin the clove your is arrived oh my god could this run get any better probably I probably shouldn't use hunter it seems a bit excessive we don't care about heart reach too much summoner comes later we do care about life force a lot we do care about endurance a lot we care about rage at least for now once we get to supreme calamitous that changes care about wrath always and then teleportation potions are the best thing and then that's that k so potions are done that's exciting put the unholy essence away but the essence of cinder away as well okay so that was a little bit distracting but it was good distracting so well we need a lava buckets its chests we get the lava charm we get the obsidian skull we're going to make water walking potions that was important let's not hold lava buckets in our hand that is dangerous then we can make the oh we need leather here yes okay we can make water walking boots oink we can go over here we can turn them into obsidian what our walking boots and then we can turn them into lava waders and then that's good and get rid of that then I I'm not positive but I think we can craft it if we do all that yes good I've been getting really good at recognizing when that recipe is done okay we need to kill ravager next so we need to find eatable stuff um I don't use other mods besides calamity because especially especially ones like Louie afk because if anyone watches the run and sees me using those they'll probably just say the run doesn't matter because I'm using other mods right I'll just be like are you using mods well cool yes your run is bad now that's the temple right over there so we need to make a move in that direction and I'm willing to do this and here yeah cool let's curative stuff we don't need get that and then we go and then we delete stuff we don't meet again because it's clogging up my inventory okay we don't need the holy arrows or anything anymore don't need unholy either we can shove that there we can delete that okay we need to do these guys and these guys open up the chest put those and well we don't need to put those in there we just need to slowly tablet in there and then make to ravager summons and then we can delete these cuz then we're done and before we're abot here we want to make luminite bullets cuz they are really really good at killing ravager fun fact well I see how good here is how good I think it's pretty decent I don't know about you guys maybe maybe you're maybe you're more elitist than me how come I keep getting like ashes of calamity and blighted lenses don't want that we want the bars there's a nice if you could collect those all at once it saves us a little bit of a trip okay so that's like if we're keeping my inventory clean look at me they can good habits and getting rewarded for it okay so now we can make partisan play and I don't think we ever use these other bars but I really worry about deleting them in the event that we do now that's our first and only ravager fights so there's the course of calamity throws away and then if we put our wings and the things there I think we can make serif tracers we can pick the acts of purity that's good missing something or is it bleh oh I put the stuff in the wrong chest got it do it we I got super disorganized super fast their work perhaps I miss the core yeah throw that in there okay now we need to reforge the boots was a little iffy Oh their menacing already we don't even need to thanks nice nice okay holy moly that's all done and then we just need to do rune of costs and beat up a dog so rune of cross obtained let's switch to clarify it let's also do pit real fast that we have more bullets and then it's time to fight Oh out we no no no don't kill my NPCs please please please please please please please please please please please please okay don't care don't care don't care don't care don't care next up we can fight sickness let's refresh your buffs cuz they're all running out I think for the sickness and friends we want you sleep at night bullets we can just dig down from here well as long as we're not stuck in a ton of water alright sickness time oh good good just don't take damage that's fine you decide what you want to take damage I guess got it likes pretty bad okay note to self we definitely want to Flora fight for this fight in the future we can't just spam away the lamps like this yeah okay hey DK farmer oh I forgot to switch my armor that doesn't help either thank you chat I will switch my armor in about a day because the boss respawn timers are super cool okay cool let's go back to the underworld there we go user bus shoot that dude and hopefully we'll get the wonderful benefit of being able to hurt Cygnus which we did not have the luxury of at the start of that last fight because Cygnus can just stay in whole nerville sometimes and it's super cool very unique and interesting I love it well water you'd fix your boss fix your boss please fix your boss [Music] sickness is literally the hardest boss of the entire speeder and changed my mind what just happened there this boss can just be invulnerable sometimes it just it's bugged in multiplayer and it's so freakin bad it hurts my brain how bad it is oh my god fix your boss I hate it all right I mean I actually appealed at Marist but also significant of gone invincible probably well while we're on the topic of things that should happen I think that's one of them did we not get the I did I delete it did I actually oh my god I hate sickness so much thank you for the follow I'm just gonna fight him again I can't find the stuff visit to my inventory I don't see it in lava no I I thought it was whatever I don't know I don't know what happened I was gonna kill him again I hate Cygnus hey Cygnus is the worst boss of the entire game pls fix please fix please I really when I bullets now whatever there we go twisting nether okay yeah and then we want to go and fight what's his face he has a name I assure you I promise I know it at some point maybe I need more clarified bullets okay so we're probably like almost a certainly losing time on this split I don't care too much cuz we're not like gonna lose sub-3 on the split yeah but I don't like losing time so there is that are you ever gonna do an all boss calamity speeder and I really want to see one but I don't think anyone's done it I am going to do an all boss I'm not gonna do with them an order necessarily I'll have to look into that one but I will eventually do all bosses [Music] [Music] okay cosmic worm obtained we need to set up for a grenade shell duping so we have everything we want we'll just use our buffs which we already have all casted and then we're gonna deposit all grab our grenade shells and do a bunch I know I have an open accessory slot but there's no accessory they go and get right now we'll do it later okay so that's all set up well it good we have luminite bullets which is not what we want for the fight we want for fight oh you want both okay that's great we have a really close spawn thing okay bring it on dog okay [Music] you're not really bring it on you're kind of just running away I don't know how I feel about it all right good for space [Music] hey our geez [Music] how much time was saved Cole Justin before I could leave like five minutes hey this is where we swap bullets because limonite does no damage to storm Weaver for reasons [Music] [Music] all right nice I like lumini bullets on sickness they're for sure [Music] [Music] alright still nine minutes ahead good good good for the rest of us drops go here yeah okay cool ah good good good good good let's go home leave that okay GUP all that cool and then we want to put away this stuff - the whatever okay we just got to leave the rest okay loot all cool and then we are good to go for more stuff scroll in my notes there we go are you now using the music and I decided that I don't really care too much about saving a few seconds to get rid of the music a lot of people weren't super happy with it alright we need to go get ectoplasm and Fanta plasm so let's go back to the dungeon it isn't necessary to be Providence's it's Peter and if you don't be Providence here and gets mad at you and calls you unworthy that's no good I learned that one the hard way okay we're done nice and quick and we got a keyblade good good good good all around good times okay so we got that we need the star dust and fallen stars so we need to go to the Stardust biome real fast actually where is it I don't really know fine whatever you know what I mean I know guys there you happy you got real gel now you're using an accessory you good you good chat all right it's not on this side guys hey go weak we got it we did it no no need be sad chat here we are this was quite far out okay here do that please go away you should not be here there then we have the Fallen stars in there which means we can make the hang astral Chuck cool over here hello bye thank you and we can make the star core which will want to switch bullets for because I think Astrid Deus is probably not gonna take any damage from luminite lovely okay now you want to go all the way back Tina frozen hope you enjoyed it it's awesome I'm glad you thought this awesome up into the stream I hope you swallow and it's got a turtle shell and a diving helmet okay spare that in there for the Stardust in there if the astral buyers give him like no tomorrow get the fruit out of this chest cuz it let's just those in there and then get the miracle fruit drink okay then we need to Providence next so will Providence it is time for you to meet your maker oh we can make the inferno cutter thanks nice where is the propane shirt there it is yank okay and then we want magnum rounds for this fight so let's get some you don't really need torches anymore workbench is probably good to keep on hand we can just work slightly sub-optimally I guess um yeah let's go oh it's not daytime they're very picky about that Asaph all Jake appreciate it okay so now we need the thingymajig and I should be able to win this don't play up that high acting okay thanks to the fall frozen preciate it alright so we need those for later did that just stack to exactly nine it what that's unreal what is life okay and now we need to make the meld bla bars whatever I need to get my loom which piece you need the MELD pickaxe whatever it's called freaking know its name don't at me throw that in there and then we need to get a Galactica singularity and then we can make the gallon pickaxe which will replace our pickaxe then we need to teleport around until we find well of live good enough I guess we're magnum rounds oh boy thanks for the photo she preciate it okay and then we can make the elderberry and we can also make the blossom pickaxe which is there that's the fastest I've ever found it chat praise me praise me for my abilities to look around it's stuff you don't think we need feathers anymore so I'm gonna get rid of that traveling merchant and I'm gonna give it to these what you got do you have an accessory that can make my chat happy no you don't okay so that's done we need to make magnum rounds before we do the event stuff and then we need to do the event stuff so grab that footage in well let's not even put it in there let's just delete it once we're done we're rid of accurate of that and then we want to get some magnum rounds before we do each do I want to delete the clarify I don't think so so I'm gonna hold on to it and then we need to find a good place to fight the dudes a good place I guess the whole snowy areas fine yeah there should be fine okay um so he said to nighttime we activate the thing and then we use ERG and then we use our illuminate bullets and wind everything and it's gonna lag and it's gonna be awful but it'll be great and awful and great yeah but if I did that then anyone who saw the run would call it up for cheating prison I can't just throw in whatever mod I want like I have to stick to calamity and and maybe informational mods but even then I kind of don't want to do that okay so that's done I wasn't like everyone go home and then I guess I'll just start the rate cosmalite start the nightmare whatever a little bit worried about my luminite rounds like I'm weird I'm gonna run out that would be pretty bad yeah I just stick to calamity only and the music mod obviously originally we had gotten rid of the music mod to save time but then a lot of people were sad about it I'm the subfloor run so I added it back today give me that all right those hurt at that those away and then if we grab this guy that guy and that guy we can make great on spores cool and good okay so now we want to make the throwing set of the Godslayer armor make the executioner's blade have that replaced the gold needle once again I get nervous about it so I'm just gonna put it away instead of deleting it you can't really use propose us anymore we're gonna reforge the executioner's blade oh it's already unreal nevermind we're not gonna report it okay it is time to kill you're in boys and girls it is time to kill Garen I hope you are all prepared for the year-end killing okay so before we do that we have to get a little bit prepared for ourselves which basically just means we need to set up a chest full of magnum rounds so we're going to use all of our books oz it all of our non-essential stuff I just have to be really careful about this because if I do this the wrong way we have a huge problem on our hands if we don't like having huge problems on our hands I mean as long as I don't mess up really bad in the near future this is absolutely the sub-tree run so just start saying hi to YouTube everybody I'm sure they'll be happy to hear you I'm just gonna make an extra set just in case I really really really want to bet this run against problems right now all right cool let's go in a single-player and Killian chat so friendly the YouTube YouTube YouTube probably loves it and before comments talking about how YouTube eights it anyway alright it's urine time you guys ready I'm ready let's disable Zerg that's a good idea wonderful give me a if we now well this goes through walls sick is even more broken than I thought it was a seriously bring on the my phone please we're not gonna get stuff 245 that's that seems a bit excessive David for real walk on split we're not done an injury in spine but I thought it was a yeah sub 2:30 let me just kill ask Alan four minutes their yard geez I got him but like oh my god I literally just died like the the Godslayer armor buff went off so ow that hurt we don't need to do that we just need to heal with the nurse get more magnum rounds and then fight your and again disabled Zerg okay I'm a little bit nervous I'm not gonna lie chat losing the armor buff is bad but we do have oh maybe it's back in six seconds we're fine we're fine I don't want to lose resurrect during the fight like ever that's why I was sitting there like I'm nervous chat but we actually get it back really soon and not only that but there was another thing I was going to say I've just forgotten [Music] nice Wow that was a really fast ball overkill we got the Aaron fragments that means we are good to go into single-player that was our split or multiplayer ready if you're sick of that mud that's fine I mean it's not your cup of tea so be it oh sub two thirty year and that was really good hot dang dang that's a year in PV whoa oh my lord okay uh we don't like any dragon egg oh man that is a be free of the half-excited who might be okay and then we really need to put away the Magnum hats real fast pause it all moved all okay cool and then we do the errand fragments we do the dark Sun fragments and then we shove these in there for crafting purposes we can make silver armor let's do that you want the seminar set radical then on top of that we also want the best fruit did we ever get it I don't think we did if you forget to make the Gosselaar I don't think you ever made the best fruit yeah there we go I did that with less than the health I should have had nice okay so we need Center playthings odium let's go get those air in the sky so you know what we'll just grab gravity potions real fast like gravity potions I mean gravity potion as cow only flamethrower mmm only think about that one all right I thought about it no home are you guys ready for the sub three okay and then we have a few other things we need we need essences and pours of cinder or a cinder essence of cinder cool we need your in fragments private for Providence geodes oh here in fragments fine geodes essence of chaos and Fanta plasm and then we just need to go to a demon altar to it for Reggie okay so we need all three of these guys 103 okay that's that you go home weary forward to all of them that's done that's done no one saw that got it okay so those are all done we don't care about these anymore goodbye goodbye put the rest away okay we need to make the summon thing now which means we need two of these guys later tater and if we open up everything in here we should be able to make the thing unless I'm disorganized in which case we will have to do something about it oh we forgot to work where again I always forget it that's work okay um let's go home of that in there and then I think if we open up this chest we should be good to go but possibly not there's a lot of things that go into the summon so essences Cosmo phantom plasm gear and we not get into fashions perhaps there we go that was it I think maybe I don't know doesn't matter does not matter if it was it or not okay that's done doesn't matter i stunk energy chef yeah we just got those so we need to get the ice chunk in the energy staff real fast wait what none okay that was weird the ice slime just had a I don't know what's going on anymore chat I'll level with ya I ain't smart enough for this where's the ice chunk come on there's a frost barrier which I think drops from the same guy but doesn't need to be nighttime there it is I think it needs to be nighttime into the hummus track welcome to probably sub free maybe Oh sick energy staff that was the best welcome to hectic it's lucky yeah how was your stream I hope it was swell I might not be able to read the answer but I will look when I can as per usual sandstone desert feathers it was super slow on super insane nice I wonder what the super insane comes from I'm curious now wonder I will because good lord looking at the game while playing is my life now a 20-minute t99 fight only moly that sounds absurd and very stressful while we're on the topic you're in Mixel and then we just need to upgrade the one guy the elemental axe which that should have been enough for there we go take that and then cause again materializer BAM that's done get rid of well let's not get rid of it we might need to fight some stuff okay so we need to gain mana that's important I haven't been doing it enough lately you just wanted to play Tetris because if we don't have enough mana we can tree summon the freakin dude and it's been super annoying thank you for the follow cold fire okay we're done and then we need to make sure our buffs are not too much though one two three four five don't need those don't need those okay that's definitely not too many and then from that we need to get rid of surd we don't care we don't care about teleportation don't care about that don't care about that that's gone we can put away these guys can put away those guys I'm putting things away just in case put this here get rid of Armageddon put that in there here two back you're back you're rid of that and then we need to do all the grenade rounds in the world I know why I did that that was done you know let's just let's just let's just okay I think I think it's time well no we need to set up an arena okay I got a little bit I got a little bit flabbergasted here I need to not get too ahead of myself I got a little bit ahead of myself there beneath the arena now that we need to build potion [Music] okay hold it off here that is so frustrating that they were put an island bear okay whatever we'll make another eye for him this way you know II won't get interrupted that exact same thing happened on our last sub three attempt I have a fair few attempts though we've got freakin 19 minutes all right that should be long enough let's find the general center ish area like here down to chests and then we need to go home grab the bewitching table I'm sorry yes we need I don't think so left down the bewitching table oh we didn't make seven our potions that's super important we no longer need this guy the rest of these I'll probably hold on to because I'm a little bit worried about not doing that summoner potions you me give me give me that's the wrong one there's too many greenish ones fix your game for Arya okay so that's the order we're gonna have our items in in fact we really want the cosmic people to realize err last on the list because we shouldn't ever lose it and then if we go up here and put the potions away thank you for the ball but at the moment I'm gonna say it like that I don't care if I'm wrong let's actually put these rounds in the chest then make a full new inventory of rounds and then we fight sprinkle amethyst and you guys get excited because I should get sub 3 even if I die 4 times I have the chance to get 17 hey Tammy well you might be witnessing one of the most important speedruns ever in the history of mankind is this a 7-3 piece okay we fight supreme calamitous now I'm pretty sure that's the wrong character are you guys prepared Thank You panty are you prepared for the world of hurt and supreme collab this is about to go through I know I am a something materialized you're summoned here we go [Music] well well [Music] oh that's not the best [Music] oh that's not good that tree there that is a bad thing alright brothers face fairly clean that's the most important phase it's really dangerous so I got two thirds of we're starting a No [Music] plan [Music] yes oh oh yeah miss first try it was first tried I don't even care I don't care how hurt I was up close to us we did holy moly 246 oh my god we killed supreme calamitous faster than I killed yerin [Music] oh my god I'm shaking like nobody's business where is my where is my prize where where did s Cal even die like I was I was so scared at the end I was so tense that like my vision was failing me like I just knew that I had to shoot like generally here and I had to kill s Cal cuz I was about to die and the moment I killed it like I just I might I was like blinded for a few seconds it wasn't HP from death because the way silver armor works is when you die you get stuck at one HP and you have like eight seconds of invincibility and your health goes down the more you get hit so by the time that debuff ran out I died when I killed s Cal first so I didn't save this place it's over oh my god I we're not we are gonna I am happy with this run okay thanks for the follow I'm happy with this we're going to probably move on to like all bosses or maybe expert after this I'll look into it but oh my god
Channel: Hectique
Views: 3,516,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, modded, devourer of gods, moonlord, yharon, supreme calamitas, speedrun, update, scal, dog, world record, personal best, wr, pb, full game
Id: XajmvcgYuKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 48sec (10248 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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