Terraria with 1HP is insane...

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today we're playing Terraria Master mode but with the slight twist most of you have probably noticed that the health bar UI is missing and that's because I edited our character's Health to have one HP which means we'll get one shot by literally anything that deals damage our first main goal is to take down King Slime now to do that I'm going to want to have some decent gear so I think Hermes boots maybe like cloud in a bottle and maybe a grapple and at that point we're good okay so we have Life Crystals here again I won't be using this probably just sell them again no point in getting like heart lanterns or any regeneration based accessories because again we get one shot so none of that really matters so in a weird sense there'll be a little bit of like quite a bit less grinding than a normal playthrough that being said the grinding that we do have to do is going to be significantly more painful um but here's and we died not to worry we'll just head back are you kidding as expected there will be a lot of deaths to play through so to save us all some time I'll only go over the especially bad ones oh that's huge snowball cannon that's good enough to take on like King Slime right there oh nice okay we're getting some loot normally I'd be excited about wording but uh yeah defense does not matter for us yes okay nice Hermes boots and we get menacing on that that is very nice so now that we have Hermes boots I think we're basically ready to do this boss fight now remember in order to defeat this boss we can't get hit a single time dodging King Slime on its own shouldn't be a problem but navigating through the Minefield of slimes when we have to turn around is a different story so we needed a plant most enemies when you drop through a platform they will actually follow you but with slimes they don't actually do the same they stay on the platform So the plan is going to be make the platform use it on for like the first half of the fight right when we go to turn you know change directions we're going to drop down to the ground and from there the idea hopefully is we will never have to backtrack through slimes and thus hopefully we never get hit during the boss fight so again the plan is just to use the bottom one oh watch over teleport yes that's a crucial thing now here's a little awkward it's going to force to teleport I think is it really not going to it'll teleport I don't want to there we go I don't want to despawn but I don't the point isn't to cheese the bosses it's to it's to master them uh so let's do this start heading back oh I wonder if it'll even teleport up here oh we might have made the oh never mind it well what do we make the platform the perfect height okay never mind this is this is the perfect way to fight it okay here he is wait let's just drop you back down oh yeah that makes way more sense uh you probably don't even have to tear from the bottom you could just stay up here because yeah we didn't quite make it long enough even with uh the two layers we would have had to add another layer platform or just longer Arena spot but um you're kidding I guess he was mid-air and then I went up too quick I don't know I have to watch that back oh I got trolled oh I'm actually mad about that we had it that was so free and then I just threw attempt two here we go didn't want to say those words but uh we are on attempt to here and there's nothing really we can do about it I think I'm going moving slower than usual whoa whoa whoa whoa chill yeah the problem here is if it doesn't teleport it like right away I gotta force it because I want to cheese it but that's gonna put me at risk that is so scary sometimes I could just keep running and anticipate the teleports I'm I'm nervous dude I'm nervous one mistake and it's all over so yeah I'm just gonna keep dropping it down keep the slimes on the bottom and that should work yeah but we should have it and that is number one first boss fight and we'll we'll call that mastered platform is everything here and just kiting the slimes away from wherever you're going to be running whether that's on the ground or up there I guess it makes more sense on the platform just keep the slimes away whether that means just top platform and then bottom or just keep on lowering it down like we were doing there that's the way to I can't look away for a second man it's so bad nice um Angry Royal gel we'll definitely take that you know I'll swap it for band of regen because oddly enough Royal gel is a much better accessory in the band of regen in this challenge because now I won't just get destroyed by slimes whenever I'm traveling anywhere next up is the IV Cthulhu and if we want a realistic chance of taking this thing down we'll need to upgrade our Arsenal by heading to the Jungle oh oh no okay I need to set my spawn over here um that is very annoying traveling the whole world to where you need to be and then dying to a bat that you can't even see wait what how did I miss this hello there's a shrine right here what okay well we got ourselves an enchanted sword so that's actually gonna be really handy um okay we will take so the jungle is a scary place in uh normal playthrough um so I am not looking forward to this especially because we have thorns if I get hit by that I will literally just die on the spot so I need to be extremely careful going through oh and when we die to bats of course we'd bats are there too wow that's huge okay we got the boomstick now that we have this this kind of changes things for us I kind of think we should get the blade of grass now instead because we now have a really solid ranged option but I still want to get a jungle drop because they're great the blade of grass should help keep things off of us which is a very very useful thing when we get one shot by everything no oh God oh that was very scary what what swear where was it spawn underwater jungle armor looks pretty good here if we go Mage but I don't really have any Mage weapons and I don't want to go to my way to get them so I think we're just gonna stick with this stuff let's get a blade of grass that'll replace your sword all right at this point with our new weapons I think we're just about ready to take on the boss we're just gonna give it a go and kind of get our Baseline and see what we need to work on and um well just how we can improve I will buff and we'll start this we got to be very careful okay so it's over on the right and uh just gotta hope that it all works out we're doing a lot of damage though so that's the good news um and we basically one shot everything I forgot a shine potion well sorry um I doubt this will be the one anyways so don't worry I will do my best to remember next time no way I threw so bad I was shocked I was stunned while we totally ignore the fact that I forgot a shine potion yet again if you guys are enjoying this series so far consider subscribing things will only increase in difficulty from here and you do not want to miss out so this is where it gets hard because I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do this without taking any damage um because you can't just do this but it gets scary here especially near the ends oh God so scary okay come on come on please die please oh it's so weak no wait literally had five Health left I'm so mad okay that's super doable though I wasn't gonna I didn't expect that to be so doable okay this is our last summon Let's Make It Count okay this has got to be it after bringing the eye down to six Health we'd only need one more Summoner to take this thing down oh oh I was too late on the grapple or at least so I thought as we get into this fail Montage now would be a good time to explain that I will be cheating in summons for any bosses that aren't defeated within the first couple attempts that way I don't have to spend as much time grinding and can put more time towards actually mastering these fights and getting these videos to you guys as soon as possible oh my God foreign I forgot I it's not even just the boss I have to worry about it's every other enemy every other damage source that spawns in this game no what do I do there I don't know what to do do I have to switch directions we keep on dying like very last minute dude if we only get poison active right now no it was one shot it's always one shot I can't I don't know what to do there's got to be some way come on come on this is it yes yeah see those two crits right there we were we were done we were done if not for those crits oh my God I don't I just genuinely don't know what you do at the end of the fight obviously if you take a hit here and there at the very end you know who cares doesn't matter but for us it does at any point in the fight so yeah I don't know what you do there to be honest I don't know if I would necessarily say we've mastered the fight because there's still that big question of what do you even do at the very end but uh I'd say we have that down very very good and we also have dying to zombies down very very good we have deer club snacks that's usually what I fight at this point in the game but it's kind of a weird one because the deer clubs doesn't actually despawn when the player dies so technically for this challenge it's the only one where we don't have to know hit it that being said I'm still gonna do my best to do so but yeah this is gonna be a really tricky one because since it doesn't despawn it has a huge health bar which means we'll have to survive much longer than the other fights without taking a single hit so I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of the most difficult bosses to know hit in all of free hard mode I think what we're gonna need to do is just save and exit as soon as we die we save and exit and then we start the fight again wait can I not spawn this oh we just can't summon it what we're gonna do is I'm going to edit my care character Health to 200 or whatever it is needed to spawn this then I'll save and exit edit my character Health back down and then hopefully it won't break anything um but we'll see what happens so I'll be right back Goblin Army approaching from the East um I'm just gonna let them spawn okay now I'm gonna switch my character back okay now if everything's working nice we are one Health with the goblins here um so the good thing about the blade of grass well one of the many you know good things about it is it it's through walls so we'll have a little bit of an easier time dealing with these enemies nice okay we did the Goblin Army um I couldn't really say at the bottom because their Summoners were just destroying me it actually okay I didn't realize there was you there it actually wasn't too bad I mean I died a lot but uh you know that's kind of just a given in a playthrough like this yay nice okay don't die on the way there beautiful we have ourselves the tinkerer so I've gotten a few reforges um I'm mainly looking to get lucky here having extra crit chance seems to be a big deal like an extra four percent crit early on um especially since this weapon basically has like zero crit uh it seems like a good idea but I kind of just settled for whatever I could get we still want more damage one of the ways to do that is by getting fossil armor uh I don't even know if I've ever even used this we've got four percent increase crit five percent increase damage four percent increase crit and then of course you uh gets to save your ammo which is super nice because I think I'm gonna make the switch to tungsten bullets soon here especially for some of these bosses all right so the plan for this is to just make a big area just have a simple platform I'm gonna do my best to make sure that deer cannot get onto the same platform as us because then it kind of cheeses the phosphate I want to avoid stuff like that as much as possible because that's not really you know the point of the challenge so let's uh let's try this I don't know where deer clubs is going to spawn but we'll see okay over on the left so I gotta watch out for the hands I know that much oh yeah and that attack great first attempts beautiful all right so again this is going to be very hard because this thing has a lot of Health um so like I don't know what to do there I won't lie do I just keep going back and forth Maybe that's working well oh how am I gonna do this oh God okay eventually I'll get some sort of consistent way of doing this I imagine because like I don't feel like running there is the best Strat because I don't get damage in what do I do because I was so close okay I've got I think I've got the Strat down it's actually not too bad so once the tan spawns like that we're gonna have to get ready to yep dip change directions we're doing great damage though I'm loving I'm dead loving that damage looking very promising here I haven't even added the uh oh [Music] my God no oh I don't like this I don't like this we just gotta go left here and stop right there no stay away from me ah damn okay okay getting there progress so I'm think I think I'm starting to pick this up so the idea here is you don't want to get too far from Deer clubs because then when he throws the ice you have to it's really difficult to get back on this side which is the safe side um you also don't want to be right above because then uh all the hands go out so you just want to be just a little bit in front like once you get once you know the Strat it's actually not too bad it's just arriving at that point and not messing up for you know an extended period of time because there's a lot you got to worry about for a very long time here but I'm oh I didn't have to do that okay the cute again huge progress look 15K down to 10. okay that's uh about half Health oh man all right I think I need to get a little bit more room this Arena doesn't seem to be big enough so we're gonna try and uh expand it a little bit and hopefully that will do the trick ah dude yeah you just gotta play So Perfect it's so hard because I'm like super just focused on deer clubs just complete tunnel vision and then this swoops down I see moving I'm like just Panic option pack decision I've got a 50 50 chance I die there I throw a dash left or right and I just uh chose the wrong option unfortunately but we just gotta keep doing it again man after a ton of attempts I figured out a way to be more consistent with this fight this whole time my focus had been on deer clubs so when a shadow end would spawn I'd have limited time to react usually resulting in a death eventually I switched my focus to my character instead after doing so it became much easier to evade the shadow hands and I could still easily Dodge ice cubes because ninety percent of the time all you have to do is Dash towards the boss when you hear the sound cue come on come on yes let's go oh my God man okay that took um 33 attempts which you know quite a bit but honestly I'm not too I'm not too mad about that um yeah I'm pretty proud that I had managed to do that I thought it would take a lot more time alright so next up is the brain of Cthulhu now I have an idea for this one and it's to do with the second phase before you could just open up the mini map for phase two and see you know which one's the real brain uh that no longer works it will no longer show up on either of these Maps as far as I know so I would have been in big trouble but I figured hey well if we can't do that well what else would alert us to its position and then I figured well someone would I kind of think we should get the vampire frog stuff because it's like a strong one that we could use to supplement our damage anyways and there we go vampire frog stuff so at this point I believe it's time to make an arena now generally I would fight brand of Cthulhu down in the biome uh that being said I think that's a generally bad idea right it's more convenient if you're not going to build the rear or you just want to do some really quick uh if you don't want to get the summon to yeah just go down there and fight it but if we're trying to know it and perfect this fight it would make sense to do it above ground so we have tons of space now the other thing I'm worried about for this fight is the creepers because I don't really have any piercing options at the moment I think probably the best idea is to get a bow of some sort I don't know if we're gonna go for tendon bow but we need something that can Pierce and deal with those creepers kind of as fast as possible because uh those we could for sure die to I think it's more so gonna be tricky in the second phase but it's definitely possible to die though as if we're not careful okay let's start it for anything else spawns okay there it is uh looks pretty good actually damage wise kind of worried about it teleporting right on us oh I don't like how we're getting off the arena here I guess my chance okay this phase is easy though so we know that the bow is working wonders okay now what whoa okay so here it's easy to see what do I do there it's just on top of you okay I gotta keep my eyes open for uh yeah stuff like that because that's gonna kill me later I already know it okay I think it died our son's going for other stuff now yeah the sun was it was a very good idea here okay now what oh God this kind of works dashing works because I can still tell here but it's like at this point where it's very difficult oh man okay we were actually really close there oh I don't like this why did I get so dark all of a sudden I don't know why this works but it does oh geez I'm just gonna hope it's on the left every time clearly not I forgot my summon but doesn't we don't appear to need it okay do we have this can you just really I am so mad at myself you can basically just run in One Direction that was the easiest one that was like basically as easy as King Slime thanks for watching sub for part two I'll see you later
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 704,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, terraria, 1hp, Master Mode, Terraria no hit, how to beat king slime, how to beat eye of cthulhu, how to beat deerclops, how to beat brain of cthulhu, Terraria but with 1 hp, Terraria challenge
Id: J3LtUo9jKDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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