How I was tricked into fishing for 24 hours...

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so a few weeks ago i got tricked into fishing in terraria for 24 hours straight it all began when a twitch viewer informed me that an extremely rare fish called the golden carp could be caught in the ocean of course for our seasoned fishermen out there this is probably already setting off red flags but we'll get to that later but okay cool there's a rare fish why did i care about it well behind the scenes i've been getting into shiny hunting in pokemon and a big part of why i was willing to search for this fish was the fact that it reminded me of shiny magikarp we have a golden carp it's not really used for much and the tooltip comments about it being quite shiny but regardless of whether or not it's a reference i felt that it was close enough for me to do my first ever terraria shiny hunt and so after many hours of preparation the hunt began now as mundane as fishing is in this game the first couple hours weren't actually so bad since i had twitch chat to keep me company i also started a shiny ants on the side not that i was expecting to find anything since the odds are so low but i figured hey we're probably going to be here for what a few hours so might as well get a few encounters in but just how rare is this carp well according to our twitch informants we'll call them todd the odds change based on what biome you're in i ended up choosing the ocean because i thought it was a good middle ground it was rare enough to make it worth going for but not too rare for it to take multiple streams to find and according to todd with 100 fishing power in the ocean the odds are one in 2 500. now we can do a little bit of math here to figure out that it should take us a little under three hours to get to that mark of 2500 catches doesn't mean we're gonna find it you know that's just how probability works but uh it's a it's a rough estimate of what we can expect to be here for and um three hours into the fishing stream this happened uh also there has to be walls otherwise enemies look oh oh my god my god dude wait how many counters is that that was three dude i didn't even see it i almost ran oh my god it's here it's here listen let's chat you hear that you hear that that's the sound that is the sound of a shiny smeargle oh my god it's agatha okay i need to not mess this up hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on oh nice nice dude okay we need to save that was so fast so yeah that was uh pretty unexpected um unfortunately the capture card that i ordered hasn't quite arrived yet so you have to forgive me for the scuff footage uh but we did manage to find a full odds shiny in just three hours into the stream which is again insane going into this again i was pretty sure i wouldn't even find a single one and yet we've already found this and the interesting part is we found it before the golden carp which is supposed to be way more common yeah it's just crazy but i mean after finding this thing it was clear the luck was on our side so we kept going confident that this carp would appear soon fast forward six hours and we're still here searching is going yes sir going strong and well not really strong i'm starting to feel tired a little bit um kind of worry just a little bit just a little bit we'll be fine though by now we're way over uh 5 000 catches or double odds but this shiny cart continues to elude me however after 10 hours 15 minutes and 51 seconds we found this then then maybe it's not a reference but i feel like that's slim and i think they just got from pokemon so that's what i'm saying says it's shiny okay this is it's literally a reference there's no way it's not it's a reference we're shiny hunting all right shining out there we're shining hunting for crystal arts no we're getting worse shine kind of shiny i think is shove it blue my luck is crazy all right we're still gonna go for the cart i just got a shiny on my emerald i'm doing fallout's hunting this is the second channel of the stream chat i think it's my destiny to be a shiny hunter we've gotten too full on shiny chinese in the past 10 hours and i've been hunting the whole time we got it boys we got it let's go which i'm trying to get i was trying to get dust call but it's a 14 chance so i don't think i want to hunt something else uh yeah so we got another full odds shy which if you guys aren't familiar with pokemon um this might not seem that crazy but full odds in the older generations of pokemon are 1 in 8 192. um yes we've been hunting for 10 hours but that is nothing that is nothing in this in this realm of uh shoddy hunting so the fact that we've gotten two two in ten hours is just insane so yeah that's why i've been freaking out so badly but the weird thing is we haven't even got a glimpse of this golden carp but i mean we've been going for 10 hours now so it's it's only a matter of time before we find this thing and uh eventually we hit the 12 hour mark i'm sure we'll get this right i'm really starting to feel now guys if you can't tell i feel like the past two hours my brain [Music] is just like all but seized operation um i'm trying i'm trying here but still yes sir still going kinda as the hours ticked by things were starting to look pretty fishy [Music] at this point quartz splitter i don't even know anymore we are now um way way way way over odds okay probably around 12 000 fish caught and this thing's nowhere to be seen but maybe i was just getting unlucky i mean i've seen people go astronomically over odds before in search of shinies so it's not that out of the question right so we pushed forwards and continued our hunt um again it's already inside yeah i'm just very tired i'm feeling i'm not feeling oh i'm feeling pretty bad to be honest am i fishing for this slime i really don't know anymore i don't know why it was not part of the plan oh i was a tired i'm so tired glad you asked mr greece uh i'm feeling great i have gone to bed uh in a while um i've been fishing for the last 18 hours and 49 minutes and 57 seconds and i still love fishing guys i i gotta admit fishing is great back how's it going [Music] um not the same as as with a boat the last 10 hours like very slow felt very slow but uh time keeps moving slowly [Music] so i just uh just gotta keep doing it how's your night eventful very fun [Music] it wasn't until 21 and a half hours in when i decide to fish in a different area to see whether it truly is just this ridiculously rare or if you just can't find it in the ocean and sure enough not even 20 minutes later this happened [Music] so yeah surprise surprise i wasted 21 hours fishing in an area devoid of this stupid shiny carp in fact it's not even obtainable on the surface so how did this happen how did no one realize edwards alby that i was fishing in the wrong spot especially since it clearly states on the wiki that it's found in the underground cavern and underworld layers very very clearly you can see that it's not available in the ocean well the answer is simple the wiki has been corrected since the stream happened this is what it used to read golden carp are a type of fish which are found extremely rarely by fishing in any biome in any lair the ocean works the surface works for all these different biomes now remember a twitch informant todd how does he play into all of this well it's clear to me that the odds that he gave me were made up by the end and he never specified the need to be underground therefore the biomes that were listed are all wrong as well except for the dungeon and that's where it gets confusing because the dungeon happens to be the only spot where we could actually found the carp furthermore it had the highest rate so if dodd was trying to trick me he surely would have left that out right so at this point i'm thinking okay todd has no idea the info is incorrect on the wiki or at least until i checked when exactly the wiki was changed july 17th the day of my fishing stream but okay someone from the stream probably saw the ending where we managed to find it underground and that would make sense because the change was made just a few minutes after i caught the carp but then i noticed the user who made the correction it was none other than our twitch informant todd and i've had a chance to think about this for a while and i'm still not sure what to make of it was todd trying to trick me i don't think so because the dungeon was included but then why would he give me false info on the carp and then go and fix the wiki was it a coincidence that he pointed me in the direction of this fish that just so happened to have incorrect info on it potentially now while i do like these uh evil mastermind todd theories i think there's a good chance that it was it was really wholesome todd who was just messing around with the rates and then once he realized that the wiki had wrong information um he just went in and fixed it for everyone i think that's a good chance as well but again i i prefer the evil mastermind todd that put me through all that trauma because it makes for better content but i'll let you guys be the judge of uh of what you think happened but in the end we were so close to 24 hours that i decided hey you know what let's just do another two and a half hours of fishing and just so we can say we did 24 hours straight you know it wasn't a total waste we got a couple shinies and pokemon and uh i got the hang with uh with all my twitch viewers for a long time um it was still pretty bad though but um that's about all i have for you guys consider subscribing if you enjoyed and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 1,109,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, terraria, Mods, Fishing, Golden carp, Angler, Fishing for 24 hours, Golden carp rarity, Golden rod, Fishing quests
Id: e1fci78G18A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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