Calamity, But Every NPC Sells Random Items...

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i tried beating calamity but every npc sells completely random loot meaning that a merchant can sell anything from a bunch of dirt to something completely overpowered like a post-supreme calamita's weapon will i be able to make enough money to beat the game or will i go broke trying well let's find out i started like any other casual fellow terraria player i went right into chopping trees and built myself an npc house as soon as possible we want npcs to move in asap because the faster they move in the better loot we can get i finished building four houses and went over to explore the caves i found myself a mushroom bottom with a couple of heart crystals and while waiting for npcs to move in my goal here was essentially to up my health and find accessories as well as money upon coming back to spawn no npcs have moved in as of yet so i decided to go afk and wait for people to move into my town i first interrogated the merchant to see what he was selling and of course to absolutely no one's surprise he was selling garbage loot that was overpriced i really wanted to find myself a decent pickaxe so we could be well on our way on digging out a elevator and overall it would just save us a tremendous amount of time while browsing through the shop of the merchant i managed to find a weapon called violence this is exactly what i feel on the terraria world so of course i bought it it was only 5 gold but it dealt 404 damage see i didn't really know how good this weapon was until i actually got further into the game just look how this weapon absolutely demolishes everything that gets in this path like this this is overpowered so we were extremely blessed to get that right away i made my way over to skeletron's dungeon waited for it to turn to night time and then i took skeleton man head-on i didn't want to cheese him too hard so i spammed him with my enchanted sword because i knew we were gonna absolutely one shot him if we were to use the violence i went into his dungeon to pick up water candles but before i could make any progress with that i got killed by a dart trap upon coming back to spawn i started digging out a elevator now despite me having a copper pickaxe i had the motivation i was determined so i just proceeded to go with it i could have bought a better pickaxe but you know apparently boyo has a lot of time to kill now while digging i kind of forgot that i don't really know how to swim and so i ended up dying i jumped right back down finished up the elevator and while browsing the shop of the traveling merchant i actually managed to find that he was selling this very suspicious looking yoyo it was called the azathoth i swear to god i hope that's how you pronounce it i'm gonna get clowned so hard and see this azathoth only really did 50 damage but what i was actually intrigued by was its description fires cosmic orbs that blast nearby enemies with lasers a very agile yo-yo destroy the universe in the blink of an eye i had to see what all the hype was about so of course i bought it and this was probably the best decision i've ever made of course that decision isn't as good as the decision to subscribe to boyo boyo but it's somewhere around there i went over to the corruption chuck some bombs at the corruption orbs and defeated the either worlds i got to test out the yo-yo's power on this boss and i just had truly realized what i got my hands on this is probably the most overpowered weapon i've seen in all of terraria and i had this before even killing the wall of flesh anyways i made my way down to the underworld picked up some hell stones so i could craft myself molten armor but upon actually crafting hellstone i just decided to sell it for money and maybe try to find something in the shops i managed to find myself a glorified helmet but that wasn't going to do me any good and we needed better armor asap now boyos let me tell you i'm getting a faint sense of deja vu i feel like i've done this before but have i ever told you about money manboyo businessman boyo how boyo makes money in the real world let me show you this trick this is not financial advice we went over to an npc and kept on browsing the shops until we found an expert mode bag honestly any expert mode bag works as long as it's cheap enough for us to be able to resell it back to them for a higher price that's right we're essentially trolling manipulating scanning them making them go broke all at the same time i don't recommend you try this in real life you might get in trouble with the police but you can watch me do it from a distance take notes kids i found myself an astrum area's treasure bag for 10 gold of course i bought as many as i could and resold all of the items to get a higher amount of money back i did this up until the point where we were rich and i didn't even know what to do with all my money which gives me the perfect setup to get into hard mode before fighting the wall of flesh i purchased myself a godslayer mask solar leggings and drew's wings i also saw that the merchant was actually selling cosmolite bars for 12 gold each so of course i bought a hundred of them just because we ballin like that along with this i managed to find myself the rune of cos which is the summoning item for stormweaver cygnus and the ceaseless void being the 200 iq player i am i decided to summon him stormweaver and once again to nobody's surprise i got one-shotted i saw this going the other way but i mean it makes sense what was i really expecting right i also summoned in and killed the pirate invasion just so we could take that off of the checklist and then after this i went to go kill the wall of flesh we got into hard mode and i made my way straight over to the corruption i started breaking the demon altars and i was super shocked to find the demon altar stop blessing the world with the hard mode ores i didn't know this at the time but this is because of calamity's new progression in the 1.5 update so i spent roughly the next 30 minutes trying to figure out how to get hard mode ores well one faithful night during a blood moon i looked at the bottom left of my screen and it said that the air is getting colder around me meaning that skeletron prime was about to spawn in and that's actually perfect because now i don't even have to farm out the summon i can just relax for a little bit drink some tea and go fight skeletron prime well upon this boss's arrival i use the azathoth yoyo i swear to god i hate saying that to absolutely bully skeletron prime i spent probably the next 30 minutes just browsing through the shops to see what i could find and after coming back from my shopping journey let me inform you boyos on what i've picked up we copped the new breastplate check this out shrimp we got the heart of the elements so now i can have all of my favorite waifus surrounding me awesome we got overpowered accessories that no terraria players should really have before supreme calamitas great knowing me i'm probably still gonna die with them but that's besides the point but yeah we got absolutely overpowered gear i went to go fight the ravager because i bought a summon for him and we took him out like he was the eye of cthulhu like honestly this guy is an absolute loser and then we fought and killed cryogen while in the corruption by him i summoned in and killed the twins which was easy as ever and then i went to go mine up some mithril ore in order to craft ourselves a mithril anvil i made myself the summon for the destroyer summoned him in absolutely blasted him and now the jungle grows restless we can now go and find plantaris bulbs so using a plantero bulb detector i located her exact location and went to fight her during this time i also fought the queen bee and as soon as i found her bulb i went to go break it and using the final dawn we took her out with no trouble whatsoever i went into golem's temple picked up his altar and came back to spawn i fought him over at spawn because i really wanted to show him how much i hate him and after we absolutely wrecked him i'm in my way over to skeletron's dungeon in order to fight the lunatic cultist using the one overpowered yo-yo that i'm not going to say the name of you guys can just infer what i'm talking about we took out lunatic cultists extremely easily and now we were on to the pillars first we went on to destroy the solar pillar and we did that with absolute ease we then moved on to the nebula pillar took that out in no time whatsoever this is such a new feeling for me like usually i die taking out the pillars every single time so having this much power this early in the game is the largest ego boost of all time for me i moved on to the stardust pillar next i stood there in one spot just letting my yo-yo kill every single mom that got in our way which led us to take out the stardust pillar very quickly and lastly i moved on to the vortex pillar since this was the final pillar before we fought moonlord i took my damn time with it and enjoyed the absolute beauty of the way the terraria world looks when it's getting invaded by the celestial creatures honestly i absolutely love this but good things can't last forever so we demolished the vortex pillar and now our screen started shaking no hype needed whatsoever boom moonlord spawns in what do we do fly around what weapons do we use ariel bane absolutely shredded through both of his hands took out his eyeball dodging his lasers like the absolute chad that i am now what's the only thing left his core what do we do take out his core how do we do that using the yoyo that i'm not even gonna try to say the name of see now that we took out moonlord let me tell you the bosses to come are going to be tragic like they are going to kick my ass i don't even know how i'm going to be able to defeat them so we needed to go and upgrade our gear meaning boyle's that we're going to go on a shopping spree okay let's see what we can get i bought myself a weapon called the wrathwing for 50 gold i picked up a pair of angel treads for 55 gold i bought a sandstorm's course so we could summon in the sand shark and then after this i decided to challenge the martians we took care of the martian madness event fairly quickly i just want to get it over with just so we could mark it down on the checklist and after this i went right into fighting the profane guardians i made my way over to the hallowed desert and summoned them in we took them out on our very first try and now we can start getting ready to fight providence this shouldn't really be much of a challenge seeing the loot that we have but let's see how this goes of course i summoned her in and started using the violence in order to take her out we were doing pretty good until i got hit with one of her attacks i don't know why it dealt so much damage but it one-shotted me and i couldn't do anything about it i went right back to the hallowed biome and summoned in providence i thought she was enraged and that's why i died super quickly but i know it's a hard truth for me to accept as well but i was just bad at the game anyways this attempt was far better we actually took her out and now we can start progressing towards fighting the devourer of gods this is my favorite boss in all of terraria by the way so please stop asking me for it i'm gonna get that out of the way right now thank you let's continue i went over to space used the rune of coss and summoned in stormweaver i chased his tail around in circles until we took him out and now before moving on to the next boss we had to go do a little bit of shopping i picked myself up the prismatic breaker bought myself another sand shark summon and then i proceeded to fight the sand shark we essentially like one shot at this boss i'm pretty sure this is a pretty hard mode boss so there wasn't really much to expect for this boss fight but after this i went down to the underworld in order to challenge cygnus i summoned him in and i honestly thought he was going to be far harder i don't know if this new update nerfed him or something but we took him out on our very first try and it wasn't a challenge whatsoever as soon as we killed cygnus i went over to the dungeon in order to try and summon the ceaseless void learning from my past mistakes i knew that i had to dig out an arena first before fighting this boss because i was going to get absolutely demolished if i didn't have enough wiggle room i spent probably the next 30 minutes just digging out the biggest arena i could but before i finished it i came all the way back to spawn and went back shopping i bought myself an elemental gauntlet and one of my favorite weapons which is gail's great sword this is the perfect weapon to take out absolutely anything that crosses our path and then after this i went right back to the dungeon in order to take out the ceaseless void we took him out i had lots of fun fighting this boss i really hate the new mechanics for this boss and everything about it but next we can move on to the devourer of gods i started attacking this tail using my yo-yo and once more iq appeared in my brain i realized that using a sword was better for some reason on our very first try we managed to defeat the devourer of gods once again i started endlessly browsing through the shops as i do but you see i'm not always lucky and i didn't really find anything good this time so i just went straight over to the jungle and decided to fight yarn as some of you know i absolutely hate this boss and if you like it well i hate you too it's way too hard for me and i refuse to fight it probably 10 seconds within the fight i ended up dying and i gave up on this challenge i came back probably after a week of ghosting this world and i decided fine you know what i'll do it i'll try to beat yarn but before we could do that we are going to have to upgrade our gear dramatically i started browsing through the shops and here are the things i picked up i found myself a pair of demon shade greaves so of course i bought it as that's the best armor in the game i also bought myself a fantastic summoner weapon called the flowers of mortality and i absolutely love this i use this all the way up until end game i bought myself the louis afk ultimate battler buffs just in case we needed to grind anything out i bought a sword called the red sun which fired these explosive projectiles from the sky we then bought ourselves a pair of celestial tracers which is the best movement accessory that you can get in the calamity mod there were many other smaller items that we picked up such as some boss summons but these were the main items that we were gonna use to take out yarn well once i thought i was ready i made my way over to the jungle summoned him in and started pursuing the eternal journey of taking out yarn honestly none of the weapons that i bought none of the armor that i bought none of the accessories that i bought were really put into any use whatsoever like i think this was more of a mental game more of a battle of mental strength than it really was physical strength but you know after a while we managed to take out his first half and once he transformed i somehow pushed through persevered and destroyed the second half i really have no idea how i did this but i guess luck was really on my side today and we actually took out yarn by the way i've noticed that not all of you are subscribed i recommend you get on the asap and now that jan was dead i thought i was well on my way to finishing this entire challenge boy oh boy if i only knew what i was getting myself into i came back to spawn and went back shopping i picked up a couple of louis afk mod buffs and i also got myself a demon shade helmet and now we don't really have anything left besides fighting the exomax and supreme calamitas i scoured the entire underground in order to find all the blueprints that i needed to summon in these bosses i managed to build the entire draidon computer i really wish i could show you all this process but that would be an entire video on itself like i had no idea how to do this this was an entire learning process for me so i had to run through all of these wikis all of these guys in order to figure out how to summon them but in the end i managed to finally complete the computer meaning that we could start fighting the exomex during this entire process i also managed to buy myself the mage hammer of might i also found an npc selling the crystal crusher which is the best pickaxe in all of calamity and i also bought myself the rod of discord and now i summon in the exomex this is my first time fighting it check out how this went i first started with the worm mag like i thought that was the way to go i thought that was the easiest and i was completely thrown off by the fact that once you deal a certain amount of damage to the max all of them spawn in at once and attack you all at the same time it's impossible to dodge any of these attacks and i died almost immediately after all three of them popped out these bosses give the word hard a brand new meaning i could not for the life of me deal any damage against these mechs like i kid you not i tried over and over and over again i keep on saying this as many times as i want i'm not gonna run out of different death clips to use i have an entire hour of footage of me just dying to these mechs non-stop i tried to go shopping i really tried to get as many buffs as i could i bought the best armor post supreme calamitas weapons i bought myself even more buffs from the npcs and upon fighting the exomax i couldn't deal any damage whatsoever i didn't even leave a dent in them i decided to switch from these bosses and go and fight supreme calamites during this time i fought calamitas just for the fun of it and then i went right back to shopping i was hoping the gods would bless me with something i don't know what they could give me to beat this boss but i needed absolutely all the luck i could get right now i got myself draedon's heart which is honestly the only good thing i could find in the shops and after i got that i went to fight supreme calamitas i thought i'd have better luck with that but boyos let me tell you this is probably even harder than the exomex like what the hell am i doing okay i summoned her in and i almost died right away like this mod is making a fool out of me i hate this this is making me look bad how are you a terraria youtuber and you can't beat terraria noob get off youtube bye i'm gonna have to go back to my old ways and use a little bit of trolling in order to get through these last couple of bosses you know what look between you and me i've been at this for two weeks and i can't i can't beat these bosses so just pretend you don't see the god mode on my screen okay there's no god mode what are you talking about for the final time i summoned in the mech bosses and we absolutely demolished them i don't know where i got the surge of power but we absolutely no hit these bosses we took them out like it was a piece of cake look 790 health i'm still staying on max hp i'm the best terraria player to ever grace the earth we took out the wormy guy first then took out the eyeballs and finally left the skeletron prime dude for last or if you want to go by its real name xf09 aries i love his final attack honestly this is one of the best things i've ever seen so props to the mod developers for that this is the i really love this boss absolutely awesome just way too hard way too freaking hard after this i went right on to challenging supreme calamitas of course i've done this a million times of you you guys know i'm the best terraria player of all time so we took her out and acquired her as an npc that's pretty awesome the fact that you can get a calamitas npc now is pretty freaking cool be sure to check out another video like this on screen don't tell the irs about my tax activity subscribe to the channel if you're new this has been boyo peace out
Channel: Boio Boio
Views: 905,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria 1.4, terraria master mode, terraria 1.4.3, terraria mods, terraria randomizer, terraria randomizer mod, calamity randomizer, terraria but, calamity random shops, terraria random shop, Calamity But Every NPC Sells Random Items, Terraria But Every NPC Sells Random Items, terraria random drops, randomizer terraria, draedon calamity, calamity mod randomizer, calamity mod challange, modded terraria, terraria 100 days, terraria 100 days calamity, tmodloader, gaming
Id: y2CQDohEuqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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