Can we beat Terraria if enemies drop RANDOM items?

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whoa Terraria is a game where you've in Terraria you've Terraria is a game that's really freaking hard apparently I've been in Terraria two times in my shorts had life once by myself in like eighth grade and once with my friend Charlie in expert mode which was about as fun as you could probably imagine for a new player but today I'm teaming up with my Pro Gamer friend Adrian to see if we can beat the moon Lord before my other Pro Gamer friend Mars and uh Sean my my friend Sean [Music] there's a catch though if we played the whole game normally it would probably take us like 10 hours and that sounds like a nightmare so we've added a mod to the game that gives every enemy a chance to drop a Christmas present that's right Merry Christmas everyone this was recorded like four months ago these presents can have literally anything inside from game breaking Weaponry to brown paint to Memaw's arthritis pills can we embrace the chaos and take down the moon Lord before our opponents let's find out and one more thing if you have fun while watching this consider subscribing got tons more content on the way so pretty sure what we're gonna do is we're gonna try and make speed houses I can make them we just please do okay God has got some NPCs we're gonna make at least four houses and then we're just gonna go off and explore some caves I love it and yeah ideally get bombs to mine much more faster Brad take everything I own so much I appreciate it so much Sean Honestly though honestly I haven't said this to Sean because I think he disagree I think I'm better than Sean I am I'm crushing I don't know about you oh I forgot about mainliner oops oh yeah I love it's my favorite mod I never use it not gonna lie I haven't played terrarium like a mod yeah I'm kind of getting beat up on a little bit is this expert mode this is expert mode oh Christ okay yeah no I got it for sure I haven't seen a present yet I haven't either oh my God the respawn time is so fast damn this is terrifying I hate this now there's like pressure to yeah last time Sean and I were just like dangling around because we knew we were gonna lose but now it's like I have to try yeah well I was trying a hundred percent I'm not gonna pretend that I wasn't trying I that was that was my literal best effort I'm proud of you I'm proud of you no I think of your best effort and win yes exactly I don't think I've ever won a collab event so this is yeah genuinely it's pretty incredible I'm gonna blow suit up I missed ah never mind it feels like something should have happened by now I'm gonna I'm gonna close this server real quick oh okay bye all right I figured out the issue what is the issue I don't have the mod installed okay so all right so let me just install that really yeah that all right good that'll help see it's all right I just didn't have it on oh you got it we got it okay let me know if you guys get presents because we're not oh you're not gonna like weddings at all I got Christmas item but I'm not getting lucky with that oh oh we just we just toddled around we haven't even gotten anything Christmas related let me know okay bye bye sweetie damn it that was that is that's a bummer I thought it was me I thought I did something oh the little rabbit's wearing a Santa hat okay this is good oh good good there we go oh my God that thing does have my ah I'm getting pissed kill these zombies I can't I ran into the eye okay yeah okay I'm coming to the right left is a no-go it's crimson and I'm a weak little fragile boy damn it oh Santa Zombie I'm gonna kill this thing should drop I hope I'm pretty sure zombies can drop I I am I'm crossing every finger please damn it okay present present present well you got one no trying to manifest it this is awful are you sure that this is like functional uh he said it works I'm trusting him his mods always work I don't trust him for a second hi okay I'm making it this time I have a weapon I'm good stop okay cool what the hell that's just air dropped onto me okay oh I got a present I got a present oh wait really yeah I'm opening it for Christmas I got a bubble wand it does nothing it blows bubbles hell yeah we are back on track baby oh what the hell what the how's that fair I got two guys gun it's a shotgun it's a boom stick oh my God that's so good dude I'm gonna I'm gonna stop the bitching now step back dog I don't want to blow bubbles at you I'm so far down can you see me on the map I'm like really far down Jesus Christ what have you been doing this random teleportation potion brought me here oh my God I kind of like it yeah take advantage I'll just keep wandering God damn it oh my God I need like a I need child lock child lock I'm embarrassed this is awful damn it I'm finding nothing interesting what the hell even is this shark bait it's a pet oh you got this shot you know what I'll take it I'll take it I just need a friend a slime with a present oh I got wings no way I gotta share some of this stuff with you that's right yeah well I need to earn some of it I need to find something it's always been a 1 in 13 Chads one of 13. yes dude we're gonna be here forever no we we have presents I've found one present yeah we got like one present what do you get out of it a bubble wand they give you good stuff it'll be fine okay we've been playing we've been doing a let's play dude yeah it's been pretty interesting I've just been making small talk and killing myself I'm embarrassed okay we need to I I refuse to take like a fifth consecutive L with these things I need to win one time oh salamander God damn it oh my God you take this look at this I think oh my God yeah I need yeah I've I've been killing myself a lot I'm gonna make a bow wait what type of boat I don't know I'm just gonna make a bow which type should I make whoa that is a good bow man isn't it just so cool and fun to think about how you have to beat the whole game yeah and we've come so far already so it's already been half an hour oh my God good Lord oh I love this game so compliant and it took Sean and I like a calendar year when we had like End Game Gear 10 minutes in I'm just gonna sit at spawn and wait for slimes go for it I'm gonna work on a hole I would believe it if they popped in and they're like and time I would just love to get a single present before that yeah wouldn't it be super fun it'd be fantastic I got a present oh my God what is it oh my gosh it's Taya die yeah oh wow that is super good yeah but I got two things that's kind of cool oh my god oh sick I love that getting hit by that slime one time makes me clinically blind for about five full minutes do you ever uh win at a uh an arcade at an arcade I don't think so have you won one in general yeah like a carnival I won one oh I have a little yeah it was I think it's a little Squirtle I'm not that's probably it though I don't know if you notice about me but I'm not much of a winner all right I'm dead we're gonna get through it don't worry buddy thank you I'll give you my die I think yes yes I'm putting it on my hat oh hell yeah oh present time please present oh my God okay this is it this is it first the bubble wand then it's a trout it's a fish God damn it it is literally just a fish this is horrible I don't know how that's supposed to be a Difference Maker good Lord I was so intrigued and he's like you get fun presents dude this is not going well yeah where where are all the fun little Christmas clothes should we do that I don't think we're ready that's true we'd probably pass away actually I feel like do it yeah let's give it a shot I'm blowing bubbles okay I think we've got it oh my God okay okay this is good I think we're doing a great job all right that's good I put this in first I'm sure should I save the bars or should I do something with them we should probably make a bow yeah that's what I was planning doing all right we haven't we didn't use anything that we got from the presents for that boss kill right there that was all that was all us leave me alone I'm gonna try and make something happen in the snow caves for real okay oh my God all right what happened you're gonna be good all right the trash it's just the traps oh I'm gonna die poison aren't I yeah Goodbye World okay Jesus I got a sand castle kit nice man I'm I'm such a fun-loving little boy I've got my bubble wand I'm ready to have some fun in the sun damn I missed wow okay now you got this time though hell yeah oh you can get the bullets oh my God I'm grabbing you can use it for the shotgun oh present I dropped presents what what am I gonna get oh what is it oh this is kind of I but I got it I gotta I gotta I got this thing I got this thing oh my God it is a repeater damn all right yeah I dig it I'm my way okay I have a little Bridge a present oh what is it what is it what is it you can open it you can okay yeah yeah brown paint yeah I I don't know what I did wrong but clearly clearly you should be the one opening the presents this is awful screams Echo around me no they don't I'm stuck oh God okay okay oh my God your weapon is unbelievable I have no knockback though I think you're doing all knock back wow wow oh that was unbelievable you can go ahead and make the armor I'm gonna go ahead and break more orbs go crazy do we have an anvil here or should I just go back to base I can crack one actually we should just stay down here because yeah this is Brad present present show me some more pain it's a mechanical wheel piece just need two more this is the worst day of my entire life all right and I should make go ahead and make armor I'll break a couple deathbringer pickaxes we had literally exactly enough to do all that here's a chest plate here's the helmet I think we're ready to beat the game now I'm selling the wheel piece I don't I just don't feel good about my chances of getting the other we need I'm gonna check the jungle this is good I don't think they I doubt they would have figured this out yeah probably not I just need to find speed boots wow we have already just sprinkled little tombstones across this entire world part of the business oh my God yeah I know I just mlged that fish it's fine I got another present oh my God oh my God I got an arrow okay better than brown paint it can do something yeah I really I I would love just one that changes anything about the video game I'm playing it's pretty impressive I I don't know what to do next time I get a present the world is gonna shake another present oh my god wow yeah you found the spot and I got a skirt yo put it on rock that oh unconscious man get out of my way another present man you are silk you are crushing it with the presidents iron shorts or from a chest nice what the hell oh my God I was poisoned like a full minute then I never even noticed man I would love to find like a cave that amounts to anything at all I'm just gonna keep digging in my little hole until I find something oh skeleton Merchants wait actually let me come towards you there you go oh my God okay yeah where did you get all that money what have you been doing I don't know it's been looting everything a present oh I got a flask of Iker yo okay give me fire oh my God Rock okay it's okay Jesus Christ all right recover I'm going back down that was humiliating I have literally no excuse for that that's fine don't worry I'll get you just for Content it was for Content thank you don't worry buddy a present this is for you okay oh another present that one's for you too oh my God I'm sure they're gonna be really good God this is screwing with me because I I just call chess's presence when I play because they make me feel happier now they're actually presents I don't know what to do another present wow wow it's useless it's a javelin at least I can use it yeah I mean kinda this is manageable this is manageable you can make it happen oh okay I'm good I just wow I'm gonna watch that back I have no idea why I just freaked out over that that was the most trivial oh I'm totally gonna die here I should not be here no I'm doing it oh wait this actually could be good for presents I'm in the underground desert oh you know what this might not actually be a good spot for presents because I'm probably gonna die instantly oh wait present wait really the tiny little larva dropped presents I'm opening my present oh my God it's a Vortex pickaxe no way wow okay okay those Moon Lord stuff is not allowed right uh well that's pre-moon large that's Vortex pickaxe oh it is do you need you should go ask them okay BRB uh I have a question team oh my God hi um is the vortex pickaxe post Moon Lord you can use it okay thank you friend all right good tidings they said yes I also got a present and I got frostbark boots I am very wow wow that is killer I am fantastic oh God yeah I can like break everything I just rocked this thing's world oh it does damage too oh my God like a lot okay this is gonna be my weapon it does 67 damage what and it's annoying it's annoying that's minus 20 if I can reforge this thing wait I have a I have a an accessory to increase do you have like feral claws oh my God okay oh my God this is this is huge oh present present it is a blizzard and a balloon oh that's pretty good that is super good okay bye Everything is Everything is coming up team l or whatever they should have named his team oh wait I gotta give you your present oh you've been such a good boy I got you've been such a black counterweight and some grapes and I got second one was empty what I guess I did something wrong yeah second one was empty damn wait I got you another one don't worry okay okay okay replacement okay here we go oh my God it's a dress princess dress I got cyan and silver die I'm gonna have a cyan by the way oh thank you thank you I got the Eye of Cthulhu yo-yo no way either way we can use that oh my God I'm using it this is crazy okay I'm putting on my counterweight it says 147. oh my goodness okay okay this is huge and I can blow bubble okay it's over I think we should start going down yeah I'm going straight down we also need to beat Skeletron at some point while it's night time I got a present I got a present I have two presents first one reflective die I'm a colorful I'm a colorful boy second one rainbow dye I look like a CRT screen now I put on my dress man I went I was I'm gonna be honest I'm gonna be honest first half hour not super confident in our in our chances but I'm feeling good now oh my God like a million like a million bucks is this the symptoms of gambling by any chance probably probably oh like Life Crystals okay I need to like take a quick pause on digging straight down because I found my first actual Cave of the freaking I need to find speed boots I'm in a mushroom biome there's a minecart up top yeah whoa who's that little boy you got following you around so cute he's adorable what is that wow oh my God he's adorable what the hell is that liquor Wick is that from something that I don't know I'm looking it up I'm so confident no it's just a character they created oh it might be from that oh it's it's from the like old ones Army thing uh so it's from whatever that game is Defenders yeah oh another live Crystal oh live Crystal another one God damn so much life in these caves yeah please I'm so frustrated God damn it what do I have to do I thought there was so much life in these caves there was yeah I'm up to 220 actually I'm at 180. we can definitely get way more though yeah should we go back to that cave there's a bunch we didn't explore I'm very down let's do it oh speed boots God now I'm this is so awkward I'm like absolutely beefed but I have no help I'm trying to think of like ways we could actually grind for presents like efficiently I have a good idea wait so you can make a battle potion increase the spawn rates yeah need deathweed and I'm pretty sure we should we should hit the dungeon soon and get some water candles yes also isn't there something you can do like where you turn the like ocean into a jungle and then all the like airplanes spawn and if those things drop presents yes that would be really easy damn I have too many good accessories too many yeah I don't have enough space for all these bangers oh I got a Christmas tree sword wait I've never seen this Weapon It's So it shoots out Christmas what what is it called Christmas star it's called a Christmas tree sword hell yeah hey guys hi oh no how's it going oh God uh depends how it's going for you uh pretty well it's going pretty well actually uh oh okay um how so we got the snow follows painting so that was really oh wow well happy for you um we're looking for Life Crystals right now any good press hunts a couple yeah we got some good stuff um I got a Christmas tree sword oh my God I'm rocking I'm rocking um the Eye of Cthulhu yo-yo so really yeah feeling pretty good what Yeah we actually are I'm doing pretty good for sure I thought we were doing well yeah we tied to the eye like twice damn yeah we're on pillars so real talk though we're fine we're doing fine yeah we're doing okay yeah we're doing pretty good are you guys in hard mode yet uh we're working on this we're like right there I find the walls so we gotta refine okay we gotta hustle a little bit all right um I can make a battle potion which will Jack up spawn raids and we can get a brick ton of presents I love it I opened a present during that call and I got a spooky twig I'm gonna head over to the uh the dungeon right now because it's night time okay I'm gonna come to you or wait do we we probably both don't need to be there I can keep looking for life I'm sure you can I think I'm gonna be fine yeah I just hold my 200 Health doesn't get in the way no oh my God all right I survived that rock I survived it I survived at that time I've come so far thank God you told me to take that life Crystal because if I didn't I would be dead oh my God there's water candles on this surface wow cool Skeletron well we should anyway we should yeah yeah for because we're gonna need bones for the mechanical boss spawners yeah how's it going wow pretty good nice damn you crushed that I got a unicorn on a stick hell yeah what does that even mean you just hold it nice wow I am so wealthy I've got like 50 gold oh my goodness that I have been amassing I'm wondering if we go into hard mode right I wonder if the farm for right now the present farm that I'm doing at the Crimson I don't know if it'll be the same yeah I'm thinking maybe like they get out to like an early lead of like they're getting horrible before us but then we're like better set up for them yeah got a lava charm I don't know what the hell that does oh I got a drill whoa whoa all right what kind of drill Cobalt drill there's a little fairy get me to a live Crystal oh it did wow thank you I wonder if these oh wait hold on oh I wonder if uh black recluses drop presents those things spawn everywhere I haven't gotten a present in like half an hour oh another live Crystal I just realized if we can't use post moonlord weapons that means we have to basically oh right God I'm I oh my God that's a great Point man I literally have never beaten the moon Lord without like completely cheesing it out of frustration I'm a wormhole to you these are for you oh my damn yeah this is a great way to grind presents yeah I've just been running back and forth oh here's a present for you here you go oh my God it is a gold ladybug and Arctic got diving gear I can swim real good oh you can have this by the way oh that will be very helpful okay should we do Wall of Flesh now I am very down for that I'm kind of out of stuff to do now because yeah I've explored all the way through that cave you know what you keep doing your present thing because that is so good yeah and I'll I'll you can just wait to teleport to me until I like have a doll secured oh my God okay our hell Bridge or Hell pit leads straight to Giant lava we're probably gonna kill it really fast because we have good ones oh wait I got the twins treasure bag whoa that can happen um but that doesn't really give you yeah it's not really I mean I guess hollowed bars oh yeah we can make Holland wait I already have a hollowed helmet way to go I got Wings whoa okay look at this what kind loving this I don't know these are like developer Wings I've never oh damn oh hell yeah okay I think the bridge is already long enough so I'm just going to set up a water candle now and sit I have not gotten like for myself a present in so long are my is my shirt backwards is there something that I like need to fix I don't understand what is going on wow you have oh my God that is just straight of genocide slaughtering yeah wow meanwhile I'm over here being such a good little kid I haven't gotten a Zing a little bit oh present oh my God please please please something it's a bow for for my hair a giant bow I'm I'm actually rocking with that and it's reflective hell yeah wow I like to ask them if they're in hard mode yet yeah honestly like you want to go ask together yes what what the heck is this present what what is it I got five items I gotta plant like a pet I got this doesn't matter I got a gun I got a tactical shotgun from hardwood oh my God that is right then I got a solar flare breastplate but like I'm gonna use it I'll put it as gum do it let's go back let's go together okay okay I'm good now um are you guys in hard mode yet we're working on it okay you're serious you're not in hardwood yet yeah okay we're not in hard mode I'm sorry I should have made the presents be guaranteed wouldn't take so long it's fine no we're doing we're doing great we're just waiting for the doll I have a question I got a solar flare breastplate can I use that pretty please with cherry Springs just cannot use any weapons the moon Lord drops okay but armor is the game armor is not moonlord I oh he left but I'm here before you go have you guys seen the what happened like have you guys opened enough presents to get like the secret events I haven't found a present like 30 minutes what there's some things that have a very small chance of happening that might happen when you open a present oh hell yeah all right well I've had I have had moments when I've gotten more than one item but that's kind of it no no that's not what he means I just got it twice Sean what okay I'm jealous now oh I have three presents in my inventory no it's bad it's not fun no I'm still jealous yeah I'm actually really jealous too that's not fair Atlanta's good dude it's because me and therm are just naughty boys for Christmas we didn't get yeah no you're not as naughty as me okay okay okay okay okay you're not nearly as naughty as I've been you're making no excited I love thrill seeking oh my God I love Naughty Boys oh I'm really excited okay I love it I've been naughty twice now wow hi guys God damn it oh wait I'm in the wrong oh my God bye team okay I have three presents that I got I got all during the call I got an influx waiver wait that's pretty deep whoa that is really good yeah Invasion oh my goodness it does so much damage yeah okay we are set weapon wise we're pretty much ready okay I'm opening I have I have three presents I'm gonna give him a pop I got sashimi and a twin mask vanity item um one musket ball just one oh I just got another present though okay a another vanity mask and another present oh my God I'm self-sustaining a funeral hat okay I kind of mean and I've got a mithril hat for range damage and the scourge of the corrupter what that's actually really good because it homes oh my God okay this and it's got a lot of range I'll use this for the yeah Moon Lord fight oh that's fantastic all right well we got something good out of that we just we just need the voodoo doll that's what happened Billy boy was naughty what happened that's what it kills you oh my God what I've been opening too many presents ah so naughty no oh present it's uh it's an egg oh oh my God hallowed pants okay nice I got a golf club wow what what how old armor do you have Mage helmet how many Hall of bars do you have though from the twins I have 31. okay okay the problem is we need a miffral Anvil oh good point uh for L team come on we're doing pretty good for healthy we are doing pretty good for an L team another present okay the presents are coming now I got a toad hat again and I got a golf club I like not even demons anymore nothing is spawning I wonder a bunch of stuff spawn like above me and now it's screwed yeah yeah I'll head over to you oh no I got it I got it yeah you you killed this one this one's for you I got hair dye remover yeah what the hell monster meat someone's a small pig man no hello little boy welcome to the team oh my I hope you're ready for some what the hell you know how to make music here we go what is this play me a song oh present it's it's uh oh my god well it you got all of it I think it was a parade on it yeah I need to try that oh my God it's so tiny in the top left of my hair oh I got a battle potion hello oh what the hell oh no I hit the wrong button I teleported away oh I found one okay I'm coming oh my God oh my God oh my God I got the doll you take this yes sir I've got it hell yeah foreign yeah I think we're fine I think we're fine I'm being honest all right toffee okay I need this extra accessory it's not really bad actually this is good I'm gonna instantly now that's hard mode I'm gonna build up and I'm gonna get some soul to fly oh shoot we don't have the Anvil though can you break some altars yeah okay cool right now I have a really good Hammer ah no ah oh wyvern there we go nice okay I got my Souls Master gamer jacket what the hell what it's a real item it's being sold by Yeah by our traveling Merchant man you got deemed not yeah what do we need a titanium for be a titanium Forge oh good point oh my God there's stuff literally everywhere my confidence just got absolutely rocked I wonder how long we're gonna play yeah honestly probably a while I'm gonna make the Anvil the problem is the sport spooky Wings yeah I got myself some cookies okay I have 95 Titanium Ore I don't know how much we need that should be enough okay I'm gonna grab that I'll grab a hell of forage because I'm in hell titanium Forge do you need hollowed armor uh yeah I've only got those pants amazing oh my God oh my God the spooky Wings go all the way to the top of the world I kind of want to farm the Wall of Flesh because the hungry can keep regenerating oh yeah I'm pretty sure Fair Point oh my God how many Souls of Night do we need like nine is it nine because it's like I think the shorter respawn time is broken oh hell yeah okay I think it's broken oh well I'm gonna be dead soon because I'm inside of his little curly body oh God oh my God I literally have Melody oh God yeah this is rough oh he's killing all our friends we're good we're good we've got him for sure you're mine oh my God wait hold on I'm kind of getting beat up actually oh wow hell yeah earned for sure okay I'm gonna make a hat we need to find where this hallow is we need bones I'm gonna go get bones I was naughty and the Halo is all right wow oh the hollow's over here it's all it's like next to the snow biome all right I'll get some souls okay I found a tiny opening that I think is technically in the house yes oh yeah oh I got two one for you wow oh my god oh oh hey oh sorry you say that when we join because because we're scared like annoying I'm scared say hello to our friends and you guys are like oh we've been going for flowers how are you guys doing we're we're we've we're we're making it happen you guys in hard mode yes yes just entered no wait you're lying no no no you're alive you're there we gotta be pretty close right no you guys were close to holes you guys just said like half an hour ago we're almost there you guys are in hard mode there was a change of plans wait what you uninstalled the mod or something yeah you mind sharing it okay if you don't go into hard mode yet you can Farm easy enemies that's what we yeah oh yeah we've done that already though we're sad we did that yeah yeah well that's what we did too all right and we actually probably did it better probably probably if you think about it yeah you guys are doing it for a while now huh bring bed when I'm already like right next to you why do you need a bed you only need a bed for Plantera there's no shot you're a Plantera yeah you're so uh Plantera are you at Plantera no dude we're friends for a reason come on you got to tell me guys yeah wow come on okay we're telling you tell me the truth we're telling you the truth you're honest about we were honest about our situation I would think that you would return it with with honesty wait I would never lie to a friend I would never lie to you y'all literally lied to us the only time we've done this I don't feel like we're wanted here we're out of here we totally yeah it's okay we have to wait a little bit longer yeah oh yeah guys so you guys are gonna play Tara aren't you cheaters no but we're waiting for something to happen yeah yeah to spawn yeah no dude that's why I need a bed no if you if we're friends you guys would believe us share your screen share your screen share it let's see it [Laughter] he's actually sharing his screen let me see let me see okay sure yeah for real Okay jump jump I want you to jump oh what so why is like the first five slots of your inventory yeah something seems to be no way yeah I actually can't tell if they're serious or not I think they're serious okay yeah I think I played tarot which is fine we can catch up yeah that's an arena too wow they're really fast yeah I'm back hooray oh it's daytime God damn it a chlorophyte chainsaw there we go Sawmill can I make a loom please oh I need more wood how do you make a bed I thought it was just wooden silk it is wooden silk I was wrong well sleepy time why were you sleeping forth if we can't make either of the boss Butters we can farm for lenses and then I can go get bones oh true true true I'm trying to think of like what did we do poorly I mean there was a lot of love I like gambling okay we can do this I think there's actually a really really small chance that they it's not a planter you always have the blood moon thing as well oh my god oh we should just do that because also um there's a chance to get the uh there's a there's an item that drops or spawns another Blood Moon yeah the blood moon so you can like yeah oh I got a present a copper bow another present whoa my God that present had like four items in it I don't know if any of them are good a flower that I don't want oh my God a stardust drill and then some seaweed and a fiery great sword I'm not gonna use any of that so you can have the drill oh wait how about we fight uh Skeletron Prime right now can we do it yeah we can do it I will come now oh God he's quick and nice drop the present for you wow two of them just for you I got first one was literally empty second one large Emerald oh I got a Dev set oh I summoned the blood moon oh yeah totally I'll do that right now I'm gonna put on the dragon suit oh God I'm getting beat up ah I'm a dragon though a present it's uh it's a shield of Cthulhu I gotta I got the items to spawn the blood moon again so oh my God okay tomorrow oh cool okay there's a lot going on another present too okay all right this is definitely the best way we have to form presents three already again I got a bone block wall a sticky Dynamite a ghastly glaive blue horseshoe balloon Titan glove and a snowball obsidian skull Shadow Grieves Royal dress on the bright side look at all the butterflies so beautiful okay you know what and 7 30. we can go to sleep easy the twins is my favorite boss okay he's about to do his little spin dude you do so much damage yeah Mama I'm a strong boy it's just that easy all right Plantera time okay uh treasure bag open I don't need any of this stuff you got to sleep for like three days I think I don't want to fight the moon Lord are we gonna need to make like Beetle armor or something or is holid armor gonna be good enough I can't I have no idea it's not good enough yeah God damn I keep thinking I keep forgetting we're gonna have to do pillars oh we're gonna be here for like two hours how are you doing we're hungry and tired really I had a feeling this would happen no no but like but we're still like Absolute Math like Master Class if we can take a small break no we're doing good we're about to fight our first mechanical boss how many times are you going to lie to us through your teeth I'm not lying how many times I'm not lying at all you are I I refuse to believe that we are both at the exact same progression point in the game believe it I don't believe I don't I believe you all are way ahead of us what's the first one see you're lying where was I supposed to get rid of that oh hey you're lying time I can't believe you okay I'll tell you I'll tell you I'll tell you it's the celestial charged Blaster Cannon what is that see I knew you wouldn't know what is it that doesn't exist nothing you say has any bearing anymore do not believe you last or can't I believe it's a real thing but I don't believe anything you say this thing sucks why are you using it you're definitely lying what do you mean it sucks it was horrible week how much time does it do because 86 what are you checking right now oh is this we're gonna be here for a while I hope you know that you guys might be here for a while we're not gonna be here for a while we're almost done how what is it what is that supposed to mean how if they scan both be true again like please we can take a break if you guys want no no there's no way you guys progress that much that quickly there's no way dude yeah no you y'all have given like eight separate conflicting points of where you are in the game you guys are so far yeah dude we never had a goblin army yet what are you guys doing oh that helped us out a lot yeah oh that's true that's probably was it naturally spawning yeah yeah what the dude I'm so mad I'm so hungry and mad let's take a break no you don't need one I'm just upset because I'm being alive too straight to somebody and shot they're having a nice job I have a dragon outfit who's the real winner y'all are just like oh my God why God I can't wait to watch shot I can't wait to watch Sean's post commentary video where he's like stroking his own balls being like and I had them fooled like they had no idea I was lying to their face it is so clear oh my gosh oh I'm sure this is a win-win situation as far as I feel either we saw your or you were like not lying we were actually close to the same level good Lord Shawnee good luck guys I'm never I'm never playing games with you again Sean I cannot believe this we can stick as the mom pranks so you guys can go eat at least no no it's fine we don't need that I'll leave right now I'll eat right now okay we could wait he always says the lies aren't adding up let's go the last pillar no we're actually we haven't even killed our first mechanical boss [Laughter] Sean just has like a set of story cubes on his desk and he just rolls them pull out of Mad Libs I hate you are you guys sure you don't want to take a small fish I'm so sure I'm killing it I'm done I can't do this anymore I'm going back to our chat all right what the hell was any of that I could not glean any information from what just happened I can't tell if they're like actually a moon Lord or they're actually trying to kill a Mechanicals oh my God I didn't I just saw it I have it on like off to the side the window oh my God man okay should we get should we like get out of there yeah let's get out let's go okay okay I have a super strong feeling they're either at lunar events or super close to that or they're literally actually talking about their first mechanics yes it's one of the two we were lying straight through their faces but they didn't know yeah he's gonna say that dumbass stupid scripts he's totally gonna say that sorry Sean if you're watching this I like your videos oh my God oh my God oh my God okay we need to clear some space oh I see I seen way in way faster that's really slow actually okay how much room wait wait wait wait wait you have um wait wait let's just mind into the uh the temple and use the temple oh yeah good shout oh my God it should work right I think it should yeah okay there's a really bad room yeah this is horrible what the hell it's like a bean uh do you want to just like an actual Arena or do you want to use this um I don't know God damn it I'm coming back well we have a quick Escape into there the second we'd be Plantera okay I don't have much experience with knowing like how hard Plantera is so you you lead the way on how big to make the arena um you just need either very wide or very like tall Arena okay run circles God this is so sad we're just like wrecking its natural habitat it's just watching all right I think yeah I think this is enough space I don't want to like over prepare and then be way behind on time solar eclipse is happening yeah I don't want to deal with that at all okay should I break it yes Bang come on nice I didn't do like anything great let's just go take care of Golem three presents Mario outfit shrimp a sale and a meteor suit all right vamanos wait let's take the ultra to our house oh I forgot you can do that oh God damn it uh nice oh another one down I got quick fin Wings damn should we do Beetle armor probably a long time yeah I don't know how much chlorophyte do you have you need to get turtle on oh God yeah okay no that is not worth it we're just gonna have to not yeah okay well let me do some presents then I got a fairy Bell what now I have no clue I'm actually kind of stumped yeah I don't know if we're strong enough to do cultures oh there's another Eye of Cthulhu how can we get stronger besides armor okay well we still have Max Health even if we did get Max HP armor is like the best move but it's so oh yeah I do not want to grind for turtle shells usually how I choose the moon Lord is I get a full set of hollowed armor damn because this the set bonus is um you can Dodge yeah yeah yeah and then you put on the brain yeah you just run around with a Vortex beater with glorified bullets so you don't have to aim just be really far I don't know if you want to do that Strat it's like if you get hit you're kind of screwed yeah I figure oh my God everything here is like one-shotting me this is a graveyard oh my God yeah I'm getting owned oh my God please man man I'm stumped yeah I am at a lot I I guess yeah I think our best bet is to do what you're talking about I'll just stick with Hollow at all right now it's like we're just playing vanilla yeah but like I want it to be over though man we're not even close oh my God who thought this was a good idea I got a Vortex breastplate it doesn't really help though I couldn't even click 20 seconds I don't think I've ever been playing this video game and done this event and been like man I'm having fun right now well we've done it it's over man we crushed that okay what now I don't know I don't either I'm not even sure if you can be limited to call to us right now yeah I don't know either I mean might as well give it a shot like it responds like instantly if you die all right let's give it our best shot oh what the hell he just spawned freaking on me oh it's all right it's all right oh my God wait we got him pretty low already he's got us pretty low already oh my God oh my God I was just minding my own beeswax oh Christ I just gotta live for like three more seconds where did you go hell oh my God I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm back I'm back I can't Wormhole though I'll walk over oh God okay I'm just trying to live God the wyvern is making this so challenging damn it oh so low God wait how many wormholes do I have I have two I'll give you one of them I have seven presents yay hooray I got huntress's wig and a menacing molten skull Rose this one gave me a blue hook oh my God this one gave me like 800 items Sapphire hook vampire knives vampire knives pretty good uh a mithril chainsaw glowing mushroom die Dynamite a seahorse some dye and a rainbow gun we do well we were really close I think if we build like a proper like Arena we can take that thing down then we have to do pillars I don't want to do pillars I really don't present it's a dress I'm gonna go find the goblin um hi hey guys Mars you're going in my suicide note go ahead let us know did you win if you win I hate you guys we can take a break I don't wanna take a break it won't affect anything we're doing our best so that's my pride my honor and my dignity we've hit some rough roads where are you gonna happen we're kind of like at a stalemate right now where we're not progressing I don't want to tell you since y'all have literally yet to give us a straight answer we're currently sleeping for Plantera okay I'm gonna believe you and I'm gonna be honest in return uh we have just tried once and failed to beat lunatic cultist oh my God we died though and now we don't know what to do I managed to get my weapon to do 178 damage base I was naughty oh you got it I've got well we've gotten like 800. bro this is stupid I found the goblin I found the goblin why didn't you get the Goblin present you can get it from the president what what he says common is dying we literally have not had to happen a single time I'm confused I'm excited I'm gonna give you all my things because okay Mars let's go back to her okay no this is horrific no no we need we need for we need we need friends like it's really rough right it's been hard it's been really hard I'm gonna lose it too yeah you're lying there's no way you guys are having fun yeah it's I I had fun for like a little bit there a lot of you guys are having such a bad time no we're having a good time yeah we were having a good time we're just in a rough patch all of our NPCs are basically dead like yeah all our friends are dead we can okay okay all right cool so I'm thinking armor needs to be fixed seriously well does it how a number is good it is good but I only use it to dodge yeah that's fair okay I reforged all of my stuff I think our only shot at Killing Moon Lord is gonna have to be using ranged weapons even though all the good stuff we've gotten from presence is mainly we can make the vortex beater and then we should probably get glorified bullets is there any other armors that we could do instead of beetle because farming for the turtle shells would take so long yeah that's definitely not possible we could do shroomite but getting the mushrooms takes a while unless you have a um steampunk but then we need to get the steampunk to move into a mushroom biome why what does she do if she's in a mushroom biome she sells blue solution and then we can use the blue solution oh higher jungle into a mushroom bio oh I like that we can do that actually I'm actually dancing let's do it let's do it I think we got something now yeah I think that's our best shot I'm afraid we just build more houses I guess is first step we should do that now then go ahead and build houses and then sleep I'm gonna go get some wood I'm gonna go and make houses in the Mushroom Island also when we do the lunar events we have to make the sigil for the moon Lord first in case we die yes good point how does this work how does the game think this counts as a wall I don't know though yeah I mean I'll take it we have been going for three and a half hours yay hell yeah yay fun fun fun do we I guess we just sit here now until someone moves in we should sit here until midday I guess we can go give the cultison another try and maybe it'll move into oh yeah yeah we'll do that and then we can also go get some chlorophyte for those bullets we've got it we've got it there's another wyvern God damn it's faster than me okay I'm gonna make a little flat platform here this time we need to cook I'm I'm going hitless oh I gotta anchor down okay brain of confusion is coming in unbelievably clutch I've been hit four times and I haven't actually taken damage really yeah it proced four times wow I didn't take damage should we go ahead and do this pillar I don't think we will I think we will pass away actually I am my spirits are lifted now that we're actually making progress through the video game okay well there it goes I got it like a third of the way down should I go mine some chlorophyte you can try there's like pillars in the way oh Fair Point okay yeah I'm gonna come over here I am good Lord oh my god there are things everywhere I'm gonna actually implode yeah I might do the same oh we almost got it actually nurse please move like five feet to the left would be awesome why are you killing yourself do you need me to build you a little Bridge oh my God it is not you you are playing the victim you don't have to be in there okay there we go I saved her life I'm listening like this really positive upbeat music oh it's open yay hell yeah I have 58. okay how much is it 20 of for of each for the schedule we can make we can make two Stardust Dragon steps and have enough for the sigil okay yeah bang plenty we have 50 left over after making two steps Zooey mama get out here champ all right that's huge okay should we go ahead and take care of the one the solar one oh wait I think I might be able to get to the Jungle without triggering another pillar how much are we gonna need probably a lot because we already need for bullets we're gonna need two sets of armor calculate it run some calcs is it six per bar five per bar okay how many bars do we need 128 times 40. so we need that that's not too bad that is not too bad I can get that really fast and I'm gonna grab some light fruit while I'm here there's not a lot of chlorophyte in this jungle yeah it hasn't grown in yet that far oh I found a turtle shell five more uh how much health do you have Max health I have 340 340 okay I'm gonna pop the Life Crystals I found I'm up to 320. oh I got Tara spark boots I'm gonna put those on or no those are for you I already have frostborn Foods no you could you wear the Terrace Park I'll wear the frostbark oh my God I got a turtle armor did you do it I'm overwhelmed with things yay so proud of you oh bye and that's a 580. okay I'm up to 715 foreign yeah this is unbelievable okay all done all right I have a little chlorophyte we need probably in theory I have one Turtle thing I have one Turtle armor I guess maybe should I go try to get one more turtle shell I think we should do that we need to get the auto hammer oh oh my gosh wait we need to make a surface mushroom biome oh that's right I completely forgot about that but wouldn't we be able to make a service mushroom thing really fast with like the the solution oh yeah wait you're right yeah never mind don't know why the steampunk isn't moving in yeah where is where are you guys we did we did what you wanted damn it okay wrong but this is good this is good I'm gonna do a solar pillow for you do it oh I just got an Infinite Flight Mount I have a present it's called the black spot oh it's kind of bad not gonna lie it's not yeah it's not good it's it's very slow but I can fly forever it might come in handy for the Moonlight though not gonna lie wow wizard okay another turtle oh I got a turtle shell no way that was literally my second try okay I'm making the turtle armor that is so rad whoa solar flare is that is that worth taking that over the set bonus for Beetle armor I'm not sure it has more defense than the higher defense shell but only by two but it also gives me 29 increased melee damage yeah it's probably worth it eight defense increases knockback 12 increased melee speed would that be good would that do anything for yo-yos though because that's kind of music yeah that's that's my best question oh true yeah I'm using the pillow open oh my God okay that's a big defense boost okay we've got this easily I think so too yeah good God I got dismantled I only killed like two things oh shoot and we spawned so far away from it should I I'm gonna take our bed and we're gonna make us a spawn point spawn point set boom Oh my God they're all outside my doorstep this is not for you this is my home oh my God yeah you're you're cooking I got a band yeah yeah okay wait I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna try and break the pillow move into your little room oh cute oh god oh that's right I can just spawn right away damn the fast spawn thing I could kill please okay back to work crop speed this is not about you it's never about you okay okay oh my God are you kidding look at that that is so frustrating I'm gonna lose my little room okay she'll move back in eventually it's night time she's not moving until tomorrow morning I'm gonna lose are there any available rooms for her yes moving to this one the last pillar let's do it let's do it you should kill it and then because look if we fail right we can still skip time yeah that's true and we'll have the infinite sigils anyway do you have the vortex stuff yes the fragments okay okay we've got it we've got this and bag in the bag I'm gonna cry if we're about to beat it and they're like time yeah I will be so sad it's open come on I'll stay at home wait I might not be able to kill it I'm not gonna lie got it awesome okay what should I use for this fight should I use the flare flail or the this thing I think the second one okay we gotta actually like alternate between yeah we're gonna have to die like in a convenient manner this one's ours here we go please I want to be free all right I also want to be free oh my God I'm taking an unbelievable amount of damage oh I haven't gotten it yet three two one I'm gonna go heal yeah now we can do this we can totally do this I'm just gonna wait you you took it so far away I'm just gonna sit here because then if you die I'll be at full health hi oh I got it we gotta Target that top eye oh my God okay maybe you know what might be tough wait I don't have any potions oh yeah that's not good I'm gonna drag him away magic mirror magic mirror oh my God I'm not gonna have enough Health to do like healing okay the owls are hooting now's not the time where did you take it I'm bringing it back bringing it back downtown I'm waiting for you how's your health looking oh full HP right now his middle eye is like yeah that's the only one I'm beating it up I got it magic mirror I'll take I go can I afford a heel oh yeah oh God it's a hell of damage right oh I'm dead five seconds five seconds please I can take a shower after this you gotta kill him you have to I'm back we're still close where'd it go [Music] [Applause] did you kill it oh I killed it oh [Music] we gotta join the call now oh my god oh nice [Applause] ever again no tired I'm telling you guys you could take a break no I'm glad we didn't oh my God we definitely yeah right now we're fighting Moon Lord right now no way I thought it was shot excuse me I was like holy hell oh my God I thought it was you good lightheart my neck hurts why did it yeah we did not need to grind for turtle armor that was stupid yeah for turtle armor yeah I was wondering what was taking you guys yeah [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Therm
Views: 254,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, therm terraria, mars terraria, seanie dew, adrian, terraria race, terraria random items
Id: YNxNgRoEx_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 18sec (3258 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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