Terraria, but I can only use the Sand Gun...

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let's go on everyone today we're gonna be seeing if we can be all of terraria with only the Sangha now there's a few rules here a we can only just handgun to beat bosses and be we can't mine the sand at his place ever this so this is just to see how bad our world gets by the end of all of this because that's the main reason what like this weapon would be pretty good and people would use it if it didn't play sand everywhere so that's that's the other role now I'm also going to be giving myself unlimited sand so that I can abide by this rule of never mining sand ever as well as the sand gun right off the bat just so we don't have to kill any enemies without the sand good other than that let's get right into it so this playthrough begins like most others so we start mining underground to get some necessary materials and basic accessories before eventually coming back up and building some houses only in this challenge we have one extra thing to worry about through all of this oh oh no no oh we can't extend that way oh no we can't no we can't no we can't hold on massive brain massive brain mind would ya I got I got it I got it but other than that up to our first boss fight there isn't too much to go over because the sand gun is actually quite a strong weapon early-out if it weren't for the whole like you know placing sand everywhere you shoot I feel like it would be a lot more popular this brings us to our first boss fight I didn't really prepare much at all for this fight I didn't even get Hermes boots but we don't really need it it's normal mode and it's king slime so we should be ok especially with the sand gun so let's get this underway and we we shouldn't die I don't think I don't think there's a way for it to really kill us I mean if we only have 5 defense here but like its king slime how hard can it be so and yeah we do a lot of damage so I mean yeah there we go oh yeah oh you're so dead oh my god that is that see this is broken this is broken guys this is broken I don't know how Meaghan navigate this mess afterwards but this is so broken we're gonna have to just like abandon this area of the world and then go somewhere else for the next boss fight and then the kind of rinse and repeat until there's a lot like start going underground it's just the best part we need as we know somehow managed to get every NPC on one block I don't know how it's gonna happen but I need it to happen okay we need it to happen after getting some new armor weird now actually able to go up against the eye of Cthulhu as again the Sangha is really powerful starting out mind you the whole lack of arena and sand us being placed everywhere kind of sucks but it's actually a pretty strong weapon there you go there we go what's up I can't really see much but it's fine alright hold on give me a sec guys all right some tech here gonna do some tech we're gonna build up we're just gonna we're gonna build up on them yes all right now we're gonna do a little platform here perfect yes Santa Rita sand arena beautiful this is this is beautiful peak terraria gameplay right oh wait okay yes good okay don't worry sander Eaton Center is here this is a sand arena now a guy that was bad I I didn't even make an effort to dodge and with that we've now killed two bosses in total so far we're actually gonna go straight into the next boss which is the eater of worlds and it's gonna be pretty annoying to be mainly because again when we shoot sand it piles up right so it's gonna get stuck everywhere and it's gonna seriously impede our moving but I'll just let you all experience it so after painfully navigating the underground corruption we finally find ourselves going up against the eater of worlds I think I'll be fine I think maybe let's try it I don't care we're gonna try it all right everyone yes oh I forgot the sand drop to get up wait let me just start killing it oh yeah it does no damage to us we're fine I think thanks as long as don't get above it heads segment laughs actually I still did fifteen we're fine all right we're kind of up got up up hold on now we're good now we're good now we're good whoo-hoo wanna fly on a fly light crystal we're gonna pop that okay this is so bad oh yes yes this is what we need it's what we need yes okay okay the blocks are starting to pile up I don't know how much longer we can do this oh no okay hold on all right other side upset other side out of the way out of the way I can't get it oh I can't get up stop yeah get away get away all right now we're good now we're good we should be good we should be good I think uh huh yes okay other side other side this is X we probably would be dead like problem definitely at block self off no we're fine I'll wait actually wait maybe I can't get back there hold on hold on I don't know if I can ah all right this is where we this is never mind this is not where we die oh okay I think I'm so I can grapple everyone I thought I actually black oh yeah cuz we will only be able to like recall hopefully we have a read they recall - yeah okay cuz that always we could literally like be stuck and not be able to get out if there isn't a block that to go through cuz again we can't break the sand that we put down we can't break it alright I'm a it I think it's done I think it's about a die oh wait there we go all right we did it now that the eater of worlds has been defeated we can craft the shadow armor as well as go underground to start looking for more life Oh why house if we do this no no no not this work I've never tried to support oh it does he's dead he's dead he's done I don't know what he was doing the night before but that's just like that's a lot you're getting burned alive by lava and you still don't wake up out of love with that now in most of the runs I do of this game usually I will go from eat of world straight to Queen because that's more the traditional boss progression route but I decided to just get skelter out of the way cuz I haven't actually found a beehive yet and it was almost night so it made more sense to do Skeletron first so here's how that went all right let's do this and back what I miss you missed a few boss fights and we're doing Skeletor and although you got back just in time make a second channel for what both streams I'm not doing balls and stuff it'll be like The Wanted sparking video I'm gonna keep that on the same channel I want to transition to doing more stuff oh my god this melts Bob by the way thank you for the follow this actually melts dude god that's crazy ex and do you move sorry of what you're doing in but thank you for the follow as well uh-oh oh god wait wait I'm not trying to doubt his boss I'm not trying to dine at this boss enormo oh he said that would be said I mean no I haven't arena but still we are using a very oaky weapon against very not Opie boss so let's try and not die here me cocky do you dance that's a bad idea but I'll probably do it anyways I can't even see where they are at the time okay there we go that's one down sank I'm else it does it's a straight glass dude that was bad I'm sorry I'm sorry for that I apologize alright Skeletron skele boy he's going down alright almost there almost there that fun fish is clear of me it was good though it was good glass cannon yeah yeah alright and he's dead Skeletron is dead Skeletron us no more we're actually speedier I'm good so I'm in two hours we've already beat three boss four bosses aren't we insane at this game everyone tonight is crazy after defeating Skeletron we head straight to the jungle to find you hive so that we can then fight the queen bee now for some odd reason I chose to fight it within the hive and it did not go too well alright let's do this let's do this I'm gonna try and stay on this horizontal plane as long as I can and I'm gonna move up oh boy I might die here actually I might die here okay never mind I'm completely disregarding what I just said I I said I'd do it in the hive though so we're gonna do it in the hive this is so stupid alright this is fine you know what this is fine this is cool this is okay I'm okay with this this is great I love it okay wait hold on hold on I'm actually dying I can't I can't get up okay I'm stuck I'm actually stuck okay there we go I'm dead I'm literally dead I'm literally dead dude alright this time we're not gonna do it in the hive Queen beat sigh let's go I don't want to die - a queen bee again hold on hold on this is gonna be actually really sad wait wait wait wait wait why was I using the roof oh damn dude imagine if there's expert I would actually have to get buff student probably not that the weapons bad is just that like I haven't prepared at all we don't even have Fermi's boots yet so or any such form of accessory I think it is dead it's dead alright alright we're not I'm not that pathetic to die to normal Queen be with well not be here after beating queen bee we decided to go back to the dungeon in order to grind for some necro armor now this wasn't too bad it's just well sand gets everywhere so yeah as you can see as time goes on it just gets worse and worse so it took longer than it should have because it was very hard to kill to all the different enemies because they get stuck buying blocks and I couldn't get to them but eventually we do manage to get enough for all the gear workbench alright we can make this right now can make that and we're gonna make that and we are good and with the armor set and some new reef orders we find ourselves well equipped to take on the wall of flesh get them get them Stanga and take a moments this is gonna go a lot faster than the one sparking so I'm glad oh these dodging skills are on point today god damn I'm doing so good look at all that damage dude this is actually viable I mean the arena's just gone after this but it's viable and you can't tell me otherwise die oh god we almost died we almost died the wild flesh but we did it but we didn't be careful not to break any sand we get everything we're gonna use that and that's well flesh we are in hard mode after entering hard mode the first thing I wanted to do was get the palladium armor because not only do we get the good region from it the extra defense but we also don't have to cry is much for say titanium so it was the most preferred option for me and after that we went and got some leaf wings from the witch doctor pretty easy to get just had to grind up a little bit of gold and then from there we just got a bunch of hollowed said now hollowed sand is really good because it Pierce's so the other sands will break the sand is not hard mode sands all do but I'd rather spread the hollow biome instead of the world evils with all of this we are now ready to take on the destroyer I've arrived what's up star you're just in time for destroyer just in time for destroyer it's normal yeah I should be fine all right we bucks oh yes see look at that damage look at that beautiful damage I stuff to get a good angle on him you know which I am failing to do so okay so I went ahead and sped up the footage here just because this boss fight took a little while I mean wasn't as bad as say some of the bosses we had to do in the wantonness parking run but yeah this this took quite a while so I wanted to spend it up in terms of how hard the fight is it wasn't too bad just the just basically the fact that we couldn't make any real sort of arena because of the fact that her sand will get everywhere and it'll just kind of make the whole arena obsolete anyways well yeah there's a destroyer mmm not the most insane fight but it was definitely knowing without having the arena and having all the sand buildup okay hold on I'm almost dead let me second hold on hold up hold on I'm not trying to lose this I mean oh hey there we go there we go eat the thing ya got you look at all the probes dude oh now I actually I think they're all gone pretty much it's like four look at all the sand look at all the sand left over isn't that beautiful it's not that beautiful everyone I think that just looks awesome alright after defeating destroyer we basically are heading straight into another boss fight with Skeletor Bram the only thing that I did in between was making small little arena just two platforms and it actually surprisingly helped a ton because Sam didn't really pile up on the arenas he just fell straight through so this fight actually ended up taking a very long time basically we started it as soon as it's switched tonight and it almost was days you can see where the moon is positioned right now it's like getting really really close and skull trying to sell us a little bit Ella flip so I did go ahead and cut to this part of the fight just send your interests of saving time also we got a follow up I'll I just want to kill skelter in here because it's getting close there we go okay we got it so next up we have the twins of course as the final mech boss this fight wasn't too difficult again this is all done in normal mode just an interest of accuracy how far we can get but yet twins fight wasn't too bad at all definitely was the shortest fight but that being said it still took about six minutes to complete so definitely not a quick fight whatsoever the main issue is just like the Sangh gun has a pretty low base damage in terms of other hardmode weapons and in its velocity is good but it still makes it difficult to consistently hit shots just because it's not like say anything like the laser gun so it could be difficult but yeah that's why it takes a lot longer but eventually we do kill the twins never really going to low in terms of health very close yeah this is 100% the fastest kill 100% the fastest kill without a doubt okay die k die k die come on come on and twins have been defeated let's go let's go and with the final Domecq boss defeated we are off to the jungle in order to get some clora fight and some light fruits now klore fight obviously for the glorified armor and the extra life will be helpful but unfortunately we run into a little bit of an issue I think it's a good upgrade yeah we got a lot more defense which will help but like I think the main idea here is more damage blue crystal set bonus counts for second only Oh waise there's no way to disable it damn it no it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't count we have to use like oh I wasted all my clora fight can switch your boots not the entire set yeah we'll switch one of the two I don't know what the best thing to swap is there we go we only lost what like one defense okay that works edit the crystal oh no that works okay cool so we used to waste a little bit that's fine after this I end up actually grinding for an emblem from the wall flesh ended up taking a few kills but eventually we do get one for The Avengers emblem okay we're fine there we go that's what we wanted if we can there we go cool now this brings us to the plant era fight now it is very important that you have a ton of space for this boss fight and they're wise you're just gonna get so screwed over because again the sand sticks to wherever you shoot it so as you can see we ready have a little bit of sand around here but as we start shooting things we will you know we run out of space luckily I made a very massive arena so we didn't really run into any issues here it's kind of crazy how good the sand gun is right I guess keep in mind you can get this weapon before as far as I know before any bosses this is like a pre boss weapon and then you just get some sand I mean yeah your world's gonna be a like you know basically a ship post by the end of it but but you're actually gonna be able to kill some Marvel part of my bosses a bit like pretty easy like I'm not struggling here at all there is ZERO struggle going on I mean keep in mind we're normal so like maybe for an expert this isn't a thing but it's actually pretty good and just like that plan Terra has been defeated now next up we have Gollum now for those who don't know much about this game you might not know that golems are very easy but there's not a whole lot thing go wrong or so I thought and then we we ran into some issues oh this is a small this is a small ass oh god this is gonna fill up with sand so quick wait we can get rid of the way we can get no I want to do it I want to do it in here I don't want to do it above ground I don't want to do it above ground whatever okay let's just try it let's try it I'm just gonna start it with the enemies down there and just hope for the best oh this is bad ideas got too much oh no we're good Oh God okay okay it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine we'll be okay we just gotta gotta really think about where we decide to shoot her sand and just really think about the angle hello eyes yeah we're done otherwise we're over really real yeah well we'll swap the altar up I like can't move it because if this doesn't work there's literally no way like we can't get it here there's no way we get this zero way we get this out ah stop dying to call him stop what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing I'm better than this I'm better than this stop it stop it Oh God this is better content though like we did above ground it's not as good content he's getting our yeah he's slowly edging up all right the heads are almost dead kind of kind of a little bit all right we got out we got to focus on this area right here yeah there we go cuz they're very i up i'm dynagal them guys is some time to go no not like this oh god what's that what's that Bob it's over it's a get back down there get back down there there you go Oh God Oh at least it doesn't have a lease of moon Lord Lee's whoa I'm dying to go I think that's the first time I've died of this boss in normal mode shoots uh Oh God yeah look you back it probably wasn't the best idea to spawn the Golem in such a small arena so yeah bad bad idea afterwards what we end up doing is actually just actuating the blocks underneath the altar taking it and spawning it above ground again it golems an easy boss so long as you're not using the sand gun and are in a small area so was a piece of cake once we brought it to the top I mean that would be a thing but I don't know maybe maybe we try that actually that could be something like a shiv only playthrough all right it is dead it is dead let's pick up the plunder the loot so next up we actually dive headfirst into the next fight which is Duke fish on which is one of the hardest fights in the game if not the hardest but I was feeling good we just killed the Golem obviously lots of skill required there so I was feeling good the fight was going great the fight was going great until disaster struck second phase let's see it lets see it right now oh I love I can actually damage it right now because Oh boss buffs no no no I use I whinnies I win these I win these i whinnies oh my god oh my god I'm not even gonna hold on hold on guys hold on hold on hold on no I forgot about water walking running out I was damn it but this failed did not stop me from going back into the fight once more and this time it went a lot better we remember just a to remember to rebuff and God didn't Kate you guys to understand this fight took so long like so long it took literally ten minutes to beat this boss we had to get I think we had to rebuff like several times like throughout the fight it was actually crazy but eventually Duke fish run does go down its normal mode not too hard but still it took a very long time all right it's almost dead it's almost dead this is a moment in history the sand gun only Duke fish run kill let's go easy easy so next up we actually have lunatic cultists who's again an easy boss mo at the sangun it's actually a really hard fight to do because again we're kind of limited we can't really use any sort of arena here and the lunatic cultists is such a small hitbox and teleports around so much it's so hard to hit and even when we do hit it we deal next to no damage and on top of that we don't have much bulk so we pretty much just get like killed in a few hits and cannot damage it and don't have marina so it's a very very painful experience I think we've done 2,000 damage in the last like three minutes so yeah I don't think so be like it worth here I have to get way too many it just run out immediately oh we're about to die Wow No now like this I can't get up there's a block there's a piece of sand there's a piece of sand right there and it it it just killed me okay so after a few more painfully long lunatic cultists failed attempts we actually ended up trying to go for more tank route so we went with beetle armor and we got some Sunstone other tanky more tanky accessories again we weren't really doing any damage to the boss and we couldn't do too much against it so we went for more tank in this case we went for more region and we went for more defense and this allowed us just to kind of sit here and slowly but surely take down the diluent occultus health so as long as we stay still we will actually get the actual region you want to learn more about how regen works click on the video up on the top rate right now we can do a whole video based on max regen how insane it is you can't you can just see exactly how good it is right now like the lunatic cultists cannot kill us and we aren't even buffed at this point in time so yeah it's it's really crazy how good how good tanking is in this game especially in normal mode so yeah we had to resort to this I didn't want to but the fight would takes so long if we didn't do this this just let allowed us to actually hit the lunatic cultists much more consistently and we eventually get to a spot where we can just consistently just shoot in one angle it always teleports at the same place and we just get really lucky and are able to kill it that way might be because the other clones are spawning in blocks oh maybe we can like we found a way to like Jesus ball well I mean we are teasing right now but junior thinks the follow I mean you got to do what you got to do I was trying to avoid Jesus like this but like there comes a certain point and when you just realize that it's not worth not choosing you're hitting it yeah I know but I don't I want to keep this angle going otherwise yeah we start to hit ourselves and that's not a thing that we want to do I mean follow us fails we should be able to get the last little bit of percent down Hey Oh God run run run run run run run run run run run I'm not trying to get suckled out here ah I'm getting suckled I'm getting suckled didn't cheat it no I didn't let's go though we got to the pillars we've gotten to the pillars with just the same gun let's do this enter the pillars now here comes probably one of the most painful experiences I've ever had to go through in this game now it's bad for a variety of reasons one we either don't do any damage to enemies and take forever to kill them or we basically get kind of like for a hit by the different enemies and still take forever to kill them not only that but as we shoot all the enemies of sand starts to place and as we shoot the pillar the sand starts to place down which means eventually because we do so little damage the sand starts to place over top of the pillars which means we can't actually damage it anymore and so we go underneath and break some blocks of the sand to fall down again which was still annoying each pillar ended up taking roughly about thirty minutes to beat it was extremely painful extremely grindy and not fun whatsoever but eventually all four of the pillars go down and we can try our hand at moon lord even solar pillar yep we just finished the last pillar okay guys uh are you ready to do ten damage to him - oh god he's already here okay that's quicker than I thought alright I guess we're just going straight into it going to try our mode even if I did we just don't do have damage but I'll try it alright let's let's try this okay alright yeah this is not this is not damaged this is not this is not damaged oh that is way too much health yeah we can't even kill that we can't even kill that no it's over guys it's over okay so for those who are confused about what I'm talking about right now I'm referring to the Moon Lord leech Klotz now these clots spawn whenever you have the moon bites debuff and if they can reach Moon Lord's face before you take them down then moon will gained 1,000 health per clot that it receives again it spawns about three at a time and they spawn about every 10 seconds or so so yeah it's quite a lot of healing if you can't kill them so hey either have to kill them with the sand gun before they reach there which we found to not really be possible or be we would have to do more than like 3,000 damage every 10 seconds which obviously is never gonna happen with the sand gun so I figured the run was dead at this point there was no way to be moon Lord and then I realized that the Colossus only spawned if you actually had the moon by debuff and because this is a debuff it can be cured with the nurse so this means that it is theoretically possible to beat north with only the Sangha but first we have a lot of preparations to do so in order to beat Moon Lord we're gonna need to be dealing as much damage as possible at least in interest of time right because this fight is going to take forever if you thought Duke fish run took a while just wait until you see this boss fight what we ended up doing is we got shrew my armor for those wondering why we didn't get through my armor before it was because we all found out that the helmet does not actually boost your Sangha and damage regardless of which one you use because for those who are familiar with the shroom light armor said the helmet boost damage based on the weapon type so whether it's a bow a gun or rocket the sand gun well is a gun it doesn't really add shoot bullets to shoot sand right so it doesn't actually boost the sand gun damage unfortunately but the thing I forgot to take into consideration was the fact that we still get stealth and stealth still boosts your damage by quite a bit which actually boost your damage more so than if you were to use the armors that we add-on which is glorified slash Beetle armor when we were taking and then we went and got a ton of accessories we got the sniper scope we got different emblems and basically every single way possible in order to defeat Moon Lord and have the most damage possible with the Ranger class we got to quickly talk about the arena and there's a few hurdles we need to get past because as you all know the Moon Lord has a ton of health and the sand gun places down sand so if we have sand piling up like we did during the pillars fights it's not going to work this will not happen because the moon has way too much health and the whole world would just become full of the sand before we can do anything against it so we had a plan so earlier on in the playthrough we discovered that if you shoot sand and it falls on to a place with a torch or actuated blocks but torches were just easier in this case the sand will not place down which means if we do this strategy we can shoot moon Lord and not have the sand placed down and cover Pallas hitboxes and you know get in the way so this makes it possible we also need to have the nurse in a good spot so we have to have an earth the nurse in the sky in a little house that we can grapple to and heal and then we need torches above that little house and a massive even when we're shooting up at the head we're not gonna have sand placing down and when we're shooting underneath at the core or the hands we are safe and with that after about three and a half hours of extra grinding and preparation we were finally able to do this and begin the fight now keep in mind there are stakes here because if I lose I have to redo the pillars again it's amout of fragments at this point and the pillars take about two hours each and the sands going to continue to pile up so I you know I needed to make sure that were you were 100 percent confident that we could do this now basically how this strategy is gonna work is throughout the whole fight I'm gonna keep an eye on my health and most importantly keep an eye on the debuff and see when it pops up in the top-left as soon as I see the debuff right now we need to heal instantly with the nurse in or its Garrett of it if not we're like a few seconds late the Lord will just heal and that's like three thousand damage which is literally like Idol of five minutes of shooting moon Lord so it's pretty crazy so we have to make sure we don't die and we also have to make sure we don't miss the debuff that pops up while also hitting the different hit boxes of the boss evenly so that we don't start the next phase too early this is good this is gonna suck oh wait he'll did it you already I think it already healed it already did heal damn it's instant I got to be quick on this I gotta be so fast dude it already healed the phone oh it's there it's there what the it comes out of nowhere it comes out of nowhere dude Oh God I'm just gonna stare at its little face it's gross little anteater face and I also gotta make sure I don't die so that too but come on oh I have it no no stop okay Jesus did he heal no way if you yeah this was by all means an endurance run we had to die to make sure that a the debuff wasn't there be that we're actually hitting the boss and see that our health is not depleting to the point where we you know die so there's a lot of micromanagement here to worry about and again if you're a few seconds late you just lost like five minutes of progress right there but eventually we do see the boss start to lower now I'm gonna have to speed this up cuz this fight ended up taking half an hour like I kid you not thirty minutes of fighting new Lord and making sure that I don't miss this heal every 10 seconds it's very very it's pretty brutal so yeah I'm gonna speed this up it goes very very slowly I'm gonna speed it up a lot but eventually eventually we do get close to taking out all three of the first eyes in the first face now the plan after that all three of the eyes go down is actually too broad of discord underneath the nurse house and then grapple to the top so this way we can start shooting the cork is obviously we have blocks below us it's not gonna work which is why we had to be airborne in this scenario because we need to be able to shoot down at the core while still being able to talk to the nurse whenever we need to unite copper baby it should be like next phase you should go down yeah next phase I have to heal again I was kind of dumb yeah wasn't paying attention okay this needs to be tweaking a little bit I'm actually not gonna kill the main one right now Oh yo Mongol with the sub thank you thank you so much I gotta like mad focus here though all right so yeah next time we're gonna kill it cuz everything's really weak I'm gonna have to do it again I'm good or maybe not okay that one's good heal that okay all right so now now who you have to go to the bottom of Moon Lord we have wings on everything should be okay all right and we're and we mate we made the swap we made the swap I'm gonna keep the wings on just in case the reason for that is because if something happens and I fall off for whatever reason I don't want to die for full damage because that would be pretty dumb so we're gonna we're gonna keep it on so it's just the 50k left guys it's just the 50k left nurse can heal herself she's kind of getting messed up but that's okay because we're not taking too much damage here it did heal a little bit that's okay now everything was going quite smoothly and tinsel I noticed that the sand was somehow piling up I believe this happened because later we discover that if we accidentally shoot a block and then the sand falls down after it hit the block so it collides with the block and then falls down a well actually start to stack on the torches I believe that's what happened and if this happened anymore we probably would have lost because the where the nurse was basically we wouldn't be able to reach her we managed to not hit anywhere close to that stack of sand that's like an above beside us right now I made sure to go as left as possible so that there was no way that we could hit it even if it meant losing damage it's better to play it safe rather than the whole the whole fight I forgot to mention this earlier but pyro our preparations included grinding so much platinum coins because I really did not want to have to do this again because I run out of gold for nurse heels so I I got quite a hefty sum of platinum coins it's gonna run out of money no we have like 13 platinum this each heal we probably only use like a few gold on heals so far and yeah for the next ten minutes I'm just sitting here shooting moon Lord and making sure that I don't miss the heal with the nurse so that I stay alive and get rid of that debuff as soon as it appears again it takes so long I wish I didn't have to speed this up but again the whole fight took about 30 minutes so definitely can't put all of this in the video because the whole video has already been 30 minutes so yeah it's just a little bit much this was easily the longest fight I've ever done in terraria by far now we're almost there dude we're almost there come on come on my whole life my whole life was building towards this very moment this very moment in time where we can kill new lord with the sand gun this sand gun of all things we can beat the whole game with justice and gun come on thank Heil it's almost there it's almost there 1,400 health left any second now and he's second now he'll come on I think that's last seal I think that's the last he'll know you might need one more we didn't eat one more that was it that was it did oh my god why am I so stupid what white like oh I thought we weren't even gonna be able to do this I thought this was not possible I thought this wasn't possible Oh see it was building up dude we'd be Moon Lord with a sand gun dude Jesus I didn't think this is possible I didn't think this was possible I skipped over some of the events just cuz we didn't need to but that the moon Lord is all I cared about and with that moon Lord kill we have beaten every single boss in Terraria with only the sand gun which again I didn't think was possible but if you end up enjoying the video be sure to leave a like and subscribe if you want to see more challenges like this if you want to catch the action live then be sure to check out my twitch channel I'll leave a link in the description to that before we end off I do want to go over one thing and I just want to show you the world and what it looks like after doing a full playthrough with the Sangam where we can nevermind sand once alright everyone here is our world as you can see this is our spawn point it's now the holo biome and we have cacti and just random bits of things spawning everywhere we even have like a palm tree here it's really bad but as you can see this is where we fought Moon Lord so not much debris here just because all the sand was covered and didn't place but here's where we did the solar pillar and the golem fights some of the mech bosses this is by far the worst in the whole world a little bit of fights over here but not too much we have basically next to nothing in the corruption biome and than that original sand that we had in there we have the jungle biome full of sand and the desert are not that desert the ocean biome which again tons of sand from the do fish road fight so yeah this is probably one of the stupidest things I've ever done I don't know why I had this as a rule I just I guess I thought it'd be cool or stupid I guess just to see your world at the end of it but I had a ton of fun so yeah with that being said thank you all for watching I will see you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 2,136,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, terraria, Mods, Terraria challenge, Terraria playthrough, Can you beat terraria with only the Sand Gun, Sand gun only terraria, Sand gun only challenge, Terraria sand gun only, gungnir sand gun, Can You Beat Terraria With only the Sand Gun?
Id: D2mS5hm00b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 26sec (2426 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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