Can you beat Master Mode Terraria with Gungnir Only?

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I've received a ton of suggestions for a gun you're only run over the years and haven't ever considered doing one because well the weapon just isn't that great or at least up until recently oh that's big oh that's big damage now while this example was tray picked the weapon did indeed get a buff as of 1.4.4 the guy near has more range and Deals an extra 20 points of damage but will that be enough to beat every boss in terrarium Master mode let's find out I won't bother showing priato because even Master mode it was a piece of cake for this weapon and since you guys have already seen the destroy fight we'll be starting at Queensland thanks to the new Range Buffs the gungear performed super well in this fight this kind of works if you just fall with it there we go okay we did it pretty solid weapon for that fight honestly hard mode hasn't been too bad for this weapon thus far but Skeletron Prime would be a different story while this weapon is more ranged than many other true melee options you still have to get in relatively close to deal damage which becomes an issue when dealing with things like Prime's laser since the lasers are so fast at a close range it is quite difficult to dodge them especially while trying to also get damaging and despite having nearly 70 defense Master mode Prime was still dealing significant damage to us but after some careful play we took the limb down and made it through the rest of the fight while the lack of range was quite rough before it would only get worse for the twins take all the shortcomings we talked about with Prime and add in the very annoying facts that you're consistently just pixels away from running hits through this fight oh and you also get punished much more from getting hit thanks to the curse debuff applied by spasmatism fortunately I had a pretty cool way to mitigate this Diva by bringing a bucket of Honey into the fight I could place it on top of my character and very quickly pick it back up to gain the honey buff whenever and wherever I want throughout the fight for those unaware regenerative Buffs significantly counteracts damage over time debuffs and can even nullify them now yes I know as of 1.4.4 you can just buff with potty bottles inventory but we're going to pretend like that hasn't been added yet and besides this is a way cooler way to do it and gets the job done just fine or both to the type no the stupid honey well it did get rather dice at the end I managed to beat the boss just fine without throwing a whole fight by misplacing the honey after upgrading our Loadout I went into the Plantera fights and well oh you're right there whoa okay off to a really bad start hey that one doesn't count by checking my map I was able to skillfully avoid suffering massive damage at the start of the fights and made it to phase two on my first try at which point we discovered another one of gunu's pitfalls while this weapon has solid range for a true melee weapon what it doesn't have is coverage it is a very skinny hitbox which can make crowd control scenarios rather tricky the tentacles in Phase 2 took advantage of this and were rotating around planter to get hits on me thanks to the chlorophyte set I was able to manage but it was extremely difficult the space with the gun gear avoid Plantera and also keep an eye on the tentacles in the end though what really was my downfall was my own laziness I was too lazy to fill in the holes in the side of the arena and uh yeah was this death enough for me to overcome my laziness and fill on the sides well not really I just came up with a way that wouldn't take as long to implement and that's where the minecart tracks come in by setting these up periodically through the phase 2 Arena I can easily gravel through the arena while also being able to fall through them unimpeded by the time we reached Gollum the hallowed tier damage values were starting to become painfully evident add in the health Buffs for Gollum receiving 1.4.4 and our fairly small altar room and we were in for a rough boss fight it took a very long time to get the fists down and reach the next phase of this boss fight and it's not like I could just tank the boss either as it was chunking my health this was unironically one of the most difficult bosses we had done so far in this challenge I'm so proud of my okay I should not have said anything I should not have said anything I was gonna say I'm so proud of my Dodgers right now but we're throwing up I shouldn't have said nothing I should have said nothing top yo come on come on just die whoa not the wrench I pulled out the wrench on him rather than going the beetle armor out like I normally do I went for a Hybrid Armor setup making use of the Valhalla breastplate and leggings and a hallowed mask this should give a similar damage values to the offensive Beetle sets while also giving us very solid sustainability thanks to the Valhalla region I also purchased the Shinobi shirt because with the massive Health pools of these endgame bosses I figured it might be necessary to even have a chance at taking them down now you're probably wondering how I managed to get enough medals for this with just the Gunner and well it just took several hours of grinding and a couple hoists and with that we're ready to tackle Duke fishron the first couple attempts I made the mistake of not using a secondary platform which really came back to bite me when the Cthulhu NATO started spawning they made the fight much harder by limiting my movement but after adding the second platform things went much better all right we got it nice before we begin the lunar event Empress still stands in our way and as I'm sure you all know by now this boss is a funny little mechanic that makes everything one shot you during the day we have a very limited amount of time to take this thing down which is not something you want to hear when using a weapon obtainable all the way back after defeating your first Mech so I got to work by utilizing several damage boosting accessories like The Avengers emblem molten glove and Celestial shell in hopes that I could get my damage to a point where I could defeat this boss Before Dawn however our loadout's damage value wasn't the only concern I was also worried about a range because this boss stays a fixed distance away for you for most of the fight if we can't get enough range to hit this thing consistently then regardless of how much damage our weapon does it won't go down eventually I went into a test run to see how we shape up against this fight oh we got uh not a lot not a lot of range not not a ton it's a little misleading because I'm thinking I got a space like the actual spearhead but there's a little bit of the shock wave okay this is like kind of doable imagine we do this first try with like half the Buffs we normally bring because yeah we didn't bring we didn't bring life force endurance like we could totally justify putting the Torso on extra damage if we really need to get wrath but it doesn't look like we will okay I'm choking I'm joking oh not now dude I'm so dead I'm so dead okay yeah we choked a little bit absolutely winnable yeah I I thought that would be a lot worse luckily for us it started to rain not long after the trial run so I took advantage of the shrimpy travel speed and damage boost during The Reign and went back into the fight oh yeah this feels a lot better with the Torso I'm not gonna lie just like we're getting way more damage in all right next phase what what I clicked my run of Discord oh my God okay it's fine it's fine it's fine we're chilling oh did that hit the I think that Fallen star might have just hit empress I'm pretty sure it just lost a big chunk of Health there that's been happening so much recently oh my did that happen again I can't tell you guys have to look I'm not looking at the health bar it's not like a pre-ordermo boss where it'll just die instantly but I'm pretty sure it just got sniped we still got like three minutes left huge the rain's gone we got that we got it easy easy dub easy dub we don't throw here we don't choke and to everyone's surprise we beat it on the second try after quickly dealing with the cultists there was just Moon Lord left and if there was ever a boss that would make this Challenger possible it would be this one with an insane Health full of 277 000 the ability to sell Fuel and high damage attacks our odds of beating this thing didn't seem great all right how much damage are we doing one thousand about one thousand oh we can kill we can kill the the things I thought they'd had way more health I'm so glad we can kill those that like makes this possible it's gonna be hard but doable after an incredibly tense 13 minutes we finally opened up the core it's just the core but how am I gonna hit this this is what we did with our other playthrough with the tools only I don't know if it's gonna work here though what if I just take it on a ride I I think we abandoned Arena here we don't need the asphalt let's just let's just go there we go now we're in range okay this is working it's working yes now problem is we gotta turn around that's when this is gonna be scary which is actually right now while this was technically working it was incredibly slow despite my best efforts to kill the leeches whenever we needed to turn around Lord would still heal back a substantial amount of health so it was only natural that our bus would run out which in turn made the fight take even longer because we were now dealing even less damage than before uh we're gonna be here forever bro we're gonna be here for so long oh man but I wasn't about to give up if I wanted to take this thing down I'd have to take a risk remember that Shinobi infiltrator torso I obtained earlier while swapping it for the Valhalla breastplate would substantially increase our DPS however doing so would sacrifice nearly all of our sustainability and considering we had run out of our defensive Buffs up until now I didn't want to risk it but with things the way they are now we're at a standstill and sooner or later I would slip up and fail the fight so I had no choice but to go for it okay since we're close to the thing I'm gonna do it ah not what I wanted okay this should be a lot extra damage and more range actually Imagine This Is The Answer the whole time any link potions left were you counting how did you know I was out wait we could have used some more Buffs I wasn't completely out oh my God I'm throwing so hard I'm throwing so hard no I have no healing potions left though why did I not realize this like eight minutes ago 10 minutes ago 20 minutes ago I like our damage though right now it's just when we got to turn around that's we're gonna cry okay we're at the dungeon yeah turn around as soon I'm gonna try and stall a little bit so I don't have to turn around as soon because yeah it's about to go down come on die it's over for you leave this place come on come on we have to turn around like right now oh you're so dead oh it's over easy come on let's go I'm so glad I didn't give up do you imagine if we gave up there like halfway through gun your only subscribe for more challenges like this one peace
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 342,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, terraria, Gungnir only, Terraria gungnir, Master mode, Can you beat terraria with only the gungnir, gungnir buff, gungnir youtube, Can you beat Master Mode Terraria with Gungnir Only?
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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